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This category contains 30 posts

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By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment
c  Can Gynexin Reduce My Breast Size

Man boobs or µMoobs¶ are the unfortunate appearance of breasts on a male. It is where
excess enlarged breast tissue from the mammary glands ends up forming the appearance of a
woman¶s breasts. The correct medical term for this is Gynecomastia. The real causeof this is
unknown, however it is suggested it is something to do with a hormone imbalance. It is
surprisingly common and not just older or obese men can suffer from it, even young, slim
men. It can leave you the butt
of jokes and even though
most of it is good natured, it
can be extremely
embarrassing and stop you
from taking part in certain
activities, especially sports
like swimming or taking
your top off in front of a
woman etc«

Cosmetic surgery is a very

popular and common option
in treating Gynecomastia;
unfortunately it is considered
cosmetic/elective surgery and so cannot be performed under any kind of health insurance. It
is very expensive and like any operation is serious and carries numerous risks. There is also
the chance that the operation may not provide you with results you hoped for and may leave
you in a far worse position. No matter how informed you may be, there are never any
guarantees that surgery will work for you.

You can however try a natural and far less pricey method of getting rid of your moobs.
Gynexin Alpha Formula was designed to take away the need for surgery and provide men
with the masculine, toned and attractive chest that they used to have. Just two Gynexin
capsules (comprising of natural and herbal ingredients ± no drugs!) a day can help to melt
away those unwanted and unwelcome fatty cells in the mammary glands, in 2 to 3 weeks you
will start to notice a firmer appearance and within 4-6 weeks, a considerably flatter chest and
torso. No side effects, no nasty surprises. Provided you are not on any medication that could

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By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

Gynexin is t e only effective male breast reduction (Gynecomastia) treatment available in a

pill wit no need for invasive surgery and permanent ugly scarring. Remember you are not
alone, it is a frequent problem in men of effectively any age and background and has nothing
to do with how much you weigh or what you [...]

= Π

By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

Are you desperately searching for a non surgical approach of taking away those humiliating
µman boobs?¶ Man boobs are not a new issue, contrary to popular belief that man boobs are
only caused by too much beer and bad eating habits. They were a problem even historically.
Egypt¶s boy king was said to have suffered [...]



By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

Many products take several months to see any real visible change, or any change at all; this is
no good for someone who is desperate to get rid of a problem that deeply upsets them. You
can¶t help but end up getting disheartened and giving up. With a problem such as
Gynecomastia, asking for help [...]


By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

It is estimated that 1 in 3 men suffer or will suffer from Gynecomastia at some point in their
lives. Gynecomastia for those who are not aware is the term for enlargement of breast tissue
in a man. It is Greek in its origin, the word µgyne¶ means woman and µmastos¶ means breast.
There are [...]



By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment


If you suffer from the embarrassing problem that is Gynecomastia then you will quite frankly
be desperate to try any solution you can get your hands on. The problem is deciding on a
product that is safe and that really does deliver on its promises. Otherwise not only will you
be out of pocket, you [...]


By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

Gynexin the special male breast reduction formula contains a very powerful blend of
ingredients and nutrients, all designed to banish the excess breast tissue quickly and
effectively, without the need to go under the knife. It contains natural and pure ingredients so
you can be certain you are taking a product that is free from [...]


By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

Man boobs or µMoobs¶ are often the butt of other people¶s jokes but it is no joke ± it is a very
real condition. And it can be a very distressing and upsetting one at that. The medical term
for this condition is Gynecomastia. This is where the man has an abnormal amount of breast


By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

If you are unhappy with any aspect of your appearance it can destroy your self-worth and
leave you feeling ashamed. Some people may say this is down to vanity but if there is
something about our bodies we do not like and we can change, why not? Most people resort
to costly and expensive surgery; [...]


By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

µMoobs¶ AKA µMan Boobs¶ can occur in a third of the general population, so it is not an
unusual condition, this is caused by a medical condition known as Gynecomastia which
simply means enlarged breast tissue in a male. There are no real clear cut reasons as to why
some people get it and why [...]


By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment


Gynexin Alpha Formula is a brilliant new supplement designed to treat Gynecomastia. It is

the most effective pill to battle the symptoms of this very common but distressing condition.
If waking up with a flatter chest has only been a dream to you and if you thought the only
answer was to undergo dangerous surgery, [...]



By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

Gynexin is the fantastic male breast reduction formula designed to combat the embarrassing
problem of Gynecomastia. If you are unfamiliar with the term µGynecomastia¶ it is the name
for the condition whereby a man has abnormally enlarged breast tissue. This then forms the
appearance of having breasts like a woman. It is the butt of [...]

= Π

By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

Gynexin Alpha Formula gives other Gynecomastia treatments a run for their money. It takes
away the expense, pain, complication, prominent scarring and complications that may occur
during and after male breast reduction surgery. Results are unpredictable as with any surgery
and still may not be aesthetically pleasing, or the surgery may not go as planned. [...]


By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

If you suffer from Gynecomastia, you are probably under the impression that the only
solution is surgery. Surgery for Gynecomastia can be very successful in some cases; in some
cases it can go disastrously wrong. It is very expensive and is considered a cosmetic
treatment so you are unlikely to get any kind of help [...]

