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There is a Perfection to Everything...

Joshua Schade and Gerald A. Brown

More Perfection

What is Perfection?
1. My interpretation of “Perfect” means not one little mistake any where
in any time.
2. This assists my viewing of events, etc. Because I can accept the event
as perfect immediately even if I have yet to personally “feel” or “see”
what is specifically “perfect” about the experience.
3. Nothing in life will approach you unless you need to experience it.
This is why I recommend that you pay attention to everything that
comes into your proximity. Nothing is by mistake.
4. When you hear anything, try to neither believe or disbelieve it. Just
allow it into your consciousness. If it is not for you, it will just
dissolve. There is no non-truth, we just have trouble not applying what
we hear to our reference points or what we believe to be true.

How is everything perfect?

1. Consider Creation. All the planets and the universe and solar systems are
perfectly rotating in a position that have held for as long as we know. This is
like your life, with everything being perfect. If all the planets are moving
perfectly through space in perfect order, there would be no reason for the
perfection to stop. When it came to your experience of life, all stays in
perfect order. Everything is happening exactly as it was planned.
2. The only reason you are not in a state of bliss is because you are still looking
for imperfections on a planet that is running perfectly and everything on the
planet is going as planned.
3. Draw upon your own experiences. Do you remember stuff that seemed
awful – end of life shit? Does that experience make more sense now?
4. Can you think of why you needed to experience it?

“Nothing will approach you unless you need it.” So, everything that comes to you
in your life is what you need at that time, for whatever reason, to grow. This is
what is called the “golden opportunity” to practice what you are earning. It would
not confront you unless you needed the experience and as soon as you look at each
experience as what you need, instead of some sort of discomfort or irritation, this
is what puts you over the top. It will take some work but as long as you call it
back every time you are aggravated, you will eventually overcome these
unpleasant situations and not draw them to you any more. The only reason you
draw anything to you is because you need that experience or there would be no
other reason it should show its ugly head.

What is the purpose of our bodies? (not written in book like this)
Our bodies are vehicles to navigate this physical world. It is a messenger to the
part of you that is not able to see a clear picture. As a result, it creates discomfort,
sickness and death, in order to show you when you are out of alignment. Once
you do not have discomfort or sickness and your aging process stops, you will
know that you are on the correct spiritual path. It is important to know that none
of the paths you were on prior to your current one was wrong. They all led you to
where you are now. Every path that everybody is on is exactly where he or she
needs to be or they would not be there.


By leaving everything alone and not trying to control anything, you gain the most
in your power of understanding. Nothing is controllable. It might look like it for a
short time, but in the long run this cannot be achieved. It all boils down to staying
out of your own way and letting everything flow as it was intended. Once
something has been set in motion, trying to stop it would be like pushing against a
mountain with the intent of stopping the rotation of the planet. That's how foolish
it is to try and stop creative force that has already been put in place.

“Wrong” can only exist if we judge something as being imperfect.


Perfection – Nature

In nature, it is very easy to see the perfection. Outdoors is the ideal place to
reground yourself and your thoughts. Pay attention to streams and think of the
entire cycle of water. From rainfall to rivers to lakes and oceans and back to the

Everything on Earth is in perfectly planned and coordinated to function exactly the

way it is doing now and the way it has always done. Every blade of grass – every
drop of H20. If it were not, it would not function in a perfect universe and self-

Multiply problems

We have many agendas at once and don't properly apply any of them to the
“problem.” We need to take each situation that confronts us and understand why it
needed to be in our life. Handle it before we move on – otherwise, as the Talking
Heads sang, “I can see my lifetime piling up.”

Seeing perfection in all things will open up the world in a way you would never
believe. The 5 to 10 percent of your conscious mind you use is constantly being
overrun by (Adjective) thoughts, because most of its information comes from non-
factual sources. IN other words, there is not complete truth to it. Remember this
is part of the overall plan. There are NO mistakes. All has basically been
designed with flaws because repairing something allows you to understand and

Seeing the perfection combines the conscious and subconscious mind

I overheard a question the other day, “Can the mercury in fish destroy our body?”
The answer is, “Nothing can destroy your body unless you believe in this
concept.” However, your parallel sense has been detached. As a result, part of
your understanding goes in one direction while another part has no clue what is
thinking. The greatest thing you can do is re-attach the conscious and
subconscious parts to your understanding. Then you will have a complete view.
Example; If someone gave you book on how to build a railroad and leaves out
85% of the pages and you try to build this railroad with the information that is
left, can you imagine the abomination that you would create?

