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the carillon

The University of Regina Students’ Newspaper since 1962

March 10 - 16, 2011 | Volume 53, Issue 19|

cover Hurdles, shot put, distance

running, high jump, and long
jump. Pentathalons aren’t ex-
actly slight. U of R students
Chelsea Valois and Jeremy
Eckert, two Cougars track and
field athletes, will be testing
their endurance at the CIS
the staff championships on March 10.
Editor-in-Chief John Cameron And this year, they might
Business Manager Kent Peterson (on leave)
Production Manager Mason Pitzel
come out on top.
Copy Editor Rhiannon Ward
News Editor Kimberly Elaschuk sports 12
A&C Editor (vacant)

Sports Editor Jonathan Hamelin

Op-Ed Editor
Cheyenne Geysen
news arts & culture
Features Editor Dietrich Neu
Graphics Editor Ali Nikolic
Ad Manager Josh Jakubowski
Tech. Coordinator Matthew Blackwell
News Writer Ed Kapp
Iryn Tushabe
A&C Writer Paul Bogdan
Sports Writer Autumn McDowell
Photographers hear us roar 4 the blair-hitch project 8
Kelsey Conway Kim Jay
Jarrett Crowe Marc Messett
Matt Duguid Matt Yim


sports op-ed
Martin Weaver, Regan Meloche, James Brotheridge,
Conrad For, Mike Burton, Gabe Roywright, Sarah
Cibart, Mark Henry

the paper

Raquel Fletcher, Kristy Fyfe, Jenna Kampman,

Melanie Metcalf, Laura Osicki, Rhiannon Ward, Anna
227 Riddell Centre

University of Regina - 3737 Wascana Parkway rocks, houses, etc. 13 coffin nails 20
Regina, SK, Canada, S4S 0A2
Ph: (306) 586-8867 Fax: (306) 586-7422
Circulation: 3,500
Printed by Transcontinental Publishing Inc., Saskatoon

Elections for the 2011-12 students’ union have

The Carillon welcomes contributions to its pages.
Correspondence can be mailed, e-mailed, or dropped off in
person. Please include your name, address and telephone

already begun, and voting will begin on March

number on all letters to the editor. Only the author’s name,
title/position (if applicable) and city will be published.
Names may be withheld upon request at the discretion of the

16. URSU has the candidates list online, but

Carillon. Letters should be no more then 350 words and may
be edited for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity.
The Carillon is a wholly autonomous organization with no af-

keep yourself posted by following

filiation with the University of Regina Students’ Union.
Opinions expressed in the pages of the Carillon are expressly
those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the

@the_carillon on Twitter, befriending Carillon

Carillon Newspaper Inc. Opinions expressed in advertise-
ments appearing in the Carillon are those of the advertisers
and not necessarily of The Carillon Newspaper Inc. or its

Newspaper on Facebook, and visiting

The Carillon is published no less than 11 times each semester
during the fall and winter semesters and periodically
throughout the summer. The Carillon is published by The for briefs and updates.

Carillon Newspaper Inc., a non–profit corporation.

Don’t just rely on us, either. Contact

the manifesto
In keeping with our reckless, devil-may-care image, our of-
fice has absolutely no concrete information on the Carillon’s

candidates yourself, and find out how they’ll

formative years readily available. What follows is the story
that’s been passed down from editor to editor for over forty

make your vote worthwhile.

In the late 1950s, the University of Regina planned the con-
struction of several new buildings on the campus grounds.

And please – vote.

One of these proposed buildings was a bell tower on the aca-
demic green. If you look out on the academic green today,
the first thing you’ll notice is that it has absolutely nothing
resembling a bell tower.

The University never got a bell tower, but what it did get
was the Carillon, a newspaper that serves as a symbolic bell
tower on campus, a loud and clear voice belonging to each
and every student.
photos News:; A&C:;

Illegitimi non carborundum.

Sports: University of Alberta Athletics; Op-Ed: Fabiana Zonca;
Cover: Ali Nikolic
news News Editor: Kimberly Elaschuk
the carillon, March 10 - 16, 2011

Better know a candidate

URSU candidates answer your questions

photos byURSU

Regina students’ union, serving his tuition, and better parking services. cent. We’re going to increase PAC the University of Regina and the city
second term and looking forward to at funding to all the student societies and of Regina; but community also in the
martin weaver
contributor least attempting going on to a third TC: What are you going to do if increase sponsorship funding for clubs groups we associate with. Some peo-
term. elected? and whatnot simply because we have ple can’t go into the bar, yet we rou-
As the school year is approaching its KP: Currently URSU executives get a much higher amount of clubs than tinely hold student events there. We
end so too are URSU’s student repre- TC: What do you think students want discounts at the Owl. We all, as stu- we’ve had in any other year. We’ve would stop doing that because we
sentative’s terms, which brings us to from their students’ union? dents, own that bar and grill and there- had a much higher request for spon- think it excludes them. I think that
elections. Most students may have al- KP: Students want a union that advo- fore we are the ones paying for their sorship so that needs to be addressed. we’re listening to their ideas and pre-
ready noticed campaign posters plas- cates for them. Last year tuition went lunches. I don’t think that’s appropri- For decreased fees, since being elected senting something that a students’
tered throughout the school, tables in up five per cent and the year before it ate, fair, or responsible. If the Voice of in 2009, For Students have taken the union should be doing. The Voice of
the Riddell Centre, and presentations went up three per cent. Students want Students team is elected we will elim- Owl from a $190,000 per year deficit to Students team vows that if there’s ever
taking place in classrooms. As a pre- a union that will advocate for a tuition inate those Owl discounts. Currently be in the black and retain a [projected] a referendum, if we are elected, that
view for the week leading up to the freeze. The financial barrier is going URSU executives get two free classes profit of $40 000. We can reduce stu- we will not choose one side. We don’t
March 16 and 17 vote, we have con- up and that adversity affects all peo- each and every semester. If we are dent fees now and save students be- think that’s fair and it’s certainly is
ducted a Q & A with the URSU presi- ple; it certainly affects women, First elected we will cut in half the number tween $10,000 to $20,000 in the more divisive than it’s worth. We will
dent candidates to let you get to know Nations people, and low income fam- of free classes we can get, and then upcoming year. We can also cut in half fund both sides; we will say: here’s
them better. ilies more than anyone else. I don’t probably reduce it to zero once we the locker fees, so that’s another posi- some money, go run a campaign – I
want to see those people have to drop know where we would allot that tive thing. When students are trying to think this is what should have been
The Carillon: Who is (candidate)? out of school or not be allowed to money. make it to class on time it’s hard to done with the [Canadian Federation
Kent Peterson: I am a fourth-year come here in the first place. We have a RH: I want to see if I can lower tu- find a parking spot for two reasons: of Students] campaigns.
business student here at the University housing crisis in the city of Regina and ition, or at minimum if I can freeze it. one is because they oversell the lot, RH: I’m an arts major and I want to
of Regina. I’ve been involved in cam- the students’ union has a central role I want to see that the website and all and two is because there are simply represent the overall school and not
pus life ever since I got to university. to play in that. It can lobby the univer- the communication is upgraded and not enough parking stalls. So we need just business students and their inter-
I’ve been elected to the board of direc- sity and the provincial government to fixed. I want to bring in a U-Pass. We to lobby the university to increase the ests. I want to see that the majority is
tors at the Carillon; I served two terms fund affordable housing projects on tried to bring in a U-Pass [two years number of parking stalls and elimi- shown – every other class of students
on the board. I’ve also written for the campus. ago]; it was put down but I want to see nate the fact that they oversell the lots. in the school should have a say and
Carillon and was hired as a business RH: A big one is better communica- a U-Pass that has more options for stu- need to have a say. All the colleges
manager. Doing that job you meet a lot tions, that’s what I think students re- dents; opt-in, opt-out. Give the stu- TC: Why should students vote for should have a say – not to be margin-
of different people and do a lot of dif- ally want. They want to know what’s dents a choice instead of making it you? alized, especially the student groups.
ferent things. It’s all created a sense of going on, they don’t want to be left in mandatory. The students need a KP: Students should vote for us be- Some have been marginalized in the
pride for me in the University of the dark or left to last minute on choice. cause we’re a fresh voice, some new past and they shouldn’t be marginal-
Regina campus. what’s going on; they want to see it on KA: With affordable tuition what faces that not only have alternative ized anymore. They should be put to
Reid Hill: Well, he’s a fourth-year his- a wall. When a referendum or any- we’re trying to do and what were go- views and new ideas, but also the ex- the forefront and given a say.
tory major with a political science mi- thing is happening they want to know ing to do is lobby the provincial gov- perience on campus to implement KA: I think we represent every stu-
nor. He’s been under three presidents it right then and there and ask these ernment on a tuition freeze. We’ll be those ideas. We have a 10-page policy dent on campus. There’s something in
here: Mike Burton, [Jessica Sinclair], questions: Why is this happening issuing them a document stating why document on our Facebook group our platform for everyone and we
and Kyle Addison. He’s seen it all, he’s now? What is this? Who are the play- a tuition freeze benefits students and that’s open and transparent; anyone have a very diverse team. We included
done it all, and he’s been active in arts ers? how it helps them sustain a positive can go read it. We really want feed- not only the executives on our team
for a long time helping out with the KA: Well, there are three issues con- educational experience. If that’s not back and input. We suggest things like but we also have members that are
arts society and so on whenever he cerning students right now. Those is- highly perceived by the government community gardens, green roofs on running for board positions and sen-
can. sues are affordable tuition rates, we’re going to be moving to what we campus, better public transportation, ate. There is no one philosophical
Kyle Addison: Kyle Addison is a increased sponsorship and call plan B and that’s a tuition manage- and more direct bus routes to the uni- alignment of interest on our team,

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fourth-year business student at the [President’s Advisory Committee] ment strategy which is a strategy that versity. Students also want a student there’s very different ideologies and I

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University of Regina. He is the cur- funding, along with that decreased would place a cap on tuition increase government that involves the commu- think that we make the perfect ball

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rent president of the University of student fees which tie into affordable rates annually to hopefully two per nity. Community in a larger sense as in ground to represent every student.

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vie w s h a ve b e e n e d ite d fo r p rin t . Y o u ar e e n co u r age d t o lis te n t o t h e f u ll
w w m o o w
March 10 - 16, 2011
the carillon
4 news

Strong women, strong world

International Women’s Day shines a light on the struggles of women living in a
foreign country

women often face is losing the com- was mostly because I was in a for- International Women’s Day, and
munity and family that were pillars eign land.” its accompanying month, provide a
kim elaschuk
in their lives before they left. Tushabe is in the process of re- time for the world to look at how far
Important news editor

One hundred twenty-seven years

“They don’t have any family
support because, usually, they are
ceiving her degree in film and video
production, and has already taken
women have come. But, it should
also serve as a reminder of how far
ago, women were considered too the support. They’re the mother, the strides in the documentary industry. things still need to go for equality
dates delicate to be so involved in politics
to need a vote.
wife, the everybody. So they lose
their support systems.”
Despite this progress, she has run
into another issue that is common
for all women. Sachdev said she be-
lieves issues brought up during this
Fifty-one years ago, the libera- It’s a problem all too common for international women. month of awareness have far-reach-
tion movement was just in its in- for University of Regina student “Being a woman in a competi- ing consequences that affect more
fancy. (and, full disclosure, Carillon staff tive world, especially a woman who than just women.
Thirty years ago, a woman writer) Iryn Tushabe. She has been is not at home just puts you at a “It’s funny how those issues we
1909: The first National
needed a witness to prosecute for calling Regina home since leaving double disadvantage,” she’s found. say are immigrant women’s issues
Women’s Day was celebrated
rape. Kampala, Uganda. Even though “Now, being in a foreign place, actually are all women’s issues.
With all the progress the Tushabe found Canadians to be where you know no one – and you These are human issues. Women are
on February 28
women’s movement has made, it’s friendly, she couldn’t help but feel a are a woman – it is that much the backbone of society.”
1911: The first International easy to believe that all of the battles culture shock. harder.”
for equality have been won. With “It was really, really bad,” According to Sachdev,
March storming in like a lion, it’s Tushabe said of her first memories Tushabe’s difficulties are a common
Women’s Day was celebrated
on March 19, but only in also a reminder of the fight many of Canada. “It was right in the mid- problem. “The labour market is ... a
women still face in Canada. March dle of winter, and I had clothes that huge challenge”.
is International Women’s month, I thought were warm enough. But, To celebrate the month dedi- “ Women who
Austria, Denmark, Germany,
and Switzerland with March 8 specifically set aside really, they weren’t at all. I felt like I cated to women dealing with these
as International Women’s day. was naked.” trials, the Regina Immigrant
are immigrants,
Despite being a country that Raising a child and going to Women’s Centre will be putting on of course they
1913: March 8 is set as the prides itself on its mosaic of cul- school can be difficult for anyone. a production of Far From Home by
tures, Meelu Sachdev of the Regina However, Tushabe found that ad- a theatre group called Sheatre. are marginalized
Immigrant Women’s Society has justing to a new country – without “It’s highlighting healthy rela-
official date
seen what women immigrating to the support she’d had in Uganda – tionships. Specifically, by showing
to a great ex-
Canada have to deal with every day. made it even harder. us unhealthy relationships – like tent.”
“Women who are immigrants, “It’s been hard because I have a dating violence – so that we can
1975: Declared International
Women’s Year of course they are marginalized to a kid and I am a student. Often times, come to know what healthy isn’t,”
great extent,” she explained. “To you’ll need help because you can’t said Sachdev. Meelu Sachdev,
bring their standards up to par is go to school with a baby. The production can be seen at
taking us a long time.” Sometimes, daycares are not readily the Hindu Temple on the closing of
Regina Immigrant
Sachdev works daily with available,” she explained. “At home, International Women’s month,
Women Centre
women who have made Canada there would have been people I March 31. Men and women of all

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their home. One problem these knew. That was really hard, and it cultures are encouraged to attend.

