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A Niched Pareto Genetic Algorithm for Multiobjective


Je rey Horn, Nicholas Nafpliotis, and David E. Goldberg


As accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the

First IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation,
IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Volume 1, 1994
(ICEC '94)
Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Service Center, pp. 82-87

0-7803-1899-4/94 $4.00
c 1994 IEEE
(camera-ready preprint) ICEC '94
c 1994 IEEE (pp. 82-87)

A Niched Pareto Genetic Algorithm for

Multiobjective Optimization
Je rey Horn, Nicholas Nafpliotis, and David E. Goldberg

Abstract| Many, if not most, optimiza- A few studies have tried a di erent approach to
tion problems have multiple objectives. His- multicriteria optimization with GAs: using the GA
torically, multiple objectives have been com- to nd all possible tradeo s among the multiple,
bined ad hoc to form a scalar objective func- con icting objectives. Such solutions are non-
tion, usually through a linear combination dominated, in that there are no other solutions su-
(weighted sum) of the multiple attributes, or perior in all attributes. In attribute space, the set of
by turning objectives into constraints. The non-dominated solutions lie on a surface known as
genetic algorithm (GA), however, is readily the Pareto optimal frontier2. The goal of a Pareto
modi ed to deal with multiple objectives by GA is to nd a representative sampling of solutions
incorporating the concept of Pareto domina- all along the Pareto front.
tion in its selection operator, and applying II. Previous Work
a niching pressure to spread its population
out along the Pareto optimal tradeo sur- We assume the reader is familiar with the simple
face. We introduce the Niched Pareto GA as GA [3]. Here we review previous approaches to mul-
an algorithm for nding the Pareto optimal tiobjective optimization with GAs.
set. We demonstrate its ability to nd and In his 1984 dissertation [10], and later in [11],
maintain a diverse \Pareto optimal popula- Scha er proposed his Vector Evaluated GA (VEGA)
tion" on two arti cial problems and an open for nding multiple solutions to multiobjective (vec-
problem in hydrosystems. tor valued) problems. He created VEGA to nd
and maintain multiple classi cation rules in a set
I. Introduction covering problem. VEGA tried to achieve this goal
Genetic algorithms (GAs) have been applied almost by selecting a fraction of the next generation us-
exclusively to single-attribute1 problems. But a care- ing one of each of the attributes (e.g., cost, reli-
ful look at many real-world GA applications reveals ability). Although Scha er reported some success,
that the objective functions are really multiattribute. VEGA seems capable of nding only extreme points
Typically, the GA user nds some ad-hoc function on the Pareto front, where one attribute is maximal,
of the multiple attributes to yield a scalar tness since it never selects according to tradeo s among
function. Often-seen tools for combining multiple attributes.
attributes are constraints, with associated thresh- In his review of GA history, including Scha er's
olds and penalty functions, and weights for linear VEGA, Goldberg [3] suggested the use of non-
combinations of attribute values. But penalties and domination ranking and selection to move a pop-
weights have proven to be problematic. The - ulation toward the Pareto front in a multiobjective
nal GA solution is usually very sensitive to small problem. He also suggested using some kind of nich-
changes in the penalty function coecients and ing to keep the GA from converging to a single point
weighting factors [9]. on the front. A niching mechanism, such as shar-
The authors are with the Illinois Genetic Algorithms Labo-
ing [5], would allow the GA to maintain individuals
ratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 117 Trans- all along the non-dominated frontier.
portation Building, 104 South Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL
61801. Internet: je,, gold-
Fonseca and Fleming [2], and, independently, Horn Phone: 217/333-2346, Fax: 217/244- and Nafpliotis [7], implemented Goldberg's two sug-
5705. The rst author acknowledges support from NASA under
contract number NGT-50873, while the remaining authors ac-
gestions, and successfully applied the resulting al-
knowledge support provided by the U.S. Army under Contract gorithms to dicult, open problems. Fonseca and
1 We use the terms \attribute", \objective", and \criteria" 2 We assume familiarity with the concept of Pareto optimality,
interchangeably to describe a scalar value to be maximized or but note here that the Pareto front often goes by the names
minimized. \Decision variable" refers to the parameters of the Pareto optimal set, non-dominated frontier, ecient points, and
problem encoded in the genome of the genetic algorithm. admissible points.
(camera-ready preprint) ICEC '94
c 1994 IEEE (pp. 82-87)

