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thousand; and whereas the operations of the enemy in certain states have
rendered it impractioble to procure from them their full quotas of troops under
said call; and whereas, from the foregoing causes, but two hundred and forty
thousand men have been put into the army, navy, and marine corps under the
said call of July 18, 1864, leaving a deficiency on that call of two hundred and
sixty thousand (960 000).-
ow, therefre, i AuxANaX LWmIoDo, President of the United States of Three hundred
America, in order to supply the aforesaid deficiency, and to provide for casual- thousand vol-
ties in the military and naval service of the United States, do isue this my call for tan er.
three hundred thousand (800,000) volunteers to serve for one, two, or three year&
The quotas of the states, districts, and subdistriets, under this call, will be
assigned by the War Department through the bureau of the provost-marhal
general of the United States, and, "in ease the quota or any part thereof of Draft to be
any town, township, ward of a city, precinct, or election district, orof any county made unless
not so subdivided, shall not be filled" before the fifteenth day of February,
eighteen hundred and sixty-five, then a draft shall be made to fill such quota,
or any art thereof, under this eall, which may be unfilled on said fifteen day
of Febru , 1865.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the
United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this nineteenth day of December, in the
[L. 9.] yew of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and of
the Independence of the United States the Meity-ninth.

By the President:
WM AM H. SEWARD, Setarp of Ste.

No. 2,0.

Wztnz as the act of congress of the 28th of September, 1850, entltled "An Prable.
act to create additional collection districts in the State of California, and to chan 1850, Ch. 79,§ 1I.
the existing distriets therein, and to modify the existing colection distrcts in the Vol ix. p. dU.
United States," extends to merchandise warehoused under bond the privilege
ofei exported to the British North American Provinces adjoining the United
States,im the manner prescribed in the act of congress of the 8dof March, 1845, be Vi. 70 OL0
exported,deines etin
and furter frontier
provi'des ports
"that suchthrough whi rcerchandise may be Vol v.p i
other prt situated on the frontiers
of the United Btates adjoining te British Nrth American Provinces, as may
hreafter be found exped'ent, my have extended to them the like privileges on
the reconmendation of the Seetary the he Treasury, and proclamation duly
made by the President of the Uni States, specily designating the ports to
which the aforesaid privileges are to be extended:
Now, therefore, I, ABRAA LwooLN, President of the United States of St. Mbaus,
America, in accordance with the recommendation of the Secretar7 of the Tress- Vemont.
ury, do hereby declare and proclaim that the port of St. Albans, in the State of
Vemont is, and shall be, entitled to all the privileges in regard to the exporta-
tion of merchandise in bond to the British North American Trovinces adjoining
the United States, which are extended to the ports enumerated in the 7th sec-
tion of the act of congress of the 3d of March, 1845, aforesaid, fiom and after
the date of this proclamation.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the
United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this tenth day of January, in the a"
[L. a.] of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and o the
Independence of the United States of America the eighty-ninth.
By the President:
Wm I"x H. SEWAID, Secretmi, of S ae.

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 751 1861-1865


No. 26.

Wxast objects of interest to the United States require that the Senate
should be convened at twelve o'clock on the fourth of March next, to receive
and act upon such communications as may be made to it on the part of the
Eatraordharsy Now, therefore, I ABIAxAnx LINcoLN, President of the United States, have
session of the considered it to be my duty to issue this, my Proclimation, declaring that an
Senate called for extraordinary occasion requires the Senate of the United States to convene for
Mharc 4,1V"
the transactionof business at the Capitol, in the city of Washington, on the fourth
day of March next, at twelve o'clock at noon on that day, of which all who shall
at that time be entitled to act as members of that body are hereby required to
take notice.
Given under my hand and the seal of the United States, at Washington,
the seventeenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand
[I. s. eight hundred and "-.five, and of the Independence of the United
States of America the eighty-ninth.
By the President:
W rLzMX IL SmwzAx, eretWr Of Stat&.

1R0. 27.


Preamble. WHUREAs the twenty-first section of the act of congress, approved on the
M eh. 9 § eL third instant, entitled "An act to amend the several acts heretofore passed to
: provide for the enrollino and calling out the national forces, and for other por.
requires "thaMt andditimon to the other lawful penalties of the crime of
Miewn from th military or naval service, all persons who have deserted the
military or nayal service of the United States who shall not return to said ser-
vice, or report themselves to a provost-marsal within sixty days after the proc-
lamation hereinafter mentioned, shall be deemed and tsken to have voluntarily
relinquished and forfeited their rights of citizenship and their rights to become
citizens, and such deserters shall be forever incapable of holding any office of
trust or profit under the United States, or of exercising any rights of citizens
thereof; and all petsons who shall hereafter desert the military or naval service,
and all persons who, being duly enrolled, shall depart the juri dictioh of the dis-
trict in which he isenrolled, or go .beyondthe linits of tha Uited States with
intent to avoid any draft into the military or naval service, duly ordered, shall
be liable to the penalties of this section. And the President is hereby author-
ized and required forthwith, on the pama of this act, to issue his proclamation
setting forth the provisions of this section, in which proclamation the President
is requested to notify all deserters returning within sixty daTs as aforesaid that
they shall be pardoned on condition of returnin to their regimenti and compa-
nies or to such other organizations as they maybe assigned to, until they shalf
have served for a period-of time equal to their original term ofenlistment: "
s tr -Now, therefore,-be it known that I, AsBrAxM LINoOLN, President of the
dered to return. United States, do issue this my proclamation, as required by said act, ordering
and requiring all deserters to return to their proper posts ; and I do hereby noti
them that all deserters who shall, within sixty ays from the date of this procla-
mation, viz: on or before the tenth day of May, 1865, return to service or re-
Pardon on con. port themselves to a provost-marshal, shall be pardoned, on condition that they
ditlo , &. return to their regiments and companies, or to such other organizations as they

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 752 1861-1865

be am .ed to, and serve the remainder of thei original0ertion.
ter ofenlistment,
in addition thereto, a period equal to the time lostby
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this eleventh day of March, in the
[L. s.] year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and. sixty-fve, and of
the Independence of the United States the eighty-ninth.
By the President:
WnILL IH SZWARD, Secretar of Stae.

No. 28.


Wmn.&s, reliable information has been received that hostile Indians within Preamble.
the limits of the United States have been furnished with arms and munitions of
war by persons dwelling in conterminous fbreign territory, and are thereby
enabled to prosecute their savage warfare upon the exposed and sparse settle
ments of the frontier. •
Now, therefore, be it known that I,ABRAuHm LnrmOLx, President of the Persons far-
United States of America, do hereby proelaim and direct that all persons nisning hostle
detected in that nefarious traffic shall be arrested and tried by court-maritial at Indians within
the nearest military post, and, if convicted, shall receive the punishment due to thellimts of t1w
their deserts. Uiar tebe
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the ama, &.
United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this seventeenth day of March, in the
[L. 6.J year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of
the Independence of the United States the emhty-ninth.
By the President:
WILLIAM H. SuW~aA, Beeretanj of Sat&

No. 29.

WHitt.zs, by my Proclamations of the nineteenth and twenty-sventh days Preamble.
of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, thp ports of the United
States in the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Flor- P1128,
ida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, were declared to be subject to "
blockade; but whereas the said blockade has, in consequence of aktual mfilitary
ocoupation by this government, since been conditiona set aside or relaxed in
respect to the ports of Norfolk and Alexandria, in the State of Virginia; Beau-
fort, mn the State of North Carolina; Port Royal, in the State of South Caro-
lina;- Pensacola and Fernandina, in the State of Florida;- and New Orleans,
in the State of Louisiana;
And whereas, by the fourth section of the act of congreS, approved on the 1861, ebL8, 4.4
thirteenth of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, entitled ,An act further VoL zi. p. 257.
to provide for the collection of duties on impoits and for other purposes," the
President, for the reasons therein set forth, is authorized to close certain ports
of entry:
Now, therefore, be it known, that I, ARA.ut x LiNcox, President of the Oertain ports
United States, do hereby proclaim that the ports of Richmond, Tappahannock, elose-.

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 753 1861-1865

Cherysone, Yorkton,
City,) Edenton, Plymouth, and .Peterburg, in Viiiia;
Washington,-Newbern, of C--_den,
Ocracoke, (Elizabeth
and Wihnmngton,
in "NorthCarolina; of Charlestn, Georgtown, and Beaufort, in SouthCao
lina; of Savannah, St. Marys, and Brunswick, (Darien,) in Georgia; of Mo.
bile, in Alabama; of Pearl River, (Shieldaborugh,) Natex, and-Vioehburg,
in Mississippi; of St. Augutine, Key West, St. Mark's, (Port Leon,) St. Jol~n's,
(Jacksonvile,) and Apalahicla, in Florida; of Teche, (Franklin,) in Lonisi-
ana; of Galveston, La Sale, Brazos de Sdntiag, (Point Isabel,) and Browns-
ville, in Texas, are hereby closed, and all right of importtion, warehousing,
and other privileges, shal, in respect to the ports afor~esaid, cease until they
shall have again been opened by order of the Presdent; and if, while said ports
are so closed, any ship or vessel ftoxm beyfond the United States, or having on
board any articles subject to duties, shall attempt to enter nysuch pot the
same, toether with its tackle, apparel, furniture,and cargo, shall be forfeited
to the United States.
In witness whereo, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the
United States to be affied.
Done at the city of Washington, this eleventh day of April, in the year
EL. s.J of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the eightynnth.
By the President:
Wx~ H. SUwARD, Secra i of S~at.

No. 80.


SWmuA, by my Proclamation of this date, the port of Key West, in the
tate of Floeida, was inadvertently included among those which are not. open
ofoKey to commerce:
No, therefore, be it known, that I, ABAA LnCOrz,
fo President of they
Wsato remain Ubnnoted States, do hereby declare and make known that the said port of Key
open. West isadand shall remain openohforeigneand domestic eommerce upon the same
eonditions by which that eommerce has there hitherto been governed.
In tesmny whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of
the United States to beaffixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this eleventh day of April, in the yeir
[L. IL] of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the eighty-ninth.
By the President:
WHUAaM H. SwARD, Scetary of &at&

No. 81.
Pteambl. WzsRnA, for some time past, veeis of war of the United States have been
refused, in certain foreign ports, privileges and immunities to which they were
entitled by treaty, bic lawor the 1omity of nations, at the same tme that
vessels of war of the country wherein the said privileges and immunities have
beeo withheld have enjoyed them fully and uninterrutdly in r of the
United States, which ondton of things has noit always been forvibly resisted
by the United States although, on the other hand, they have not at any time
failed to protest aganst and declare their dissatisfaction with the same; [and
whereas] m the view of the United States, no condition any longer exists which

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 754 1861-1865

can be claimed to justify the denial to them, by anyone of such nations, of cue-
tonary naval right as has heretofore been so unneoessarily persisted in:
Now, therefore, I, AwRAwAM LwcoLN, President of the United Siates, do Ecirocal
hereby make known, that if, after a reasonable time shall have elapsed for intel- hospitalities to
"igenceof this ?roclamation to have reached any foeeign ountry in whose ports vsseeof war.
the said privileges and immunities shall have been refused, as aforesaid, they
immunities shallto be
be refused
so refused,
to thethen andofthencefoth
vessels war of thatthe same in
country privileges and
the ports of
the United States, and this refusal shall continue until war vessels of the United
States shall have been placed upon an entire equali in the foreign ports afore-
said with similar vessels of other countries - the Unted States, whatever claim
or pretence may have existed heretofore, are now, at least, entitled to claim
and concede an entire and friendly equality of rights and hospitalities with all
maritime nations.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the
United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this eleventh day of April, in the year
[L. 6.] of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixy-five, and of the
Independence of the United States of Ameriea the e'g_- ninth.
By the President:
Wxu.xAh H. SwLRD, Secretary of Stee.

No. 82.

W EnReAs, by my direction, the Acting Secretary of State, in a notice to Preamble.
the public of the seventeenth, requested the various religious denominations
to assemble on the nineteenth instant, on the occasion of the obsequies of
ABRnAAm LiNcoLr, late President of the United States, and to observe the
same with apprpriateceremonies, but whereas our country has become one great
house of mourning, where the Head of the Family has been taken away; and"
beliei that aipecial period should be assigned for again humblin ourselves
before A htyGod, in order that the bereavement may be sanctified to the
Now, therefore, in order to mitigate that grief on earth which ean only be Day of humil-
assuaed. by communion with the -Father in heaven, and in compliance with istion and
the wishes of senators and representatives in Congress, communicated to me by Morng up.
Resolutions adopted at the national Capitoh, I, ANDRaW JOHNSON, Prsdn -
of the UniteJ States, do hereby appot~hudy the twenty-fifth day of May
next, to be observed, wherever in the United States the flag of the country
may be respected, as a day of humiliation and mourning, and7[ recompiend my
fellow-citizens then to assemble in their in
respective places ofgood
worship, therehas
man who to
unite in solemn service to Almighty Gd, memory of the
been remved, so that all shall be occupied, at the same time, in contemp~lation
of his virtues and in sorrow for his sudten and violent end.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and eaused the seal oi" the
United State. to be affxed.
Done at the ity of Washington, the twenty-fifth day of April, in the
(L. s.J] year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of
the Independence of the United States of America the eighty-ninth.
By the President,
W. Hum , Acting Secretary of &ate.ANDREW JOHNSON.


The uadeed Is directed to announce tha the funeral eemonies of the late lamented Day of the
Chief Mgsrae will take plc at the Executive Manson, In this city, at twelve o'clock funeral ceeo-
,,oon, on Wednesday, the 9th instant. Tlhe respective religious denominations throughout nies of Abran
the eountry ar
oemizing te intedl
in teir places of worship, at that hour, for the iurpoemWof as
eemoonies. Lincoln at
DW. aculg H=7'a',
t v iashntto

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 755 1861-1865


NO. 88.


Preamble. Wmmz", by my Proclamation of the twenty-fifth instant, Thur day, the
twenty-fih day of
tion and prayer next mofth, was
in conscquence recommended as aofdafo
of the. asasination A~tlAe Lnw0OL,
late President of the Umted States, but, whereas, my attention has since been
called to the fact that the day aforesaid is sacred to large numbers of Christians
as one of rejoicin for the Ascension of the Saviour :

lag petponed. Day f murn

United States,d No,
t kown
the re ous O~rBONPreidet o thas
services, recommended
for id, should be t ponelnntil Thursdaythe first day of Jun. next.
In testimony wheeo I have hereunto set my hand, and caused th seal of
the United States to be afxed.
Done at the city of Washington, this twenty-ninth day of Apil, in the
[L. S.] year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixtyfive, and of
the Independence of the United States of Ameriea the eighty-ninth.
By the President:
W. HuxTzz, Acing Seretaer of Siat&.

NO. 84.
Preamble. W UMAS it appears, frmn evidence in !he bureau of military justice, that
the atrocious murder of the late President ABEAmAx Lntoomn, and the at-
temptea.assiion of the Honorable William H. Seward, Secretary of State,
were incited, concerted, and procured by and between Jefferson Davs late of
Richmond, Virginia; and Jacob Thompeon, Clement C. Clay, Beverly Tucker,
George N. Saunders, William C. Ckary, and other rebels and traitors against
thegovernment of the United States, harbor.d in Canada:
Rewards of- N w, therefore, to the end that justice may be done, I, Axjnnuw JomsoN,
grut the
of Jeffesn President of the United States, do offer and promise for the arrest of said
Davi, and persons, or either of them, within the limits of the United States, so that they
others, for odn- can be brought to trial, the following rewards:
-prl to pro- One hundred thousand dollars for the arrest of Jefferson Davis.
cure emurde Twenty-fve thousand dollars for the arrest of Clement C. Clay.
of Abraham Twenty-five thousand dollars for the arrest of Jacob Thompson, late of
Lineoln. Misiss "p.
- Twenqfive thousand dollars 1r the ares of GorgeN. Saunder
P0t, P. Twenty-five thodsand dollars for the arrest of Bever y Tueker.
Ten thousand dollrs for the arrt of William C. Cleary, late clerk of
Clement C. Cla.
The Provost Marshal General of the United States is directed to cause a
description of said persons with notice of the above rewards, to be published.
In testimony whereOf, I ave hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washkigtop, this second day of Mby, in the year of
[L. 0.] our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of the
Independence ot the Unite&States of America the eigty-ninth.
By the P1esident:
W. Humg ActiVs &wcetoy of State.

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 756 1861-1865

APPFNDIX.7 '757"

No. 86.
W wims the President of the United States, by his Proclamation of the Presabie.
nineteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, did declare VOL XI P.IM55.
certain States therein mentioned in insurrection against the government of the
United States;
And whereas aumed resistance to the authority of this government in the
said insurrectionary states may be regarded as vlrtualy at an end, and the per-
sons by whom that resistance, as well as the operations of insurgent cruisers,
was directed, are fugitives or captives;
And whereas it is understood that some of these cruisers are st in
the high seas, and others are preparing to capture, burn, and destroy vessels of
the United States:
Now, therefore, be it known, that I, ANDnRW Jolmsox, President of the Insurgent
United States, hereby enjoin all naval. military, and civil officers of the United cruisers to be ar-
States, diligently to endeavor, by all lawfi. means, to arrest the said cruisers, res,
and to bring them into a port of the United States, in order that they may be
prevented from committing further depredations on commerce, and teat the per-
sons on board of them may no longer enoy impunity for their crimes.
And I do further ',roclam and delare,'that i=att a reasonable time shall Hospitalities
have elapsed for thli Proclamation to become known in the ports of nations to be refeed to
e h sd c the public vessels
claiming to have been neutrals, the said insurgent cruiers and-the persons on eertain nations,
board of them shall continue to receive hospitality in the said ports, this gov- showing hospi-
ernment will deem itself justified in refusing hospitality to the public #esels of talities to iWur-
such nations in ports of the United States; and in adopting such other measures eterise after
as may be deemed advisable towards vindicating the ntional sovereignty notice.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of' the
United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Was ,this tenth day of May, in the year of
(L.s. ] out Iord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five and ot the Inde-
pendence of the United 5tates of America the eighty-ninth.
By the President:
W. HuxTzR, Acting Scra of Sate.

NO. 86.
WirmzAS, by the Prclamatdon of the President of the eleventh day of Prmmble.
April laws,certain ports of the United States therein speciled, which had pre- Ante,p. 758
viously been subject to blockade, were, for objects of public safet, declared, in
conforiity with previous special legislation of congress, to be closed ag0Jst
foreign commerce during the national will, to be thereafter expressed and made
known by the President; and whereas events. and circumstances have since oc-
curred whieh, in my judgm ent, render it expedient to remove that restriction,
except p to the ports of Galveston, La Salle, Brazos de Santiago, (Point Isa-
bel,) and Brownsville, in the State of Texas:
Now, therefore," be it known, that I, ANDREW JoniNsox, President of the Port formely
United States, do hereby declare that the ports aforesaid, not excepted as above, closed reopened,
shall be open to foreign commeree from and after the first day of July next ; except, &c.
that commtercial intercourse with the said ports may, from that time, be carried
on, subject to the laws of the United States and in pursuance of such regula-
tions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. If, however, any
vessel from a foreign port shall eiter any of the before-named excepted ports
in the State of Texas, she will continue to be held liable to the peinalties pre-
VOL. X. PuB.- 64

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scribed by the act of congress approved on the thirteenth day of July, eighteen
hundred and sixty-one, and the persons on board of her to such penalties as
may be incurred, pursuant to the laws of war, for trading or attempting to trade
with an enemy.
righte lkwed. And I, AiqDnzw Jo.mlsox, President ot the United States, do hre by declare
and make known that the United States of America do, henceforth, disallow to
all persons trading, or attempting to trade, in any ports of the United States in
violation of the laws thereo, alre tence of belligerent rights and privileges;
and ] give notice that from the date of this Proclamation, all such offenders
will be held and dealt with as pirates.
Certain restric- It is also ordere4 that all restrictions upon trade heretofore imposed in the
tions upon trade territory of the United States east of the Missdppi River, save those relating
removed. to contraband of war, to the reservation of the rights of the United States to
property purchased in the territory of an enemy, and to the twenty-five per
cent. upon purchases of cotton, be removed. All provisions of the internal rev-
enue law will be earred into effect under the proper officers.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the
United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this twenty-second day of May, in the
[L s.] year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of
the Independence of the United States bf America the eighty-ninth.
By the President:
W. HuxTm, Actingemowra of Stat.

No. 87.

Preamble. Wwrnas the President of the United States, on 'the 8th day of Decem-
.4se, pp. 787, ber, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and on- the 26th sday of March,
A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, did, with the object to suppress the ex-
isting rebellion, to induce all persons to return to their loyal 7 , and to restore
the authority of the United States, issue proclamations offermff amnesty and
pardon to certain persons who had directly or by implication participated in the
said rebellion ; and whereas many persons who had so engaged in said rebellion
have, since the issuance of said proclamations, failed or neglected to take the
benefits offered thereby; and whereas many persons who have been justly de-
pied of all leim to amney y and pardon thereunder, by reason of their par-
tsciption, directly or by imlication, in said rebellion, and continued hostility to
the government of the United States since the date of said proclamations, now
desire to apply for and obtain amnesty and pardon: '
Amnesty and To the end, therefore, that the authoritl of the government of the United States
pardon iranted, may be restored, and that peace, order, and freedom may be established, I, AN-
except, Dazw JoiasoN, President of the United States, do proclaim ad declare that
I hereby grant to all persons who have, directly oi indirectly, participated in the
existing rebellion, except as hereinafter excepted, amnesty and pardon, with
restoration of all rights roperty, except so to slaves, and except in eases
where leal proceedings, under the laws of the United States providing for the
confiscation of property of persons engaged in rebellion, have been instituted ;
but upon the condition, nevertheless, that every such person shall take and sub-
scribe the following oath, (or affirmation,)shall
regisered for keep and main-
permanent pre-
tain said oath inviolate; and which oath
ervatio, and shall be of te tenor and effect following, to wit;
Form of oath. 'I,-- do solemy swear, (orprotect, afir-m,)and
in presence of Ahghty
defend the God,
Constitution of that
Iwill henceforth
States, and
union of the States thereunder; and that I will, in like
manner, abide by, and filhy spport all laws, and proclamations which have
been made during the existing rebellion with referejce to the emancipation of
slaves. So help me Ged."
classes of The following classes of persons are excepted from the benefits of this Proc-
prsonsexcepte lamation: -

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Ilt. All who are or shall .rve been pretended civil or diplomatic ofieers, or
otherwise domestic or foreign ageuts, of the pretended confederate government;
2d. Al who left judicial stations under the United States to aid the rebellion;
8d. All who shall have been military or naval officers of said pretended on-
federate government above the rank of colonel in the army or lieutqnant in the
4th. All who left seats in the Congress of the United States to aid the rebel-
Oth. All who resigned or tendered Aignations of their commissions in the
army or navy of the United States to evade duty in resisting the rebellion;
6th. All who have engaged in any way in trbating otherwise than lawfl 7 as
prisoners of war persons f6und in the United States service; as offiers, soldiers,
seamen, or in other capacities;
7th. All persons who have been, or are, absentees firom the uited States for
the purpose of aiding the rebellion;
8th. All military and navalofficers in the rebel service, who were educated by
the government in the Mifitary Academy at West Point or the United States
Naval Academy;
9th. All persons who held the pretended offices of gov.ernors of states in in-
surreq ion against the United States;
loth. All perons who left their homes within the jurisdiction and protection
of the United States, and passed beyond the federal military lines into the
pretended confederate states for the purpose of aiding the rebellion ;
I1th. All persons who have been engaged in-the destruction of the commerce
of the United.8tates upon the high seas, and all persons who have made raids
into the United States from Canada, or been engaged in destroying the com-
merce of the United States upon the lakes and rivers that separate the British
Provinces from the United States;
12th. All persons who, at the time when they seek to obtain the benefits
hereof by taling the oath herein prescribed, are in military, naval, or civil con-
finement, or custody, or under bends of the civil, military, or naval authorities,
or agents of thq United States as prisoners of war, or persons detained for of-
fence. of any kind, either before or after coviction;
18th. AU persons who have voluntarily participated in said rebellion, and the
estimated value of whose taxable property is over
of twenty
as p dohllar;
in the
14th. At persons who have taken the oath
President's Prclamation of December 8th, A. 1. 1868, or an oath of allegiance .Ae, p. M8.
to the government of the United States since the date of said Proclamation, and
who have not thenoeeorward kept and maintained the same inviolate.
Provided,That special application may be made to the President for pardon Special appli-
by any person belonging to the excepted classes; and such clemency will be cation may De
liberaly extended as may be consistent with the facts of and the peace nde.
and dignity of the United States.
The Secretary of State will establish rules and regulations for administering Secretary of
and recording the said amnesty oath, so as to insure its benefit to, the people, State to establish
and guard the government against fraud. rules.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the sai of
the United States to be affixed.

