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erviews, edited by D. F. Bouchard.

Ithaca: Cornell
he, Genealogy, History.” In Language, Counter-Memory,
Nietzsehe, Genealogy, History

1. Genealogy is gray, meticulous, and patiently documentary.

It operates on a field of entangled and confused parchments, on
documents that have been scratched over and recopied many
On this basis, it is obvious that Paul Ree l wa., wrong to follow
the English tendency in describing the history of morality in
terms of a linear development-in reducing its entire history and
genesis to an exclusive concern for utility. He assumed that words
had kept their meaning, that desires still pointed in a single direc-
tion, and that ideas retained their logic; and he ignored the fact
that the world of speech and desires has known invasions, strug-
gles, plundering, disguises, ploys. From these elements, however,
genealogy retrieves an indispensable restraint: it must record the
singularity of events outside of any monotonous finality; it must
seek them in the most unpromising places, in what we tend to
feel is without history-in sentiments, love, conscience, in-

This essay first appeared in Hommage a lean Hyppolite (Paris:

Presses Universitaires de France, 1971), pp. 145-72. Along with
"Reponse au cercle d'epistemologie," which became tbe introductory
chapter of The Archaeology of Knowledge, tbis essay represents
Foucault's attempt to explain bis relationship to those sources which
are fundamental to bis development. Its importance, in terms of
understanding Foueault's objectives, eannot be exaggerated. It appears
here by permission of Presses Universitaires de France.
1. See Nietzsche's Preface to The Genealogy of Morals, 4, 7-
stincts; it must be sensitive to their recurrence, not in order to of morality, a foundation sought after since Plato? "In detestable,
trace the gradual curve of their evolution, but to isolate the narrowminded conclusions. Pudenda origO."6 Or in a related
different scenes where they engaged in different roles. Finally, eontext, where should we seek the origin of religion (Ursprung),
genealogy must define even those instances where they are whieh Schopenhauer located in a particular metaphysieal senti-
absent, the moment when they remained unrealized (Plato, at ment of the hereafter? It belongs, very simply, to an invention
Syracuse, did not become Mohammed). (Erfindung), a sleight-of-hand, an artifice (Kunststück), a seeret
Genealogy, consequently, requires patience and a knowledge formula, in the rituals of blaek magie, in the work of the
of details and it depends on a vast accumulation of source ma- Schwarzkünstler. 7
terial. Its "cyclopean monuments''2 are constructed from "discreet One of the most signmcant texts with respeet to the use of aIl
and apparently insignmcant truths and according to a rigorous these terms and to the variations in the use of Ursprung is the
method"; they cannot be the product of "Iarge and well-meaning prefaee to the Genealogy. At the beginning of the text, its objee-
errors."s In short, genealogy demands relentless erudition. tive is defined as an examination of the origin of moral preeon-
~~_~C?~s n9tEPP()~~.Jtselft() history as the lofty and pro- eeptions and the term used is Herkunft. Then, Nietzsehe pro-
f01.1Dd gaze of the philosopher mightcompare to the molelike eeeds by retracing his personal involvement with this question:
per~e.c~Y~ ofti}e"sch()I!lI;on tbe contrary, it rejects the meta- he reealls the period when he "calligraphied" philosophy, when
historical deployment of ideal signmcations and indefinite tele- he questioned if God must be held responsible for the origin of
010gi~s:1:t6pposes itself "to the "s·earch for "origins." evil. He now finds this question amusing and properly ehar-
2." In Nietzsche, we filld twouses oftheword Ursprung. Tbe aeterizes it as a seareh for Ursprung (he will shortly use the
first is unstressed, and it is found altemately with other terms same term to summarize Paul Ree's activity).8 Further on, he
sueh as Entstehung, Herkunft, Abkunft, Geburt. In The Gene- evokes the analyses that are characteristieally Nietzschean and
alogy 01 Morals, for example, Entstehung or Ursprung serve that began with Human, All Too Human. Here, he speaks of
equally weIl to denote the origin of duty or guilty eonscience;'" 1!l!.!~"I!"!1!..~YP9{1J:esen. .This use of the word Herkunft cannot be
and in the discussion of logie or knowledge in The Gay Science, arbitrary, since it serves to designate a number of texts, begin-
their origin is indiseriminately referred to as Ursprung, Entste- ning with Human, All Too Human, whieh deal with the origin
hung, or Herkunft.5 of morality, aseeticism, justiee, and punishment. And yet, the
Tbe other use of the word is stressed. On occasion, Nietzsehe word used in all these works had been Ursprung. 9 It would seem
plaees the term in opposition to another: in the first paragraph that at this point in the Genealogy Nietzsehe wished to validate
of Human, All Too Human the miraculous origin (Wunder- an opposition between Herkunft and Ursprung that did not exist
ursprung ) sought by metaphysics is set against the analyses of ten years earlier. But immediately following the use of the two
historieal philosophy, whieh poses questions über Herkunft und
Anfang. Ursprung is also used in an ironic and deceptive manner. 6. The Dawn, 102 ("Shameful origin"-En.).
7. The Gay Science, 151, 353; and also The Dawn, 62; The
In what, for instance, do we find the original basis (Ursprung) Genealogy, I, 14; Twilight of the Idols, "Tbe Great Errors" 7.
(SchwarzkünstleT is a black magician-En.) ,
2. The Gay Science, 7. 8. Paul Ree's text was entitled Ursprung der Moralischen
3. Human, All Too Human, 3. Empfindungen.
4. The Genealogy, II, 6, 8. 9. In Human, All Too Human, aphorism 92 was entitled Ursprung
5. The Gay Science, 110, 111, 300. der Gerechtigkeit.
tenns in a specific sense, Nietzsche reverts, in the final paragraphs History also teaches how to laugh at the solemnities of the
of the preface, to a usage that is neutral and equivalent. 10 origin. Tbe lofty origin is no more than "a metapliysical exten-
Why does Nietzsche challenge the pursuit of the origin sion which arises from the belief that things are most precious
( Ursprung), at least on those occasions when he is truly a and essential at the moment of birth."15 W e tend to think that
genealogist? First, because it is an attempt to capture the exact this is the moment of their greatest perfection, when they emerged
essence of things, their purest possibilities, and their carefully dazzling from the hands of a creator or in the shadowless light
protected identities, because this search assurnes the existence of a first morning. The origin always precedes the Fall. It comes
of immobile fonns that precede the extern al world of accident before the body, before the world and time; it is associated with
and succession. This search is directed to "that which was already the gods, and its story is always sung as a theogony. But his-
there," the image of a primordial truth fully adequate to its na- torical beginnings are lowly: not in the sense of modest or discreet
ture, and it necessitates the rem oval of every mask to ultimately like the steps of a dove, but derisive and ironic, capable of un-
disclose an original identity. However, if the genealogist refuses doing every infatuation. "We wished to awaken the feeling of
to extend his faith in metaphysics, if he listenS101llSfuiy, he man's sovereignty by showing his divine birth: this path is now
finds thatthere ls"-something rutogetherctl1ferent'" behirid thirigs: forbidden, since a monkey stands at the entrance."16 Man
notä"tiffiruess-älliressellflaTsecret;-bütthe -secret that they have originated with a grimace over bis future development; and
noessence or that their essence was fabricated in a piecemeal Zarathustra himself is plagued by a monkey who jumps along
, fashionfrom alien fonns. Examining the history of reason, he behind him, pulling on his coattails.
l~arns thaf it was born in an altogether "reäsonable" fashion- Tbe final postulate of the origin is linked to the first two in
from cnance;rr-devonon-Tö-trutllinif tnc predsion of scientific being the site of truth. From the vantage point of an absolute
metliodS-aiöSerröm-flle-passi"i>~--ö{ - 9Jars, iheir· redprocal distance, free from the restraints of positive knowledge, the
hatred, i:heiilanaHcararid unen<!ingdiscussions, and their spirit origin makes possible a field of knowledge whose function is to
o(~.Q~jletinön~the personal conHicts that slowly forged the recover it, but always in a false recognition due to the excesses
weapons- of reason.'2 Further, genealogical analysis shows that of its own speech. Tbe origin lies at a place of inevitable loss,
th~concept of liberty is an "invention of the ruling classes"13 the point where the truth of things corresponded to a truthful
and not fundamental to man's nature or at the root of his attach- discourse, the site of a Heeting articulation that discourse has
ment to being and truth. What is found at the historical beginning obscured and finally lost. It is a new cruelty of history that