Fleming found many good tradeo s in a four at- sharing to choose a winner, as we explain later. The
tribute gas turbine design problem. Horn and Naf- sample size tdom (size of comparison set) gives us
pliotis concentrated on a series of two attribute prob- control over selection pressure, or what we call dom-
lems, which we describe later in this paper. ination pressure. The performance of the Niched
Pareto GA is somewhat sensitive to the amount of
III. The Niched Pareto GA domination versus sharing pressure applied [7].
The speci cs of the Niched Pareto GA are local- A problem will arise if both candidates are on
ized to implementation of selection for the genetic the current non-dominated front since neither will
algorithm. One of the most widely implemented be dominated. Even o the front, a small tdom
selection techniques for GAs is tournament selec- could mean that neither appears dominated. And
tion. In tournament selection a set of individuals is of course both could be dominated. How is a winner
randomly chosen from the current population and then chosen in such a \tie"? If we choose the winner
the best of this subset is placed in the next pop- at random, genetic drift will cause the population to
ulation. By adjusting the size of the tournament converge to a single region of the Pareto front. To
we can exert some control over the amount of se- prevent this we implement a form of sharing when
lection pressure and hence convergence speed. Thus there is no preference between two individuals.
the smallest tournament size of two (binary tourna- B. Sharing on the non-dominated frontier
ment) exhibits slower convergence than any larger
tournament size. Fitness sharing was introduced by Goldberg and
Tournament selection assumes that we want a sin- Richardson [5], analyzed in detail by Deb [1], and
gle answer to the problem. After a certain num- applied successfully to a number of dicult and real
ber of generations the population will converge to world problems. The goal of tness sharing is to
a uniform one. To avoid convergence and maintain distribute the population over a number of di erent
multiple Pareto optimal solutions, we have altered peaks in the search space, with each peak receiv-
tournament selection in two ways. First we added ing a fraction of the population in proportion to the
Pareto domination tournaments. Second, when we height of that peak4 .
have a non-dominant tournament (i.e., a tie), shar- To achieve this distribution, sharing calls for the
ing is implemented to determine the winner. degradation of an individual's objective tness fi by
a niche count mi calculated for that individual. This
A. Pareto domination tournaments degradation is obtained by simply dividing the ob-
The binary relation of domination leads naturally jective tness by the niche count to nd the shared
to a binary tournament in which two randomly se- tness: fi =mi . The niche count mi is an estimate
lected individuals are compared. If one dominates of how crowded is the neighborhood (niche) of indi-
the other, it wins. Initially, we used such a small vidual i. It is calculated over
all individuals in the
local domination criterion, but we soon found that current population: mi = j 2Pop Sh[d[i; j]], where
it produced insucient domination pressure. There d[i; j] is the distance between individuals i and j and
were too many dominated individuals in later gener- Sh[ d ] is the sharing function. Sh[d] is a decreasing
ations. It seemed that a sample size of two was too function of d[i; j], such that Sh[0] = 1 and Sh[d 
small to estimate an individual's true \domination share ] = 0. Typically, the triangular sharing func-
ranking"3. tion is used, where Sh[d] = 1 d=share for d 
Because we wanted more domination pressure, and share and Sh[d] = 0 for d > share . Here share is
more control of that pressure, we implemented a the niche radius, xed by the user at some estimate
sampling scheme as follows. Two candidates for se- of the minimal separation desired or expected be-
lection are picked at random from the population. tween the goal solutions. Individuals within share
A comparison set of individuals is also picked ran- distance of each other degrade each other's tness,
domly from the population. Each of the candidates since they are in the same niche. Thus convergence
are then compared against each individual in the occurs within a niche, but convergence of the full
comparison set. If one candidate is dominated by population is avoided. As one niche \ lls up", its
the comparison set, and the other is not, the latter niche count increases to the point that its shared
is selected for reproduction. If neither or both are tness is lower than that of other niches.
dominated by the comparison set, then we must use Fitness sharing was originally combined with t-
ness proportionate (a.k.a., roulette wheel) selection.
3 Note that any partial order determines a unique ranking, in
which maximal individuals are ranked rst, then removed. The
When sharing is combined with the more popular
remaining individuals are reordered, and the maximal individuals
of this set are ranked second, and removed, etc. This is the 4 The authors sometimes refer to this form of niching as tness
domination ranking scheme suggested by Goldberg [3]. proportionate sharing.
(camera-ready preprint) ICEC '94
c 1994 IEEE (pp. 82-87)

