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m::I T'i' L I BRAR,Y


Vol. 29-No, 12


COUNCILMAN DEPLORES USE OF TO~a~~e~\vn!~~~!~th' Triplets, T'lvins To Be Amolig IPatricia Cooke. Wins INARBERTH POST OFFICE WILL BE
PLAY FIELD AS PETTING RETREAT; be~~V~· This Year's Baby Sho~v Entries
r~~~n~~!POf f~~~ y~~~~~1nl~ ~g
Poetry PrIze
M~~~S ~9.Jr~~~.c~o~eurdtU~~i ~i
date At F oarth of Jaly Celebration
~~:~'Ysc~~b~e J'oo~e~raW~~l~~ POSTAL RECEIPTS OVER $40 000
rabies 11as been repOlted to Lanthwyn Lane, won the Deehan
}~ur~::~e~~i bVi:~eC:S:~elnb~~~
WANTS L_ MERION POLICE TO ACT Borough thiS year, seven of
them oCcullng from April 1 to
June 15
In me WI
th th 1 t bl h d make their pr'otectlve custody a
e ong-es a IS e
custom of makmg formal obsen- matter of personal conceln.
flom Lower Menon last week, and
expects to enter Bucknell College
in U" Fall. The awald was a com-

In Older to protect your own ance of Independence Day, Nal- The let-lIP in ratIOning will be plete sUlpnse to the Cook family,
Teen-Age Girls From City Are nelghbols' childleJl, don't let belth's valldus orgamzatlOns wJIl revealed m the ample supply of as MISS Cook had not told them Higher Classification May Entitle Borough
'f Frequenting Suburban Places, Official Says;
your dog run at lalge. YoUi dog join forces to assure the 1944 a:1- food Which Will be avaIlable, hot of her ently as a contestant, nOI
To Greater Facilities; Announcement Made
might be bitten and mfected nlversaty bemg an attractive co.n- meals or picmc lunches, 'as prc- s1l0wn them her poem.
Residents Cautioned to I{eep Dogs at Horne with rabies by a stlav. Don't mumty occasion ferred, FOR US By First Assistant Postmaster
take R chance With 1 ables, and The plOglam m prospect w111 The committee stlesses the idea For us they dedicate their lives,
ItS deadly countelpalt In hu- CallY tluough the entire day. of home-cookmg bemg dIspensed their hearts, their souls, their
Use of the Narberth Public School playgrounds as a I man bemgs-hvdlophobla stattmlg eallYbmblthetlmtolnlmg. a~ldl "'f'lth on the hOlIdaYt atln q that all, Narberth Post Office will become a first class post office
'1 H C t Keep your dog on leash. The It Is a so PIO a e 1a pans w. am ll Y glOUps come 0 1e com- To make for us a better WOtld, Julu 1.
petting retreat was dep Iore d b y CounCI man enry ar1' a Law plovldes that dogs must be be made for the evenmg undel mumty celeblatlon for the well se- whele we can gladly toll oJ
a meeting of the Narberth Borough Council Monday night. undel contiol of then ownelS at the ausPices of the Amel1can Le- lected meals which Will be set out The bells of peace. secul1ty from Its reclassification was anllounced thIS week from the
The counCilman said that YOUlll~.
patlons of the Pike Restaullwtl
were among those lesponslble fOI
conditIOns at the playglound
, l\/Iagl'strate
all tImes and must be hcensed.
Allangements can be made to
obtam a hcense by contactmg
the BOIOUgh Office
VICtOIV Galdenels and Home
MIS Ebelhaldt Mueller IS the
for them.
Those desnmg to enter the
chan man and genelal cOOldlnator, various contests maY do so at
and she Will be sUPPolted by a Walter Case's store at HaverfOld
numelOUs committee which wdl and FOII'est Avenues Partlculat
devastatmg war
And stllfe and bitter endless bat-
tie, on the unknown shore.
For us. theY freely sacllfice their
0 ce 0
f F'Irs t A

Postoffice Head
t P os t mas t er Genera I K .PAId
. h
l'lC ,
ReceIpts of the post office for
1943 went above $40,000 which
automatically giveS It the higher
Carr said' 0\\ nels hkewlse al e entitled to compllse 1epi esentatlves of all the Interest IS expected In this yeat's homes. then fllends and those claSSificatIOn. Last yeal Postmas.
'Since the lu\emle delInquency consldelatlOn Dogs lunnlng at Nalberth churches as well as the Baby Show, as t\HnS have been so dear, tel Joseph L Kelley Ieported re-
i drive stalted m Plllladelphlfl
teen-all:e gnls ale flequentmg
large can cause consldelable
dama~e to gal dens. shlUbbelY
women's clubs and other local coming to town apace and also the
glOUpS bOlOUgh boasts of the advent of
And soon \\111 push flom out OUI
thoughts the undulatmg feal
celpts of $43.688
As a filst class post Office, Nar-
places on the Mam Lme and lawns Be a good nelghbOl In additIOn to the featurcs tllplets. the latter already bemg Of wal, aPPloachmg thiS beloved Ibelth Will be eligible fO! greater
'As no appalent actIOn has -dogs and galdens don't mIX \\lllch Ploved so acceptable last assUled of a non-competItIVe land, whele ftee<iom still accommodations as well as 1~1.
