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Chapter 18



K.G. Thomas
Senior Vlce President, American Barrick Resources Corp., Toronto, ON

H. Pieterse
Assist. Vlce President-Engineering, American Barrlck Resources Corp., Elko, NV

R. Williams
Autoclave General Foreman, Barrlck Goldstrlke Mines, Inc., Elko, NV

K.S. Fraser
Senior M e t a l l u r g i s t , Kilborn Limited, Toronto, ON

J .R. Goode
Manager o f Metallurgy, Kllborn Limited, Toronto, ON

ABSTRACT i s about 40 km (25 miles) northwest of

the town o f C a r l l n which I s situated on
The Goldstrike autoclave p l a n t i s I n t e r s t a t e Highway 80. The s i t e I s
designed f o r the pressure oxidation o f about 1700 m (5576 f t ) above sea l e v e l
1363 t / d (1500 stpd) o f r e f r a c t o r y gold I n the Tuscarora Mountains.
ore. The p l a n t was commissioned i n
e a r l y February 1990 over a one week I n i t i a l Goldstrike Operations
period - an unusually short period f o r a
p l a n t o f t h i s complexity. The rapid Shallow, low-grade mineralization was
p l a n t start-up i s a t t r i b u t e d t o c e r t a i n discovered by diamond d r l l l i n g I n the
d e t a i l e d design and c o n t r o l aspects o f Goldstrlke area I n the 1960's. A heap
the plant. leach operation was established I n the
mid-1970's by the previous owners.
This paper discusses key features o f
the autoclave p l a n t w i t h emphasis on the The Post deposit was discovered I n
design o f the splash/flash system o f 1982. Gold production by mining and
heat recovery and the control systems. heap leaching reached 1 t / a (40,000
Commissioni ng and p l a n t operations over
the f 1r s t three months are reviewed.
oz/a) .
American Barrick purchased t h e
property I n 1987 and s t a r t e d an
BACKGROUND aggressive program of deep d r i l l i n g .
This l e d t o the discovery o f the Deep
Locatl on Post/Betze deposit and establ ished
s u f f i c i e n t reserves t o j u s t i f y an
The Goldstrlke property i s located I n i n i t i a l 4100 t / d (4500 stpd) m i 11 and a
Eureka County i n north-central Nevada on 5 500 000 t / a ( 6 m i l l i o n tons/a) heap
the C a r l i n geological trend. The mine leach operation.

Geology and Reserves Oxlde M i l l

The deeper deposits occur i n s i l t y The Goldstrike oxide m l l l was

limestones which have been s i l i c i f i e d commissioned on August 5, 1988 w i t h a
and a r g i l l i z e d . Gold i n t h e sulphide capacity o f 4100 t / d (4500 stpd). The
ore occurs mainly as inclusions i n f i n e - p l a n t incorporates a jaw crusher, a 1865
grained p y r i t e and marcaslte. Oxidized kW (2500 hp) semi-autogenous (SAG) m i 11
ore l i e s i n t h e upper p a r t s o f t h e and two b a l l m i l l s w i t h a t o t a l o f 2275
deposit. kW (3050 hp). Ground ore i s c l a s s i f i e d
i n cyclones and cyclone overflow t r e a t e d
Total ore reserves have increased f o r gold recovery i n a conventional
dramatically as more d r i l l i n g has been carbon-in-leach (CIL) c i r c u i t .
performed. Reserves which stood a t 18 t
(0.6 m i l l i o n ounces) o f gold a t Loaded carbon i s s t r i p p e d using the
a c q u i s i t i o n increased t o over 620 t (20 h i g h temperature Zadra process. Gold i s
m i l l i o n ounces) a t t h e end o f 1989. recovered from the s t r i p s o l u t i o n by
Almost 90% o f the gold i s i n r e f r a c t o r y electrowinning. Cathodes are t r e a t e d i n
sulphide ore. This makes autoclavlng a r e t o r t f o r mercury recovery before t h e
p a r t i c u l a r 1y important t o Barrick. gold i s r e f i n e d I n an induction furnace.

Betze Development Plan Overview I n 1989/1990, t h e oxide m l l l capaclty

was increased t o 5500 t / d (6000 stpd)
The $400-mi 11i o n Betze Development through t h e a d d i t i o n o f a cone crusher
Plan was announced on January 9, 1989. i n t h e SAG c l r c u l t , increasing the m l l l
The Plan involves the staged expansion speeds, modifying t h e m l l l l i n e r s and
o f f a c i l i t i e s a t Goldstrike t o permit grates and changing t h e CIL c i r c u i t .
t h e annual production o f up t o 30 t (1 The c i r c u i t I s shown i n Figure 1.
m i l l i o n ounces) o f gold.

