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Director :Wolfgang Petersen

Date of Birth 14 March 1941, Emden, Lower Saxony, Germany. He received "Bayerisc
her Verdienstorden" (Bavaria's highest decoration) on 17 July 2003. He was offer
ed the chance to direct "The Sum of All Fears" (2002), but declined. Director of
Ender's Game (2008) (pre-production,) Poseidon (2006) Troy (2004) The Perfect S
torm (2000)
Principal Actors
Brad Pitt--- Achilles
The man is born to end lives”
Son of the mortal Peleus, king of the Myrmidons, and the immortal sea nymph Thet
isin Farsala when Achilles was born Thetis tried to make him immortal by dipping
him in the river Styx. However, she forgot to wet the heel she held him by, lea
ving him vulnerable at that spot. He was born as a warrior and the only King he
respected is Odysseus of Attica. He is the leader of the myrmidons and one of th
e great and legendary Greek heroes that fought in the war against Troy. He fough
t for Agamemnon for honor and to become immortal and to be known by the next gen
erations to come. He fell in love with the priestess of Apollo, Briseis, the cou
sin of Hector and Paris. Achilles was almost killed by Briseis but she cannot do
it. He died after she saved Briseis from Agamemnon and his guard, Paris shot an
arrow through his heel and three arrows to his chest. He said this line for Bri
seis before he died “ you gave me peace in the lifetime of war”.
Eric Bana --- Hector
“Honor the Gods, Love your woman, Defend your country”
A Trojan prince and one of the greatest fighters in the Trojan War. He is the so
n of Priam and Hecuba. He acts as leader of the Trojans and their allies in the
defense of Troy. Hector is one of the Nine Worthies, as he is known not only for
his courage, but for his noble nature. He is the brother of Paris and killer Aj
ax and Patroclus during the war. Hector was killed by Achilles, tied to his char
iot and drags it around the city. He is better in strategy and combat skills abo
ut war than his brother. He is the husband of Andromache and father of Astynax.

Orlando Bloom --- Paris

’’Until the day they burn my body, I will love you”
Paris also known as Alexnadros is portrayed as fairly unskilled and not incredib
ly brave. He prefers to use a bow and arrow than swords and melee fights. He is
almost killed by Menelaus but hector saved him. When the sacking of Troy happene
d he killed Achilles using the bow and arrows. Achilles pull out 3 arrows from h
is chest but one is left in his heel (Achilles’ Tendon). He is widely known as a l
over of Helen, Queen of Sparta. He abducted Helen that angered Menelaus, thus st
arting the war of Greece and Trojans. He did not think about his country and its
people when he decided to abduct Helen
Peter O Toole --- King Priam
“I love my boy from the moment he opened his eyes till you closed them”
He is the king of Troy during the Trojan War, father of Hector and Paris.
He is a kind and humble king to his people and a loving father to his children.
King Priam secretly slip to the base of the enemy to claim from Achilles his son
. Achilles was dumbfounded and ashamed of what he did when King Priam kissed his
hands, the hands of his son’s killer. Achilles gave Hector’s body back and said to
Priam “you are far more better king than the one who leads this army”. He love his c
hildren equally even though one of them will cause a war against the whole Greec
e and the destruction of Troy because of love.
Brian Cox --- Agamemnon
“They will be talking about this war for about a thousand years”
He is the brother of Menelaus, husband of Helen. He is the king of Mycenae and a
ccording to history one of the suitors of Helen. He is the leader of the Greek a
rmy during the war of Troy. He and Achilles always fought in arguments because o
f his rude nature and Achilles’ pride. Agamemnon is the opposite of King Priam he
always thirsts for more power. The sacking of Troy in the name of retribution an
d to see its walls crumble will be his greatest accomplishment.

Principal Actresses
Diane Kruger --- Helen
“We’ll never have peace, I don’t want peace, I want you”
In Greek mythology, Helen better known as Helen of Troy, was daughter of Zeus an
d Leda, wife of king Menelaus of Sparta. Her abduction by Paris brought about th
e Trojan War. Helen of Sparta became Helen of Troy this is after Helen decided t
o leave his husband Menelaus and go to Troy with Paris or Alexandros, prince of
Troy. She is considered as the most beautiful woman during her time. Her unfaith
fulness leads to the destruction of the kingdom of Troy and deaths of many peopl
e. She was accepted whole heartedly by Troy even Hector warned King Priam but Pr
iam insisted that Apollo was on their side and Tory will never be defeated becau
se of its walls.

