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Volo 29-Noo 21 NARBERTH, PA., TH1!RSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1944. '~1 PRICE

Local Swat King Ltads Parade

Third District VOtes
Narberth School 807 Pints of Blood

Opens Septo 5
·The Narberth PUbl1c~ School will
'\ open Tuesday, September 5. for
Donated In Drive
The Main Line Branch of the
American Red Cross reports a to-
Squire Denounce<
Borough Disposal (I';'::
a half-day session. A faculty tal of 807 pints of blood donated

9 To 1 To Change I ,meeting wlll be held in the after-

noon. After September 5, regular
full-day sessions wlll be held.
New pupils who have not yeti
registered will be able to do so on
I by volunteers' during the recent
drive from August 7 to 10.
W. D. Stapp, 559 Heath Road.
Merion; Mrs. W. A. Fox. 31 Nar-
brook Park. Narberth; Mrs. Emily

Poll Place To ChUrch

that date. Kindergarten pupils I Bowen. 239 Rock Glen Road. Penn

must be five years of 8.lte on 01'
before February 15. 1945. and first
grade pupils must be six years of
aRe on or before February 15. 1945.
New pupils must bring their birth
Wynne; Mrs. Elizabeth K. Long,
20 Welllngton Road, Ardmore;
Miss Sue Swartzlander. 107 Ard-
more Ave., Ardmore; Mrs. Dorothy
Knapp. 2416 Hollis Road. Mel'-
Abandoned Bicycles
P Of l p' h· Ch amp and vaccination certificates with wyn; Mr. George Pasfield. 9 Lang- r------------~.
Th Irty ercent Safety Committee Re-
ItC lng I them when registering. don Lane. Narberth; and MI'. H. Former Main Line
Voters··Expressed II;~=-
' ,;Mer.·on B-oo,y, 13, Is ~o~~n:er:~~~a~iR~~~~~S ~~~
~~~b~oW members of' the Gallon
News Man on Staff
Of ~amp Paper'
ports 10 Stop Sign
An 0 pinion : " Violations
"F'Irst PI'
010 V·ICt1m
Six donors passed the Gallon Pvt. James. H. Smyth. for-

ecor s Set
Club mark. merly associated with Lower
Narberth 1'egistered voters • I Merion Newspapers, Inc., pub- Confiscation and sale of
in the third district have \'ot- I ~~r~~~ °Je~~e a~al~h~Yn~~1~ abandoned bicycles was de-
!Thornas Warns
ed nine to one to mo\'e their
polling place to the gymnas-
ium of the Baptist Church of :Against Swimming,
t onleal VllIage
Liner, writes us from Ft. Mc-
~lemlleamnbe~~a~a'rhae :d~et~~I~e s~a~~
of The McClellan Cycle, a U. s.
n,ounced by the newly ap-
p'ointed Justice of the Peace
Vincent Colleli at a meeting
the Evangel.
In Township Army camp publication.
Pvt. Smyth, who formerly of the Narberth Borough
At, presen~ it is located in the T he first case of infantile par- All Records for Free lived in sending
"I am Bala-Cynwyd.
you a writes:
copy of Council Monday night.
S cou t H ouse a t EI mwoo d an d E s-
sex Aves. The churcll Is only a ,aIYSIS . t 0 b e rep01' t ed In ' LOwer I
Stye '
Events Were our camp newspaper which we Just1'ce ,of the Peace Collell'
I Merion Township this year oc- get out once a week and as a d t f h t h' d
long block away at Elmwood and I cU1'l'ed on Wednesday, August 9. Shattered In Meet member of the staff I have seme SOl' 0 S Y a IS e-
Narberth Aves. I when James A. Dunlap, 13, of 517 gone back to a lot of stuff I nouncement but nevertheless
The tally of the unique poll of Baird Rd.. Merion, was diagnosed used to do when I worked with fir'm in his insistence that the
opinion was 161 in favor of mov- as a victim of th~ disease. ' Four new records were set at you on the Lower Merion
ing- the polling place of 17 oppos- JImmie was taken ill at the Y. Colonial Village in the weekly Newspapers. Like all other councilmen take up the bi.
ed. With 600 registered voters in M. C. A. camp at Downingtown swimming meet- Tuesday after- weekly newspapers we do all c"cle question. His whispered
the district this means that ap- and 72 other children who were noon as both the weather and the sorts of jobs from reporting to J
proximately 30 per cent express- in attendance are quarantined at type setting to proof reading complaint was hardly audible
l'd a preference. This about the their homes by their local boards competition waxed Quite warm. ~nd. wind up thbe week by de- beyond the r'al'll'ng of the
percentage of votes cast in an 01'- o~ health for observation. The The leaders In the competition llvenng papers a out the camp.
dinary and unexciting primary. c:amp has been closed. for the President's cup struggled The only thing we don't W01'l'y councilman's hearing room.
