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The written report should be laid out in the following form:

Introduction ( or Abstract if an experiment)

Question (or Purpose if an exhibit)

Hypothesis (an educated guess)

Materials list

Experimental Procedure ( body of information if exhibit)

I nterpret your Data


(Charts, graphs, pictures, etc. may be added on at end of report

Science Fair Project Checklist:

Topic Selection Make a list of different areas of interest.

Narrow down your area of interest for project

Question Determine and develop a specific question that

needs to be answered
(if exhibit, Purpose)
Background Research and Find sources that give information that will help answer
your question and develop a test that will prove your
Bibliography hypothesis. Students should find TWO solid resources,
one of which should be offline, like an encyclopedia,
video, or textbook.

Hypothesis Statement showing student’s expected result of

conducting experiment to test their educated guess.
(if exhibit, Explanation)

Materials and Procedures A detailed list of materials that will be used to

conduct experiment or display exhibit and detailed
steps followed while conducting the experiment or
building exhibit. Keep notes in science notebook to
show your progress.

Conducting the Carry out planned experiments. Rule number one is safety so
don’t do any experiment without parent approval.
Experiment MINIMUM trials: 3 runs of experiment, if financially
possible. If exhibit project be sure to include all models,
pictures, or demos of subject
(Planning Exhibit)

Data Analysis and Graphs Analyze all experimental data. Create a summary of the
findings of your experiment. Use graphs and charts to
display findings (color if possible)

Conclusion A clear statement explaining the results of the

experiment or exhibit research. It should inform
readers if results did or did not support the

Final Typed Report Should collect all the above information into one
uniform place, can include copies of graphs, charts,
or pictures that support findings. Be sure to repeat
question, hypothesis(purpose), analysis, and final
conclusion (explanation)
Display Board Information can be displayed in various ways. Students
should be creative. Google other science displays to get
ideas for display: Display should include: a project
title, student’s name and grade (unless you don’t want it
on website) Question, Hypothesis (Purpose), Materials
list, Procedure, Conclusion, Data and Results, Abstract
(experiment project only)

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