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European Pupils

Andreea Samoila
Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania

Ocean Energy Conversion Captarea energiei oceanelor

Tidal Systems Sisteme mareomotrice
Water covers more than 74% of the Earth’s sur- Apa acopera mai mult de 74% din suprafata
face gathering enormous Renewable Energy re- Pamantului, insumand cantitati impresionante de
sources and offering the marvellous blue sight of the resurse energetice regenerabile si in acelasi timp
planet –viewed from the space (fig.1) dand Terrei minunatul aspect de planeta albastra –
There are moving water resources (ocean waves, vizibil din spatiu (fig.1). In prezent sunt identificate,
tides, ocean and studiate si
river currents) experimentate,
as well as non- cel putin pana
moving water la stadiul de
resources demonstrator,
(offshore wind, tehnici de
offshore solar, captare a
ocean thermal, e n e r g i e i
salinity gradient, cinetice a apei
marine biomass, (valurile
geothermal). oceanelor,
C o n s e - m a r e e ,
quently, differ- curentii din
ent types of ap- rauri si mari)
plications have precum si a
Wave attenuator principle Wave terminator principle
been designed Principiul atenuatorului de unda Principiul capatului de unda altor tipuri de
for waves e n e r g i e
(terminators, at- regenerabila
tenuators, point a s o c i a t a
absorbers, etc) intinderilor de
and for currents ape (curentii de
(ocean or river) coasta, energia
or tides (fig.2 a, solara din zona
b, c, d). de coasta,
Even if tides e n e r g i a
were observed, Point absorbers Tidal energy harvesting principle c a l o r i c a ,
managed and Puncte absorbante Principiul colectarii energiei mareelor e n e r g i a
used as power rezultata din
source, in accord Fig. 2 Applications for ocean waves and currents gradientul de
Fig. 2 Aplicatii pentru utilizarea valurilor si curentilor oceanului
with the techno- salinitate,
logical state –of-the art of different periods, a more biomasa, energia geotermala din zonele active ale
effective energy management of this complex phe- oceanului planetar).
nomenon became possible only recently, as a result Chiar daca mareele au fost observate, stapanite si
of the complex studies regarding mapping, model- utilizate ca sursa de energie- conform nivelului
ling and simulation. If for the vertical move dams tehnologic al diverselor epoci- exploatarea eficienta
and estuary infrastructure were already used, for the a acestei resurse naturale a devenit posibila doar in
tide currents’ conversion there are used horizontal ultimii ani, ca rezultat al studiilor complexe care
European Pupils
Ocean Energy - Tidal Systems