been taken by elthel the Nalbelth All dogs found runnmg at \ear. tfheletl\\11l hbled extra adttlalc- PITlzle. 1t t f lmgs cleat, Icreased pelsonnel \\oUld be given
polIce 01 the Lowel Mellon polICe lalge may be PIcked up and tak- tlOns 01 1e C I len an a so 1e comp e e lOS er 0 commlt- And guns of battle fall to leach mOle consldelatlOn
somethmg must be done and done en to the Lo\\ el Mellon Town- Pi OVISlOn \\ III be made so that the tees and Ime-up of contests and our stIlI unheallng eaL RaISIng the claSSification of
QUlcklv " ship Pound Unlicensed dogs WIll lIttle tots may be pal ked 111 a spe- exhibIts \\ III be published next Nal ber th s post office can be con-
ReSidents hung on both sldt s be dIsposed of If unclaimed aftel clal playglound of theu' own. ~I-I week In the meantime fUl thel For though ovel come by Stl ued as a feathel In the bar-
of MontgomelY A\enue III the t\\O days Ownels of lIcensed ways under the alelt eyes of a Inf01matlOn may be 11ad by phon- st~:ngth of savage chalge so oughs cap because the town IS
vlcmlty of the PIke RestaUlam dogs \\111 be notified In eithpi C01PS of young ladles who Will 111g Narbmth ~3 fielce, dependent on Its lesldentlal sec-

· ~~::;~~~1,::it~~~::~:11~::::
(. Fleel. 1efell ed the matter to Roh-
MD~~R~N~'~:A"~~u:~KT:lsilif:Jj~~ Help Sen Tickets War Loan Workers ::::t¥.~~~::i.~f,~t~~!:f~
~~~~~~.g~ ~~~~~g~fg~~~ll For Benefit Game IBeat Gun m- Drl-ve ~~~~d
The~' 11 mal ch on to the fl ontal
to keep for us, then
the~ had InanufactullnJt estab-
~1:~Ts~nt' flom wluch to dlaw re-
1 ResS Rlchald Millel Thev Will
confel with Supel1l1tendent of I
I N0 Rent B008t For I .---- PAT COOKE. Ollgmally a lioUith class post
office Nal bel th I ecelved ItS tlurd
Pollce Samuel Gelhalt m Lo\\er
I LI·st WI-nners At class latl11g on Octobel 1. 1903 In
Novembel of that ~ eal Eliza Ket-
IW dP k
Met Ion 111 an effol t to seCUle ac- All Receipts Will Go Solicitors Started to
tlon by the polIce H diM
T 'I k H C II cham ",as appomted postmlstless,
0 a S
It IS undelstood that James C I
~I~:p~~~:ha ~1~\tl~~m~~~t ~\VI~I' b~
The appomtment of Vietor
ynnewoo ar Ii
osplta an
Oamp Committee Gun CIub PI-COI-e a e ouse
Last 'Veekend
a pOSitIOn she held until her
de;~~ I~a;;~~y
b tl t
\\as filled m 1905
t f EI b tl
~~;~~\~d a~~ ~~ela~~~:~~esTi~~ Colelh, of 108 Nalbelth Ave- The baseball game between Nal-I Pltclung mlo the 5th Wal Loan JOSEPH L. KELLEY Ii K;~ch~~~~h~~~IV~dfO/~ay~a;
petition asks that steps be taken nue, a\th~ new maglstlate of OPA Refuses Appeal belth's Mam Lme League cham- Dllve With ZiP and zest. Nalbelth Narbelth postmastel, whose and a half
at once to clllb any fOlm of lllve- Nalbelt, \\as made lecently bv
nile delinquency on the Mam Llnp. Gove11101 Martm. Learned In For
$5 I ncreases In
'PlODS and the Valley FOl!l'e Gen-I"Orkers got down to bus111ess last
elal Hospital team Saturday. July weekend With some beg1l1nlng
M b
em ers
P t"
ar ICIpa e
t post office \\111 be lalsed to filst
class on July 1
GeOlge W. McClaushn became
the filst man to sel ve as post-
CounCilman Robert Camelon m law. Colell1lS a graduate of Yale
makmg hiS lepOl t of the \\ "IeI' I_Ulllve.t.slt~ - - ---- --_
1171 A t
par men s
t 15. at Narbetth IS bemg enthusIas- then eanvassmg hOUIS befole the In Fly, Bait and
tICallv endOlsed bv OIganlzatlOns campaign offiCIally opened P)-stoIMatchWon Jr.astel He was appomted m De-
cembel. 1906 McCauslm setved
light and health committee statecl
Meat Cutter Ges
t and CIViC leaders thloUghout the I Although no figUles \\ele avall- Plug Contests
I able on the total sales fOl the
I fOI' four jealS and was succeeded
that thele ha\e been seven cases
of lables lepOlted so far thIS ~eal
~\r in LOWCl Mellon To\\nshlp
order to stop the stlay dogs from
runnmg loose In Nalbelth. a clr-
F"me andSentence I
171 lesldents of the Wynnewood Mam Line
Palk Apaltments \\ele saved a AlIleceipts flam the game wIll,openmg da\s 111stances \\ele le-
total of $10,260 on Wednesday. by go to the Camp and HOSPItal com-, POI ted of sevelal lalge PUlchases
a deCISIon of the OPA Emelgency mlttee Amellcan Red ClOSS Main and a good fiow of smallel bonds mommg a pelfect PIClllC aftel- I
I COlllt of Appeals m Waslungton Lme Blanch No 1 The 'Caml)
Despite clOUded skies 111 the
A fl~mg squad of 40 pUPils of noon blOUght out a lecold attend-/
on June 14, 1910 by Joseph Mul-
Imeallx. JI
SelvIng the longest telm of any
postmaster Edwald S Haws was
appomted on Octobel 30.1913. and
culal WIll be dlsillbuted to the The money was saved fOl the and HosPltai . Committee IS the the Nalbelth Public School, each ance \\hen the Lower Mellon Rod Isel\ed until July 1, 1922, when he
reSidents of Nal bel th Necessa Iv tennants \\ hen the COUl t handed channel thloUgh which or galllza- Ipledged to see SIX persons over and Gun Club held ItS annua I l i\\ as succeeded by FI edenck C.