=  Π


By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

Like with any illness or condition, you want a solution that gets to work quickly. Especially
when it comes to something like Gynecomastia, the unfortunate condition that many men
suffer from and many just can¶t bring themselves to get help. With Gynecomastia, you can
either choose to shell for a very expensive medical procedure which [...]

Π ! 

By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

Gynexin Alpha Formula is the brilliant new pill treatment for men suffering from
Gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue in a male). Unlike other treatments of this kind it is
clinically proven, safe and the unique formula has been developed by leading medical

scientists, doctors and nutritionists. An amazing 99% of men using Gynexin have lost their




By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

Treatment for Gynecomastia is not just confined to surgery. There are treatments in the forms
of pills that you can take to cure this embarrassing problem. The best, most effective and
inexpensive Gynecomastia product on the market is Gynexin. Gynexin male breast reduction
formula is an established Gynecomastia product that had helped thousands of men [...]


By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

Gynexin Alpha Formula is a highly powerful blend of the finest, top quality ingredients and
nutrients designed to reduce male breast tissue quickly, effectively and most importantly,
safely. Recommended dosage of Gynexin is two capsules a day, one in the morning and one
in the evening, half an hour before a meal. A maximum of [...]


By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

µMan Boobs¶ is the term used for a man with excessively enlarged breast tissue; its medical
term is called Gynecomastia. Not to be confused with the well defined pectoral muscles that
can be achieved through body building, Man boobs are not defined, they are not firm, they
are soft, often droopy and do closely resemble [...]

Œ!Œ#Œ $ = !

By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I am a 14-year-old boy with a really embarrassing problem. I have
breasts as large as many of the girls in my class. I get a lot of kidding, and I don¶t want to get
undressed for gym class. What can I do about it? ² J.P. DEAR J.P.: You have gynecomastia


By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

The lavender and tea tree oils found in some soaps, shampoos, hair gels and body lotions can
produce enlarged breasts in boys, researchers report. These plant oils were linked to abnormal
breast development in three boys, which was reversed when they stopped using them, write
Dr Clifford Bloch of Pediatric Endocrine Associates in Colorado, and [...]


 % %

By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

British men are flocking to plastic surgeons in record numbers to rid themselves of their
³man boobs´. New figures show that demand among men for breast reduction operations has


risen so much that requests for the surgery outstrip the number of women wanting breast
enlargements. The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons found that ³man [...]


By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

Gynecomastia Surgery. Gynecomastia (pronounced guy-ne-co-mastia) is often a healthcare

phrase meaning man breast enlargement. In the majority of instances there is no known
trigger and, although rarely talked about, this is a widespread condition. For men who feel
self-conscious with regards to their appearance, breast-reduction medical procedures are a
good idea. The process gets rid [...]


By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

How boobs develop Even a new baby child has some simple breast tissue, that commenced to
be able to develop when it was a 6-week-old fetus. Prior to puberty, the breasts are the exact
same in girls and boys. They will incorporate teeny branching tubes embedded within
packing tissue. The glands for making milk have [...]



By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

Androgen, also called androgenic hormones or testoids, is the generic term for any natural or
synthetic compound, usually a steroid hormone, that stimulates or controls the development
and maintenance of male characteristics in vertebrates by binding to androgen receptors. This
includes the activity of the accessory male sex organs and development of male secondary
sex [...]




By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

Description of Seminiferous tubule dysgenesis Seminiferous tubule dysgenesis: rarely used

term for a disorder in which the seminiferous tubules exhibit an abnormal cytoarchitecture
and extensive hyalinization; the testes are small, and few spermatozoa are formed; the body
habitus may be eunuchoid, and gynecomastia may be present; urinary gonadotropin output is
usually high, and the incidence [...]


By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment


Klinefelter syndrome Klinefelter syndrome: A genetic condition where males have at least
one extra X chromosome or extra copies of both the X and Y chromosomes in each cell.
Normally male cells contain one X and one Y chromosome in each cell. The condition is not
inherited but is a result of problems during cell [...]



By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

Causes of Gynecomastia: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes
of Gynecomastia. There are likely to be other possible causes. Klinefelter syndrome
Seminiferous tubule dysgenesis Testicular failure Androgen-insensitivity syndrome
Androgen receptor defects Biosynthetic defects in testosterone production Feminizing
adrenocortical tumors Isolated Leutenizing hormone deficiency Testicular germ cell tumor
Leydig cell tumor Sertoli [...]


By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

One of the UK¶s top doctors says he¶s seen a big rise in the number of men having breast
reduction surgery. Gynaecomastia, commonly known as man boobs or µmoobs¶, is a medical
condition that causes tissue in the chest area to develop like a female breast. There¶s usually
no clear cause but doctors say sometimes [...]

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By anita_devani A January 18, 2011 A Post a comment

A Chinese farmer who had the biggest pair of male breasts ever seen, has reunited with his
wife after an operation to remove them. Guo Feng, 53, said his unusual chest had made his
life unbearable and his partner Jia Ling had moved out of their home because she could no
longer bear the taunts [...]

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