IRd" and .Regukziosa eskhW by Og w BiemWeM q( Stag&.

Dz xmprx.T oi BreTA, Washigton, May 99,1885.
Sir: A eopy of the President's Amnesty Proclamation of this date is herewith appended.
By a clauseiT the instrument, the Secretary of State is directed to establish rues and reg-
ulations for administering and recording the amnesty oath, so as to insure Its benefits to the
people and guard the government against fraud. Pursuant to this ijunction, you are in-
formed that the oath preserbed in the proclamation may be taken and subscr:b before
any commissioned offer', civil, military, or naval, in the service of the United States, or
any civil or military officer of a loyal state or territory, who, by the laws thereof, mav be
qualified for administering oaths. All officers who receive such oaths are hereby auirhor
lzed to give certified copies thereof to the persons respectively by whom they were made.
And such officers are herby required to transmit the originals of such oaths, at as early a
day as may be eonvenient, to this department, where they will be deposited, and remain in
the archives of the government. A register thereof will be kept in the department, and on
application, In proper cases, certifletes will be issued of such records in the estomary form
official certificates. I am sir
Your obedient servant,

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 759 1861-1865

Done at the city of Washington, the twenty-ninth day of May, in the
[r. &] year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of
the Independence of the United States theWNDI-W
eiht inth.
By the President:
WLwAxU H. Szw Aiz, Secmw7r of State

NO. 88.'

Preamble. WiE AS the fourth section of the fourth article of the Constitution of the
United States declares that the United States shall guarantee to every state
in the Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them
against invasion and domestic violence; and whereas the President of the
United States is, by the constitution, made commander-in-chief of the army
and navy, as well as chief civil. executive officer of-the United States, and is
bound by solemn oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United
States, and to take care that the laws be faithfully executed; and whereas the
rebellion, which has been waged by.a portion of the people of the United
States against the properly constituted authorities of the government thereof,
in the most violent ad revolting form, but whose organized and armed forces
have now been almost entirely overcome, has, in its revolutionary progress,
deprived the people of the State of North Carolina of all civil government;
and whereas it becomes necessary and proper to carry out and enforce the
obligations of the Uhited States to the people of North Carolina, in securing
them in the erjoyment of a republican form of government:
Provisional Now,therefbre, in obedience to the high and solemn duties imposed upon me
governor ap _ by the Constitution of the United States, and for the purpose of enabling the
pointed for North loyal people of said state to orpnize a state government, whereb j may
larolina. be established, domestic tranquillity insured, and loyal citizens protected in a.
their rights of life, liberty, and property, I, ANDREW JoRNsox, President of
the United States, and commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the
United States, do hereby appoint William W. Holden provisional governor of the
His duty and State of North Carolina, whose duty it shall be, at the earliest practicable
authority. period, to prescribe such rules and regulAtions as may be necessary and proper
for convenirg a convention, composed of delegates to bq chosen by that portion
of the people of said state who are loyal to the United States, and no others,
for the purpose of altiin~g or amending the conitution thereof; and with
authority to exercise, withn the limits of said state, all the powers necessary
and pi-oper to enable such loyal people of the State of North Carolna to restore
said state to its constitutional relations to the federal government, and to
present such a republican feorm of"state government as will entitle e state
to the guarantee of the United States therefor, and its people to protection
by the United State against invasion, insurrection, ani domestic violence;
Qualiflcations Provided that, in any election that may be hereafter held for choosing delegates
of electors, and to any state convention as aforesaid, no person shall be qualified as an elector,
for menberihip or shall be eligible as a member of such convention, unless he shall have pre-
of convntion. viously taken and subscribed the oath of amnesty, as set forth in the President's
Proclamation of May 29, A. D. 18605, and is a voter qualified as prescribed by
the constitution and. laws of the State of North Carolina in force immediately
before the 20th day of May, A. D. 1861, the date of the so-called ordinance of
Convention, secession; and the said convention, when convened, or the legislature that may
&c. to prescribe be thereafter assembled, will prescribe the qualification of electors, and the
qualffcations,&c. eligibility of 1 ersons to hold office unaer the constitution and laws of the state,-
a power the people of the several states composing the Federal Union have
rightfully exercised from the origin of the government to the present time.
And Ido hereby direct-
All the depart- First. That the military commander of the department, and all officers and
ments of the persons in the military and naval service, aid and assist the said provisional
UntdStates'pros iltrprvsna
government to qoverntir in carrying into effect this Proclamation, and they are enjoined to
old the provis.. bstain fi'om, in any way, hindering, impeding, or discouraging the loyal people
ioual governor, from the organization of a state government as herein autliorized.

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 760 1861-1865

SUcond. That the Seretary of State proceed to put in force all laws of the
United States, the administration whereof belongs to the State Department,
applicable to the geographical limits aforesaid. I
Tehird. Thatthe Secrtary of the Treasury proceed to nominate for appoint-
ment assessors of taxes, and collectors of customs and internal revenue, and
such other offers of the Mreasury Department as are authorized by law, and
put in execution the revenue laws of the United States within the
limits aoresad. In maii appoinents, the preference shall Cb enphical to
qoaifid lyalperonsresdin
wihinthedktlet whre he resec~e duties
not be found,
then persons residing in other states or districts shall be appointed.
Fourda. That the Postmaster-General proceed to estals ps-offices and
pot-routes, and put into executionthe posa laws of the United. States within
the said state, giving to loyal residents the preferene o appointment; but if
suitable residents are not/bund, then to appoint agents, &C., from other states.
PBth. That the district judge for the judicial district in which North Caro-
lina is included proceed to hod court, within said state, in accordance with
the provisions of the act of congress. The Attorney-General will instruct the
proper officers to libel, and-bring to udgment confiscation, and sale, property
subject to confiscation, and enforce the administration of justice witin san
state in all matters within the cognizance and jurisdiction of the federal
Siza. That the Secretary of the Navy take possession of all public property
belonging to the Navy Department within said geographical limits, 'and put in
ophration all acts of congress in relation to naval affairs having application to
the said state.'
Soventh. That the Secretary of the Interior put in force the laws relating to
the Interior Department applicable to the geographical limits aforesaid.
In testimony whereof, Ir have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this twentynintf day of May, in the
[L. 8.] year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of
the Independence of the United States te eighty-ninth. ,
By the President:
WILLIAM H. SnwaARD, S e" of State.

No. 89.

W=Zas the fourth section of the fourth article of the Constitution of the Pranble.
United States declares that the United States shall guarantee to every state in
the Union a republican form of government, and shal protect each of them
against invasion and domestic violence; and whereas the President of the
United States is, by the constitution, made commspder-in-chief of the army'
and navy, as well .as chief civil executive officet of the United States, and is
bound by solemn oath faithfiilly to execute the office of President of the United
States, and to take care that the laws be faithfully executed; and whereas the
rebellion, which has been waged by a portion of the people of the United
States against the properly constituted authorities of the. government thereof,
in the most violent an revolting form, but whose o and armed forces
have now been almost entirely overcome, has, in its revolutionary progress,
deprived the people of the State of Mississippi of all civil government; and
whereas it becomes necessary and proper to carry out and enforce the obliga-
tions of the United States to the people of Mississippi, in securing them in the
enjoyment of. a republican form of government:
Now, therefore, in obedience to the high and solemn duties imposed upon me Provisional
by the Constitution of the United States, and for the purpose of enabhng the goyernor ap-
loyal people of said state to organize a state government, whereby justice pointed for Mis-
may be established, domestic tranquillity insured, and loyal citizens protected in
all their rights of ie, liberty, and property, I, ANwrtw JoeoN, President

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 761 1861-1865

of the United States, and commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the
United States, do hereby appoint William I., Sharkey, of Mississippi, prom
is duty and sional governor of the State-oF Mississippi, whose duty it shall be, at the eirliest
authority. practicable period, to prescribe such rule and ulations as may be necessary
and proper for cojrvening a convention, con= of delegates to be chosen by
that portdon of the people of said state who are loyal to the United States,
and no others, for the purpose of alterig or amending the constitution thereof;
and with authority to exercise, within Bhe limits of sid state, all the powers
necessary and proper to enable such loyal people of the State of ississlppi to
restore said state to its constitutional relations to the federal government, and
to present such a republican form of state government as will entitle the state
to the guarantee of the United States therefor, and its people to protection
by the United States against invasion, insurrection, and domestic violence;
Qualifications Provided that, in any election that may be hereafter held for choosing delegates
of electors, and to any state convention as aforesaid, no person shall be qualified as an elector,
for membership or sball be eligible as a member of such convention, unless he shall have pre-
6f convention. viously taken and subscribed the oath of amnesty, as set forth in the President's
Proclamation of May 29, A. D. 1865 and is a voter qualified as prescribed
by the constitution and laws of the tate of Missippi in force immediately
before the ninth (9th) of January, A. D. 1861, the date of the so-called
Convention, ordinance of secession; and the Said conventibn, when convened, or the
&e. to prescribe legislature that may be thereafter assembled, will prescribe the qualification of
el ificatioa, electors, and the eligibility of persons to hold office under the constitution and
laws of the state, - a power the people of the several states composing the
Federal Union have rightfhully exereised from the origin of the government to
the present time.
And I do hereby direct-
All the depart- First. That the military commander of the department, and all officers and
ments Of the persons in the military and naval service, aid and assist the said provisional
United States governor in caying into effect this proclamation, and they are enjoined to
government to abstain
aid the provis- fromin any way, hindering, impeding, or discouraging the,loyal people
ionsl governor. from the organization of a state .overnment as herein authorized.
Seeond That the Secretasry of State proceed to put in force all laws of the
United States, the administration wheveoF belongs to the State Department,
applicable to the geographical limits aforesaid.
Third. That the Secretary of the Treasury proeeed to nominate for appoint-
ment assessors of taxes, and collectors of customs and internal revenue, and
such other officers of the Treasury Department as are authorized by law, and
put in execution the revenue laws of the United States within the geographical
imits aforesaid. In making appointments, the preference shall be given to
qualified loyal persons residing within the districts where their respective duties
are be peormed. But if suitable residents of the district shall not be found,
thentopersons residing in other states or districts shall be appointed.
Four i That the Postmaster-General proee to estblih post-offices and
pt-routes, and put into eeutin the posl laws of the United States within
the said residents
state, giving
are to
notloyal residents
sitable found, then tothe preference
app~oint agents,of&c.,
aointment; but if
from other states.
FiftA. That the district judge for the judicial district in which Mississipi is
included proceed to hold courts within said state, in accordance with the pro.-
visions of the act of Congress. The Attoney-General will instruct the proper
officers to libel, and bring to judgment, confisca.
.u tion, and sale, p rerty subject
to confiscation, and enforce the administration of justic within said state in
all matters within the cognizanc and jursdiotin-of the federal courts.
Siztk. That the Secretary o the Navy take possession of all public property
belonging to the Navy Department within said geographical lim~t, and put int
operation all acts of Congress in relation to naval tair having application to
the said state.
Seuet/,. That the Secretary of the Interior put in force the laws relag to
the Interior Department applicable to the geogrphical limits aforesaid.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington thi thirteenth day of June, in the year
(L. S.) o our Lord one thousand eiht hundred and sixty-five, arid o the
Independence of the United titates the eghty-ninth.
By the President:
SzwxAl, &crstay of Skts.

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 762 1861-1865


No, 40.


WDrnw, by my Proclamatiou [Executive order] of the twenty-ninth of Preamble.
April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, all restrictions upon internal, B0, P 7
domestic, and commercial intercourse, with certain ex eption. therein specified
and set forth, were removed "in such parts of the States of Tennessee, VY'.
ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Misissippi,
andso much of Louisiana as lies east of the Missppi River, as shall be em-
braced within the-lines of national military docupation";
And whereas, by my Proclamation of the twenty-second of May, one thou. AW, p. 757.
sand eight hundred and sixty-five, for reasons therein given, it was declared
that certain ports of the United States which had been previously closed against
foreign commerce, should, with certain specified exceptions, be reopened to such
commerce on and after the first day of July nex, subjeet to the laws of the
United States, and in pursuance of such regulations as might be prescribed by
the Secretary of the Tresury;
And whereas I am satisfto ly informed that dangerous
the laws of the United States no longer exist within te State of Tennessee;
within said
that the insurrection heretofore exisingathrty state
of the has been
United supreued;
States sundi-
that within the boundaries thereof the
puted, and that such officers of the United States as have been duly commis-
sioned are in the undisturbed exercise of their official functions:
Now, therefore, be it known, that I, ANDRIW JOHNSON, President of the Restetons on
United States, do hereby declare that. all restrictions upon internal, domestic, tae east of the
and coastwise intercourse and upon the removal of products of states
and tride,reserving ppti,To-
heretofore declared in insurrection, and exceptiug of17 those ielating moveband
of war ex-
to contraband of war, as hereinafter recited, and also thoie which relate to the eepted.
reservation of the rights of the United States to property purchased in the ter-
ritory of an enemy, heretofore imposed in the territory of the United States
east of the Mississippi River, are annulled, and I do hereby direct that they be
forthwith removed; and that, on and after the first day of July next, all estric-.
tions upon foreign commerce with said ports, with the exception and reserva-
tion aforesaid, be likewise removed; and that the commerce of said states shall
be conducted under the supev.sion of the regularly appointed officers of the cus-
toms provided by law; and such officers of the customs shall receive any cap-
tured and abandoned pioperty thatemay be turned over to them, under the law,
by the military or naval forces of the Ui~ted States, and dispose of such pro.
erty as shall be directed by the Secretary of the Treasury. The folowing ar-
les contraband of war are excepted from the effect of this Proclamation: arms,
ammunition, all articles from which ammunition i made, and gray unimorms and
And I hereby also proclaim and declare that the insurrection, so for as it The nsurrec-
relates to and within the State of Tennessee, and the inhabitants of the said State tlion in Teunes-
of Tennessee as reorganized and constituted under their recently adopted con- see declared sup-
stitution and reorganization, and accepted by them, is suppressed; and there- Pd
fore, also, that all the disabilities and disqualifiations attaching to said state
and the inhabitants thereof consequent upon any proclamations issued by virtue
of the fifth section of the act entitled "An act further to provide for the col- 181li .
lection of duties on imports, and for other purposes," approved the thirteenth VoL xli. p. 27.
day of July, one.thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, are removed.
But nothing herein contained shall be considered or construed as in any wise Penalties, &.,
chenging or impang any of the penalties and forfeiture for treason heretofore for treason not
incurred under the laws of the United States, or any of the provisions, restric- impaired.
tions, or disabilities set forth in my Proclamaton bearing date the twenty-ninth Former precla-
day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, or as impaing existing aoas, "I.,to
regulations for the suspension of the habeas corpus, and the exercs of mirtar oe.
law in cases where it shall be necessary for the general public safety and wel-
fare during the existing insurrection; nor shall ihis Prcamation" affect, or in A pe, p. 75&
any way impair, any laws heretofore b by congress, and duly approved by
the Pmesident or any proclamations or orders issued by him dring the afore-
said insurrection, abolishing slavery, or in any way affecting the relations of

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 763 1861-1865

slavery, whether of persons or [of] property; but, on the ontray, all such
laws and proclamations heretofore made or issued are expressly saved and
deelared to be in full force and virtue.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.
Done at*the city of Washington, this thirteenth day of June, in the
[L. a.] year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred andixty-five, and .of
the Independence of the United States of America the eighty-ninth.
By the President:
Wxauxz H. SuwAu, Secetary of &ae.

NO. 41.

Preamble. WHERm AS the fourth section of the fourth article of the Constitution of the
United States declares that the United States shall guarantee to every state in
the Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them
against invasion and domestic violence; and whereas the President of the
United States is, by the constitution, made commander-in-chief of the arm
and navy, as well as chief civil executive officer of the United States, and is
bound by solemn oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United
States, and to take care that the laws'be faithfully executed; and whereas the
rebellion, which has been waged by a portion of the people of the United
States against the properly constituted authorities of the government thereof,
in the most violent an revolting form, but whose organized and armed forces
have now been almost entirely overcome, has, in its revolutionary progress,
deprived the people of the State of Georgia of all civil government; and
whereas it becomes necessary and proper to carry out and enforce the obliga-
tions of the United States to the people of Georgia, in securing them in the
Provisional ebtoyment of a republican
ow, therefore, form to
in obedience of government:
the high and solemn duties imposed upon
governor ap- me by the Constitution of the United States, and for the purpose of enabling
Gont.or the loyal people of said state to organize a state government, whereby justice
may be established, domestic tranquillity insured, and loyal citizens protected
in all their rights of life, liberty, and property, I, ANrDREW JOnNso, Presi-
dent of the United States, and commander-in-chief of the army and navy of
the United States, do hereby appoint James Johnson, of Georgia, provisional
His duty and governor of the State of Georgia, whose duty it shall be, at the earliest practi-
authority, cable period, to prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary and
proper for convening a convention, composed of delegates to be chosen by that
portion of the people of said state who are loyal to the United States, and no
others, for the pur e of altering or amending the onstitution thereof; and
with authority to exercise, within the limits of said state, all the powers neces-
syand proer to enable such loyal people of the State of Georgia to restore
said state to its constitutional relations to the federal government, and to pre-
sent such a republican form of state government as will entitle the state to the
guarantee of the United States the~refor, and.its people to protection by the
Qualifications States against invasion, insurrection, and domestic violence; Provided
for membersp h that
elctorspnd in any election that may be hereafter held for choosing delegates to an
atipg n
of convention. state convention as aforesaid, no person shall be qualified as an elector, or shall
be eligible as a member of such convention, unless. he shall have previously
taken and subscribed the oath of amnesty, as set forth in the President's Procla-
mation of May 29, A. D. 1865, lnd is a voter qualified asprescribed by the
constitution and laws of the State'of Georgia in force immediately before the
nineteenth (19th) of January, A. D. 1861, the date of the so-callr ordinance
4 t pe" of secession; and the said convention, when convened, or the legislature that
quallfication. may be thereafter assembled, will prescribe the qualification of electors, and
the eligibility of persons to hold o ce under the constitution and laws of the
state, - a power the people of the several states composing the Federal Union
have rightfully exercised frem.the origin of the government to the present time.

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 764 1861-1865

And I do hereby direct -
First. That the military commander of the department, and all-offlcers and All the depart-
persons in the military and naval service, aid and assist the said provisional 1116t18ethe
governor in carrying into effect this Proclamation, and they are 'njoinedto govermen ta teso
abstain from, in any way, hindering, impeding, or discouraging the loyal people gid the provl-
from the organization of a state government as herein authorized, aionl governor.
Second That the Secretary of State proceed to put in force all laws of the
United States, the administration whereof belongs to the State Department,
applicable to the geographical limits aforesaid.
72Vid. That the Secretary of the Treasury proceed to nominate for appoint-
ment assessors of taxes, and collectors of customs and internal revenue, and
such other officers of the Treasury Department as are authorized by low, and
t iuexecution the revenue laws of the United States within the geographical
limits aforesaid. In making appintments,the preference shall be liven to quali-
fied loyal persons residing within the districts where their respective duties are
to be performed. But iifsuitable residents of the districts sall not be found,
then persons reiding in otherstates or districts shall be appointed.
Fourth. That the Postmaster-General proceed to establish post-o _Ices
post-rutes, and Out into execution the potal laws of the United States within
the said state, giving to loyal residents the prbference of appointment; but
if suitable residents are not found, then to appoint agents, &c.,. from other
FMfl/. That the district judge for the judicial district in which Georgia is
included proceed to hold courts within said state, in accordance with the pro-
visons of the act of congress. The Attorney-General will instruct the proer
offiersto Ibel, ad bring tjudgment, confiscation, and sale, property subject
to confiscation, and enforce the administration of justice within said state in
all matters within the cognizance and *urisdictlon of the federal courts.
Sixth. That the Secretary of the Navy take possession of all publie prop-
erty belonging to the Navy Department within said geographicel limits, and
put in operation all acts of congress in relatin to navaPa having applica-
tion to the said state.
Seventh. That the Secretary of the'Interior put in force the laws relating to
the Interior Department applicble to the geographical limits aforesaid.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal
of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city,of Washington, this seventeenth dy of June, in the year
[L. s-] of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of the
Independence of the United States the eighty-ninth.
By the President:
WnAxz H. Suw~nD, Scretar of SW&

WxuxuRaS the fourth section-of the fourth article of the Constituton of the PseVle.
United States declares that the United States shal uarantee to every state in the
Union a republican form of government, and a protet each of them against
invasion and' domestic violence; and wheas the Piesident of the United.tae
is, by the constitution, made commander-in-chief of the army and navy, as
well as chief civil executive officer of the United States, and is bound by solemn
oath fhithfully to execute the office of President of-the United States, and to
take care that the laws be faithfully executed; and whereas the rebellion, which
has been waged by a portion of the people of the United States against the
properly constituted authorities of the government thereof, in the most violent
and revolting form, but whose organized and armed fmes have now been al-
most entirely overcome, has, in its revolutionary progras, deprived the people
of the State of Texas of all civil government; aid ihereas it becomes neces-
sary and proper to carry out and enforee the obligations of the United States

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 765 1861-1865

to the people of the State of Texas, in securing them in the enjoyment of a re.
publien Am of government:
Provideol Now, therefore, in obedience to the high and solemn duties imposed upon me
go eor
ap- by the Constitution of the United States, and for the purpose of enabling the
loyal people of said state to anize a state government, whereby justice may
be stablshed, domestic ranqullity insured, and loyal citizens protected in ail
their rights of life, liberty, and property, I, AiNDREW JOHESON, President of
the United States, and commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United
States, do hereby appoint Andrew J. Hamilton, of Texas, provisional" governor
His duty and of the State of Texas, whose duty it shall be, at the earliest practicable
authority. period, to prescribe such rules and rnigulations as may be necessary and
proper for convening
people aofconvention, composed
said state who of delegates
are loyal to be chosen
to the United States, by
portionof the
others, for the purpose of altering or amending the constitution thereof; and
with authority to exercie, within the limits of said state, all the powers neces-
and proper to enable such loyal peope of the State of Texas to restore
ts constitutional relations to e government, and to pre-
sent such a repnblican form of state government as will. entitle the state to the.
guarantee of the United States therefor, and its people to protection by the
ofletou United States against invasion, insurrection, and domestic violence; Provided
of eeto that, in any election that may be hereafter hela for choosing delegates to any
for membership state convention as aforesaid, no person shall be qualified as an elector, or shal
of the ,onven- be eligible as a member of such convention, unless he shall have previously
Lion. taken and subscribed the oath of amnesty, as set forth in the President's Proc-
lamation of May 29, A. D. 1865, and is a voter qualied as prescribqd by the
constitution and laws of the State of Texas in. force immediately before the first
LIst] day of February, A. D. 1861, the date of the so-called ordinance of seces-
Convention, sion ; and the said convention, when convened, or the legislature that may be
&a., to presribe thereafter assembled, will prescribe the qualification of electors, and the eligi-
qualciation. bility of persons to hold office under the constitution and laws of the state, -
a power the people of the several states composing the Federal Union have
rightfully exercised
hereby from the origin of the government to the present time.
.And I do
Ali the depart. First. That the military commander of the department, and all officers and
meats of the persons in the military and naval service, aid and assist the said provisional gov.
Unitedmntes ernor in carrying into effect this Proclamation, and they are enjoined to abstain
ad from, any way, hindering, impeding, or discouraging the loyal people from
aonal overtor. theSeeond.
organization of aSecretary
That the state government
of Stat as herein authorized.
proceed to put in fce all laws of thq
United States, the administration whereof belongs, to the State Deprtment,
appicable the geographierlimits aforesaid. ao
Third. That the Sere of the Treasury proceed to nominate for appoint-
ment assessors of rs of ctoms and internal revenue, and
such othe%officers of the Treasury Department as are authorized by law, and
.put in execution the revenue laws of the United States within the°$'grphieal
aforesaid. In making appointments, the preference shall be given to
qualified loyal persons residing within the districts where their respective duties
are to be performed. But if suitable residents of the districts shall not be found,
then persons residing in other states or districts shall Be appointed.
Fort,. That the Postmaster-General proceed to establish post-offices and
post-routes, and put into exeoutiJn the postal laws of the United States within
the said state, giving to loyal residents the preference of appointment; but if
suitable residents are not found, then to appoint agents, &c., from other states.
/zifs' That the, district judge for the judicial district in which Texas is in-
luded proeed to hld courts within said state, in accordance with the pro-
visions of the st of ongre. The Attorney-General will insrt'the proper
officers to libel, and bring to judgment, onfiscation, and sale, property subject
to confiscation, and enfor~e the ant on of justice within said statein all
matters within the cognzane'and jurisdition of the federal cots.L
.izt. That the Seretary of the Navy take possession of all public property
belon to the Navy Department within stid geogrphical limits, and put in
operaton all acts of congress in re t.n to naval affairs having application to
the said
Sevenh That the Secretary of the Interior put in force the lkws relating to
the Interior Department appliable to the geographical limits aforesdd.
In testimony whereof, Ihave hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 766 1861-1865

Done at the city of Washington this seventeenth day of June, in the year
[L. a.] of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sxt-five, and of the In-
dependence of the United States the eghty-n'tith.
By the President:
Wsw.Ug H. SZWARD, &r" of &

No. 48.