steps \\111 be taken to enfOlce the down a deCISion affnmmg the tlons and mdl\lduals wOlk to sUP- the weekend. helped put the Spllng outmg on the Nash Fat~ John Comiskey IPatton
rules It contams 96 C 0 OPA DIStllCt Offlce~' lefusal to ply lecleatlon enteltal11ment and schoolovel the top m ItS o\\n spe- m Nalberth last Sunday Mel. I In Juh of 1926 J Beltlam Nes-
.. The Summel season for the • ent vercharge pel mit mCI eases of $5 Pel month comfOl t fOI coiwalescent and able- cIa1 campaIgn. Among them \\ as women and cluldl en took pal t m Takes Top Honors I pel \\ as named actmg postmaster
Nal bel th plavglound has opened B. J 'I T on each of the 171 apal tments bodIed men m ho.sPltals and nme yeal old Atnold Bell. 5th competitIve events ot played and on Decembel 16 of the same
and the followmg hOUlS \\111 be In nngs al erm Hell' IS the stmv camps glader next Fall the son of MIS games At Weekly Shoot \eal he lecelved the legular ap-
effect flom July 3 to Septembel 2 F 0 k tM In FeblualY of 1941 the W\n- I 1 n jChaUnCe y D DavIS, of Montgom- The PIC11lC commIttee complet- Ipomtment
inclUSIVe 930 A M to 1230 or a mon an newood Palk COlPolatlon. ownels C M: R~US\VI ~1 ~~nJ on I dIan elY COUlt whose husband. Com- ed ItS castl11g and shootmg sched- The plesent postmaster \\as
P M 130 P M to 530 P 1\1 of the 227 umt apa.ltment house. ; ete C ~n de"'H0 . ~ hlalhman mander Da\ IS IS on duty at the ule m I eCOId time Pal tlclpatmg With a total of 1 127 pomts 111 named actmg postmaster on Jan-
.;, 630 P 1\1: to 830 P M The WIlham E Behlle 2121 Belve- at Wynnewood and Yelkes Aves. 0 h e amp an OSPI a I
om~ Naval AVlatlOI~ ModificatIOn Cen- m fly bait and plug competitIOn the 38-cal1bl e match the Lo\\ el I 15 1935 He wa.,; gIVen the
playground \\111 not be open un- dele Ave Oakmont. \\as sentenced Wynnewood deCided that thev hadl ~~~~ee~l1~a~e~a~?t'f.:e~~P~II~t~~~\ tel at the PhiladelphIa Na\v Yald wele manv members of the Middle ~~II~~~~~c~ll;~~l-~~~Cr1ea~~h~ ~:a~ls of legulal postmaster on
der supel VISIOn on Sundavs The to 30 dayS 111 pilson and fIned $50 undel pllced then lental Imll1edl- f t k t p Al nold who has been selll11g an AtlantiC ASSOCIatIOn of Castmg Iange neal Nal bel th.- Satmday, Augu<t 27 1935 and leappomted
• ~~~I\~~C:;SB~~kf~I~1 ns F. Best and on Monday by U S DIStllct COUl t ately the\ put mto effect a plan 0 A~O~: those takl11g ten or mOl e Iaverag-~ of $10 wOllh of stamps I ClUbS \\ ho made e~c~lenil SCO~t~Sl June 10 Ion ApIII 17 1940
Judgp GeOlge E Welsh In Plula- wheleby. as each apaltment be- tickets ale St Mal'S AII'"lllal\' per \\eek thloughout the school \\ llie I"M\\aIAmInAgcuPc t Ol 1e t J I C k t t - - -•••_ - -
Onl\' one automObile aCCident delpllla came vacant the lent was Imeas- .• " . a11l1Ua oUlnamen 0111 omls ey came 011 ops
r;. was lepOIted last month and thele I Behlle \\ho IS el1lplo\ed as a ed $5 a month fOl the new ten- Soroptlmlst Club, Nalbelth Jun-
was no plopeltv damage TheIl' meat cutlel by Hall \ Bleslo\\, nant Bet\\een then and Malch IEOI wor:;ensACdlllb fKplwams CMIUb.!