Movie Company
WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINMENT INC. is a fully integrated, broad-based entertainment
company and a global leader in the creation, production, distribution, licensin
g and marketing of all forms of entertainment and their related businesses. A T
ime Warner Company, Warner Bros. Entertainment stands at the forefront of every
aspect of the entertainment industry from feature films to television, home ente
rtainment/DVD, animation, product and brand licensing and interactive entertainm
ent. The company’s vast library, considered one of the best and largest in the wor
ld, consists of more than 6,600 feature films, 48,000 television titles and 14,0
00 animated titles (including over 1,500 classic animated shorts). The Studio e
njoyed continued success across its filmed entertainment businesses and produced
award winning films like Troy, won 3 awards and 14 nominations in different awa
rd giving institutions like Oscars, Japanese Academy, Teen Choice Awards, MTV an
d others. In 2005 Troy gained these awards: ASCAP Award Top Box Office Films for
James Horner IFTA Award Best Supporting Actor in Film/TV for Peter O Toole, Tee
n Choice Award Choice Movie Actor - Drama/Action Adventure for Brad Pitt.
Beginning Statement
I am an avid fan of ancient time and mythology; I had watched many movies about
historical wars of nations and battles for honor, power and glory. Before I watc
hed this movie I already see in the big screen, the movie “Helen of Troy” by John Ke
nt Harrison. That is why before I even viewed Troy I know already the flow of th
e story. When I was watching the trailers before the movie came out I was so eng
rossed about it because of the effects and the big stars that is in the movie li
ke Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom … It was astonishing and interesting in a way because
of the special effects added on it, you can say that the movie itself is shot du
ring the time of Achilles.
Overall Impression
When I first saw this movie my impression is that it will be a computer generate
d war and it will be not so close to reality. I think that the scenes will expla
in and show the ancient Troy, their great walls and fortress, different Gods of
the Greek mythology and the passion of the characters for love, honor, dignity a
nd power. When I saw the trailer I was amazed by the special effects and I thoug
ht that this movie will surpass other movies telling about the story of Helen an
d the Trojan War and I think that this movie will be a great blockbuster. The ch
aracters are well selected especially Diane Kruger because she portrays Helen, t
he most beautiful woman during her time. To all interested of ancient civilizati
ons and war this movie is a must see.