or vertical axes turbines or newly designed devices au permis cartografierea zonelor de coasta si
acting as turbines. realizarea unor baze de date cuprinzand directiile
mareelor si amplitudinile lor pe intreaga suprafata a
Basic principle of tides oceanelor. Baraje si estuare erau deja amanajate
Tidal Energy is produced by the centrifugal pentru captarea miscarii verticale a maselor de apa
force as an effect of the Earth spinning move and of transportate de maree, la acestea s-au adaugat recent
the gravitational attraction of the Moon (as primary si turbine cu axe orizontale sau verticale pentru
source) and of the Sun (as secondary source) (fig.3 captarea curentilor generati de maree.
a, b, c).
That makes tides to be re- Istoricul si evolutia
liably predicted for years to captarii energiei mareelor
centuries ahead. As a physical Energia mareelor este
principle tidal power facilities determinata de miscarea
harness the energy from the maselor de apa sub influenta
rise and fall of the tides- as fortei centrifuge – ca efect al
vertical motion, and from the miscarii de rotatie a
double-sense daily horizontal Pamantului- si de atractia
water currents flow deter- gravitationala a Lunii (ca
mined by tides (flood currents- sursa primara) si a Soarelui
moving in the direction of the (ca sursa secundara) (fig.3 a,
coast- and ebb currents, the b, c). Aceasta face ca mareele
currents receding from the sa fie predictibile, putand fi
coast). calculate pentru periode de
So, the existing two high Figure 3 Gravitational and Centrifugal ani si chiar de secole.
and respectively two low tides, force influence Principiul fizic al conversiei
are related to the daily Earth Figura 3 Influenta fortei gravitationale energiei mareelor este relativ
rotation and positioning to- si a fortei centrifuge simplu: se capteaza energia
ward the Moon, while the so called Spring and cinetica a maselor de apa aflate in miscare (flux-
Neap tides are related to a more complex relation- reflux) atat pe directie vericala cat si pe directie
ship established among the force fields of the Sun, orizontala si se transforma in energie electrica prin
Moon and Earth. intermediul diferitelor tipuri de turbine.
The highest one, the Spring tide, occurs when Prin urmare exista doua maree inalte si doua
the Sun and the Moon line up with the Earth – ei- maree joase, care sunt in stransa legatura cu
ther on the same side or on opposite sides (fig.4); miscarea de rotatie a Pamantului si cu pozitia
consequently, the lowest tide, the Neap, occurs Lunii; in timp ce mareele extreme, numite mareea
when the Sun and the Moon are at 90 deg related to vie si mareea moarta (in functie de amplitudinea
the Earth (fig.4).The construction principle of a lor) sunt rezultatul interactiunii campurilor fortelor
tidal system is rather simple, as long as either a dam gravitationale ale Lunii si Soarelui asupra
or a section of an estuary are going to run as a reser- Pamantului (fig.4). Fluxul cel mai inalt (mareea vie)
voir in the action area of the tide. se produce atunci cand Soarele si Luna se gasesc
There are two moments of the process: the pe aceeasi dreapta cu Pamantul, fie de aceeasi
flooding one- when the highest level tide floods and parte, fie pe parti diferite (fig.4). Refluxul cel mai
fill the reservoir having only one –way access gate; scazut (mareea moarta) se produce atunci cand
and as soon as the water withdraws at the lowest Soarele si Luna formeaza un unghi de 90° fata de
tide level the existing water from the reservoir is Pamant.
released toward a water wheel. Principiul constructiv al unui sistem de captare a
For harvesting this type of energy, the ideal mareelor este relativ simplu, atat timp cat un
European Pupils
Ocean Energy - Tidal Systems

