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First Presbyterian Church

Weathervane101 Bridgeboro Road, Moorestown, New Jersey (856) 235-1688

March 2011 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not
your own doing; it is the gift of God – not the result of works so
that no one may boast. Galatians 2:8
Dear Friends,

Isn’t it interesting how so many of us have difficulty receiving – simply receiving a gift? I suppose some of our
hesitation is because we want to pull our “share” of the load. Some don’t want to be “beholden” to anyone ~
“every man for himself.” Recently I watched as two men waged a minor battle over who would pay for the
lunch that was just enjoyed. Neither wanted the other to pay and the poor waitress may have been the most
distraught. How do you please two fighting customers? Of course, there are many hands that are very slow to
pick up the tab ~ slow motion if any motion at all. But those are usually situations in which we really don’t care
much about the relationship. If we really care about that relationship we want to cover the cost if we can.

When I see a little transaction like that taking place, I am reminded of a community where this happens all the
time. It’s the community where God reigns. Very often it takes a while before I can humble myself and take
what God is giving. And what does God give – is not only life itself, but beyond this life something we call
eternal life? What amazing gifts, but how stubborn I can be in letting God pick up the tab. I mean ~ do you
want to be “beholden” to God.

I remember listening to a sermon by Bob Schuller (The Hour of Power TV program) at FPC in Orlando ,
Florida . As many of you know, this Southern California TV evangelist rubbed shoulders with many in Holly-
wood . John Wayne became of friend of Schullers. In the course of that friendship, Schuller on multiple occa-
sions encouraged this bigger than life personality to open his heart to Jesus. Wayne was always polite, and
the answer was always the same ~ “no.” After Wayne died his daughter called Schuller and said, “I know you
used to bug dad about Jesus a lot, and I want you to tell you how everything ended. One Sunday morning just
before dad died, you did something we had never heard you do on TV. You said, `Some of you listening
ought to get out of your bed or out of your chair and get on your knees – you ought to put your head in your
hands and simply say, Jesus, I need a savior … help me!’ My father was so weak he could hardly sit up in the
bed. When you made that statement – he leaned over to me and said, `Grace, I don’t know about you, but I
need to get on my knees. Would you help me?’ I thought you might want to know that Dr. Schuller.”

Have you received the gift of eternal life? Have you ever moved to your knees and opened your heart to the
transforming power and grace and true “gift” that alone comes from Him? If not, I hope you don’t wait much
longer. Why is it we find it so hard to receive the gifts that are born out of love!

Hope you’ll be joining a Lenten small group in the next few weeks.

Jonathan Miller, Pastor

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March 2011 Sermon Schedule


8am in Fellowship Hall
8:30am in the Sanctuary 5pm New Creation in the Commons
11 am in the Sanctuary

John 11:17-27 Mark 15:1-20
Dick Herman Martha Jordan

I AM THE TRUE VINE Mark 15:33-47
John 15:1-11 Wes Allen
Jonathan Miller
March 16:1-20
John 8:12-20
Jonathan Miller
Jonathan Miller

John 10:1-10 Matthew 6:5-15
Princeton Seminarian Martha Jordan

John 10:11-21
Jonathan Miller

Mark Cable has been ministering full-time through

LOVEBIRDS… music since 1981. An accomplished acoustic guitarist
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! and songwriter, Mark has released 17 CDs and has
played on Christian stations across the country.
Great Date Night! Many of his concerts are “Great Date Night” events
Friday, April 29th at 7pm-9pm for couples. This is a fun and encouraging evening
of music and laughter.
$20 per Couple
Come and enjoy a “night out” with your spouse!
Dessert will be served
Childcare is available if requested by April 16th
The Weathervane Page 3

From Our Executive Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,
“Now what?” That question has been on my mind a lot recently.
With the last two years focused on planning and preparing for, experiencing and, then, reflecting on the sabbatical … with the
Life As It’s Meant to Be Renewal Weekend in our memories and five weeks of Sabbatical Reflections during Sunday School
complete … “now what?”
Furthermore, as I write this, in a day or two I will pass my sixtieth birthday and start into my seventh decade. Such milestones
also provide times to look back with thanks for blessings received and lessons learned; and to look ahead with faith and in anticipation
of God’s grace opening up wonderful and unexpected things. This, too, is a natural time to ask “now what?”
At such a crossroad moment in his life, imprisoned at Rome, the Apostle penned a letter to his dear friends at Colossae. After
doing and experiencing so much, what vision or purpose could propel him forward? Not knowing what lay ahead, he must have asked
himself: What could be worth living for and worth giving himself to in ministry for the rest of his life going forward … what was his vision
or purpose?