What would be a good idea is to always pay attention, no matter how much you
think you know something because universal consciousness never sends you
anything that you do not need.
Bigger Picture

Imagine if the we are all equal little bits of GOD and we incarnate in order to experience. And what we
are looking to do is ( evolve into our GOD self ). But in order to do such, we need to fully experience
all roles. It takes many lifetime to be Abuser and Abused, Murderer and murdered, Warrior, Master,
Slave, Raped and Rapist, etc...

How about that bigger Picture:

1. So little we can see. Every person has some information to add/share.
Let's say for a minute that we are all tiny pieces of God. So maybe
the within among the biggest of pictures, that the “Meaning of
Life” is for every piece of God to fully realize itself and its creative
powers. From such a perspective, it would make sense for to
distribute information across all of the pieces. Make each piece
work with other pieces in order to complete the puzzle. The tiny
pieces of God didn't need to experience separateness and to the rely
on the other pieces.

Forward Motion

The more forward motion the bigger the picture.

Direct and Reflected Vision

After you spend a period of time allowing everything to take place the way it was
designed and see the images as they truly are, not how you have been trained to
think they are, you learn that there is quite a difference between direct vision and
reflected vision.

Reflected Vision is based on a mass consciousness belief system that is controlled

totally by the majority's view of reality. This works for a period of time until
some individuals get tired of the same old rhetoric and realize that there has to be
more to consciousness. Being stuck in a solemnity where you are reacting to
situations and beliefs that are not in reality, means you are thinking about
something that has no final destination. This reflected vision has nowhere to go.
So it becomes filibustered, plugging up the channels of real creation. This is why
so many people are having problems dealing with trivia. You want all your
discussions to become creative, with some kind of knowledge to transpire from
these discussions. The more you learn, the more you will spend your time in a
higher understanding of Creation.

Bigger Picture

H1N1 – Led to fewer people getting vaccinations.

Use Example of Glasses.

Seeing or the finding the perfection in each moment is like me carrying around a
vendor's box of various eyeglasses. When one sees something as “wrong”, I'm
able to let them try on various glasses to get various views of what they had
deemed as wrong. This way usually allows folks to find the perfection, lesson
and/or understand why they might have needed to have the experience that they
had deemed “wrong”.

Bigger View.

Many people for some strange reason start out upon there spiritual path becoming
more and more intrigued with “conspiracies.” Maybe the awareness of such
“conspiracies” is the next highest view. There is a much higher viewpoint in
seeing all in perfection, where one can see the role “conspiracies” play and why
they are necessary in a perfect universe.

“GOD” and Perfection

If you believe in God as the creator – And all experiences on earth as God's
creations, then it would not be a stretch to accept all of God's creations at perfect.
And therefore all of your experiences, to be perfect order in following your
blueprint as to what you need to experience.
Bigger Picture

There are many people that are not interested at all to know why Creation was set
up for them. They live their lives like there is no reason to be in this form.
Everything is just happening by chance. This is the energy that you are learning to
break away from. Having it control you is why it is hard for you to constantly stay
on your path. One of the things that you all do is look for something or somebody
to carry you through uncomfortable times. This process has been used for a long
time and it works to a point. Once you realize that your rituals and prayers are
causing you the situations you are uncomfortable with, you would not be using

Forward Motion – Definition

Forward motion is the practice of seeing everything in perfection

Forward motion is seeing the bigger picture.

Remember that most of things that exist we cannot see.