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Preparation Seminars

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Complete 30-Hour Seminars

a r e b a n k ru p t cy s w e a te r v e st h ip s t e r
Convenient Weekend Schedule

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Proven Test-Taking Strategies

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stg ay m a rria g ea n d afa h 1 n 1
Experienced Course Instructors

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Comprehensive Study Materials

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Simulated Practice Exams

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Limited Class Size

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Free Repeat Policy
Personal Tutoring Available

ed. board meetings immediately follow story meetings

Thousands of Satisfied Students

March 10 - 16, 2011
the carillon
news 5

O, Stephen Harper’s Hold your peace

Worried by protests throughout the
Canada Middle East, Saudi Arabia bans
political rallies
Re-branding the federal government down on demonstrations, pro-

democracy activists in Saudi Arabia
ed kapp
say that peaceful protests are within
In all our Harper’s Government command news writer
their right.
In an effort to ensure that Saudi “We are really worried by the de-
firmed to the Canadian Press that On March 3, a petition which Arabia doesn’t go the way of Tunisia, tentions and harassment that people
ed kapp
they received instructions from the “demand[ed] that all official refer- Egypt, or Libya, the Saudi Arabian who take part in protests are facing,”
Prime Minister – and the Privy ences to the Canadian government federal government has officially said a statement signed by 15 promi-
banned all public demonstrations nent Saudi human rights activists on
news writer
Council Office that serves him – to continue to use ‘Government of
After reports surfaced two weeks ago change their terminology. Canada’ [and] any official reference to throughout the Middle Eastern na- Sunday. “These practices conflict
that suggested the federal Within a few hours, the story had ‘Harper Government’ should be im- tion. with the right of peaceful association
Conservative Party was trying to, es- proven to be a controversial topic, es- mediately ceased,” was put online. Although the Saudi govern- that the kingdom committed to ... at
sentially, rename the “Government of pecially among Canadians on the in- At press time, the petition, “I Am ment’s decision to ban all public the U.N. Human Rights Council.”
Canada” the “Harper Government”, ternet. (Not Stephen Harper’s) Canadian,” demonstrations was doubtless in- As noted in the Human Rights
the response among Canadians has While there are many who think had been electronically signed by spired by the successful uprisings in Watch’s 2010 World Report, it ap-
been overwhelmingly negative. the Conservative Party’s actions are nearly 15,000 Canadians. both Tunisia and Egypt, the ongoing pears as if Saudi Arabia’s Shiite pop-
On Thursday, March 3, the appropriate, and many journalists In an effort to take advantage of crisis in Libya, and any of the several ulation has reason to be less than
Canadian Press revealed that a direc- and the general public have long re- the public’s disapproval, on Saturday, other North African nations currently satisfied with their current situation.
tive was sent to public servants last ferred to the governing party by the March 5, the federal Liberal party be- on the brink of revolution, the ruling “Saudi Arabia systematically dis-
year, advising them that the term name of their leader, many have been gan airing radio ads in Quebec, ex- came in direct response to demon- criminates against its religious mi-
“Government of Canada” should be deeply offended by what they believe pressing their disbelief in the strations by a number of the nation’s norities. In particular, Shia in the
replaced in all federal communica- to be an arrogant Conservative Party Conservative Party equating the Shiite population in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province. Official discrimi-
tions with the term “Harper showing its hubris. Canadian federal government with Eastern Province. nation against Shia encompasses reli-
Government”. Public servants from On the social media site Twitter, Prime Minister Harper. On Thursday, March 3, 22 pro- gious practices, education, and the
four different line departments con- aside from a select few who defended “Like you, I am profoundly testers were arrested at a rally in justice system. Government officials
the Conservative Party’s actions, the shocked,” Liberal Leader Michael which an estimated 200 demonstra- exclude Shia from employment and
response from Canadians has so far Ignatieff said in the ad. “It’s totally tors called for the release of a number decision making, and publicly dis-
been extremely negative. unacceptable. The government of of prisoners in Al-Qatif. parage their faith.”
As Canadian Twitter user wil- Canada is not the government of Mr. A day later, several hundred Although it is unclear what im-
droselibs (Wild Rose Liberals) put it: Harper. It’s the government of citi- Shiites once again demonstrated in pact the Saudi government’s newest
“It soils our national administration zens, the government of all the citi- Eastern Province, calling for the re- piece of legislature will have on the
“ Dear Stephen and governing apparatus to even zens of Canada.” lease of a detained Shiite cleric and a future of the nation, it is clear that
consider referring to them as ‘The Although the Conservative number of other prisoners. On the King Abdullah, who recently
same day, a similar demonstration pledged the equivalent of over C$37
Harper: You serve
Stephen Harper Government’. Party’s attempts to re-brand the
the office. You are Shabby. Government of Canada have thus far was held in Al-Qatif, but was quickly billion in benefits to many of the
“Sorry Stephen, it’s ‘The received mixed reactions, to say the dispersed by Saudi security forces. country’s poorest citizens while en-
not the office.” Government of Canada’, not ‘the least, it is difficult to forecast what In response to a week of minor hancing security measures against
Harper Government’,” wrote lo_fye impact, if any, the Conservative’s protests, King Abdullah’s interior public demonstrations, has no inter-
(Derek Martin). Party’s actions will have on voters’ ministry declared that any type of est in seeing Saudi Arabia become
One more, CoreyTamas, stated, minds in the impending federal elec- demonstration in Saudi Arabia the next nation to see its oppressed
“Dear Stephen Harper: You serve the tion in the coming months. would be henceforth considered ille- population overthrow its authoritar-
office. You are not the office.” gal. ian regime.

c asna d i
a n fe d e r a t i
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It is alleged that the Saudi inte-

sm a k a tc h e w a n stu d e n t s c o a liti
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rior ministry fears such demonstra-

ch a e l
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bt lo
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tions, although relatively harmless at

fldiare t
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the onset, could overflow into the rest

a ne l
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of the country – including larger

d y ga g a t -p a i
n a u t o t u n e r e c e ssi
o n
cities like Riyadh and Jeddah.

a fgh an i
sctaa n st ,a s e r
dsp d o hm re bntaliir
o u
In a statement issued last week,

h e al
th dca re sb ta n ak nru otc ty sew eoa e nv s t
Saudi Arabia’s Council of Senior “ The council ...

h i
p ste r d o u c h e b a g s t h o s e a s sh o l
e s
Clerics, a group of religious scholars,

p o
w ho g i
v e y o eu xtcic kuestisvw sh e
an y o u p a rk
backed the interior ministry’s deci- affirms that

ic n th ew r o n g p l
a cle o n cea m tp u s a t
lh in gs
sion to ban public protests through-

ap i
istg a y m c a na d i
a n fe d e r a t i
o n o f
out the country.

su tud e n t s s a s k a t ch e w a n s t
u d e n ts
“The council ... affirms that are forbidden in

c o al
o n m rich a e j
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ek gso n am oo vi
e l
a y to n
demonstrations are forbidden in this

n d er fi
rectah ailtlsop ne rech sinte p
.ch e n h a rp e
country. The correct way in Shariah
this country.”
[law] of realizing common interest is

by advising, which is what the
Prophet Muhammad established.
Saudi Arabia’s
Reform and advice should not be via Council of Senior
demonstrations, and ways that pro-
voke strife and division. This is what
the religious scholars of this country
in the past and now have forbidden
and warned against.”
In response to the latest crack-
March 10 - 16, 2011
the carillon
6 news

Blaming the victim? The future of space

“Sex was in the air” comment
lands judge in hot water travel
statements. Forget the Caribbean, tomorrow’s vacations
“The message is that women are
tannara yelland
responsible for their own victimiza-
cup prairies & northern
tion and that perpetrators of sexual could be in space
bureau chief
assault will not be punished for their
SASKATOON (CUP) — The actions and, frankly, that they’re not
Manitoba chapter of the Canadian to blame for their actions, is incredi-
Federation of Students has lodged a bly damaging and irresponsible,” she
complaint with the Canadian Judicial said.
Council over sexist remarks made by “The message that rape is about
a Manitoba judge in a recent ruling. control, domination, and humilia-
Justice Robert Dewar was pre- tion, and not about sex, should be
siding over the case of Kenneth the one that is coming across.”
Rhodes, who was found guilty of The numbers of individuals and
sexual assault. Dewar ignored the groups lodging complaints against
Crown’s recommendation that Dewar seem to agree. Even the gov-
Rhodes be sentenced to at least three ernment of Manitoba plans to lodge a
years in prison and instead gave him complaint once a transcript of the
a conditional sentence of two years; trial is made available.
meaning Rhodes would serve no jail “Jennifer Howard, who is the
time. minister of labour and the minister
In addition, Dewar commented responsible for the status of women,
that the victim had been wearing a is going to file a complaint with the
tube top and a lot of makeup, and CJC,” said Howard’s spokesperson
that “sex was in the air” the night of Rachel Morgan. “The complaint is
the assault. over the words that were used in the
Following Dewar’s comments at sentencing hearing.”
Rhodes’ Feb. 18 sentencing hearing, Unlike CFS-Manitoba, the
the CJC has received a number of Manitoba government has not yet de-
complaints and there have been cided what outcome it would like to
protests in front of Winnipeg’s court see as a result of its complaint.
building. Morgan said the government would
The protests highlight a wide- wait “to see what the council de-
spread loss of confidence in Dewar’s cides.”
ability to administer justice appro- The council, which has jurisdic-
priately, says CFS-Manitoba’s tion over more than 1,100 judges
spokesperson Alanna Makinson. across Canada, has said it will not
“From the outcry – the public comment until after it has ruled on
outcry – it’s very, very clear that the complaints it receives. According
Manitobans have lost faith in Judge to the CJC’s web site, most com-
Dewar’s ability to adequately pro- plaints are handled within three
vide justice to victims of sexual as- months.
sault and just in general,” she said. Until then, Dewar will be al-
Makinson says her organization lowed to continue hearing cases.
lodged its complaint with the CJC However, he will not hear cases of a
because they would like to see Dewar sexual nature and he will have a re-
held accountable for his pernicious duced caseload.

Elon Musk posing with his reusable launch vehicle Falcon 9

Dr. Martin Beech, University of As for the moon and Mars, it’s
Regina professor of astronomy, is op- still going to be a while, but here’s a
regan meloche
timistic for the effects the transition reassuring instance from history to
will have on the human space travel think about in the meantime.
“Exploration is in our nature. We began industry. He said he believes the pri- In 1961, spurred by competition
as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. vate sector will excel in certain areas with the USSR, President Kennedy
We have lingered long enough on the cos- of the industry, mainly space tourism announced the United States’ goal to
mic ocean. We are ready to set sail for the and low-earth orbit. Competition be- land a man on the moon by the end of
stars.” tween companies will drive the price the decade. Eight years later, three
-Carl Sagan, American astronomer down, generating more and more in- men successfully traveled the entire
terest in space travel. 384,000 km there and back, proving
After 30 years, over 130 successful Virgin Galactic, headed by British that humans are capable of just about
missions, and two very tragic disas- entrepreneur Richard Branson, is cur- anything. Just think of how fast things
ters, NASA’s shuttle program is com- rently developing a fleet of spaceships could move with the space travel in-
ing to an end. to carry paying passengers to low- dustry in the hands of the competitive
So, what does the future hold for earth orbit to experience weightless- private sector.
human space travel and exploration? ness. The price tag? A mere $200,000
NASA’s successor to the shuttle per ticket.
program was to be the Constellation Another big name to look out for
program, which had hopes of finally is SpaceX, founded by the enthusias-
returning humans to the moon, as tic entrepreneur Elon Musk. SpaceX
well as eventually sending them to made history on Dec. 8, 2010, by being
Mars. Unfortunately for the pro- the first private company to send a “ The hope is that
gram’s supporters, President Obama manned spacecraft to orbit the earth.
officially put an end to this program Intrestingly, Musk has a family tie to the private com-
in October 2010, insisting that NASA Regina – his mother was born here.
get out of the budget-eating crewed Many others have begun taking a panies with a firm
spaceflight business and allocate their lead role in specific divisions of space
resources to other scientific endeav- travel and tourism.
footing in the
ors, like robotic spaceflight and ex- A company called Orbital special- space industry
ploration. izes in launch vehicles. Bigelow
The hope is that the private com- Aerospace is in the space habitat busi-
will take the lead
panies with a firm footing in the space ness, with several large-scale space
industry will take the lead towards stations currently in development. In
towards making
making space travel more innovative, the next decade, when you take your space travel more
successful, and affordable. Many of family to spend a week in an outer
these companies have worked as sub- space hotel, expect to stay at a
innovative, suc-
contractors for NASA in the past, de- Bigelow. cessful, and af-
veloping and building the various It may initially seem like a step
spacecrafts and rockets seen over the backwards to cancel the Constellation fordable.”
years. NASA will continue to work program, but Beech says it’s the “first
with these companies for both mu- step on the ladder” towards innova-
tual benefit and greater innovation. tion.
March 10 - 16, 2011
the carillon
news 7

The young hacker who 5 Days

for the
schooled Plenty of Fish Homeless
Sunday, March 13

5:00PM – 6:30PM
Event kick-off (5th
floor Education
Building, U of R)

Monday, March 14

11:00AM – 2:00PM
Soup kitchen & press
conference (Multi-
Purpose Room, Riddell
Centre, U of R)

Tuesday, March 15

8:00AM – 11:00AM
Pancake breakfast
(Multi-Purpose Room,
Riddell Centre, U of R)