of things is not the inviolable identity of their origin; it is the compels areversal of this relationship and the abandonment of
dissension of other things. It is disparity.14 "adolescent" quests: behind the always recent, avaricious, and
10. In the main body of The Genealogy, Ursprung and Herkunpt measured truth, it posits the ancient proliferation of errors. It is
are used interchangeably in numerous instances (I, 2; 11, 8, 11, 12, now impossible to believe that "in the ren ding of the veil, truth
11. The Dawn, 123.
12. Human, AU Too Human, 34. the re:lm a?~ movement of dialectics, the disparate presents itself
13. The Wanderer and His Shadow, 9. as an event m the world of chance. For a more detailed discussion
14. A wide range of key terms, found in The Archaeology 01 see below, "Theatrum Philosophicum," pp. 180, 193-196-ED. '
Knowledge, are related to this theme of "disparity": the concepts of 15. The Wanderer and His Shadow, 3.
series, discontinuity, division, and difference. If the same is found in 16. The Dawn, 49.
. "17
remains truthful; we have lived long enough not to be taken m. the basis of all beginnings, atavisms, and heredities. SimUarly,
Truth is undoubtedly the sort of error that cannot be refuted he must be able to diagnose the Ulnesses of the body, its condi-
because it was hardened into an unalterable form in the long tions of weakness and strength, its breakdown and resistances, to
baking process of history.18 Moreover, the very question of truth, be in a position to judge philosopbical discourse. History is the
the right it appropriates to refute error and oppose itseH to ap- concrete body of a development, with its moments of intensity,
pearance,19 the manner in wbich it developed (initially made its Iapses, its extended periods of feverish agitation, its fainting
available to the wise, then withdrawn by men of piety to an speIls; and onIy a metaphysician would seek its soul in the dis-
unattainable world where it was given the double role of con- tant ideality of the origin.
solation and imperative, finally rejected as a useless notion, 3. Entstehung and Herkunft are more exact than Ursprung
superHuous, and contradicted on all sides )-does this not form in recording the true objective of genealogy; and, while they are
abistory, the bistory of an error we call truth? Truth, and its ordinarily translated as "origin," we must attempt to reestablish
original reign, has had abistory within bistory from which we their proper use.
are barely emerging "in the time of the shortest shadow," when Herkunft is the equivalent of stock or descent; it is the ancient
light no longer seems to How from the depths of the sky or to affiliation to a group, sustained by the bonds of blood, tradition,
arise from the first moments of the day.20 or social class. Tbe analysis of Herkunft often involves a con-
A genealogy of values, morality, asceticism, and knowledge sideration of race21 or social type. 22 But the traits it attempts to
will never coIJuse itse1fWR1l-ä""quesTlor t1!eir "OiigTiiS,U will identify are not the exclusive generic characteristics of an in-
never neglect as" "-die Vicissitudes of history. On the dividual, asentiment, or an idea, wbich permit us to qualify them
~öilträry;""-ff wilrcu1Hväfe" theoetäns and accidents that ac- as "Creek" or "English"; rather, it seeks the subtle, singular, and
company every beginning; it will be scrupulously attentive to subindividual marks that might possibly intersect in them to form
their petty malice; it will await their emergence, once unmasked, a network that is difficult to unravel. Far from being a category
as the face of the other. Wherever it is made to go, it will not of resemblance, this origin allows the sorting out of different
be reticent-in "excavating the depths," in allowing time for traits: the Cermans imagined that they had finally accounted
these elements to escape from a labyrinth where no truth had for their complexity by saying they possessed a double soul; they
ever detained them. Tbe genealogist needs history to dispel the were fooled by a simple computation, or rather, they were simply
chimeras of the origin, somewllat -ln the ma~ner "of the pious trying to master the racial disorder from which they had formed
philöSöpher -wnö"-needs"a-ooctOJ: to exorcise the shadow of- bis themselves. 23 Where the soul pretends unmcation or the seH
soül-:-RemustDe"able~fo recogniie the events of bistory, its fabricates a coherent identity, the genealogist sets out to study
jo!t;,its surprises, its unsteady victories and unpalatable defeats- the beginning-numberless beginnings whose faint traces and
hints of color are readily seen by an bistorical eye. Tbe analysis
17. Nietzsche contra Wagner, p. 99. of descent permits the dissociation of the seH, its recognition
18. The Gay Science, 265 and 110.
19. See "Theatrum Philosophicum" below, pp. 167-168, for a dis-
cussion of the development of truth; and also "History of Systems of 21. For example, The Gay Science, 135; Beyond Good and Evil,
Thought: Summary of a Course at the College de France-1970- 200, 242, 244; The Genealogy, I, 5.
1971," pp. 202-204-ED. 22. The Gay Science, 348-349; Beyond Good and Evil, 260.
20. Twilight of the Idols, "How the world of truth becomes a fable." 23. Beyond Good and Evil, 244.
and displacement as an empty synthesis, in liberating a profusion hasty conclusions, and supemciality."27 The search for descent
of lost events. 24 is not the erecting of foundations: on the contrary, it disturbs
I An examination of descent also permits the discovery, under what was previously considered immobile; it fragments what was
th~ >-äspeCt -6f .a trait or _a concept, of the myriad events thought unified; it shows the heterogeneity of what was imagined
thrQug.lC~nlclLlliänks to'- which, against which-they were consistent with itself. What convictions and, far more decisively,
formed. Genealogy does not pretend to go back in time to re- what knowledge can resist it? If a genealogical analysis of a
st~;~ -;0 ~broKen-confiriuIty fliät "operates beyond the disper- scholar were made-of one who collects facts and carefully
sionof forgotten things; its duty is not to demonstrate that the accounts for them-his Herkunft would quickly divulge the
past- actively exists in the present, that it continues secretly to official papers of the scribe and the pleadings of the lawyer-
animate the present, having imposed a predetermined form to all their father 28-in their apparently disinterested attention, in the
itsVicissitudes. Genealogy does not resemble the evolution of a "pure" devotion to objectivity.
species and does--ilöt m:äp--the' <iestiny of a people. On the con- Finally, descent attaches itself to the body.29 It inscribes itself
trary;-fö -rollowthe --cÜmplex course 'Of descent is to maintain in the nervous system, in temperament, in the digestive apparatus;
passing events in their proper dispersion; it ~s to identify the ac- it appears in faulty respiration, in improper diets, in the debili-
cidents, the minute deviations-or conversely, the complete tated and prostrate body of those whose ancestors committed
reversals-the errors, the false appnlisals, and the faulty calcula- errors. Fathers have only to mistake effects for causes, believe in
tions that gave birth to those things that continue to exist and the reality of an "afterlife," or maintain the value of eternal
have value for us; it is to discover that truth or being do not lie truths, and the bodies of their children will suffer. Cowardice
at the root of what we know and what we are, but the exteriority and hypocrisy, for their part, are the simple offshoots of error:
of accidents. 25HThis is undoubtedly why every origin of morality not in a Socratic sense, not that evil is the result of amistake, not
from the moment it stops being pious-and Herkunft can never because of a turning away from an original truth, but because
be-has value as a critique.26 the body maintains, in life as in death, through its strength or
Derlving from such-a source is a dangerous legacy. In numer- weakness, the sanction of every truth and error, as it sustains,
ous instances, Nietzsche associates the terms Herkunft and in an inverse manner, the origin-descent. Why did men invent
Erbschaft. Nevertheless, we should not be deceived into thinking the contemplative life? Why give a supreme value to this form
that this heritage is an acquisition, apossession that grows and of existence? Why maintain the absolute truth of those fictions
solidifies; rather, it is an unstable assemblage of faults, fissures, which sustain it? "During barbarous ages . . . if the strength of
and heterogeneous layers that threaten the fragile inheritor from an individual declined, if he feIt himself tired or sick, melancholy
within or from underneath: "injustice or instability in the minds or satiated and, as a consequence, without desire or appetite for
of certain men, their disorder and lack of decorum, are the final a short time, he became relatively a better man, that is, less
consequences of their ancestors' numberless logical inaccuracies, dangerous. His pessimistic ideas could only take form as words