tournament selection, however, the niched GA ex-

hibits chaotic behaviour [8]. The wild uctuations in Comparison Set Individuals
Equivalence Class Region

niche subpopulations induced by the \naive" com-

Candidate Individuals

bination of sharing and tournament selection can

be avoided. Oei, Goldberg, and Chang [8] suggest
the use of tournament selection with continuously
updated sharing, in which niche counts are calcu- Candidate 2

lated not by using the current population, but rather

the partly lled next generation population. This
method was used successfully by Goldberg, Deb,
and Horn [4] on a \niching-dicult" problem. Also Niches Determined by
Sigma Share
in [4], it was found empirically that sampling the Candidate 1

population was sucient to estimate the niche count

and so avoid the O(N 2) comparisons needed to cal- Figure 1: Equivalence class sharing.
culate exactly the mi . We incorporate both tech-
niques (continously updated sharing and niche count
sampling) in the Niched Pareto GA.
In any application of sharing, we can implement want to maintain useful diversity (i.e., a representa-
genotypic sharing, since we always have a genotype tive sampling of the Pareto frontier), it is apparent
(the encoding). But Deb's work [1] indicated that in that it would be best to choose the candidate that
general, phenotypic sharing is superior to genotypic has the smaller niche count. In this case, that is
sharing. Intuitively, we want to perform sharing in candidate 2.
a space we \care more about", that is, some pheno- IV. Application to Three Problems
typic space. Since we are interested in maintaining
diversity along the phenotypic Pareto optimal front, A. Problem 1: A simple test function
which exists only in attribute space, it makes sense We begin testing our new algorithm by constructing
to perform our sharing in attribute space5 . a simple, arti cial problem with an easily calculated
When the candidates are either both dominated Pareto optimal front. We call problem 1 \unitation
or both non-dominated, it is likely that they are in versus pairs" for the two attributes of unitation and
the same equivalance class (in the partial order in- complementary adjacent pairs. Unitation Unit[s]
duced by the domination relation). Because we are is simply the number of ones in the xed length
interested in maintaining diversity along the front, bit string s, thus Unit[01110010] = 4. Pairs Prs[s]
and most of the individuals in these equivalence is the number of pairs of adjacent complementary
classes can be labeled \equally" t, we do not imple- bits, either 01 or 10. Thus Prs[01110010] = 4. The
ment any form of tness degradation according to problem is to maximize both attributes. Among
the niche count. Instead, the \best t" candidate strings of a particular unitation, those strings with
is determined to be that candidate which has the the greatest \mixing" of ones and zeroes dominate
least number of individuals in its niche and thus the those who \clump" their ones (e.g., 01010 dominates
smallest niche count. We call this type of sharing 01100, though both have the same unitation).
equivalence class sharing6 . In Figure 2, we plot the feasible region of the two-
Figure 1 illustrates how this form of sharing should dimensional attribute space Unit versus Prs for a
work between two non-dominated individuals. Here 12-bit problem. P indicates a point on the Pareto
we are maximizing along the x-axis and minimizing front, while \-" indicates a feasible point that is
on the y-axis. In this case the two candidates for dominated by some member(s) of the Pareto set.
selection are not dominated by the comparison set. In Figure 3, we plot the initial population (genera-
Thus the two candidates are in the Pareto optimal tion 0) of 100 randomly generated 12-bit individuals7.
subset (the dashed region) of the union of the com- The numbers plotted in attribute space are the num-
parison set and the candidates. From a Pareto point bers of individuals with attribute values correspond-
of view, neither candidate is preferred. But if we ing to the coordinates in attribute space.
Figure 4 shows the population after 100 genera-
5 To impose a meaningful metric on attribute space, the at- tions. We can see that the GA has succeeded in
tributes should be scaled to the same numerical range, (e.g., 0 to nding all but one member of the Pareto set, and
1). This is possible if we have some idea of the extreme values
theoretically attainable by each attribute.
7 Tournament size t
6 This technique might also be called at tness sharing, since
dom = 10, niche size share = 2:0, single-
the same e ect is produced in normal (single-attribute) tness point crossover probability pc = 0:9, and mutation rate pm =
sharing when two individuals have the exact same tness. 0:01.
(camera-ready preprint) ICEC '94
c 1994 IEEE (pp. 82-87)