D e t a i l s o f the Plan have changed as


the deposit has become b e t t e r defined. CRUSmR WL
The sequence i s summarized i n Table 1. I

1990 Oxide 4 100 I '1 .-e LUTOCLAVE RESDUE I
Sulphlde 1360
5460 6.2

1991 Oxide 4 100

Sulphlde 1 360
5 460 12.2
1992 Oxide 6 100 Figure 1 Goldstrike Oxide C i r c u i t
Sulphlde 5 500
1993 Oxide 0 I n i t i a l Testwork and Studies
Sulphlde 11 600
11 600 31.0 B a r r i c k and K i l b o r n s t a r t e d an
i n t e n s i v e program o f testwork when t h e
importance of Goldstrike's r e f r a c t o r y
Table 1 Betze Developlent Plan ore became apparent. E a r l i e r testwork

produced the data o f Table 2. Flotatlon

t e s t s showed only 75% gold recovery t o a
bulk, 20% mass p u l l , concentrate. 7 g/t (0.2 oz/st)
Silver 1 g/t ( .02 oz/st)

I Copper
Cyanidation 10 t o 20 Iron
Chlorlnatlon 15 t o 40

with T a l l s Leach
Whole Ore Roast 75
Pressure O X I ~ .

t o 60
t o 85
t o 95
I Sulphur

Carbon - Total
- Sulphlde
2.5 %
2.1 %

1.36 %
Carbon - as C 4 3.5 %
I Carbon - Organlc 0.75 %
fable 2 Recovery frm Goldstrike O r e -
I n i t i a l Test Data

Prellmlnary economlc analyses clearly

Table 3 Goldstrike Ore Analysis
26 PPm
0.15 %

showed t h a t pressure oxidation was the

preferred process. I n t h i s operation
the gold-bearing sulphldes are oxidized oz/st). Fine sulphides (20 micrometres)
using oxygen gas under elevated pressure assay as high as 170 g/t (5 oz/st).
and temperature. Oxidation destroys the
sulphide structure and exposes the gold Thickening. Tests and prel lminary
thereby maklng It more amenable t o studies showed that an autoclave feed
cyanldation. Detailed study o f the containing a t least 40% solids was
process was in l t l ated. desirable. This would require 50%
sollds i n the feed t o the pre-heat
D e f i n i t i v e Tests and Studies system. A thickener would therefore be
required t o partially dewater the
D r l l l data and orebody model l i n g grinding cyclone overflow. Tests showed
established the t y p i c a l ore compositlon that a hlgh r t e type t h i c ener sized
sunmarlzed i n Table 3. f o r 8.8 t/d.
-3 5
(0.9 stpd/ft ) would be

The metallurgical team designed a

detailed program o f testwork. An Carbonate Reduction, Tests Indicated
i n i t l a l serles o f bench scale tests was that the Goldstrlke ore was preferably
undertaken by Lakefield Research, oxidized i n the presence o f 10 t o 15 g/L
Ontario, Canada. A program o f p i l o t o f free sulphuric acld. Oxidation o f
plant t e s t s was then designed and the sulphides produces acid but
several laboratories Invited t o make carbonates i n the ore consume acld. To
proposals. The work was awarded t o ensure that oxidation takes place under
Hazen Research, Golden, W. acid conditions, excess carbonate must
be destroyed before the ore enters the
Principal flndlngs o f the definitive autoclave.
bench and p i l o t scale t e s t s were:
Pr The batch tests
Mlneraloav. Pyrite and marcaslte are established that the rate o f oxldatlon
the maln sulphldes with minor quantities Increased with free acid content o f the
of arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite and slurry. Tem rature variations i n the
chalcopyrite. Most o f the gold occurs
as 0.5 micrometre grains i n p y r i t e and
range o f 185 c (365OF) t o 225'~ ( 4 3 7 ' ~ )
had only minor impact on the overall
marcasite. Coarse sulphides (200 rate o f oxidation, other factors being
micrometres) contain up t o 16 g / t (0.5 constant. Design resldence times o f

75 minutes were required f o r 95%

sulphlde oxidation a t an oxygen p a r t i a l I PLANT CONFIGURATION COST 1
pressure o f 345 kPa (50 p s i ) .