24. See below, "Theatrum Philosophicurn," pp. 172-176-ED. 27. The Dawn, 247.
25. The Genealogy, III, 17. The abkunft of feelings of depression. 28. The Gay Science, 348-349.
26. Twilight, "Reasons for philosophy." 29. Ibid., 200.
or reßections. In this frame of mind, he either became a thinker forces. The analysis of the Entstehung must delineate this inter-
and prophet or used his imagination to feed his superstitions:'30 action, thc'stru:ggletliese-törces wa-ge against each 'other or
The body-and everything that touches it: diet, climate, and against adverse circumstances, and the attempt to avoid degener-
soil-is the domain of the Herkunft. The body manifests the at[oiiärid regain strength by dividing these forces against them-
stigmata of past experience and also gives rise to desires, failings, selves. It is in this sense that the emergence of a species (animal
and errors. These elements may join in a body where they achieve or human) and its solidification are secured "in an extended
a sudden expression, but as often, their encounter is an engage- battle against conditions which are essentially and constantly
ment in which they efIace each other, where the body becomes unfavorable." In fact, "the species must realize itself as a species,
the pretext of their insurmountable conBict. as something-characterized by the durability, uniformity, and
The body is the inscribed surface of events (traced by lan- simplicity of its form-which can prevail in the perpetual strug-
guage and dissolved by ideas), the locus of a dissociated Self gle against outsiders or the uprising of those it oppresses from
(adopting the illusion of a substantial unity), and a volume in within." On the other hand, individual difIerences emerge at
perpetual disintegration. Genealogy, as an analysis of descent, is another stage of the relationship of forces, when the species has
thus situated within the articulation of the body and history. become victorious and when it is no Ionger threatened from
Its task is to expose a body totally imprinted by history and the outside. In this condition, we find a struggle "of egoisms turned
process of history's destruction of the body. against each other, each bursting forth in a splintering of forces
4. Entstehung designa~ emergenc€!.J. the moment of arising. and a general striving for the sun and for the light."31 There
It sta~ds as the principle an.a flle-;~~;;}~~-or~~pp~tion.' are also times when force contends against itself, and not only in
&~iti;';~o;;g tö-searCh'lor
de~~;~t in an unint~;~pt~d con- the intoxication of an abundance, which allows it to divide itself,
tiiI~ity;~~~~'?:uraavoial:hinking-of eniergence as the final term but at the moment when it weakens. Force reacts against its
of an historical deveiopIIlent; the eye was not always intended growing lassitude and gains strength; it imposes limits, inBicts
for 'contemPIatlorl,' änd punishment has had other purposes than torments and mortifications; it masks these actions as a higher
settiiI an exampl.~: These developments may appear as a cul- morality, and, in exchange, regains its strength. In this manner,
minati~~:I)ut they are merely the current episodes in aseries of the ascetic ideal was born, "in the instinct of a decadent life
subjugations: the eye initially responded to the requirements of which . . . struggles for its own existence."32 This also describes
hunting and warfare; and punishment has been subjected, the movement in which the Reformation arose, precisely where
throughout its history, to a variety of needs-revenge, excluding the church was least corrupt;33 German Catholicism, in the six-
an aggressor, compensating a victim, creating fear. In placing teenth century, retained enough strength to turn against itself,
present needs at the origin, the metaphysician would convince us to mortify its own body and history, and to spiritualize itself into
of an obscure purpose that seeks its realization at the moment a pure religion of conscience.
it arises. Genealogy, however, seeks to reestablish the various Emergence is thus the entry of forces; it is their eruption, the
- - - - -.. _----~~ .....- ._~>._---~-_. ._.<- -_.--- ~

