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Sentinel troubleshooting:

Issue#1: When we see that the widget doesn’t show the data :

When creating a Sentinel Widget and no relevant data appears in it, please make sure that the relevant
data (with the workspace and widget filters) does exist in the PM table, and that the same instances
exist in the relevant entity configuration view.

In case it's still not working, in order to find the quarry that Sentinel is running, please do the following:

1. Find the relevant EAR:

On Sentinel page press F12 (keyboard), Network, Play.
On the beginning of the URL path, we can see the relevant EAR (SI on the following example):

2. Add logs for the relevant EAR:

- Open Teoco Admin
- Open the relevant EAR  Log Settings, and add "log4j.logger.tti.pmm.api.logic=ALL " –
3. Finding the Sentinel query:
On web server go to -  $LOG_DIR/j2ee/<EAR NAME>

                Open <EAR NAME>-jcore.log file, and look for the relevant CS/counter.

                The relevant query will appear after "SQL with substitution":




Please notice, in case of a system restart, the Sentinel PMMc can be raised by a different EAR.
Issue #2: error getting the relevant kpi

Steps to investigate:

1. Check if the kpi really exist in the inspector or on DB Table: aircom.kpi_definition,


If not – this is the problem

If yes – check if it have function in the ELEM_AGGR_FORMULA field and not just in equation
field. And check if it is of type: group and not personal (aircom.kpi_definition.type_id = ‘1’ and
not ‘0’).

If it was personal – then you need to change it to group and then add it to kpi_security table
and then go to the inspector and save it again (you can add space in the formula so it will do
update) so the resolver process will update the formula field. The KPI details will be
added/updated into KPI_SECURITY table only when you are importing/creating Group KPI.

2. In case of importing the WS from diff env:

Check if the entity and CS table exist in the db and they are really connected.
Config_db.pmm_entities, aircom.Dd_Counter_Set, aircom.dd_cs_column_def
If not - then need to import the BC and MD data (of course the table also need to be
If yes – check if those are indeed connected meaning that the CS table is indeed belong to that
entity. If not we can change it in the widget definitions on:
config_db.personalization_entries table.

Steps how to add new kpi via db:

In order to add a new KPI manually – in cases the Inspector doesn't work:

Follow the next steps:

1. Generate KPI_ID using the sequence KPI_ID_SEQ:



SELECT kpi_id_seq.nextval from dual;

 This process updates the count of the KPI_ID index that the Inspector uses.
2. Update table aircom.kpi_definition with the new KPI – use the same KPI_ID  generated
in 1. – make sure to update all relevant columns.
 Notice: a. ELEMENT_AGG column should be populated so that sentinel/boxi could see the
KPI (with simple agg function as:MAX,MIN,AVG etc.)
        b. Column ‘EQUATION’ – should contain the formula as is and columns
‘ELEM_AGG_FORMULA’  and ‘TIME_AGG_FORMULA’ should have the equation with full
path for the CTs in the equation – including schema  and table names.
        c.  Each CT should have his agg. function in the equation.
for example: if the KPI was added to schema – ‘BG_HUAWEI_VUSN’ to table –
‘BG_HWI_VUSN_S1_SERV_RQ’, the formula is for CTs ‘A’ and ‘B’  with SUM  agg.
function for each CT and the required formula is A/B:



3. Update table Aircom.kpi_security – add the ‘KPI_ID’ and ‘GROUP_NAME’ column

should set to ‘EVERYONE’

Steps how to copy WS from one env to another:

-- for Work Space Directories

  select *

   from config_db.personalization_entries

  where property_name = 'HelixUI:WorkspaceDirectories'

    and owner_name = 'All'

    and dbms_lob.substr(VALUE, 4000, 1) like '%Network Domains%'  -- put here

directory name

  order by entry_name desc;

-- for Work Space

 select *

   from config_db.personalization_entries

  where property_name = 'HelixUI:NamedLayout'

    and owner_name = 'All'

    and dbms_lob.substr(VALUE, 4000, 1) like '%4G%'   -- put here work space

  order by entry_name desc;

- check if this entry does not exist in target env and insert

 select ROWID, t.*

  from config_db.personalization_entries t

where ENTRY_NAME = 'a9c53ebca_0e24_4179_8e17_c339fb6458b4';

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