Neutrallzatlon Several 3 lines, 6 compartment 71

autoclave plants separate the oxidized horizontal, splash/f lash
s l u r r y i n t o l i q u i d and s o l i d f r a c t i o n s heat exchanger (HX)
by thickening. Acidic solutions are
neutralized and p r e c i p i t a t e d s o l i d s
discarded. Oxidized s o l i d s are washed
f r e e o f solute and neutralized before
I 3 lines, 6 compartment
horizontal, double pipe HX 69 I
CIL treatment. On some ores t h i s 4 11nes , 5 compartment 74
treatment y i e l d s improved gold recovery. horizontal, splash/flash HX
I t i s also a means o f cooling the
autoclave product p r i o r t o CIL
processing. 1 2 lines, 7 v e r t i c a l pots
per 1lne, splash/flash HX 68 1
The separate treatment route requi res 2 lines, 6 v e r t i c a l pots 69
expensive, acid-proof thickeners and two per l i n e , splash/flash HX
separate n e u t r a l i z a t i o n c i r c u i t s . Tests
on Goldstrike ore showed t h a t a bulk
n e u t r a l i z a t i o n step would work well.
Design requirements were established. 1
2 lines, 8 v e r t i c a l pots
per l i n e , double pipe HX

Comparing Type o f Vessel and Heat

65 1

P i l o t Plant. The basic autoclave p l a n t

flowsheet was established from the bench Exchanger. 1988 data, 4500 t / d plant.
t e s t data and preliminary economic
analyses. Major elements o f the
proposed p l a n t were then tested i n a Final Design C r i t e r i a
continuous p i l o t operation.
The various t e s t programs and
During t h e p i l o t plant operation, a comparat ive studies were used t o develop
t o t a l o f 3 t o f Goldstrike ore were the general flowsheet o f Figure 2. The
processed through a 24 L capacity f i n a l process design c r i t e r i a are
autoclave. Six t e s t campaigns were sumnarized i n Table 5 .
completed processing up t o 10 kg/h
during runs o f about 60 h duration each.

- 0 Throughout the
development period various mini-studies
were conducted t o guide the testwork and
permit selectlon o f the f i n a l design.
The economic r e s u l t s o f a t y p i c a l study
are presented i n Table 4 . Plant
o p e r a b i l i t y , a v a i l a b i l i t y , c a p i t a l and
operating costs featured i n the
selectlon process as well as economic

A spreadsheet template was developed

t o solve the complex material and
thermal balances around the autoclave.
This proved essential t o the rapid
assessment o f a l t e r n a t i v e p l a n t I
k i g u r e 2 Ooldstrike Autoclave C i r c u i t

I UNITS DATA 1 the f i r s t o f two 12 m dia. x 13 m (40'

dia. x 42') acidulatlon/surge tanks.
Sulphuric acid i s added t o destroy
Genersl s u f f i c i e n t carbonate t o give a minimum
Average Feed Rate t/d 1360 required f r e e a c i d i t y l e v e l i n the
stpd 1500 autoclave discharge. A i r i s injected
Plant Avai lab11l t y X 85 i n t o the acidulation tanks t o s t r i p
Thickener carbon dioxide. The second tank also
Cyclone O/F Solids X 38 acts as a surge tank providing enough
Thickener Type High Rate feed t o keep the autoclave plant
Feed Sol ids X 12 operational when the grinding c i r c u i t i s
U/F Solids X 50.0 processing oxide ore.
U n i t Rate t/d. m1 8.8
Pressure Oxldatlon Splash/Fl ash Heat Exchange
Reaction Temp. OC 225
"F 437 Ore s l u r r y i s pre-heated t o 177'~
Oxygen Pressure Kpa 345 (350"~) i n a series o f three splash
PSI 50 condensers. The heat source I s l i v e
Design React. Time min 75 steam released from the autoclave
Sulphlde Oxldatlon X 95 discharge i n f l a s h vessels.
Oxygen Consumed kg/kg S 3.1
Oxygen U t i l i z a t i o n X 60
Vessel Canpartments 5 A l l three condensers are 2.3 m
Heat Recoverv Tmceratures i n t e r n a l diameter (1.d.) by 9.1 m side
System Feed OC 32 wall height (7.6'i.d. x 30'). The
Vessel Feed OC 177 carbon steel vessels are l i n e d w i t h acid
Approach Temp. OC 3 b r i c k and provided w i t h splash t r a y s t o
Peak CIL Feed OC 27