systems of subjection: not the anticipatory power of meaning,

31. Beyond Good and Evil, 262.
but the·ofdomin~, 32. The Genealogy, III, 13.
Emergence is always produced through a particular stage of 33. The Gay Science, 148. It is also to an anemia of the will that
-.--_._- -. -- -. -- one must attribute the Entstehung of Buddhism and Christianity,
30. The Dawn, 42. 347.
leap from the wings to center stage, each in its youthful strength. nouncing violence and submitting to civillaws. On the contrary,
What NietzsClie-calls1:neEntst_gsherd3• of the concept of the Iaw is a calculated and relentless pleasure, delight in the
goodness is not specmcally the energy of the strong or the re- promised blood, which permits the perpetual instigation of new
action of the weak, but precisely this scene where they are dis- dominations and the staging of meticulously repeated scenes of
played superimposed or face-to-face. It is nothing but the space violence. The desire for peace, the serenity of compromise, and
that divides them, the void through which they exchange their the tacit acceptance of the law, far from representing a major
threatening gestures and speeches. As descent qualifies the moral conversion or a utilitarian calculation that gave rise to the
strength or weakness of an instinct and its inscription on a body, law, are but its result and, in point of fact, its perversion: "guilt,
emergence designates a place of confrontation but not as a conscience, and duty had their threshold of emergence in the
closed field offering the spectacle of a struggle among equals. right to secure obligations; and their inception, like that of any
Rather, as Nietzsche demonstrates in his analysis of good and major event on earth, was saturated in blood."38 Humanity does
evil, it is a "non-place," a pure distance, which indicates that the not gradually progress from combat to combat until it arrives at
adversaries do not belong to a common space. Consequently, no universal reciprocity, where the role of law finally replaces war-
one is responsible for an emergence; no one can glory in it, since fare; humanity installs each of its violences in a system of roles
it always occurs in the interstice. and thus proceeds from domination to domination.
I In a sen.~~~I}h:_~,"~!~g!~".~~~U~ .. ever s~a.g~~. in this "non- The nature of these roles allows violence to be inHicted on
place," the endlessly repeated play of dominations. Th{i"oönTina- violence and the resurgence of new forces that are sufficiently
tion of certafn--men~ovei-ötbers leädir lo the-,lHferenHätiötr'of strong to dominate those in power. Rules are empty in them-
;ru-~05 cl~;~--d~~i~~ti~~ generat~s 'th~ . id~!:_2rill?~~y;36 and selves, violent and unfinalized; they are impersonal and can be
the forceful appropriation öflliiiigS"neces-;~ry to survival and the bent to any purpose. ~cesses of those
imposition of a duration not intrinsic to them account for the who are capable of seizing these roles, to replace those wnOhad
origin of logic. 37 This relationship of domination is no more a usiC:fthem,to' disgtiise themselves so as to pervert them, invert
"relationship" than the place where it occurs is a place; and, theii~eanlng:-ina-redrrecftnein'against those who had iIiitially
precisely for this reason, it is fixed, throughout its history, in imposed·them~ontröiIi~g- thi~' complex' mechanism, they will
rituals, in meticulous procedures that impose rights and obliga- ~-~k~-itf~;;:cti~n 's"o- ~s· tü· over~ome the ~l~;~ through their <>Wo
tions. It establishes marks of its power and engraves memories rofes:~" . "-.. . .
on things and even within bodies. It makes itself accountable '- "The isolation of _Eiff.~~p."U>_~iIl!s...<:l!_~I!1~~&.eIlce does not con-
for debts and gives rise to the universe of roles, which is by no form_ to th~." succe.s.~ive cql!figurations of an ideiItical irieäniiig;
means designed to temper violence, but rather to satisfy it. rath~..tlte~res.uJ.t."fr()ms1!l:>st.itutio"us, "displacements, disgnised
Following traditional beliefs, it would be false to think that total conquests, and systematic. reversals. If i"uterpretation were the
war exhausts itself in its own contradictions and ends by re- slow e,q,osure of them~a~i~g- hidden In an origin, then only
metäpnysics'-colilo interPret t:he development of humanity. But
34. The Genealogy, I, 2. if -illierpretation is the violent or surreptitious appropriation of
35. Beyond Good and Evil, 260; cf. also The Genealogy, II, 12.
36. The Wanderer, 9. a system of roles, which in itself has no essential meaning, in
37. The Gay Science, 111. 38. The Genealogy, II, 6.
order to impose a direction, to bend it to a new will, to force its genealogy if it reEuses the certainty of absolutes. Given this, it
participation in a different game, and to subject it to secondary corresponds to the acuity of a glance that distinguishes, separates,
rules, then the development of humanity is aseries of interpreta- and disperses, that is capable of liberating divergence and mar-
tions. The role of genealogy is to record its history: the history ginal elements-the kind of dissociating view that is capable of
of morals, ideals, and metaphysTcar concepts;Ufuc:i history of the decomposing itself, capable of shattering the unity of man's being
conc~l~~CIi~~rty or orthe ~~cetic--life;as they stand for-the through which it was thought that he could extend his sovereignty
emergence of ilifferent interpretations, they must be made to to the events of his past.
appearas-evenwmr-llre-Sfage -orhlstorlcäfprocess. - Historical meaning becomes a dimension oi "wirkliche His-
'5.'HoW--~all.-weaefine the relationship between genealogy, seen torie" to the extent that it places within a process of development
as the examination of Herkunft and Entstehung, and history in everything considered immortal in man. We believe that feelings
the traditional sense? We could, of course, examine Nietzsche's are immutable, but every sentiment, particularly the noblest and
celebrated apostrophes against history, but we will put these most disinterested, has a history. We believe in the duH constancy
aside for the moment and consider those instances when he con- oE instinctuallife and imagine that it continues to exert its force
ceives of genealogy as "wirkliche Historie," or its more frequent indiscriminately in the present as it did in the past. But a knowl-
characterization as historical "spirit" or "sense."89 In fact, edge of history easily disintegrates this unity, depicts its waver-
Nietzsche's criticism, beginning with the second of the Un- ing course, locates its moments of strength and weakness, and
timely Meditations, always questioned the form of history that defines its oscillating reign. It easily seizes the slow elaboration
reintroduces (and always assurnes ) a suprahistorical perspective: oE instincts and those movements where, in tuming upon them-
a history whose function is to compose the finally reduced diver- selves, they relentlessly set about their self-destruction. 40 We
sity of time into a totality fuHy cIosed upon itself; a history that believe, in any event, that the body obeys the excIusive laws of
always encourages subjective recognitions and attributes a form physiology and that it escapes the inHuence of history, but this
oE reconciliation to all the displacements of the past; a history too is false. The body is molded by a great many distinct
whose perspective on aH that precedes it implies the end of regimes; it is broken down by the rhythms of work, rest, and
time, a completed development. The historian's history finds its holidays; it is poisoned by food or values, through eating habits
support outside of time and pretends to base its judgments on or moralIaws; it constructs resistances. 41 "Effective" history differs
an apocalyptic objectivity. This is only possible, however, be- from traditional history in being without constants. Nothin in
cause oE its belief in etemal truth, the immortality of the soul, man-not even s ody-is su Clent y sta e to serve as the
and the nature of consciousness as always identical to itself. basis for self-recognition or for understanding other men. The
Once the historical sense is mastered by a suprahistorical per- tradition al devices for constructing a comprehensive view oE his-
spective, metaphysics can bend it to its own purpose and, by tory and for retracing the past as a patient and continuous
aligning it to the demands of objective science, it can impose its development must be systematically dismantled. Necessarily, we
own "Egyptianism." On the other hand, the historical sense can must dismiss those tendencies that encourage the consoling play
evade metaphysics and become a privileged instrument of oE recognitions. Knowledge, even under the banner oE history,
39. The Genealogy, Preface, 7; and I, 2. Beyond Good and Evil, 40. The Gay Science, 7.
224. 41. Ibid.