Were fOUl stop sign and SIX palk- bulchel of Fall est Ave
lUg Violations
Nal- 1942 \\hen lent contlOl went mto melge cy leo
belLh \\as chalged \\Ith' ovel- eect,' 56 apaltments became va- LIne,Blanch Blyn Mawl Business I
enna. am
Contwuca on Page Two

r ) I-t pens
- to be held next Sunday at Wlllow 011 the Mam Ll11e team \\llII hiS Corporal Barto
GIO\e Palk Wmners of events at ~fOI\d\ °ffle287\\~tohmLt~I;~~0I~1:tl~;W~nyI Home On Lea,re
the plcmc wele
Plug ACCUlaC\ 1st Elnest Jen- lunnelup \\Ith 283
- ---.-- - I I1 f t 1 f Mens ASSOCIatIOn Rotalv Club k N b tI 95 2 d t Jules MaYCISchoff of Bloomalll Cpl Alfled B Balto Jr, IS

Six Appointed
To Conven'tl·o·"In I
Clal gmg 1\ e customers a ota 0 cant and well' I e-Iented at a $5 D
96 cents 011 meats mClease Howevel the 171 othet
aug 1 CIS 0
Welsh that hiS ovelchalges wele ongmal t~nnants escaped the 11lalY, NaloelLn Auxnral~: cPenn :
honest mistakes but the jUllSt lent boost and the cOlpolatlOn Wvnne AuxlhalY Women s om-
f tl A
1e mellcan e\o- 1I
He tlled to conv')lce Judge '.a,pattmant5 still oCGUPled by thell' lutlO1.1; Me1l21)",Tllbl!te Hous.e All?i-..
1t t oca

- t tebI rary
., , I11S al ell, scole , n , Ie SPOI tsmen s Club \\ as lugh m- spendll1g a 10 day leave at hiS
bet\\ een Samuel Weltz Plula and dlVldual \\ Ith 38-callbl e pIstol. I!tome 103 S Nal bel th Ave, Nal-
Balne\ Bellmgel Elkms Palk,
scole 92, 3d Skeets Andelson, scormg 281 pomts Alice
Nal bel th SCOI e 90
M t
a -Ibelth A member of the Ram w
t1le\\ s \\ as high m the women s DIVISIon statIOned at Camp Glll-

FI ank H Llchlenwaltel Execu- said he believed Belli Ie wa.~ 'try- complamed' to the OPA mumty Club of Nal bel th Amell- Plup: No\ elt\ 1st Ell1est Jen- c1l\ISlOn \\lth a sheet of 270 She Ibel Okla. Cpl Balto was the onlv
• bve SecletalY of the PenllSy!\ama mg to shield someone else" The COlPOlahon asked pelmls- can LeglOll post.~ In AldmOle Blyn kms Nalbelth 2nd BIllv Spen- IS an ll1stlUCtOl at Bloomall man millS dl\'ISlon to be sclected
Committee on all angements fOi The fl\ e customels said theY slOn to mClease the 'lental on all Mawl Bala-Cynwyd Nal bel th and Progress of Older CPI Uppel Dal b\ 3d Ho\\ ell I SpOllmen s Club Ito elItel Officel s' CandIdate
the 1944 Repubhcan NatIOnal \\ ele chal ged flom eight to 25 Mhel apartments at once Mellon, Nal bel th Volunteet Medl- Dletllcl1 Uppel Dal bv Jlln Chapman Manoa ace PIS- School At the cncl of hiS leave, he
-.. ConventIOn. has announced the cents per pound o\er OPA cellmg At $5 a month apiece thIS would cal COlPS. Nalbelth Palent Teach· Group of Children PllIg DIstance 1st, Batney Bel- tol shot topped a lalge fIeld Ofl\\lll lepOlt to Camp Lee, Va. to
appomtment of SIX Montgomelv mlces have meant $855 a month or a elS ASSOCiatIOn, Nalbelth Boy Stumps Judge hngel Elkms Palk 205 ft. 2nd 22-callbel shootels \\Ith Ius cald begIn \\olk at th. school, conduct-
Countlans as Honol al v AssIstant ----.--- $10260 a yeaI mCl e a s e ' Scout TlOOP No 1, Nal betth Gill Skeets Andel son, Nal bel tho 151 of 294 ~ po 111ts scollng 99 on slO\\ eC1 b\ the QUa,1 tellnastel s' COlPS
Sergeants-at-Alms to the Repub- Red Cross Calls The OPA turned down the le- Scouts, Narbel th Itallan-Amell- Contwlled all Page Tllrec fll e 9/ at tIme and 98 on Iapld The holdel of an expel t llfieman's
Ilcan N a tlonal Pie Sl d en II a I COl1 - F
'Venhon at ChIcago. which opens ~or
L d'
a les
quest after numelOUS heallngs M J
can Club. Nalbelth Baseball Club
land the cOlpOlallOn appealed ~o gl:1~a o~~~on, e;ete:'ClsSHe~~s- pupllsofMalgelvD CO\\lIn.Nal-
.,. onJe~be~:t~f the Comnutlee fot I Thel e IS an ImmedIate need fOl the Emer genc~ COUI t hIghest au- FI ank S Challengel. and Wilham I bel th aillst. and al e mstl UClO1 at
An annual alt exhibit of the
Bryn Mawr G-I .----.~-

If S
Joe Bavel of Holl11esbUig F medal Clll Balto has been at
and G A posted 290 as lunnel
up He lollee! up 99 pomts Ol~ Camp Gluber smce IllS induction
I h M Lite It R b 30 addItIOnal Glay Ladles to <el \C thOllt\ III Ihe countlY on puce I awson
~c~~ F1dOl Lre~d~~\\~f e~he ~tl~t; al the ValleY Fotge Genelal HOs- contlol QuestIOns
House of ReplesentatIves an- pltal Women bet\\een the ages I
nounced th~ leCOg11ltlOn' Imen of 21 and 45 \\ho ale able to
MontgomelY CounlY ale Repub- sel\e thlOUghout the summel, ale
0 ege
e--- - T
oun les
' f

Old Samt Petel s Chou School
PhiladelphIa opened at Nalbelth
Commumty LlblalY Monday, and
OS SWIll contmue fm thlee weeks
MIS Alexandel Zenker has on
IA-dI In- Army Tests
I apld fu (' Tim d pllze \\ ent to last \ eal.