The ballot box has been in Davis The boy's condition is reported about is the advertisers since
Store and the deadline for voting as good Apparently a light case, Narberth's Buddy Walker, perennial Main Line League base- valiantly to gain in point totals Uncle Sam is our one and only What Magistrate Colleli wanted
was Wednesday at 5 P. M. only one arm and shoulder are ball champion, is making local. swat history again. but it W8.'l not they who set the patron," to knbw was why Lower Merion
Since this letter was written police were allowed to come to
There still remains some tech-
Dlcalities before authority is re-'
ceived to change the polllng place. JIM CRAIG
affected, his mother said. and the
Sister Kenny treatment was start-
ed as soon as the diagnosis was
He's currently celebrating' his 31st seasOn by leading the
parade in the runs batted in department of the league. In 14
games, Buddy has knocked across 16 tallies and has a batting
new records. Only Lena Lamb"
who ranks third With 62 points, on Juiy 28 Rvt. Smith was dis-
charged betause of age and is the borough. haUl away a.bandon-
A petition must be circulated for confirmed. He is responding average of .263, which in itself Isn't anything to get excited about was able to get in this select, now living at 5413 Ridge Ave., ed bicycles and then sell them at
the change and the signatures of Narberth pitcher who topped splendidly, Mrs. Dunlap reported. except that Buddy is 46 and a grandfather. group of new title holders. Dana I Roxborough, where his wife auction.
ten registered voters obtained. the Main Line League with 11 No Cases Nearby Walker, whose fUll name is Martin Van Buren Walker. has who lives In Wayne, bettered the made her home while he was If borough bicycles were to be
After Board
County this of

Sloners.' fix at d'


date for a hearing

tl t'
com- victories

He'll oppose

L M Narberth
and onlyBartramtwo m .defeats.
posed of three county comIDls-, off opener at Narberth Sunday. se('tion. Haverford Township has
play Jimmip's case I'S the first in this

- - - - no cases so far this year, nor has

Narberth Borough. Last year,
worked for the Philadelphia Gas WOI'ks sl'n ce 1933 . A cal' p
by trade, he is employed in rebuilding and repairing automotive
equipment in the company's transportation dIvision at 8th and
Montgomery Ave.
ent er tl me 0f Lo l' ie Mar tln. 0 f Cynwy.
when she raced 50 yards free
t I i 437
s yen . secon s.
d Til
e prev -I
BrooIdeme PIays
d away.
.____ so Id t Ile .._T
us t'Ice of th e P eace said
that Narberth should do the selI-
ing and the money shOUld go into
the borough treasury.
whi cIt JS pos e 111 le vo mg IS-
trict. When the hearing
held the Election Board makes I,
its decision.
Advantages and disadvantages I'
GOP Women Meet
' •
Lower Merion Township had no

m 1941 In t 1942,
, en cases.
there was
Robert J. Thomas, health of-
one. and week
The father of five boys and two girls, he received word three
sago 0
f tlle d ea tllOIS f h' son, W'II'
I lam.
on July 12. Two othel' sons. AI and John, are also in the army
18' t
,In ac ion in Italy
ous record was 44.8 seconds. .
au' M urp h y, 0
nosed out Art Beamish In the 50-
3'ard free style race for Junior
f GI a d wyne,
For FourthPIace Then Justice of the Peace col-
lell' leal'ned for tile first tl'me that
Lower Merion police were not un-
invited guests. That When three
of the two places are described al> I ,ficer for Lower Merion Township,
,said yesterday that although the a
"Are you going to play any more baseball?" he was asked by
sports writer who was thinking of Babe Ruth's retu·ement.
boys to set a new record of 37.8
seconds. The previous record of
01' four bicycles accumulated they
were called to haul them away
f oII ows:
Scout House: IIdise!'se
d'd hadt struck early
'd' It this t year.
s f "I suppose so. I don't see why not," Buddy replied. 38.1 seconds was hel d y Art WI'nner To Oppose
b Eventually the ' matter was l'e-
The present polling place known
s th S ut H us h s o ' ~en
tilatl~n, ~s he~t~d ~y Pk~~'o~en~
IN ew P rogram St :lrt t 0
lC I no consl el
epid'~mic proportions.
He listed the following precau-
Boy SAd
ye a 0 - - - - ,
0 t t
CU SOl en.
All BD0ty Deles 'I
Beamish, of ',Vynnewoocl.
Ruth Marley. of Overbrook, in 'I
a very close race won over Betsy
S e cond PI a ce Manoa
ferred to Councilman Franklin C.