does not depend on "rediscovery," and it emphatically excludes ness of events. Tbe inverse of the Christi an world, spun entirely
the "rediscovery of ourselves."42 IM-0ry becomes "effective'~to -l)ya(llvin-esplder, and different from the world of the Creeks,
i the degree that it introduees discontinuit into our very being- divided between the realm of will and the great cosmic folly,
as it. ivi es our emotions, dramatizes our instinets, multiplies the world of effective history knows only one kingdom, without
our boay and sets It agamst itse1l "Effective" history depnves providence or final eause, where there is only "the iron hand of
the self of the reassurTng sfäbTIityof life and nature, and it will necessity shaking the dice-box of chanee."45 Chance is not sim12ly
not permit itself to be transported by a voieeless obstinaey toward the drawing of lots, but raising the stakes in every attem~ to
a~~lJ~nial·enruiig. It will uproot its traditional foundations and master chance through the will to power, and giving rise to the
relentlesSly· -diSruPl its pretended continuity. This is because risk of an even greater chance. 46 Tbe world we know is not tnis
\ knowledge is not made for understanding; it is m;de for eutting. 43 ultimately simple configuration where events are reduced to
From these observations, we ean grasp the particülar trnih- of accentuate their essential traits, their final meaning, or their
historieal meaning as Nietzsche understood it-the sense whieh initial and final value. On the contrary, it is a profusion of en-
opposes "wirkliche Historie" to traditional history. The former tangled events. If it appears as a "marvelous motley, profound
transposes the relationship ordinarily established between the and totally meaningful," this is because it began and continues
eruption of an event and necessary eontinuity. An entire his- its secret existence through a "host of errors and phantasms."47
torieal tradition (theological or rationalistic) aims at dissolving W e want historians to confirm our belief that the present rests
the singular event into an ideal eontinuity-as a teleologieal upon profound intentions and immutable necessities. But the true
movement or a natural proeess. "Effective" history, however, hiStorical sense coiifirms our existence among eountless lost
d~ls with events in terms of their most unique eharacteristies, events, without a landIllark or a point of refereIice. - -
their most acute manifestations. An event, eonsequently, is not a Effeetive history ean also invert the relationship that tradi-
decision, a treaty, a reign, or a battle, but the reversal of a rela- tional history, in its dependenee on metaphysics, establishes be-
tionship of forees, the usurpation of power, the appropriation of tween proximity and distance. Tbe latter is given to a contempla-
a voeabulary turned against those who had on ce used it, a feeble tion of distanees and heights: the noblest periods, the highest
domination that poisons itself as it grows lax, the entry of a forms, the most abstract ideas, the purest individualities. It ac-
masked "other." I~E~s_.2"pera!ipg in history are not eon- eomplishes this by getting as near as possible, placing itself at
tr~lled by destiny or regulative m~aianisms, but respond to the foot of its mountain peaks, at the risk of adopting the famous
hapnäia.i:cfcorifIicts: 44 Theydo not manifestthe sueeessive forms perspective of frogs. Effeetive history, on tE~ other hand, shortens
of a primordial intention and their attraetion is not that of a its vision to those things nearest to it-thet)üdy,-the nervous
eonclusion, for they always appear through the singular random- system, nutrition, digestion, and energles;lfunearths the- periods
of-aecaaence-ana-IfIt·ehances -upon ioftyepoens, it is with the
42. See "What Is an Author?" above, p. 134, on rediscoveries- suspi~föii- -iiot--Vindrci:i~e but-j~y~lls~ffinding a -barbarous and
43. This statement is echoed in Foucault's discussion of "diHer-
ha;;o-fearof lookfng-down;solong as it
entiations" in The Archaeology of Knowledge, pp. 130-131, 206; or
the use of the word "division" above in "A Preface to Transgression," 45. The Dawn, 130.
p.36-Eo. 46. The Genealogy, II, 12.
44. The Genealogy, 11, 12. 47. Human, All Too Human, 16.