WaEREA. the fourth. section of tle fourth article of the Constitution of the Preamble.
United States declares that the United States shall guarantee to every state in the
Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against
invasion anddomestie violence; and whereas the President of the United States
is, by the constitution, made commander-in-ebief of the army and navy As well
as chief civil executive officer of the United States, ard is bound by solemn
oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States, and to
take care that the laws be faithfully executed ; and whereas the rebellion, which
has been waged by a portion of the people of the United States against the
properly eonstituted authorities of the government thereof, in the most violent
and revolting form, but whose organized and armed forces have now been al-
most entirely overcome, has, in its revolutionary progress, deprived the people
of the State of Alabama of all civil government; and whereas it becomes neo-
d proper to carry out and enforce the obligations of the United States
to the people of Alabama, in securing them in the enjoyment of a republican
Now, therefre,, in obedene t the high and solemn duties imposed upon me Provisional
by the Constitution o thmeU pp enabng te governor a-
be people ofdomestic
establshed, said statetranquility
to organirDinsured,
a stateand
government, whereby
loyal citizens justieemay
potected in ell e for a.-
thei rights
the United
States, of life,appoint
do hereby liberty,
and and property, I,ofANDREW
commander-in-chief armyJOHNSON, President of
of the State of Alaa Lewis Parsons, oftheAh-bama,andprovisional
navy of the United
to prescribe uan
whose duty it shall be, at the earliest practieabe period, His duts. and
h rules and regulations as may be neessar and proper for
veing a convention, composed of delegates eon- authotty.
people of said state who are loyal to the United chosen by that portion of the
States, and no others, for the
purpose of altering or amendmna the constitution thereof; and with authority to
exercise, within the limits of said state, all the powers neceisary and proper to
enable such loyal people of the State of Alabama to restore said state to its
lican form of state
relations to the federal
government as willgovernment, and to present such a repub-
enttle the state to the g aratee of the
United States there for, and its people to protection by the United States agains
invasion, insurrection, and domestic violence ; Prodided that, in any election that Q ualiflatlon
may be hereaftr held for chooin delegates to any state conventin as f4'or- of electors, and
said, no person shall be qualified as an elector, or shll be eligible as a member for membere.uP
of such
oath convention, unless he inshall
of amnesty, as st forth the havepreviously
President's taken and subscribed the twa ....
Proclamation of May 9, A. D.
1865, and is a voter qualified as prescribed by the constitution and laws of the
State of Al~bam in force immediately before the eleventh
1861, the date of the so-called ordinance of secession; andday of January, A. D.
the said conventon, Convention
scribe convened, or the legislature
the qualification of electors, that
andmay be thereaft assembled, will office
pre. &o. to prescrilie
the eigibility of persons to hold qualiaetlon.
under the constitution and laws of the state,- a power the
people of the several
states composing the Federal Union have rightfiully exercisd from the origin of
the government to the present time.
And I do hereby direct,
FiSt That the military -o Eommander of the deparment,
personsSt n the and all officers and All the depart.
litary and naval srvice, aid and as the said provi onl mentsof the
governorin carrying into effect this Prolaation, and they are enjoined to ab- uiit~d t ^
sain the
from in any way, shindering,
orgaization impeding,asorherein
a ate government discouragn gthe -loyalpeople ii t oi.
authorized r esonal governor.

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 767 1861-1865

Second. That the Secretary of State proceed to put in foree all laws of the
United States, the administration whereof belongs to the State Department,
applicable to the geographical limits aforesaid.
7T£. That the Secretary of the Treasury proceed to nominate for appoint-
ment assessors of taxes, and collectors of customs and internal revenue, and
-such other officers of'the Treasury Department as are authorized by law, and
put in execution the revenue laws of the United States within the geographical
limits aforesaid. In making appointments, the preference shall be given to qual-
ified loyal persons residintg ;thn the districts where their respective-dutiei are
to be performed. Butinifother
then persons residing suitable residents of the districts shall not be found,
states or districts shall be appointed.
Fourh That the Postmnasteo-Generl proceed to establish post-.offces and
st-routes, and put into execution the post laws of the United States within
the said state, giving to loyal residents the preference of appointment; but if
suitable residents are not found, then to agents, c., from other states.
Fi/. That the district judge for the judicial district in which Alabama is
included proceed to hold courts within said state, in accordance with the pro-
visions of the act of Congress. The Attorey-General will instruct the proper
officers to libel, and bring to judgment, confiscation, and sale, property.subject
to confiscation, and enfbrce the administration of justice within said state in all
matters within the cognizance and jurisdiction of the federal courts.
Sixth. That the Secretary of the Navy take possession of all public property
belonging to the Navy Department within said geographical limits, and put in
operation all acts of Congress in relation to naval wfairs having application to
the said state.
Seenth. That the Secretary of the. Interior put in force the laws relating to
the Interior Department applicable to the geographical limits aforesaid.
In testimony whereof, I Vave hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, the twenty-first day of June, in the
[L. .I year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of
the Independence of the United States the eihity-nnth.
By the President:
WIxLLAM H. SnwARD, SsCre y of SWta.

No. 44.

Preamble. WimumnAs, by the proelamatons of the President of the nineteenth and
Vol. xi. pp. 125, twenty-seventh of A ri eighteen hundred and sixty-one, a blockade of certain
IM ports of the United States was set on foot; but, whereas, the reasons for that
measure have ceased to exist:
Blockade re- Now, therefore, be it known, that 1, ANDnuw .3brNsoir, President of the
sciuded. United States, do hereby declare and proclaim the blockade aforesaid to be
Tesoinded as to all the ports aforesaid, including that of Galveston and other
ports west of the Mississippi River, which ports will be open to forein com-
merce on the first of July next, on the terms and conditions set forth in my
Ase, P.75T. Proclamation of the twenty-second of My last
Purposes oflm It is to be understood, however, that the blockade thus rescinded was an
blockae international measure for the purpose of preting the sovereign rights of th9
United States. The greater or les subversion of-eivil authority in the region
to which it applied, and the impracticability of at once restoring that in due
efficiency, may, for a season, make it advisable to employ the army and navy of
the United States towards carrying the laws into effect, wherever sucl4 employ-
ment may be necessary.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 768 1861-1865

Done at the city of Washington, this twenty-third ay of June, in the
[L. .] year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-fivet and of the
Independence of the United States of America the gWty-nuth.
By the President:
W. HUNTER, Acting Secr"tr of Swie.

No. 45.

Wnunzm it has been the desre of the general government of the United Preamble
States to restore unrestricted commercial intesoourse between and in the several
states, as oon as the same could be safely done in view of resistance to the
authority of the United States by combinations of armed'insurgenta;
And whereas that desire has been shown in my proclamations of the twenty-
t e,
ninth of Apr1,t one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, the thirteenth of An PP. ,
June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and the twenty-third of June, 70o.
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five;
And whereas it now seems expedient and proper to remove restrictions upon
internal, domestic, and oastwise trade and eommereial intercourse between and
within the states and territories west of the Mississp River:
Now, therefore, be it known, that I, ANiRnwt omoN, President of the Restrions on
United States, do hereby declare that all restrictions upon internal, domesc, trade wes, of tb
and coastwise intercourse and trade, and upon the purchase and removal of
products of states and parts of states and tertories heretofore declared in
insurrection, lying webt of the Missippi River (excepting only those relatin-
to property heretofore purehased by the agents, or captured by or sur dere
to the forces of the UMted States, and to the transpo-tation thereto or therein,
on private aecount,'of arms, ammunition, all articles from which amnmunition is
made, gray uniforms and gray cloth), are annulled; and I do hereby direct
that they be forthwith removed; and also that the commerce of such states,
and parts of states shall be conducted under the supervision of the regularly
appointed officers of the customs, [who] shall receive any capted and aban-
doned property that may be turned over to them, under the law, by the mili.
tary or naval forces of the United States, and dispose of the same in accordance
with instructions on the subject, issued by the Secretary of the Treasury.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of
the United States to be af•ixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this twenty-tburth d4y of June, in the
[FL a.] year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of
the Independence of the United States of America the ekhty-ninth.
By the President:
W. HDuqTzB, Actin Sewy of State

No. 46.


Wxn "s the fourth section of the fourth article of the Contiution ;f the Prmbl&
United States declares that the United States shall guarantee to every staten
the Union a republican form of government, and sa protect each of them
againt invasion and domestic violmee; and whereas the President of the United
tates ,by the constitution, made ommander -m-chifof the army and navy, as
Exeeutive orde. See PoA p. 776.
VOL. XiL PUM.- 65

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 769 1861-1865

well as chidf civil exeeutive officer of the United States, and is-bound by solemn
oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States, and to take
care that the laws be fathfilly executed; and whereas the rebellion, which has
be wagedby aa-uthorites
erly constituted portion ofthethepeople of the United in
government thereof; State against the prop.
the most violent and
revolting form, but whose organized and armed forces have now been almost
State of overcome, has, inof its
South Carolina allrevolutionary progress,_deprived
civil goverment; and whereas the people of
it becomes the
sary and proper
the people to carry
o('S6uth out and
Carolina, e
in seurn e the
themoblations of the United
in the enjoyment States to
of a republican
form ogovernment
Provisional Now, therefore, in obedience to the high and solemn duties imposed upon me
governor ap- by the Constitution of the United States, and for the purpose of enab the
pointed for South loyal people of said state to organize a state government, whereby justice
Carolina. may be established, domestic tranquillity insured, and loyal citizens protected
in all their rghts of life, liberty, and property, I, AKDEEW JOHxs6o, Presi-
dent of the Tnited States, and commander-in-ehif of the army and navy of
the United States, do hereby appoint Benjamin F. Perry, of South Carolina,
His duty and provisional governor of the State of South Carolina, whose duty it shall be,
authority, at the earliest practicable period, to prescribe such rules and regulations as
may be necessary and proper for convening a . onvention, composed of dele-
gates to be chosen by that portion of the people of said state who are loTal
to the United States and no others, for the purpose of altering or amending
the constitution thereof; and with authority to exercise, within the limits of
said state, all the powers necessary and proper to enable such loyal peopl of
the State of South Carolina to restore said state to its constitutionarrelations
to the federal government, and to present such a republican form of state gov-
ernment as will entitle the state to the guarantee of the United States therefor,
and its people to protection by the United States against invasion, insurrection,
of Qualifcatfons
elector, and of and
held domestic violence;
fqr choosin Provided
delegates that, in
to any state any election
convention that may
as aforesaid, no be hereafter
person shall
membersf the be qualified asan elector, or shall be eligible as a member of such convention,
convent, unlss he shall havs previously taken and subscribeuthe oath of amnesty, as set
forth in the President's Proeamation of May 29, A.D., 186B, and is a voter
cualied as prribed _bythe constitution andlaws oft he State of South Caro-

ina in force immediately before the seventeenth (17th) day of November, A. D.

obnventlon 1860, the date of the so.called ordinance of seessin; andthe said convention,
&.,~t o~ whn convdned, or telglaremha mayb hratrasmld ilpe
&cltion5, scribe the qualification of electors, and the eligibility of persons to hoc
under the constitution and laws of the state, - apower the people of the several
states composing the Federal Union have rightfully exercised from the origin
of the government to the present time.
-And I do hereby direct -
All the depart.
- lrst. That the military cnmandek of the department, and all offmers and.
ments of ti persons in the military and naval service, aid and assist the said provisional
United States governor in carying into effect thiar Proclamation, and they are oeijoined to
government to abstain from, in an; way, hindering, impeding, or discouraging the loyal people
iol gero. ftem the organization o a state government as herein authorized.
..o.. ev r. Second. That the Secretary of State prooed to put in force all laws of the
United States, the administration whereof belongs to the State Department,
ajhcable to thethe
!FkirS. Tht goSertrphical of
the aforesaid.
Tresury proceed to nominate for appoint-
ment asessors of taxes, and collectors of customs and interal revenue, and such
other officers
execion of the Treasury
the United asStates
are authorized by law, and put in
aforesaid. the
In revenue
a laws
ap.itments, the peference within the geographical
shall limits
be given to qualified
loyalpersons But
performe~l. residing within the districts the districts
if suitable residents of where their r shall not
ve duties are to be
be found, then
persons fusiding in other states
Fourt. That the Potaster-Generalor districts shall be appointed.
pr d to establish pt-offices and
post-routes, and put into execution the p laws of the United Stats vithin
the said state, giving to loyal residents the prference of appiVntment; but if
suitable residents are not found, then toappoint agents, &e., fom other states.
47itL. That the district judge for the judicial d in which South 9arolna
is included proceed to held courts within said state, in accordance with the pro-
visions of the act of congress. The Attorney-General will instruct the proper
officers to liO, and bring, to judgment, confiscation, and sale, property subject

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 770 1861-1865

to conficatin, and enforce the administration of justice within said state in an
materdwitinthe cognizance and jurisdiciioni of th~eeracot.
Si..La. That the Secretary of the Navy take possession of al public property
belonging to the Navy Department within said Jegrapbial lHat, andput in
operation all acts of congress in relation to naval affaie having application to
fie said tate.
Seteah. That the Secretar~r of the Interior put in force the laws relating to
the Interior Department apphcable to the geogh&ca limits foresaid.
In testimony whereof, I Phave hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.
Done at theoity of Washin"o this thirtieth day of June, in the year of
[L. 9.] our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-ve, and of the Inde-
peudence of the United Statea the eighty-minth.
By the President:
Wuaaz EL Suwan, &oretw of^tats

No 47.

WMMMn s the fourth section of the fourth aiele of the Constitution of the Premble.
United States declares that the United States shall guarantee to every state in the
Union a republican form of government, and shaf=p each of them against
invasion and domestic violence; and whereas the President of the United States
is, by the constitution, made commander-in-chief of the army and navy, as well
as chief civil executive officer of the United States, and is bound by solemn
oath faithlhlly to execute the office of President of the United State, and to
take care waged
has been that theby
laws be faithfully
a portion people ofand
of theexecuted; thewhereas
United the
States agaswich
rebelon, the.
properly constituted authorities of the government thereof, in the most violent
and revolting form, but whose organized and armed foce have now beenal-.
most entirely overeome, has, in its revolutionaryp depived the people
of State
sarytheand 6?"Florida
proper to carryofout
all and
civil enforce
govrment; andwhereas
the obligatin of the United neces-
it becomes Sttes
to the people of Florida,
govrnen of :ne
in securing
7cc~ them in the enjoyment of a republican
for erxec ntobeien to the high and solemn dute. imposed upon me
by the Constitution of the United States and for the purpose of enabling the
loyal people of said state to orga.ize a state government, whereby justice my
be estabhshed,.domnestio tranqUilty insured, and loyal citizens protected in all
their rights of life, liberty, and property, I, Ai DnuW JoH~soN, President of
the United States, and commander-in-chief
ifliam Marvin provisional and navyofofthe
of the armygoernor theState
of Prso
States, do here
Florida, whose duty it shall be, at the earlis practicable period, to prescribe goveror aP-
such rules and etdaons as may be neessary - and proper for convening a con- d. u
vention, comp of delegtes to be chosan by that portion of the people of said Hk'-dt and
state who are loyal to the United States, and no others, for the purpose of alte- authority.
inag or amending the constitution thereof; and with authority to exrie within
a s of s ate, all the powes necesary and r to enable mch
loyal people of the State of Florida to retore sand state to it. conitutional re-
such af republican
the United.form of
state government as willgovpnment,
to the federal and to
entitle the state present
to th .paantee States
atherefor, and itstpe to reeron by thoe U mtd'Statm against ivason, in-
surrection, and dmetc violene; Provided that, in any elecion tha may be Qtuslfeations
hereaftr .held for choosig delegates to any state convention as afoesaid, no °f ectoewand of
person shl be qualified as an elector, or sell be eligible as a member of msm ,_ Of the
convention, unless he shall have .revilousy taken and subscribed the oath e nism.
amnesty, as set forth in President's Prelanation of May 39, A- D. 1865,
and is a votercqualed as prescribed by the constitution and lawn of the State
of Florida in force immeiately before the 10th day of January, A. D. 1861, the
date of the so-called ordinane of secession; and the said eonvention, when con-

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 771 1861-1865

- Convention., vened, or the legilature that may be thereafter assembled, will prescribe the
to R IW qualification of electors, and the eligibility of persona to hold office under the
;Qualifa O constitution and laws of the state, -a power the people of the several states
- composing the Federal Union have rightfully exercised from the origin of the
government to the present time.
And I do hereby direct -
All the depart- First. That the military commander of the depment, and all officers and
needtat persons in the military and naval service, aid andassist the said prolonalgoy-
governent to ernor in carrying into effect this Proclamation, and they are enjoined to abstain
aid the provi- from, in any way, hindering, impeding, or discouraging the loyal people from
stonal governor, the organization of a state government as hertin autfhoied.
Second. That the Secretary of State proceed to put in force all laws of the
United States, the administration whereof belongs to the State Department,
applcable to the geographical limits aforesaid.
. drd.
That the Sie y of the Treasury proceed to nominate for appoint-
ment assessors of taxes, and collectors of customs and internal revenue, and such
other officers of the Treasury Departmenras are authorized by law, and put in
execution the. revenue laws of the United States within the geographical limits
aforesaid. In making apointments, the prefrence repetve
loyal persons residing within the districts whore theirshall be given to are
duties qualified
to be
performed. But if suitable residents of the di s shall not be found, then
persons residing in other states or districts shall be appoinrted.
Fourt. That the Potmaster-Geieral proceed to the United
routes, and put into execution the pcin laws of establish p States
and post-
able state, giving
residenits are to
notloyal residents
found, then tothe preference
appi~nt apnts,of&o.,
appointment; but if suit-
from other states.
Fj That--.the district judge for the )udieal distrt in which Florida is in-
eluded proceed to hold courts w said state, in accordance with the pro-
visions of the act of congress. The Attorney-General will instruct the proper
offcers to libel, and bring to judgment, confiscation, and sale, property subject
to confiscation, and enforce the administration of justice within said state in all
matters within the cognizance and jurisdiction of the federal courts.
_ ixt. That the Secretary of the Navy take pcsession of all public property
belonging to the Navy Department within said geographical limits, and put in
operaon all act of congress in relation to naal aairs having application to
the said State.
Sment. That the Seora of the Interior put in force the laws elating to
the Interior Department applicable to the geographicl limits aforesaid.
In testimony whereof, I Ave hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this thirteenth cay of July, in the year
[s.] of Qur Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of ths In-
dependence of the United States the ninetieth.
By the Presideut:
Wn.,zx H. Szwvm, &w"a of 8St.

No. 48.

Preamble. WruAas, by my proclamations of the thirteenth "d twenty-firt of June,
pp. 768, one thousand eig hundred and sixty-fve, restrictions, in part, upon
769. internal, domesic, and coastwise intercourse and trade with those Oates-
recently declared in insurrectiog certain articles were excepted from the effect
of said proclanations as contraband of iar; and wheres the necessity for
restricting trade in said artieles has now, in a great measure, ceased: it is
AU ree
tictias hereby ordered, that on and afer the 1st day of September, 186b, all restrie-
on trade re- tions aforesaid be removed, so that the articles declared by the said proelama-
moved. tions to be conthaband of war, may be import, into and sod in sad states,
subject only to such regulations as the Seeary of the Tmury may prescribe.

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 772 1861-1865

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Wash n, this twenty-ninth day of August, in the
[L. s.] year of our Lord One tusand eight hundred and sixt and of
the Independenea of the United States of America the nmetieth.
By the President t
Wx a HL, S&cret of Stat&.

No. 49.

WEXnzAs, by a Proclamation of the fift da of July, one thousand eight Ptssuble.
hundred and sixty-four, the President of the United States, when the civil war Ants, p.742.
was llap ns d when combinations were in progres in Kentucky for the pur-
pose ofiting insurgent raids into that state, &rtedthat the Proclamation
smpending the privil* of the writ of habeas corpus should be made effectual
in Kentucky, and that martial law should be estabished there, and continue
until said proclamation should be revoked or modified; and whereas since then
the danger from insurgent raids into Kentucky has substantialy pased away:
Now, therefore, be it. known, that I, AiqDnuW JONSON, Predent of the
United States. byv virtue of the authority vested in me by the cobstitution, do mar law to
hereby declare that the said Proclamation of the fifth day of July, one thousand be no, ar tn
eight hundred and sixty-four, shall be, and if hereby, modified, in so far that force in Ken-
martial law shall be no longer in force in Kentucky from and after the date tucky.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the
United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this twelfth day of October, in the year
[L. s.] of our Lord one thousod eight hundred and sixty-five, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the ninetieth.
By. the President:
W. HuTNR, Acting &Seor o &at&

NO. 50.