Here’s what he concluded:

We proclaim Christ, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect
[mature, full-grown, fully initiated, complete] in Him. To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so power-
fully works in me.
My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of com-
plete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treas-
ures of wisdom and knowledge. (Col. 1:27-29; 2:2-3)
Furthermore, he reminded the Ephesians that Christ gave the church
… some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be
built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole
measure of the fullness of Christ. (Eph. 4:11-13)

Now what? What’s the “end” … goal … “purpose”? It’s to proclaim Christ with the intent, to the best of my/our ability, of present-
ing to our Lord as many people as possible who are mature and complete in Christ.
And what’s that maturity look like? That’s where Paul’s note to the Ephesians helps. There he says the measure of Christian
maturity is “the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” or, as in the poetic language of the King James Version, “the measure of the
stature of the fullness of Christ.”
Friends, that’s a vision or purpose big enough to propel me, you and us collectively with energy, patience, persistence and pur-
pose into what the Lord has for us ahead. It’s not a vision of a particular new program or technology that becomes obsolete in a year-
or-two and archaic by the end of a decade. Programs and methods are short-lived tools. The vision must be bigger, longer. It’s a
vision of lives changed by proclaiming Christ through any means possible—teaching, preaching, mentoring, small groups, discipleship,
on-hands mission, compassionate caring … and more. It’s a vision of people “being transformed into the likeness of Christ with ever-
increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2 Cor. 3:18).
It’s a vision of enabling people of all ages and kind to know Jesus Christ intimately, personally and not just knowing some things
about Him. It’s a vision of helping people each day become a little more like Jesus today more than they/we were the day before;
of encouraging people to walk with Him moment-by-moment.
That’s not a purpose undertaken lightly or half-heartedly. As Paul says; it’s an end toward which we are to “labor, struggling with
all his energy, which so powerfully works” in us … whether we are six, sixteen, thirty-six, sixty or eighty-six.
So, how do you answer … now what?

I remain, as always, yours in Christ’s Service …

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From Our Associate Pastor for Families

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walk-
ing-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't
become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed
from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always
dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
(Romans 12:1-2 The Message)
Dear Friends,
In February I attended the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE) conference in Albuquerque New Mexico.
Elder Rick Ufford-Chase, moderator of the 216th General Assembly (2004) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), was the keynote
speaker who shared his reflections on the Romans passage.
Rick told stories of faith communities who together have stood against the world. He spoke about Christians in our country
standing with Christians around the world whose lives are at risk for standing up for their faith. As Christians we are called not to be
conformed to this world, but to stand with those who are oppressed. We are called to help change the world to being what God cre-
Being in Albuquerque, gave me a new way to think about balance in my life. It was easy to get dehydrated and easy to get
winded walking one block because of the altitude. It reminded me that there needs to be a balance in my life even in the ordinary
events. God and church should not be the last thing we put on our calendar. Every day we should schedule time for God first, to
read the scripture and take time to pray. It should not be something we do if we have time.
We should not live by the standards of the world, but by God’s standards. As a parent, I don’t allow my children to have
candy at 5pm because I know that we will sit down as a family for dinner shortly. I can’t live by the standards of my children wanting
candy. As parents we are called to living to raise our children not according to the world’s standards but according to what is best for
them. We need to remember to have that balance with our faith. It should not be something that is last minute or an after thought,
but should be first in our lives.