Wednesday, March
11:00AM –2:00PM
Downtown donations
that pitted him against the founder “I was wasting my time … so I services to underground communi-
of the world’s largest free dating just didn’t go back [to university] one ties, develop malware or viruses, sell
alicia woodside (F.W. Hill Mall)
website, Plenty of Fish. In the me- day,” said Russo. stolen information or even steal
ubyssey (university of
dia, Chris was villainized, described The years of self-teaching were a money from others.
british columbia)
as a threat to security that had ex- big factor. “I already had the techni- “This isn’t something related to Thursday, March 17
VANCOUVER (CUP) — As a young posed Plenty of Fish’s 30,000,000 cal knowledge in programming that the profession itself, but the ethics
hacker with a track record of crack- members. was interesting for me in the career, and education of the person. It’s
ing some of the most well-known But it wasn’t the first time he has so I decided to quit and focus di- mostly like the difference between a
websites on the Internet, every day
11:00AM – 4:00PM
stirred controversy with a major rectly on my own business.” policeman and a thief. The fact that
brings Chris Russo something new website. Just six months earlier, in This led him to create Insilence, you have skills aiming a gun or ana-
St. Patrick’s Day Party
and unexpected. July 2010, Russo hacked The Pirate an Internet-penetration testing busi- lyzing weak points in a structure
Within the first month of 2011, Bay, making a name for himself with ness, which has grown to employ doesn’t mean that you’ll necessarily
(5th floor Education
Russo found himself wrapped up in his reported ability to access four five researchers. use such skills to cause harm.” Building, U of R)
the centre of a major publicity storm million accounts’ worth of user data. Today, the word “hacker” has a So where does Russo stand – is
At his home in Buenos Aires, negative connotation, one that he a cop or a robber?
during a Skype interview, Russo evokes viruses, information theft and While the Pirate Bay hack stirred 8:00PM – 2:00AM
paints a picture of the 23 years that fear. Russo is often portrayed as a allegations that Chris profited from
led up to his worldwide notoriety. villain in the media. For example, a selling information about users’
St. Patty’s Pint for
“ Chris Russo While his youthfulness is frequently Feb. 11 article in the Financial Post downloads on the site, he publicly
mentioned in the media, reports said, “Chris Russo must have had de “The Pirate Bay hack was closely
Poverty (The Owl, U of
rarely note that Russo already has some bad online dating experiences. linked to a government, that’s all I
must have had R)
some bad online over a decade of experience. Russo Less than two weeks after the self- can say.”
got his own computer when he was described ‘security researcher’ based In the case of Plenty of Fish,
only eight and began to teach himself in Argentina accessed the Russo’s actions take a wildly differ-
dating experi- Friday, March 18
ences. Less than programming by reading forums. Vancouver-based online dating web- ent plot line, depending on the
“I [found] I could communicate site Plenty of Fish, it now appears he source of the information.
with computers better than I could has set his sights on eHarmony, a When asked about the incident
two weeks after ...
with humans,” he said. But his first similar web-based romance in person one month later, he said, “I
[he] accessed the 2:00PM – 3:00PM
introduction to the world of hacking provider.” didn’t hack into Plenty of Fish. What Press conference (Ad
came through romance. However, Russo explained that we did was reporting a security vul-
“I had a discussion with the girl he has come under fire because of a nerability to its owner, just like we
online dating web- Hum pit, U of R)
site Plenty of Fish, I was dating, so I got interested in stereotype fabricated by Hollywood regularly do when we find some-
hacking her email account. I guess dramas in the 1990s. He insisted that, thing vulnerable on the web … many
that was the way I started with secu- unlike the movies, there are distinct people [think] that hackers like us
it now appears he
has set his sights rity-related topics,” Russo said. After types of hackers. break into the security of the site, but
that, he founded and ran several dif- “A hacker is basically a person the reality is that we never broke into
ferent underground communities be- with advanced technical knowledge. it, we just informed about the poten-
on eHarmony, a
similar web-based fore heading off to university, where This doesn’t mean that everyone tial risk of a website running like
he studied to become a software en- who’s into hacking is a criminal,” he that.
gineer at Argentina’s Universidad explained. “You, as a hacker, can pro- “If you were a firefighter, and
romance provider.”
Argentina de la Empresa. vide services to companies seeking ... you saw a fire on the street, you
But like Bill Gates or Mark security solutions, release public ad- would stop to put it out, wouldn’t
Zuckerberg, a university degree was- visories, create tools in order to ex- you?”
The Financial Post
n’t in the cards. pose a certain vulnerability – or sell

the carillon
not really digging on charlie sheen jokes
since 1962
a&c Arts & Culture Editor: (vacant)
the carillon, March 10 - 16, 2011

Not losing One hundred years

their religion of ice hockey
New book collecting transcripts
of religion debate between Blair Jeff Lemire’s Essex County tells a uniquely
and Hitchens a dud Canadian story

If they’d gone for the jugular, they might have ruined their nice suits

icated to fostering better relations be-

tween faith groups.
james brotheridge
Also, the person running the de-
bate mentions a few times that Blair
no doubt developed expert rhetorical Every year, CBC Radio holds the Canada Reads compe- Medal for Humour.
skills after years in the British parlia- tition, a multi-part event in which five notable Canadian Intrepid journalists that we are at the Carillon, how-
Hitchens vs. Blair ment. No doubt this aids him when figures each choose one piece of Canadian literature ever, we’ve decided that we’re not going to take the
he sets out right from the start to in- and then square off in debates against each other, with CBC’s word for it. Instead, we’re going to read them all
validate the question of the night.
Tony Blair and Christopher Hitchens
each figure championing the merits of their chosen and see which ones – if any – were real contenders for
“So what I say to you is, what
book. The panelists slowly vote off books until only the crown. We’ll be publishing articles covering the rest
Tony Blair, in the debates captured we shouldn’t do is end up in a situa- one remains, and that remaining book is supposed to be of the books over the next few weeks, but feel free to join
for Hitchens vs. Blair, trots out the tion where we say, ‘Right, we’ve got the book that every Canadian should read that year. in on the conversation by visiting,
boring cliché of how great debates six hospices here and one suicide This year’s was the 10th competition, so it was a bit and check out for more in-
are and how essential they are to so- bomber there and how does it all different, in that it was restricted specifically to books formation on Canada Reads.
ciety. equalize out?’ That’s not a very pro- from the previous decade and it ran for three days in
If I had taken the time to go ductive argument,” said Blair. front of a live audience. But the process was no differ-
down to Toronto to watch the debate But isn’t that the question of the ent, and there was still a winning book: Terry Falis’ The
back in November, or even if I’m tak- night? Deciding if the good that reli- Best Laid Plans, a comedic novel about Canadian parlia-
john cameron
ing the time to read the transcript gion has brought is worth the evils mentary intrigue that won the 2008 Stephen Leacock
that’s recently been published, I don’t that it’s brought along with it? Blair

need to be convinced of how great never goes far from this line of
these dialogues are. thought. His vision of religion – that are familiar with a rural setting such One of the advantages of a
What the former British prime it consists of “a basic belief common as Saskatchewan) can easily identify graphic novel over a traditional one is
paul bogdan
minister should have been using his to all faiths in serving and loving a&c writer with the characters and each of their that the writer doesn’t have to rely on
stage for was convincing me that he God through serving and loving your motivations. imagery in their language, but rather
was on the right side of the resolu- fellow human beings” – is so per- Essex County is almost more sim- can employ the use of actual images
tion. “Be it resolved religion is a force sonal and specific that debating the ilar to a film than another piece of lit- to explicitly display important as-
for good in the world,” it read, with broader – crazy broad, some might erature. Because of the limited-text pects of the narrative process, namely
Essex County
Blair on the affirmative side and say – question becomes impossible. nature of the graphic novel, Essex setting and characterization.
Jeff Lemire
noted atheist Christopher Hitchens In this way, Blair is almost County relies heavily on the use of its Jeff Lemire proves that graphic
Top Shelf Productions
on the negative side. against the resolution himself. It al- illustrations to imply actions, events, novels are different from superhero
Why these two? Hitchens’ in- most seems that in his mind, you Unfaithful nuns, betrayal, ice hockey, and meanings. Lemire does a fantas- comics filled with explosions and
volvement should be no surprise. can’t decide whether or not religion and aliens – all are part of Jeff tic job of conveying vast amounts of fight scenes. Essex County is a highly
He’s been a vocal opponent of the- is a force for good. Seemingly, that it Lemire’s Essex County, a collection information with very little dialogue dramatic and tragic graphic novel
ism, most notably following the re- does some good things in the world of three graphic novels that was one and narration. Each line is packed with themes of isolation, family, and
lease of his 2007 book, God Is Not is enough. of the finalists in CBC’s Canada with implications about the charac- regret. Even though the amount of
Great. Blair’s credentials are a little Again, Hitchens has been more Reads competition. The three indi- ters’ histories, mental state, and rela- actual written text is nothing particu-
less well known. After his stint as than vocal enough over the years that vidual books, Tales From the Farm, tionships with the other characters in larly great or elaborate, Lemire suc-
prime minister ended, he converted anyone who has even casually fol- Ghost Stories, and The Country the novel. cessfully communicates the story to
to Catholicism and started the Tony lowed should know how he reacted Nurse, each tell a different story, but The use of subjective points of his reader in an interesting way. It’s
Blair Faith Foundation, a group ded- to all this: religions have had a his- as collected in Essex County, they col- view cause the reader to question evident why this was frontrunner in
tory of stunting women’s rights; they lectively tell a larger, and quite tragic, what they are reading; the story often CBC’s Canada Reads campaign; it
create unending conflicts; et cetera. story of a southern Ontario commu- takes the reader deep into a charac- easily could have taken first place
Blair rightfully points out that nity struggling with loss, anger, and ter’s mind and dramatically flows with its uniqueness amongst the can-
Hitchens ignores the context for regret. with the character’s thoughts, in and didates in terms of presentation and
many religious practices, but The entire story of all three books out of dreams and reality. Scenes flow with Jeff Lemire’s deft ability to con-
Hitchens’ core message hits home: takes place over roughly a century from the mundane life of an old man vey a message to the reader through
“ ... The partici- religion isn’t necessary for people to and moves through many characters in a care home through the depths of his illustrations and concise dialogue
do good in the world. from various generations and set- his mind into the regrets of his youth and narrative text. It’s a superb piece
“We don’t require divine permis- tings; throughout, Essex County that haunt him generations later, all in of literature that is uniquely
pants don’t go
for the heavy sion to know right from wrong,” he maintains a sense of continuity that is the space of a single page turn. Canadian.
said. more-or-less straightforward and rel-
hits, preferring Blair’s only answer to this is that atively easy to follow. The differenti-
some people would only be com- ation of panel shape and size also
pelled by religion to do right. That’s
cordial ones
helps to set the pace of the story and
without bite or not quite enough to make a convinc- gives the reader clues to the signifi- “ Lemire does a fantastic job of conveying
ing argument. Like a lot of this de- cance of each scene.
revelation.” bate, the participants don’t go for the The heavy involvement of ice
vast amounts of information with very lit-
heavy hits, preferring cordial ones hockey and the rural, agricultural set-
without bite or revelation.
tle dialogue and narration.”
ting connect with the Canadian mind-
set, and readers (especially ones that
March 10 - 16, 2011
the carillon
a&c 9

video game reviews

turn-based, menu-based paradigm that has been toward that edge and bring whichever character
the norm since the original Dragon Warrior, and you’re controlling onto a different side of the
Dragon Quest VI: ilomilo

players expecting a gentle difficulty incline are cube in question. There are other obstacles, too,
Realms of Revelation SouthEnd
going to be in for a real shock like gaps that you can fill with portable cubes, a
Square Enix Interactive

This predicates the need for that staple of the sock puppet-like creature that will steal any cube
Xbox Live Arcade
JRPG: relentless and endless “grinding,” which
you’re carrying, and a cube where a path-block-
entails fighting as many randomly-encountered ing creature can pop up on only one of the cube’s
monsters and raising your experience points four available sides at any given time.
enough to be able to survive. While this is per- Where the game really shines is when it
haps a bit of a modern game design taboo, it is throws most or all of these at you at once, and
a hallmark of the Super Famicom era of game you have to balance your knowledge of how to
development, and I was glad that it wasn’t wa- deal with them with advanced planning and
tered down. problem solving – most of the game, you’re
Originally released in 1994, Dragon Quest VI: What sets any JRPG apart from another one Ilomilo is possibly the most huggable game on thinking three or four actions in advance.
Realms of Revelation was the final game in the is the story, and in that area, Dragon Quest VI is the planet. While some of its whimsy feels a lit- Getting every level’s collectibles, some of which
Dragon Quest series on the Super Famicom (the solid, if not particularly amazing. The game im- tle contrived – the loading screen text’s obses- unlock new levels, requires even more planning.
Japanese Super Nintendo). North Americans, plements a similar “light world/dark world” sion with garlic and hats being the worst But despite how convoluted ilomilo might sound,
however, hadn’t had a Dragon Warrior game (the setup as the classic Zelda game, A Link to the offender – much of it comes across as effortless, it’s really quite intuitive – most of the game,
name of the series everywhere but Japan up un- Past, and another JRPG staple, the amnesiac from the game’s gorgeous and cheerful envi- you’re just moving the characters, switching be-
til 2005 – yes, this gets a little complicated) since hero, is in full swing here. ronments to its mustachioed apple-munching tween them, and pressing the A button to pick
Dragon Warrior IV on the Nintendo What saves it, though, is the writing and “cube creatures” to the main characters, Ilo and up cubes. To its credit, ilomilo never loses sight of
Entertainment System, and wouldn’t see one the scenario planning, and at that, the game suc- Milo, themselves. And considering how brain- how fundamentally simple it actually is; like
again for ten years. For fans of the series, this ceeds beautifully. This is, as has become custom busting ilomilo can get, the game’s casually any good puzzle game, if you stare at any level
meant an agonizing wait for those two Super with the Dragon Quest series, a pun-filled, witty adorable nature is a good thing. long enough, the solution will eventually stare
Famicom games to make their way here – and sometimes surprising adventure. The premise of every level is simple – Ilo back at you. Of course, it helps that what you’re
Dragon Quest V was eventually remade for the All in all, Dragon Quest VI is nothing if not and Milo, two tiny oblong creatures wearing staring at is so goddamn charming.
DS, and Dragon Quest VI is the final, formerly traditional – but that’s not a criticism. This is by full-body hoodies, are separated, and have to
unofficially translated main series Dragon Quest no means the best JRPG ever made, nor is it meet, and the player switches between the two
game to make its way over to North America. even the best Dragon Quest game, but it is cer- characters in order to bring them together. Every
What anyone who is getting into this game tainly invaluable for the connoisseur of the level is made up of cube-based constructions
should know is that despite the beautifully re- Dragon Quest series. floating in the sky, and where the game gets
made graphics and the same cheery atmosphere tricky is when it asks you to start thinking about
and witty writing that the Dragon Quest games every side of those cubes. See, Ilo and Milo don’t
are known for, Dragon Quest VI is a frighten- necessarily start on the same side, meaning they
ingly difficult game. Battles are handled in the can wind up walking right past each other. But john cameron
if a cube has an arrow on its edge, you can walk
matthew blackwell
traditional Japanese role-playing game (JRPG) tech coordinator editor-in-chief

cd reviews
Telekinesis’ 2009 self-titled album was a perfect
slice of power-pop, instantly catchy and a really
fun summer listen. 12 Desperate Straight Lines
might require a bit more work, but it’s no less re-
warding. Michael Lerner (who, well, is
Telekinesis) has stripped away some of the more
ornate moments of his first album, and the result
is a propulsive, less overtly poppy album –
shades of ’80s post-punk and new wave make
their way into his signature sound, as seen on
tracks like “Please Ask for Help.” That’s not to say that the old sound has been abandoned; “50
Ways” and “Car Crash” cement the Weezer
meets the Shins sound that has been Lerner’s
Charlie sets out to rescue all of them and put an stock in trade thus far. And while 12 Desperate
end to child slavery. Straight Lines might not seem as immediate as