BIll Bn ant \\ ho tmned III a to-I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lal of 288
In the \\omens' match fnl11g
22-cahbel pistols Alice Matthe\\s
\s\cOonllnf~lst98PI~Zte t~~eheil1;839ial~~;1
S PCtllr..,S
• IICan State Chan man M Hal\ey neecled no\\ The leque<t IS fO!
TaylOl MIS. M Malgelv SCI an- da\, eF\enmtlg and weekendd \\olk-
ton and G Mason O\\lett mem-I els 01
,. belli of the Repubhcan NatlOnal\ClaSS \\111 beRm late In June
lIs leason a avl1me
GetS Army C.)aIon
t t·
or on, en Ion 0

DISCUSSIOn of \\al-boln ploblem~1 medIUm

exhIbit landscapes mOll. and hel
Boroughs Association husband has turned to the sea f01 Immunl'zl'Ilg Agent
I IllspuatlOn, uSl11g pastels for hIS ~
T es t e dWh en St u d en t s a\\hllc
~~S~~ :i~c~r;;ch~~fs~~~~n:I\1u~~III
second \\ltl1 hel cald of 264 -
MIS Lestel Do\\ns hung up A couple of Mam Lmels ~III
_ _

Committee Teachel s \\ III find thIS a \ elY at- and post·wal plans \\ III 11Ighllght I MI s WIlliam Mc"ee has onc of 258 cal d fOl thn d hm I' a. I ell11l0n 111 Incllanapohs
The appomtces flom thl~ Coun- t1aetl\e sel\lce fOl the summel the conventIOn of the Penl1svl-1 hel well-kno\\n s21cel1s at the Get the Measles ----e_-__ am da\ no\\ Joe\ Bmns, fOlmer
~ tv ale Petel C Hess of Bala- months \\ Ith the Idea of contInU- \al1la State ASSOCIatIOn of BOl- I exhIbIt as well as flo\\ el studIes III '"IT d M Nal bel (h stal ha~ been plavmg
Cynw\'d. County CommlsslonelS 111fT Satulday. Sunday and e\e- Certificate Acknowl- oughs \\lllCh has schedUled ItslO1I MI; Natha11lel Watson IS 'l Yl1newoo an thele In Ihe Amellcan ASSOCIation
Fostel C Hillegass of Pennsbl1lg nmgs. next \\mtel All \\omen who edges TraI'nI'Ilg of 34th annual sessIon at the Ben- showmg sllli life and fiowel stud- The gllls at Bnn Mawl Collegc l\/farks 30 Years ancl one of illS new teammates
tlnd Fledellck C Petels of Ald- ale able to take palt m thIs most Jamln Flanklln Hotel Phlladel-I les and MIS L H Spelow who conillbuted to the Almv's flg-ilt J. - \\111 be Allie G\\mn assistant
mOle. Halold C PIke of Chelten- mtelestmg of sel\lces ma\ call Meteorology Stlldents phla on June 22 23 and 24 has been exlllbltl11g fleQUent1~, has With Penn Mutual baseball and ba.<ketball coach at
ham: Otlo QUInque of Halleys- AldmOle 3100 to allange for a The Montgomety and Delawale! man~ watel colms of neal-by agamst epidemiCS \\hen they got Ha\elfOld HIgh School
Ville and County Challman Lloyd pelsonal mtelvlew and anli fUl- i County BOlOughs ASSOCiatIOns ale scenes measles t\\O months ago. It \\as Helbelt Adam of 345 Wlstal • , •
~ H Wood of Evansbulg thel mfolmatlO~.:he\ may deSIre I The counlelpalt of an Almy- hosts to the comentlOn. A lOmt

~ HERE AND' I N b th B
ar er oy by Ha\elfold College. It was an- ouPdmatn'f the M dSIal' t sA
The pOltlalt glOUp, all begm- lepOlted last \\eek bv Dl. Joseph Rd. Wynne\\ood
Navv . E" a\\ al d has been leCel'ied Hcommtlttee, I1ea ded bv GdllS D nel s mclude MIS Leonald Dlake Stokes Jl, physlclan-in-cluef at PI eSldenl. celebl ated his 30th \\ Ith the Manoa A A m the Malll
second vice
econ , t\lce MIs' Challes Rams{'\ MIS H B Chlldlen's Hospital He said an an11lVelSal\ on June 8 as an eXt'- Lme League spent a pal t of last
G\\ll1n filst sUIng latcher and

'II d ' A t' nounced thiS \\ eek pi eSI en 0 e a e SsoCla IOn. Le\\ IS and MI s Rhoda CU11l1111" cutl\ e of the Penn Mutual Life I sea<on \\ Ith TI en ton m Ihe Inte1-
}(I e In c Ion The u\\ald a ceillficate flom IS III chalge of allangements I S I M L ... - Immunlzl11g agent the gamma InsUlance Compan\ Adam began State League One of the hea\-
Puvate Waltel RossettI, son ofl Bllgadlel Genelal S W Fltz- CommIttee I.nembels ale A R Sl~~ h:~:I~een ~~ed I~; ~~~I~f; globulm flactlOn of blood plasma. IllS caleel m 1914 as a membel of Ile<t 11Ittels m the 10lal CllcUlt
