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Drugs of abuse

1. Alcohol (Ethyl, Juice, Booze, Dop)

Reasons for abuse: Relieves pain and tension, eliminates worries and erases
problems from the conscious mind
Signs of dependence: Drowsiness, lack of concentration, slow thinking, impaired
functioning in social, interpersonal and economic spheres
Withdrawal symptoms; Insomnia, nervousness, twitching, aggression, physical
Dangers: Mental deterioration, lack of alertness, damage to orgasm such as liver,
kidneys. black outs, convulsions. death from overdose, severe physiological

2. Dagga ( Grass, Joint, Boom, Zol, Dope, Skyf, Weed, Hash, Mojat, Poison)
Reasons for abuse: Relaxation, alleviation of anxiety, feeling of wellbeing and
euphoria, to escape from reality
Signs of dependence; Bloodshot eyes, drooping eyelids, unnatural thirst, or
hunger, uncontrolled moods, talkativeness, disturbance of judgment, giggling,
impaired perception
Withdrawal symptoms: Restlessness, aggression, insomnia, moodiness, lack of
self control, lethargy, irritability, nausea, decreased appetite, headaches
Dangers: Accidents due to distorted perception, excessive aggression when
combined with alcohol, anxiety leading to toxic psychosis, physical damage in
form of bronchial irritation, risk of lung cancer, chromosome damage,
interference with ovulation hormones, sterility

3. Inhalants: Industrial and household substances

Benzene, Petrol, Acetone, Hexane, Naphtha, Fluorocarbons, Carbon
tetrachloride, Glue, Turpentine, Paint, Thinners, Amyl nitrite (Aunt Poppie,
Reasons for abuse: Lightheadedness, drowsiness, numbness, weightlessness, vivid
Signs of dependence: Pallor, fatigue, forgetfulness, tremors, thirst, inability to
think logically, or clearly, feeling of persecution, irritability, hostility
Withdrawal symptoms: Chills, hallucinations, depression, anxiety, delirium,
headaches, muscular cramps. abdominal pains, hostile outbursts,
Dangers: Damage to the central and peripheral nervous system, kidneys, liver,
mucous membranes. death due to asphyxiation, laryngospasm, cardiac arrest.

4. Narcotics: Opium (O’s, Oupa), Heroin ( Smack, Horse), Morphine (Morph,

Miss Emma), Codeine, Pethidine ( Peths), Wellconal ( Pinks, Welkies)
Reasons for abuse: Used to create an unnatural elated feeling, to eliminate worries
and to produce euphoria.

Signs of dependence: Miosis, injection marks and bruises on arms, thighs, groin,
neck, and ankles, unnatural calmness, drowsiness, personality changes when
craving, decreased appetite and sexual drive
Withdrawal symptoms: Insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, exaggerated pain,
aggression, hot and cold flushes, running nose, cramps in muscles, severe
vomiting, abdominal pains, twitching and jerkiness.
Dangers: Mental deterioration, impotence, sterility, physical deterioration, weight
loss, loss of interest, convulsions, coma and death from overdose, severe
physiological dependence.

5. Ecstacy (hallucinogenic Amphetamine) (XTC, Disco biscuits, Scoobie snacks)

Is contaminated with LSD, morphine, heroin and strychnine
Reasons for abuse: Rave parties
Signs of dependence: Detected in urine
Dangers: Highly additive, serious physical side effects ( high blood pressure,
rapid heart rate, dehydration, blood clotting, severe exhaustion, death can occur)
psychological side effects ( anxiety, depression, suicide, mental illness

6. Cociane, Crack (Coke, Snow)

Reasons for abuse: Creates false confidence and causes elation.
Signs of dependence: Pale face, involuntary movement and twitching, unnatural
excitement, loss of appetite, insomnia, rapid pulse, rash, overconfident behaviour.
Withdrawal symptoms: Cramps in muscles, mental depression, drowsiness and
Dangers: High blood pressure, damage to tissue of nasal passage if sniffed,
convulsions and death from overdose

7. Appetite suppressants: Obex (O’s, Obies, Yellows), Tenuate (Speed), Nobese

(Nobies), Minobese, Redupon
Reasons for abuse: Creates a false sense of elation and confidence. NB used to
keep awake and loose weight
Signs of dependence: Dilated pupils, palpitations, rapid pulse rate, unnatural
thirst, twitching, and involuntary movements, insomnia, hyperactivity, loss of
appetite, weight loss, dry mouth, unnatural excitement, quarrelsome and
aggressive behaviour
Withdrawal symptoms: Nausea, mental depression, aggression drowsiness and
lethargy, loss of appetite, severely suicidal
Dangers: Overconfidence leading to crime (aggression), convulsions and death
from overdose, damage to organs, liver kidneys, cardiac failure.

8. LSD (Acid, California sunshine, Candy, Smarties, Strawberry fields, Green

goblins, White lightning)
Reasons for abuse: Altered state of consciousness, enhanced and distort
perception and sensations,’ soul and mind expanding drug’, escape reality

Signs of dependence: Emotional swings, paranoia, bizarre behaviour, flashbacks,
visions, hallucinations, disruption of thinking and mental activity, illusions and
pseudo hallucinations
Withdrawal symptoms: Not commonly known
Dangers: Toxic psychosis, accidents due to distorted perception, mental
derangement, neurological damage, depression and paranoia, intense anxiety

9. Hypnotics - sleeping tablets

Barbiturates (Barbs, Downers): Amytal ( Blues), Nembutal (Yellows), Seconal (Red
devices, Red birds) Tuinal (Rain bows) vesperax ( Vees),
Non- barbiturates: Mandrax ( Mandies, Buttons, Whites)
Reasons for abuse: Relieves insomnia and eliminates worries, can cause
aggression, mental confusion and disorientation
Signs of dependence: Drowsiness, lack of concentration, slow thinking, dull thick
headed feeling, faulty judgment and emotional instability
Withdrawal symptoms insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, nausea, vomiting,
abdominal cramps, and hallucinations, seizures,
Dangers: lead to mental sluggishness, lack of alertness, coma, death from
overdose, respiratory and circulatory collapse, severe physiological dependence

10. Analgesics: AP cods, Paracetamol, Beserol, Grandpa powders, Syndol

Reasons for abuse: To relieve pain and tension, to eliminate worries and erase
problems from the conscious mind
Signs of dependence: Drowsiness, lack of concentration, slow thinking
Withdrawal symptoms; Insomnia, nervousness, twitching, anxiety, aggression
Dangers: Organ damage to liver and kidneys, fatal mental deterioration, lack of

11. Tranquillisers
Diazepam eg Valium, Pax, Doval
Oxazepam eg Serepax, Oxaline, Purata
Lorazepam eg Ativan, Tranqil, Tranqipam
Nitrazepam eg Mogadon, Lyladorm, Noctene
Reasons for abuse To relieve pain and tension, to eliminate worries and erase
problems from the conscience mind
Signs of dependence: Drowsiness, lack of concentration and slow thinking
Withdrawal symptoms: Insomnia, nervousness, twitching, anxiety, aggression
Dangers: Mental deterioration, lack of alertness, coma


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