If all the game had was its setup, it’d prob- one might come to expect from Telekinesis,
Double Fine/THQ
ably still be worth playing if only to witness the that’s not to say that the album isn’t absolutely
XBox Live Arcade
sheer strangeness of it all. Thankfully, though, jam-stuffed full of pop hooks, or that Lerner’s
Double Fine was generous enough to also make songwriting has taken a hit. 12 Desperate
Stacking a pretty brilliant puzzle game. Charlie’s Straight Lines simply adds new textures to an es-

special ability – being able to enter any ma- tablished and frankly awesome sound, position-
12 Desperate Straight Lines

tryoshka doll one size bigger than him – allows ing Telekinesis to be heir apparent to the
him to be able to find solutions to the various power-pop throne.
problems the game throws at him. Each doll that
Charlie inhabits has a special ability of their
own, which can range from silly little time-
It’s incredibly heartening to see a bizarre, quirky wasters like being able to slap people around, to
game not get crushed under the weight of its abilities tailor-made for the solution of any given

c a na d i
a n f
e d e r a t i
o n o fs tu-
concept – something that seemingly happens puzzle. It’s never done in an obvious way, matthew blackwell

d en ts
s a sk a tc h e w a n s t u d en t
far too often with games of this sort. Stacking though I often found myself smacking myself on

c o at
i n m c
ih a e a
jlck s o n m o ve
neatly avoids this trap by focusing on providing the forehead and thinking “why didn’t I think of
tech coordinator

nodn yu
on urde r
of i
,h vaidt esop e
interesting gameplay that complements, rather that before?”

tep h e n h ar p e rc a n a d i
a n el
than distracts, from the world the game creates. If I had one criticism of the game, it’s that on

ntw i
tt e r
t u n e sk a n y e w e st
And that world – an industrialized, alter- occasion, the solutions are just a little too

lsbio dyg ag a t-p a n
i a u t
o tu n e re c
e s
nate-universe turn of the 20th century popu- straightforward. This isn’t so much the case to-

m m e,
na f
g h a n i
s ta n ta s e r s d o m e
lated entirely by matryoshka dolls and heavily wards the end of the game, but I think that

i ut sh e at
l h c a re b a n k ru ptcy
indebted to the language of silent films – is per- Double Fine figured that since Stacking doesn’t

sd w e a te r v e st h ip ster
haps what sold me so quickly on Stacking. Tim really play like any other game on the market,

a n d C D re v ie w s t o

ou ch e b ag s t h o se a s s h ol
Schafer (the head of Double Fine) has had some gamers would have a tougher time figuring out
delightfully bizarre settings in his games before its nuances.
but Stacking is perhaps the most bizarre and the There are only a few games that I would

aa nd c@ c arillo nr e g in a. co m
most delightful of them all. wholeheartedly recommend to anyone, but
The game casts you as Charlie Blackmore, Stacking fits that bill – as long as you’re able to
the smallest of the Blackmore clan of chimney- handle sheer delight.
sweeping matryoshka dolls, and quite possibly
the smallest nesting doll in the world. After the
nefarious Baron kidnaps Charlie’s siblings to matthew blackwell
put to work in various child labour positions, tech coordinator
features Features Editor: Dietrich Neu
the carillon, March 10 - 16, 2011

Voter apathy is getting out of control

Martin Weaver

I couldn’t have been more wrong. rious entity called the students’ union, less you can let us know how you to be as open to students as possible.
“It wouldn’t be a pretty picture I connected with some of this year’s want to be represented,” Kyle noted “We love being invited to various stu-
dietrich neu
without a students’ union,” Kyle candidates to see if they could shed during our interview. “The students’ dent events around campus, and we’ll
features editor
Addison told me during a Monday in- some light, any light, on what I had union would be much more effective do our very best to go to as many as
With the URSU elections just 6 days terview. “If there wasn’t a student’s been missing, in the hopes that I around campus if we could get stu- we can. We love it when student
away, candidates are mobilizing, in- union, there’s a huge chance of tuition would not be in the dark any longer. dents’ opinions and feedback. If stu- groups come and let us know what is
terested students are informing them- being catastrophically high. And not to A huge contributor to my apathy dents would vote and give us their going on and we’re certainly here to
selves, and the debates are well bring down the university, because towards the URSU elections was the feedback on what they want to see give a hand.”
underway. We are in the preliminary they treat us very well, but they could result of how little I knew about the happen, then the students’ union can “Our offices are always open,” she
stages of a new union leadership being walk all over us without representa- union itself. I knew that I had to pay be an effective organization.” continues. “You can talk to the front
formed. And like every year, I find my- tion.” Addison is one of three presi- fees, and a gazillion other little And one of the biggest ways to do desk, and we are certainly willing to
self in an all-too-familiar position, a dential candidates this year. He has charges. But I never really understood that is to vote. That’s the first step, at meet with students anytime they like.
position of total ignorance towards the also been our URSU president for the what they actually did; I never under- least. My journey to learn about the We do our very best to be accessible to
upcoming election. past two years. stood how much the union does to importance of the union lead me into a students whenever they are in need.”
Every year the elections come and During my time at the U of R, I make my time at the U of R a positive conversation with Kaytlyn Barber, an When speaking to Barber, it was
go, and each year I pay them little never considered that Addison may experience. URSU executive for the last two years. clear to me that the union was here to
mind. “I just don’t really care about have a point. Without representation When I started to reach out to And, as she pointed out to me, elec- listen to what students wanted. They
student politics,” I would say to oth- there is no one there to make sure stu- some of the current union executives, tions are one of the biggest steps that are truly invested in the interests of
ers. “I don’t even know what I would dents aren’t getting screwed over. We who were also running in the election, the union takes to understand what students, and it’s clear that they
be voting for.” would have no voice, and no power in I was pleasantly surprised to see that its members want. wanted me to have the best experience
Last year, around 10 percent of the the institution that we support. As I they all responded to my interest in “The students are the owners of at the U of R that I could.
students voted in the URSU elections, spoke to Kyle, I began to understand, URSU with enthusiasm and an eager- the students’ union just like the stu- Now I understood what the union
and I have to believe that the other 90 piece by piece, how important the stu- ness to educate. As I spoke to Addison, dents are the owners of the Owl,” she was here to do, to be our voice. The
percent of students, who are still mem- dents’ union is, and how different our it was clear that education was the first told me. “Elections are a really impor- next thought that entered my mind
bers of the union regardless of whether school would be without it. step to getting the most out of my tant piece of generating feedback from was concerning the power of that
or not they vote, are in the same posi- But the union can’t be effective if membership. students and what they want the or- voice. Sure, the union was here to rep-
tion as me. Year after year, I had no in- it’s not accurately representing the stu- “Well, ultimately the students’ ganization to be in the future.” resent students, but how powerful is
terest, fueled by a lack of dent population. They need the feed- union is here to represent its mem- If the union is the voice of the stu- that voice? How much of an impact
understanding. back and opinions of the people that bers,” he told me. “Its a very diverse dents, then not participating means can they really have? Can a union of
Maybe I was just too lazy to in- they are trying to represent. They need campus with students that have very that you have no input in what that students really make a difference on a
form myself, and that manifested itself students to get involved. Apathy about diverse needs. The students’ union voice is going to say, or what they are larger scale?
as “I don’t really care,” or maybe I just voting is a feared problem in federal needs to acknowledge the needs of going to do. As Barber pointed out, if It’s one thing to walk around as
thought it didn’t matter who I voted politics, and there is the same prob- each type of student and provide them you don’t exercise your voice come the face of the student body, but it’s an-
for. Whatever the reason, I had never lem in student politics. If you have with the services that benefit their stu- election time, you are giving up a other to actually make a difference on
taken the time to appreciate what the problems with how the school is run, dent experience and make their aca- chance to shape your representation issues like tuition increases. Before this
students’ union does, and more im- then the union is your only avenue to demic experience at the U of R a much into what you want. year, I always thought that URSU did-
portantly, I had never taken the time to make change happen. It’s the only av- better one.” “The repercussions of not voting n’t have that much power as an or-
tell them what I wanted. I guess I al- enue to share your voice. Finding the motivation to vote has are that the students’ union won’t be ganization. Again, I was wrong. And
ways thought that the students union After years of not being a part of always been a problem for me, and guided by its members. If the students as Kyle explained to me, URSU has
didn’t matter; I didn’t think they actu- student politics, I decided that this not knowing anything about the or- don’t vote, they’re not having their say several connections within the provin-
ally did anything important. I felt like year I was going to inform myself. On ganization I was voting for didn’t help in what they want to students’ union cial government, which they use to ad-
I would never notice if they were gone. my mission to learn about this myste- things. As I found out, a little educa- to be. By not voting, you’re forgoing vocate student interests on a provincial
tion goes a long way. your opportunity to have input, so you level.
URSU is here to work for us as don’t know if the students’ union is re- “Two years ago, we met with the
students, they are here to look out for ally going to be what students want it University of Saskatchewan Students’
our interests and represent us at vari- to be” Union executives and we reenacted
ous levels of government and other As representatives of students, it’s what is known as the Saskatchewan
communities, not only provincially, important that the union executives Students’ Coalition, a provincial lob-
“ If the students don’t vote, they’re not hav- but nationally as well. But without not only get feedback and opinions bying group which consists of all two
participation from the members they from the people they represent, but universities and SIAST,” he told me.
are trying to represent, the union lead- also that they connect with the people “Then we took that through the
ing their say in what they want to students
ership becomes unrepresentative, and they represent. Forging relationships provincial government, and fostered
therefore, less appealing to participate with students on campus, and getting a strong relationship with the minister
union to be”
in. It’s a snowball effect, and it’s some- to know all of the people they repre- of advanced education and even ex-
thing that needs to change if the union sent is a priority for all union execu- tended it to the other cabinet minis-
is going to get better. tives – provided that the students are ters.”
Kaytlyn Barber
“The people who are going to be willing to give them a chance. Building and maintaining relation-
representing you are going to have no As Barber mentioned during our ships is a necessary part of any healthy
idea about how to represent you un- conversation, the URSU executives try students’ union. In order to get things
March 10 - 16, 2011
the carillon
features 11

Martin Weaver Martin Weaver

Speaking with candidates is a great way to educate yourself about candidate platforms and Candidate posters are a quick and easy way to find out who you are voting for. Most of the
strategies. It takes only a fraction of your time and can be very informative. Candidates candidates can be contacted through e-mail or Facebook as well.
love to talk to potential voters.

like a tuition freeze, student benefits, with dividend checks if they hosted members, and the voting is your op-
and funding from the government, the events at the Owl, entitling them to a portunity to have input on the organ-
union needs to form connections with portion of the Owl’s monthly revenue. ization. By not voting you’re giving
people in office. “This all gave the student societies up an important opportunity to have
“I think that it’s important that and our university leaders a reason to your say in what you want us to be,”
whoever is going to lead URSU in the be at our campus bar and contribute to she commented. “URSU is just that, a
future can foster and have a positive the economic well-being of it.” union of students, that work together
working relationship with the provin- By this point, I had learned to make everyone’s time on campus
cial government,” Addison noted. enough, and I was convinced. It was better, and so elections are an opportu-
“And [right now] we do have a great clear that the students’ union was a nity to have your say. To give that up
relationship with the current minister much larger part of the school, and the and not even take the opportunity, it’s
of advanced education. He is very province, than I had originally a shame.”
open to us; we can book meetings with thought. I never suspected that they I left both of my conversations
him, and voice our concerns. He is had the amount of influence that they with Barber and Addison with a new
very accessible to us and we can reach did, and that is partially what con- understanding of the importance of a
out to him. All the positive amend- tributed to my apathy. students’ union, and a new sense of re-
ments to post-secondary education “Unfortunately, voter apathy is sponsibility to become a part of the
that we received over the last budget huge, and voter turnout last year was process by casting my vote and shar-
cycle were achieved because of the re- barely 10 per cent, which is minuscule. ing my voice.
lationship we have with the provin- It is very unfortunate that happened. Before I finished my conversation Martin Weaver
cial government.” And I think students should talk to with Addison, he left me with one final
Not only does the union have the the candidates, I think that by asking message to students.
ears of government officials, they’re the questions that you want an answer “I want to send the message to
also responsible for spending thou- for you will be much more inspired to people who don’t vote. This is the “ With the online system voting is so simple
sands upon thousands, of its mem- go out and cast your vote, because at most important thing you can do at
ber ’s dollars. Using our money to that point, you are more involved.” the U of R to make sure that your uni- and easy, there is no reason why you don’t
install things like sponsorship pro- versity experience is the best that it have the time, or you can’t get there. You
grams and student services creates an The students’ union is here to can be. We are suffering a severe cul-
engaging environment for students. work for us, the students. But if they ture of apathy towards politics right
can go on your computer with U of R self-
That’s a good thing, because our are going to do that with any effec- now, and if it continues to go the way serve and you can vote. It’s not a difficult
school experience should be a little tiveness they need the students to get it is we are in trouble. I just want
more than just studying for tests and involved with them, tell them what everyone to come out and vote, to
stressing over term papers. they want and vote for whom they make an educated vote. And first and
When I asked Kyle about some of want. Ten per cent of the student body foremost, I want this to be a fun event
the ways the union looks out for the isn’t representative of the university for students. We’re all at the prime
Kaytlyn Barber
economic interests of the students, he population. And as Barber pointed out years of our lives, we all want to have
was quick to bring up the Owl, saying to me, the only way to improve that is the best times of our lives, we want to
that partnerships with suppliers and to cast a vote, and share your voice. be one university, one community.
marketing work has helped the bar “The students on campus, the Without the students union, that
work its way out of debt and toward a URSU members, are owners of the would be would be in jeopardy.”
profit. He added that URSU created a union. It’s a non-profit and like any
growth initiative that rewards students other non-profit we are run by our

“ We are suffering a severe culture of apathy towards politics right

now, and if that continues to go the way it is, we are in trouble”
Kyle Addison

Martin Weaver
sports Sports Editor: Jonathan Hamelin
the carillon, March 10 - 16, 2011