Theology for the Troubled Believer

It is unfortunate that at this time Dr. Diogenes Allen’s health is prohibiting him from coming to our church in March. Please keep him in
your prayers that he is able to fight the infection which he has had since the fall. Copies of his recent book, Theology for the Troubled
Believer are available in the church office for $15. The book addresses issues and questions that emerge in a daily life. If you are in-
terested in gathering in a small group to discuss the book after Easter, please speak to Pastor Martha

Study of Ezekiel begins February 20th

Ezekiel was a 6th century prophet. The name Ezekiel means “God strengthens” or “May God Strengthen”, which is ap-
propriate for a prophet called to proclaim a message of uncompromising judgment and later a message of a restoration for
God’s sake, not Israel’s. The Lord strengthened Ezekiel in the face of cynicism and rejection by his fellow Jews.
Come learn about Ezekiel from Kelly Hernandez, one of our seminary interns from Princeton. Beginning February 20th,
Kelly will share in six weeks information about this prophet but also help us to understand some prophetic words.
Kelly will be teaching the class in Room 3/4 during the Church School hour—9:30am to 10:30am
The Weathervane Page 5

The Ministry of Music

The Weathervane Page 6

Children’s Ministry Youth Ministry

Visit Youth Ministries online for more information:
Wednesday, March 9th... ASH WEDNESDAY March 4-6

NO Kingdom Kids
Junior High Lake Champion Winter Retreat
Family Dinner
or Crossing Zone For those in grades 7-8. $135/person
4pm Friday—3pm Sunday
The Annual Ash Wednesday Soup Supper
Experience a life changing event in the beautiful mountains
will be served from 5:30pm—6:15pm of New York State. Be challenged in your walk with God
Worship in the Sanctuary from 6:30pm—7:15pm while having fun in the company of good friends.

March 25-27
IMPACT Senior High Retreat
For those in grades 9-12
Ocean City, Maryland
Register online by March 4th

Attention all High School Seniors:

Applications fro First Presbyterian’s Scholarship are
available from Wes or the church office.
Children’s Easter Celebration Applications are due back by April 1st to give the committee
Saturday, April 16 time to renew the essays. Thank you!
Don’t forget to bring a basket! June 26—July 1, 2011

Credo at Broad Street Ministries

Adirondack Mountains—Youth Mission
Wednesday, March 30
for students in grades 9 thru 12 $400/person
5pm—8pm To contribute or sponsor the trip please visit:
No Barriers Community Dinner in Center City.
There are few places where such a divergent group of people Weekly Youth Breakfast
gather “at table” for conversation, sharing of experiences Tuesdays at 6:30am
and to explore commonalities and distinctiveness. Looking for Host Houses—call Jen: 235-1688
Come join us! or email:
The Weathervane Page 7

Stepping Stones Stephen Ministers:

Sharing the News from our Preschool Rivers of Living Water

During January’s weekend of renewal, Christian Andrews

asked us, ‘Do you know what it is like to have a thirsty soul?’
He shared with us Jesus’ promise to make each of us a river
of living water that becomes deeper, and transforms the world
from a dead desert to a living place.

