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Mitigation Strategies and Solutions

Tiffany Nicole Cooper

University of Phoenix


Darryl Frazier

June 02, 2010

Mitigation Strategies and Solutions

The topic I chose to write about is Atmospheric issues, and my environmental problem is

going to be global warming. One of the top environmental concerns is the quality of the air we

breathe. Since public awareness heightened during the 1960s the United States has aggressively

created laws and policy meant to remedy air quality issues. We have much to do still in the quest

for clean air. According to President Barack Obama in December 2008; "Delay is no longer an


There are a lot of problems to describe this issue. For example: Carbon monoxide and

carbon dioxide (CO2) from automobiles and factories are the biggest enemies we have.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) react with stratospheric ozone, breaking it down into molecular

oxygen (O2). As a result, more solar UV (Ultra Violet rays) reaches Earth's surface. Since this is

a man made pollutant, it is harder to live with-out day to day. Ground-level ozone (O3), (which is

in the ozone in the troposphere and is a secondary air pollutant), is formed when sunlight triggers

reactions between nitrogen oxides and volatile hydrocarbons. Chronic exposure to ozone is one

possible contributor to forest decline, and ground-level ozone is associated with global warming.

Sulfuric acid (H2SO4), which is a secondary air pollutant that forms when sulfur dioxide reacts

with oxygen in the air. This can cause damages to plants and irritate the respiratory tracts of

humans and other animals. Our ozone is very dire to our world. Without our ozone we would

have dangerous rays from the sun that could pretty much fry us alive! In the stratosphere, oxygen

reacts with solar UV radiation. Also, other man-made pollutants like chlorofluorocarbons react

with the ozone and it breaks down into molecular oxygen. With this, more solar UV reaches

Earth. Ozone reduces plant vigor, and chronic ozone exposure (of long duration) lowers crop
amounts. Constant exposure to the ozone is one possible reason for forest depletion. It also is the

cause of global warming. With UV radiation, it may increase cataracts, weaken immunity, and

cause skin cancer in humans. Some pollutants may not have direct health effects, but in the long

run could really do some damages. With the banning of CFCs, (chlorofluorocarbons that are

man-made), the ecological system stands a better chance.

With all the issues that have already been discussed, it is important that “Global

Warming” is completely understood. According to Environmental Defense Fund (2008), “[The

atmosphere has a natural supply of "greenhouse gases." They capture heat and keep the surface

of the Earth warm enough for us to live on. Without the greenhouse effect, the planet would be

an uninhabitable, frozen wasteland. This is what we call the “Green-house effect.” Before the

Industrial Revolution, the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases released

into the atmosphere was in a rough balance with what could be stored on Earth. Natural

emissions of heat-trapping gases matched what could be absorbed in natural sinks. For example,

plants take in CO2 when they grow in spring and summer, and release it back to the atmosphere

when they decay and die in fall and winter.]” With too much of the “greenhouse effect” gases—

which can stay in the atmosphere for at least fifty years and up to centuries—are building up

beyond the Earth's capacity to remove them and in effect, creating an extra-thick heat blanket

around the Earth. “The result is that the globe has heated up by about one degree Fahrenheit over

the past century—and it has heated up more intensely over the past two decades.” Amram, M., &

Kulatilaka, N. (2009). Scientists expect that, in the absence of effective policies to reduce

greenhouse gas pollution, the global average temperature will increase another 2.0 degrees

Fahrenheit to 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100.

It is a basic principle of biology that living systems have arisen from the non-living ones.

Some non-living and living factors that contribute to or are affected by global warming would be

fungi. Currently, there is insufficient evidence to link the effect of climate change to growth of

fungi, but it appears likely that fungal biomass may proliferate with rise in both CO2 and

temperature. As fungi reach higher levels, it is causing more and more cases of asthma in

younger children. [Environmental scientists have further suggested that the rapidly changing

climate could have altered the interaction between air pollutants and respiratory allergens.] (The

Indian Journal of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences, 2008).