Hutchinson, chairman of the pub-
lic safety committee. The councll-
stoves which gi~e off .0,b!1oxious Oct ?50 LI'st Plans for tional)' measures and urged their Webber, of Ardmore. and Jeanne In Playoffs man stated that hereafter the bi-
odors, has no tOIlet faCilIties and
i~ !nadequate in space to care ef- I '44-'45
flclently for any number of voters
at rush hours. In It s favor. it

.... ,

observance by every reSident of
the township:
Do not swim in polluted wa-
tel'. The streams of the town-
InSID u Iy In N. y
avage five Sdd e
Brangan, also of Ardmore, to set
a new record of 16 seconds'in the
,25-yard free style race for Semor I
cycles would be kept in the Bor-
ough garage at Haverford and
Barely catching their breath Conway Aves., and a notice would
girls. The previous record of 16.2 after one of the closest and giddl- be posted on th~ bUlle.tin board of
might be pointed out that the Mrs. John Y, HUber. Jr.. presl- ship are NOT safe for swim- seconds was held by Jeanne Bran- . , the Pennsylvama RaIlroad Com-
~tIUcture is conveniently, located dent of the Lower Menon-Nar- mingo gan. est flmshes m the long history of pany station of the new arrange-
in relation to the statl~m and I berth Council of Republican Wom-
tlterefore readily acceSSible to I
Avoid fatigue. Get plenty of
Bryn Mawr Troop 3
Succumbs Whl·le On Betsy Webber. of Ardmore. set a the Main Line Baseball League, ments.
new record of 40.1 seconds in the two contenders for the title will The Public Safety Committee
persons going to and from the en, en~ertamed 15 members of the
trains. The building is owned by CounCil executive board at .her diving into cold water when ov- '
Avoid sudden chills. such as Won District
B' T . ROt
uSlness rIp, I es
0 50-Yard free style race for girls start play Sunday in the preliml- of the Narberth Bo,rough. Council
of any age. Jeanne Brangan, of r:ary playoffs while two others reported 10 stop Sign VIolations.
the State. Bankin~ Department. home Tuesday fallowed !>y a board, erheated... . Last FrIday . Held Saturday
I Ardmore, held the old record at ~11l go to the mat to determine and 2 parkin~ violations during,
any time. thereby obhgmg the
and c~ncelvablY mIght ~e, sold at meeting when plans for next!
,. , ,. d' d I Campaign ~gall1st house fl!es.
They are belIeved to be carners
, I 40.4 sec.
Dudley Foster, of Strafford. I "
which shall compete in a similar ,JUlY a~ the Nalberth Council meet_
ing Monday night. They also stat-
district to get a ne~ polling place. Ye~h~ l~~~:~~5~~~:'~gr~~;l\~irl start of the disease. . Funeral services were held last with two blue ri~bons. two red rlb- I sel~~sl:berth's defending cham- ed that Harry Girvin, 13, of 203

Boy ...,cout troops and Cub packs

Church Gyu:naslUm: . with a tea on October 24 at the, . Other Dlseas~s _ of the Mal~ Lme Will take a vlg- I Saturday for Allen B. Doty, of 209 I bons and a whIte one, totaled 17 1 pions, finishing in first place for Price Ave., was struck by a car
The gymnasIUm of, the Bapt~st home of Mrs Owen J Toland of I Othel contagIOus diseases re CIOUS part In the waste paper COl-I Lantwyne Lane Narberth Continued on Page Two the second straight year opens its driven by F. R. Egmore, 19 Elm-
I MI'. Doty. head , . .. _.._
Church would prOVIde' rOOlDler A b'
facilities for the polls and its use u ley Roa , ~ynne~,ood. some
should tend to .S'" \~ ,nead' UP V:otlll'
0' at of the outstandmg
d' "
'ported during the week endmg I '
'uled-fol' the"co~ seaso~~'" - - b.....,IDUlIl .--~.," _.
t 11 't,'o chickenpox ectlOn campaign.
wpesle ~ I' L. B.
Curtis distl'ict commis...
of the auditing
1 department of tha Wire Associa Tk
a es F·Irst Game
--- -- -
I ff d " ,
p ayo
Bartl'am at Narberth's
' .. .
. wood Ave on July 1 Egmore took
Il\e agamst thlld place the boy t'o Bryn Mawr Hospital.
b I f h
r.ush hours.. Heatl1!g,. ventilatIOn, Delegates will attend the 22'nd '
ll~httland tOI~~t. fa{i}~~~les W~UI~.~~ annual convention of tlle Penn-
:~e~e~r Sm)eel~~~ilon ~; lb~ s~~ut sylvania coun.c.~1 o~ Republican
Regis'trat·Ion Day ISI
ISlOneI', • •
has called a meeting of alii tlon of Philadelphia, died on Wed-
Scoutmasters and Cubmasters to nesday, August 9, in Beekman
be held this Friday evening at the, Hospital, New York city. while
..- - , -

In League PIayoff
Fill!.d Narberth at 3 P M The The boy suffered ru ses 0 t e
team' first winning thl:ee 'games right leg.
out of the scheduled five will
qU~lifY for the championship ported during July. but patsey
No cases of rabies have been re-

House. the church gymnasium is Women at HalI1sbulg on Novem-

less than a block from the pres- ber 14, 15 ~nd 16: The .~heme of
ent polls and should not work a the conventIOn \l'dl be The Rc-
.f llardshi on anv voters Permis- I publican Patterns of the Future."