Main System
Heat Recovery Svstenog
maximize contact between steam and feed
Number o f Stages 3 The bottan o f each vessel acts as a
Final Cooling Shell and Tube pumpbox f o r the inter-stage f w d pumps.
I I These consist o f a s i n g l e operating pump
Table 5 Simplified Design C r i t e r i a f o r
Goldstrlke Phase 1 Autoclave Plant. between the f i r s t and second splash
tower and a two-stage system between the
second and t h i r d tower. A1 1 inter-stage
pumps are 6" x 4" Denver Orion units.
PLANT DESIGN The high pressure ( t h i r d ) condenser
product i s pumped by two Geho ZPM 600
Feed Source and Preparation s l u r r y pumps i n t o the autoclave. Each
pump can d e l i ver approx imatel y 60% o f
Sulphide ore i s campaigned through the required feed r a t e t o the autoclave.
the crushing plant and stockpiled When one pump i s shut down f o r valve
separately. The Goldstrlke grinding maintenance o r other work, the second
plant i s operated on oxide ore f o r about pump i s operated a t maximum speed.
18 h/d and sulphide ore f o r 6 h/d. The Therefore planned shutdowns do not
grinding m i 11s are flushed out between seriously affect plant avai lab1l i t y .
ore changes. Cyclone overflow i s pumped
t o the 30 m (100 ft) diameter pre- Autoc 1eve
oxidation thickener when sulphides are
being processed. The autoclave vessel i s 4.12 m 1.d.
by 18.5 m tangent t o tangent (13.5' 1.d.
During about 18 h every day the x 60.9'). I t has a proprietary
thickener underflow i s recirculated. membrane/brick l i n i n g suitable f o r acid
When new feed i s entering the system, service. The vessel i s i l l u s t r a t e d I n
the thickener underflow i s advanced t o Figure 3.

I pressure from the s l u r r y . As the

pressure I s lowered, p a r t o f the water
i n the s l u r r y i s evaporated thereby
cooling the s l u r r y .

Control led pressure reduct ion takes

place i n a series o f three f l a s h tanks.
&SLURRY Each i s provided w l t h a r e s t r i c t i o n
INLET MANHOLE OUTLET o r i f i c e (choke) through which the s l u r r y
passes. Each choke i s sized f o r a
'OR predetermined pressure drop selected t o
give the required thermal balance. As
an example, the f i r s t (high pressure)
f l a s h tank I s equipped w l t h a 71 mm
(2.8") choke designed t o create a
pressure drop o f 2.2 HPa (320 p s i ) a t
the design flow rate. I n contrast the
l a s t stage u n i t has a 89 mm (3.5") choke
and a pressure drop o f only 275 kPa (40
Figure 3 General Arrangement of Autoclave
A l l three f l a s h tanks are 3 m 1.d. by
3.7 m tangent t o tangent (10' 1.d. x
Each o f the f i v e compartments i s 12') and have a side o u t l e t f o r s l u r r y
provided w l t h a 93 kW (125 hp) mixer discharge. Thls ensures t h a t there i s a
mechanism. Shafts are equipped w l t h a pool o f s l u r r y I n the vessel a t a l l
double mechanical seal. A sophisticated times t o protect the b r i c k l i n i n g o f the
seal water cooling/flushing system I s flash tank from d i r e c t s l u r r y
provided. Each mixer i s mounted on a impingement. Thls feature has been
flange sized t o permit removal o f the missed from other desi gns and resulted
mechanism, shaft and impeller without i n rapid f a i l u r e o f the l i n i n g due t o
dismantling the assembly. abrasion effects.

Oxygen i s introduced t o each The steam from each f l a s h tank i s

compartment through a d i p tube extending ducted t o the corresponding splash
t o beneath the impeller. condenser t o preheat the feed t o the
autoclave. A t one p o i n t i n the design,
Steam can be admitted through a the team considered the use o f cyclones
second plpe t o pre-heat the vessel o r t o prevent the carry-over o f s l u r r y
provide supplementary heat i f sul phide droplets i n the steam. However t h i s
levels are low. Cooling water can be concept was rejected i n favour of larger
added through the same plpe t o l i m i t the f l a s h tanks and steam ducts.
temperature i f necessary. Thls may be
required I n t h e l a s t few compartments - The larger f l a s h tanks also provide
especially i f sulphur l e v e l s are very greater inter-stage surge capacity and
high. improve c i r c u i t control.