Humans have mainly had an unconstructive effect on the Earth, but that mainly started

with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, mid-18th century that the impact of human

activities has begun to extend to a much larger scale, continental or even global. Since the

beginning, people thought that all the resources available on the planet would always be

available, also known as “renewable” resources. They could not have imagined that in 2010,

there would be major discussions over where we can get more coal, gas, and oil. They also, did

not think about waste or leaving their carbon footprints behind. Until the problems started

arising, there was not much thought of “what if,” or “what happens when…” Humans have been

wasteful, and now after all the years of growing accustomed to living one way, we are going to

have to adjust the way people carry out their everyday lives, to them being more eco-friendly.

Education is a great way to teach people of how they could live their lives and be more

environmentally safe.

An evaluation of the current sustainability strategies and solutions brings to light the way
things could possibly be in the future. There are a couple of ways to help with ozone depletion as

of now, but in the future, there will be many more. One way they helped stopped ozone depletion

is they banned CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). This really helped with the thinning of our ozone,

but in truth; the world needs much more help then to just do one thing to help. Another way they

are helping is by coming up with vehicle alternatives. By coming up with new ideas for vehicles,

they have made it possible to not completely rely on natural resources like gas or oil. I do see the

possibility of changing a lot more than a few things, and a smart as we are as the human race, we

should be able to come up with something that would be of great importance to our world.

I propose a strategy for the lessening of global climate change by managing the market

economy to change investment and consumption decisions of the consumer. If a product is

always available, it makes it easier for the consumer to not have to change the way they live,

because things are already working out for them the way things are. For example; if the

government were to change the way water heaters work, and make them only available with

solar powered technology, then the consumer would be more apt to buying the available system.

This could be done on many items, including our vehicles. There has already been an offering of

the “Hybrid” vehicles. They are more eco-friendly then the gas guzzling vehicles that already

occupy our roads. The only problem that makes them harder to obtain, is the amount that they

want for them. A person that lives in poverty could not afford to make this major change and

could cause setbacks, especially with the economic decline recently.

The ways I plan to reach my sustainability plan is to first do the research and identify the

effects of air pollution and atmospheric issues. If I were to create a timeline of this, I would put
this as the very first step. I would have this step done in the first month. In doing the research, I

would have to look up and review through all available websites or articles that are offered on

the Internet. I would have to document where the pollutions come from and what their effect on

the environment and health would be. Next, I would have to create an educational program about

atmospheric pollutions and their effects. The timeline on this would be from the first to the third

month. I would have to find a way to do a mass educational program that would help people

really understand the effect we have on the Earth and what we could do to change the way things

are now. I would also have to find a way to explain what would be expected of everyone and

what they would get back in return. In the fourth month, I could find a way to set up a

presentation time for my community to see. This would require permits and the gathering of

research, and the presentation at its best. Who I would need helping me with this would be the

town hall. They could direct me to more people who know things about this subject in our town.

I could also go and find the homeowners association (HOA), and where they have their

meetings. At the meeting I could find a way to set up a time and date to present my presentation

to the community. I would have to make sure that will all my research that I have done that the

people would walk away from the presentation with more knowledge, and the want to change

their lives. The last thing I would do, probably in month six, would be to make up flyers to

extend the program to more and more people that may have missed it the first time. Remember,

the whole point is to help people gain the knowledge they need to make a difference.

Benefits and challenges of my plan would first include a greater awareness of the

problems that each of us face in our future. If we stop and do something about it now, it may not

be too late to save our ozone. Without it we do not live, so I see it as a very important issue
arising. If I was to help make the people of my community realize the problems we are facing it

would help them to change the way they live their daily lives. Challenges would be the gathering

of research without the help of anyone. I am good with another person to help me move along, so

I may have to invite people to help me in my crusades. I am sure with this being such a crucial

topic; I could have plenty of volunteers to help me through my timeline. It would be challenging

getting up and actually presenting the presentation to me since I am not good with public

speaking. I could have a volunteer do the presentation, but why would I do all the work and give

away the credit, so I would have to find away to overcome public speaking.

In order for my sustainable plan to work, it would need governmental help with sending

out the education further and to more and more communities around the United States at first,

but the government would also be required to set this plan into action with the other world

leaders. It would up to the government to show the benefits and challenges to other world leaders

and their communities. As for societal support, I would need my community to start actually

practicing better living ways and change the way they live their lives. All together, to have global

support, it may be difficult, but I think in time we could achieve it! If all the countries on Earth

were to combine their knowledge, and start practicing better ways of life, we could accomplish


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