Addedat NarberthI IArdmore Y. M. C. A. to launch lover there on a business trip. He
the drive
L. K. Bontm, chairman of the
I ..
was 58
A native of Rensselaer Falls,
wound up In second place but WIll

be idle this week, while Brookline

r:~I~~ ~fd;g ~~vb~~:i birv~: ;:~~I~:
Manoa ~. A., finallst last ye~r, er, of 225 DudleY Ave., Narberth.
Eighty-three garbage complaints
slon fO;!l use of the gymnasium as I O~ December 5 a Christmas Par- IPhiladelphIa Paper Salvage Com- N. Y., he was a graduate of the i Clinches Game in 9th and Collegevil!e set,tle the argu- I were rece~v~d ~y th~ Wate~tLlght
the polling place for the district I ty Will be held at the home of Mrs. Imlttee and Dr Howard Wayne Potsdam (N. Y.l Normal School. I N b th ment as to which WIll be Manoa's and Hea t ommlttee w.eetsn
• has been iven b the Board of Huber, Council president.
Trustees a~d the ymembership of The January. meeting will be d~-
Septem b er 18 an d 21',SmIth., . He was a member of the Insurance I
chau'man of the Lower S?ciety in Philadelphia, and of St. '
To Defeat ar er playoff opponent. The Hares and I July 12 to 18. The complam
Colonels finished in a tie for I were brought by the fact that the
. '
I the Baptist Church on the Evangel voted to an internatIOnal tOPIC
. and, at the .Febru.ary meeting a
L'IS ted F or R eSI·dents' Menon Councll of Defense, WIll James Lodge, F. and A. M. He was
,:Jddress the Scouters. ~ls.o a m~mber of Na'rberth's AUXIl-1
Team 5 to 4 fourth place, necessitating an i garbage was not collected. The
extra game to decide the posi- ~ause ~f thIS wa.s the fact that the
national subJect wil be presented.
A .discussion of Pennsylvania's
Convenience I ..
Bryn Mawr Winner
,. .
lalY Pohce :!:"orce.
Mr. Doty IS survived by his wife, I
Taking a two run lead in the tion at neutral Veterans Park.llegulal collectOl was not workiI;1g,
". Darby and Manoa Rds., Brook- I a':ld the new man was not famihar
HERE AND Legislative and Post War Plans is
M,~rch. 2~. ..".
BI~n Ma\\1 TlOOP 3, Boy Scouts, Mrs. Helen Doty; a daughter, Mrs. first inning, OUI Mother of Good line. Sunday at 3 P. M.
slated for an evening meeting on j Ar. additional daY for voting ,of the Church of Our Mother of IHelen zwart: and a .son, Cpl. Allen Counsel took the first game In a
,registration has been fixed for' Good Counsel, was the winner at B. D~ty, J1., statl~ned at Fort two out of three game series. to polishing off Brookline, 4-2, in its East of ~arberth A~e .. and ~n the
Manoa helped create this tie by
With the rounds.
ResIdents of Narberth IlVlng
, .

Soclahzed Medlcme WIll be dls- Narberth. it was announced this the Main Lme Dlstl'lct meet last KBe~nmg,. Ga. A gla~ddaughter, determine the champion of the final game last Sunday, while Col- South Side of b~rth Will be
cussed on Api'll 24 at a luncheon week
meeting when officers will also be
Triwellng registrars of the Fnda~' 1l1ght, at the Haverford vives. "
alen Ellzabeth Zwal t, also sur-
" Main Line, Junior
legeville was drubbing last place notified that theu gal bage collec-
Ba.seb.all Ardmore, 9-4, thereby ~nciing the tion Will ~e changed from Satur-
by BETS JL - elected. . Montgomery County RegistratIOn College AthletIC Field. I FOI~O\\,lng, ~,he funelal selvices I League. when It defeated Nalbel th Colonels' four game losmg streak. day to Fllday.