THERE Mr John RossettI, of centenmal ge,ald. Commandmg Genelal of Bllckle Rockledge. Leland Hovey Edw m Il\\ln, also begmnll1g pOl- \\ ~s. successfully tested on tile col- the undel wlltmg depm tment In two \ eal sago G\\ mn \\ as below
Road Penn Vallev 11as been re- the Almy Au FOices Easteln and WIlham J Slllllady. NOlllS- tIalt w01k IS knov.n fOl hh fiowel le"e students
pOl\ed kIlled m action m the Med- Technical Tlal11lllg Command, to\\n. VelDon E Wynne Consho- PlctUles '
1924 aftel bemg adnlltted 10 the pm last \eal and hadn't shO\\n to
, DI Stokes who I~ dnectol of bal he tlansfelled to the leg~1 too much ac!\antage to date How-
IlIll' CommISSIOn on Measles anel depalLment \\hele he advanced olnel hl~ fllends belIeve he'lI re-
by BETSY..ANN I Itellanean W d '
Alea ackno\\ledged the year of mten- hocken. Robelt E S,nnestvedt K
d b I f th- slve tlaml11g gIven bv Havel fOld C Acton and Phlllp C Pendleton The chlldlen ale diVided mto Mumps Almy Boal d fOl the In- the post of associate counsel Ten gam hIS u<ual fm m once he stal ts I
=-..",.=~~==~=====~e mOlD ~~~bl~ce~~l~t h~ ~~sd ~een to a umt of 200 All' FOlces PIe- Blyn Athvn. AlthUl Plelcev. AI- oldel and youngel glOUpS The vestHlation and Contlol of Inffu- yeats ago Adam \\as appomtcd plaVll1g ball evelY clay and appal-
- il lee. meteololgy stUdents The veal's dan, Edgal Ne\\ Ish Shalon HIll I oldel gloup have accomphshed enza and Othel EPIdemIC Db- assIstant \ Ice Pi eSldent ad\ anc-I cntl\ thc scout \\ ho slP:npc! hIm
"Hello I When dId YOU g~,t back? n~SSl1~g sl11ce NO\emlbel tFe was \\Olk \\as completed last Feblu- Aithul Bletheuck, Dalby, John H I much and each student ploglessed eases said the blooe! plasma mll: to second vice Plesldent 111 fOl Incllanapolls shales the same
-HoW lonl/; has It been? Whlle l a oal a tlansPOI sup la t \\as alY Reille, Palkslde to such a deglee that fOI the filStlPIOclllct IS the best matellal so 1941 1\le\\
luncheon 111 the "Village" \\ Ilh hiS I to! pedoed I The CitatIOn 1 ead 'm leCOgnl- ' .---- tIme, the Judge, Mal gatet BUgbee., fal a\ allable fO! PI eventlOn 01 A gl aduale of Temple U11lVel-
wife, Lt Com Joseph C Snyder I He enllsted m the Allny 11; A1Pll tlOn of the MelltollollS Sel VIC" Dr. Mallserl' WI'II Ilocal commelclal al tIst and Illus- modlficallon of an atlack on slty La\\ School Adam sel ved fUl !\I,lIJoa's 1cally UP al:amst It
just back flom 18 months 111 the 1943. and IS smvlved bv hiS at lei, lendeled the AAFTTC dUllng I tlatol. has been unable to make 1 measles SIX yeals as plOfessOi of InsUl- for lJlaHrs at the moment.
~ South PaCific. was welcomed home nl11e slstels, and tluee blothels, W01ld Wal 11." Att d I t' f a deCISion as to the best plogless The occullence of measlcs at ance La\\ He IS It membel of the Pitcher Bill O'Donnell has been
by hiS many fllends He IS homel Calmm. who IS statIOned In Italy, Tluee umts of the Almy Spe- en nspec Ion 0 I fOI the year of anyone student Blvn Mawr plovlded a lalge adult AssOCIatIOn of Life InsUlance accepll'd In' tl1I' Navy and re-
on 30 days leave and IS spendl11g Albet t, statIOned 111 Flollda, and clallzed TI ammg PI Ogl am \\ el e P OpO ed
thIS week at Cape May With hlslFled who llves m Narbelth. wlthdlawn flom Ha\'elfold when r S
H OSp la
f I Students m the advanced gloup gl oup expo~ed to Ihe dIsease. such Counsel
\\ho wII lecelve awalds fO! Plog- as IS lalely found outSide an Almy
pOI ts for duh' June 22 and the
Long actIve III CIVIC affans hel oth"r pltclll'rs, Walt Cantwell
I Wife and daughter. Pamela.
e *. ~
I ----.-
Use Spare No, 37
the Almy cmtalled much of thiS DI and MIS R GeOlge Ma11lell less dUllng the yeal mclude Vl1- post
plOglam about thlee months ago 108 S Nalbelth Ave, Nalbelth. gmla Shalp Diana Tashjian Au- Of 107 students 65 \\Ith no of Publlc ImD1ove~ents Commlt- "lth mjurles. Cantwell has
sel\e~ at Plesent as co-chal1man and Bob Allison. are shelved
Pvt GeOl ge Bleslow. J.,:fantl Y I F
• of Haverfold Ave, Is home on 10 1 ~ or
da~ furlough flom Camp Pickett.
