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I agree with the statement that state gender violence seems to be increasing

in our society. According to Unesco 1999 part 53 gender violence means act of
gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in physical, sexual
or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion
or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life. The
current issue that I can see is many women being rape and become the victim of
sexual harassment at the workplace. The most cruel and unforgettable incident that I
have heard related to gender violence is where a daughter been raped by his own
father. Not only once, but this things occurs many times until the mother of the
daughter brought her to clinic because she complain that she had stomach-ache.
But, what a shock when the doctor said that her daughter was pregnant. This
incident shows that women is still not save if they stay in their own house. There are
many types of gender violence like physically, sexually, emotional, isolation and

Gender violence on physical is the famous and common type of violence that
we know. This type of violence caused the victim to have physical injury. For
example, daughter been bashed by his parents, wife been punched by his husband
and girlfriend been abused by his boyfriend. This incident always occurs in our
society. Easy to say that gender violence on physical includes hitting, pushing and
shoving. Then, the next type of gender violence is sexual. Based on Asian legal
source centre sexual violence includes wife battering, sexual abuse of female
children, dowry-related violence, marital rape, female genital mutilation, other
traditional practices that harmful to women, non spousal violence and violence
related to exploitation. Gender violence commonly happen to women. But, do not
think that man can escape from this violence. There also several cases man is the
victim of sexual violence. Besides, gender violence on emotional. According to
United States Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention emotional violence involves trauma to the victim caused by
acts, threats of acts, or coercive tactics. Psychological/emotional abuse can include,
but is not limited to, humiliating the victim, controlling what the victim can and cannot
do, withholding information from the victim, deliberately doing something to make the
victim feel diminished or embarrassed, isolating the victim from friends and family,
and denying the victim access to money or other basic resources . According to
thesis war emotional abuse of children can result in serious emotional and/or
behavioural problems, including depression, lack of attachment or emotional bond to
a parent or guardian, low cognitive ability and educational achievement, and poor
social skills. One study which looked at emotionally abused children in infancy and
then again during their preschool years consistently found them to be angry,
uncooperative and unattached to their primary caregiver. The children also lacked
creativity, persistence and enthusiasm. Furthermore, isolation is also one type of
gender violence. For example a women secretary been isolate when there is a vital
meeting and she did not been invited. Last type of violence is threat. Women always
are the victim of this violence. The man use the women for his own advantage like a
boss threat his secretary to get something that he cannot or hard to get. So, he use
the secretary to get it or she will be fired for example.

There are many settings that the gender violence happens. First is the
education institution like school, college and university. According to University of
Sussex gender violence in and around school has been recognised in recent years
as a serious global phenomenon. We have ignored for too long what goes on in the
school environment. The sad fact is that schools are not always the child-friendly
places we expect them to be. Violence can be perpetrated by pupils or teachers in or
around the school, or by out of school youth and/or older men who demand sex in
exchange for money or gifts. Acts of gender violence are disproportionately directed
at girls, but boys and teachers can also be targets. Second is home. Like what I had
stated in the introduction of this essay that women are still not safe even in their own
home. When women kill - and they do so at astonishingly lower rates than men who
commit 85% of all homicides - the vast majority kill family members, usually men
who have battered them for years. As many as 90% of the women in jail today for
killing men had been battered by those men. (Allison Bass, "Women far less likely to
kill than men; no one sure why," The Boston Globe, February 24, 1992, p. 27). Then,
workplace. According to global health web page workplace violence is psychological
and physical abuse that affects occupational health worldwide. It takes many forms
—physical assault, verbal abuse, sexual or racial harassment, bullying, or mobbing.
All studies on the subject have demonstrated serious consequences for individual
health workers, for health organizations, and for the larger society. Next and the last
one is gender violence also occurs in community. Based from National Centre for
children Exposed to Violence the term community violence brings various images to
mind, from gang shootings to street muggings. While these are certainly elements of
community violence, the actual definition is broad and encompassing. Community
violence can be defined as exposure to acts of interpersonal violence committed by
individuals who are not intimately related to the victim. Some of the acts that fall
under the community violence umbrella include sexual assault, burglary, use of
weapons, muggings, the sounds of bullet shots, as well as social disorder issues
such as the presence of teen gangs, drugs, and racial divisions.

We proceed to the step to reduce gender violence in our society. Government

has the major role to be played. First, I think the rules related to gender violence
should be strict because the society did not really afraid to the rules currently.
Besides, Non Government Organisation or NGO should organise a campaign to
make the society realise about the vital and the seriousness about this gender
violence issue.

Every problem that we want to solve we need to find the causes first. It goes
same with this issue. We have to find what actually affect the person to commit
gender violence. The unhealthy environment for me is the biggest factor.
Furthermore, the drugs and alcohols abused. Person who takes drugs and alcohols,
they cannot control their own self hence make them to do gender violence. Lastly,
the genetics. Sometimes, there are person who are hot tempered because of his

In conclusion, the gender violence in our society is still increasing. So, we as a

responsible human being should unite to overcome this gender violence issue and
stop it before it becomes more terrible. Like an idiom ‘prevent is better than cure’.
But in this situation we just can cure it because this gender violence is already
occurs. If we can overcome this issue, this can give a lot of benefits and advantage
to all of us like we can have a peaceful society and a save and trustful life,

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