• ,'The speakers for these meetmgs Commission Will, sit at Elm Hall, The Bryn Mawr troop placed ~t OIlV)l ~!U1 s, .1820 9hestnut St., Boys Club, 4 to 3, Sunday afte~;-
WIll be an.nounced l~ter. by Mr;s. Forrest Ave .. Narberth. on Mon- first m the tug-of-war and slg- hi~ade ~lematJon. was at noon, August 13, on the lattel, s which team wl1l be its rival, It SerVICeS. HId
e For
----0- -- -
If Manoa has an inkling as to

! Last Friday the War Depart- Carl H. ZIP!, CounCil. Vlce-Presl- day, September 18. The registrars nailing, took fourth place 111 knot-I We t La~~II!:I_Ceme~!y.
ment notified Mr. and Mrs. James dent and program chan·man.. will also sit' on Thll1'sday, Sep- tying and filth place 111 the 100 i Wt P D e
home field. The second game Will knows a lbt more than the re-
be Played S!1 nda :v:. August 20. (~~ Continued on Page Four

as e aper rive aln ALNe

• • IehI
W. Barnett of 143 Merion Avenue A~so at the, TUe~d~y m~etmg, tember 21. at Elm Hall as previ- yard dash. It was the only troop the. ?Olo FI:ld 111 Bryn MawI, ..

that their son, Sergeant James b.oald mem~~~s e.n:dOlsed l~sol~l- ously announced.
Barnett. of the 501st paratroop tlOns W~~Ch leaffl~,m our .~alth In Any persons not registered.
Infantry. was a German prisoner. the Mel1t System and recom- young men and women who have more Presbytenan Church took
to place in all four events.
Ardmore Troop I, of the Ard-
Gtt. R
staltmg at ~.3? P. M:
Ray Deselt le~lstel ed. 12. stl1ke-
o,uts w~i1e allowl~g Nalbelth only
.' T each---S-t--d--Ch'
ers u y
Store Food System
e mg espouse
You know the~' had previously mend t~lat wom,en be employed on come of age (21 years on or before second place in the meet AI:dmore SIX. hits. ,Jeffe,nes ~atU1ed 10
.' been notified that he had !>een the baSIs of. theu' qualificatl01?s !or November 8, 1944) and those pre- Troop 2, of St. Mary's 'EPiscopal whll~ allOWing hits. . Twenty-five Eastern Pennsyl- I .
mis~ing since D Day. Everywhere a~ oc~upatlOn without discnmm- viously registered who have moved Church. came in third; Menon . With ,two out In the filst In- vania vocational agriculturai I Body Found F oabng
you went people were exclaiming. atlOn.
"Have you heard about Jimmy ----.------
from another county in the State Troop 2 f th F" d M t· g
I ' t t·· I 1 ,0 e l1en s ee In
n!ng. S\\een~y beat out an infi~ld teachers, three from MontgomelY I
hit for a smgle and Domemck County on Thursday toured ware-I
InS h uyIk·ll
cWeek R'
Barnett?" The happiness people BI'llloard Cues Are or w losef ~'egls ra Ion las apsed House, came III fourth; and Rad-
due to allure to vote for two nor Troop I, of the Wayne Pres-
Meeting of Scout followed with a home run deep in houses. supermarkets and bakeriES
left center field to give Desert a
j felt for his parents and the hope R yea,rs, may appear and become bytenan Church, and Ardmore M A 18
t two l'un lead for Good Counsel in Philadelphia on an educational
~ for his return was expressed by equested, Red Cross registered. It IS also urged that Troop 3, of the Ardmore Metho- as ers ugo In the sixth Domenick walked tour arranged through the penn-j
everyone. ...... I The chairman of the Camp and women ":ho have ~~~anged theh: dlSt. Church, tied for fifth place. To Discuss Plans and scored on a double by Ham~ sylvania Chain StOre Council. Funeral services were held Sat-
LOUise Barnett. Jnnmy's sisler. I Hospital Committee of the Red name tlno.ugh mall1age. appeal EIghty-seven Scouts and 37 monds to increase the visitors' Studyinl\' t.he chain store sys- urday morning at William Frank-
• C a?d re-reglster under thell' mar- I Scouters attended the meet. lead to 3 to 0 t~m of dlstnb:ltion. the teachers enfield's undertaking parlors in
had written Jimmy'S commanding ross has received reQuests for r~ed names ~o as to eliminate pos-I Twenty-one troops were repre- The need for waste paper for war After beinO" held to three scal-- VIsited establishments of the Ardmore for Alfonso Nicholson,
officer in hope of some news of twelve billiard CUes. a NO.4 ball. SIble c.onfuslOn. , . sented.. ' purposes seems to be reachng Into tered hl·ts I·...n the fil'st six I'n'- American Stor~s and the A. & P. 119 Grandview Rd., Ardmore,
~ her brother, B'elow is part of his and. a triangle to be Used by the
: l'eply to her letter Which she re- servICemen attached to the Hav-
R t - I
.~gIS rars Wl1~ be 10 Lower, An. unusual affair wa~ a demon- tJ:1e homes of Lower Merion Town- nings, Narberth tied up the ball
Food Stol'es leal'nln
. . R
at fi t I
I b d
rs w Jose 0 Y was oun m c uy-
f d' S h I
ceived last Saturday-the day af- erford College Unit. MthellTon sePlt~mbBel'12d5.' 26 and 27 at 'stratlon of wood-choppmg by the Iship. In response to a call from game in their half of the seventh hand how f!'Jut and produce are kill RIver near Flatrock Dam by
tel' the War Department had no- I:!0nations may' be left at the e owns up Ul. mR. Ar d more. 'national axe champion. He cut M' l. . When, after two were out. Powell received at the warehouses and two fishermen a week ago Wednes-
• tified his parents that he was a MaIn Line Headquarters, Mont- f~d T°tl~erl ,localities throughout Ithrough a 12 inch elm log in 54 M\rr ~nk G. BR;ennif ' . JI., of got on base on Coladonato's errl)r. L~~~heeo;o~~ef;~lda':t~ , dafile two fishermen were Lertu•
German prisoner. Iwmery Ave.. and St. GeorO'es . . Rd.
