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CAE Advanced Trainer 2 Test 1

Reading and Use of English Part 1

No. words Translation

1. Make an exception Hacer una excepción
2. Make trouble Dar/causar problemas
3. Do harm Hacer daño
4. Have a row Tener una discusión
5. Take (something) for granted Dar por hecho
6. Give your word Prometer
7. Give credit to Reconocer el hecho de que
8. Set a record Establecer un récord
9. Keep in touch Mantener el contacto
10. Bitterly disappointed Decepcionado
11. Deeply moved Profundamente conmovido
12. Vitally important Vitalmente importante
13. Closely linked Relacionado estrechamente
14. To picture oneself Imaginar
15. End up Acabar en
16. Crinkle/Crinkling Arrugarse
17. Narrowly Por poco
18. Reflect on Reflexionar sobre

Reading and Use of English Part 2

No. words Translation

19. To be good at Ser bueno en
20. Associated with Asociado con
21. Renowned for Renombrado
22. Typical of Típico de
23. Opposed to Oponerse a
24. Eligible for Con derecho a
25. Wary of/about Receloso de
26. Grateful for Agradecido por
27. Exposed to Expuesto a
28. Convinced by Convencido de
29. To make sense of Encontrar sentido a
30. To make a speedy recovery from Rápida recuperación
31. To take pride in Sentirse orgulloso de

Castells Immerscom School of English - Passeig Pere III, 87 - Estudis 9-10-11. 08242, MANRESA| | Tel: 93 873 30 38 – 93 875 73 56
32. To keep an eye on Vigilar
33. To lose sight of Perder de vista
34. To take the blame for Hacerse responsable
35. To make an exception for Hacer una excepción
36. To put someone in charge of Ponerse en cargo
37. Rare Escaso
38. To reveal Revelar
39. Mantle Manto

Reading and Use of English Part 3

No. words Translation

40. Professional Profesional
41. Unfortunately Desafortunadamente
42. Fitness Aptitud física
43. To enable Habilitar
44. Envious Envidioso
45. Drawback Inconveniente
46. Uncreative Falta creatividad
47. Creatively Creativamente
48. Unoriginal Poco original
49. Unpopular Impopular
50. Pleasing Agradable
51. Displeasing Desagradable
52. Unpleasant Desagradable
53. Pleasurable Agradable
54. Pleasingly Agradablemente
55. Unpleasantly Desagradablemente
56. Unkind Antipático
57. Boxer Boxeador
58. Admission Entrada/Reconocimiento
59. Readiness Presteza/Disposición
60. Resentment Resentimiento
61. Membership membresía
62. Mystify Desoriento/Desconcertar
63. Talkative Parlanchín/ina
64. Pensive Pensativo
65. Complexity Complexidad
66. Sarcastically Sarcásticamente
67. Athletic Atlético/a
68. Athletically Como un atleta
69. Ironic Irónico/a

Castells Immerscom School of English - Passeig Pere III, 87 - Estudis 9-10-11. 08242, MANRESA| | Tel: 93 873 30 38 – 93 875 73 56
70. Ironically Irónicamente
71. Enthusiastically Con entusiasmo
72. Anecdote Anécdota
73. Anecdotal Anecdótico/a
74. Controversially De manera controvertida
75. Threatened Amenazado
76. Endangered En peligro de extinción
77. Existence Existencia
78. Moisture Humedad
79. Increasingly Cada vez más
80. Analysis/Analyses Análisis
81. Timber Madera
82. Fuel Combustible
83. To play a key role in Tener un papel clave en
84. Logging Explotación forestal
85. Seedlings Planta de semillero
86. Findings Resultados/Conclusiones

Reading and Use of English Part 4

No. words Translation

87. To let someone know Comunicar
88. To pay attention to Prestar atención
89. To turn down Rechazar
90. To do up Remodelar
91. To be due out Previsto
92. To be on good terms with Buenos términos
93. To lose touch with Perderse de vista
94. To fall out of touch with Perder el contacto
95. To come as a surprise Pillar alguien por sorpresa

Reading and Use of English Part 5

No. words Translation

96. Showcasing Exhibir
97. To point out Mostrar
98. Phoney Falso
99. Eye-catching Llamativo
100. To moan Quejarse
101. To shun Evitar
102. To dwell on Extenderse

Castells Immerscom School of English - Passeig Pere III, 87 - Estudis 9-10-11. 08242, MANRESA| | Tel: 93 873 30 38 – 93 875 73 56
103. Point-blank Sin rodeos
104. Prowess Destreza
105. To do justice to Hacerle justicia a
106. In awe of Impresionado por
107. To conjure up Como por magia
108. Envisage Concebir
109. With hindsight En retrospectiva
110. Public face of Cara publica
111. To talk something up Ensalzar
112. To draw up a list Listar
113. To flatter Halagar
114. Unflattering Poco halagador
115. To take a stance Tomar postura
116. To praise Alabar
117. Astounding Sorprendente
118. Feat Hito
119. To move on to Pasar a
120. To be reluctant Reluctante
121. To mess something up Echar a perder
122. Nasty Desagradable
123. To get one’s head down Ponte a trabajar
124. To answer the call of Responder
125. Freighter Carguero
126. To stick with something/someone Estar al lado de
127. To put faith in Confiar en
128. To draw attention to Llamar la atención hacia
129. Resentful Resentido

Reading and Use of English Part 6

No. words Translation

130. Entrepreneurs Emprendedor
131. Stock Estock
132. A drain on Una carga
133. Play a role in Tener papel en
134. Cost-effective Rentable
135. Gatekeepers Guarda
136. Affluence Opulencia
137. Gifted Dotado
138. Offspring Hijos/Cría
139. Entail Conllevar
140. Mainstream Corriente principal

Castells Immerscom School of English - Passeig Pere III, 87 - Estudis 9-10-11. 08242, MANRESA| | Tel: 93 873 30 38 – 93 875 73 56
141. Rowdiness Alboroto
142. Engender Engendrar

Reading and Use of English Part 7

No. words Translation

143. To wipe out Aplastar
144. Staple food Alimentos básicos
145. Livelihood Sustento
146. Eradicate Erradicar
147. To gnaw Masticar
148. In danger of extinction En peligro de extinción
149. Glide Deslizar
150. Beaver Castor
151. Dusting Espolvoreado
152. Snake across Serpentear
153. Spurt Acelerón
154. Dusk Anochecer
155. To come across Toparse con
156. Day-trippers Viajero de un día
157. Inherently Intrínsecamente
158. Seasoned Experto
159. To be kitted out with Equipado con
160. Rucksack Mochila
161. Tricky Complicado
162. To have the hang of something Tener el truco de

Castells Immerscom School of English - Passeig Pere III, 87 - Estudis 9-10-11. 08242, MANRESA| | Tel: 93 873 30 38 – 93 875 73 56

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