Many people feel that their hearts have become like a desert.
They wonder when water will be poured on their souls. The
Snow, Snow, go away...We are especially looking forward life-giving water which will satisfy their thirst will not come from
to Spring this year. The wintry weather has kept us inside for a special weekend or a study group. It will come when broth-
too long! ers and sisters in Christ are willing to be used by God, bringing
We are looking forward to some fun events this month! light to dark places and streams to the desert. Hurting people
Many preschool friends are attending the Burlington County do not need lofty teaching, new programs, or even good inten-
Footlighters production of “The Adventures of Peter Rabbit” tions. They need other people to touch their lives, to connect
at the beginning of the month. We are having a Chick-Fil-A with them in love, to listen, to offer hope.
Fundraiser the evening of Thursday, March 10 from 5pm-
During our small group times at the Renewal Weekend, many,
8:30pm at the Centerton location. Stop by anytime (drive-thru
or inside) and mention Step By Step and a percentage of many needs were expressed with astonishing frankness.
what you spend will go to the preschool! Many people were just waiting for someone to listen to them.
Our congregation must hold a great many more people who
March Open House ~ You’re Invited… have unexpressed needs. Rev Andrews encouraged us to
Stop by the preschool Saturday morning, March 12, between follow the nudges of the Holy Spirit within us in reaching out to
9:00am and 10:30am. Meet the teachers and learn about the people around us. When the Holy Spirit hints to you that
programs we offer. Invite anyone you know looking for someone has a burden he or she is carrying, ask if you can
a preschool. help; put hands and feet to your faith. If you know that some-
Preschool Registration Update... registration is in full swing one is dealing with an issue that makes life difficult—job prob-
for the 2011-2012 classes. Some classes are filling up but lems, chronic illness, caring for aging parents, a new baby, a
we still have openings in the 2½ year old classes, 3 year old hundred different possibilities—ask if they would like a brother
classes and one more spot left in the 4 year old (PreK) or sister to walk alongside them.
Tu/We/Th afternoon class. Please continue to spread the
word about our wonderful preschool here at 1st Pres.! Con- Stephen Ministers are waiting to bring hope and light to dark
tact Amy Agger at or places. They do not do it on the strength of good intentions,
856-235-7105 with any questions or to schedule a tour. but ask God’s Holy Spirit to flow through them, like rivers of
living water. Reach out to those around you; follow the hints
of God’s Spirit to speak to a friend, or call an acquaintance.
We still have a few spots avail- And if you, or someone you know, could benefit from the con-
able in our program this school sistent support and encouragement of a Stephen Minister,
year. To get more information, please call the church office and ask Pastor Herman or Jan
call Amy Agger at the Amos to give you a call.
Preschool Office,
The Weathervane Page 8

2011 Mission Outreach Updates…
Feb. 11-13…The Philadelphia Project – The Philly Blitz weekend was an experience in ser-
vice and learning about the city and diversity of the Mt Airy Presbyterian Church neighbor-hood. The
team, ages 9 to 65+, worked on Saturday to prepare the walls of 2 rooms for painting at a home in West
Oak Lane. New skills were learned through team work and patience! The home owner, Miss Phyllis,
shared her testimony of relying on God to survive cancer and employment challenges. Worship and de-
votions were led by Rev. Aisha Brooks-Lytle and Ray Garcia, Founder of the Philadelphia Pro-
ject. Meals were prepared by members of the Mt. Airy Church. As participants worked, prayed, and
worshiped together they bonded as a team and partners in ministry.

March 11-24…India - Martha Jordan and Carol McWilliams travel to India to assist in a rehab pro-
ject at the Harriet Benson Memorial Hospital, in Lalitpur where Dr. Ann Thyle has pioneered a Palliative
Care (hospice) program. Following a week of service and interaction with staff and patients, they will
travel to the SNEHA Primary School in Dehradun. SNEHA has grown to 1,000 children who come from
a crowded slum of more than 30,000. The children are literally transformed by the teaching and Chris-
tian love they receive at SNEHA, which means love in Hindi. The acronym stands for Society for Nurture,
Education and Health Association.

April 14-25…Kenya – an 11 member intergenerational team will depart for Kenya to help with completion projects at the new
Hekima Place home for 60 girls who are orphaned by HIV/AIDS. Team members include Dick Herman, Carol McWilliams, Ruth Stot-
senburg, Griffin Moses, Donna, Lauren and Sara Culbertson, Nancy, Erin, Riley and Katie Londres.

April 16-23…Haiti – Haiti Outreach Ministries in Port-au-Prince is the destination for 7 adults who will assist with the ongoing
efforts of building sturdy new homes for earthquake victims. The team is comprised of Dave Hess, Doug Derry, Dave Mann Neal
Stephens, Dave Hughes, Al Wenzke, and Joanne Hankins.

June 26-July 1…YouthWorks in the Adirondacks – 24 youth and adult leaders are preparing for a week of service
participation with teams from other parts of the country (Virginia and western PA).

March 5th Benefit evening helps these mission travelers!