.. ---0----
e o\\ns - lip. seconds, and thl'ew an axe , in such Is be~ sof Boy venue,
aWl, mem-
No 1 Sh Joyceh then
d walked; e a single n by th U Ion League ~nd was f 0,I - Daniels of 1338 Poplar st., Phil- ~.
"Sgt. Barnett's ship got sepa- Ar d more. or call Ardmore 3100 to
rated from the formation and he arrange collection.
Helen Blake Is a way as to cut in two a chip plac- and 3 f A'd
ed on a log some distance away. " 0
I mOle ca e a
11 d t h' ep ar scored Powell; and low.ed by a, dlscuss.lon perIod. In adelphi'a, and Gerald McKeon of
IS Joyce and Shephard scored 011 h ffi d
• jumped quite a waY from the ... Virgil Woodcock, assistant scout- IeSldence !ast Saturday and. re- McQuiston's triple to right cen- w l,ch cham 0 clals e?Cplalne 330 River Rd.. West Manayunk.
h did j fi Id H
IR e.1Ief P.ayment s Drop Made Ensign master of Bryn Mawr Troop I, m oved ove~ a to~ of old magazines tel' field. then' method .of operatIOn and Daniels said that he had passed

t~ed ~~th ~m~m:1l . gro~passi~d Helen T. Blake. daughter of was in charge of first aid. ca n? papels which he had very In the eighth. Good Counsel answered QuestIOns of the teacn- Nicholson sitting in his car about
fought for three days. Some were !?Irect relief payments made to M Winners in the various events alefully b~ndled an.d bagged for again took the lead when Swee- ers. 4.30 P. M., listening to the base-
captured, some were kl11ed. I be-, resl~ents of Montgomery County r. and Mrs'. Thomas W. Blake, were' salvage. ThIS paper IS now on its ney singled advanced to second S.amuel L. ~orst, vocational ball game on the radio. Daniels
lIeve that Jim was captured, this aunng the week ended August 4 gf 506 Rock Avon Rd.• Narberth, Tug of war-1 Bryn Mawr 3' 2 way t.hroUgh the ,Propel' channels on Desert's infield out. and scored agnculture adVIser for Bucks. asked him what the score was and
• belief is based on unconfirmed show a decrease of $2.90 under ~stl~:e~X~~.issloned an ensign Ardmore 2' 3 Al:dmore l' 4 Rose~ to relIeve the natIOnal shortage. on McDermott's double to right Lehigh and Montgomery counties, Nicholson replied that it W8.'l 3 to
reports. We later took the ai'ea those of the previOUS week. Pay- A graduate of Lower Mel'lon mont 1 . , , , Sample~ of the prope~' methods field. headed the group. 2.
on which these men were fighting ments ~or the week totalled $584- High School in 1939. EnsiO'n Blake Knot~tYing _ 1 Ardmore l' 2 of bundlmg .and bl;lggmg scrap Good Counsel added another In Present fro m Montgomery About 7.30 Daniels came back to
• -their graves were marked and .10 which was $153.40 less than tt d ... Ardmore 2' 3 Ardmore 4' 4 Bryn ·p~per are bemg e~lllbited in the the ninth to make the score 5 to County. were: V,. S. Ensminger, the cal' and there was no one in it,
there was no grave for him, YOll those of the comparable week of !} en ed West Chester State Mawr 3' 5' Wayne 1 " Windows of the PhIladelphia Elec- 3 as Cantwell led off with a sln- ~ast Gleenvllle high school. C!l1- he said. Shortly afterwards he saw
~ will be notified in time by the War last Year. t~eac~~~'~~~eColleRe before entering Signaillllg _ 1 !Bi'yn Mawr 3' tric Co.• Lancaster Aye., Ardmore. gle. advanced on Quinn's Infield vm S. T. pott~. Hatfield 1~lgh what appeared to be a man's body
• Department of his whereabouts, 2, Radnor 1 . ' , Another call receIved, tells of Continued on Page Two school a~d ~Ied W. EUl'lch, in th-.: river. He telephoned Lower
Please try not to won·y. just hope
and trust for the best.