In 12th century BC, King Agamemnon of Mycenae and his army are in Thessaly, Gree
ce. Here a war is starting to commence because Mycenae’s king want to expand their
empire. Rather than suffer great losses, the King of Thessaly agrees to avoid u
nnecessary deaths by having a decisive battle between the two greatest heroes by
each nation. The King of Thessaly shouts for his warrior Boagrius then a huge b
rute made his way thru the ranks of Thessalian warriors. King Agamemnon summons
the pride of Mycenae’s army, Achilles but he is not with the army and still sleepi
ng in his tent with two lovely women. They called a boy to fetch him and he arri
ved in front of his whole army equipped by a sword and a shield. He quickly spri
nts towards the giant brute, avoiding the spears thrown to him and jumps past Bo
agrius then thrusts his blade through his shoulder and neck. The mighty Boagrius
fall to his knees then died in front of the stunned Thessalian army. Achilles s
houted if there is no one else who will fight him. Accepting his defeat the king
of Thessaly hands his scepter to Achilles for his king, Achilles refused and sa
id: “He is not my king”.
Achilles only fights for himself and no other, he only wants to be remembered as
a great warrior and gain personal glory. Agamemnon only calls for him because o
f his undefeated skills and strength that no one can match. After the war Paris,
a Trojan prince runs off with Helen, Queen of Sparta back to Troy. Paris is the
lover of Helen and because of this affair Menelaus became so angry and seeks re
venge on Paris. When Paris’ brother, Hector, a skilled warrior, he was displeased
with the action of Paris and pleads to his father to return Helen to her rightfu
l husband in Sparta. King Priam, father of Paris and Hector and leader of Troy,
puts too much faith in his high priests, the sun god Apollo and their impenetrab
le walls. King Priam accepted Helen of Sparta and now Helen of Troy. Priam now a
rmed his fortress for the oncoming war, the war that will shake the walls of Tro
y for love of one couple.
Menelaus, King of Sparta goes to his brother Agamemnon and reminds him of the pa
ct made by the suitors of Helen before that all the suitors should swear a most
solemn oath to defend the chosen husband against whoever should quarrel with him
. Agamemnon sees this as a way to give him complete control over the Aegean beca
use Troy is the only one standing in his way. The Greeks amass the largest nava
l force ever known to man and set sail for the foreign land with thousands of sh
ips and thousands of men on board. Agamemnon needed again the services of Achill
es and the great Greek warriors. He summoned King Odysseus to persuade Achilles
and his younger and inexperienced cousin, Patroclus to join the war (Odysseus is
the only king Achilles respects).
Thetis, the mother of Achilles, tells Achilles about the prophecy that if does n
ot go to war
he will find peace and enjoy it with a family but he will be forgotten by histo
ry but when he chooses to go to war he will die but his name and his story will
last for eternity and will be remembered by next generations. Achilles decided t
o go to Troy for he hungers for glory of such fame and honor waiting for him.
The Greeks together with its thousand ships land on Trojan soil and are able to
control the beaches on the first day of battle. Achilles and his myrmidons, sold
iers that are extremely powerful and elite, are the first one to land on the bea
ch. The myrmidons caused many Trojan deaths and able to desecrate the temple of
Apollo. Briseis, cousin of Hector of Troy was taken as a captive and entertainer
for Achilles; she works for the temple of Apollo as a priestess. King Agamemnon
decides to take Briseis from the myrmidons and Achilles in order to insult him.
Achilles protests about this and threatens Agamemnon’s life but Briseis stop Achi
lles from killing anybody just to take her back. Achilles decided that they will
not join the next fight because of the insult he received from the leader of th
e fleet.
The next battle was held just outside the walls of Troy, before the war took pla
ce the leaders of both armies talked and Paris who does not wish going to war is
sued a challenge. He a prince inexperienced on combat challenges Menelaus, a man
of war and battles to duel for the hand of Helen. Menelaus pretends to accept t
he duel that would end the war, only to agree with his comrades that no matter w
hat the outcome is, the Greeks will try to take the City of Troy. Menelaus and P
aris fight, Paris was dominated by the Spartan king. He crawls to Hector and cri
ed for help, Menelaus insults Paris and attacks Paris while in his brother’s feet,
but Hector blocks the attack and slays him. The war is back and the Greeks atta
ck the defenders of Troy. The Greek warriors rushed to the walls of Troy like ma
d cows. Trojans outside the wall halt the advancing Greeks and greatest archers
of their time belongs to Troy, the archers coordinately shower the enemies volle
y after volley and inflicting devastating casualties. While the battle is going
on Hector killed Ajax, a Greek hero, this increase the energy of the fighters of
Troy that presses their attack against the uncoordinated Greeks. With chaos on
his army and unorganized planning Agamemnon decides to retreat back to the beach
es Odysseus suggested to withdraw
Achilles learned that Briseis is given by Agamemnon to his men to served as a mo
ral booster. When Achilles saw Briseis the men are molesting and beating her. Ac
hilles saves her from being raped and gives the men their lesson. He then takes
her back to his tent. Achilles attempts to clean her wounds but she fights him a
way. That night, he wakes up with Briseis planning to slit his throat so he won
t kill any more Trojans; but she can t do it, and instead he wrestles her down,
caresses her thigh and has sex with her. The next night the two are in bed talki
ng, when Achilles tells her he is leaving in the morning. At dawn the Trojans su
rprised the Greek by attacking them with giant ball of fire. This caused the dis
organization of the ranks of warriors and made the whole camp burning. Patroclus
was so frustrated of not getting a chance to fight; he takes Achilles’ armor and
wears it, when the Trojans stated to attack the beachside camp. The Greek mistak
es him for Achilles; he brings courage to the Greeks to fight. Patroclus fights
man to man with Hector, in the fight Hector cuts the throat of enemy but when he
takes off the helmet he was dismayed. Patroclus was given a coup de grace by He
ctor to ease his sufferings. When Achilles finds out about this, he punches his
best friend and begins to strangle Briseis.He is full of rage and marchs towards
the gates of Troy shouting for Hector. Hector stops the city s archers from ope
ning fire and goes down to face Achilles face to face in battle. After engaging
in a ferocious spear and sword fight which wounded Hector and Achilles, Achilles
manages to finally plunge a broken spear through the chest of Hector and giving
him a finishing blow, Hector died. Unsatisfied of what becomes of Hector, Achil
les ties body behind his chariot and drags it around the city walls, then drags
it back to the Greek camp. When night falls to the Earth, King Priam secretly sl
ips into the camp and meets Achilles to plead with him to return Hector s body.
Achilles realizes what he did and he becomes ashamed of himself. He was impresse
d by King Priam’s courage, virtue and love for his sons. Achilles returns Hector s
body to him and allows Briseis to leave with Priam back to Troy. He also assure
s Priam that a proper amount of time is given to allow for a proper funeral serv
ice for Prince Hector. During these twelve days that Troy mourns for the death o
f a prince, the Greeks devise a plan to conquer Troy from within. Odysseus plans
to enter Troy using a hollowed-out wooden horse, where soldiers will be carried
inside it. The Trojans believed that the horse was a gift to Poseidon, God of t
he sea, for their safe return back home. Assuming victory, the Trojans, against
the advice of Paris, take the horse into the city and celebrate long into the ni
ght. Everyone inside Troy is sleeping calmly because of the disappearance of the
ir enemies and the army of Troy was either drunk or asleep. The Greeks inside th
e horse engage the surprise attack; they opened the gates of Troy, allowing the
entire Greek army inside the city walls. They start to commence the famous sacki
ng of Troy, every man and women are all killed, every house and building was bur
ned to ashes. The wall of Troy shakes and crumbles with every step of the enemie
s and the Trojans rushing to go out of the city. Temples of different Gods is de
secrated and burned, bodies of women and children lay across the wide roads and
the Trojan horse standing at the center of the city.
Achilles starts searching for Briseis in the palace while killing every guard an
d pursuers. Meanwhile a small group of Trojans including Helen and other royal b
loods are using a back door tunnel to safely go out of the city. King Agamemnon
killed King Priam at a shrine while Priam is not looking at him because he is st
opping the Greeks from destroying there temples. Paris refuses to leave the city
with Helen because Troy is the city of his father and he should die with it and
before Helen leaves they kiss for a long time and then he hands the sword to Ae
neas, quoting wha his father always says that as long as the Sword of Troy remai
ns in the hands of a Trojan, our people have a future.
Achilles frantically searches for Briseis, who is praying at the shrine of Apoll
o to save his people from the chaos and abyss they are into. She has been seen b
y Agamemnon and he threatens her of that she will be his sexual slave. She kills
Agamemnon by a concealed knife and Achilles saved her just before Agamemnon’s gua
rds kill her because of her treachery. Briseis and Achilles hug each other howev
er Paris sees Achilles and shoots him in the heel (Achilles tendon) once, and t
hree times in the chest, while Briseis screams and pleads at Paris not to kill h
im. He pulls out the three arrows from his chest, but the one is left in his foo
t as he passes into death. Briseis tearfully leaves the city with Paris after Ac
hilles assures her that "everything s all right, go." Achilles then delivers his
last words,"You gave me peace in a lifetime of war." The surviving Trojan soldi
ers try a futile attempt to repel the invader but the Greeks were storming insid
e the inner palace and they saw Achilles lying at Apollo’s Shrine with an arrow th
rough his heel and their hero is dead just a few moments ago. They performed the
funeral rituals for Achilles the morning with the Greek soldiers as a witness t
o the fall of the Greek hero. Odysseus lights Achilles’ pyre and saying “find peace
my brother.”