Five events in one

Cougars track and field athletes tackle the difficult pentathlon event

Martin Weaver

Pentathlon tests and athlete’s speed, strength, endurance and jumping ability

student. “By the end of that 1,000 m their first conference title ever. They said Eckert. “I think I should have a “I was leading up to the 800, the
[the last event in men’s pentathlon] finished with 101.5 points, 12.5 ahead good chance at that. I would love to last event, by about 100 points,” she
jonathan hamelin
you’re pretty dead for sure. It’s a lot of of the second-place Saskatchewan get second or first in high jump to said. “That’s one of my weaker events.
sports editor
fun though, because you get to com- Huskies. move up from last year and long jump The girl that got first place ran 15 sec-
For many students, the prospect of pete against the same people all day This year, despite the fact that he is literally 20 minutes after high jump, onds faster than me and ended up
competing in a university track and long and if you have one bad event had not planned to compete in pen- so it’s just going to be harder. A gold beating me.
field event is daunting. it’s not the end of the world." tathlon at first and had not trained a would be very nice, but it won’t be the “I was happy with my perform-
Competing in one event that’s With more events come greater lot for it, Eckert upped the ante by fin- end of the world if it doesn’t happen. ance at Canada West. I improved my
made up of five events? Impossible. training responsibilities for those in ishing first in high jump and pen- If I can get two medals, I’ll be ecstatic. score by 140 points from two years
However, there are some athletes who pentathlon. Instead of training for just tathlon, guiding the Cougars to their There’s also the field athlete of the year ago. The competition was really strong
take on this difficult event. It is called one or two events, athletes need to second consecutive and second ever award, which I’m hoping for. That this year in the pentathlon.”
pentathlon, and tests a competitor’s hone their skills in multiple areas. championship last month. It was by would be a huge accomplishment.” Like Eckert, Valois is chasing that
speed (60-metre hurdles), strength “It keeps things interesting,” said an even more impressive mark this For Valois, on the other hand, pen- elusive CIS gold medal. She will also
(shot put), endurance (800m for Valois on the training required. “We'll time around, as Regina (106) finished tathlon has been an event she has fo- be competing in long jump, the
women, 1,000m for men), and jumping have one day a week for hurdles, the well ahead of the Calgary Dinos (79). cused on throughout her track career. 4X200m relay and the 4X400m relay.
ability (high jump and long jump). 800m, some speed workouts, and “It’s pretty exciting,” Eckert notes She obviously enjoys helping out the Valois will be joined on the women’s
University of Regina Cougars some more technical training for high on the team’s two consecutive titles. Cougars with the event, but Valois side by fellow Cougars Merissa
track and field athletes Chelsea Valois jump and long jump. Sometimes, we “This year, we were expected to lose started competing in pentathlon be- Margetts (60m, 300m, 4x200m relay,
and Jeremy Eckert are two such indi- don't train for shot put every week. by ten points or something like that fore even coming to the U of R. The 4x400m), Amanda Ruller (60m,
viduals who compete in pentathlon. It But, most of the time, we do each and we ended up beating Calgary by Zenon Park product started in the 4x200m relay), Adrea Propp (4x400m
is an event they will each be taking event every week.” 27. It’s pretty ridiculous” summer of her Grade 11 year, compet- relay, 4x200m relay alternate), Shalane
part in at the CIS championships, Valois and Eckert have each ap- When asked what the reason has ing in a similar outdoor event called Haselhan (high jump), Nicole Breker
which begin March 10 in Sherbrooke, proached pentathlon differently. been for the men’s success, Eckert did- the heptathlon. (triple jump), Kelsey Bohachewski
Que. For Eckert, he took it up to help n’t take too long to respond. This past experience has helped (4x200m relay), Chantelle Labrecque
“[Pentathlon’s] a really grueling out the Cougars. The Regina product “Bruce [McCannel],” he said with her flourish in pentathlon, and other (shot put), and Julia Hart (4x400m).
event,” said a chuckling Valois, a fifth- started last year, aiming to help the a laugh, referring to the Cougars track events, at the university level. At the “It’s possible that I can get the
year science student. “I always feel like Cougars men’s team win their first and field head coach. “What more 2007 conference meet, she won a gold [in pentathlon,” said Valois. “It’s
I’ve accomplished something after Canada West title ever. Pentathlon and needs to be said. He’s done a ton of re- bronze in the pentathlon. The next going to be a really close competition.
completing it. I believe it shows a lot of relays are conducted under a 10-8-6-4- cruiting. We’ve always been solid in year, she improved her bronze to a sil- I’m kind of nervous, but I now it’s pos-
character. Not everybody can do it, or 2-1 point basis, giving athletes a shot at the jumps, but we’ve never really had ver and added a bronze in long jump sible. My only concern is that 800. In
would do it if they could.” earning more points for their team a lot of depth in other events like at the conference meet. In 2009, she the 4X200m relay team we have a
Pentathlon is certainly not a sport than in other individual events (7-5-4- throws, distance running, and sprint- had an impressive medal haul at the chance at medaling. I’m also in the
for the faint of heart. The five events 3-2-1 point system). Before joining the ing. It all kind of came together this conference meet (gold, pentathlon; sil- long jump, an event I’m ranked sev-
are usually spaced out in a competi- pentathlon, Eckert had primarily com- year.” ver, long jump; bronze, 60m hurdles; enth in, but if I get a good jump in
tion over several hours. For some ath- peted in high jump and long jump. As for Eckert, the only thing that bronze, high jump; bronze, 4X200m re- then who knows. If I improve my
letes, they also have to compete in The 2009 CIS and conference rookie of seems to be missing from his distin- lay). She won a silver medal in pen- score, I wouldn’t be disappointed if I
other individual events while battling the year won a gold medal at the con- guished university track career is a CIS tathlon at the CIS meet that year. didn’t get a medal..”
it out in the pentathlon. While pen- ference meet in 2009. gold medal. He’ll get that chance at Last year, Valois could have taken While Valois is looking to breeze
tathloners do not have to be perfect in While Eckert admits he is still “not nationals, where he is also competing home even more medals if not for an by the competition at nationals, she is
each event, they still need to do the really a fan of the pent”, it would be in long jump. Eckert is joined by fellow injury. Valois suffered a bruised right wishing the same wouldn’t have hap-
best they can in each if they are to fin- hard to argue that his decision hasn’t Cougar men Tait Nystuen (300m, heel after falling in a hurdles race, pened with her university track career.
ish strong. It is pretty easy to see how paid dividends for both him and his 600m, 4X200m relay), Connor which sidelined her for a large chunk This is Valois’ last year with the
trying to clear hurdles at a fast speed, team. MacDonald (high jump, long jump, of the season. Cougars.
jumping as high then as long as possi- At the 2010 conference meet, 4X200m relay alternate), Mason Foote “It motivates me even more,” said “It’s gone by too fast,” she said
ble, tossing a heavy weight, and run- Eckert won a silver medal in pen- (60m, 4X200m relay), David Walford Valois of the injury. “I don’t want that with a laugh. “My experience has been
ning a long distance can get tiring. tathlon. He also won another gold in (triple jump, 4X200m relay), Mike to happen again.” great. I wouldn’t change it if I had a
“I’ve always been a high jumper high jump and proceeded to pick up Barber (pentathlon), Ethan Gardner This year, Valois was all too close choice.”
mostly, so going from one event to five his first CIS medal ever, taking home (4X200m relay), and Chris Pickering to picking up another gold medal in
events is a pretty big difference,” said the bronze in high jump. That year, (shot put). pentathlon at the conference champi-
Eckert, a third-year Campion science Eckert helped the Cougars capture “I really want to win the pent,” onship.

“ I’ve always been a high jumper mostly, so

going from one event to five events is a
pretty big difference By the end of that
1,000 m [the last event in men’s pentathlon]
you’re pretty dead for sure.”

Jeremy Eckert

Bill Zuk
March 10 - 16, 2011
the carillon
sports 13

Just sliding into the house

U of R’s women’s curling team earns last spot in CIS championship

University of Alberta Athletics

The University of Regina’s women’s curling team, from left to right: Alexandra Williamson, Kelsey Michaluk, Stephanie Gress, Jade Ivan, Chantel Martin and David Miller (coach)

though Alberta (3-0) and racking because you’re missing a tional competition. Since we are un-
Saskatchewan (2-1) would advance whole bunch of school. But you can derdogs, we’re hoping to use that to
jonathan hamelin
out of the women’s side. catch up on school. our advantage.” The team
sports editor
However, there was some uncer- “We knew there was a chance we There could be some added pres-
It was likely the happiest Alexandra tainty around whether the Quebec could be going if we got third place sure on Williamson’s rink, due to the
looking to
Williamson has ever been after check- Athletic Conference would send any [at Canada West], so we definitely fact that they will be trying to defend defend U of R’s
ing her voicemail. teams. Since the QAC did not have had to make sure we got third place the U of R’s title from last season. At
On Saturday, Feb. 26, while any regional playdowns, they were just in case Quebec decided not to go. the 2010 nationals in Edmonton, Alta., title
Williamson was curling with her jun- not allowed to send any teams to na- We had our fingers crossed for a cou- Brooklyn Lemon’s U of R women’s
ior squad at the Callie Curling Club, tionals and this opened the door for ple of days hoping they would not squad topped the Saint Mary’s
she received a message on her phone the third place finisher in the men’s go.” Huskies 6-5 in dramatic extra-end ac-
Alexandra Williamson
from her university coach David and women’s division at Canada This year, for the first time in tion to finish first. It was the U of R Position: Skip
Miller. The message informed her that West to advance. This helped Canada West and Atlantic Canada, women’s first national curling title.
her University of Regina women’s Regina’s women’s team, but not the regional playdowns were used to de- Lemon’s team then advanced to the
Year: First
curling squad was heading to the CIS men, who finished last at regionals termine which teams would advance World Universiade in Erzurum,
Major: Social Work
curling championships, at Memorial (0-5). Manitoba (5-0), Alberta (4-1), to nationals. In the past, the best team Turkey, in late-January/early-
University in St John's, Nfld. The and Saskatchewan (3-2) advanced out from each school could go. While this February, where they placed sixth
championships began on March 9 of the men’s side. There are eight new format almost led to overall with a 4-5 record.
Kelsey Michaluk
and end on Sunday. men’s and women’s teams compet- Williamson’s squad not going, she is “It’s mostly comforting [know-
Position: Third
The Williamson's rink -- also con- ing at nationals, also including three still happy with the new format. ing Regina has had success at nation-
sisting of third Kelsey Michaluk, sec- teams in each division from Ontario, “I think it’s good,” she said. “You als] and there’s not so much
Year: First
ond Stephanie Gress, lead Jade Ivan, one from the Nova Scotia, P.E.I., and have to compete to get anywhere. pressure,” Williamson commented on
Major: Science
and alternate Chantel Martin – hopes New Brunswick area, and the host That’s what it’s like in junior compe- trying to defend the title. “We know
to go to nationals was on thin ice. team. tition too. You have to win at every Brooklyn’s team has been here, so we
Competing at the Canada West cham- “[David] left me a message and level to keep going up and up to other feel we can do pretty good here too.
Stephanie Gress
pionships last month in Edmonton, told me to start packing my bags be- levels. We’ve just go to play our best.”
Position: Second
Regina finished third at 1-2 in the cause we’d be leaving in a week or Though they have reached the And, though they almost didn’t Year: Second
four-team women’s division. Since so,” said Williamson, a first-year so- next level, Williamson and her team qualify for nationals, it is not like
only the top two teams in the confer- cial work student. “It was pretty ex- don’t have much time to revel in their Williamson’s team limped in. They
Major: Education
ence were to advance, it appeared as citing, but at the same time it’s nerve success. The club has had to focus on finished comfortably in third at re-
the top-notch competition they will gionals after earning an 8-3 victory Jade Ivan
be facing at nationals. The team has over fourth-place Manitoba (0-4).
only been together for around a year Regina fell to Saskatchewan and
Position: Lead
– each curling in the Saskatchewan Alberta by close 7-5 counts.
Year: Fourth
Junior Curling Association ranks be- Williamson was happy with her Major: Education
“ it was pretty exciting, but at the same fore that – so they have been trying to team’s performance at regionals and
get in sufficient practice time. is looking forward to nationals, win
time it’s nerve racking because you’re Regionals had been the first major or lose.
Chantel Martin
university competition for any of “We’re happy just to have the ex-
them. perience of going,” she said. “It was a
missing a whole bunch of school. But you Position: Alternate
“We certainly haven’t had as goal that we had set at the beginning
Year: First
can catch up on school.”
much practice as the other teams have of the year. You’ve got to look for-
Major: Science
and we haven’t really played a lot to- ward to the experience – there’s a
Alexandra Williamson gether because we have other com- banquet and we’ll get to meet new
mitments,” said Williamson. “Now, people. We weren’t exactly supposed
David Miller
our commitment is to this team so to be going, so getting the chance to

c aCsn a d i
a n fe d e ra ti
o n o fs tu d e n t s
Position: Coach
we’re looking to do better at the na- go is awesome.”

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March 10 - 16, 2011
the carillon
14 sports

Delaying their national road trip

Huskies top Cougars women’s basketball team 77-74 in Canada West
Final Four championship game

If Regina hopes to get another shot at Saskatchewan, they will have to win the West Regional tournament, happening this weekend at the U of R

quarter. Alberta was then able to get Game 1 in that the Cougars were Other teams participating in the
their first lead of the game when able to stay on top for most of the tournament will include the Laurier
autumn mcdowell
Katie Arbuthnot hit a pair of free game, but never by a margin greater Golden Hawks, Universite du
sports writer
Another The road to a national championship
throws to put the Pandas up by a
slim two points.
than nine.
Carly Graham did what she
Quebec à Montréal Citadins, and the
Victoria Vikes, who were named the
just became a little bit tougher for The small lead wouldn’t last does best and sank a three to put the recipient of an at-large bid.
Viking the University of Regina Cougars long, as Lindsay Ledingham put the Cougars up by four with seven min- The winner of the four-team
women’s basketball team. Cougars on her shoulders and man- utes to go in the final quarter. tournament will receive a place in
invasion After earning themselves a spot aged to rally off eight consecutive However, the home-court ad- nationals, which take place March
in the Canada West Final Four, the points to put her team back on top. vantage really came into play, as the 18-20 in Windsor, Ont., while the
team headed to Saskatoon last week- Alberta kept trying to claw their way Huskies were able to register 10 con- three other teams will see their sea-
Regina and Victoria are preparing to
end with hopes of coming away back into the game, but with time secutive points to take the lead away sons come to an end. The other re-
meet in a semifinal this weekend,
with a conference title and, more im- ticking down, the victory slipped out from the Cougars. gionals taking place are the Central
with the winner keeping their hopes
portantly, an automatic berth in the from the Pandas’ paws and into the The Cougars replied with a six- Regional in Ottawa and the East
for nationals alive.
CIS championships. However, they strong grip of the Cougars by a final point run of their own, but the five Regional in Fredericton, N.B. The
However, this will not be the
did not reach their goal. score of 72-68. minutes they went without scoring Huskies, Windsor Lancers, Laval
first time each team has met in the
The Cougars started the tourna- “Our usual suspects in would prove to be costly. Rouge et Or, and Cape Breton
playoffs this season.
ment off on the right note, as they Ledingham and (Joanna) Zalesiak With the game now tied at 70 Capers have already booked their
In a Canada West best-of-three
were able to register a victory were good, but in the first half points apiece, Huskies player Kim trips to nationals.
quarterfinal in late-February, the
against the Alberta Pandas by just a Megan Chamberlin stepped up and Tulloch stuck the nail in the coffin for The Cougars will be in action on
Cougars (19-5) knocked off the
four-point margin. (Gabrielle) Gheyssen did the same the Cougars as she hit a three- Friday at 6:15 p.m. as they take on
Vikes (15-9) in two games.
“Other than the second quarter, in the second,” offered Taylor. pointer with just over one minute Victoria, while UQAM and Laurier
However, each game was close.
we really limited our turnovers, Ledingham was able to rack up remaining on the clock. will face off in the other semifinal
Regina won by 65-55 and 70-67
which enabled us to run an effective 21 points on the night, with Zalesiak After trading free throws, directly following the Cougars
counts. The Cougars trailed many
offence,” Cougars head coach Dave adding 16 and Gheyssen and Zalesiak’s final effort for a game-ty- game.
times in each game. Regina surren-
Taylor wrote in a statement posted to Chamberlin pitching in with 15 and ing three hit the rim. As a result, the The winners of those two
dered 31 turnovers in the first game 10 points respectively. Cougars fell to the Huskies by a final matches will then square off in the fi-
and in the second game things went
This effective offence that Taylor With the semifinal win, the score of 77-74. nal on Saturday night at 7:00 p.m.
right down to the wire.
alluded to allowed the Cougars to Cougars were set to take on the host Saskatchewan advances to na- Although the Cougars are now
With Victoria out for revenge,
stay ahead on the scoresheet for al- team, the Saskatchewan Huskies, in tionals with the victory, while the forced to play an extra two games in
and the recent close games, expect
most the entire game, but due to the the conference final on Saturday Cougars loss means that the Regina order to reach nationals, the extra
things to go right down to the wire
fact that the lead was never greater night. A win on Saturday would fans will get to see a little more playing time is not necessarily a bad
in this win-or-go-home affair.
than 10, it was by no means a run- mean an automatic place at nation- Cougar action at home, as they will thing. In fact, the Cougars have only
UQAM (10-6, RSEQ) and
away victory. als, while a loss would send the team host a four-team CIS West Regional been named conference champions
Laurier (15-7, West Division) are to
As Alberta kept working away, down the conference ladder, but not tournament on March 11-12 at the once in program history, so having to
meet in the other semfinal.
they suddenly found themselves in a out of national contention. Centre for Kinesiology, Health and take the tougher road to the finals is
tie with Regina going into the fourth Game 2 had a similar feel to Sport. what the Cougars know best.