Slurry Cooling The configuration o f a flash/splash

u n i t i s i l l u s t r a t e d i n Figure 4.
Slurry e x i t s the autoclave a t about
225'~ (437'~). A target temperature o f Flash evaporation i s not e f f e c t i v e
2 7 ' ~ ( 8 0 ' ~ ) was set f o r the CIL feed t o below the b o i l i n g p o i n t o f water.
minimize carbon loading problems and Therefore shell-and-tube heat exchangers
cyanide consumption. are used t o reduce the s l u r r y
temperature t o t h e desired CIL feed
An i n i t i a l s l u r r y cooling stage temperature. A cooling tower i s used t o
involves the controlled release o f dispose o f low grade heat.

t / d (175 stpd) cryogenic plant located

FROM FEED adjacent t o the autoclave plant.

"3r The oxygen plant Includes 530 t (580
s t ) o f l l q u l d oxygen storage capaclty as
a precautlon.agalnst oxygen production
problems. Up t o 8 t / d (9 stpd) o f
l l q u l d oxygen can be produced f o r

Hlgh pressure oxygen I s dellvered t o

the autoclave through a blow-out tank
and other safety devlces t o ellmlnate
the p o s s l b l l l t y o f s l u r r y belng blown
back t o the oxygen plant.
FEED PUMPS Clme. Lime I s stored I n a 230 t (250
s t ) capaclty s l l o before slaklng I n a
I ~ l g u r e4 Arrangmmt o f ~ n t e m i a t ; detention type u n l t . Slurry contalnlng
Pressure Splash/Flash Cool ing/Heating 15% s o l i d s I s held I n a 7.6 dla. x 7.6 m
Systen (25' x 25') storage tank and d l s t r l b u t e d
through a loop l l n e .

Steam. Steam I s provlded from an 18 t / h

(40,000 lb/h) capaclty, 4.1 MPa (600
p s l ) bol l e r . The water q u a l l t y a t the
Neutrallzatlon and CIL Goldstrlke s l t e i s poor. An elaborate
water treatmant plant I s provlded
Cooled s l u r r y I s pumped t o the f l r s t Including c l a r l f l e r s , polymer traps,
o f three n e u t r a l l z a t l o n tanks connected reverse osmosl s and demlneral lzers.
I n series. The acld I n the s l u r r y I s
neutralized w l t h llme s l u r r y . I t was A blow-out tank and other safety
Intended t o pump neutral s l u r r y t o the devlces are provlded t o prevent back-
CIL c l r c u l t when the grinding c l r c u l t I s flow of s l u r r y t o the b o i l e r .
handllng sulphldes. As noted below,
t h l s strategy has been revised. Alr. The autoclave plant I s provlded
w l t h hlgh pressure Instrument and plant
Reagents and U t l l l t l e s a l r compressors and a low pressure
process a1r compressor.
Flocculant. A packaged flocculant
system i s used f o r the preparation and Plant Layout
dlspenslng of reagent used f o r the
thickener. Deslgn capaclty I s 250 kg/d 'The arrangement o f the autoclave
(530 lb/d). p l a n t was developed by a team t h a t
Included several operators w i t h e a r l i e r
Concentrated acid I s autoclave plant experlence. The team
displaced from road tankers by dry a l r had a c l e a r understanding o f the
i n t o a 330 t capaclty storage tank. I t operating and malntenance problems
I s dispensed from a loop l l n e t o the created by unsatisfactory layout a t
acldulatlon tanks. Acid consumptlon other autoclave plants.
varies w l t h ore carbonate content.
Design acld handllng capaclty I s 39 t / d The team ensured t h a t good crane
(43 stpd). access was provlded t o a l l pumps,
agltators, large s l u r r y valves and other
Oxvnen. Big Three I n d u s t r i a l Gas, I n c hlgh maintenance Items.
o f Houston, TX own and operate the 160

