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Gambar 2.2: 4P dalam bauran pemasaran


Product variety
Brand name
Packaging Channels
Sizes Coverage
Services Price Promotion Assortment
Warranties Locations
List price Sales Promotion
Returns Inventory
Discounts Advertising
Allowances Sales force Transport
Payment Public Relations’
period Direct marketing
Credit terms

Sumber: Philip Kotler, Swee Hoo Ang, Siew Meng Leong, Chin Tiong Tan, 2003: 17
Gambar 2.3 : Simple Model of Consumer Decision Making process

External Influences
Sociocultural Environment
Firm’s Marketing Efforts
1. Family
Input 1. Product
2. Informal sources
2. Promotion
3. Other noncommercial sources
3. Price
4. Social class
4. Channels of distribution
5. Subculture and culture
Consumer Decision Making
Psychological Field
1. Motivation
Need Recognition 2. Perception
3. Learning
Process Prepurchase Search 4. Personality
5. Attitudes
Evaluation of Alternatives

Postdecision Behavior
1. Trial Postpurchase Evaluation
2. Repeat purchase

(Schiffman dan Kanuk, 2000: 443)

Tabel 2.6: Model Cognitive Learning

promotional Tricomponent Decisioin Innovation Innovation

model model making model adoption Decision
model Process

Sequential Attention Cognitive Awareness Awareness Knowledge

stages of
Interest Affective Evaluation Interest Persuasion
Desire Evaluation

Action Conative Purchase Trial Decision

Postpurchase Adoption Confirmation
Sumber: Schiffman dan Kanuk, 2000:182

Atau menurut Philip Kotler, dengan model hirarki tanggapan

Gambar 2.4: Response Hierarchy Models



Cognitive stage

Affective stage

Behavior stage

Sumber: Kotler, 2003: 600

E marketing meningkatkan Impulsive buying

E marketing : Company efforts to inform buyers, communicate, promote and sell its products
and services over internet

impulse buying A purchase behavior that is assumed to be made without prior planning or
thought. Often, it is claimed, impulse buying involves an emotional reaction to
the stimulus object (product, packaging, point-of-purchase display, or whatever)
in addition to the simple acquisition act

Pro Kontra
- Mempermudah target market - belum tentu karena target market
mendapatkan informasi - kepercayaan
- Motivasi target market sudah jelas - masyarakat hati-hati
- proses belum pembayaran

Pro Kontra

- contoh kasus adalah Starbucks dan J.Co -

- penataan website yg menarik dan juga
strategi penyebaran video iklan Starbucks
di youtube membandtu

Hosting = 100% gratis unlimited

Hosting :
Gratis unlimited :

Pro Kontra

E marketing merupakan fungsi bisnis yang superior

E marketing : Company efforts to inform buyers, communicate, promote and sell its products
and services over internet (Kotler)

Fungsi bisnis :

Pro Kontra
- biaya murah - belum mengenal konsumen dengan dalam
- target lebih luas - peraturan belum jelas
- targeted (langsung - tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat masih
rendah terhadap e marketing
- orang masih terbiasa dengan yang

E marketing vs viral marketing = the winner is viral marketing

E marketing : Company efforts to inform buyers, communicate, promote and sell its products
and services over internet (Kotler)

Viral marketing : Using the internet to create word of mouth effects to support marketing efforts
and goals (Kotler)

Word of mouth : 1. (consumer behavior definition) This occurs when people share information
about products or promotions with friends. UPP/JCO] 2. (consumer behavior
definition) The information imparted by a consumer or individual other than the
sponsor. It is sharing information about a product, promotion, etc., between a
consumer and a friend, colleague, or other acquaintance. For example, a
consumer may tell a friend about a particularly good price he or she received on a
product. Research has found that word-of-mouth communication about products
is more likely to be negative than positive.
Pro Kontra
- menjangkau lebih banyak target market - belum tentu semua orang mau
- adanya referensi ke teman-teman target mereferensikan produk atau jasa
market yang memiliki kesamaan behavior -

pesan promosi via e marketing cenderung multi persepsi

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