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Abdicate 1 (usu. absol.) give up or renounce (the throne).

renounce (a responsibility, duty, etc.). ÜÜabdication n.
abdicator n. -
relinquish 1 surrender or resign (a right or possession). 2 give up
or cease from (a habit, plan, belief, etc.). 3 relax hold of
(an object held). ÜÜrelinquishment n. [ME f. OF relinquir f. L
relinquere (as RE-, linquere leave)]
1 give up completely or before completion
(abandoned hope; abandoned the game). 2 a forsake or desert (a
person or a post of responsibility). b leave or desert (a motor
vehicle or ship). 3 a give up to another's control or mercy. b
refl. yield oneself completely to a passion or impulse. --n.
lack of inhibition or restraint; reckless freedom of manner.
ÜÜabandoner n. abandonment n. [ME f. OF abandoner f. … bandon
under control ult. f. LL bannus, -um BAN]
step down
1 resign from a position etc. 2
Electr. decrease (voltage) by using a transformer.

Aberration n. 1 a departure from what is normal or accepted or

regarded as
right. 2 a moral or mental lapse. 3 Biol. deviation from a
normal type. 4 Optics the failure of rays to converge at one
focus because of a defect in a lens or mirror. 5 Astron. the
apparent displacement of a celestial body, meteor, etc., caused
by the observer's velocity. [L aberratio (as ABERRANT)]
n. 1 a deviating, digressing. b an instance of this. 2 Polit.
a departure from accepted (esp. Communist) party doctrine. 3
Statistics the amount by which a single measurement differs from
the mean. 4 Naut. the deflection of a ship's compass-needle
caused by iron in the ship etc. Üstandard deviation Statistics
a quantity calculated to indicate the extent of deviation for a
group as a whole. ÜÜdeviational adj. deviationism n.
deviationist n. [F d‚viation f. med.L deviatio -onis (as

n. 1 disgust; detestation. 2 a detested thing.
n. 1 intense dislike, hatred. 2 a detested person or thing.
loathe regard with disgust; abominate, detest. ÜÜloather n.
loathing n. [OE lathian f. Gmc, rel. to LOATH]
n. 1 loathing. 2 an odious or degrading habit or act. 3
(often foll. by to) an object of disgust. [ME f. OF (as
n. (also repugnancy) 1 (usu. foll. by to, against) antipathy;
aversion. 2 (usu. foll. by of, between, to, with) inconsistency
or incompatibility of ideas, statements, etc. [ME (in sense 2)
f. F r‚pugnance or L repugnantia f. repugnare oppose (as RE-,
pugnare fight)]
n. 1 aversion; disgust. 2 esp. Physics the force by which
bodies tend to repel each other or increase their mutual
distance (opp. ATTRACTION). [LL repulsio (as REPEL)]
n. 1 (usu. foll. by to, from, for) a dislike or unwillingness
(has an aversion to hard work). 2 an object of dislike (my pet
aversion). Üaversion therapy therapy designed to make a subject
averse to an existing habit. [F aversion or L aversio (as
n. a general or widespread dislike or reprobation incurred by a
person or associated with an action. [L, = hatred f. odi to
adj. hateful, repulsive. ÜÜodiously adv. odiousness n. [ME
f. OF odieus f. L odiosus (as ODIUM)]

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