Wanza. s it hasyleased Almighty God, during the year which is now eorn- prmble.
ing to an end, to reheve our beloved country frmn the fearful scourge of civil
war, and to permit us to secure the blessings of peace, unity, and harmony,
with a great enlargement of civil liberty;
And whereas our Heavenly Father has also, during the year, graciously
averted fixo us the calamities of foreign war, pestilence, and famine, while gur
gra aree are full of the fruits of an abundant season;
And whereas righteousnes exalteth a nation, while sin is a reproach to any
ps=1, therefore, be it known, that 1, Axanuzw JowxaoN, President of Day Of national
the United States, do hereby recoumend to the people thereof that they do set tnkfivU p-
kpart and observe the first Thursday of December next as a day of national por
thanksgiving to the Creator of the universe for these great deliverances and
And I do farther recommend that on that occasion the whole people make
confession of our national sins against His infinite goodness, and ith one

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 773 1861-1865

774 .APP NDI.
heart and one mind implore the Divine guidance in the ways of national virtne
and holiness.
In testimony whereo; I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washintn, this tnty-eigth day of October, in
[u.) the year of our Lord qe thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and
of the Independence of the United Sltate of America the ninetieth.
By the President:
WozmAx H. Szw An, 8ecretary of Stat&

No. 51.
WnmAs, by-the Proclamation of the President of the United States, of the
fifteenth day of September, one thousand eight hunced and sixty-threethe
Ads, p. T". privilege of the writ of habeas eorpus was, m certain cases therpin pet forth, as.
pended throughout the United States;
And whereas the reasons for that suspension may be regarded as having
ceased in some of the states and territories:
suspenson of Now therefore be it known, that I, Axioanw JomnoN, Preardent of the
the writ of habeas United States, do hereby proclaim and declare, that the suspenson aforesaid
Corp, 9o, re- and all other Pro ons and orders mmending the uriviiege of the writ of
=ertain exoept in habeas corpus.m So.ed
states and the states and territocies of the UTited. States, are revoked and
er staoriesma annulled, exeilng as to the States of Vhginia,-Kentueky, Tennessee, North
the Ic
o= Car, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida labama, Miissinppi, Louiiana,
Columbia. Arkansas, and Texas, the District of Columbia, bud the T o of.New
Mexico and Arizona.
In witness whereof, I have.hereuntset my hand, and caused, the seal of the
United States to be affixed.
Done at the city ofWashington, this first day of December, in the yew
[3r. of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and si,.,ve, and of the
Independence ofthe United States of America the ninetiet
By the President:
WiLLIAx H. SzwAxn, SocretW7 of &ate&

No. 52.
To all to iviom these presents rma come, pred(.
Preamble. KxoW ye, that whereas the conpes of-the United States on the 1st of
Februar last passed a resolution wMch is in the words folwing, namely:
-A resolion satdng to the lj~olat of*h sword staoe a proposhio to
amend Me Cox&tulo of do United &am&
A^as p. Ws~ ".lfsolwed by the Shuate and House of Represenatfve of tde Linte Rawe~
America in Congress assembled, (e tds of bot housee eonming,) That
ollowing article be proposed to the leisatures of the several states e an.
%,.dmentto the Constitution of the United States, which, when ratified by

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 774 1861-1865

three fourths of said legislatures, shall be valid, to all intents and purpose as a
part of the said constitution, namely:
"ATzoLz X=L

"SBCTION 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, exeept as a h-

ment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convief, shall ewist
within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
"Szc. . Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate

And whereas it appears from official documents on file in this dp ent that Amendment to
the amendmenp to the Constitution of the United States propo as afoesid, theconstitution
has been ratified by the legislatures of the States of Illinois Rhode sad, raifidv
Michin,Maryland, New York, West Virgnia,Maine, Kans, Massachusetts, stIWM
Pensylvania, irgia, Ohio, Missouri, Novad Indiana, Louisiana, Mimne-
sota, Wisconsin, Vermont, Tennessee, Arkansas, Connecticut, New Hampshire,
South Carolina, Alabama, North Carolina, and Georgia; in all twenty-seven
And whereas the whole number of states in the United States is thirty-six;
and whereas the before speciaily-named states, whose legislatures have ratified
the said proposed amendment, constitute three fourths of the whole number of
states in the United States:
Now, therefore, be it known, that I, W zriA H. SnWAMw, ecretary of Aiiiifd-snt
State of the United States, by virtue and in pursuance of the second section of vl.
the act of congress, approved the twentieth of Agril, eighteen hundred and
eighteen, entitled "An act to provide for the pur Hti tht
f the am the Ye I ,L
United States and fqr other pr " do herey certi that the amendment .... P. -
aforesaid has-become valid, to all intents and purposes, as a part of the Consti-
tution of the United States.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of
the Department of State to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this eight th day of December, in the
[L. S.] year of our Lord one thousnd eiht hundred and sixty-five, and of
the Independence of the United States of America the ninetieth.
Se*.o Of &%Ata


JxMuuirY MANKsosr,3March10,18608. March 10,1868.
hi pursuance of the twentysixth section of the act of ores enltle d es absent
"An act for enrolling and c out the national forves, and oer pur- without ve to
poses," approved on the third day of M h, in the year one thousand eight'return to their
hundred and sixty-three, I, A :Ax Lmoow, President and mmander- e!ents forth-
in-chief of the army and navy of the United States, do hereby order and will
command, that all soldiers, enlisted or drafted into the service ofth United o....
States, now absent from their regiments without leave, shall forthwith return to VoL xli.p. 785.
their "espective
And rdo hereby declare and proclaim, that all soldiers now absent fromn their soldiers report-
resPetie reieto without lea;,kho &A
report on or before
themselves at any fist day of~pi
therendezvous des- - " b &-A.r.
eig hundred and sixty-three,
nated by the General Orders of the War Department number -e vtbe
igt, re-
hereto annexed, may be restored to their repective reiments without punish- stored, &c.
ment, except the foeiture of pay and allowances during their absence; and Othe to be
all who do not return within the time above specified' shall be arrested as a as de-
deserters, and punished as the law provides, sermt

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 775 1861-1865

ptriotto ai- .And whereas, evil disposed and disloyal persons at sundry places have enticed
ao exhorted to and procured soldiers to desert and absent themselves romn their regiments,
idin thereby weakening the strength of the armies a"d prolo the war, vig
aid andremainig
sonldier comfort to the enemy, and e -ruellythewgaflant and faf
in the ranks to in .- har dp. and danger, I do there-
fore call upon all patriotic and faithful citizens to oppose and restt the afore-
mentioned dangerous and treasonable crimes, and to aid in restoring to their
regiments all soldiers absent without leave, and to assist in the execution of the
act of congress for enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other
p , and to spport the proper authorities in the prosecution and punish-
ment of offenders against said act, and in suppmres-mg the insurrection and
In testimony whereo I have hereunto set my band.
Doneatthe cit of Washington, thistenth day of March, in the year of our
Lord one thoisag eight hundred and dxty-thr* and of the Independence of
the United States the eighty-seventh. ..
By the P-sident:
EDwi IL S.toxro, SeaM of War.

No. 2.
Apol 4, 186. To al ohom Ames presnft wuay conwen:
preaMble. o VVinAS, for some time past, evil-disposed persons have crosed the borders
the United States, or entered their ports by sea from countries where they
are tolerated, and have committed capiita felonies ainst the poerty and life
of American citizens, as well in the cities as in the rural distriet of"the country:
Rewards for Now, therefore, in the name and by the authority of the President of the
the arrest of el- United States, I do hereby make known that a reward of one thousand dollars
onI, 0lr efolga will be paid, at this Departent, for the capture of eachof such offenders upon
countries m- his conviction by a civil or military tribunal, to whomsoever shall arrest and de-
Intt . es liver such offenders into the eowtody of the civil or military authorities of the
States. United States. And the like reward will be paid, upon the same terms, for the
capture of any such persons so entenni th nited States, whose offenes shall
be comnitted subsequenty to the publication of this notice.
A reward of fivehundred dollars will be aid, upon viction, for the arres
of any person who shall have aided and abette enders
n of the clan before
Snamed the territorf the United State.
unde. and the sed of the Department of State, at
[L. a.] Washington, " fourth day of Ap, A. D. 186. "
8ew,ta wO k.'Sa.


Ai 65 desiro to relieve allExucuvivu ~ and

loyal citizens ~ well-disposdd
. Xusu,April
aintOD, 29,1l865,
persons reading
k insrrectionary sates fion unnecessar.y commercial restrctions, and to en-
courage them to return to peacefid pursuits, -
"I is Eusm'Y OUDZWn -
Restrictions on L. That all restrictions upon internal, domuestic, and castwise commercial in-
trade in Pars of tereourse be discontinued in such parts of the States of Tennessee, Virginia,
at"5 Taft5in North Carolina, South Carolina, egi a, Alabama, M issipp, and so
inmuch o a as lies east o the-1'iss.sppi River, as shall be embraced
moved, within the lines of national military occupation; excepting only such restri-
dons as are imposed by aets of nd regulatio s pmsane thereof,
presribed b-he Secietary ofthe ved -bythe President;
and excepting, also, from the effect of this order the q w0 articles, contra-
band of war, to wit: Arms, ammunition, all articles from which ammunition is
manufcturd, gray unifrms and coth, locomotives, er, railroad iron, and

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 776 1861-1865

machinery for operatn railroa telegraph wirs, insulatm* and instrunmentl
frperating tele phio linesi.
IL Mat all exbfig military and .avl
orders in any manner restricting in. Forer a
ternal, domestic, and coastwise commercil intercourse and tradewith or in the revoked.
localitiei above named, be, and the same are hereby, revoked; and that no mil-
itary or naval office, in any manner, interrupt or interfere with the same, or
with any boats or other vessels engaged therein, under proper anthority, pur-
suant to the regulations of ±iie Seretary of the Tresm'yO

ExOUcvrzv u H xx Washigbon City, may 9, 186O. 3ity 9,1865.
First. That all act and proceedings of the political, military, and civil or -The auMonity
i*ons which have been in a state of insurrection and rebellion, within the of te United
Date ofrurinia, against the authority and laws of the United States, and of Stan reltab-
which Jefferion Davis, John Leteher, and William Smith, were late the respec- -
tive chiefs, are declared null and void. All persons who shall exercise, claim,
pretend, or attempt to exercise any political, military, or civil power, authority
jursdi or ht, by, through, or under Jefferson Davis, late of the city of
Richmond, and 1 nfederates, or under John Letehe, or William Smith, and
their confederats, or under any pretended political, military, or civil commis-
sion oraathoriy issued by them, or eitherof them, since the 17th day of April,
1861, shall be deemid and taken as in rebellion against the United States, and
shall he dealt with accordingly.
Second. That the Secretary of State proceed to put in force all laW of the
United States, the admnisration whereof belongs to the Department of State,
app bleto the geographial limits aforesai
hidTht the S-ecretary of the Treasury prced without delay, to nomi-
revenue,rppontment, assesors of taxes and collectors of customs and internal
and such other oficr of the Treasury Deatet as are authorized
by law, and shall put in execution the revenue laws of the United States within
the geographical bmilt aforesaid. In main appointment the preference shall
be ge to qualed ly persons re the ere their re-
sective duties are to be performed. But if sutable per shall not be found,
residents of the districts, then persons iding in oher states or districts shall
be appointed.
Fo r&t. That the Postmaster-General shall proceed to establish pest-offices
and post-routes, and put into execution the posta laws of the Unied States
within the said state, giving to loyal residents the preference of appintmeut;
but if suitable persons are not found, then to appoint agents, ft, fioa other
Ff. That the district idge of sald district proceed to held courts within
said state, in accordance with the provisions of eact of congres. The At-
torney-Gjneral will instruct the proper efcers to libel, and brin to ju ent,
oonfiscation, and sale,. propert and i &min-
istraton of justice within ad state, in all mattersi civil and criminal within the
ognzane d jurisdiction of the federal courts.
iTh. That the Secretary of War asg such assistant prvost-marshal
general and such provost- marshals in eash district of said state as he may
dleem, necessary
Seventh The Secretay of the NaVy will take pos in of allublicop-
erty ginto the a rt within s geopaphiat and t
in operation al acts of congress in relation to naval iffair haviag applicatioi to
the sad state.
Eighh The Secretar of the nteriorwill a put in hree the laws relating
to the Department ef the Interior.
Mush. That to carry into effect the guarantee by the federal constitution of
a republic=a form of state government, and affrd the advantage and sm "
of doniestic laws, as well as to complete the reistablishment of the authorit ani.d wilb
laws of the United States, and the ful and complete restoration of peace within given to Gev-
the limits aforesaid, Francs H. Plepont, governor of the State of V'nia, Or lerpea

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 777 1861-1865

will be aided by the federal goverment, so far as may be necessary, in the
lawful measuies which he may take for the extension and administration of the
state government throughout the gegraphical limits of said state.
In tesimony whreI ha e herunto set my hand, and caused the seal
[L. s.] of the United States to be fed. A
By the President:
W. Huwrxn,4 Aefiing Seersfrwy Of &t&

No. 5.

Nov. , Wa DB.pAtTMx T, AD r f-Gmw.'s Ozrixc.,

Washington, NOw ar 24, 1868.
dm'thr rm;Ta - Gewbrist Orders No. 164.
reward frthe Od,6,Ta
sjprehesioaio 1Ai persons claiin reward for the apprehension of John Wilkes Booth,
BOeth sad Lewis Payne, G. A. Atzerodt, and David R. Harold, and Jefferson Davis, or
of them, are notified
January 1,1866. eithereneral, to file their claims and their prooh with the adju.
for final atjudication by the special commission appointed to award
p. .and
etermne upon the validity of su , before the f day of January
of r next, after which time no claims will be received.
wards hor the - 2. The rewards offered for the arrest of Jacob Thomnpson, Beverly Tucker,
rest of Jacob George N. Saunders, Wiliam G. Cleary, and John H.L Surratt, are revoked.
Thowmsa& sad By order of the President of the United States:
oter revoked. . D. Towxsnx, .AssistantAdjtant.G eral

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 778 1861-1865




A. to be styled ...................
mt M8
AadLands, .Pay Mbe oncrede.... .......... 5 9
In insurrectionary states may be set
apart for fireedmen and refuees,..... M how app6nted, pay, .............. W
limit to amount assigned .......... 08 Ad%=Bwecs
rent, determined .......... 508 hW aponed pay tr&C.......... 9
occupants may purchase ............. 08 Actig Vo 2,Litan t i,,
Abanoedu oprf may be confirmed, ft . .......... 79
sales o; may be made where,,,..... 875 AddieonfOo* I .
lands,.houses. &c., to be taken care of 875, authorized In office of Secretary of
876 Treasury .. 27, 161
when roeryistobedeemedaban- of 1tand 2Acompe r., , 449
doned,............................ 876 of 1ot, 2d, 8d, 4th, and 6thauditor, 27, 449
Absence, Leave of, of treasurer and register .......... 27
provision for pay during ............. 145 of commissioner of pustema ... 27, 160
Atg-- o/; not to exceed ........... 14 Of Secetary of Navy.. 27, 879, 454
of jantgnr quartermtetr
property of, how aasessed, .......... 227
Accerdi Mciy Seap
pension to ......................... 59 ofneer,
of ce and chief engi- 28
oath in settlement of officers, for 61oth- In bureau of equipment and repaIr, 454
ing, 8sc, who may administer* ...... 491 of construwin and repair,.... 454
In office o ksisa t treasurer In
duty on............................. 212 Boston ....................... 457
Acb:oalerdrst in Postoffie Department . ....... 515
ofobf;sIofe conveyances, mortgages, Attornr-Geaere1s offe,....... 516
Of vessels neceasary before being anointment and appropriation for,. 28
recorded ........................... 518 former temporary appointments in-
cluded her i
................ 28
ate of, does not require stamp,.. 24 females may be employed a . 28
certain defective, In the Distrint of Co salnby not to exceed 600, ...... 28, 160
lumbia, cured ..................... 581 Additinal Dudo
in the District of Columbia, acts con- on certain articles under the revenue
cerning, how construed ............. 682 law .............................. 488
what to be sufficient ................. 582 an brandy, gI, Biuus . 42 9
by fame covert; of deed executed by AdditiOf Bsuo
ee ,
husband, to be cafficlent
to bar dower, 582 authoriz d,............. ...... 19S
by married. womcn, ............ .. 2
Acting Ansjeant Papaserein the Navy,- Woplationa farthe office of, 2&, 18,46%,458
masy be appoin-te asitat paYmasters Inthe offlce o ... 27
between the age of 256and ...... 89 appropriation cnigcesOfMCr office
Acin Antaut &apoins, of; at head-TqyartV: of mltar depart-
If disabled, 2&e., entitled topeons .... 499
Act*~ Assistant T Wasmm and Dmaiv Ad = Nores .... ~~ W
8e-w- Is-do _n iports...I
provisions concerning ................ 427 on goods frxom countries east of Capei of
Acting Comatanders, a emento p .................... 498,494
nt and py of .............. 79
penalty fo underval ......... 494
eand pay of,........... 79
duty on, and what exempt from duty,.. 280
may be confirmed and putinline otpo- hr Popoalsto arry malls, to be pub. 07
motion, &e....................... 79, forpojhaal t..................6.

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 779 1861-1865

yIrnot to exceed two cents each,.. 50S rdto be ra ii ......... 774
;;de the homestead act, by persons in allowed in complaints, or statements, on
the military or naval service, how summary trials for minor offences,... 126
made,& .......................... American Colonizato Society,
by persona under bodily diseabil- accounts of, for support of recaptured
ty ............................ 85 Afticans in Lberia, to be adjusted,... 569
Inlegae proceedius exempt from duty, 801 America Maps,
and plans,, for library of congress ..... 851
treaty with Great. Britain for suppres- American Banted A'nanar,
sion o4..................... ... 64 approraon for, .............. 85,466
See G4ret Britain.
0expense under aPyolatlon
Amw,J,g& A., for reliefand protection 0f 188
i Great Brti for Bupesino 189,
85,424 As"Oestv
pension to ..........................
Proda~ltOn, 580
Ago*t, OT., ofePreddent ion,................. 787
among Indils, to have Amllie with
them ............................. 695 not to apply to persons in custody, &., 787
se persons may apply to the Pres-
to purchaue for the United States, prod. ident for clemency ............. 788
nets of states in insurrection, ........ 877 of President Johnson, ............ 758
Agriutdhral Imp~eints, . Classes of pens excepted from its
to be furnished certain ndians ........ 694 operation ......................... 759
Agricukural Statistice, regulations of Secretary of State...... 769
appropriations for ..................... 16 ,
payment to be made to ............... 427
appropriations for ........... 23, A I, 456 Andrson, Cuad..,
rooms for ........................ 881,415 assignee of John James, payment to,... 594
A See D)mmn of Agriacte. Andrea., Solomon,
appprriation to test his new mode of
not entitled to representation in eleebral asteing mail-bas ................. 674
ollege,..: ........................ 567
provisiona governor appointed for ..... 767 of heads of departments, Uc., when and
the UMnIted States to help ......... 767 how to be printed ................. 185
convention, quslifatim ofq tors,&e., 767 number of copies, and how distrib.
A, Bes, and h rtr, Annit, uted, .......................... 186
duty on, tari ......... ......... 208
Internal revenue duty on .............. 242 to Shoshonee Indians, increased, ...... 668
Shoshonee-Gosbip bands, granted ..... 682
consni-generai at, to have name and title to Chippewas, Pillager, and Lake Win-
of agent and consul-general ....... 188 nebigoehsh Indians, extended ....... 694
Akoandria, D. 0., board of visitors to be present at pay-
commercial intercourse with, permitted, ment of certain ................ 694,
"subjeet, 6c., ...................... 786 See the several Indian Treaties.
Alimaq"g, Apache Zedians,
plea of4 not to exempt oertai persons appropriations for the ......... 166, 544
from military duty ................. 782 Southern agency of, abolished ........ 828
agent for, and Kioways and Camanches,
not to be exempted from enrolpent or to be appollted, ................... 828
draft, if they have voted, &o........ 9 salary oA .................... 828
Appeals. See Internal Revwnte.
nflpesio t...... ....... ... 58 in eases arising under Internal revenue
system o. in law, how made, heard, and deter-
act to establish uniform mined ........................ ,9
the armies of the United States ..... 0 in prize caseb, to be directly to supreme
authority of medical directors & .... 20 court,............................. 810
how franished and distributed to eacb from assistant assessor to assessor in
arm corps ........................ 20 matters connected with income tax,.. 481
provons for care and use o ....... 20,1 AppMers,
to be used only for certain purposes,... 21 and assistant, to be appointed at Port.
Ambuan"c 0m7 land, Maine, and pay ........... 46
officers and enlisted men, what and how two additional, authorized In New
detailed for service In,............. 20-22 York.......................... 161
to bi exailned, instructed, ac;.. 20,21 Appropr"atons.
designation and uniform oC ...... 21,22 for the armey, civil expenses, consular
ambulances, how furnished and distrib- and diplomatic expenses, fortfications,
uted ....................... 20 Indian department, leslative &c.,
horse and mule litters, ....... ...... 20 navy, &c., see those several Tide.
what officer. and men only to take the deficiency of, for y, Ac., of officers and
wounded to the rear .............. 21 men in Western Department ....... 1, 2
Amendni for invalid abd other pensions........ 8,421
proposed, to the Constitution ofthe Unit- for rebuilding stable at the President's,. 8
e States ......................... 567 for protetion of overland emigrants,... 14

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 780 1861-1865

Appropria'tons, (continued.) Apprrtos, (continued.)
deficiency for year ending June 80, 154 fo preparing siA lssuing United States
and for other purposes .............. 22 treasury notes, fractika notes, &c.,. 221
for service of Post-Office Department, 29,426 for expenses Incident to carrying into
for conveying mails on Pacice cost... 87 effect the internal revenue act, ......80
for negotiating treaty with Klamath, to settle the Navajos Indian captives
Modoo, and other Indian tribes ..... 87 upon a reservation in New Mexico,.. 82
to carry into effect Convention with to negote a treaty with certain Indiana
Ecuador ........................ 87, 88 of Middle Oregon, ................. 824
for support of military academy.....88, 467 to pay the officers and crew of the Bsex
for payment of officers and crew of the for the destruction of the Arkansas, 842
Bainbridge......................... 68 to erect warehouses In or near port of
for refugee and destitute Indiana in New York, to store imports subject to
Southern confederacy .............. 62 quarantine,........................ 419
for ricutural improvement Uinta for purchase or construction of six rev-
.................... 68 enue steam cutters for the Lakes,.... 419
to carry into effect postal money-order for relief of friendly Indians of the Sioux
system ......................... 79, 5W nation I Minnesota......... 42
for naval service for years ending June for negotiating fieties, &c., with In-
80, 1866, and June 80, 1866..... 80, 462 dias in Utah Territory, ............ 482
for payment of awards of commissioner to pay for lands, &c., taken for Indian
for damages by Sioux Indians,...... 92 reservations in Washington Territory, 492
for payment of Peruvian citizens, Ste- for expenses of five-forty loan ......... 469
phen G. Montano and Juan del Car- for assessment and collection of internal
men Vergel ..................... 95, 141 revenue ............................ 88"
for support of the army for years ending for publishing opinions of Attorneys-
June 80, 1866, and June 80,166 . M26 General ........................... 615
for consular and diplomatic expenses, 187, 422 for clerks in Post-Office Department, 615. 516
for legislative, executive, and judicial for wagon-roads in certain territories,.. 517
expenses for years ending June 80, to-ay settlers in Hoopa Valley, Call-
1865, and June 80, 1866 ......... 145,445 96 I,... ...................... u
for sundry civil expenses of the govern- Arpahoe Indians,
ment, ............................. A" appropriations for the ......... 176, 566, 566
for the construction, preservation, and
repair of fortifications8.......... 858 442 d. assitant, in construction branch of
for te purchase of site and erection o Treasury Department, authorized,... 27
buildings for branch-mint at Sanlran-
cisco, ...................... 875 appropriation for government in,. .. 157, 468
for rent of rooms for department of ar-. for Indianservicein ........... 180, 659
culture ........................... 881 for surveys of public lUnd In,.... 350
to carry into effect the act relating to post-roads estal ihe.......... 821, 525
smuggling ........................ 881
to carry into effect the act establishing a not entitled to representation in else. -
branch-mint at Dslls City, Oregon,. 888 toral college ........................ 667
for completion, &c., of Washigton Armie of,the Unted SW ,
aqueduct,......................... 884 Printing Ofofflo lreports of, to be edited, 185
to carry into efihet the act to encourage Armoe Plated essel,
emigration ....................... 867 appr on for completion of,........ 80
for purchase of copies of Congressional Armory, ,'a ieat
Globe and Appendix ................ 892 appropriation for ................. 129,497
for testing submarine Inventions, ...... 892 Arms,
for deficiencies in public printing and appropriation for purchase and manuae.
bounties to volunteers .......... 8, 400 ture o ......................... 29,12
for payment of taxes on certain lands
owned by the United States, ........ 402 for.Tunse esending June 80, 866, and
for payment of volunteers ft not less IM
16 ........... Il6-18, 49r-49s
than one hundred days, ............. 06 recruiting, transportation, citizen sur-
for payment of expenses incurred by geons-------------------....126, 496
joint committee on the conduct of the books of tactics and instruction--, ...'.1 126
war ....................... 406 contingencies of a4jutant-general's de-
for petty officers and crew of the gun- partment, .......................... 12
boat Baron De Kalb................ 408 copying official reports of armies ......126
for relief of sufferers by the accident at bounties, &c., for enlistments-.....126, 496
Washington arsen ............ 416, 417 collecting, subsisting, drilling, ac., vol-
for expenses of Indi Dept. nt for unteers, ........................... 126
years ending June 80v, and June pay, commutation, &c..126,127,496,497,
80,1866 ....................... 161, 641 498
for expenses of commission to carq into officers using soldiers as
ebct treaty with Great Britain re- not entitled to allowances ....... 127
specting Hudson's Bay and Puget's construction of former act as to
Sound agricultural companies ...... 196 additional compensation to offi-
for the preservation of certain publie cers in command of companies
works on Northern lakes and sea- for duties, &c., as to arms, cloth-
board,............. ..... 20,'01 ing, Ac........................ 127
VOL. 11. Pun. -68

