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I want to start with an example: my grandpa once was watching a movie on the TV and there was publicity containing a

commercial break. Usually, at ProTV there are Teleshopping advertisements about different objects like glasses,
massage stuf or home workout equipment etc. And he saw an electric water tap that he liked and thought looks good,
useful and important. He called my grandma and told her about the product, how good it is and he also liked the price
because they had discounts. And they decided to buy it, and they bought it. I never asked how good was it and how long
it lasted, but this doesn’t matter. What I’m talking about is how that advert convinced them to buy the product. I started
to think about it and met manyquestions. What would have happened if the product was actually bad and my
grandparents wasted money on something useless that they saw on TV and had no guarantee about its reliability? How
many people actually fall prey to such adverts on TV? What are the advertising budgets of the companies who promote
their products? Why the big majority of TV channels promote all these adverts? Where are adverts present in Moldova?
Which are some methods of advertising? etc. So I started to do some research and found this. Advertising is the attempt
to influence the buying behavior of customers with persuasive selling methods about a product/service. In business the
goal of advertising is to attract new customers. The advertising works quite well for the small companies. Big companies
like Tesla or Lamborghini don’t have adverts because they know that people who can afford their products don’t watch
TV or read newspaper. In order to make an advertising campaign you must know your AUDIENCE and WHERE to place
an advert. For example, we know that the big majority of elders in our country don’t use Facebook/Instagram or any
social media app, however they watch TV or buy newspapers. So, that’s why the companies like TopShop,
Orange/Moldcell, Sebo/ etc. use this type of advertising. And it is also super affordable for them. Another
place for adverts in Moldova are these live panels that are found in the trolleybuses or on the stone pillars who hold the
trolleybus power lines. These adverts show a lot of pharmaceutical products, food/restaurants, stuff related to dressing
and lifestyle, sports adverts from Energy Fitness but also has some strange adverts for those who are drug addicts to call
a phone number in order to be helped. I think such adverts shouldn’t be posted here because it’s not a subject you can
talk everywhere. We also have some panels for posters, these panels are full of adverts which sell HAIR(expensive hair)
and job related adverts. For example, Mihai Eminescu lyceum is looking for maids(servitoare, deridicatoare) and they
can put some posters including their phone number on these panels and a girl that needs a job can call them and be a
maid. I didn’t include online advertising because on every mobile application there are ads and basically every site has
some forms of advertising and everyone faced many ads online. In conclusion advertising is everywhere because people
need to become popular somehow and they are normal, but some products are just useless and you shouldn’t fall prey
to such adverts.

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