Positive Aspects
First the movie was dated years ago thus educating the viewer about the past. It
talks about the human and ancient civilizations live and become extinct. It giv
es the viewer knowledge about Troy, how people rely on their Gods and how majest
ic is the past. I like the director’s control of the movie; Troy is not that blood
y or sexy or just focus in one character’s life. The special effects are very wond
erful because I can imagine myself walking around the scenes and the battles are
ferocious. I am wrong when I said that the armies will not be that realistic bu
t when I saw the movie I thought that the movie is real and a war is really happ
ening in our time. It shows how the power of love can create lives or destroy it
. The war scenes are almost real; you can see the blood coming out of the throat
of Patroclus when Hector injured him or see that the sword slices through the f
lesh of the victim. It also gives us a view of how the ancient people fight for
their country and love ones, why war happens until today in present time. The mu
sic and cinematography is great, the music is adequate with each scene and each
scene of the movie have relation to each other and was created very similar to a
ncient Greece and Troy. The costumes were carefully designed and detailed each w
eapon from shield to sword. Last I really love the fight scenes were heroes batt
le because they are dancing with the swords, they create an art of fighting like
the signature moves of each fighter. The cast was well picked and suitable to e
ach character they portray. It shows how love can destroy all things you love an
d you treasure the most.
Negative Aspects
First it is not recommended to be watched by children because of the scenes they
should not see. The children should not be exposed to scenes like the war becau
se they will have an early definition of what is violence and how persons are ki
lled. The children should not be opened to those kinds of things like blood and
murder because it will affect their mentality and their innocent minds. Another
is the love or bed scenes, kids should be prohibited from watching those things
because they can have some wrong interpretations about sex. Parents should not l
et their kids watch the scenes of lovemaking because they are not mature enough
to handle those kinds of things. Second is that the movie Tory somewhat bends th
e story of “the Illiad” because of some mistakes about the story. An example is that
Paris looks limply and innocent about war according to the movie. Some characte
rs like King Agamemnon is not the king of Greece but in the movie he is regarded
as the king of all kings like he rules all nations. Ajax was not killed by Hect
or in the book. Last it shows how Helen left her husband for another man which i
s not a good thing to be seen by children. It shows how man can be greedy for po
wer and destroy a country just to gain it and how jealousy and treachery can bri
ng the blood of the innocent be spilled because of a couple who thinks only of t