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 781 1861-1865


i d . 127, 496 Arnton Mu providing for publication of a

quartermastes departuient...... 127, fu.l............................. 412
Incidental expenses 44 .... 127,495,496 WIl,to be publised, ...... ....... 670
purchase of cavalry and artilery horses, 128 copies may be sold, ................... 670
mileage and transportation ............ 496 those farnishing arms to the Indians
freight, procuring water, clearing roads, ordered ........................... 768
&e ............................ 128 496 of Jeferson Davis and others, reward
quarters, &e., hire or oommutation ot.. 128, offered for the, ..................... 76
496 of felons from other countries commit-
construction of huts, ......... 4 tig f elonles inthis, ................. 776
beating and cooking stoves... 12849 claims for rewards for arrest of Booth
telegraph fr military p oe,.... 128,498 and other to be filed by January 1,
prisone war,
e,of................. 128,496 1866 .............................. 777
steam ram ..........................128 128 Araesa4
clothing and camp equilage ...... , 497 aet requirink removal of; from St. Louis,
.............. . 1A8497 repealed,....................482
medicines, Instruments, and dressings, 128, Arsea atBak lcic4
497 Bock Island, Iffnals, to betaepos-
hospital stores, clothing, furniture, bed- sion of by Secretr -of Wrar adhed 50
ding, &c............. ; ............ 128 arsenal, "c., to be biMlt thereon....... 60
books, stationery, and printing........ 128 oompenswon for pvte property taken, 50
ice, and other comforts for solers. 128 procedure, where damages are agreed 0
citizen nurses ....................... 128
private hospitals, sick soldiers in ...... 128 where damages are not agreed upon, 50,
artificial limbs for soldiers and seamen,. 128 51
citizen physicians and medicne ..... 129 commissioners to assess damages, •
clerks and laborers in purveying de-
.pots, ............................. 1 9 $cers ........................ 51
meteorological observatons, ........ 129
medical museum ..................... 129 tial bty juy, A ................. 52
laboratory for medicines, &e ........... 129 appeal to supreme court of the .
washing and washinmacnes ....... 129 United
h States ............... 62
commanding geneals office,. 12,497 claims for damages to be adjusted with-
secret service .......... ... 129, 497 in three years ..................... 52
armament of lbrtiflcatlons........12, 497 saving in favor of MnoM,married
ordnance service and stores ....... 129,497 women, and persons under dis-
deficiency for ordnance for 1865 ....... 497 ablt ......................... 2
purchase and manufature of arms, 129,497 Arsenal at WmaMsgt
repairs, improvements, &C., at armory, 20. relief to suferers by a late accident
497 at ............................ 426,417
at arseM ........ ........ 129,497 Arsenal, Amy,
gunpowder and lead ........... 129,497 appropriations for ............... 497
ignal-service and office, ........... 129 repaurs, Improvements, A., at,.......129
pay, rations, uniforms, &o., of persons
of color ........................... 1S apprrlti one fo ............ 28,1%
bounties, &e., not over $100 ...... 129
bounties to certain volunteers, without ap ropratiaons for .......... 24, 128, 498
regard to color .................... 129 Assay ~fiS, e OUP
pay, bounties, Ac., of colored soldiers appropriations for ................ 166,456
heretofoe enlisted,............. 12
Attorney-Genral to d e ques- under interna revenue act, ......... 224
tion of law .................... 19 Assessmenft. See Internal Roe .
Secretary of War to provide pay, of tax under the internal revenue law,
&a.,If,4c. ................ M, 180 how made ..................... Bi-r0
enlistments in regular army may be for erroneous, may be rectified ......... 228
three years, orduring rebellon, 180 not to be increased, unles c,... 228, 229
commutation of oeer' subsistec to
be fifty cents a ration ............... 497 of Internal revenue, to appoint assist-
this n6t to apply to certain offi. ants............ .......... 49
er .....................
offiers atvohtnteera now Ia commission 497 Assessor and Assistant Assessors,
under internal revenue act ....... 226
under rank of liigadler- general to to ases, &.,duly on oton, ........... 18
have three monts'pay when- mus- Assipm.x4
.tered out of service ................ d97 of prize money due perions in naval
officers In field may buy rations on service,..................... -810
credt, ................ 497 of bouty money ................ 810
how settled for ........ . ........ 497 of aes........................810
tobacco at cost for enlisted n ........ 497 o be void, unless, c...........810
additional appropriation for 'p " of ar- of lease, stamp-duty on ............... 482
my ............................... 497 Anid ss
An, Rct.n,
of internal revenue, appointed by as-
to be same as by law of 1861:;.........144 sessor ............................. 469

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 782 1861-1865

Assitant Attona.-General,
salary of ............................ 40 United States, flo Distriet of Columbia,
salary of, estalihed .................. 616 fees and emoluments of ......... 195,196
Assistant Comissionerof Feedmen, c., Attornep-Geral
in each state in insurrection,and appoint- aptions for the office of the,. 167, 487
ment, bond, and pay of ......... . 508 to decide questions of law as to pay, d,
military offlcer may be assigned to this of colored soldiers, ................. 129
duty .............................. 508 rooms for ofice of .................. 49
accounts and reports ............... 608 clerks In office of, and their salaries,... 616
Assistant Deposittnes, salary of assstant ................... 616
who may act as, In case of sickness, or additional pay to come from unexpended
absence of ......................... 427 balances .......................... 516
bond, penalties, &c .................. 427 may contract for publishing the opinions
Assistant Pstmasters-Generat, of the attorney-general.... ......... 614
ialary of ............................ 460
chief clerk in offices of each, authorized, 515 in national courts to take oath.......424
salary .......................... 516 oath to be fled, ..................... 424
Assistant Reiaf the Treson, Weely taking, to be perjury .......... 424
limitation of office'of, for one year, re- AU."Genera,
pealed ............................ 28 opinions of the, to be published ... 614, 515
Assistant Secretariesof Executive Departments, style of publication, copyright, &c.,..514, 615
salaries of .......................... 40 editing, distribution, &c .............. 515
Assistant Sea" of the Tr'easury, appropriation for ................ 15
additional, authorized ............. 28,27 Aftnes of te Ued Sates.
salary, power, and dudes, of ....... 28, 27 A S See District Attorneys.
Assist &cre-r of War,
sala; of additional ................. 28 duty on, under internal revenue act,... 278
appointment of second, authorized, &c., 481 Ataitarsof the Zivauy,
Assistant Treaserers, appropriations for offices of,.. 149, 150, 449
appropriation for clerks, &a.,for ....... 24
additional clerks in office of, ut New additional clerks in offices of ....... 27, 449
York .............................. 161 Autor of 2eas for Pot-Offle Department,
additional clerical force in office of4 at appropriations for office R the, 149, 1650, 449
Philadelphia, ....................... 851 duty of under the money-order system, 78
clerks and employees in office of, at New to superintend the collection of all debts
Orleans ............... : ........... 161 due to the United States or Post-Office
who may act as, in case of sickness or Department, ..................... 78
absence of ....... ...... .... 427 Aveuw in Washinjton,
bond, penalties, &c................... 427 appropriations for, ............... 87
additional clerks authorized in office at
Boston ............................ 457
in office at St. Louis .............. 468
Ajlum for the Deaf, Dumb, and ti Mld B.
appropriations for the ................ 849
Asylum for the Iusane, Baca, Lds Maria,
in the District of Columbia, certain per. heirs of. may re-locate certain land In
sons may be admitted to ............ 427 New Mexico ....................... 125
Asyun=W tions for .................... 848 efibet of such re-location .......... 128
Bagage, to former location void .......... 126
appropriations for ................. 85,466
Atchison and PiWs Peak Railroad, of passengers to be inspected, &c., on
may buy certain lands of the Kickapos, 62 arrival ............................ 197
conditions of purchase ......... 625 Ba&,t Lieutenat ColoWie Jseph
contract or purchase when void,... 628 than of eon res to ................ 408
patents for lands to contain what
conditions ..................... 62
istri tof Columbia, may serve proc-
provision for bona ide purchasers ess issued by mid court ............ 194
from railroad .................. 62
fe theretor,................ 194
lands when purchased to be part of Bavridge, The Unitd States B ..
Kansas ........................ date when to be deemed to have been
Mocha, Alexander o., ost, ............................ 2,58
claim of, to be examined by court of widows and children &e., of those lost
claims, and paid, if, &c ............. 5M
to receive i sum, in addition to pay
Attachments, due, equal to twelve months' ay,.6
of property claimed by the United accounts of paymaster Charles"C. Wal-
States, how may be discharged,.... 122 den to be settled ................... 58
provision In case judgment is obtained Baker, Mary A.,
in the proceedings .............. 122, 128. pension to .......................... 699
of property of certain delinquent or de- Ba, M-gAssociation,
imlting agents of Post-Office Depart- how may be formed ................. 100
ment ......................... 48-44 act authorizing, may at any time be
proceedings to obtain, execute, and dis- altered or repealed ............. 118
ch",V warrant of .......... 488,484 persons forming, to make certificate un-
ee Post-Offic Department. der seal ........................... 101

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 783 1861-1865

Baekia Ascas, (continued.) Balng Assockties, (continued.)
Certificat to specify what, ........... 101 after transfer, to receive ninety per cent.
to be acknowledged, &e........... 101 of current value of bonds In circulat-
copies, &e., duly certified and au- ing notes,.......................... 105
thenticated, to be evidence of ex- amount of notes not to exceed capital
istence of bank &o ............. 101 stock paid in....................... 105
copy of articles of association, to be sent entire Issue of eirculating notes not to
to comptroller of currency ........... 101 exceed 8 000,000 ............ 105,108
associations, when to be corporations and notes how to be prepared,.. .......... 106
when to commence business ....... 101 to express what upon their face,... 106
may hareseal and succession for twenty to bear what devices, &a ...
c...... 106
years, unless, &e .................. 101 limit to amount of notes under
general powers .................. 101, 102 451 .................. 106
,president, directors, and ofiem,... 101, 102 Plates and dies for notes, to be In cus-
place of biuness..................... 102 tody of comptroller ................ 111
directors, qualifications, oath .......... 108 expenses of procuring plates and dies,
term of office of, vacancies, &c,.. 108 &c., how borne .................... 111
voting and proxies.................... 108 association to pay semi-annually one
capital stock, to be not less than half per cent, on Its average cirulea-
6100,000 .......................... 101 tion, ............................ 111
when not to be less than 4M0,O00,. 101 one fourth per cent. on its average
when may be $10,000.............. 101 depogits ...................... 111
how to be paid in ................ 108 one fourth per cent. on its average
how may be increased ........... 108 capital beyond amount invested
hbw may be reduced ............. 108 in United States bonds .......... 111
how to be divided ................ 102 proceedings in case of defiult,.... 111
shares, how assignable ....... 102, 108 to make semi-annual returns of cir-
limit upon transfer ............ 102, 108 culation, deposits, and capitl
stock of delinquent shareholders may stock, ......................... l
*be sold, &c ....................... 108 penalty for default ........... 111
mode of sale ................. 108, 104 when may issue circulating notes as
Unitel States registered bonds to be de- money, ............................ 106
posited with treasurer by association notes to be received at par for all dues
to an amount equal to one third of to-the United State, except duties on
stock, before commencing business,.. 104 inorts, . ......... 106
deposit may be increased or di- assoeation not to loan on pledge of its
mInished, ................... *... 104 stock ............................. 110
comptroller to examine articles of asso- -nor own Its stock, or stoek of other
elation, &C ........................ 104 association, unless &c .......... 110
may require oath of officers. 104 shareholders entitled to one vate (or
may appoint special- commission to each share,--------.---...........102
make inquiry................... 105 may vote by proxy------ 102
when satisfied that association may officers cannot act as proxy....... 102
commence business to give cer- when shareholder cannot vote,.... 102
tificate ........................ 106 directors, -number, residence, interest,
associations to cause certificates to be oth,-...................l, 102
published1.......................... 0 term of ofce, election, vacancies,. 102
shares in associations to be personal association to have what amount of
property ....................... 102,108 money on hand ..................... 108
how transferable, and effect of trans- when not to make new loans ..... 108
fer ....................... 102,108 what may be deemed lawful money, 109
not to be exempt from taxes imposed if reserve flls below amount required,
by state authority ............. 112 comptroller to notify ......... ...... 109
limit to such tax .............. 112 if deficiency not made good, re-
shareholders personally liable to twice esiver to be appointed: ........ 109
the amount of shares ................ 108 debts of association not to exceed capi-
executors, guardians, trustees, &a., hold- t except, £ 0 ..................... 110
ing stock not to be personally liable,. 118 circulation not to be pledgec--------110.
funds in their hands to be liable,... 118 Capital not to be diminished by divi.
real estate of, for what purposes may be dends, &c ........................ .110
held .......................... 107, 108 dividends payable semi-annually,."..... 109
not to be exempt from state and before declaring dividend, one tenth
municipal taxes ................ 112 of-net profits for preceding half
before commencing business, to transfer year to be carried to surplus fund,
to treasurer United States bonds,.... 106 until, &. ...................... 109
transkr to be made In trust, ....... 105 rate of interest on loans and discounts,. 108
how executed ................... 105 usury, to forfit the debt, ............. 108
not to be valid unless countersigned *At not to be deemed usury ....... 108
by comptroller ................. 105 action to be commenced within two
transfe book to be kept .......... 105 years ......................... 108
transfers to be Qountersigned and liability, of any individual go the asso-
entered ........................ 106 elation, not to exceed what amount,. 108
amount of bonds, and where to be certain notes not to be put in circula-
kept...-.................... 104, 105 tion .......... 1...................

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 784 1861-1865


&nkin (continued.) payments,

Assockias,assignments, Banidu Assoiatons, jconlnued.)
eiansfers, assoclatlonsto report quarterly to eomp-
Ac., after an act of insolvency, or in troller, under oath ............ 109, 110
contemplation thereof, to be void ....115 contents of report. ... ...... 110
ifdirectors knowingly violate this act abstracts to be published, 110
franehise to be forfeited, and they held separape reports to be published in
individually ...................... 118 loalp rs ................... 110
comptroller to cause associations to be in large cities, monthly reports to
examined, when.he thinks proper,.. . 116 be published1 .................. 10
compensation and examiners, and circulatn notes, if not redeemed, hold-
howPa ..................... I6 er may protest, ................. 109, 118
embezzlement, &c., of funds, by offeers proceedings for protest, ........... 118
or directors, how punished ....... 116 expenses of protest, how paid- 115
list of shareholders to be kept, ........ 111 notes not to be protested in centin
to be open to inspection .......... 111 cases .......................... 114
copy to be sent each year to comp- association not to continue banking
troller ........................ 111 business ....................... 118
any association may go into liquidation circulation to be redeemed In New York
and be closed, by vote of shareholders at par ............................. 109
owning two thirds of stock, ......... 112 one half of lawful money reserve to be
proceedings in such case,* ........ 112 kept in New York .................. 109
notice to be published and where,. 112 'notice of name of association In cities
holders of notes cailea upon to pre- where notes will be redeemed at par,
sent them, 4c .................. 112 to be given ...................... 109
after a year from publication of no- in case of failure to do so, comptrol-
tice may pay treasurer amount of ler may appoint receiver, &c.,. .. 109
outstanding notes, and take up notes of other associations to be taken
bends ........................ 112 at par, &c ......................... 109
treasurer to execute duplicate re-
cei to therefor comptroller, on notie of failure to re-
............. 112 deem circulation, to ascertain the &c4 114
mutlated and defLced notes re- may appoint special agent for the
deeffie-, ....... .......... 112 purpose ....................... 114
any association may be depoitay of to declare bonds pledged to be for-
public moneys.,-s ...... 118 fbited ......................... 114
suits under this act, on behalf of the to notify holders to present notes
United States, to be conducted by dis- for payment ................... 114
trict attorneys ..................... 116 proceedings in paying the notes,... 114
suits against associations, where may be mayeancel an amount of bonds
brought ....................... 116, 117 equal to notes paid ............ 114
penalty for mutlating, &c., circulating or may sell at auction in New
notes, with intent, Ac ............. 117 York ..................... 114
forging, &c., circulating notes .....117 or at private bale............ 114
uttering, &c., forged notes ........ 117 but for not lessthn par . 114
engraving, &c., or having custody may appoint a receiver...... .116
of plates, paper, &c., with intent, proceedings in such case .....115
&e............................. 117 bond and duties of receiver ...... 116
comptroller to report annually to con- If fAilure is denied, how question
gress ............................. 117 maybe tried ................... 116
contents of report, and when to be bonds transferred as security for chwrula-
made .......................... 117,118 tion,to be so held ................... 107
any lawfuliy existing bank, Ae., may interest thereon, to whom paid,... 107
become an association ......... 112,118 may be surrendered, Ac, on cancel-
proceedings in such case .......... 118 Hag circulation, If,a........ 107
notes to be received at par for all dues If market value of bonds depreciates,
from the United States, except nter- and difibrence is not made good on
est on public debt, ................. 106 notice, comptroller to do what, ...... 107
not to issue as money any notes except proceedings when former market value
circulating ........................ 106 is regained........................ 107
post notes, not to be issued .......- 106 worn out or mutilated notes may be ex-
bons trasferred as security for clrcu- changed for new................... 106
lation, to have fat stated on cerM- proceedings to make the exchange, 106
cate,.............................. 106 old notes to be burned, ........... 106
how such bonds may be transferred,... 105 certiflcate of burning to be made,. 106
record of transfer ..........-......... 105 circulating notes not to be signed or de-
association to be notied of transhr,...- 105 livered, except as provided for, .. 107
comptroller and treasurer may examine penalty for violation of tbis law,... 107
each other's books .................. 106 expenses of examinations and ofreceiv-
association to examine yearly itm bonds, ership, how paid, ............... 116, 116
and compare same with books of ater transfer and delivery of bonds,
Treasury Department .............. 106 may receive circulating notes .......498
If found correct, to give treasurer cer- limit of amount of notes to be received t 498
tifcate,........ .......... 106, 107 apportionment of authorized circulation; 49
examination may be made by agent ap- tb ,
pointed in writing ................ 107
existing, applying before July 1, 18W4~

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 785 1861-1865

!Bans, (continued.) Biensid RVidr,
to become national banke, to have optn ft .................... 850
ap Taesk,
prarnce.....................a national
with branches becoming duty on, ........................... 274
bank, may keep alive branches ..... 484
Banks and Banking, of vessel not to be recorded unless so.
provisions of internal revenue et con- knowledged ....................... 519
cerning, ................... 277, 278,24 BinLi, Pubi,
Banks, Major-GeneralNathanie P., appropriations for ............. 25, 148, 447
Bthanks of congress to ................ 401 none to be done except upon requisition, 25,
B Powers, 118
expenses of intercourse with ..... 188, 422 .form and style of how determined,.... 186
Barhar, James,
gratuity to .......................... 598 • dponsfor the,....162, 179, 541, 559
copy of awt granting, to be sent
to ......................... 598 in the District of Columbia, where to be
"Barn De Kalb," do Guknoa, educated, ........................ 486
sailors, for loss of clothing en,.. 408 =nse how to be borne............48
appropriations for .............. 24, 82, 464 of N~orfolk, Fernandina, and Pensacola,
Barry, Garrett R., to cease so ftr thA &a............761
released as surety for John De BNe,... 604 of ports in the United States resinded, 768
Bath, Maine purpose of such blockade,....... 768
wharf at, belonging to the United States Blue Iolnnokge,
may be lased or sold ........... 589 may locate military bounty land war-
Secretary of Treasury to execute proper rants on their lands ................ 5
conveyances, ...................... 589 Board of Tax Commissioners,
"Baxter, E. M.," The hooner, • duties, salary, &e. of, in collecting taxes
American register to issue to ....... 570 in insurrectionary districts...... 501-04
Bay~ de .lIoquet and M&ar ~takid See birec Taxer in lnswrectionargDisbicts.
lands granted to )iehigan to aid in Boards of knrolm t,
completion of .................. 20, 521 duties of, under act enrolling, &e., the
Beeen, F e A., national forces ..................... 7, 11
payment to, for difference of salay,... 580 members not tobe employed in procur-
Beer, ing substitutes ................... 10
duty on, ......................... 208, 62 penalty upon members of, for Illegally
See Duies on Imports, Internal Revenw. discharging drafted persons........ 11
copies of records of, to be evidence,... 9
convention between the United States who may administer oaths in proceed-
and, of May 20, 1868 .............. 647 ings before ....................... 491
tonnage dues in Belgian ports to cease, 648 Balsa de uToma/s, T Bown*,
fees for pilotage to be reduced ....... 648 lines of public surveys to be extended
port dues, &c., reduced, ............... 648 over ............................. 186
transportation of salt ................ 648 aotual cost to be paild by settlers,.. 186
takff of import duties,............... 648 settlers may enter their lands after survey, 186
capitalization of Scheldt dues ....... 649 limit to amount to be entered ..... 186
contribution of the United States,. 649 elaims of, to be presented within
how and when payable ....... 649 what time .................... 186
duration of this convention ........ 649, 660 Bonded Warehouses,
fArther stipulations as to United States, when goods in, may be entered for con.
consuls hrBelgium ............... 660 sumption and bonds be cancelled,.... 12
treaty between the United States and, certain goods In, may *be entered for
of July 20, 188 ............... 65 consumption and bonds canceiled be-
the Scheldt dues renounced, ....... 655, 656 fore September 1,1864 .............. 183
tonnage dues suppreibed, not to be regs- duties and charges to be pald,...... 188
tablished ...................... 656, 656 goods n,'subject to what duty ....... 216
pilotage and local taxes reduced, not to inder internal revenue act, provisions
be Increased ................... 665,656 concerning ................. 246, 247, 297
Belgtu, King of, time for withdrawal of goods ftom, for
named as umpire under convention with exportation, extended,........... 420
Peru,.......................... 686 See Internal Revene.
See Pru. Bod. See Loan.
Belligerent Right, of bolleetors, naval offloers, surveyors,
disallowed to persons, trading, &c., in &e., to be approved by commissioner
ports of the United States .......... of eustoms ........................ 184
Bergen, Norway, Secretary of Treasury may issue cou-
International exhibition at, to be made pon or register, for loah of $00,000,-
known to the people of the United 000 ............................ 218
States ............................ 572 thanle forty,
in not less thau five; nor more
BMW~, Elm"a payable
. pension to .......................... 600 interest not over six per centum
otee of naval officer at, abolished,. 444 in coin, ........ ............. 218
denominations, .................... 218
office of surveyor at, abolished, ....... 444 where and how may be disposed o4..,. 218