sites are located on estuary next narrow channels, baraj sau o sectiune a unui estuar pot fi utilizate
which experience significant differences between pentru a capta apa dislocata de maree.
high and low tides. Exista doua etape ale procesului: cea determinata
Using the present de flux – cand apa creste si
achievements of Technology inunda rezervorul al carui
and Materials Science typi- sens de acces este unic - si
cal energy conversion instal- cea determinata de reflux –
lations consists of tidal dams cand apa coboara sub
and underwater turbines grid nivelul de acces in
structure. The global poten- rezervor, moment in care
tial of such energy harvest- se elibereaza controlat apa
ing systems (only from acumulata in rezervor pe
tides) is about 1800 TWh/ un traseu prestabilit
year, and it is meant to re- continand una sau mai
main a renewable resource multe mori de apa.
as long as Water, Moon, Pentru captarea acestui
Sun and Earth will exist. tip de energie locatiile
ideale sunt in estuare, la gurile canalelor inguste
Historic and evolution of tidal power acolo unde se inregistreaza diferente semnificative
On almost all significant shore areas there are ale cotelor de nivel intre flux si reflux (fig.5).
archaeological clues about the existence of different Sistemele de captare sunt constituite atat din baraje,
techniques for the use of tide power, from water rezervoare si mori de apa cat si din retele de turbine
mills to irrigations. For the European Middle Ages subacvatice.
mills were very familiar on each type of landscape, Potentialul energetic mediu al mareelor la nivel
although these were powered by animal force, wind global este de 1800 TWh/an si va continua sa
or water. ramana o resursa regenerabila disponibila atat timp
In those areas of the Earth where the tides were cat vor exista Pamantul, Apa, Soarele si Luna.
high enough (fig. 5) tide mills represents an effec-
tive alternative to the river water mills. Several in- Istoricul si evolutia captarii energiei mareelor
stallations, raised on the Middle Ages, are still in In toate zonele de coasta (ocean sau mare) s-au
place in England (Woodbridge Tide Mill) and in descoperit vestigii arheologice care atesta diverse
France (Rance estuary). forme de utilizare a maselor de apa aflate in miscare
During centuries the technical refinements on determinate de existenta mareelor. Pentru Europa
tidal energy harvesting have been focused on design evului mediu morile erau un element comun oricarui
and materials. Only the technological achievements peisaj, fie ca erau animate de puterea vantului, de
of the last decades allowed a systematic study of the tractiunea animala sau de caderile de apa. O varianta
tidal phenomenon at global scale, mapping, model- eficienta a morilor de apa de pe cursurile raurilor
ling, simulating and predicting their effects. The repezi, cu debit semnificativ, o reprezentau in zonele
tidal systems emerged as a result, using the most de coasta morile actionate de forta mareelor, acolo
adequate solution for the entire tidal power harvest unde acesta era suficient de mare pentru a asigura un
through more efficient installations. debit emnificativ. Astfel de instalatii se mai afla inca
It is obvious that significantly high tides are on in Anglia Woodbridge Tide Mill, 1170) si in Franta
very few shore areas of the Earth (fig.5) so, in or- (estuarul Rance). De-a lungul secolelor imbunatatirile
der to capture tide energy having at least 50% effi- aduse sistemelor de captare a energiei s-au regasit in
ciency of the conversion, some other kinematic special in rafinarea solutiilor constructive sau in
sources should be envisaged. Flood and ebb currents materialele utilizate la constructia barajelor. Abia in
are such additional sources having the advantage ultimele decenii, datorita progreselor IT, a fost
European Pupils
Ocean Energy - Tidal Systems

of a predictable and relative stabile flow direction. posibila studierea sistematica a fenomenului mareelor
Undersea turbines, even less efficient than wind la scara globala, cartografierea, modelarea, simularea
turbines (mainly due to the different densities of the si prognoza pe baze stiintifice. Sistemele de colectare
activated fluids -air and water) can put in place a energiei mareelor, care au rezultat ca urmare a
more compact grids acestor studii, sunt
than windmills farm, proiectate pentru
thus increasing their utilizarea mai
effectiveness. There eficienta a acestei
are also other types of resurse regenerabile
devices for the waves complexe. Evident,
and currents harvest- maree suficient de
ing from seas and inalte sunt doar in
oceans (fig.2), but the cateva locuri pe
existing demonstrators tarmurile oceanelor
didn’t reached yet ei- (fig.5) ca urmare,
ther the energy effi- pentru a colecta
ciency or the economi- energia mareelor cu
cal efficiency thresh- un randament al
old for large scale use. conversiei de peste
50%, au fost studiate si alte surse animate de acelasi
Potential environmental issues fenomen. Curentii generati de flux si reflux reprezinta
Although the basic process of tidal power har- o astfel de sursa cinematica complementara,
vesting is the same for centuries, and the average prezentand avantajul stabilitatii si predictibilitatii
efficiency of the mechanical tide energy conversion directiei de curgere.
on electricity is not surpassing yet 50% signify- Turbinele imersate in zonele de coasta, chiar daca
types of devices for the waves and currents harvest- sunt mai putin eficiente decat turbinele eoliene (in
ing from seas and oceans (fig.2), but the existing special datorita diferentei dintre densitatile celor doua
demonstrators didn’t reached yet either the energy fluide de lucru: aer siapa), pot forma insa retele mult
efficiency or the economical efficiency threshold for mai dense decat cele ale fermelor eoliene, crescand
large scale use. astfel eficienta instalatiei.
Exista si alte tipuri de dispozitive proiectate pentru
Potential environmental issues colectarea energiei cinetice a valurilor (fig.2) care sa
Although the basic process of tidal power har- afla inca in stadiul de demonstrator, nereusind sa
vesting is the same for centuries, and the average depaseasca pana in prezent pragul de eficienta si
efficiency of the mechanical tide energy conversion rentabilitate pentru implementarea lor pe scara larga.
on electricity is not surpassing yet 50% significant
progress is expected from the computer aided design Impactul instalatiilor mareomotrice asupra
of the new turbines shape and geometry, new ad- mediului
vancements in material science and proper distribu- Desi capacitatea de utilizare a energiei mareelor
tion of the tide current turbine grids (fig.7 a, b, c, d). exista de secole totusi eficienta medie a conversiei
However, the system has some disadvantages as energetice este moderata fiind asteptate imbunatatiri
long as the turbine generation, nourished from the prin proiectarea asistata a formei noilor turbine,
flow of the tidal stream, will likely generate a swirl progresele inregistrate de stiinta materialelor si printr-
of water downstream of the turbine. This horizontal o amplasare judicios determinata a retelelor de turbine
vortex may cause erosion, if it touches the bottom subacvatice (fig.7 a, b, c, d).
(fig.8).Neither offshore bottom area, nor its ecosys- Oricum, sistemele de captare a energiei mareelor
tem will be preserved entirely on a long term use (mareomotrice) nu prezinta doar avantaje,
European Pupils
Ocean Energy - Tidal Systems

