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SLP Builder – BIOS OEM Activation Utility

BIOS Factory Utilities

Dec 2020
Revision 6.2
SLP Builder – BIOS OEM Activation Utility

Date Revision Author Changelog
2017/1/13 6.1 Chiawei_Chien Initial Version.
2020/12/14 6.2 Chiawei_Chien 1) Translate to English
2) Adjust Chapter/Section

©ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. All rights reserved. Page 1

SLP Builder – BIOS OEM Activation Utility

1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................... 3
1.2 Requirements ......................................................................................... 3
2. Getting Start ......................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Installation ............................................................................................. 3
2.2 Commands ............................................................................................. 3
2.3 Motherboard Rule .................................................................................. 4
2.3.1 OEM Activation for OA2.X MB rule .................................................. 4
2.3.2 OEM Activation for OA3.0 MB rule................................................... 4

©ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. All rights reserved. Page 2

SLP Builder – BIOS OEM Activation Utility

1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
SLP Builder tool can insert/clear/empty OA key inside BIOS ROM, for Microsoft
Windows OEM Activation purpose.

1.2 Requirements
Supported Operation System
SLP Builder for Windows PE/ 7/ 8/ 10
SlpBuilder.exe must run as Administrator in CMD。

2. Getting Start
2.1 Installation
 Put SlpBuilder.exe and OA2/OA3.bin files in the same directory.
 Run command as administrator.

2.2 Commands
/asustek-slp20 Install ASUS OA 2.0 certificate.
/asustek-slp21 Install ASUS OA 2.1 certificate.
/asustek-empty Install empty OA 2.x certificate.
/asustek-clear Clear installed ASUS OA 2.0 certificate.
/verifyslp show ACPI SLIC table content, for OA 2.x mechanism
/verifyoa30 show ACPI MSDM table content, for OA 3.0 mechanism.
/verifyoa30rom verify ROM content
/act User key to enable SLP insertion.
/oa20 Install Microsoft OA 2.0 certificate.
/oa30 Install Microsoft OA 3.0 certificate.
/clearoa20 Clear installed OA 2.0 certificate.
/clearoa30 Clear installed OA 3.0 certificate.
/dumpoa20rom Dump ROM OA2.0 content.
/dumpoa30 Dump installed OA 3.0 certificate.
/dumpoa30rom Dump ROM OA3.0 content.
/unlock Unlock BIOS OA block
/oemid Override ACPI OEM id.
/oemtableid Override ACPI OEM table id.

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SLP Builder – BIOS OEM Activation Utility

2.3 Motherboard Rule

2.3.1 OEM Activation for OA2.X MB rule
Install SLIC
Step 1: Obtain ASUS OA2.x activation key (Key size = 25)
Step 2: Run SlpBuilder.exe /asustek-slp21 /act:[activation key]
Step 3: Reboot
Step 4: Run SlpBuilder.exe /verifyslp
(Optional step, to verify SLIC table.)
Clear SLIC
Step 1: Run SlpBuilder.exe /asustek-clear
Step 2: Reboot
Step 3: Run SlpBuilder.exe /verifyslp
(Optional step, to check SLIC is empty.)

2.3.2 OEM Activation for OA3.0 MB rule

Install MSDM
Step 1: Obtain OEM Activation 3.0 key file
Step 2: Run SLPBuilder /oa30:[key file] /oemid:XXXXXX
(oemid = 6 bytes, oemtableid = 8 bytes,
oemid and oemtablid are optional commands.)
Step 3: Reboot
Step 4: Run SlpBuilder.exe /verifyoa30:[key file]
(Optional step, to verify MSDM table.)
Clear MSDM
Step 1: Run SlpBuilder.exe /clearoa30
Step 2: Reboot
Step 3: Run SlpBuilder.exe /verifyoa30:[key file]
(Optional step, to check MSDM is empty.)

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