• S
At plesent only a smali unit of Will take pal t m the fOlmal mspec- dl ev Donl11"ton Janet MUsser ple\ lOllS hlSlol v of measles \\ el e lee of Ihe CItIzen s CounCIl on three fractured llbs and Allison
pIe-medical and pIe-dental stu- Uon of the PloJected Rlvelslde Os- Baibala Ben~dlct Patllcla Plckel~ gIven 1l111amUscuiai I11Jections of Cit, Plalllnn g__.___ _
Canning sugal apphcatlons are dents lema111S. teopatluc Hospital. Sandy St. NOl- mg Floua Wallace. and Ruth II a small dose l5 cc) of gamma
I has It chipped elbow.
• • •
VlIginla. • * " bemg sent to local latlOnmg Howevel a unit of 17-yeal-olds llstO\\n. on June 18 flom 4 to 71 West globtlhn \\lthl11 SIX da\s of ex- Annual Concert Onl\ ncw pllchel Chick Mat-
boards WIth sugar stamp No 37 of the Almy Speclallzed Tlammg P M A buffet supper Will be sel v-
Dotothy Wolfe of the WAC \\as attached. mstead of spate stamp Reserve PI ogl am IS expected to ed on the glOunds.
the guest of Peggy Bonnel While No 37 These appllcatlOns cannot alll\'e thIS Summer Meantlmc.
The voungel glOUp I11clude Jack I posUle FOI ty-t\\ 0 othel
Cedel stlom Ruth II wIn Susannc cePllbles" \\ el e not tI eated
Rl\elvlew was opened as a medl- Van Dusen CalOl L<'e Rolll11s
The annual 1'1 eallve plano I e-
the\ Manoa mana"el has been
Of the fil~t gloup only one gill cltal bY the pUPIls of Malgalet able to sIgn fOl llnmedlate wOlk
t. on her fifteen day furlough flom be accepted Without the COllect CIVilian enrollment IS about one cal hOSPItal m 1917 and closed In Wavne Rennelsen, BIllv POOle de\elopecl a nOlmal case of ~~I~le~ \M II ~~ n~~d iI~~e iI211U~; tJ~~il ;m~~1 a~l;~e~~st~~ael ~~~~~:d:
Washington ~at~on~l filr Port I stamps thud of ItS peacetIme total.
---_0___ I
Malch of last yeat aftel 26 yeals' Taylot Ogdlll, Pluhp Robinson. measles ~Ight othel shad \ elY Luthel an Chmch Nal bel th and the \ elel an Ho\\ al d Cates, who

Navy Man Gets Leave to Marry-

, So many people have made thiS valuable sel vice to the community Nell Sulll\ an and Ronny Mm phy mild attacks Woodbm A 'e NIb h COlltl1lllcd all Page Three
Gunners Mate 3/C, Edward ellor that sugar stamp No 37 has' Otto Bettels Dies at Recently a gloup of osteopathiC Ruth IIWlll won filst a\\ald fOl Of the second glOlW 18 de- e__\_s_._a_e_l_t _
Contmuca on Page Two I been mvahdated bY O. P. A , phYSIcIans headed by Dl. Ronald plogless, Jack Cedelstlom and veloped nOllnal 01 se\ele cases I
, Narberth Man Says War P- rlsoners
Bryn Mawr HospItal E Amblel, of NOlllstown. deCided Susan Van Dusen tied fOI honol- anid flOUdl 11ad milidt cases TineI'
Funelal selvlces "ele held on to Ie-open the mstltutlon
L ef ty H steIl')
I · to L ead Bartra- able mentIOn a so lato no
- - . - - - - - - paled comp Ica Ions asIncom-
complicatIOns the
- F-Ine Treatment In- USA
Tuesday at Oliver Ban's, 1820
Chestnut st. Phlladelpllla, for 0
mJected gloup
The gamma globulm plovldes Meant-Ime U-IS Sh-IP S-mks In- PaCllC
, _ _ _
lotto C Bettels. of the Band APts I
Nal berth '
ated a cham of bakelY and Ice
Ml. Bettels. who fOlmelly opel- Ag'FII'')~t
cleam stOles III AtlantIC City. died
NFlrbertl. NI·,.e Salldayl'
...' II ~ ...'

Imn1Ul11Zatlon onlv fOI 1\\0 01
thl ee weeks Measles IS the til st
commu111cable disease 011 which
the plsama ploduct has been
tllea, but ph~slclans hope It will Lt Edwald G CampbelI Plob- highest tladltlOns of the Navy ~er­
• Louis de LOUIS. of 234 Woodbine tU1l1 to the job-then back to camp Fllday at Blyn Mawr Hospital Pi ove of value agal11st othel dls- ablv 0\\ es IllS life to falImg in vice'
Ave.. Narberth. is deeply Impless- for supper at 6 P. M followmg a long Illness He was 56 Nalbelth holds undisputed pos- Manoa and ColIegevllIc. has ploved I eases. paltlculally scallet fe\el love Campbell and IllS bllde are now
Mr. Bettels IS surVIved bv his sessIon of fnst place In the Mam it IS capable of beating any one The gamma Globull11 IS of little emoute !tele. he by all and 8he
ed with the tIeatment which our And Its not all wOlk. either. le- mother. Mrs Metta C. Bettels. a Line BasebalI League at the con- and now that the veteran Johnny benefit aftel the appealance of Lt Campbell. son of MIS Ed- by shIp Thev ale due to arrive
ports de Louis. Large recreation wal d H Campbell of 244 GyPSY thIS \\ eek Aftel a 30-day leave
• country accJlds prlsonels of war lOOms and movies ale prOVided blother. Adolph. and fOUl slstels cluslOn of the fnst lound of the Blllns IS on hand to give south- measles lash. La Wynnewood \\ as due to come whIch he \\ III spend \\ Hh Ius moth-
de Louis recently viSited a 11ep- and the men are alIowed' a cledlt Mrs WillIam Duel'. MIS. WIlliam schedule but not even the last paw Hallv Rob1l18on a hfe With ----.- - -
home flom the South PaCIfic last er. he \\ III be aSSigned to work
hew who Is an Italian prisoner of I of $24 a month Their cigarettes SMiss Howard Ml. P E. Beetem and place Aldmole LIOns ale cOllced- the pltclung at Aldmole. thele
Marie Bettels. mg the Iace to the defendmg doesn't appeat to be anything Gets Medal at Valley Fall Instead he asked and I e- l hel e
• war at Camp MIles StandIsh and the like al e PUI chased In ceived an extended leave to get A gladuate of Havelford School
M~ss, I camp on the coupon system. but
Intel'ment was 111 ¥ount Peace champIOns wlong with the Lions that a few
Forge Academy
The boys ale tlealed Just al'l they ale allowed $8 In cash fOl CemetelY.