Describe light and sound frequency spectrum without going too quantum.
As our frequencies rise, this spectrum will adjust.
1. What is pain?
1. The result of not allowing the universe to function in perfect order
2. Try viewing your own pain as an adjustment to a higher physical
3. Our misdirected thoughts can destroy our bodies – because we are
powerful creators.
4. As we elevate our frequency (change words) pain will go from
being discomfort in our bodies to becoming a signal or guideline
that you have an unbalanced thought.
5. What if you had never heard of pain or being uncomfortable and
were programmed that pain was delightful since your body was
reacting to imbalanced thoughts? If you were programmed that this
feeling you call pain is just an understanding and that the body is
reacting to this thought, your discomfort would dissolve. This is an
understanding that is rarely practiced.
6. There was a time when pain acted this way for the population of
earth. But somewhere along the line, we stopped paying attention
to it. So pain in turn, became more uncomfortable so that we
would pay more attention to it. This is when modern medicine
appeared on the scene. For some reason they believe sickness and
disease happens at random or “runs in the family.” So Modern
Medicine places a label on “pain” calls it an accident that happens
for no reason. This is the farthest you can get from Creation (?)
because creation is in total control of all living sequences.


When you are in discomfort, the first thing that goes through your mind is the
thought that something has gone wrong. As long as you look at discomfort as
imbalance instead of something broken down in your body, you can progress
rather than regress? Once you realize that this view you have of Creation is in
your hands and nobody else's you can take charge of all physical ailments,
eliminating them with your understanding of where their original origin started.


The main thing to remember is that the more you are concerned about your
physical discomfort, the more uncomfortable it will become. The only reason
physical pain is uncomfortable is because your thinking process has been
programmed to convince you that pain is a bad thing. All that pain is, is energy
rearranging itself into a new focus of understanding. Since you have been
programmed to think something is wrong with your body, you have turned this
interaction of molecular exchange into discomfort. Once you reprogram yourself
that this exchange is rebuilding and not a destruction of you, you will not be
uncomfortable. Just remember, what you call “pain” is just a misunderstood
process of rebuilding the physical. Once you reprogram the pain, it is a positive
thing. The pain that you know now will cease to exist.

Monitor/call back

Monitor everything you think and say and call back anything that is not in forward

Mis-qualified energy is the ignorance of seeing something as being out of

perfection. It must be called back as mis-qualified energy before it manifests into
something that causes your physical structure to deplete its life force. So the more
you see everything as perfect, the more you body will become perfect.

Right and Wrong.

It is important to release the belief system of right and wrong. The best way to
release this is to pay attention to where this concept of right and wrong places you
in the understanding of reality that everything in the entire universe is perfect.
Then there is no right and wrong.

If there is no “wrong”, then right does not exist. So as you release this concept it
opens a mental channel of allowing everything you hear or experience to contain
some truth. Everything in the universe is true unless it's not put out in its entirety.
That's why some things seem like a big lie because the entire picture is not
exposed to the processing part of understanding.

Right and Wrong only hold true from the perspective of one with a smaller picture
of reality. It would not make sense to create anything that is not in perfection.

You don't' realize it but when you see something or talk about somebody, no
matter how you praise a this person or object, a lot of times there is a “but.” This
is where there is usually a connotation of naivety toward that person or a looking
for something wrong with that person. This person you are discussing is doing
exactly what they came to do. Just because you have a problem with what their
path is, does not make them wrong. So pay attention to what you think or say.
Don't make something or someone wrong. This will stop forward motion and will
eventually eliminate your body's good healthy cells. If you catch yourself, using a
“but” such as this and catch yourself – Call it back.

Creators/Call back/Aware of thoughts

There are different ways you allow yourself to destroy yourself without even
realizing it. People do not realize how powerful the mind is and how they destroy
their own physical body by making things wrong with others. Your health, level
of fitness and metabolism will be increasing the more you can monitor how you
think and speak about everything you come in contact with.

Pay close attention and monitor how you view everything and everybody.


A lot of people think they can create anything they want. The truth is that they
have already created their life situation and all they have to do is sit back and
enjoy it. Constantly fighting against what you already created just wears you out.
You go nowhere. This is why many of the people that are opening up now are
having such a difficult time.

Once you have worked through most of your issues of non-perfection, then you
have creative focus and can manifest it at will. There is something called “the
place of acceptance.” This is where you allow others to be where they are, when
all they can do is what they are doing. When you go against the energy flow you
are trying to control anything or anybody around you. When you are living in full
time, you allow everybody to be what he or she came to be.

Another way of stopping the flow of energy is thinking you know more than
others. This is basically giving the ego power. It stops forward motion.

My former partner and I, while on a similar paths, would help each other out when
when found that we had judged someone's actions, thoughts or beliefs. Example,
So and So said that blah, blah, blah” Then she would hop in with, “but they are
doing EXACTLY what the supposed to be doing.”