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 786 1861-1865

•Bonds, (ontinued.)
all bonds, treasury notes, &a.,to be ex- the word to mean what, in acts respect-
empt from state or municipal taxes,.. 218 ing copyights,................ 40
Secretary may issue in lieu of part of to include subsequent edii ons. 540
bonds, $200,000,000 of treasury notes, 218 BbLIi.,"I
denomination, and when payable,.. 218 duty on, ............................. 218
interest payable in lawful money,.. 218 BoAs and Doenmts,
how may be disposed of .......... 218 to be distributed to members of present
to be legal tender for what ...... 218 Congress, .............. 570
to be convertible Into bends ... 2.
219 appropriations for for navy ........ 81,462
may be substituted for notes of pre-
vious issues .................... 219 Bookso
interest-bearing notes not to be tender production of may be required upon
for redemption of circulation of hearing of appeals under the internal
banks ............................ 219 revenue law ....................... M
Interest on bonds heretofore issued may Books of Tadim, &.,
be paid semi-annually ............ 219 appropriations for ................. 24, 128
bonds heretofore issued may be ex- Books, baoms, -d Prin fug,
changed for seven and three tenth ppropritions for .................... 128
notes .............................. 219
Secretary of Treasury may receive tom- B pension
Boston to, ..........................
and (Jlarsto, 600
pory loans ....................... 219
cert~ifcates of deposit to be issued additional s rs of revenue at, .... 198
therefor ....................... 219 Botanic GArn
payable after ten days' notice..... 219 appropriation for, .................... 849
aggregate not to exceed $50,000,000, 219
reserve tor their payment .......... 219 duty on ............................. 208
fractional currency' may be issued to Bomdaii L&4ne
amount of not over 850,000,000 ..... 220 between the United States and British
provisions concerning, . .. . 220 osseions bounding on Washington
coupon and registered bonds to be of erritory, expenses of commissioners
what form, and how executed, ....... 220 to run ............................ 424
former bonds made valid ............. 220 Besiea and Premium,
form of treasury notes ................ 220 for recruits in regular army, volunteers,
to have statements printed there- and drafted men ................... 126
on........................ 22D to colored soldiers ................... 126
and imprint of seal of treasury,.... 220 to be paid certain volunteers, without re-
registered bonds may be issued for cou- gard to color ....................... 129
pon bonds.......................... 220 sick soldiers discharSed and dying in
mutilated and defaced bonds may be re- hospital, ........................... 86
placed, ............................ 220 certain non-commissioned officers and
instructions to officers receiving or pre- soldiers of regskar army re~ilisting, to
paring United States notes ........ 221 be entitled to ...................... 144
expenses of preparing, &c., how borne,. 221 appropriation for ..................... 400
not to exceed one pier ent .. 221 me or paying limited ............... 400
penalty for counterfeiting, &c., any ob-- time for paying extended ....... 400, 408
ligation or security of the United oduies, 4v.,for Recui,
States ....................... ; .....221 appropriations for ................... 495
meaning of "obligation" or "secur- Bouogsesfor Dest of Enaeie' Yease,
ity," .................... 222 appropriation for ..................... 85
for uttering, Ac., such obligation, BRunt,
&e..... ............... 221 paid to persons under eighteen, to be re-
for unlawful custody or use of plates paid before discharge ............. 10, 880
for printing ................... 221 to mariner enlisting into navy, to be de-
for engraving plates .............. 221 ducted from prize money ........... 7
for printing or photographing notes, 2 to master of loyal slaves enlisting ...... 1
for bringin into the United States to seamen, &c., appropriation for,...... 80
such printed or photographed to persons enlisting in navy or marine
notes .......................... 222 corps,............. ......... 42
for wrongfuly retaining plate,.....222 to widows and children, &c., of soldiers
for using plate, &c., in counterfeit- discharged for wounds received in
ing notes ...................... 222 battle, and dying before receiving
pending prosecutions not affected, ...... 222 bounty, ............................ 487
treasury notes may be issued in lieu of how and to whom to be paid, .......... 487
those authorized by act of June 80, privates and others discharged for
1864 .............................. 425 wounds received in line of duty, to
limit to issue ........................ 425 recelve same bounty as if fail term
how may be disposed of .............. 425 had been served ................... 488
no additional legal-tender notes author- of 6100 allowed to heirs of volunteers
ized .. -..... o............ . 425 killed in battle, to be extended to
exempt from taxation ................ 425 widow ............................ 488
certain five-twenties may be sold ...... - 425 to children of such volunteer,
Secretary of Treasury may issue to an whether enlisted for two years
amount not exceeding $600,000,000,.. 468 or leak ....................... 88

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 787 1861-1865

Brker' Saes,
Bomy continued.)
walfily depriing volunteers or susti- duty on certain, under internal revenue
tuteo of, punished .................. 490 act,.... ;,.................... 278,478
no person appointed, or rated officer or Brooli, A*5~
clerk in navy to receive, while hold- lands in Missouri, granted to, or his
ing an appointment, ................ 89 representatives ..................... 582
appropriation to pay oflicers, &c., of gun. Browon, Wilia G.,
boat Essex,for destoying the Arkan- payment-to, for stole, &c............. 579
sas.......................... 842 Broonsvilke Toesa,
claims for, in late war with Great Brit- blockade of, so far to cease that, &c.,... 740
ain, act providing for satisfying ..... 878 shipments of certain articles not allowed, 740
warrants already issued, to be lo- Buffalo,
bated hereafter ................ 879 sea-wall at .......................... 854
former entries confirmed ......... 879 Buff* Creek,
BOX-re , additional inspectors authorized at,..... 198
to be part of postal revenues .......... 887 Building Corner of F and Fiftenth Streets,
Branch ounty, appropriations for general purposes of,. 158,
Michigan, made part of eastern judicial 154, 464
district ............................ 145 Builin Coiuw of F and Serentent Street,
BrancA Mint, appropriations for general purposes of,. 158,
erection of buildings for, at San Fran- 458
cisco, authorized, ................... 876 Butig,
appropriation for, at San Francisco, 155, 875 may be contracted for, of American
at Denver ...............22, 158 manufacture ...................... 467
.at Dalles City, in Oregon, act to estab- but not by contract with lowest bid-
lish................................ 882 der ........................... 4e7
officers, &c., salaries, oath, &e.,.....882 Bureaufor da Relwf of Freedmen and Ref ee,
to be under control of director of mint,. 882. act establishing .................. V7,508
rules, &c., for, how made .............. 882 duty of bureti, .................. 507, 508
to be place of deposit for public moneys, commissioner and clerks ........ 507
&c............................ 888 their pay and oath of offce, ..... 507
superintendent to be assistant treas- commissioner and chief clerk to give
uMer ......... 4............ 888 bends ............................ 507
certificates of deposit for gold, 888
NO. issues of clothing, provisions, and fuel,. 507
appropriation for ..................... 888 assistant commissioner in each state in
at Carson City, Nevada, title of lands Insurrection ....................... 50
to be obtained for .................. 569 bqnd and pay ................... 508
Brandg. See .Dut on Ymports. militaiy officers may be assigned
duty on0......................... -202,208 to this duty ................... 508
distilled from grapes to pay internal accounts and special reports of,.... 508
revenue duty of twenty-five cents a assistants to report quarterly, ...... 508
gallon ............................. 244 abandoned lands in Insurrectionary states
distilled from grapes, apples, and peaches, to be pet apart for free&hen and refu-
duty on ........................... 472 gees .............................. 508
additional Import duty on ........ 492, 198 limit of land assigned ..... : ...... 508
Brass,and Mfanqfacftwes of, rent, and how based .............. 508
intvaLrevenue duty upon ........... 477 ocupats m ay p5ohla ,. 508, 509
Br ai Burmu of N * y AWai,
ocean mail-steamship service between established ........................... 145
the United States and, .............. 98 a judge advoeate-general to be head of,. 145
Brarking sisltant judge advocate-general, ... 146
boxes, bales, packages, 8c, penalty for duties of ............................ 146
wilally..................... 198 clerks in, Secretary of War to appoint,. 146
Brown, Major AV. 9.,Bureau in the Navy Dq~rtment
allowance of- $2,600,000 to, in settle- app7mptions
U//am, fr,. 81, 82,154, 45 462, 488
, im/
ment of accounts .................. 84
Breve, payment to ........................... 679
officers by, In regular army to receive Buringm n and M'wuri Riwer Railrad Company,
same pay, &c., as volunteers ........ 488 entitled to receive lands .............. 96
Bridge, limits of selection...... : ............. 96
over the Ohio River above the Falls, authorized to change location ......... 885
may be contructed ......... ....... 481 map of change of location to be filed in
height, spans, draws, Uc.. ........ 481 one year .......................... 885
to be a post-route .................... 481 may extend its road, .................. 864
across the Ohio River at Cincinnati, right of way and lands granted to ..... 864
Ohio, and Covington, Ky., made a Indian titles to be extinguished ........ 884
lawful structure and post-road ....... 481 maps of change of location of, to be filed
Bridgs, in three months ................... 528
provisions of internal revenue law con- time for completing read extended one
cerning ........................ 275, 277 year .............................. 578
BrAdges across the Poiomac, requiring mapof change of location
appropration for drawkeepers of,.. 159, 459 to be filed win one yar, repealed,. 578
Brigha, He-y A., Burn, Jois I.,
payment to,.......................... 698 penion to9........................... 577

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 788 1861-1865

uItJx. -78s
Burnuide, Mafjor.General Ambrose ., Cand Boars,
thanks of congress to ................. 401 hulls and boilem of eutd, to be in-
Bask A=W spected,....................... 120
accounts of, as public printer of Oregon, fees for Inspection,............. 120
tobe setd ....................... 680 Canogdlaonof ,Samp,
provisions concering .......... .
who to tael and how ............... 29
C. penalty for using stamp without oncel
ling .. ....................... 298
CaddE nee , commissioner may prescribe other ect
appointment of, authorized ............ 898 il modes ..................... 208
number and who may be appointed, .... 898 on proprietary articles ................ 298
age and examinatio ................. 898 Cannon,
academic coue ..................... 898 importation of, into Ottoman Empire
Cadets, m ry berob lbted, ............. 617
at Military Academy, pay of .......... 89
deficient at examinations, not to be aid itional le on -goods from coun-
continued, &c., unless, & ........ 89 tries eastof, imported, &c........... 498
found deficient at examination, former Cap Perpetua,
cc air,;"' concerning,
M repealed ............ 467 collection-dirict of, abolished&.......125
pay of petty officers and etew of of banks, &c4 duty on, ............ 277
the ....................... ....... 85 of banking associations, amount, in-
Oalpaias, crease, and reduction of ........ 101, 108
appropriations for the,.... 171, 172, 90r551 of banks, &ft,what to be 4eemed under
Cald l, Walter K., revenue act, ....................... 486
payments to, for carrying the malls, ... 576 Ca2pit Extension,
CamAm Co"y, appropriations for.............25, 850
Michigan, made part of-eastern judicial
district ........................... 145 in Washington . C., incorporatedc.. - 589
Clf itsa, names of corporators ............ 9
terms of federti, circuit, and district purposes of corporation .............. 589
courts in .......................... 4,6 capital stock, shares, transfer .......540
special sessions of such courts ........ 4,5 directors, annual meeting; by.-aws, ....540
business, &e.,.thereat .......... 4,5 Capado Pokier
act for better organization of Indian ;i_ appropriations for ............26, 159
Mirs in, .......................... 89 Captaiasin te Navy,
See Indian Ajbrire. certain payments made to, tified;.. 182
qct for the relief of settlers upon lands Captured Propr",
within the grant for the-Bancho San saes - 7 be made where, ....... 875
Mamon ............................. 69 Qwpwer,J.N.,
claimants may 'ontest location........ 69 paymaster in the navy, to be credited In
If the United States has any title, bona settlement of*accounts, with money
fide settlers to have patents ......... 69 stolen, ............................ 587
lines of public surveyq to be extended
over tract known as the Rancho Bolas .dutyon under the revenue law ....... 274
de Tomales ....................... 186 Camne Ciy, Newada,
land in, known 9a College Baneho, may title to certain lands at, to to obtained
be sold ............................ 148- forbranch mint,................ 59
appropriations for Indian pervices in,... 179, Crtee, L.F.,
557, 559 payment to, for surveys of public lands, 576
lbr surveys of public lands in,..... 849 work of to be tested before payment,
land in, known as Point San Quintin, &r........................ 676
granted to, for state-pr son purposes, 194, Cartar,Darsey Edwin WI~a,
195 name o4 oned froiam that of Dorsey
grant of Yo-Seuite Valley to ......... 82 Edwin Wlliam Towson,........9
grant of Maripos Big-Tree Grove,. 825 Cases,
act to expedite settlement of land titles ontaining teas, to be branded,. 494
istateof............882 Cashierof lntaral esee
appointment, salary, dutty .......... 22A
act to quiet land titles In Rancho LrAguna See Lngerna Beivssus
de Santos Calld in ............... 878
ot-routes established in ........... 816 a orted and returned empty, to 'be
ouse service on coast of ...... 846 reeof duty,....................... 217
appropriations to pay settlers ir Hoopa containing disted spirits, to be brand-
Valley in, for improvements on Indi ed ................................ 9
reservation in ................. 588 Catiahy and AnrlWyN Horses,
post-roads established in ........... 622 appropriations for purchase of 24,128,4
CaliorniaLand Clams,,
appropriation for expenses of private,. . 157
Camanlae, aprQ rafion r te ............. 178,552
appropriations for the ............ 165, 544 adMisoriBlue Bailrwd Comnaug,
Camp wd Ga,,is. Equipage, may change location and have lands,
appropriations for ...... :. 24, 128, 461, 497 96, 97

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 789 1861-1865

itsof selection, and eonditions of 162,54
0a10=1 for the .........
rgts of others not . 98 appropriations for the, ...... 180, 658, 54
certain, in District of Columbia, to be appropriations for the .......... 176,55
taxed, ............................ 198
* certain lots In, to be exempt, ...... 198 ~ of, may erect pier innavigable wa-
ters of Lake Mmgn ............. 1
for navy and marine corps at Philadel- piers to be lighted,................... 1
phia, a opriation for ............. 8 marine hospital and grounds at, may be
Cestetery at C astbnowe sold ................................ 142
approprton for .................... 188 additional inpeetm authorid at,.... 198
oaphk riations for the .........
standard weight, and composition o4... 64 165, 180, 4
two-cent pieces to be coined, .......... 54
shape and device thereof ........ 54, 65 in Attorney-Generals office ......... 516
present laws extended tocolnap of, 5 in offices of each of the assistant post-
director of mint to secure conformity of masters-general, authorized ......... 515
alloy in said coins ................. 55 Chief Engineer,
such coins to be a legal tender, and in = pnations for office of ......... 154,48
what sums........................ 5 ditional clprks in ofce of ........... 28
penalty for making coins, &c., intended ChtfEngineers of the Navy,
to be passed as cents ............... 55 number and pay of, established, ....... 898
to be a legal tender for what amount,.. 518 COl fof Ordnane
Cen"a Pai~lc Railrad Coopn appropriations for office of ........ 158, 458
of California, proviWon. relating to rate additional clerks in office o4 ........... 28
of building road, & ................ 857 BQar of ................ I ............ 515
may issue bonds .............. 5..5
assignment by,to Western Pacific Rail- to lieutenant-general commanding. 00
road Company, ratifiedend confirmed, 504 rank, y, and allowances of, .......... 500
OVd'k ( - ofndian,)
byjpcian, &a., to claimant of exemp- persona with bands of less than fitly, not
tion *om dralk no fees for,.......... 10 to be recognized as ................ 695
Cerlijcateof Growth, &., gratultd to ......................... 695
not required In certain cases,........ 140 houses and lands for ............. 698, 694
C00490c4-e of Deposit,
may be given for temporary loans to the certain, in Washington, may be bound
United States ..................... 219 out, ............................... 181
may be paid for gold dust and bnll- of certain officers, &c., to receive pen-
ion, .......................... 888 sion .............................. 499
to the Unitd States ................. 667 of person enlisted into military or naval
service, to be free .................. 571
to 'the United States by the Utah In- evidence that they are children of
diana ............................. 674 such person .................... 571
boundaries of lands ceded, ........ 674
by certain Chippewas ................ 698 salary of interpreters and expenses of
See Rah la is, lispewas, de. courts in, .................. 187,189,424
ocean mall-steamship service with, au-
in jury trials of minor offnces....... 126 thorized .......................... 480
to Jurs in United States courts ...... 500 See Ocean Mall-Steamsip Srvice.
in trials for treason or capital offences, hippewa Indian,
defendant has twenty and the United treaty with the Red lake and Pembin,
States five peremptory challenges,... NO bands of, of October 2, 1868 ........ 667
in trials for other ofnes ............ 500 ceand friendship to be perpetual,... 667
to betred by the cour, ........... 00 dsceded to the United State ...... 687
Clhanapln, boundaries ..................... 667
a tional inspectors authorized in. 198 payment for, and how distributed, 668,
in the army, without command, rank of, certain amount to be reserved, and
recugnized.................46 how applied, ................... 668
to be borne onrlsnetatr.r amnesty for past offbnces.......... 668, 690
geons ........................ 46 *appropriation for former depredations, 868,
pay and allowances of, ........... 46 670,690
entitled to pensions .............. 46 claims, how to be ascertained and
to make monthly reports,........ 46 audited ....................... 668
to perform faneral services, and for powder, lead, twine, &o ....... 668
hold public religious services,... 46 to encourage the adoption of habits
of civilized life ................ 668
of city of Washington amended,....:.. 407 for road 1fom Leech Lake to Red
Lake ......................... 668
ibr naval and blockading purposes,..... 80 board of visitors to attend annuity pay-
Chart, ft , .. ments, ......................... 668
appopriations for, for navy...81,462 their appointment, duty, pay, &c.,. 668

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 790 1861-1865

fil spirituous liquors to be in 668
forme ................ aptpdon Ar e the......6.. 1 ,1 0, 5
grant of 160 acres of land to certain of provisions of revenue, law concerning, 482,
these Indias................... 669, 690 485
boundaries to be adjusted ......... W9 0yars. See Imeraa Revenue.
no scrip to be issued ........... 670, 690 duty on ............................. 208
assignments, patents, &. .......... 670 provisions for mantfcture of, and duty
ratification, with amendments ...... 670, 671 upon, under lnternetrevenne law, 281,264,
amendments assented to8.......... 670,671 " ' 270, 474, 475, 477, 486
supplementary articles, April 12, 184,. 689
assent to treat) of October 2, 1868. 889 allowances to petty officers and crew of
payment in lieu of former annuity,.... 689 the, ........................... 404, 405
annual expenditures for blankets, pro- appropriation therefor ................ 861
visions, &e ..................... 689, 690
blacksmith, physician, miller, and farm- In Calfornia and Oregon, terms of,.... 4
er ................................ 690 may be tt~ld in different distrctls at
iron, steel, carpentering .............. 690 the same time ................. 4
saw-mill and mill-stones .............. 690 special sessions, how appointed and
modification of former treaty ......... 690' notified ....................... 4
payment of damages ............. 690 business of such sessions,.... 4
scrp to issue In lieu of land ...... 690 no jury trials ............. 4
signature, ratification, &c........ 690, 691 clerks of, p nted and re.
moved, ....................... 4
appropriations for the, 162,168, 164,168, 177 oath, bond, vacaneyin ofce og 4
641-1544, 1547, 668, 6 may appoint deputies and re-
CQdppsWa of thme Missisppi, move them ............. 6
treaty with, of May 7, 1864........... 698 oath and bnd of deputies, 5
Gull Lake and other reservations ceded liable for acts of deputies ......... 6
to the United States ............... 698 fees of clerks ................... 6
grants to John Johnson, fole-In-the tdaW of issues of fact without a
Day, and other chiefs ............... 698 ;juy ...... "....................
reservations to be set apart for - . 698 form of decision, appeals, writs
boundaries ................. 698, 694 of error ................... 6
annuities to, extended for ten years, 694, for district of Wisconsin, papers, ree-
695 ords, &c., in certain district courts to
payments towards settlement for depre- be transferred to ................... 199
dations committed by .............. 694 cost of transfer and fees .......... 199
to chiefs ......................... 694 certain transcripts certified to, to
for clearing, &e., lots in reservation, 694 have same effect as riginal. 199
houses for chiefs ............... 0. 694 clerks to have custody of papers,
oxen, ploughs, and other agriculturul terms of ................... 199, 200
implements to be furnished, ......... $94 terms of, in district of West Tennessee, 2
Carpenters, blacksmiths, laborers, physi- special terms, &e. ................... . 2
cian ........ ..................... 694 times, &ec., for holding in northern dis-
saw-mill, ruads, bridges, agency build- trict of New York ................. 885
a ns.............................. 694 terms of, in eastern district of New
bord of visitors at annuity pay- York. ...................... 488
ments ......................... 694 im far holding, In the district of 'Vir-
to make inspection and report an- - ......
o ..... ..... 440
nually.......... . 694, 896 terms ot in the district of Nevada,.... 440
their y, fe,................696 special sessions of ............ 440, 441
chiefs not to be recognized, unless with jurisdiction of ................... 440
bonds of more than fWft,........... 696
encouragements to those desiring of banking associations, provisions for
to adopt prsuit of civllzedlife, 696 issung, redeeming, fec,........ 106, 115
gratuities to ..................... 496
agents, teachers, traders, &e., to have
of be
to given fe.,
banks, duty on.............27
to banking assclations when,
fianilies residing with them ......... 096 e. ............................... 498
improper persons not to have benefit of limit of amount,. ; ................... 498
reservations ........................ 696 apportionment of .................... 498
may be expelled the reservation,.. 695 See Bakin Assciaa. n&vaa Bev.e
payment of annuities ................ 694 Circuation,
preferentes given to full or mixed bloods of banks, e. tax ven, ............... 486
as laborers ........................ 696
not to remove from present reservations, Ciil EBtistes at Nay Yards,
until, &c ......................... 695 appropriations for ................. 84, 466
Mille Lae Indians not to remove until, on public lands, provisions concern-
&c ............................... 695 tug ............................... 680
those on Bandy Lake reservation,'. 696
eartain females may be paid as teachers, 696 appropriation for year ending June 80,
provision for clearing, &e.,lands to be ISM o.o .......... .......... o . 44
in. lieu of former provisions ........ S95 for survey of the coast, ....... 844, 84
amendments ..................... 696, 696 far light-house establishment,...... 84