Ine Baseball League 100-yard dash-1 Merion 2' 2 1,000 pounds of scrap paper at 102
Ardmore 3' 3 Ardmore 7' 4 Glad~ Avon Rd., Narberth. This will be
Schwenkvllle high school. Merion Police.
Coronel' W. J. Rushong, who in-
• "Foi'the work we did over there
we received the Presidential Clta- PITCHING RECORDS I' , WYlle l' 5 Bry'n Mawr 3' ,
. picked up shortly by Boy Scouts
covering that area.
Mal'n LI'ne Baseball League ...
vestigated the case gave suicide as
the cause of death. He had at-
tlon. Guess we'll be 'cockier' than Season -----0---- - . L. B. Curtis. District Commls- INDIVIDUAL LEADERS tempted to take his own life
~ ever now. It was not as rough as
I had expected. but was the rough- Player
R ..
sloneI' o.f thE; Boy Scouts on the
Main Lme, IS call1ng a meeting
, Season 1944 March 6 by slashing his wrists and

est I'd seen. The most beautiful
• sight in the world were the slop-
py looking infantry men coming
in force up the road from the
LitwhiIer. J:~:
Hetrick Brook!' ....... ~
O'Donnell Mar: ne .••• ,. 2
S b k' oa ••• 0',
19 14 3 3 0 1.000
4 2 5 1 0 1.000
10 4 8 1 0 1.000
ecelvlng BenefIts
.. i 1
The dlstributl n f tl
0 0
'11' r
Friday, August 18 at 8 P. M. at
soc a security" benefits now in a. w llC lIme instructions wllI be
M. C. A., Ardmore, of all
Je ml Ion s~oul .n;ast~ers on the Main Line
Cantwell, Manoa .•.• , •...•• , ...•. 35
AB. R.
Nicholson would have been 19
years old today. He was married
and proceedings fQr a divorce were
almost complete. On receiving his
.' beach." 0 cza , Narberth .••••• 1 62/3 6 2 3 1 0 1.000 force illustrates viVidly the family gIVen and an organized drive Kennedy, Brookline ••••••.•.•...•. 42 10 17 405 divorce he was to be married to
.. • gOI~tein, Bartram '" 1 2 1/3 0 2 0 1 0 1.000 Imp rt f F d 1 Id d throughout the area wil be under- Jepson, Brookline ••.•• , •.. ,...... 48 9 19 '396 Ruth Carlin of 119 Grandview Rd,.
survol·VOal.nSciensouraen eeraHoC -aHge an tt~kenDbYfithlte Boy Sco)lt Orgeniza-
0 "

Evan H. Street, Jr., son of Mr. g

cralt , IN 1 aMrberth •..•••. 15 114 89 75 16 11 2 .846 Frick. Collegeville ....•.•....•.... 48 14 19 '396 where he had a room in the home
and Mrs. Evan H. Street of 501 an we, anoa ..••••. 10 812/3 58 41 12 6 2 .750 c, . . Oover, Ion. e n e areas WIll be asslgn- Holst in B t 43 . of Miss Carlin's mother. .
• Kenilworth Rd., Merion, entered L. ~mlth, Brookline ••.• 4 30 32 25 9 2 1 .667 manager of the Norristown office ed to each troop who will visit the p e t ca~{am ili ... , , • , . . . . . . .. 37 7 17 .395 He had been in the real estate
the Navy. August 10. - I Sulllvan, Bartram .••••• 9 57 52 32 35 of. the Social Security Board homes in an effort to get into the ancoas, 0 egev e ••.•....••... 9 14 .378 and insurance business at 27 E.
~\ 0 .. .. Nace, Collegeville ..••••. 14 861/3 90 71 34 3 2 .600 pomted out Yesterday. proper channels for salvage, waste :OgrShN B~oo~lIne ....•.•..•...... 35 8 13 .371 Lancaster Av,e., Ardmore, until
Pfc. Gilpin Allen, son of Mr. McCunney, Bartram •• ,. 4 18 2/3 28 11 12 6 6 .500 While many persons think the paper, large Quantities of maga- oy e. ar er h , .. ,....... 44 15 16 .364 some months ago when he moved
and Mrs. Gene Allen of 1324 Rut- Aspell, Brookline 11 682/3 71 61 26 31 1 .500 Plrdogram provides benefits only in zines, newspapers. etc.• Which are ~~~wAI:mo~e . kil' 53 5 19 .358 to the Times Medical Building.
land Lane, Wynnewood, is home McLeOd. Ardmore ..•••. 11 54 5 .375 0 age, Mr. Hoover said, it is slg- stored in attics and basements an a. roo ne .•.....••..... 52 9 18 .346 Suburban Square. He was a mem-
• on a 14-day furlough from Camp H. Robinson, Ardmore. " 4 63 36 35 2 5 .286 nificant to note that nearly 40 per throughout the community. RUNS-BOYle, Narberth. 15. bel' of the Main Line Kiwanis
Mackall. North Carolina. T rff B 23 28 5 7 1 3 .250 cent of the million beneficiaries The Township trucks will carry RUNS BATTED IN-Walker. Narberth, 16. Club.