of the tidal system –presently being obvious that fenomenele secundare inregistrate in timpul
sometimes fishes are fatally fascinated by the tur- exploatarii acestora necesitand solutii imediate
bine vortexes. Dams and turbines separates estuary deoarece pe termen lung atat ecosistemul cat si
from the rest of the body of water and changes sa- configuratia fizica a zonei de coasta pot fi afectate.
linity of habitat. Researchers found that only after In spatele turbinelor imersate apare vortexul a carui

a. Individual tide
turbine arrays -
Aranjament de turbine
individuale (pentru

α. Horizontal Axis b. Vertical Axis Power: 750 kW – 1.5 MW - Putere:750 kW–

Turbine Turbine 1.5 MW  
β. Turbina cu ax Turbina cu ax Characteristics:
orizontal vertical 15 – 20 m rotors
10 – 20 RPM - Caracteristici:
15 – 20 m (diam.rotor)
10 – 20 RPM
c. Oscillating Hydro-
Deployed in multi-unit farms or arrays
foil - Hidrofolie
Amplasate ca ferme sau retele de multiunitati
b. Tidal Turbine
d. Venturi effect - Farms - Ferma de turbine
Efect Venturi pentru maree  
Figure 8 Tidal-
Figure 7 Tide Energy current turbine arrays
Conversion Technologies Figura 8 Aranjamente
Figura 7 Tehnologii de convesie de turbine
a energiei mareelor pentru maree
10 years, species showed signs of adaptation to directie, daca nu este controlata, poate afecta
new conditions. Some types of turbine have sonar configuratia fundului oceanului (eroziune) punand in
detectors; when dolphins come by they shut off. pericol chiar si integritatea retelei de turbine. De
asemenea, cercetatorii au stabilit ca este necesara o
Iconography perioada de cel putin zece ani pentru reechilibrarea ecosistemului dupa amplasarea unor astfel de constructii, unele elemente din fauna sau flora
Scientific_data_and_models/ acvatica fiind de nerecuperat pentru aceste zone.
Global_Ocean_Tide_Model.aspx Bibliography
ocean-energy-facts.html Bahaj, A S and Myers, Fundamentals of marine
http:\\\2009_04_01_archive current turbines, Renewable Energy 28, L E
.html (2003)

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