.. well as our own:' he reported In PUlchases flam the outside
Thele were sevelal one-sided hits won't ClUe
games dUllng the fnst lOund but Bartlam outslug-ged Manoa. 9-6, Cadet Lieutenant Alexandel
mal lied. and the Whal ton School of the
The U S S Glaylil1g. on which IUmvelslty of Pennsylvania. Camp-
surprise. "They wear clothes slml- The cour tesy of the officers in Revoke Half of the teams that wele the victims at Vetelans Palk last Sundav. 111 a Zenkel. Jr. of MellOn, had the he was slated to t1 avel home. was bell Jomed the philadelphia Elec- I
lar to those worn bY our own chalge to people visltlnR the ])1'15- W '''A'' R made stiong comebacks and the game typical of the league, It was dlstmctlOn of bemR" awalded the sunk somewhele III the PaCific. tllC Company In the indllStrlal en-
soldiers and they are given thlee, oners also made a very favorable oman s ation league as a whole light now ap- nlp-and-tuck all the way WIth Good Conduct Medal for the wlule Campbell was honeymoon- g1l1eer1llg diviSion He Signed up
or four changes of clothing. At impI esslon on the Narbel th man Half the "A" gasolme rations of oeals example, welI balanced. neither team showing to mal ked fourth successIve \ ear at the mg WIth his new bllde. the fOlmer thlee ~'ears ago for the mldshlp-
this camp, there are 75 or 80 as did the fact that a bus waS Rose A. Ball. ROCkhill Rd. West offFor Btookllne polished advantage In other WOlds there's Commencement Exelclses of the Malgel'Y Jean Rail of Australia, man COUlse of the U S. Naval Re-
CoJlegevllJe. 5-2. to knock the little to choose between any of ValleY FOlge MlhtalY Academy. at
shower baths and twice as many I supplied to carry the vlsltols flom Manayunk have been revoked by Supellor Lt. Campbell was recently selVe Aftel gladuatlng flom the
'other toilet facilities:' the gate to the leceptlon hall I the Blvn Mawl Ration Board Tube Co. team out of a the clubs Wayne on ThlUSday. awarded a decOiatlOn by the Navy COUlse on the U S S Prame state
It's a good healthy life theY I fl1 st place tie last \\ eek And while Nal
The plisonels have chmch sel-I Acco'rdml{ to evidence ptesent- Al dmol e dr opped a 3-0 deCISion to I ung \Ii III be chalIenged this \\i eek
live. as de Louis tells It At 7 VIces every Sunday.
bel th 's place on the top Cadet Zenkel son of MI and f01; conspIcuous gallantlY as mem- 111 New YOI k. as an ensu:m: he
eo a' her healing she reeeived a Nal bel th It was a tll/;ht. well play- by Bal h am on the bOI ough dla- MIS Alexandel Zenkel 109 Mer- bel' of a torpedo contI 01 pal t\ of went to Peal I Hal bOl on the U.
A. M., they have a big breakfast "But their favorite pastime:' lenewal of her "B" latlon \n ed ball Il:ame alI the wav and the mond. The Rame OIlglnally was Ion Rd. \\ as In command of the the Glayll11~ His citation leads S S W1dgm. whence he was trans-
of ham, bacon. eRI{S and coffee. says \ie Louis. "is the study of the Malch to dllve to a war plant and Lions second platoon of the Mechanized for "splendid mltlatlve and vah- felled to the sl1bmanne service
then are taken out In ttucks to Engllsh language. Those boys SUle failed to sUllender the coupons lng than wele mOle Impressive In los- scheduled for Baltlam's field. but Battely which thIs Year won the ant devotion to duty undel ex- Campbell's father. R. former
do road work. At noon they come realize how lucky theY Rte to be when she Quit war work ShOI t1y theY were in wmnlng was ttansferted by mutual agree- Inter-compa.ny competition for tremely difficult conditions which pl'actlclnll: physician in Philadel-
back to a hearty dinner. They re- Plisoners of the United states," thereafter. th~r~~i~In~~f~ye.its Victories over ment. c~m;:ue~soJ'i~I1~I~~u;a the ency. Military and Academic profici- were an inspiration to his aS50- phla. is at p.csent commander of
ciates and in keeping with the the hospital ship, U. S. S. Refuie,

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