Once we start consciously monitoring our thoughts we quickly realize - “God, I'm
an asshole. I judge everyone and everything.”

But by maintaining awareness and calling back this mis-qualified energy. You will
find your judgements diminishing in both volume and the amount of love lacking
from them...
Other People

Is there any reason to make someone wrong???

1. Some truth lies in everything, why else would you experience it? -Law of
2. That which we resist we only strengthen – look at war/health/drugs/politics.
3. We are all mirrors for each other. - Find our “Charges” through such
4. Those we do not agree with are our greatest teachers
5. Any time you make another person wrong, it will stop your momentum. No
individual is ever wrong; they are just correct up to the point that they
understand. Until they see the whole picture, until they see the bigger and
bigger picture. (???)

Everyone is doing EXACTLY what they need to be doing.

1. Would you want to live in a world with only people who see the world
exactly as you?
2. Going back to the bigger picture GWB/Monsanto/BP
3. Blueprint – people come to earth to learn different lessons (go to all
connected consciousness?)
4. There are no problems on our planet. There are just people creating
problems because of their lack of understanding of the bigger picture and
how creation works. There is no wrong information, just information not
given in its entirety so it seems like the information is incorrect. Anything
that is explained to you is misunderstood if it is explained without having an
entire explanation.

Realize that every person on earth knows something that you do not. So before
you can judge them or believe that they are less than you, try realizing that they
are coming from a different place and following their own blueprint perfectly.


Whenever you can take criticism and look at it as a blessing, this is when you learn
from it. The highest level or form of this is when you can take adversarial attacks
and embrace them until you understand the real meaning of why you drew this to

To others that are not seeking a similar path

Many people say, “why don't people want to know?” These people don't want to
know because they do not know there is anything else. So allow them to, without
trying to figure them out or lead them along your path. You should not tell
anything to anyone unless they ask. It will mean nothing to them if they are not on
the same path.
It is valuable to see everybody as not being separate from you. Understand that
each person has an blueprint, just as you do, and that they are working through
their experiences. Even though they do things that irritate you, realize that you
also do things that irritate others. I often thank them for doing exactly what they
are doing for the benefit of all.

Your different feelings and emotions cannot be the primary components for your
decision making process. It is as foolish as saying, I could not write a letter
because my pen was upside down. You spend most of your time with these
emotional patterns in the way. When you to release this the denseness of 3rd
dimension will be eliminated and clarity will present itself.

Not Reacting/Conflicts

By not reacting to the world's situations, you will not fuel these conflicts and your
Earth will slide into the next dimension into a more balanced state. So the more
beings that allow everything to just be and try not to interfere – the easier the
transition will go.
Others Charges

If you notice, everyone you talk to has some charge before going into your next
dimensional upgrade. See each confrontation as an enormous expression of
growth and allow it it to go through its spaces without becoming angry or


Allow everything that approaches you to be in the highest and greatest experience
that you can possibly have. Look forward to each incident as something that was
given to you for your understanding of the big picture.
More Perfection

The Goal - Flow with everything.

1. Leave it alone – you need to fix anything or anyone – because it is perfect.
1. There no imperfection anywhere, except maybe the way you are looking
at it.
2. Understanding that there are many viewpoints of an experience and none
of them are incorrect, some are more efficient and seen with more clarity.
3. Everything is happening exactly the way it was planned. Try to stay out
of the way.

More Benefits -
1. You will notice that your mind is much clearer with fewer, non-creative
2. Ideas will come to you much faster with significantly stronger and more
accurate intuition.

Everything in Perfection

Why would truth be revealed to you if you were unwilling to see or accept it
because it did not seem to fit into your belief system?

Extinction of Animals can be another view to describe.

Perhaps the animals have elevated to higher frequency that we are not able to
“see” or “feel” them from our point of view.

Accepting Perfection:

Try to just accept an event as happening to perfection, even if you cannot connect
the dots to actually see why you needed to experience the event. If it is important
for you know why you needed to experience the event – You Will.

A great exercise is to retroactively think of an event that occurred 1, 5 or 10 years

ago when you reaction was “why me.” While in a quiet, relaxed state look at that
same event and see what it has meant to your life and how you have grown.

Perfection is, broadly, a state of completeness and flawlessness.

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