is understood that it looks from above and descends to seize the avoidable obstacles of their passion. Nietzsche's version of his-
various perspectives, to disclose dispersions and differences, to toriciil~ens-elSexplicit in its persp-ective and acknowledges its
leave things undisturbed in their own dimension and intensity.'8 system of injustice. Its perception is slanted, being a deliberate
It reverses the surreptitious practice of historians, their preten- appraisal, affirmation, or negation; it reaches the lingering and
sion to examine things furthest from themselves, the groveHing poisonous traces in order to prescribe the best antidote. It is not
manner in which they approach this promising distance (like the given to a discreet effacement before the objects it observes and
metaphysicians who proclaim the existence of an afterlife, situated does not submit itself to their processes; nor does it seek laws,
at a distance from this world, as a promise of their reward). since it gives equal weight to its own sight and to its objects.
Effective history studies what is closest, but in an abrupt dispos- Through this historical sense, knowledge is allowed to create its
session, so as to seize it at a distance (an approach similar to own genealogy in the act of cognition; and "wirkliche Historie"
that of a doctor who looks closely, who plunges to make a diag- composes a genealogy of history as the vertical projection of its
nosis and to state its difference). Historical sense has more in position.
common with medicine than philosophy; and it should not 6. In this context, Nietzsehe links historical sense to the his-
surprise us that Nietzsche occasionally employs the phrase ''his- torians history. They share a beginning that is similarly impure
torically and physiologically,"49 since among the philosoph er's and confused, share the same sign in which the symptoms of
idiosyncracies is a complete denial of the body. This includes, as sickness can be recognized as well as the seed of an exquisite
weH, "the absence of historical sense, a hatred for the idea of flower.52 They arose simultaneously to follow their separate ways,
development, Egyptianism," the obstinate "placing of conclu- but our task is to trace their common genealogy.
sions at the beginning," of "making last things first."50 History The descent (Herkunft) of the historian is unequivocal: he is
~s a_!:l!~.E:.?l'~~~~l.t~.s.~ than to be a handmaiden to phil~, of humble birth. A characteristic of history is to be without
to recount the necessary biith"üf truth andvalues; it should be- choice: it encourages thorough understanding and excludes
c.ome-a _ diffcl'entialknowledge of energfes and--failings, heights qualitative judgments-a sensitivity to all things without distinc-
aria-(fegenerai:Jons, pOisons-ärid--aritidOtes:-Its fasK is to becorile a tion, a comprehensive view excluding differences. Nothing must
9uratlve sCience. 51 - -- escape it and, more importantly, nothing must be excluded. His-
"--TIie-finaftraU-of effective history is its affirmation of knowI- torians argue that this proves their tact and discretion. After all,
edge as perspective. Historians take unusual Fains to erase the what right have they to impose their tastes and preferences when
el~me~ts_}_~!~~i_r~ork which re~heir ir<)~ndingin ~jJ~rti~­ they seek to determine what actually occurred in the past? Their
lar time and place,-theirpreferences iri- a c()ntrov~rsy-th;-~n-
._ -. . . _ . _ •••• _ _ •••• .-'_ 0"0 _ •• ~ .. ~--- __ • • • • • • _ . __ ••• _ . . __ • ~~ ". .".~. _ _ _ ~~ __
mistake is to exhibit a total lack of taste, the kind of crudeness
that becomes smug in the presence of the loftiest elements and
48. See "Theatrum Philosophieum" below, p. 183, for an analysis
of Deleuze's thought as intensity of difference-ED. finds satisfaction in reducing them to size. ~ historian is inse~si­
49. TWilight,44. ~~s!..~i~g1!~ti!1.gthin~;_or !~ther, he especially enjoys
50. Twilight, "Reason within philosophy," 1 and 4. those things that should be repugnant to _him. I!is apparent
51. The Wanderer, 188. (This conception underlies the task of
Madness and Civilization and The Birth 01 the Clinic even though it is
serenity follows from his concerted avöidance DEUie ~Oonal
not found as a conscious formulation until The Archaeology 01 Knowl- a~d hisred~ction ~f...alfthi~g~-töthelowestcOInmonaenöininafOr.
._--,---_ .
.--,-_.~.~~--.-.~_ -~-'- - ---- - - --- -

edge; for a discussion of archaeology as "diagnosis," see especially p.

131-ED.) 52. The Gay Science, 337.