“ Although the Cougars are now forced to

play an extra two games in order to reach
nationals, the extra playing time is not nec-
essarily a bad thing. ”
March 10 - 16, 2011
the carillon
sports 15

Double the pleasure The joys of

Cougars Joanna Zalesiak and Lindsay Ledingham earn
fatherhood — and
Canada West women’s basketball all-star nods everything else
SAIT Trojans men’s hockey rookie Dearle
juggles being a dad, going to school, and
playing the game he loves

Zalesiak averaged 16.2 ppg and 5.6 apg in 24 games this season.

the top 10 in the conference in both 14.0 ppg and 7.6 rpg. She finished
categories and was named a second- second on the team in both categories
jonathan hamelin
sports editor team conference all-star. Zalesiak has and was third in the conference in
brought her game to another level rpg and seventh in ppg. She was sec-
They have been two of the most effec- this season, putting up 16.2 ppg and ond on Regina’s roster with 708 mp.
tive players on the University of 5.6 apg in 24 games. She finished sec- “Lindsay increased her scoring
Regina Cougars women’s basketball ond in the conference in both cate- and rebounding this season while

team this season, and now Joanna gories. The Cougars starting point continuing to be an outstanding de-
Zalesiak and Lindsay Ledingham guard led the team with 48 steals and fender,” said Taylor. “She’s able to
Graham Dearle (left) formerly played for the CHL’s Oklahoma City

have been recognized for it. was third on the team with 6.5 re- score in a myriad of ways, including

Last week, Zalesiak was named a bounds per game. She also led the from the perimeter, posting up inside,
Canada West first-team all-star and team with 739 minutes played and and getting to the foul line, which
Ledingham took home a second-team was third in the conference. makes her a tough matchup for oppo- playing hockey at the CIS level.
nod. Both players have made the loss “Joanna is one of the most dy- nents.” “I am glad that we have a system
curtis taylor
of all-star post Brittany Read to an namic players in the country,” wrote The other conference first team in place that allows him to come back
weal (southern alberta
injury all the more easier for Regina Cougars head coach Dave Taylor in a all-stars were Kim Tulloch
institute of technology) to school and continue to play,”
to swallow, as the Cougars finished statement posted to (Saskatchewan Huskies), Jill Trojans head coach Ken Babey said.
third in the conference at 19-5 and “She has the abil- Humbert (Saskatchewan), Caitlin CALGARY (CUP) — Graham Dearle “We want guys to be able to come
still have a shot to make it to the CIS ity to control games offensively with Gooch (Winnipeg Wesmen), and isn’t your average rookie. back and play, and get on with their
championships, starting March 18 in both her scoring and her ball distribu- Marisa Haylett (Alberta Pandas), A typical day for the Southern lives at the same time.”
Windsor, Ont. tion.” while second-team honours also went Alberta Institute of Technology After being away from the game
For Zalesiak, this kind of success Ledingham, on the other hand, to Amy Ogidan (Winnipeg), Ashley Trojans men’s hockey forward starts for a couple of years, Dearle had to
is nothing new. Last season, in 19 enjoyed a breakout season. The third- Hill (Calgary Dinos), Zara Huntley off early. He attends his classes get whipped into shape fast. It took a
games, the third-year faculty of kine- year science student had a career av- (UBC Thunderbirds), and Debbie throughout the morning before hit- couple of games for him to find his
siology and health studies student erage of 5.5 ppg and 3.5 rpg heading Yeboah (Victoria Vikes). ting the rink for practice in the after- legs, but he feels he’s in top shape
registered 14.5 points per game and into this season. Playing in 24 games, noon. When he gets home, he plays right now and ready to contribute.
4.5 assists per game. She was among the forward and Cougars captain had with his one-year-old daughter. But “I’m a team guy and I’ll do what-
once she’s in bed, it’s time to hit the ever the coach needs,” Dearle said.
books. “I haven’t won anything in a long
Being a student, an athlete, a hus- time, but we got a good thing going
band and a father makes for a busy here and I’ll do whatever it takes to
schedule, but this enthusiastic 30- win.”
year-old wouldn’t have it any other Babey said Dearle is a good role
way. model for the younger players on the
Dearle, who grew up in team. His play provides energy, and
Saskatchewan, previously played his presence offers veteran leadership
professional hockey for the CHL’s in the locker room.
Oklahoma City Blazers. He looks “Here’s a guy at 30 who really
back on those years as among his doesn’t have to still [play hockey],”
most memorable playing the game Babey said. “He’s still playing be-
he loves. cause he loves the game and wants to
“It was awesome,” he said. remain competitive.”
“There were a bunch of other guys
from Saskatchewan down there play-
ing on the team. We were all young. It
was a lot of fun.”
After playing there for four years,
“ Here’s a guy at
Dearle moved back to Canada in 30 who really
search of a career.
With the current economic state
doesn’t have to
providing fewer job opportunities, still [play
Dearle came back to school to pursue
an education.
hockey]. He’s still
Dearle is currently in the first
year of the petroleum engineering
playing because
technology program. Luckily for him, he loves the
the ACAC has different rules of eligi-
bility than the CIS, and he could con-
game and wants
“ Joanna [Zalesiak] is one of the most dynamic players in the coun- tinue playing hockey while attending to remain com-
try … Lindsay [Ledingham] increased her scoring and rebounding school.
If Dearle had gone back to uni-
versity, his four years of pro hockey
this season while continuing to be an outstanding defender.”
in the U.S. would’ve counted against
his eligibility, meaning he could still
Ken Babey
go to school but couldn’t continue
Dave Taylor Trojans head coach
March 10 - 16, 2011
the carillon
16 sports

Putting the 'fun' in fundamentals

Laurier-Brantford student spends his weekends giving back to minor hockey

Kyle Brown/The Sputnik

This year, Andrew Francella has spent his weekends coaching minor hockey

flashy grey Nikes as he lays out the get down on themselves.” late me ... being a young coach. game against the league’s best team.
strategy for the morning’s contest. He While most students are sleeping “For example, we drafted an [A- After the first period, the game is tied
kyle brown
emphasizes that the team must con- in, sometimes in an effort to get rid of graded player] and if we had that 2–2.
sputnik (wilfrid laurier
tinue working on clearing the puck off a hangover, Francella has spent each player we’d be really balanced, but When the second period gets un-
the boards in the defensive zone and Saturday and Sunday morning this what happened is the convener took derway, however, the Avengers begin
BRANTFORD, Ont. (CUP) — It’s 6:30 setting up plays from the point on of- year waking up early to coach his team that player without any compensation to fall behind. Though the name of the
a.m. on a Sunday and AC/DC’s fence. of eight- and nine-year-olds. and put him on his team. So his team game is still fun, Francella grimaces
“Thunderstruck” is reverberating “But the most important thing to- Francella was given the opportu- is now the top, and we haven’t won with pain and looks away when his
through the dressing room while the day is what, guys?” Francella asks. nity to coach kids hockey in yet, so at some point you have to say, team falls behind by three goals – the
players discuss their Saturday nights. “I’ll give you a hint: It starts with an September, when he received a phone is this really ethical? I know you want fire of competition still burns inside
Head coach Andrew Francella, a ‘F’.” call from the Brantford Minor Hockey to win, but we haven’t won yet.” him.
third-year concurrent education stu- “Fun!” shouts back one enthusi- Association novice commissioner, ask- On top of that, Francella said that At the end of the second period,
dent, finishes filling up the team’s wa- astic player. ing if he was still interested. Earlier in as the long seven-month season be- the Avengers are down 6–2, so
ter bottles and comes out of the Francella asks again, louder this the summer, Francella wrote emails to gins to wind down, he is absolutely Francella calls the team in and tries to
bathroom to try to motivate the 11 time, and the whole team screams the various local organizations, trying to drained from the time he has put in. ignite that same fire in his players.
smiling faces waiting for him. answer back this time. get involved. “The season is so long,” he said. “Alright, guys. We’re down four,
“Alright, guys, bring it in,” “You have to keep it light-hearted, “I just wanted more experience “It runs from September to March, so but there’s a lot of time left,” he says.
Francella says to his team, the because when you’re learning, you working with kids and I hadn’t really all of my weekends in that time are “You guys are playing great. Just con-
Brantford Avengers. “We’ve been in want to emphasize, ‘Yeah, you’re still had experience working with younger dedicated to it. If anyone has plans out tinue to hustle and keep shooting.”
the last few games we played and if learning, you’re not going to get every- kids,” he said. “And with hockey and of town, I can’t make it, and with And to an extent, it works. The
we play hard and hustle, I think we thing right away,’” Francella said. other sports, that’s just something I’ve hockey on weekends and then Avengers start to buzz in the oppo-
can win this one.” “That’s why making sure they’re hav- always done and played. I wanted ex- practicum on Monday, it’s starting to nent’s zone and one player gets
This morning, he’s wearing a navy ing fun is the biggest thing, so that perience coaching, because I’d like to drain me.” sprung on a breakaway before being
hoodie, a pair of faded blue jeans and when they make mistakes, they don’t have experience for later on when I However, he said that despite the hauled down by a diving defender. As
become a teacher.” time commitment, he still loves it. natural instinct, Francella yells, “That’s
Things have not been entirely “I really love ... coaching hockey; I a trip, ref!” before remembering where
smooth over the course of the season wouldn’t do it if I didn’t,” he said with he was and the not-so-competitive
for Francella. He said that though the a smile. level of play.
parents on the team had no problem When the game finally gets un- As the final seconds tick off the
“ You have to keep it light-hearted ... That’s with his young age – the other coaches derway, Francella immediately looks clock, Francella reminds his players to
are all fathers – he feels that he has at ease behind the bench, walking up get out on the ice and congratulate
been taken advantage of because of it, and down it offering advice and en- their goalie when the game ends.
why making sure they’re having fun is the
biggest thing, so that when they make mis- noting an imbalance among teams. couragement to his players. The Avengers finish on the wrong
“There’s my team and another He manages his lines methodically end of an 8–2 tally, but he refuses to let
team that are at the bottom, and [the like a young Scotty Bowman and re- them be discouraged.
takes, they don’t get down on themselves.”
top-three teams] are just beating up wards good play by throwing out In the dressing room post-game,
on us – a lot of the games aren’t close,” more fist bumps than Barney Stinson. he calls for his team to give three
Francella said. “And the whole reason The Avengers, who have struggled cheers for their goalie, and upon hear-
Andrew Francella
I say it’s not balanced is because I this season and are still looking for ing the first one, calls for a second

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March 10 - 16, 2011
the carillon
sports 17

Experiencing real Clean as a whistle

Results of January’s drug test of
football 67 Golden Hawks football players
comes back negative
Laurier Golden Hawks women’s soccer team
spends reading week in England

Nine Waterloo Warriors players tested positive last March, leading the
university to suspend its program for a year.