An important f a c t o r i n the design was Materials o f Construction

the f a c t t h a t the p l a n t w i l l be expanded
i n l a t e r phases o f the Development Plan. Acidic pressure oxidation presents
special, and p o t e n t i a l 1y severe,
It should also be noted t h a t the corrosion and abrasion problems.
Goldstrike s i t e i s extremely r e s t r i c t e d . Materials s e h c t e d f o r the Goldstrike
This required a compromise between good p l a n t are presented i n Table 6.
access t o equipment and a compact plant.
The r e s u l t i n g layout i s shown i n Figures
Thickener Painted Steel
Acidulation Tk. Chlorobutyl Rubber
Acidulation Agit. Chlorobutyl Rubber
SPLASH Splash Tks. Acid-proof Brick
CONDENSERS Inter-stage Pumps High C r I r o n
Geho - Housing CD4MCu
~ e h o- valves CD4MCu
Geho - Diaphragm EDPM
Autoclave Shell Acid-proof Brick
I n j e c t i o n Tubes Hastelloy C276
Auto. Aglt. Shaft T i Grade 12
Auto. Aglt. Imp. T i Grade 5
Flash Tank Walls Acid-proof Brick
Flash Valve Body T i Grade 2
Flash Choke Ceramic

Flash-Splash Steam Ducts

High Pressure Ti
Medium Pressure 20Cb-3
LOW pressure 316 Stainless Steel

Cooler Feed Pumps Chlorobutyl Rubber

Cooler Shell Carbon Steel
Cooler Tubes 316 Stainless Steel
Neut. Tank Chlorobutyl Rubber

r:z /
Neut. Tank Agit. Chlorobutyl Rubber

SPLASH Table 6 Materials o f Construction


D i s t r i b u t e d Control System

The autoclave p l a n t i s provided w i t h

a Bailey Network 90 d i s t r i b u t e d control
system (DCS). The DCS i s provided w i t h
two operator s t a t i o n s providing 15
screens o f process graphics, alarms,
trends and remote s t a r t / s t o p f unct ions.
An engineering workstation i s provided
f o r system configuration.

I I Two process control u n i t s are

Figure 6 Plant Section a t High Pressure provided, one f o r the autoclave and one
Flash Tanks f o r the a n c i l l a r y c i r c u i t s . A t o t a l of

about 300 discrete and 100 analogue The rather complex control system
loops are handled by the system. described above worked flawlessly. It
allowed an extremely rapid and trouble-
Thickening and A c i d i f i c a t i o n free cmlssioning.

Thickener underflow pumping r a t e I s Control o f the pre-heat system i s

governed by t h e underflow density. considerably eased through careful
Flocculant i s added a t a pre-set rate. design o f the system geometry. The
vessels are elevated t o ensure a high
Acid i s added t o the acidulation head over suction o f each pump. 'This
tanks a t a pre-set r a t e determined by provides a measure o f passive flow
the l e v e l o f carbonate i n the feed and control and ensures t h a t the pump
the ore flow rate. suction requirements are s a t i s f i e d .
R e s t r i c t i o n o r i f i c e s i n the inter-stage
Splash/Flash System pipe 1ines steepen the system curves and
f u r t h e r improve control. The surge
E f f e c t i v e control o f the splash/flash capacity provided i n the bottom o f the
system I s c r u c l a l t o t h e operation o f vessels also improves c i r c u i t s t a b i l i t y .
the c i r c u i t .
The dynamics o f t h e system are q u i t e
complex making control p o t e n t i a l l y Oxygen i s admitted t o the autoclave
d l f f l c u l t . For example, an increase i n a t a pre-set, control led rate. The
the flow o f cold s l u r r y t o a splash requl red feed r a t e I s calculated from
condenser w i l l cause more s t e m t o the sulphlde sulphur level i n the
condense and reduce the pressure i n the autoclave feed assuming 60% u t i l i z a t i o n
condenser. This reduces the head across and a consumption o f 3.125 kg o f oxygen
the condenser feed pump which causes the per kg o f sulphide sulphur. An
flow t o increase even f u r t h e r . additional, f i x e d amount o f oxygen I s
added t o compensate f o r vent losses.
The primary controlled variable i n
the system I s t h e flow r a t e between the As i n e r t gases, such as nitrogen and
intermediate and high pressure splash carbon dioxide, accumulate i n the
condenser. Flow r a t e i s sensed w l t h a autoclave atmosphere, the pressure tends
magnetic flowmeter and controlled by a t o Increase. A vent valve I s used t o
variable speed pump. The level i n the remove i n e r t s and control autoclave
high pressure splash condenser i s used pressure. Attempts t o use an on-line
t o control the speed o f the autoclave oxygen analyzer have so f a r met w l t h
feed pump. only l i m i t e d success.
A cascade l e v e l / f low system i s used Steam i s added t o the f i r s t and
t o control the r a t e a t which s l u r r y i s second autoclave compartments t o control
pumped from the low pressure t o the the temperature t o pre-set levels.
intermediate pressure condenser. The Water i s automatically added t o the l a s t
level i n the intermediate condenser i s three compartments t o control
used t o modify the set p o i n t on a flow temperatures.
control loop on the lntermedlate
condenser feed pump. A nuclear source and detector array
determine the level i n t h e l a s t
The feed t o the low pressure compartment. The choke valve on the
condenser I s governed by t h e s l u r r y f i r s t flash tank i s modulated t o hold
level I n t h a t vessel. the desired level.
The low pressure condenser I s Sampl 1ng
operated a t atmospheric pressure. The
other two splash condensers are provided The autoclave plant i s provided wlth
w l t h pressure controlled vent valves. sampling systems t o allow proper