The Weathervane Page 9

One Great Hour of Sharing


Strawberry Festival
Friday, June 3rd
For more than 50 years, Presbyterians have joined with Chris-
tians throughout the nation in supporting One Great Hour of Call Joyce Wenzke to find out how you can help:
Sharing, responding to Christ's love for all people. 235-8413
Offerings are distributed in 3 programs as follows:

 Presbyterian Hunger Program (36%) — ministries that

work locally and around the world to alleviate hunger and All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast
its causes, as well as ministries that address homeless-
ness and affordable housing. Saturday, March 12th, 8:30am—10:30am
 Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (32%) — disaster Palmyra Moravian Church
response and ministries with refugees. We have first
hand experience with PDA through the multiple outreach
1921 Cinnaminson Ave., Cinnaminson, NJ
teams that have assisted recovery and rebuilding efforts (856) 829-2886
in the Gulf States region following hurricanes.
Pancakes, Sausage, Fruit, Breakfast Cake,
Self Development of People (32%) — for partnerships
with groups of people who are oppressed by poverty or Coffee, Tea, Milk and Juice!
social systems and have determined what they need to Adult: $7.00 Child (6-12): $3.00
do to produce long-term benefits to improve their lives
and situations. Child (Under 6): Free!
The tradition at First Church is to receive the One Great
Hour of Sharing Offering on Palm Sunday (April 17).
OGHS offering envelopes are included with stewardship
supplies and they are also available in the pew racks in ISG Women’s Retreat
the sanctuary. April 1-3 , 2011
St. Mary’s Providence in Elverson, PA
Theme: “Lo, the Winter is past”
Featuring Carol Morgan,
Flower and Gardening Specialist.
Cost: $150 before 3/15
Contact Ruth Stotsenburg:
On the web:
or call (856) 220-1602
The Weathervane Page 10

SAVE THE DATE Knitting Network

for the 93rd Annual Saturday, March 26
10am to 12pm at the church
Stop in for a brief visit or spend the whole two hours
depending on your weekend schedule!
For more information call Betsy Gildehaus:
(856) 234-5414
Upcoming gatherings:
April 30 and June 4 (note date change from May 21)

May 8—12, 2011 Small Group Ministry

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We hope to have a large turnout fell tio
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of volunteers since it takes many hands
to prepare/execute/clean-up this event.

If you’ve attended one of our Lenten book study groups or

We have positions for: been involved in other kinds of small groups, you know how
valuable they are for building relationships and for challeng-
Receivers, Schleppers, Un-packers, ing members to live out their faith. In order to share the
Sorters, Pricers, Sign Makers, Check-outers, many benefits of small groups with more people, the Ses-
Cashiers and Packer-uppers! sion Membership Committee has approved the formation of
an ongoing Small Group ministry. The number of groups
Contact Debbie Walker (856) 234-6404 offered will depend on the number of trained leaders avail-
able. The steering committee for small groups will hold an
or Annette Emerson (856) 234-0717 informational meeting on April 11, 2011 at 7PM in the
Hayes Room for anyone interested in exploring the leader-
ship of small groups. Watch the bulletin for more informa-
CLEAN OUT THOSE CLOSETS, ATTICS tion regarding the Small Groups Ministry. Or, contact Elder
John Pierce at 856 429 8683 or by email to
March 2011 List of Events
The Weathervane NON-PROFIT ORG.
First Presbyterian Church
101 Bridgeboro Road
PERMIT No. 130
Moorestown, NJ 08057

Return Receipt Requested

Do you want to help the church

Call the church office to let us know
you would like to read the Weathervane
online each month.
Give us your email address and we will send
you a reminder to log on each month rather
than receive a paper copy of the newsletter.
To read the Weathervane online:
Go to
Click on Weathervane

Ash Wednesday Hunger Supper

March 9, 2011
Come join us for a simple supper of soup and bread prior to the Lenten service.
Soup will be served at 6:00pm in Fellowship Hall and take out containers will be
available for purchase. Donations from a Free will Offering will be sent to the
Presbyterian Hunger Program.

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