never an issue.
“I can’t speak for everyone, but
justin fauteux
for me I was fine,” he said. “I knew
cord (wilfrid laurier
that I wasn’t on anything and I knew
that my friends weren’t on anything
WATERLOO, Ont. (CUP) — The either. We just wanted to get it over
football players at Wilfrid Laurier with and move and here we are.”
University are finally able to breathe These drug tests marked the lat-
a sigh of relief. est in what has become a recurring In February, a month after theme of potential off-field distrac-
Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport tions for the Golden Hawks over the
officials tested 67 Golden Hawk foot- past seven months.
Laurier got to train at a world-class facility, play against and English team and take in some Europa Cup and
FA Premier League action ball players for performance enhanc- From the questions surrounding
ing drugs, 67 tests came back clean. the late transfers of nine Warriors
“It’s not something that I thought players in late summer to the eligibil-
said. “The passion they have for the “[Queen's Park Rangers] weren’t
of all the time, but I guess it was ity concerns of defensive end David
game was unbelievable.” their senior women’s team, but we
justin fauteux
something that was always there,” Montoya, which ended up costing
The team spent every morning took what we could get and it was
said Laurier manager of football op- the Hawks a win, to the recent news
cord (wilfrid laurier
training at Bolton’s Academy facility still a great experience.”
erations and head coach Gary Jeffries that only one of the nine former
and, although it’s meant for players Perhaps the Hawks’ greatest ex-
regarding the test results. Waterloo players will be able to play
WATERLOO, Ont. (CUP) — The who are high school aged and posure to England’s passion for soc-
“It’s such a relief to get the re- at Laurier again next year, it has been
Wilfrid Laurier University Golden younger, it was clear the club spared cer was at the two professional games
sults that I always knew we’d get and a rocky time for the Purple and Gold.
Hawks women’s soccer team spent no expense. the team took in.
I couldn’t be more proud of the team. “To be honest, a lot of people
their reading week doing something “We were training at Bolton’s The team watched Manchester
I’m just so happy for them and now probably thought we were really
a bit less traditional. Academy fields and they had an ab- City play Greek side Aris in a Europa
we can put it to bed and move on.” stressed out with everything that’s
While other students flocked to solutely amazing facility,” Anderson Cup qualifier and an FA Premier
Canadian Interuniversity Sport been going on off the field, but all
tropical destinations or ski chalets, said. “They had about 15 fields and League game between league-lead-
football has been in the midst of a we’ve ever cared about or focused
the Hawks were playing and training they were probably the nicest fields ing Manchester United and last-place
crackdown on steroids ever since on is football,” Chambers said.
in Bolton, England, soaking up a cul- I’ve ever played on.” Wigan Athletic.
nine Waterloo Warriors players “Football is a stress reliever for
ture dominated by soccer –or, of In addition to training at a world- According to Anderson, the sup-
tested positive last March. me and I’m guessing it is for the 73
course, football as the locals prefer to class facility, the Hawks also got a port the fans give their clubs more
This led the university to make other guys on this team, so the best
call it. taste of live game action in England. than lives up to the hype.
the unprecedented decision to sus- thing we could do was just keep go-
Over the week, the team trained The team played an exhibition match “It was amazing to see the culture
pend its football program for the sea- ing.”
at English Premier League club against the under-18 squad of compared to here,” she said. “The sta-
son. The University of Calgary con-
Bolton Wanderers FC's Academy fa- Queen’s Park Rangers FC, a team dium was filled and everyone was
Those tests at Waterloo marked firmed that 60 football players were
cility, played an exhibition against an from just outside of London, and won cheering the entire game. [Soccer] is
the first time that the CCES tested tested at a team training session two
English squad and took in a pair of handily against their European op- literally everywhere, it’s in every-
the majority of a single team’s roster weeks ago, marking the first set of
professional games, absorbing the ponents. thing they do.
during the off-season, previously “mass tests” outside the Waterloo re-
legendary crowd atmosphere associ- “The plan was to play two games “Even a team like Wigan has
leaning more heavily upon random gion.
ated with European soccer games. and train the whole time, but our first amazing support. They never give
unannounced testing of a handful of
“It was amazing to see the differ- game was cancelled because the up. The passion they have is just
players from different teams.
ence in culture compared to here,” fields were all flooded so we only got amazing.”
However, the Warriors tests were
Laurier team captain Sadie Anderson to play one,” Anderson explained.
prompted by former Waterloo foot-
ball players Nathan Zettler and
Brandon Krukowski being charged “ I knew that I
with intent to traffic steroids.
The tests at Laurier were the first
wasn’t on any-
truly random, unannounced large-
scale tests in recent years. However,
thing and I knew
“ It was amazing there was speculation that the that my friends
to see the differ- school’s proximity to Waterloo
played a role in the decision to test at
weren’t on any-
ence in culture [in Laurier. thing either. We
“Obviously, things got magnified
with what happened at [Waterloo],
England] com- just wanted to
pared to here. The and with us being down the street
people may have thought we were
get it over with
connected,” said Hawks wide re-
passion they have and move and
ceiver Shamawd Chambers, who was
among the 67 Hawks tested.
for the game is here we are.”
unbelievable.” “But we aren’t connected at all,
we all knew no one in here was on
Shamawd Chambers
Sadie Anderson While the pressure of the pend-
ing test results could very well have
Wilfrid Laurier wide

weighed on the Hawks’ minds, ac-

receiver cording to Chambers, they were

March 10 - 16, 2011
the carillon
18 sports

Making the
“tough” call
BJ Penn searches for new weight
class while Diego “Nightmare”
Sanchez chooses a new nickname

BJ “The Prodigy” Penn…. more like BJ “The Pudgy” Penn

annoyingly yells “yes!” repeatedly be-

inside the octagon fore he even steps into the octagon.
Although Sanchez’s antics appear
rather crazy, they also appear to be
autumn mcdowell
sports writer working.
Martin Kampmann should take a
It’s decision time in the UFC. While page out of Sanchez’s positivity book as
some fighters are trying to settle on a Sanchez was able to earn the victory
• High grad employment rate • Affordable tuition
weight class, others are trying to settle over him at UFC on Versus 3 on March
• Small class sizes • $1M+ in scholarships
on a nickname. 3. The win was slightly controversial
As BJ “The Prodigy” Penn contin- as an uproar of “boo”s came over the
• Instructors with real-world • Degree laddering and
ues to contemplate which weight class crowd when Sanchez was announced
experience transfer credit options
he would like his ass to be kicked in the winner by unanimous decision.
next, it seems he has settled on welter- Most of the spectators believed that
weight. This could be a strategic move Kampmann should be the winner
on his part as Frankie Edgar, the light- purely by the amount of damage he
weight champion, seems to have “The was able to inflict on Sanchez’s face.
SIAST Technology programs
Answer” to all of Penn’s problems. Sanchez’s left eye was dripping blood
However, the more likely reason is that all over his body and was almost com-
Program Type Location Start Date
Penn is simply too lazy to cut weight to pletely swollen shut, making him look
try and get to 155 lbs., and has come to eerily similar to Sloth from The
Building Systems Technician Certificate Regina August 2011

terms with his fat gut tipping the scales Goonies.

Computer Systems Technology Diploma Saskatoon August 2011
at 170 lbs. However, by leaving it in the hands
In Penn’s current home of the 170
Electronics Technician Certificate Regina August 2011
of the judges, Kampmann will now
lbs. division, he recently took on Jon have to climb up the welterweight lad-
Saskatoon September 2011

Fitch in a fight that would decide who der once again. One can only assume
would get the next title shot against that it was the nickname change that al-
welterweight stud Georges St-Pierre. lowed Sanchez to secure the victory.
The possibility that either of these two Kampmann wasn’t a complete
SIAST grads get jobs. could possibly get another shot at GSP loser, as the president of the UFC, Dana
is enough to make a person puke. How White, gave each fighter $160,000
Joe Silva, the UFC’s matchmaker, could bonus for their performances inside the
Apply now.

somehow think that either of these two octagon, setting a new UFC record for
is worthy of being in the same cage as highest bonus. The fight was good and
St-Pierre is laughable. definitely entertaining but 160K?
The mediocre contest between Really?
Penn and Fitch headlined an absolutely The next time fighters will step
brutal fight card; if anyone spent fifty back into the octagon will be on March
bucks on it they should feel truly 19, when the light heavyweight title
ashamed. The back and forth headliner will be on the line. Champion Mauricio
was apparently too close to call for the “Shogun” Hua will be taking on chal-
TE-11-002 - The Sheaf/The Carillon - 5.05” x 10.3”

incompetent judges and was declared a lenger Jon “Bones” Jones, as Shogun
draw. For those keeping score, a draw is attempts to defend the belt.
worse than losing. You know you have This fight card is surprisingly good,
wasted your money when the biggest as the co-main event features former
fight on the card ends in a draw. The WEC stud Urijah Faber, who will take
only positive aspect that came out of on Eddie Wineland in the newly added
this draw was that, due to the fact that 135 lbs. division. These two little guys
there was no winner, there is no top will go toe to toe with the hopes of

contender, and therefore no title shot earning a shot at the bantamweight
View all for either of them, thank God.
In a rather bizarre turn of events,
Other notable fighters on the card

formally Diego “Nightmare” Sanchez include Canadian Nate Marquadt,
has opted to change his nickname to Yoshihiro Akiyama, and Mirko “right

“The Dream”. Sanchez feels that “The leg hospital, left leg cemetery” Cro Cop
Dream” is a much more positive nick- to name a few.

Your student newspa-

name and he does not want to be at- This should be a great night of fights, so
tached to the negative energy that he good in fact that I may just have to pur-
per since 1962 feels is associated with the nickname
“Nightmare”. This is also why Sanchez
chase it.

Add as a friend
“ The more likely reason [Penn is joining the
welterweight division] is that he is simply too
lazy to cut weight to try and get to 155 lbs.,
and has come to terms with his fat gut tip-
ping the scales at 170 lbs.”
graphics Graphics Editor: Ali Nikolic
the carillon, March 10 - 16, 2011

“Bathroom Bear”
“Games” andrew maclachlan – peak (simon fraser)
Conrad Ford

“Café Crepe”
andrew maclachlan – peak (simon fraser)

photo of the week

Martin Weaver
op-ed Op-Ed Editor: Cheyenne Geysen
the carillon, March 10 - 16, 2011

Fabiana Zonca

opinion editorial
Smokers are Up in smoke
people, too The RCMP are trying to butt out
smoking in vehicles.
child in the backseat of a vehicle?
Even if the cruiser is parked and a
certain that the individual is smok-
ing? They could be chewing a tooth-
Charges were laid against two in- vehicle with an occupant smoking pick, or sucking on a straw. Weirder
BRANTFORD, Ont. (CUP) –– I have non-smokers because smoking can’t dividuals who were smoking in the drives by, will the officer be able to things have happened. Again, the is-
had an epiphany: Smoking is not occur within public buildings. same vehicle as children in Humboldt determine beyond a shadow of a sue with limited visibility into mov-
positive for one’s health. Walking by a smoker outside will not on Jan. 3. doubt that there is someone under ing vehicles comes up.
This revelation may have oc- give you cancer, but your cellphone, The law, which outlaws smoking the age of 16 in the car? I understand the importance of
curred as a result of my 14 years of the car fumes you breathe, the sun in in vehicles with children under the What if the person in the car just this law, I really do. There are proven
public education, my parents’ warn- the sky and even the chemical-laced age of 16, came into effect on Oct. 1. looks like they are under 16 and it health risks to anyone exposed to sec-
ings and disapproval, the many dis- food you eat might. Based on statistics at the end of turns out that they are actually 17 or ondhand smoke, and the risk only in-
criminatory anti-smoking I smoke because I enjoy it. January 2011, the RCMP had laid no 18? I know I look like I’m under 16 creases when it’s a child involved. I
advertisements or even the graphic Mixing it with the mental and biolog- charges – making these two effec- when I have no makeup on, and I’m just don’t see how it’s feasible to actu-
warnings on and inside the cigarette ical addiction that makes it a prob- tively the first of their nature. 21. Can an officer get away with an ally put it into action.
packaging. lem, it becomes a problem I enjoy. The first, yes. The only? Perhaps. accidental pull over? I know random Perhaps the fact that there have
I can, without a doubt, tell you Obesity is a problem, too, but if The questions I had when the law checks are acceptable, but how far can only been two charges laid in almost
that it did not occur through ignorant someone is happily obese, is it right first came in are, I believe, still rele- you take that before people start get- six months proves my theory. Or
non-smokers telling me about their to remind them constantly about the vant. First – how does one enforce a ting angry? If I got pulled over at 2 maybe I’m all wrong, and the law re-
grand revelation. People tell smokers life-threatening problem? If you say law of this nature? p.m., doing the speed limit or below, ally is more than just smoke and mir-
this known fact to enlighten them, to yes, put yourself in their shoes. Children under 12 are supposed I would be mad. It would be a huge rors.
“save” them or to point out their im- Smoking does not affect people’s to be in the backseat of a vehicle for waste of my time and a huge waste of
perfections. mental abilities. Someone can smoke safety reasons. Nearly all backseats the officer’s time, who is presumably
But stating the obvious doesn’t without impairing their driving; they have tinted windows and extremely getting paid to actually hand out real
enlighten people, nor does it grant can work and talk and perform any limited visibility. How is an officer, tickets.
one genius status; it makes you a task. driving by, probably in the opposite Another question I have is – How

c asn a d i
a n fe d e r ati
o n o fs tu d e n ts
direction, going to see if there is a can an officer even be 100 per cent
cheyenne geysen
fool, similar to “enlightening” some- Imagine that you are drinking at

sfm a k at c h e w a n stu d e n ts co a l
t i
o n -
one about their skin colour. a party and someone tells you the
op-ed editor

c h a e l
ack s o n m o v i
e l
ay to n u n d e r
Trying to save people by trying dangers of drinking and tries to get

e th at s p ee c h st e p h e n h a r pe r ca n a -
to make them quit isn’t saving them, you to stop drinking. And this hap-

a n e l
e c ti
o n tw i
t t e ri
tu n e s
k a n y e w e st
either. About one in four Canadians pens every time you drink. “That’s

ad y g a g a t- p a i
n a u to tu n e re c e ss i
o n
are estimated to die from cancer, but going to rot your liver, you know!”

a fg h an i
stan t a s e rs d o m e b a i
o u ts
I can tell you that the one in four they chide you.

h e a lth c areb a n k r u p tc y sw e a t e r v e st
Canadians aren’t all smokers. Nine in This would annoy you and prob-

S e n d y o u r o p i n i o n s t o
h i
p s t e r d ou c h e b a g s th o se a s s h o l
e s
10 Canadians have at least one risk ably ruin drinking for you.

w h o -geiv dey o u
cat i
crk iletsw rh ee
gn inyo u poa rk
factor for heart disease and stroke. I can tell you that it annoys me

ntohpe w ro n gp l
a c e o nnca m p uasa.ct
lh i
n g s
These factors include smoking, alco- and ruins smoking for me, but I will

a p i
t al
s t ga y m c a n a d i
a n f
e d e ra ti
o n of
hol, physical inactivity, obesity, high forever continue because three years

@ lo m
su tu d e n ts s a s k a t ch e w a n stu d e n ts
blood pressure, high cholesterol and of being lectured and warned has not
diabetes. Newsflash: 100 per cent of stopped me. I smoke, I feel, I eat, I

co nadlitio
leck sostn
em pho ev
Canadians will die. sleep, I breathe, I cry, I smile, I walk

There is no saving us because to- past you, I sit beside you in class. I
day, everything kills us – lead, plas- am not just a smoker, but a human
tics, sugar, falling coconuts. People being just like you.
will live the lives they wish to live.
Pointing out another person’s smok-
ing problem is only a defence mech-
anism to shelter your own
josh linton
self-conscious mindset. sputnik (wilfrid laurier
Public smoking no longer affects university)
the carillon
op-ed 21