Nothing is allowed to stand above him; and underlying his de- who dress up in the part of wisdom and adopt an objective point
sire for total knowledge is his search for the secrets that belittle of view."·>1
everything: "base curiosity." What is the source of history? It Tbe Entstehung of history is found in nineteenth-century
comes from the plebs. To whom is it addressed? To the plebs. Europe: the land of interminglings and bastardy, the period of
And its discourse strongly resembles the demagogue's refrain: "No the "man-of-mixture." 'Ve have become barbarians with respect
one is greater than you and anyone who presumes to get the to those rare moments of high civilization: eities in ruin and
better of you-you who are good-is eviI." The historian, who enigmatic monuments are spread out before us; we stop before
functions as his double, can be heard to echo: "No past is gaping walls; we ask what gods inhabited these e~pty temples.
greater than your present, and, through my meticulous erudition, Great epochs laeked this euriosity, lacked our excessl\'e deference;
1 will rid you of your infatuations and transform the grandeur they ignored their predecessors: the classieal period . ignored
of history into pettiness, evil, and misfortune." The historian's Shakespeare. The deeadence of Europe presents an rmmense
ancestry goes back to Socrates. spectacle (while stronger periods refrained from such exhibi-
This demagogy, of course, must be masked. It must hide its tions ), and the nature of this scene is to represent a theater; lack-
singular malice under the cIoak of universals. As the demagogue inO' monuments of our own making, which properly belong to
o .
is obliged to invoke truth, laws of essences, and eternal neces- us, we live among erowded seenes. But there IS more. Europeans
sity, the historian must invoke objectivity, the accuracy of facts, no longer know themselves; they ignore their mixed aneestries
and the permanence of the past. The demagogue denies the and seek a proper role. They lack individuality. We can begin to
body to secure the sovereignty of a timeless idea and the his- understand the spontaneous historieal bent of the nineteenth
torian effaces his proper individuality so that others may enter century: the anemia of its forces and those mixtures that effaced
the stage and recIaim their own speech. 53 He is divided against all its individual traits produeed the same results as the mortifica-
himself: forced to silence his preferences and overcome his tions of asceticism; its in ability to create, its absence of artistic
distaste, to blur his own perspective and replace it with the fiction works, and its need to rely on past achievements forced it to
of a universal geometry, to mimic death in order to enter the king- adopt the base euriosity of plebs.
dom of the dead, to adopt a faceless anonymity. In this wo~ld If this fully represents the genealogy of history, how could it
wbere he has conquered his individual will, he be~omes a guide become, in its own right, a genealogical analysis? Why did it not
t!:L!h~,~~able lawof"a-superior will. Having curbed the de- continue as a form of demagogic or religious knowledge? How
ml,l~ of hi~-indivi(Yu'~l';iICIn'his k~~w'ledge, he will discIose could it change roles on the same stage? Only by being seized,
the for;oCari'~te;~al will i~ his object of study. The objectivity dominated, and turned against its birth. And it is this movement
o{ his~~!~~s }.D:"e,.!t~_!?~ r~l.a.~~2.nsJ1iPs of will. a.nd knowledge and which properly describes the specific nature of the Entstehung:
it is;'in the saIl1~_s!roke, a necessary belief in Providence, in Rnal it is not the unavoidable concIusion of a long preparation, but a
caus~i=a~d 't~leology=-th~_~~j~efs, thi.tpi~~e ,thc hLS!orian in the scene where forces are risked in the chance of confrontations,
\ family of ascetics. "I can't stand these lustful eunuchs of history, where they emerge triumphant, where they can also be con-
I alIthC'~~-;;d~-;;Ü~-ns of an ascetic ideal; I can't stand these whited fiscated. The locus of emergence for metaphysics was surely
sepulchrcs producing life or those tired and indifferent beings Athenian demagogy, the vulgar spite of Socrates and bis belief
53. See beIow, "Intellectuals and Power," p. 211-Eo. 54. The Genealogy, I1I, 26.