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 791 1861-1865

Expenser, (contined.) C0"i Expeafs, (continued.)
on coasts of Calforna Oregon, for detection of counterfeitlng.Unit-
and Washington ........... M ed States notes ................ 861
special works on.............. 846 for pay of clerk of committee on
public buildings and grounds, 846
ways and means .............. 851
for pay of persons on board U. S.
President's house, &c, . 847 gunboat "Cicnnati,"....... 861
lighting capitol and public for pay of stamp clerk at San Fran-
pounds ................... 847 ciso, ......................... 81
bridges, avenuesl streets, &c.,. 847 additional appropriation for clerks,
marble floor in old hail of Rep- &c., in Treasury Department,... 851
resentatives ............... 84T for copies of Statutes at Large from
structures for statuay. 84. * LAttle, Brown & Co ............ 851
iron panel, &c., in ceiling of i- for salaries of additional clerks in
brary ..................... 847 NaVy Department, ............. 851
repairs on basement of Presi- digest of election cases ......... 852
dent's house ................ 847 for deficiency In Senate appropria-
woter~pias In same ....... 847 tion ........................... 852
enclosing Franklin Square,.... 847 for deficiency in Congressional
enclosing Armory Square, &c., 848 Globe in present session ........ 852
for acommodations for State De- for additional appropriation for
partments ..................... 848 vaults, &c., in custom-house at
for salary of warden of jail of the Philhelphia, .................. 852
District of Columbia ........... 848 for pay of district attorneys, mar-
for Smithsonian Institute, ....... 848 shals, &c., for services in sup-
for government hospital for Insane, 848 pressing slave-trade ........... 862
for Botanic Garden ........... 849 ,of judges and arbitrators ..... 862
for Columbian Institution for the for dolonigtion, &c., repealed .... 852
deaf and dumb and blind ........ 849 for sea-walis ................. 858
for patent-ofice .............. 849 for surveys, a................. 854
for survey of the public lands, 849, 850 Chicknas, See Surve.
for miscellaneu purposes ...... 850
for commission under reciprocity ap ations for the ............. 172,551
treaty .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860 l S. Bowdt.
for capitol exteqdon .......... 860 for property lost by capture by the ene-
for patent-offioe building,........ 850 my, testimony may be taken in the
for agricultural report expenses,... 860 investigation of ................... 160
for chief messenger's salary in agii- for bounty ........................ , 879
cultural department, ............ 850 of loyal citizens in loyal states for quar-
for telegraph between Atlantic and termasters' stores, furnished and re-
Pacific, annual subsidy for,...:. 80 ceipted for, or otherwise proved, to
for north wing of the treasury ex- be submitted to quartermaster-gen-
tension ........................ 850 eral, &c ........................... 881
for furniture for treasury build- Nf appant just, to be reported to
auditor of treasury with, &e. 881
for vaulta in United States deposi- of loyal citizens, &c., for subsistence,
tories ..................... 850 Uc., how to be settled ........ 881, 882
for repairs on custom-houses, &c.,.. 850 of friendly Sioux Indians for relief,.... 427
for new custom-house at Portland,. 85 for lands taken for Indian reservations
for fimInure and repairs of public in Washington Territory ........... 482
buildings ...................... 380 a/ark, J. H., J- Oo.,
for heating apparatus in treasury claim of, to be referred to court of
building ...................... 850 claims ............................ 587
for plates, paper, dies, printing, and Clsarig dv, Lands,
expenses of circulating notes,... 860 n Indian reservations, payments for,
for discharge of .miscellaneous a...... ............ 694, 695
claims ........................ 850 Clearing-House Certfiat.,
for messengers to bring electoral to be deemed lawful money for eertai
votes, .......................... 8 0 purposes for banking associations,... 109
for stationery in* Treasury Depart
ment ......................... 850 to commission under treaty with Great
for Biennial Register .............. 850 Britain........... .......... 6 2
for deficiency in .kan Francisco Clerks. See Additional Clerks.
branch mint ................... 850 of supreme court of District of Colum-
for deficiency for Indian hostilities bin, fees, &c., ot ................ 195, 196
in Minnesota, provided, f... 860 n bureau of military justice ........ 146
for territorial expenses of Montans6 851 pay of those of army paymasters ..... 145
for purchase of maps, &c., for lt- certain in office of paymaster-general
br ......................... 851 transfered to office of third auditor
for plans for capitol wings, ventlat. of treasury .................... 161
fng, &e ......................... 851
i stdditional in office of asistant treasurer,
for additional clerical force In as- New York, ........................ 161
sistant treasurer's offie in Phila- in the offee of the Secretary of the
delphia, ........................ 861 Treasury ......................... 161

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 792 1861-1865

•at mttery and Phihls ka navymyias,
CWllko. See Potrj Da
of certain debts the United States,
aot fr relief t.. 410 act to failta .................... 482
to superintendent of Indian athira in CoAW=io Diebts,
a appointment, pay, & ,o4 40 of Cape Prpetua and Port Orfor abol-
of circuit court Or tenth drcuit, ap ished, ............................. 126
ppintment, & .....................
may appoint 4,6
deputies, &ec........ 4,
of Milwaunke, territor, &e., added to,. 184
6 under internal revenue act, ............ 224
to superintendent of money-order my,- Collctin of Dutie on Imrt
tem .................. 79 of direct taxes in inurrectionar dis-
to paymsters in nayy, ~asfed, and tricts .......... ......... 501-04
their pay graduateA ............... 92 See Dutis an ts, ................. 441
government, not to receive pay for ser-
vic in any matter where the United pay.f .................. 469
States isa party ................... 128 duty of collectors, .................... 469
to committee of ways and means, pay of, 851
In the Poatfice Department author- to collect duty on cotton .............. 16
ized, .............................. 516 of internal revenue, pay of ...... ... 469
In office of Attorney-General, ......... 516 to deposit dally gross amount of eoliec-
tions .................. ........... 488
appropriation for ...............24,128,497 duties of in coliecting internal revenue,
non-commissioned ofieers and privates 469,473
of voluteers to receive same as those to give notice when and where dutchs
in reular army ................... 487 are payable ................... 469, 470
Cool Bftmnvti , and other, notice to those who neglect to pay fo .
duty on ............................. 206
(Oal-eavrs, If more thanIntentend days
not paid ays
after notice, du- 470
In naval service, honorable discharge to ties to be collected with costs, and ten
CObranted to ................ 10 per cent. additional ................ 470
disusint and sale, proceedings fo .... 470
act for disposal of,in public domain,.. ..O persons and oohpani e required by law
may be sold at public sale, ........ 848 to make returns, idling to do so, to be.
when liable to private entry...... 848 estimaited by assessor ........... 470
persons actually engaged in coal-mining collection by distralng and sale, .... 470
on the public luds may enter 160 duty and cots and penalties to be a
acres at $20 an acre ................ 629 lien in favor of the Unithd States upon
all property and rights of property, 470,
jersona actually engaed in, on public 471
lands, may enter 160 acres at 620 an effect of ertifeate of sale ............. 471
acre, to embrace improvements and 'books having statements of sublects of
mining premises ................. 629., tUxateon t be submitted for inqection, 471
description of premises, when to be 0e 2, property distrained may be redeemed by
paying, &M....................... 471
oastin Trade exemptions from distrait, ........ 471
foreign on northern, &e., frontiers, act at Iot to be designated to attend to
to regulate ........................ 184 duties of elportaion and drawback,.. 46
coast suruq, Moeto ad Deput Coffatow,
approratious for the ......... 844, 846 under internal revenue act........224. 226
to be disbursing agents ............ 86
prohibited ........................... 8W See hltsral Basenue.
repeal of act of 1807, ch. 22, U 8, 9, re- olectors of Cuatotas,
lating to.... ................ 858 aonud pay of certain, on northern, Ie.,
Cod(Roatien of Rbhaw L*h*,j frontiers....................... 184
Sappropration for commisioner........ 24 not to exceed a certain sum...184
Cost, enlyfrcutril
e .... 121
120,' 2... flems and emoluments of, to be accounted
uty upon 'W s or.............. 78 for .................... ........... 184
what may be harged ......... 184
judgment In*suite for dutes and enl- bonds of, how approved and where
tiesl be collected in coi, ....... 494 ............ 184
deisonom iorate6,*&c., of duty on
of "three-cent pieces" authorized, .....617 Imports to be final, unless .. 214, 216
laws rel-ting to, made applicable to this certain, may have certain duties remit-
oin, .......................... 617, 618 ted,..........................48
the motto, "In God we trust," to be anUd ns=ifonaknown am, maybe sold, 148
laced upon coims ofthe United States, lreaches of tasts, conditions, &c.,
waived by the United State1........ 44
of the United States, the motto, "In God et, D= Jr.,
we trust," to be plaed upon, name of;'to be borne on rols as first
. ................. ............ 618 lieutenant,......................... 608
.bs, DariusS., CoiS, 1!0 7YMcDoo . See TeIaph.
payment to. for materials, .......... 578 anthioiied to oohstruct telegraph line to
Cef a . See Di**,q.f i . boundaries of British America from
in the city of Washington, ............ 856 line of Pacific telegraph,.......... 840
vor. xn PuB. - 67

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 793 1861-1865

Col &o, (continued.)
on the water, a to prevent ........... 58 if majority of legal votes is for the can-
lights on vessels of war need not be ex. stitution, result to be certified to Pres-
hibited when, &e ................... 58 ident, .............................. 84
sailas and under 58 President by proclamation to declare
steam to beunder
steam-ships treated notvessels,
sailing state admitted, ..................... 84
stearships under steam,whether under representative in congress, ............ 84
sail or not, to be treated as a vessel governor and state oicers, first election, 84
under steam ....................... 58 lapds to be set apart for shools, ....... 84
rules concerning lights.............. 58,60 for public buildings ........... 84
lights to be caied in all weathers, be- for penitentiary building ...........-- 4
tween sunset and sunrise ........... 58 five per cent. of proceeds of sales of pub-
for steam-ships and steam-togs,.... 69 lie lands to be applied to making roads, 84
for saling shi.s ............ 59 or to geneia system of frrlH l .. 85
exceptional for small sailing ves- laws of the United States made applica-
sets ....... ................. 69 ble .............................. 86
for ships as anchor ............... 69 state to constitute one judicial district,. 86
for pilot vessels .................. 69 Colored Beasookst Uon Association,
for fishing vessels and beats ...... 60 in Washington, D. C., incorporated,... 86
rules governing fog-signals ........... 60 corporate powers, .................... 6
steering and alling rules ........... 60,61 by-laws----------------------...... U
proper precautions to be always ob- objects of the association ............. 68
erVe... ..................... 61 may hold real and personal estate,..686, 686
act may be altered or repealed, ........ 586
convention between the United States Cel&wl C~ Mac Beoldent Socie,
and, of Feb. 10, 1864 ............... 68 In Washington, D. C., Incorporated,... D01
time for termination of existing commis- Colored Chidrn
sion extended ..................... 86 schools for, in Washington County,
commissioners and umpire to be ap- D C.............................. 191
pointed anew, ..................... 686 Colored Persos,
ratifications, when to be exchanged,.... g86 to be enrolled and form part of the ns-
act to carry into effect convention be, tional forces ....................... 11
tween United States and,...........V bow to be mustered into service ...... 11
toe credited on quotas ............... 11
of emancipated slaves, &c., former. a- commission to determine compensation
propriation for, repaled ............ *82 .floyal masters of colored volunteers, 11
Colord 84diere
not to disqualify fop carrying the malls, 615 pay, rations, bounties, &c ............. 129
not to exclude any person from cars of Attorne.-General to determine certain
any railroad In the District of Colum- ue ious of law, ....... ....... 129
bia, ............................... 687 on's, &c., of, to teceive pensions,... 889
CoradoWG, what proof of marriage required,.. 889
appropriations for gevernment in teri- pay and rations of those mustered into
tory of,... ........ 156,456 s- __in South Carolina, .......... 488
Indian svie io,- .......... 180,68 6ia I on, 4.,
surveys of public lands in, ............ 849 for the deaf and dumb ad blind, may •
post-routes established In ............. 821 confer degrees, &a .............. 46
act enabling people ef te form a state appMrpriLons for .............. 849
government, and to admit the state far purchase of land for-------.... 849
into the Union .................... 32 portion of act establihing, reeled ... 486
Inhabitants to form state government, iadigt bllndwheret .edcae..
with same name, &c, ............... 83
boundaries .......................... 88 Comancal
voters at election to choose representa- aappropriations for the ............ 166, 544
tives to form convention ............. 88 GbmjsrtajorSakis
if such voters are enlisted soldiers, app riation for ice, fri-ts, . 28,128
when and where they may vote,. 88 COsmaadr in Navy,
who may be elected representative to * corps of, on active list to be temporarily
convention ...................... 8 increased ......................... 182
time of first election. ................. 88 number o4 not to exceed ninety.
time and place of meeting of convention, 88 one .......................... 182
authority of convention,....... .. . 88 no appointments to be made until
constitution to be republican .......... 88 number reduced to seventy-two,. 182
to provide by irrevocable ordinance certain
payments made to, ratified,..... 182
unless, &c., that there shall be no Comma d ='s Office,
slavery or involuntary servitude, 88 approlations for ................ 129, 497
for religious toleration ........ 88 Momaed A4ens
to disclaim all right to unappro- apprprtions for salaries o ...... 188, 42
priated public lands-------84 salaries of certain, established ....... 18
not to tax lands of the United office of, at Hakodadi, changed to that
States ..................... 84 of consul ......................... 140
to be submitted to popular vote, 84,187 Commervw Intercourse,
returns of votes to be made, how and to with certain states, suspended, ........ 781
whom ............................. 84 witirhleandra, permitted ........... 740

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 794 1861-1865


Cemau09"il IatWOOyjwss 4cuitn&e) aesniawasr o Autses and R04084e,

*A concerning, between Iebe an& ~ derk I 611% 4. .............. 8am
saw$,............................. $6 to have chare -a bureaulbr relief of
also of abadened, &o.,.property, where ftehen,4o t.................8
tobe made ........................ 375 assistant commissloner'n each stato In
house, lands, &.,may be leased,... 875 Insurretion, ....................... 08
when to be deemed. 76 Ommissiew of lM*Maigti
moneys, &c., from, &0., to be pid " Ipontment,term qf dice, salary-.... 886
into treasury .................. 876 lrks, 4M ......................... 886
certain acts relating to, amended, ...... 876 mminow ;I*tne ReMWO,
prohibitions of act of 1861, oh. 8, to ap- appointment, term of office, duties, al-
ply to what,and whom,............. 876 ry, &LI .......................... 228
parets of states, when subject to,... 876 to have franking privileges,........... 487
mode of distributing fines, 87.......87clerks In office o4 ................. 487
repeal of parts of certain act as to .....877 See lnal Revue.
property taken on inland waters, not
maritime prize. .. 877 undbr convention with Peru ....... 686, 640
agents to purchase for Unied i t under treaty with Grt Britain,. .. 651, 652
products of rebel states, ............. 877 See Grad U ,tain
from what fn ad .... .............. 877 of ertain aaims aga ;tthe United
property purchased, how disposed of 877 States and Ecuador, appointment, &c.,
authori to license with rebel states re- o4 ......... ............ 6 31-68
o d4 except, ................. 877 to appoint an umpire.............W2
o , &., forbidden faom dealing in See Eeandor.
captured, 4e., property ......... 877" tons for Y, c, % ...... 187
penalty for, .................. 877 7emanciltion in Dstrict of umbia,
Investigations to revent frauds In, &o., 877 award o correc ................ 411
attendance ofitnees In, ......877 of rilroads to thea ma, ........... 859
Secretary of Treasury to make rues, camkaaiees in Band"iw Llewhasnt,
&Q.,as to ........................ 877 apropriations for the,.........50 451
"cemoei Rekkieas," aqis f Pri __F &d1sk
number of copies to be printed, and how - in Washington County, D. C, to be ap-
distributed......................... 186 pointed, ........................... 187
Cbmsnssarss of&isisaacs thei powers and duties ..... :.187-198
and assistants, to be examined as to Commisions of 0ollntor,
to c Ions, .................... 181 for redes of revenue stamps ........... 294
assigned to each military division, Commitew of Ways ad Mama,
&0............................ 618, 14 pay of clerk of ...................... 81
See Erxaiaing Board#. ,qes Dspmwi. Osa~ason Conduct of War,
to investigat the attack an lort-Rillow, 405
a priationsfroeof ..... 1 468 approrton for expenses .......... 406
.e of4........... 28
on certain clims between the United A~ ..........................
of subsistence and *rAge, l
States and Ecuador ............ 681
See E ."ado". payment of, to exempt only for th$t
to determine claims of Hudson's Bay quota, .......................... 7
Company and Puget's Sound AI. In no case for more than one year,. 7
cultural Company or damages, under howto be used ........ ...... 899,400
Veay .....................196 paidbydraftedmen, how* to be applied, 400
commissioner to be appointed, ....... 195 Commutain of Ofi~s Suhsiat
to appoint a clerk ............. 196 price of; to be ft cents pent ratdon,.... 497
pay of ....................... 195 increase not to apply to those above a
rules for doing business of commsion,. 195 certain rank ....................... 497
Secretary of state to trinsmit papers
-to ................................ 196 appr opitsfor th; office of the,.149, 160
papers to be returned at close of com- to be chief of curreney bureau ......... 100
msalon,.......................1295 appointment, term of o0e Salary, do.,
upon raising revenue by taxdon, Socre- ...........................
of o09
tvyof Taaury to appoint .......
powers, duties, and pay of commission- 487 oath to be taken within fteen days of
notice -ofappoi truent .............. 100
ers,........ ....................... 487 bond and sureties, .................... 100
to take depositions of witnases for de- not to be Interested in any bdking as-
Ardents in criminal cases in the Die- acciaton under the at, .......... 100
ttict of Columbia,........... 628, 62 deputy to be appointed................ 100
See Dqspe~oaa. sary, term, duty, &., of ....... 100
to report annually to congress ........ 17
to take deponsti of witnesses fto de- contents of report,......... 117, 118
fendants in rimnl -cases in the Dis- duty of, as regards banking associations.
trict of Columbia, .......... 528,29 See Banking Amdations.
Cbousaissic Of CtoI~aea
propriations for offle of, 149,150,40, 450 appropriationsfr the, .... 10,449,450
ton clerks in ofe of ........ 27, 160 paymentafrom contingent fond of either
appointment, pay, and bond of......508 house, how made .................. 26

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 795 1861-1865

0moauiarand DblemaU Nwpeasee (contliued)
transfer of balances not to be made un- suppressin of African slave-tirae,..189, 424
le ss.................. 28 onulair Clerke may be .appointed .....- 189
an act to pay in part for pubishing do-
hates or ......................... :. 892
their age, duties, and pay ..... 189,140
to be examined as to tness........ 140
each senator, &c., to have a complete set not to be removed but for cause,... 140
of Congressional Globe, &o ......... 82 fe for cer"I Invoices by consul-
pay to publishers of Oongressonal Globe general of British North American
for extra pages,. ................. 892 provinces and subordinates ....... 140
appropriation for ................ 892 certificate of growth and production not
how disbursed ........... 892 required In certain cases ......... 140
either party to abrogate these provisions office of commercial agent at Hakodadi
by two years' notice ............... 892 may be changed to that of consul,... 140
member of, from Ilinois, to be elected expenses under act to enourage.inum-
at large, until, &c............. 407 gation ........................... 424
thanks of to varlous peluons. See under neutrality act, ............. 424
77laks, ft. of commission to run and mark
C pwvea*ona D*q,- boundary line between the Unit-
to be compiled, & .................. W8 ed States and British Poessessiona
when to be ready for distribution, ...... 8 bounding on Washington. Torri-
Congressiowd QlWe tory ..................... 42N
condition of appropriations for ....... 40
proceedings of congress to be published President may appoint thirteen, ....... 189
on day subsequent, ................ 460 theirage, duties, and pay ......... 189
but not over forty columns, ....... 460 to beexamined,............. ... 140
speeches not delivered to be post- not to be removed without cause. 140
poned ........................ 460 Consular Coirts,
COmpsimd Globe and Appesnr, salaries of marshals of .......... ;189, 424
appropriations for,...148, 147, 440, 447, 470 Conular Jurisdiio
sets of to be furnished senators and rep- over controversies between ofiers and
resentatives ....................... 892 crews of certain foreign vesels,..121,122
Ceninaict, Consular Officers,
post-roads established In ............. 28 of, as to verification of invoices, 688
Instruco ................ 68
those having, as to bearing arms, how
treated, If drafted .................. 9 in Turkish dminions, expenses of,.... 188
evidence as to ....................... 9 propriaons ................. 189,422
Couaotio oj M UnMed Siam,
proposed amendment to .............. 667 f foreign countries, certain, not subject
declred ratified .................. 777 to income tax, when, &e ....... 17, 805
Construdae and B4paw, of certain foreign nations to have juris-
appropriations for bureau of,.... 81, 468, 464, diction over certain controversies be-
Onstradive Milsage. See Afilwae. tween officers and crews of vessels,.. 121
no allowance for ..................... 400 mode of exercising it, ............. 121
OadAr and D plowati Expease, appropriations for salaries of ....... 188,422
appropriation for the years ending June slaries of certain, established ......... 19
80, 1865. and June 80, 1866,-197, 422- of the United States in Belglum, attri-
424 butions of ........................ 650
salaries of envoys, milters, and com- Consuls and rice-Conus
missioners, ............... "provisions concerning, in treaty with
187, 492
secr eties of legations, Ac. 187,422 Denmark, ...................... 605,606
of interpreters in China, Turkey, Constd-Geseral
and apan.... 17, 189,42 428 appropriations for salaries of ...... 188,422
contingent expenses .............. 187,422 feeso for British North American prov-
Barbary Powers, intercourse with,..188, 422 inces for certifying invoices ......... 140
consulates in Turkish dominions .... 188,422 Caentieie Hote Comany
relief and protection of American sea- in Washington. D. C., incorporated,... 687
corporatora and corporate power ......- 6 87
men ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188, '4M
cemetery at Constantinople ........... capital stock and shares ............... 87
rewards to masters &c., for rescuing annual meeting, managers, votes, prox.
citizens of the United States from Ies ........................... 6587
shipwreck ...............188, 422 ofcers, vacanoies, querum ........ 688
blank-books, stationery, Ac. 188,422 tih;ae AZa.y, appropriations fbr,.... 12t, 497
salaries and office rent of certain con-
suls-general, consuls, and commercial of the navy, ......................... 468
agents, ........................ 188, 422 Pontruk"Id,
salaries of consuls at certain places es- goods subject, under treaty with the Ot-
tablished ........................ 189 toman Empire, to confiseation after
brinoing home persons charged with certain proced gs, ................ 619
crime ........................ 189, 424 Qatrabands,
marshals of consular court ....... 189, 424 apropriatlion for .................... 28
prisons for American convicts, ..... 849
commissioners and oonsuls-general to to furnish supplies to quartermastes
Hayti and Liberia, .............. 19, 424 department, penalty upon, for fraud,. 897

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 796 1861-1865

certain, with emigants valid ......... 88 Cmut-martia, (continueL.)
oad, maly remit or mitigat sentence
if diesl7, ntitled to pensions,... 499
n, of, except, ..................... 85
repeal of act of 186%, ch1, § , as to, 856
7 1t not to be recorded unless a.- for trial f ofcers dismissed by author-
ity of the lresident ........... 489
knowled .......................
l ed 519 Cerntof Cuam,
Ceuvims, appropr ons for............. 148,448
trnsportation o, from the District of act to restrict jurisdiction of .......... 881
Columbia, ...................... 12, 18 jurisdiction o not to extend to claims
enlistments of, punished .......... 489,490 growing out of destruction, &e., of
Oc,*q, mustering
James,. Into service, ........... 490 property army,&.,during rebellion, 881
ands In Missouri, anted, to ......... 2 foes for record In any case not to exceed
Ook, LOuud, 82DO.......................... 468
gratuity to........................ 9e CM*rt of the ald sates,
copey of at gr#ng, to be sent to, 98 appropriatons for ................ 15,462
no exclusion of witness in, on account of
lands in Missouri, granted to,......... 82 color, ............................. 851
nor because he Is 4party to, or in-
duty on ............................ 206 terested In, the lsse tried, ...... 851
opmosellors in, to taki an oath, ........ 424
sts respecting, to extend to and include
photographs and negatives .......... 60 payment to ........................ 579
forfeited, unless copy of book or publi- Cnrm, A. G.,
cation is sent to library of congress _J.yment to ......................... 579
within, & ....................... 540
Co0"Rigts, to be given to state and oub-districts for
appropriadon for care, Uo, of ......... 84 volunteers, substitutes, &e, ........ 46
Cordage, in futore calls, none to be given except
duty on ............................ 209 for men actually fbrnished on such
call or the preceding ............... 489
duty on, under the internal revenue
law ............................. 802 oprifatons for the, 165,166, 177, 1D 4
duty on all produced or sold, ho.. 16
that sold by or for government to be of foreign vessels in United States ports
free of duty........................ 16 consuls to have jursdiction over, 121,124
renaky for removing, hc., to evade duty, 16 of vessels of the. United States, rtain
duy to be marked on bales, Sio ....... is ltroportons thereof need not-be ct-
permits for removal, .................. 16 znes-- -2..0.......................1, 202
assessors, &c., to assess and collect duty, 16
drawback on mnulictures of ......... 16 bringing home persons charged with, 189,
provisions of internal revenue law cru- 424
oerning,............. 805 appropriation for Prosecution ot. 162.
drawback on articles, manufactured ex-
luively of ................. .. 806 punishment of nlaughterb in the Dio-
coming from states In Insurrection with. Cumbi,..................
nof 421
out icense, eonscated .......... 781 wl aof with intent to defaud or
Ooba and Maeufae of, delay in prize proceedings how pun-
dut an o......... 28,9, 491, 92, 49 ished----------------------....8ai
provions of re eue a w ooer40ng,. 477 unlawfdly opening or detaining letters, 887
secreting or destroying letters not con-
in ntiona courts to take- oath, ....... 424 taining valuables, .................. 8 8
oth-to be bled, .................... 424 taking valuablesout of letters,......... 888
idsyts1 2to be pu-y .... 424 onticing or aiding persons In naval ser-
vice so desert, ..................... 84
coin of the United tates, act to pr- See Bonds, huractRimasws, Treagy Awn.
vent,..................... 120,121,618
Oates, dies, he,for United States bonds act to regulate proceedings In,In United
or notes, how pnlshed ......... 221,222 States courts .................... . 500
appropriation for detection of ......... 861 grandju-ie I districtand crcuit courts, 500
certain'coin of the United States ... 8 number, how sammoned, , --... 60
hallenges ...................... 600
00- 81-a=;ton Couny, District of Co. twelve must concur to Ind bill,.... 500
lumbla, appointment, power, and du- foreman appointed by court, ....... 600
tieso......................... 198 to swear witnesses ........... 500
chslle eslto tridl-jurors .............. 00
Issue of, authorized by act of June 80, b6be court .......... 600
1864.......................218, 22D sentences to imt for more then
registered, may be Issued for .......... 200 one yeawr, where to be executed, ..... 500
to be of what form, how executed,..... 200 expenses of execution............ 00
issues of facet In.civil ease may bswtried.
every oflficr having power to order gen- by courtJ; he, ................. 01
67 *