Unitation 35
12 | P 30
11 | - P f21
10 | - - - P 25
09 | - - - - - P 20
08 | - - - - - - - P f22
07 | - - - - - - - - - P
06 | - - - - - - - - - - P 10
05 | - - - - - - - - - - 5
04 | - - - - - - - -
03 | - - - - - - -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
02 | - - - -
01 | - -
00 | -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pairs
Figure 5: Scha er's function F2, P = fx j 0  x  2g

Figure 2: Problem 1's discrete, two dimensional attribute

space, with feasible (-) and Pareto (P) points indicated. that it is easy to nd points on the front), but not
necessarily easy for the Niched Pareto GA. Since
Unitation Generation 0
there are actually many more solutions at middle
points on the front, and only one or two at each end
12 | 0
11 | 0 2

point of the front, it should be harder to maintain

10 | 0 0 1 4
09 | 0 0 1 2 1 2

equal size subpopulations at the extreme points.

08 | 0 0 0 4 8 1 2 1
07 | 0 0 1 2 5 3 6 1 0 0
06 | 0 0 2 2 6 3 5 6 0 0 0
05 | 0 0 6 2 2 2 1 6 0 0
04 |
03 |
2 0
0 0
1 1
0 0
3 0
B. Problem 2: Scha er's F2
02 | 0 1 0 0
01 |
00 | 0
0 0
Next we compare our algorithm to Scha er's VEGA
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pairs
by running it on one of the test functions from Schaf-
fer's dissertation [10]. This is the simple function
Figure 3: Distribution of the randomly generated initial F2, with a single decision variable, the real-valued
population. x, and two attributes, f21 andf22 to be minimized:
f21(x) = x2 f22(x) = (x 2)2
appears to be maintaining substantial subpopula- The decision variable is mapped to a 14-bit string
tions at each such point. Moreover, there are few as a binary-coded integer. Thus 00000000000000 =
(none here) dominated individuals in the current xmin = 6:00 and 11111111111111 = xmax = 6:00.
population. Although not shown, we have plotted We plot f21 and f22 over this range of x in Figure 5.
population distributions over many generations, and It is clear that the Pareto front is where the tradeo
noticed that the GA does indeed maintain roughly exists between the two functions. That is, for 0 
equal size subpopulations at each Pareto point over x  2:00, one of the functions is decreasing to its
many generations. Dominated solutions regularly best while the other is increasing away from its best.
appear, due to crossover and mutation, but are not Like Scha er, we use a small population size N =
maintained. 30. Our niche size share = 0:1 and tournament
We have observed similar behaviour over many size tdom = 4. As Figure 6 illustrates, the Niched
runs of the GA on di erent initial population dis- Pareto GA is able to maintain a fairly even spread
tributions (all random, but using di erent random of solutions along the Pareto front. There are a
seeds). We have also successfully tried larger prob- few dominated individuals in the population (to the
lems (l > 12), with correspondingly larger popula- right of x = 2:00), as in the VEGA run above, but
tion sizes N, such as 400 individuals on a 28 bit most individuals are on the front. Although our
problem [7]. population has several gaps in its distribution on
Finally, we note that this problem is GA-easy (in the front, it appears more evenly distributed than
generation 3 of the VEGA run8 . Most importantly,
Unitation Generation 100 the Niched Pareto GA exhibits stability in this pop-
12 | 26
11 | 0 11 ulation distribution for many more generations than
10 |
09 |
0 0 14
0 0 0 0 12 were indicated for VEGA (200 > 3).
08 |
07 |
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 16
0 0 0 0 21 F2 is an easy problem for the GA: the initial pop-
06 |
05 |
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 ulation contains many individuals on the front al-
04 |
03 |
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
ready. However, this front is much denser than that
02 |
01 |
0 0
of problem 1 above, challenging the Niched Pareto
00 | 0
|||||||||||||||||||||||{ GA to maintain N subpopulations of size 1 along
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pairs
the front.
Figure 4: Stable subpopulations on the Pareto front. 8 Scha er (1984) only gave results for generations 0, 1, and 3.
(camera-ready preprint) ICEC '94
c 1994 IEEE (pp. 82-87)

6 Generation 0
f22 5 f21 gen 0 =

3 VEGA 0.13

Average Volume Detected

-1 1 2 X
6 0.1
f22 4 f21
3 Niched
Pareto GA
2 0.07


-1 1 2 X
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Figure 6: VEGA versus the Niched Pareto GA. Top: VEGA

