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1. On Wednesday, Judas agreed to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

2. On Thursday night, Jesus ate the Passover meal with His Apostles. He blessed
bread and said, “Take this all of you and eat it. This is my body.” He blessed wine
and said. “Drink this, all of you. This is my Blood, which will be shed for the forgive-
ness of sins.”

3. After supper, Jesus and his apostles slept. Jesus prayed to His Father, saying, “If it
is possible, let this cup pass from Me. But whatever Your will is, I will do.”

4. Then a mob of men came with swords and clubs. Judas went up to Jesus and
kissed Him. Then the men arrested Jesus and took Him away.

5. On Friday morning, Jesus was condemned to die. Soldiers tied Jesus to a pillar
and whipped Him.

6. Next, they placed a crown of thorns on His head.

7. Then, they wrapped Him in a purple cloak, mocked Him, and spit on Him.

8. They laid a heavy wooden Cross on his shoulders and made Him carry it up the
Hill of Calvary.

9. They stripped off His clothes and nailed Him to the Cross – one nail for each hand
and one nail for His feet. It was about noon.

10. When Jesus asked for a drink, they soaked a sponge in sour wine, stuck it on a
reed, and offered it to Him to drink.

11. Just before Jesus died, He said, “It is finished.” It was three o’ clock, Friday after-
noon. Joseph of Arimathea took Jesus down from the cross, wrapped Him in a
clean linen cloth, and laid him in a tomb that had been cut out of rock.

12. Early Sunday morning, some

women went to the tomb. They
wanted to clean Jesus’ body and
dress it with spices. To their great
surprise, they found that the stone
at the entrance of the tomb had
been rolled away and that the
tomb was empty! JESUS HAD RISEN

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