assessment o f operating performance. operating torque requirements a f t e r a

Sampling systems generally consist o f a few valve cycles. These problems were
primary t h i e f sampler followed by a accomnodated during t h e start-up. The
secondary moving pipe type sampler. valves have since been modified by t h e
Energy d i s s i p a t i n g tanks have been a d d i t i o n o f hard surfacing on the
provided between the two samplers. trunnions and bearing surfaces and the
addition o f l u b r i c a n t t o the trunnion.

CONSTRUCTION AND COMMISSIONING TrWD Oversize. E a r l i e r operation o f

the p l a n t was made d i f f i c u l t by the
General Schedule presence o f coarse ore p a r t i c l e s .
Construction debris was also a minor
Authorization f o r t h e autoclave annoyance. Problems were eliminated by
p r o j e c t was given i n mid-September, the re-routing o f sump l i n e s and the
1988. The order f o r t h e longest addition o f second stage t r a s h screens
d e l i v e r y item, the autoclave was awarded on the p l a n t feed .
immediately. The autoclave was received
on s i t e i n mid-June, 1989. I n s t a l l a t i o n Feed D i l u t i o n . Feed t o the autoclave
o f the l i n i n g system and acid curing was pre-heat c i r c u i t was o f lower than
completed a t the end o f September 1989. desired s l u r r y density during the f l r s t
few days o f operation. D i l u t i o n was
The i n s t a l l a t i o n o f process and reduced by re-routing o f sump lines.
service piping and the inspection and
cleaning o f the oxygen systems were Strainer Blockage. Perforated basket
completed i n mid-January 1990. s t r a l n e r s are provided on the suction
l i n e s o f the autoclave feed pumps.
Slurry was f l r s t admitted t o the These are intended t o protect the
autoclave i n l a t e January and continuous p o s i t l v e displacement pumps from damage
operation achieved on February 2, 1990. by coarse debris. During startup, the
Production data from t h a t date are s t r a l n e r s required frequent cleaning
discussed below. because o f tramp oversize.

Check-out and Comissionlng Problems More recently the s t r a i n e r s have

agai n requi red frequent clean1 ng .
There were remarkably few problems entrapped material i s scale. This
during the check-out and comnissioning originates i n the high pressure splash
period. The main problems were as condenser, becomes detached from the
follows: walls and entrapped by t h e strainer.
Under some c i rcumstances, p a r t la11y
Agitator Seals. The double mechanical blocked s t r a i n e r baskets have resulted
seals supplied w i t h the autoclave i n erosion perforation o f the s t r a i n e r .
a g i t a t o r s were of a modified design.
Retaining pins were inadequate f o r the
torque and sheared. The problem was OPERATING RESULTS
eliminated by increasing the strength
and the number o f pins. The addition o f Plant Throughput
glycol t o the closed-loop cooling f l u i d
system also helped by acting as a The p l a n t throughput has increased as
l u b r i c a n t a t the seal face. r e s t r i c t i o n s have been I d e n t i f i e d and
eliminated. Daily tonnages i n excess o f
1820 t / d (2000 stpd) have been comnon.
B a l l Valves. Trunnion mounted b a l l
valves are i n s t a l l e d as block valves Plant a v a i l a b i l i t y has also shown a
around the autoclave and t o prevent steady improvement. Seven-day running
back-flow from the high-pressure splash averages i n excess o f 96% have been
condenser. I n i t i a l operations w i t h achieved. The average a v a i l a b i l i t y over
these valves indicated very high the f i r s t three months was 77%.

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