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The Toledo Police Patrolman’s Association of all people most certainly understand the need for
lowering crime and gun violence in whatever way possible. We do however feel that the city’s
newest hire is of great concern. I have had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Armour over Zoom in
an interview type setting and he seems absolutely passionate and it is very obvious that he has
turned his life around. Although this is an outstanding story of personal perseverance and showing
no ill will towards him as a person, Mr. Armour’s past is still troubling. It’s not only troubling but is a
direct slap in the face considering some of the officers involved in the crimes are still on the
department. The city brought the police up to speed extremely late in the hiring process and it was
quite clear the decision was already made. The last-minute invite to speak with Mr. Armour was
nothing more than a thinly veiled play to check the box that the unions were contacted. Not that we
are the clearinghouse for city hiring’s, however, when the person is going to work closely with the
police, I firmly think there should have been more involvement by the police. There was a statement
made that the Toledo Police Patrolman’s Association backed Mr. Armour. This was an incorrect
statement. The planning and development stages of Mr. Armour’s position are still incomplete and
his position not yet defined. This leads to an initial thought of what sensitive information is a civilian
with a sorted past going to be privy to. What truly is upsetting is the high standards needed to
achieve the status of police officer. An officer needs not only an almost spotless criminal record but
is required to maintain that unsullied lifestyle throughout their career. The statement that Mr.
Armour’s inferior background (criminal record) makes him the best possible person is inconceivable.
Although I understand the reference, couldn’t we apply it equally to the hiring of anyone. Could I be
hired as a surgeon because I have had a surgery before. In conclusion, it is a shame the City of Toledo
put Mr. Armour in the cross fire at truly no fault of his own. The lack of forethought and courtesy in
failing to involve the affected unions that will be required to work hand in hand with him or anyone is
the issue. Succinctly, the Toledo Police Patrolman’s Association has not endorsed Mr. Armour.


Officer Michael Haynes, President, TPPA

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