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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo
S.Y. 2020-2021



Name: Date: Score:

Test I. Identify the statement whether it is True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if wrong. Write
your answer on the space provided before each number.

__________ 1.A folktale is a traditional story which is verbally and orally transferred from one generation to another by a
skilled storyteller.

__________ 2.Plot is the place and time happen in a make-believe or imaginative world.

__________ 3.The theme always conveys positive virtues.

__________ 4.Characters are categorized only as good and devil.

__________ 5.Compare refers to the process of identifying the similarities and differences between two things.

__________ 6.The setting is full of action and usually entertaining and fast-moving.

__________ 7.A fable is a short imaginary story which features beasts or animals that behave, speak, act, and reason like
human beings.

__________ 8.Contrast refers to identifying only the differences between two things.

__________ 9.Trickster tale features an animal character that is often childish, foolish, unpleasant, and selfish.

__________ 10.James A. Honey is the author of the story “The Monkey’s Fiddle”.

Test II. Identify the sentence whether it compare or contrast. Write your answer on the space provided before each

__________ 1.Hannah wore a red dress, but June wore a blue one.

__________ 2.Both the book and the movie open with the same scene.

__________ 3.Ian likes spinach, whereas Emily can’t stand it.

__________ 4.I brought a cake. Joe, on the other hand, brought pie.

__________ 5.Both Frank and Paul are in my Spanish class.

__________ 6.I wanted a snack, However, I didn’t have one, since it was so close to dinner.

__________ 7.Tim has a lot of opinions; Blake, on the contrary, never tells me what he thinks.

__________ 8.Both computers and mobile phone can be used to communicate easily with other people.

__________ 9.Computers are generally not very portable, whereas the mobile phone is.

__________ 10.Just like the computer, the mobile phone can be used to communicate easily with other people.

Test III. When you compare two pieces of writing, you look for things that are the same. When you contrast them, you look
for things that are different.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo
S.Y. 2020-2021
DIRECTION: Read both paragraphs. Then compare and contrast them by writing the things that they did on the lines below
beneath their names. If they did anything that was the same, write it in the middle.

Two Great Teachers

Mrs. Weathers

Mrs. Weathers is one of the most loved teachers at our school. She has been a math teacher for over 25 years, and she still
loves what she does. Many of the students think she is too strict and don't like the fact that she doesn't include technology
or cooperative learning in her instruction. However, many parents prefer her to be their child's teacher because she makes
sure that they know their multiplication facts and can do long division before they leave her class. She is a kind and caring
teacher who enjoys seeing her students learn. She helps her students any way that she can to ensure that they leave her
class with a clear understanding of the math skills that she teaches.

Mrs. Henry

Mrs. Henry is a new math teacher at our school. This is only her second year to teach math since graduating college. She
loves teaching math and enjoys watching her students learn. She wants her students to understand the real world
application of math; therefore, she has her students participate in many hands-on projects in her classroom. She also likes
to include technology whenever she can. When teaching area and perimeter, she has her students design a room on the
computer and then determines the area and perimeter of the room in order to determine the amount of carpet and
baseboards that would need to be purchased for their room. Students enjoy her class, and most parents like the way that
she helps their child love to learn.

Mrs. Weathers:


Mrs. Henry:

Test IV. When you compare two subjects, you look for things that are the same. When you contrast them, you look for
things that are different. Some pieces of writing both compare and contrast two things in the same paragraph or essay.

DIRECTION: Think about your parents. Are they a lot alike? Or a case of opposites attract? Write a paragraph that both
compares and contrasts them.

Prepared by:


Grade VIII - Adviser

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