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In ferocious environs Wogworld

nourishes with Shit, Piss, and Pus, its Past

triumphs for shitological advance
catalyze a creed of more rapacious
modus operandi to replenish
what is never lacking, obliterate
functions of hygiene and Humanity,
to Crown the Concupiscence
of Bowels in a Manner not only
of honorific supply to Queen Gush
of the Eyegina Spectacle of Slime,
but indeed there arose within a Game
of terrifying nonPollywog ones
permitted at Intervals for Easing
of Diarrheas Evidentiary
a master Anthropopo criteria
for ShitWorthiness Sublime. To these Ends,
it became of Due note: Affirmative
Action thus to allure unsuspectful
Humanists into the Confines of Shit
Piss, Poop, and of Legend, the Teeming Rich
Conjuncticuntous of Renown for whence
Sex-Leaked videotapes of two Monarchs
of Bacteria seized upon Captive
and Willing and those Non-unconsenting
to be pronounced as Permanent holders
of licenses undesired to witness
the Rites embodied in WogWorld, Laurels
fully seasoned, saturated, and spiced
with pissmill active ingredients, Slime
slush, half-thawed from petrification via
ocular and oral ingestion. Some
Anthropollywogs so Original
in their Quests for Dhiarreahs of Ev-
idences none too Gory to ascertain,
a Hierarchy of Colonial
pride: whose Dhiarreas could amass
the Bloods and Bones of unknowing victims
of Wog mental torture through
Exposure dire by Half-Humanities,
Half-Arts, and Half-Sciences:
Thus Wogs had need of unknownst Quarry
for Rare Appetites to Wogology
Supremacy requiring Reverse-
Examples to Mal-Supply Wogorance
Required its Lessers. Since none were too
Willing, they were Recruited by the means
Which Woggies both Vilified to a TouchLust
To fulfill Poorly Established Histories
Of Violence, Slides from 1492
Would not suffice without Live Samples
to undergird its Curriculum Shit-
based but contiguous with existence
as it were outside of woggyworld,
where standards did degrade the Wog’s Ladder
of Truth upon which Wogs were Diligent
to lay False claim as Liberals. Indeed,
Woggies believed so well in their Muck, Truth
must be produced for the less- Shit-advanced
members. Forsooth, brought forth were Two Kinds
of most Relevance to WogSupreme Creeds:
An Indian and a Female Cockroach.
As such they were Race hires, but Female
traits ensured a Lackey Wogologist
of Femicidic past Victories, Whence
a WogMob had its Leader. Remaining
work was to Establish and Circulate
knowledges of Less Civilized Cultures:
be they Mexican Mudblood and Savage.
Upon those two Classes were to be Built
A Labernyth along those misread (again)
in a Paz excerpt. And thus were the Ways
of Unconsensual Laurels to proclaim
through Idea and Action, its Shit Domain.

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