Clearing the air Dear Bart

After reading last issue’s commen- will reap higher tax revenues from would like to set the record straight Dear Barton, been undertaken and are making a
tary section and the campaign pro- those students who graduate and go and put it out there that it was actu- I am not sure why you are so large difference to the student popu-
files, I felt compelled to respond to on to earn higher income. Instead of ally the work of a significant number quick to defend tuition hikes. Let’s lation then please accept my apolo-
several things that were asserted making the stronger economic argu- of dedicated URSU and USSU not deal with future events until they gies. I see no damage in URSU stating
throughout. ment above, Barton then trots out an Executive members over a five-year arrive – once 400 people show up for the positives they are enacting, and I
In Bart Soroka’s letter he points old trope about balancing affordabil- span that led to tuition freezes. It was a class, we can sort out how to deal certainly do not seek to decry your at-
out that “There is no provision any- ity and quality, which is totally un- the involvement of countless board with that situation. At this time it is tempts to help the student body. I’m
where that Kyle or anyone else would proven. members, students, and other sup- simply a possibility. I would add that just wondering, what are those at-
get free meals at the Owl.” He then I would ask him to provide evi- porters who rallied and signed peti- just because URSU is undertaking tempts?
points out that every dollar the Owl dence that would show that between tions and got involved in the fight for certain action, they are not absolved I would like to add that I see no prob-
earns goes on to support student so- 1991 and 2004 in Saskatchewan the affordable and accessible education. from performing other duties. If I told lem with the URSU staff receiving a
cieties on campus. This is a good quality of the education increased 227 Furthermore, it involved a strong a professor that I had handed in my discount at the Owl. It is fairly stan-
point, except that he fails to mention per cent, which was the percentage provincial lobby effort which even- term paper and as such felt I didn’t dard business practice to allow em-
that each member of the URSU exec- increase of tuition in the province tually led the former NDP govern- need to attend the final, I’m sure he ployees a discount on the services
utive gets a 50 per cent discount on during that time period. ment, which had allowed tuition to would have some choice words for they have a hand in maintaining.
food at the Owl. Although the Owl I would then ask him and any of increase significantly, to agree to stu- me. Completing part of a stated duty Calling it out clouds more important
has been managed efficiently over the his peers if they understood the dent’s demands. The good news is does not absolve anyone from per- issues. Please let me make clear that
past few years, no restaurant has a meaning of a fully funded tuition that those efforts could be updated forming the rest of that stated duty. I I am in no way attacking anyone per-
50 per cent mark up between cost and freeze, which is what Saskatchewan and replicated to ensure that stu- understand that criticism is unpleas- sonally; the reason I addressed my
profits. Consequently, every meal an had from 2004-2008. Simply put, it dents’ voices are heard loud and clear ant and no one particularly cares for letter to you, Bart, is simply that I
URSU executive member eats at the means that the provincial govern- by the current Sask. Party govern- it, especially when groundless. read your opinion piece. I’m just
Owl costs student societies money. ment increases the operating grants ment. However, elected officials need criti- wondering, what is being done?
As a board member, Bart should to Universities to their request levels. I would like to end this letter cism, How else do they determine
know that. Finally, since Mr. Soroka dis- with a note about a debate I have what their constituents need from
That being said, there is a valid agrees with tuition freezes, I would heard going on around campus re- them?
reason that URSU executive members ask how he supports a province as garding partisanship with respect to Why, if URSU is doing such a
get, and should continue to get, a dis- rich as Saskatchewan having tuition URSU executive members. The URSU good job, do people question the or-
count at the Owl and a tuition rebate; costs that are on average $1,200 more Constitution does state under ganization? I know that there will al-
namely, they are massively under than Manitoba and over $2,500 more Principles of the Student’s Union, that ways be those that complain, but it
paid. The year that I was URSU pres- than Newfoundland. URSU is “To remain politically non- seems that some worries and com-
ident I broke down the hours I To put this into perspective, giv- partisan in all activities and lobby ef- plaints are legitimate. I believe it is
worked, divided it by my gross ing every post-secondary student in forts.” To me this does not mean that URSU’s job to fight for lowered tu-
monthly honorarium, and calculated Saskatchewan completely free tuition members of the URSU executive can- ition, not wonder what will happen if
that I was paid around $7.00 an hour. would cost the provincial govern- not be politically involved. In fact, ex- it does occur. Poll the school – how
Being under paid has led some URSU ment no more than $150 million a cluding those who have been many students would say it’s not in
executive members to get another job, year. This is less than the government involved in partisan politics from tak- their interest to lower tuition? Once
which in my opinion is bad for the or- committed in 2011 for increased ing part in URSU elections would not many students, as a group, say, “No
ganization. It’s a privilege and an ho- spending on municipal infrastructure only violate their rights as members we don’t want tuition lowered!” then
nour to serve on the URSU Executive, ($177 million), highway construction of URSU but also, and more impor- it is absolutely fine for URSU to forgo
but you should not have to go broke ($161.6 million), farm stabilization tantly, would have seen the exclusion attempts at lowering tuition. Until
doing it. ($234.1 million), and income assis- of several very strong URSU execu- then, get me some money please!
Later in his article Mr. Soroka tance programs ($321.3 million). tive members who have served in the As to how busy the URSU staff are,
points out that “Lowering tuition is Now, I am not saying that tuition fees nearly ten years I have been on cam- please enlighten me as to how many
always a contentious issue when I should be free or that the other gov- pus. Instead, I believe that this pas- campaign promises have come to
bring it up around my [department] ernment-funded programs listed are sage means that the organization of fruition. I vaguely remember some-
lounge (Economics).” As an alumnus unimportant; however, it is my opin- URSU must ensure that it does not thing about recycling and increased
of the U of R Economics department, ion that tuition rates are too high in support any one political party over sustainability. Where are the solu-
I know what he is trying to get at Saskatchewan. This causes 50 per another based on the political inclina- tions and options that we need? As a
here. The best argument against tu- cent of the province’s students to go tions of members of the URSU student I need to see changes and I
ition freezes has nothing to do with into debt, which averages $25,000 Executive. Instead of criticizing can- don’t see them; perhaps my eyes
quality of education. It is that if tu- when they graduate. One way to didates for their involvement in par- aren’t open enough?
ition fees are further subsidized it can solve this issue in part would be for tisan politics, why not ask them how Now, I don’t want a re-iteration
be seen as a transfer of wealth via the province to again implement a they would behave if they were of URSU’s duties. I know it performs
taxation from Saskatchewan taxpay- fully-funded tuition freeze in order elected? administrative duties that keep me
ers to students who will earn more in- to maintain the quality of education as a student relatively comfortable
come and have a higher net worth in while also increasing affordability. day to day. I’m wondering how the
the long run than the average tax While one candidate has specifi- current executive has contributed to
payer. cally singled me out for praise when the enhancement of this functioning?
My response to this article is, al- it comes to fighting for tuition freezes, As a student, I’d like to know which
though I believe it’s true, it can be it should be noted that I do not sup- specific policies were created and en-
simply solved by ensuring that we port this candidate and have only acted by the current URSU members.
mike burton gabe roywright
have a progressive tax system that ever met him on two occasions. I contributor If there is a host of policies that have contributor

letters to the editor

I’d like to make mention of how im- lot of wiggle room. Even more con- On March 16 and 17, University of while two URSU executive members cation fundraiser; the other explicitly
pressed I was with the campaigning cerning, he also promises to increase Regina students will go to the polls to congratulated the party on their ad- told me during [the CFS referendum]
that kick started last week for the funding for student societies and elect an URSU executive and board. vertisements during the that he only represents the voices of
URSU elections. The Voice of clubs. It is clear that something major I’m writing this letter urging students Grey Cup on Twitter. his faculty. Now, this doesn’t mean
Students was the first and, as of will have to be cut in order to afford to make the smart choice and deny Many URSU executives of the that Addison shares these attitudes,
when I’m writing this letter, the only both lowering revenues and increas- Kyle Addison a third term in office. past made their presence known but when you operate as a slate,
slate with posters up and tables out. ing expenditures. Addison and his past executives have throughout campus by engaging you’re guilty by association.
Their platform seems to be responsi- What will the For Students slate had two years to make positive and URSU in areas of environmental sus- Two terms under For Students
ble and reasonable. Although I eliminate? Will the UR Pride Centre lasting changes across campus, but tainability, improving transit, and governance has resulted in zero ac-
would love a tuition reduction, I just lose their funding? Will we be forced have failed to do so. Why, as students, fighting for tuition freezes, while in- tion for students. When the strongest
don’t think it is feasible right now. to pay more for food in the Owl? Or should we allow a third year of inac- stilling a sense of pride to be a part of legacy a group has left over two years
Thus, I believe a tuition freeze is the maybe Kyle Addison is prepared to tion to govern our campus? the University of Regina. Many cam- is apathy and anger, I think it is time
best way to go. take a pay cut? URSU has wasted money on such pus groups have seemed to have to step down and let someone else
However, before I decide how to Regardless, I await the answers projects as black paint for the Owl picked up the slack in doing positive take over. This year, please vote to
vote I’ll definitely take into account to these questions. I’m excited to see and a student’s union website. things for the university, Regina, and make a difference in your school. As
other slates’ policies. I read their pro- changes being brought to URSU and Further, URSU oversaw a referendum society. I’m sure that URSU execs will Kanye West once rapped, “the clock’s
files online, but thus far was unin- their effects for U of R students. that caused a major split for many catch up eventually, once they’ve fin- ticking. I just count hours.”
spired. In fact, I can’t help but ask: members of the student body, with ished their discounted pints at the
what will Kyle Addison be cutting no result released yet. URSU, under Owl.
from the budget to afford his promise For Students, hasn’t facilitated any I have had two unfortunate en-
to “lower URSU student fees”? kind of action in lobbying the gov- counters with two URSU executives.
You cannot lower fees without ernment for a tuition freeze. Instead, One refused to pay one dollar for a
cutting something, and as far as I’m

c an ad i
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e de rati
o n o fs tu d e n t
ssas k atch e w a n s
tu d e n t
sco a l
o n -
we saw the Saskatchewan Party in- cookie in a bake sale to benefit
sarah cibart mark henry
aware URSU’s budget doesn’t have a crease tuition twice in two years, Carmichael Outreach during an edu-

m i
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lc kso nm o v i
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ay to n u n de rf
reth ats p e e chst ep h enh a rp er
contributor contributor

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March 10 - 16, 2011
the carillon
22 op-ed

Democracy now
WINNIPEG (CUP) –– Over the past ing the government would respect
two months, the people in Tunisia their rights. Unfortunately, they were
and Egypt have managed to effect wrong.
serious change in their governments, Over the course of the summit,
chasing out corrupt leaders and set- protesters, many of whom were act-
ting the stage for democratic reform. ing peacefully, were subjected to ille-
And the West gave them a hearty gal searches, exposed to police
Application Deadline: May 1
cheer. brutality and detained unlawfully –
Master of Science More recently, people in Jordan, often in conditions that might make
Bahrain, Yemen and Libya have a Middle Eastern prison seem cozy.
taken steps to overthrow their op- Even members of the press were
in Management
pressive governments. Braving bul- arrested and detained by police at
lets and bombs to make themselves the G20. Shockingly, some reported
heard. being threatened with acts of sexual
And the West has been telling violence by police at the detention
i"TBHSBEVBUFTUVEFOU UIF6PG- them to “keep at it,” while giving centres.
them a solid thumbs-up. It would seem like the police
But something has been bugging forces, tasked with keeping order
*XPVMEOPUIBWFSFDFJWFEBUBMBSHFS me, and it wasn’t until just now that during the G20, were operating with-
I figured out what it was. out boundaries, and by many ac-
We Westerners have been watch- counts, were completely out of
XJUIQSPGFTTPST TNBMMDMBTTTJ[FTBOE ing oppressed people rally in the control.
streets of their cities, cheering them To make matters worse, accord-
on and talking about how nice it is to ing to a report from the CBC, up to 90
HSFBUBEWBOUBHFTw see democracy sweep over the of the police officers present at the
Middle East, all the while ignoring G20 protests removed their
the deep sense of irony we collec- nametags, making their identifica-
tively must have felt. tion for the purposes of filing a com-
Ilona Berth
In June 2010, Toronto hosted the plaint all but impossible.
MSc (Mgt) student
G20 summit, where financial leaders Ontario’s ombudsman, André
from the world’s 20 richest countries Marin, called the police actions dur-
gathered to discuss global finance. ing the G20 “the most massive com-
This was an especially important promise of civil liberties in Canadian
meeting, as the topic of the hour was history." To put this in perspective,
the global financial crisis, and what Canadian history arguably includes
actions should be taken by the G20 to several violations of civil liberties,
ensure the problems didn’t get such as the use of the War Measures
"SFZPVMPPLJOHGPSTPNFUIJOHBMJUUMF worse. Act during the October Crisis in 1970
As is the way with such things, and the RCMP’s infiltration of
Canadian citizens made the decision women’s groups.
EJGGFSFOUUIBOBUSBEJUJPOBM.#" to exercise their right to peacefully
assemble and protest the G20.
that had the foresight in 1982 to guar-
USBEJUJPOBM.#" The Master of Science in Management program offers: antee its citizens the right to peace-
fully assemble in the Charter of
leif larsen
Rights and Freedoms, protesters
manitoban (university
could have been forgiven for assum-



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The Carillon
March 10 - 16, 2011
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March 10 - 16, 2011
the carillon
24 the back page

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Shame on you for devoting only and Health. Title: Helping Sincerely,
one page at the back of the pa- Spouses of Persons Diagnosed The Unicorns
per to the upcoming elections, with Dementia. When: March
and then claiming to have run 17, 2011 at 6:45 p.m. Where: Is anyone else torn by wanting
out of room. Maybe if you cut Administration-Humanities to purchase Tim Horton’s dur-
out fluff bits like Building Rm. 527. Free ing Roll Up The Rim and know-
"Oscapocalypse" you could give Admission. Free Parking in Lot ing that it is contributing to
adequate attention to issues rel- 3 ‘M’ Area. For more informa- landfill waste? If only I could
evant to the future of the uni- tion: or 337- use my reusable mug AND roll
versity and its students, and 8477 up the rim…
then I wouldn't be so bitter
about being forced to pay more Here’s one for The Declass. UR Pride + Arts CARES pres-
for the Carillon. Since the Carillon just received ent ”Party Under the Rainbow”
name student number
email address [Unfortunately, the candidates list increased funding, get an email, St. Patty’s Party. Saturday 12th
was published past our deadline so student’s can e-mail declass at 8:00pm in LI Rotunda!
message last issue, meaning our coverage in! Fuck Twitter and Facebook. Alcohol- and cover-free!
was delayed until this week. The [You can email your Declasses to
back page you reference was an ad- UR Pride’s Special General
vertisement taken out and designed –Ed] Meeting and Elections March
by URSU. –Ed] 31st at 4PM URSU Board Room.
Dear Noah, Drop-off nominations at RC
2011 Brain Awareness Week We could’ve sworn you said the 225.
Lecture by the Centre on Aging ark wasn’t leaving until 5:00.

SUBMIT YOUR by dropping them off at the Carillon (Rm. 227,

Riddell Centre) or through Facebook (Carillon
Newspaper) or Twitter (@the_carillon,

any tweet tagged #winning gets ignored forever

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