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Did You Know?.........................

by Steven Oppenheimer, D.D.S.

in the sixth hour (of the day). The
Talmud (Yoma 74b) states that blind
There is a custom to eat dairy foods on people, since they can't see their food,
Shavuot. Before the giving of the Torah, the eat without becoming satisfied.
Jews were permitted to eat non-kosher meat. Therefore, Abaye said, one should only
After the giving of the Torah (on Shavuot), this eat a meal in daylight. In a perfect day,
became forbidden. All their dishes became the sun rises at 6 AM and sets at 6 PM.
prohibited, and they could only eat dairy foods. Mar Ukba, who was a talmid chacham,
There is a custom to wait up to six hours after ate his first meal at noon and in order to
eating meat before partaking of dairy. The be satisfied, ate his second meal at 6
custom is different regarding meat following PM while it was still light. This is the
dairy. If one drank a glass of milk, he need only reason for the custom to wait six hours
rinse out his mouth before partaking of meat between meat and milk. Not all days,
(many recite a bracha acharona and wait one however, contain twelve hours of
half hour in between). One who ate cheese daylight. In the winter, many countries
must additionally wash his hands and eat solid have only nine hours of daylight. This is
food to clean his mouth before eating meat. the case in Babylonia where Mar Ukba
Why do many people wait up to six hours lived. Therefore, when daylight began at
between meat and milk, but eat meat very soon 7 AM, Mar Ukba ate his first meal at 1
after having milk? If I have a steak, I have to PM (sixth hour). The second meal must
wait up to six hours before drinking a glass of have been eaten at 4 PM. That was when
milk. But if I have a glass of milk, I can have a it got dark, and Mar Ukba would have to
steak at most half an hour later. Why? We may have eaten his meal before night in
also ask why some people wait six hours accordance with Abaye's statement. We
between meat and milk, while others wait three see that there were times when Mar
hours and some people only one hour? Ukba ate dairy after meat after waiting
only three hours. This is the source for
Common misconception associates the the German Jewish custom to wait only
proscribed 6-hour interval to the time required to three hours.
digest the meat eaten. This is not the accepted
rationale. Rashi explains that meat leaves a Dutch and Scandinavian Jews follow the
fatty residue in the throat and palate, and custom brought by Rama (Y.D., 89:1) to
Rambam maintains that particles of meat may wait one hour and say a bracha
remain lodged between the teeth. Once six acharona. This is because there are
hours have passed, the fatty residue has Rishonim who maintain the essential
dissolved and the meat particles are sufficiently point is not to eat meat and dairy in the
decomposed by the saliva. Dairy foods do not same meal.
leave a fatty residue in the throat and palate,
nor do they remain lodged between the teeth. Sorry, you are not allowed to switch to
Thus one need not wait after dairy foods the the more lenient custom. People who are
longer period of time required after meat foods. ill, nursing women, infants and small
children may modify their custom on the
The Talmud (Chullin 105a) relates that Mar advice of a Rabbi. Ask our Rabbi if you
Ukba waited from one meal to another before have any questions.
eating dairy after meat. In those days, people
only ate two meals a day.
(Shabbat 10a)
The Talmud .....…And Now You
explains that a talmid chacham ate his first meal Know

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