in immortality, and Plato eould have seized this Socratie phi- he will push the masquerade to its limit and prepare the great
losophy to turn it against itself. Undoubtedly, he was often earniyal of time where masks are constantly reappearing. No
tempted to do so, but his defeat lies in its eonseeration. The longer the identification of our faint individuality with the solid
problem was similar in the nineteenth eentury: to avoid doing identities of the past, but our "unrealization" through the exces-
for the popular aseetieism of historians what Plato did for sive choice of identities-Frederick of Hohenstaufen, Caesar,
Soerates. This historieal trait should not be founded upon a Jesus, Dionysus, and possibly Zarathustra. Taking up these masks,
philosophy of history, but dismantled beginning with the things revitalizing the buffoonery of history, we adopt an identity whose
it produced; it is necessary to master history so as to turn it to unreality surpasses that of God who started the charade. "Per-
genealogical uses, that is, strictly anti-Platonic purposes. Only haps, we can discover arealm where originality is again pos-
then will the historieal sense free itself from the demands of a sible as parodists of history and buffoons of God...,s5 In this, we
suprahistorical history. recognize the parodie double of what the second of the Un-
7. The historieal sense gives rise to three uses that oppose timely Meditations ealled "monumental history" : a history given
and correspond to the three Platonic modalities of history. The to reestablishing the high points of historical development and
first is parodic, direeted against reality, and opposes the the-;;; their maintenance in a perpetual presence, given to the recovery
of history as reminiscence or recogmtion;-flitl second is--mssocia- of works, actions, and creations through the monogram of their
tive, directed agaiDst-'ideiitity~' an(l' opposes liistory -given as personal essence. But in 1874, Nietzsche accused this history,
c~ntfuttity -~r _representative of a tradition; the third is sacrificial, one totally devoted to veneration, of barring aecess to the actual
d!!.t:.cted ag~i~st m{!!t~.~~~opposes history as knowledge. They intensities and creations of life. The parody of his last texts
imply a use of history that-severs its --conneetion to memory, its serves to emphasize that "monumental history" is itself a parody.
metaphysical and anthropological model, and constructs a Genealogy is history in the form of a concerted carnival.
eounter-memory-a transformation of history into a totaHy dif- The seeond use of history is the systematJc dissociation of
ferent form of time. identity~s--iiecessary 'becllUse this rather weak identity,
First, the parodic and farcical use. The historian offers this which w'e-ittemptto support and to unify under a mask, is in
confused and anonymous European, who no longer knows him- itself only a parody: it is plural; eountless spirits dispute its
self or what name he should adopt, the possibility of alternate possession; numerous systems intersect and compete. The study
identities, more individualized and substantial than his own. of history makes one "happy, unlike the metaphysicians, to pos-
But the man with historieal sense will see that this substitution sess in oneself not an immortal soul but many mortal ones."S6 And
is simply a disguise. Historians supplied the Revolution with in each of these souls, history will not diseover a forgotten identity,
Roman prototypes, romanticism with knight's armor, and the eager to be reborn, but a complex system of distinct and multiple
Wagnerian era was given the sword of a German hero-ephem- elements, unable to be mastered by the powers of synthesis: "it
eral props that point to our own unreality. No one kept them is a sign of superior eulture to maintain, in a fuHy eonscious way,
from venerating these religions, from going to Bayreuth to eertain phases of its evolution which lesser men pass through
commemorate a new afterlife; they were free, as weH, to be trans- without thought. The initial result is that we ean understand
formed into street-vendors of empty identities. The new his- those who resemble us as eompletely determined systems and
torian, the genealogist, will know what to make of this mas-
querade. He will not be too serious to enjoy it; on the contrary, 55. Beyond Good and Evil, 223.
56. The Wanderer (Opinions and Mixed Statements), 17.
as representative of diverse cultures, that is to say, as necessary reserach and delights in disturbing discoveries. 59 Tbe historical
and capable of modification. And in return, we are able to analysis 01 {hIS rancorous Wlll to-1ffiowledg~60-reveals that all
separate the phases of our own evolution and consider them in- knowledge rests upon injustice (that there is no right, not even
dividually."57 ~e purp~e ~!_~~t?I}'~~i"~_ed"_by.gen~}ogy, is in the act of knowing, to truth or a foundation for truth) and
not to discover the roots of our identity but to commit itself to its that the instinct for knowledge is malicious (something murder-
dissipation. It does not seek to deHne our unique threshold of ous, opposed to the happiness of mankind ). Even in the greatly
emergence, the homeland to which metaphysicians promise a re- expanded form it assumes today, the will to knowledge does not
turn; it seeks to make visible all of those discontinuities that achieve a universal truth; man is not given an exact and serene
C?ross u~ "Antiquarian history," according to the Untimely Medi- mastery of nature. On the contrary, it ceaselessly multiplies the
tations, pursues opposite goals. It seeks the continuities of soil, risks, creates danger~ in every area; it breaks down illuso de-
language, and urban life in which our present is rooted and, "by fences; it isso ves e umty 0 t e subject; it releases those
cultivating in a delicate manner that which existed for all time, elements of itseIf that are devoted to its subversion and destruc-
it tries to conserve for posterity the conditions under which we tion. Kriowledge does not sIowly detach itself from its empirlcal
were born."58 This type of history was objected to in the Medita- roots,'the initial needs from which it arose, to become pure specu-
tions because it tended to block creativity in support of the laws lation subject only to the demands of reason; its development is
of Hdelity. Somewhat later-and already in Human, All Too not tied to the constitution and affirmation of a free subject;
Human-Nietzsche reconsiders the task of the antiquarian, but rather, it creates a progressive enslavement to its instinctive
with an altogether different emphasis. If genealogy in its own violence. Where religions once demanded the sacrmce of bodies,
right gives rise to questions concerning our native land, native knowledge now caIls for experimentation on ourselves,61 calls us
language, or the laws that govern us, its intention is to reveal to the sacrmce of the subject of knowledge. "Tbe desire for
the heterogenous systems which, masked by the self, inhibit the knowledge has been transformed among us into a passion which
formation of any form of identity. fears no sacrifice, which fears nothing but its own extinction. It
The third use o! hiS!~ry}~ the sacrifice of the subject of knowl- may be that mankind will eventually perish from this passion for
edge. In appearance, or ratiier~ -according to the mask it bears, knowledge. If not through passion, then through weakness. We
histo~fcai consciousness is neutral, devoid of passions, and com- must be prepared to state our choice: do we wish humanity to
II).~tted end in me and light or to end on the sands?"62 We should now
---._._- ... solely to truth. But if it examines itself and if' more
,.- -~.~_. __ .-... ... ._~-- -.-, -

g~nerally, it interrogates the various forms of scientific conscious- replace the two great problems of nineteenth-century philosophy,
nessJni~shistory, it Snds that all these forms and transformations passed on by Fichte and Hegel (the reciprocal basis of truth and
are_aspects_ oL_the.~ll to knowledge: instinct, passion, the in- liberty and the possibility of absolute knowledge ), with the theme
quisitor's .devotion, cruel subtlety, and malice. It discovers the that "to perish through absolute knowledge may weIl form a
vio~e~~e(;f "a ~p"o~ilion-"that sides against those who are happy in 59. Cf. The Dawn, 429 and 432; The Gay Science, 333; Beyond
their igIlQr.anc:~ . ag!J,! .the. effective illusions by which hu- Good and Evil, 229-230.
m~nitrpr.ot~9ts itself, a position that encourages the dangers of 60. "Vouloir-savoir": the phrase in French means both the will to
knowledge and knowledge as revenge-ED.
57. Human, All Too Human, 274. 61. The Dawn, 501.
58. Untimely Meditations, II, 3. 62. Ibid., 429.

part of the basis of being."63 This does not mean, in terms of a

critical procedure, that the will to truth is limited by the in-
trinsic finitude of cognition, but that it loses all sense of limita-
tions and all claim to truth in its unavoidable sacrifice of the
subject of knowledge. "It may be that there remains one prodigi-
ous idea which might be made to prevail over every other aspira-
tion, which might overcome the most victorious: the idea of
humanity sacrificing itself. It seems indisputable that if this new
constellation appeared on the horizon, only the desire for truth,
with its enormous prerogatives, could direct and sustain such a
sacrifice. For to knowledge, no sacrifice is too great. Of course,
this problem has never been posed."64
The Untimely Meditations discussed the critical use of history:
its just treatment of the past, its decisive cutting of the roots, its
rejection of traditional attitudes of reverence, its liberation of
man by presenting him with other origins than those in which
he prefers to see himself. Nietzsche, however, reproached critical
history for detaching us from every real source and for sacrificing
the very movement of life to the exclusive concern for truth.
Somewhat later, as we have seen, Nietzsche reconsiders this line
of thought he had at first refused, but directs it to altogether
different ends. It is no longer a question of judging the past in
the name of a truth that only we can possess in the present; but
risking the destruction of the subject who seeks knowledge in
the endless deployment of the will to knowledge.
In asense, genealogy returns to the three modalities of history
that Nietzsche recognized in 1874. It returns to them in spite of
the objections that Nietzsche raised in the name of the affirmative
and creative powers of life. But they are metamorphosized; the
veneration of monuments becomes parody; the respect for ancient
continuities becomes systematic dissociation; the critique of the
injustices of the past by a truth held by men in the present be-
comes the destruction of the man who maintains knowledge by
the injustice proper to the will to knowledge.

63. Beyond Good and Evil, 39.

64. The Dawn, 45.

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