Number of Plumes Detected

on F2's Pareto frontier, generation 3. Bottom: The Niched

Pareto GA's distribution, generation 200. Figure 7: Initial population distribution, problem 3.
Generation 230

C. Problem 3: Open problem in hydrosystems

gen 230 =

To challenge the Niched Pareto GA's ability to search 0.13

for diverse tradeo s, we chose a larger, real-world

Average Volume Detected

(i.e., unsolved) application for our third test prob-


lem: optimal well placement for groundwater con-


taminant monitoring9. The problem is to place a


set of k out of a possible w wells in order to max-


imize the number of detected leak plumes from a


land ll into the surrounding groundwater, and to


minimize the volume of cleanup involved. These two 0.06

objectives con ict. Simply optimizing for the mini- 0.05

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

mum volume of cleanup will give us an answer with

Number of Plumes Detected

attributes f0; 0g, where we detect no plumes and Figure 8: Final distribution, problem 3.
therefore have no volume of contaminant to clean
up. If we maximize the number of detected plumes
our volume of cleanup increases dramatically. GA has found an apparent front that is indeed im-
It is important to note that this problem is in- proved over the initial population. It is promising
tractable. The search space is of size (wk ). In our to see that even after a large number of generations
speci c example we have w = 396  and k = 20. The we are maintaining diversity over most of an appar-
whole search space is then 396 20 which is 2:269  ent front. There is de nite improvement as to the
1033. This makes it impossible to know the actual location of the front and the decrease in the number
Pareto optimal front from enumeration. of dominated individuals in the population.
Monte-Carlo simulation was used to develop a set We do not know yet whether this is the actual
of possible leak plumes, the set of wells that detect Pareto optimal front or a sub-optimal front. But
each plume, and the volume leaked when each well our rst few runs indicate that the equivalence-class
detected the contaminant plume. Using these data, sharing and dominance tournaments are working to-
we constructed a vector-valued tness function to gether. We have shown that a tradeo curve better
return the number of plumes and average volume than a random sampling can be developed by the
detected by any given set of wells. Niched Pareto GA on an open problem.
In our rst few runs, N = 2000, share = 40,
tdom = 40, pc = 0:8, and no mutation. In Figure 7 V. Discussion
one can see that the random initial population is These preliminary results on the application of the
distributed throughout the search space. Figure 8 niched, Pareto technique are encouraging. Fonseca
shows that after 230 generations the Niched Pareto and Fleming [2] have also reported initial success
9 This open problem was developed by Wayland Eheart and his with a similar algorithm. But we have found that
colleagues at the Civil Engineering Department at the University the performance of the Niched Pareto GA is sensi-
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. We are grateful to Dr. Eheart tive to the settings of several parameters. In partic-
and his students S. Ranjithan, P. Stork, and S. Cieniawski for
helping us implement it. ular, it is important to have a large enough popula-
(camera-ready preprint) ICEC '94
c 1994 IEEE (pp. 82-87)

tion to search e ectively and to sample the breadth Pareto approach to multiobjective problems.
of the Pareto front. Both [7] and [2] discuss the set- References
ting of share and population size together to yield
e ective sampling. [1] Deb, K. (1989). Genetic algorithms in mul-
But the behaviour of the Niched Pareto GA seems timodal function optimization. MS thesis,
to be most a ected by the degree of selection pres- TCGA Report No. 89002. University of Al-
sure applied. Just as tournament size tsize is critical abama.
to selection pressure and premature convergence in [2] Fonseca, C. M., & Fleming, P. J. (1993). Ge-
a regular GA with tournament selection, so tdom di- netic algorithms for multiobjective optimiza-
rectly e ects the convergence of the Niched Pareto tion: formulation, discussion and generaliza-
GA. Horn and Nafpliotis [7] illustrate the e ects of tion. Proceedings of the Fifth International
too little and too much dominance pressure. Here, Conference on Genetic Algorithms. Morgan-
we summarize their empirically-derived, order-of- Kau man, 416-423.
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 tdom  10% of N; yields a tight and complete Massive multimodality, deception, and genetic
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 tdom  20% of N; causes the algorithm to pre- ture, 2, North-Holland, 37-46.
maturely converge to a small portion of the [5] Goldberg, D. E., & Richardson, J. J. (1987).
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D., (1984). Some experiments in
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Niched Pareto GA can be used to search any par- rithms and their Applications , 93{100.
tially ordered space, not just those induced by the

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