• • .. T unr:?C I, rookllne ••• 1 12/3 5 0 4 0 1 .000 are children and young widows placards advertising the special HITS-Ash, Ardmol'e; Frick, Collegevllle; Jepson, Brookline, 19. A brother John in the Army
.. Lt. Robert Dowd of the Naval om son. Narberth .•••• 3 9 1/3 11 7 8 0 1 .000 who have children receiving $2,- drive. TWO BASE HITS-8traccione, Manoa, 5. and a sister: Mrs. 'John Barry of
) Reserve. Wired his Wife. Ruth sup- Palmer. Brookline .••••• 1 4 9 4 4 0 1 .000 155,000 a. month in benefits, and Offers of cooperation are being THREE BASE HITS-Jepson. Brookline; Vanderslice, Collegeville, 3'1 the Bala Golf Club. survive.
Plee. Dowd. that he is on his way Hallman. Collegeville ••• 3 16 1/3 16 11 5 0 1 .000 288,000 children of deceased or received from the various apart- HOME RUNS-L, Smith, Brookline. 2. --.--
home from India. Heberton. Ardmore ••••• 4 15 16 11 10 0 1 .000 l'etlred workers receiVing $3,550,- ment houses in the Township STOLEN BASES-McClure. Collegeville 10. R 1 f P
t D
• • • Mills. Collegeville ...•••• 4 172/3 25 6 2 0 1 .000 000 a month.. which have been asked to help in PITCH~G-Craig, Nal'berth (W. 11. L: 2, PC. ,846). e Ie aymen s rop
Com. C. D. Davis and his family McClure, Collegeville ••• 1 8 2/3 9 3 1 0 1 .000 When Wives of I'etlred benefi- this drive. The Civic AsSOCiation STRIKE OUTS-Craig, Narberth, 75. . state Treasurer G. Harold Wag-
of Montgomery- Court Apartments. Higgins. Ardmore •..•••• 2 6 3 7 3 0 0 .000 cial·les. who must be 65 to be ellgl- and Service Clubs have also in- BASES ON BALL8-SulIlvan, Bartram, 35. ner reported that direct rellef pay-
left Tuesday for Naval Air Base Allison, Manoa .••.••••• 2 91/3 17 6 5 0 2 .000 ble, and the 65-and-above wld- dicated their willingness to co- TEAM BATTING ments made to needy residents of
at Quonset P~int. ~hode Is\and. Bums, Ardmore ... ~ ... 4 26 26 10 11 0 3 000 ows of insured workers who have operate. t C durin h
Taylor. BrQOkllne ...••.• 4 8 12 3 3 0 0 '000 died are added to the young wid- Ths whole movement is under AB R H. AVG. Mon gome;{t odounty Y d g t e
• Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher, Slavinlskl, Collegeville •• 1 4 4 1 1 0 0 '000 ows. and children. Mr. Hoover the auspices of the Lower Merion Brookline •• 499' 87' 146 .292 wfee$k2 eonode d tah ShOW a ecreasie
of Merion Ave.. announce the en-
gagement of their daughter. Mary.
C. Spellman, Brookline •'. 1
Woodring, Narberth •••• 1
2 2 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 .000
° :000 said, the family value of the pro- Township Council of Defense. Fur-
graIn shows up even more - with ther information may be secured
Narberth ••• :::::::::::: 515
Bartram •••.••..••••••. 443
~us ~eekun er ose 0 f the prev •
Payments for the week totalled
~".' to\lst ser8'.eeant John-F. Leahy of Biborosch. ArdInore . 0 • • 1 3 7 0 1 0 0 .000 ~gfl~~inmatedlY 6bo0o.Ot0040wOoOmooen andd frUlomithe Councilln the Township Manoa •..•••••••••••••• 485· 75. 119 .245 $584.10 which was $153.40 less
:;" c t d
on flue Oil Page Two Ash. Arcilnore , 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 .000 an a u , age B ld ng. Lancaster Ave" Ardmore. Collegeville 524 81 125 238 than those oUhe comparllble wee"

0 •••
men on. the benefit rolls. or oVer telephone. Ardmore 3'lnn, A_"- ore ..
nn..... 0..... • 48" 39 98 . '203 of last Year. . ~

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