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Ms-Excel Assignment

1. Open a New Work book.

Feed the following details in the first sheet.
SlNo Student Name Course Joined Semester Fees Paid Fees Due


2. Fill the necessary details in the sheet –2 for atleast 10 books.

SlNo Book Name Author Edition Issued To Issued Due Date Remarks
Name Date

Align the Column heading as shown in the above table.

Rename both the sheets with related names.

3. Generate the student performance Report using the following details.

Student English HR Finance IT Marketing Operational Total %age Result Grade
Name Mgmt Marks

4. Generate Hotel Lodging Bill for customers using the below given details:

Customer Purpose Customer Date Room Date Room Days Bill

Name of Visit Address in Type out Rent Stayed Amount

Fill the Customer Name, Purpose of Visit, Customer Address, Date in, Room Type
& Date out.

5. Generate a salary stmt using the following format and the details given below:

Emp Basic TOT NET

Designation DA HRA CCA MA Gross Pay PF INS ITAX PTAX
Name Pay DED PAY

DA --- Dearness Allowance --- 54% of basic pay

HRA --- House Rent Allowance --- 18% of Basic pay
CCA --- City Compensatory Allowance ---- 15 % of Basic pay
MA --- Medical Allowance ---- 100 for all employees
Grosspay ---- Basicpay + Da+Hra+cca+ma
PF --- Provident Fund ---- 9.5 % of Basic Pay.
ITAX--- Income Tax ---- 4.5% of Basic pay
PTAX—Professional Tax ----
If Grosspay <5000 ---- 2.5% of Grosspay
If Grosspay>=5000 and <10000 ---- 2.8% of Grosspay
If Grosspay>=10000 and <25000 ---- 3.2% of Grosspay
If Grosspay>=25000 ---- 3.5% of Grosspay

INS ---- Insurance --- 10 % of Basicpay

Totded --- Pf+Itax+Ptax+Ins
Netpay --- Grosspay – Totded

Save the spreadsheet.

6. Work out the following:

1. Change the name of the individual sheets with suitable names.

2. Protect the salary stmt sheet so that others cannot make any changes.
3. In the student performance sheet fix the %age column to two Decimal places.
4. Set and display the column headers of all the assignments as shown in the
5. Display any two of the Assignment sheets using Format – Auto Format
6. Select the student performance sheet and Rearrange the records in
Descending order based on Total Marks scored by the students.
7. Using Data – Filter Extract the list of students details who have passed with
Distinction and display them at the bottom of the list.
8. Similarly Using Data – Filter Extract the list of students details who have
failed and display them at the bottom of the list.
9. Set relevant comments to the student name cells for those who have failed
and passed in III class.
10. Rearrange the Employee records in descending order based on Net pay.
11. What is Cross Reference in Excel. How to use it?
12. Try to display the formulae in the Employee salary stmt sheet where ever
present using key combination.

7-a. Work out the following Excel Functions:

a. MAX( ) b. MIN( ) c. AVERAGE d. FACT ( ) e. MOD( )
f. ROUND( ) g. POWER ( )

a. LEN( ) b. CONCATENATE( ) c. LEFT( ) d. RIGHT( ) f. MID( )
g. REPT( ) h. TRIM( )

a. TODAY( ) b. NOW( ) c. WEEKDAY( ) d. MONTH( ) e. YEAR( )

7-b. State the purpose of the following images in Excel:

a. b. c. d. e. f.

g. h.

8. Work out the following assignment:

1 Anand Kumar 1 5000 1250 19800 180200 1000 7250
2 Vinayak Mane 2 4500 1125 16500 146500 675 6300
3 Vijayalaxmi K 3 4000 1000 17700 161250 800 5800
4 Arundati V 4 4500 1125 14000 124000 675 6300
5 Vadiraj 5 3500 875 16500 151550 700 5075
6 Uday Kumar D 6 4000 1000 21000 188250 800 5800
7 Ajay Kulkarni 7 3500 875 15400 140850 525 4900
8 Deepak Fernandes 8 3500 875 16200 144850 525 4900
9 Salim F 9 4000 1000 15400 134950 600 5600
10 Anju G 10 3500 875 16000 145650 525 4900

In the above sheet the details you have to fill are:

Slno, Executive Name, Ward No & Salary.
Vehicle allowance = 25% of salary.
For the rest of the column details use the details in the next page.
Anand Kumar 30 50 30 28 60 19800 180200 1000
Vinayak Mane 40 40 40 25 20 16500 146500 675
Vijayalaxmi K 50 40 27 30 30 17700 161250 800
Arundati V 35 30 40 15 20 14000 124000 675
Vadiraj 37 26 29 23 50 16500 151550 700
Uday Kumar D 45 40 55 20 50 21000 188250 800
Ajay Kulkarni 44 31 26 20 33 15400 140850 525
Deepak Fernandes 33 46 31 25 27 16200 144850 525
Salim F 23 34 45 27 25 15400 134950 600
Anju G 30 41 22 27 40 16000 145650 525

In the next sheet copy and paste the Executives Name from sheet1.
Then Enter the Product Sales details as shown in the above table.
Calculate Total sales, total cost of sales and commission using the below mentioned

Total sales = Sum of all the products sold * 100

Total cost of sales should be calculated using the following details:

Cost of Pepsi = Rs. 10.00

Cost of Mirinda = Rs. 8.50
Cost of Thumpsup = Rs. 7.50
Cost of Ler Pepsi = Rs. 9.00
Cost of Mazaa = Rs. 10.00

If Total cost of sales <1,00,000 then Commission= 10 % of salary from sheet1.

If Total cost of sales >=1,00,000 & < 1,50,000 then Commission= 15 % of salary
from sheet1.
If Total cost of sales >=1,50,000 & < 2,00,000 then Commission= 20 % of salary
from sheet1.
If Total cost of sales >=2,00,000 then Commission= 25 % of salary from sheet1.
Update the details to sheet1 and calculate the net pay of each sales executive.


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