Troy by Wolfgang Petersen is a masterpiece that I recommend to watch. Each scene
of the movie tells a story of how Greeks in ancient time live, full of love, ho
pe, power and war. We can trace the origin of war, corruption to power and greed
iness in the timeline of history. The actors/ actresses portrays the character p
erfectly from the handsome Achilles, Helen the most beautiful, Priam the wise ki
ng to Agamemnon the greedy. The special effects are majestic I can say that I am
really there when the war of Troy happened, it is very realistic. You can clear
ly see the blood coming out of the wounds of a victim. The fight scenes are like
dancing with the swords and each of it shows how heroes of that time are so bra
ve and ferocious. I really appreciate how they put into passion and action the l
ove and affection of Paris and Helen and King Priam to his sons. The movie was n
ot all about war there is a story behind it and purpose for such war. It is abou
t a couple whose love is forbidden and unacceptable in our time but they fight f
or it and lead to the deaths of innocent people and the fall of a great civiliza
tion. If you will watch this movie you cannot take your eyes of the screen of yo
ur televisions because each part of the movie is beautiful and needed so that yo
u can understand fully the whole story of the movie. The whole movie was very in
formative but also entertaining it gives you an aura of war and love just even f
rom the start of the story. If I will rate Troy from one to ten I will give it a
nine because of not only by the special effects that give the movie an overall
beauty but also the story. The scenes are carefully designed and artistically mo
dified for the look of ancient times. You can really see the effort put into dif
ferent costumes and battle suits of the characters. The movie Troy was a balance
d movie it is not sexy and not too chaotic, you can see the equilibrium of each
element in it. All I can say is that you should watch this movie because it will
be a great experience for you and you can learn about how ancient civilizations
were made and crushed to the ground. Troy is a must see.

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