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 797 1861-1865

798 ;, impx -
effit o fldng bycrt..... -0 DawdOs, ie & au~t . P.,
burlient a0lnse granted to, ...... 19
exceptions to rlin ........... s 501
when act takM efft, .............. 01 reward oftred for his arrest ...... 7, 77
dendants may have cOtU to
take deposition of witnesses in, in the unpaid letters tobesentto ....SK 505
Dist" of Columbia,.. ....... .... 8 D Let,.,adSee Pst-Offie 4aremeas..... 8
Cro, , See Wekf unclamed money from, to be detsited, 816
Do Aha, HWV V,.,,
pedition o, to be relked back to court cerain money moy be psi over So...0
ofclais ........................ g91
publlshg ongres act to PUY for
eabished, offlcrs, U, 0 ... 99, 100 In part,....................rn
ooms i treum y, buing W
to be
signed t .........................
o 100 surety d4 reesed from liability . 604
seato .............................. 100 DAks& $ee PV.os e Dqpwhmga.
papers undersuch seal, and certilled by due the Unind States ftDM pcsms08tr
comptroller, to be evdenue .......... 100 and other agents, &c. of Postefie
CarS g, L , Wll B., Department, act to ci coLlectlo
his ofieers andmenthanks ofongresa to, 4824
for the destruction of the Albemade,. 5 S .............................
Ousat-Hosse Oj~bav, provision as to acknowledgments og In
on northern, northeastern and north- the Distriof olv bl ........ 81,82
westeM frontier of the lnk"d States, .DW Ndand
*ees of .............545,19 ea-il on ......................... 50"
fr admeasurement of vessels ......... 518 Dqflday App-ewi*w% -
ex' certitcate of regstry, C ........ f18 for the year endingJune 80, .. 28
of enrolmen6 &6 ... ............. 818 southeast executive building.......... 22
forloan 18,619 branch mint at Denver.............. 22
tor certifying manifest and clearance,.. 819 InterorDepwten ................. 22
foentry of vessel and clearance ...... 519 surveyorst.genral. and clerks,... .22
for receiving manifest of goods ....... 619 DepartmenbtfA.riculture.......... 28
of bag1ge of passen ......... 19
ers NaryDepatment,.........21, 25
fo anting permit to vessels to goPfrm
district to district and unlade ....... 519 State Departmen ................... 24
for entry of goods .................... 619 mlsanttreserrsand Jesignated de-
for permit to land or deliver goods,.. :. 619 positaries ......................... 24
or official bonds . 619 eteteslogoph,................. 24
for debenture or other c certteate,. 19 treasury etnin. ........ 4!5
for bill of health, crew-list protectlon,. 819
for recording bills of salemortgages, Ac. 819 publio buildings and post-offi ...... 2
certificates for discharging and can- 1='a agents In Utah and Red,.... 25
celling,.....................5619 printidng, 1 U to be done only
for eertificate statuames, Uc, of own-
era of vessels, ................. 619 on written ruisition, .......
*c Sk,118
no bill of sale, &c., to be recorded u le 9 report of superintendent on ...... 26
d.y ackowledged ............ 619 light-house establsbmet,...........
aval hospital and asylums .......... 2
appropriations for completion and re- L -25
Pansof,..% ................... 25 miselaneushrSenate ad *os of
tepresenatfives,................ 26
a poplation to procure and dttimbtte, 15 unem ende balance for namvig Ac,
traired, ....................... 2
addidona assistat Secretary of he
additional inspectors authorized at,.... 198 Treasury authoried ............... 26
slaan.duties, ........... 6,27
rearo coal and landing wharf at Key
D. .e
letter-csrriem . ............. 27
Dabeia Tevitm7 additional elerks and employees author-
pat of Teritory of Iaho transfrred to, 92 iusd during the rebelliof, and for a
aprpritions for government in,. .16k 466 year after Its close, in offee of See-
*r Indian service In.......... 179, 6W retary of Treasury ................. 2?
post-routes established in,. 821,525 of. lst and 2d comptroller, Ist, 2d,
surveys of public land# Io.......... 849, 858 8, 62, and h audito,.of treas.
consbqctin of wagcn-Mads in,... 518, 17 urer, register, commissioner of
" appropiatio ............... 8.. 517 customs,.................... 27
of 8ecretary of NSavy ......... 27
appropation; fur the .............. 180 of adjuRtnneral, quartermaster-'
Damags by Sioux Indiads, general paymasteraeral, corn-
Sropriation to pay awards ....... 92,98 nmisar-gnerlchief of Ord-
claimants or their attorneys to be paid,.. 98 nanceant che en eer,.-.. .27,28
Dad t, .aW.. .. fow appointed and ....... 2
pension to, ...-................. O females my be employed, .... 28

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 798 1861-1865

INDEX. 799
DWMVk~c Appvojwitios (continued.) Deposit,(cnine
ompensation not to exceed,.. 28 unclaimed fom dead letter; to bo do-
temporary clerks and employ-p o sit e d ,. 516
ees formerly anthorized, In- en616
eluded Ie. tg8d
Imitation ofofc fassat by Indiana, payments towards settle-
register of treasury to one ment of elaims for ................ 694
year, repealed ..... .. 28 D" Choetos,
for the year ending June 80, 1865,... 460 at Portland, Main .......... 47
Ddeptld Gin. Rich mw! DeiqOmmisiu o
to be regent of the Smithsonian Inst. appointment, duty, &o., of ............ 224
ttion ............................ 59 See hateral RMee..
Ddaaure, A"ot CoN&Apble, Of- tie Cuaveneg
appropriations for th, ... 15, 54 aippointment, duty, bond, Ac&, ...... 100
D s,-3 D e a aste
nands in Mssouri, granted to ......... 582 may deposit in certain national banks
Dele and negotiate . . . W0
ofniilmatter from potc 507 Depug, Williams,
Dwexok, payment to ..................... 579
additional articles to general convention Deserters
with, July , 1861 ................ 605 en e Punished, 4,490
consuls-genera, consuls, &c., may itas mustering into service,...........490
judges and arbitrator between officers not returning according to proclamation
and crews of vessels......... 605,606 of President to forfeit citizenseip,... 490
lovalauthoritiesnottonterfere,unle,&. 608 proclamation of President for return o, 752
judicial authority of their country may from ther regiments ordered to return
be resorted to ..................... 606 forthwith .. . .............. 75% 775
consuls, &c., may require aid of local those returning to be restored, &c., 752,
authorities to arrest desert, ........ 606 775
mode of procedure ........... 606 patriotic ctizeni exhorted to aid in their
deserters, when arrested, how to be dis- return ............................ 775
osed of ........... i .............. 606 frm vessels, provisions concerning, in
o against laws of country, to be treaty with Denmark, ........ 606, 6W
punished, ......... .......... 607 from sWIps of war and merchant vessels,
efict of these additional articles ...... 607 provisions for arrest, ., of,-in treaty
signature, ratificatin, proclamation... 607 with. Hayti.................... 727
Denver, Dwseon,
certain lands in, may be entered at min. additional penalty in lose of citizenship, 490
mum price for use of town ........ 94,95 DeinatedDq)6itars-
lots for government purposes reserved,. 96 banking asscam n maIlaa,. 1
Depq met oftqAical , in Treasury Depsrtment, appropritions
appropriation for the, .......... 28,15,455 for, ............................... 158
resolutiongranting additional rooms to, 415 Des Mses, C'
act repealing reolution ...... 881 joint resolution relinquishing certain
Secretary of Interior to aesign'tempo- coal-beds to, &c ................. & 408
rary rooms for commissioner of ..... 881 Diamond and oter pvcia Sons,
commissioner may rent suitable rooms duties on ........................... 28
for ofle.e ............... 881 Diks, John,
appropriation for rent, &c., pro- payment of damages to, far breach of
vided, & ..................... 881 contract .......................... 577
DepmeMt of the Intevior, Diktat ,r oat!i Baty. See Z]deo,.... 409
appropriations for the ............ 161,451 Digeo) EIeia Cat,
Departmen of ifieoami, aprpiation far....... .... 85
appropriation for pay, bounty, &0., in,..1, 2 Duler,Isaac A.,
to whom money may be pd....... 2 payment to .......................... 596
attorney my receive it............ 2 Dinin, Mnu W.,
Wesae Depa-n accounts 01; to be adusted,........... M
N-it.DVgbmati Servict,6
act relating to village 4 o..........82.
a o on7""
f 187-140,452
Depsitaries, Dh=-&flA2=-asptal
a tngassistant, pv.o c. cr.. . 427 act to Incorporate the, ............. 48
subject to penalties, c427 Diret Tax,
Depositions, none to be assessed until congress
defendants in criminal cues In the Dis- pase a new law requiring It, ..... 804
trict of Volumbla may have commis. forme tax to be collected .......... 04
sion to take, of wituesses in their be. levy cort may collect in Washington
halt .......................... 628,529 County, D. C .................... a1
practice in obtaining commission,. 28,529 M Taxes aInmn "Nw iets, "
mode of taking depositions ........... 529 a tn for commloners of. 158
Dqoss, pro o concerning the collection oc
in banking associations, taxer duty on,. 111 p01-604
of money received under ntena rev- commissioners after sale of lands, "e.,
enue ac ............ 488 and certiflcate, may issue writ to put
money from sales waste paper and Purchaser n possession............ 501

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 799 1861-1865

DfivcT axas in hswtfmdasy Dirict (ccutin'. = ., ntloed U.........
wit directed to a ............. 501
proceedings under it .................. 501 additional duties . ....... 16,17
who may execute writ if there is no Di6et9.. See L W , eal
marshl, ....................... 501 duty, &., o4 under internal revenue
sim g ofwrit to be mpded,when, &A., 01 at, ........ ............ 242-218
purchasers to receive rent, ............ 601 to mkke application for-license before
patents, when to Issue for lands pur- distitling...................... 7
Cd.............. ............ 601 apl*icatiofi to state what, ........... 471
proof in case of assignment, &., Dinaint. See ItemWPai we
of certifate of sale ............ 01 Proceedings in case of, under the reve-
majority of board of tax commissioners nue law ....... 2 , 284,27, 240, 88
may act, ....... what exempt from ................ 289, 284
lieu creditoro, If loyal, Ac., may be paid proceedings
jlolpropetin collecting
dtrahiedduties may be Y 470, 471
from proceeds of ale, &Z.,.# . 502
omealaohers to file transcript of pe-; deme,..... . ....... 471
ceeUngs with T easur Department, what proety exempt from .......... 471
copies of, may be evadenc, 50 02
expense of board of commissiones how _ostmer.General may deslguate, .... 867
............... 50
If ar redeemedafter salk princl- of priseinonc 4I naval ....... 810
pal and integest
of purchaso-money tb
* bepaid,.. ....................... 5 of certain b"ok and document. to be
Purchaser to put owner In possession,.. 502 made to members of present ongrtes, 570
owner ot to MIX In asesio! le
be makes oa that, ........... 02 for the district of Nevada payv , f, 440
tenants at will and by suhbaee not to for the district of Oregon, pa, Ac., of 440
redeem unless, 64 ..... I ..... : .... Dii Awteqe
rights how acquired In such duty of, under at to provide for sum-
lenS.. ........... ....... ;...... *. M0 Mary trial of minor ofttices against
commissioen to give notte of sles of laws of the United States,. 1.4; 125
lands ............................ 50 maxinium compensation of ........ . 198
tax, when may be apprtioned ........ 08 appropriations for the ............. 158,457
to be a lMen an dllrent parts ..... 508 pay of, under act for suppression.of the
commissonere may idminisfer otls,.. 503 slave-rade ....................... 852
penalty for false swearing ............ 608 Di'et Owts,
d salaries of commissioners, not terms of; In district of West Tennesee, 2
to exceed, &e ...................... 0 specil tom, c.,.............. 2
excess, how applied, ............. 508 in Indiana, special sessn autarlse,. 8
clerks, surveyors, and aisntW.. 503 what suits to be heard therein ......... 8
clerks may eollect money due for taxes, 08 in Oregon and California, term of .... 6
to give bond firt ................ 508 special sessions may beheldfortialof
tax commissioners enter upon their of- mino otbaces ................ 124
fess when, &a........... -.... 0K 504 sessions of In West Virginia,..... 4
lands held in severalty and sold for records and files, where to be !WA-* .... 124
taxes may be redeemed by any own- preeding of; confirmed,...%........ 124
er, it &C ........................... 504 one ,:rtIrw
Jo Wisconsiv trmsnia, . ... . . . . . . .....
CC....,; . . . . 12 199
option of purchaser in mob oases ..... .504
papers of, to be trausierred 4 .l1
from military service, persons under cult court, ..................... 199
eighteen, when entitled to .......... 10 times, &a for holding, In northern dis-
of persons under sixteen, ....... 880 trict of ew York, ................. 8
of aWtacment. of property laimed 4y change in, not to impale pending
the United States, how efibeted...,. 122 procesesinlkthe ourt ....... 8M
salry of Judge of ................... 88
not letopay, travei, AU., when In Indiana, special session oC .......... 419
transportation is fornished, ......... 141 pending Ioce...... .......... 419
0distric of New Y.ork, 488
judge of eastern district of New York
on oods rown east of Cae ofs od to hold court in southern district,
when, U .. : ............... 488
ope ... =.......... ;.... 1..
216,498 terms of, in evada,................. 440
of tonage as respects Ncagoa, 'di;S district of Nevada attached to the tent*
continued, ........................ 739 -icul....................... : .... 440
fibiseh~d Oficer See 9=icr. jurdltion oC...................... .440
vision for trial of .......... 489 D"*rit Judge
for the distict of Nevada, Appointment,
duty on ..... 14,2020
basis of odui ..... : ...... 14
peaallr for having for ole, a., in'ftad- appropr*tions for the ............ 157,158
of W,............... ....... 14 Dri of Udlobia,
proee gi't enforce forfeiture,....14,15 f of clerk, attorney, and mars In,.- 106
certain, may be exported without pay- plalntifib in suits in supreme oar C to
meat of at ................. 16 deposit fee..; ..................... 196

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 800 1861-1865

Dh*( of Ce 'ah~c,
(continued.) DA ee80 Dh#v fw , 1 llIAMPU.
act to amend charter of Washingion and s ugens and eouu~ cna of enolln
Georgetown Railroa,...........8$22 exempt from ........... 491
act to incorporate the Metropolitan ReAi., to be made, milm volunteers called ft)
tmad Company in .................. 826 war shed....................... 782
act in Jhvor the "Guardian Society"of 824 to be made to fill quota, If not filled by
act to regulate proceedings between volu ......................
nes 1, 879
landlord and tenat in ............. 888 further, to be made unti quota is full, 6,880
tenancy at will, U., how ereated,.. 886 persons furnishing sa ttes exempt
what are to be deemed tenancies at
o ,................... ,880
seamen, drafted may enllst In naval ser-
notice to determine, c, ........ 888 vie ........................... 7
attorments by teant, &c ....... 88
forcible entry and detainer,.888, 884 M1%aso enlAt.. 89
summons to issue, &o., when, Conalty lbr resisting, a ............ 8
41C& ................... 8$84 es r preparing papers for exemption
pSroeedinp, &c., when detndant fom............................. 10
pleadstl, ................ 8384 ordered to Ali quota of states not full,
endant to recognize with 787,748
sureties, ................. 8" DRq, u
appeals, and how tried ......... 84 wr~
opration for advance bountie, to,.. 125
additiotal recognizance in, .... 8
&aMge to complaat, it Ac,... 884 lbrnishing subatitates, for what time to
fees of officers, ....... .... 884 be exempt from dra, .............. 489
repe of inconsistent act,....:..: 8 finishing incompetent substitutes, to
act to provide for Washington aqueduct, 884 be liable to serve ................. 490
to allow levy court of Washington
actConty aiding substitutes to desert, to setve
in, to levy a collet the themsel ........................ 490
direct tax of 1861 ................. 88 may furnish substitutes,......... 6, 880
act to allow rapodation
of Washlgton seamen may enlist in naval servioe,.... 7
to levy and collect direct tax of 1861, 882 surgeons temporarily appointed to ex-
Joint resolution for revision of 408, amine ............................ 8
examinations of, when and where to be
witnesesin, parties, &c., my be,..874, 875 held.............................. 8,9
ae to establish Colfsx Street In the city May have process for witnesses ....... 9
of Washington ..................... 865 procuring exemption by fraud, to be
persons charged with crime in, not to be deemed deserters ................. 10
enlisted as volunteers or substitutes, 498, penalty upon surgeon for llegally !.-
499 charging ...... a.................... 11
penalty for so doing............... 498 pisos for colored persons drafted,.. 11
penalty upon officers, 4c., ofjail, giving organized, &e................... 879
certain Information ................ 49 transportation og to and from rende-
vow .. et. ................. ee880
lact quieting land-ttes In Callfornia... W81
Delie, Caiie, absent fom home, when drafted, how
claim of, for carrying the nall, to be notified. .......................... 880
a4justed .......................... 690
DIP. upon certain distilled spirits not al-
i Washington County, D. C., to be lowed, ............................ 15
killed If tax Is not id, ........... 198 upon articles manuhetured exclusively
Domestic Lemat., of cotton ....................... 10, 808
unpaid, except, c., to be sent t& dead. cn certain artieles, when exported, that
letter ceoe..................... M4,606 have paid duty ................. 80% 808
part pad, to be forwarded, and unpaid certain articles excepted ......... 802
porton collected ................... WS none on certain quicksilver ......... 477
Donatox £Vabu collector to be designated to attend to
In Oregon and Washington, In certain duties 9f ......................... 486
cases patents may Iume for ."aMquar- DMo Ldt-,
ter seetio,........................ 62 postage on, how free delivery is estab-
Dwws, Papuwaer
Ipymnt byE.Wliam
0., shd.........................807
IE. Petem,
a tP n elt o4......... LeV-678 7 Drugs 4e.9 n.............211, 22 .~
Douils patns
I to what officers only allowed, ......... 488 two authorized to be built from appro.
Dsa* Wgliatq, - peationrflon drydbk ....... 85
the Superannuated Fund Society, &a,
may hold certain property under will . may'ohange tbelr line, &...........98
of, .............................. 185
payment to ........... 4............. M9
acknowledgment by fes eOe of deed Liae, W;H.,
executed by husband, to be suficilent .59to
to bar herlaim for ............ 82
Downin, &S -. additional lnspeetors authorized at,.... 198
gratuity to ........................ 98 DIN, P~r,
copy of act granting, to be et tbM. payment to, ......................... 579

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 801 1861-1865

Dai Vaue, DwIdl on Import, (ontinued)
of imports, how ascertained,.. .217,498,494 hemp cordage, cotton baging,
at what place to be reckoned,. .217, 498, 494 ings, &e ....................... 209,210
Dat es OtaEporn,
ttety Provisos with Hayti concern- , 2.........................
09, 210
ng 716-717 silk and silks ........................ 1o
with Honduras .............. 701-708 glass, rough plate, Ac.........210, 211
glassware andporcelain glas,....... 210
ftwr proviWsons with Hiayt concern china and porcelain ware ............. 210
i .........................
ng,.: 715-747 earthern and atone ware ............. 210
with Honduras, .............. 701-708 slates, clay, chalk, kaoline ........... 210
joint resolution to temporarily Increase, 406 books, periodicais, and pamphlets ..... 218
to continueTesolutlon increasing in articles paying a duty of fifeen per
force .......................... 401 cent ............................. 211
act to Increase, of June 80, 1864,...20,-218 of twenty-five per cent ........... 21i
duties to be collected on and after July of fifty per cent. .................. 218
1, 1884, on acetic acid, &o ....................... 212
teas..................... ......... 202 acetate or pyrolignate of ammouia, Uc., 212
sugars, syrups, and molasses, ....... 202 analine dyes......................... 212
provis., forfiture............ 202 blanc Axe, satin white, U............ 212
brandy, distilled spirits, cordials, wines, French green, Paris green, OW ....... 212
&a............................202 2806 almonds, ...................... 212
duty tobe collected on basis of first. manufAtetures of grld or silver ........ 212
pr ....................... ... 208 antimony, opium, morphine .......... 212
Imitations to be charged same duty ar.wroot, ........................... 212
as genuine rtie ............. 208 brimstone, castor beans, chickory root,. 212
brandy and spirituous liquors may be easf, cinnamon ................ 212
imported in bottles,...% ............. 28 chloroform, collodion, &o ............. 212
packages not to contain less thin cologne water and other perfumery ... 212
one dozen .................... 208 cloves, fAsel oil, &o ................. 212
bottles to pay separate duty,.... 208 bristles, brushes, honey, lead ....... 212
spirituous liquors not enumerated,.... 208 percussion cups, nitric ether .......... 212
ale, porter, and beer, ................. 208 lemons, oranges, and fruits preserved in
cigars, anuff, tobacco ................. 20 their own juice ..................... 212
bar-iron, iron in slabs, &a............ 208 lcoriC root and paste ..... ....... 212
pig-iron, old scap-iron, ........ 0 4,20 nutmegs, mace ..................... 218
what shall be deemed old Iron, ........ 205 oils, croton, olive, and castor ......... 218"
railroad iron ........................ 204 peanuts, filberts, walnuts ............. 218
band rid hoop-iron .................. 204 petroleum and iUuminating oils...... 2 18
smooth, &a., sheeliron, ............... 204 pepper, spirits of turpentine, sulphur,.. 218
steel ............................... 20 tannin, santonine, sal, ................ 218
manufactures of, not otherwise pro- saltpetre, stryemine, vinegar ......... 218
vided for ..................... 206 watches, wood pencils ................ 218
partial manufactures of, not other- ostrich-feathers,, ...... 218
wise provided for .............. 206 1 cork, bark, or wood, ................. 214
bitumameas and other coal .......... 206 hatters' furs, fire-cackers .......... 214
lead, lead-pipes, &a., pewter for reanu- gutta-percha, ........................ 214
are ........................... 206 gunpowder ......................... 214
copper, zinc, sp tter, &e .............. 206 marble, mineral waters .............. 214
diamonds, %gems, and other precious pipes, pens, soaps ..... ......... 214
stones ............................ 162 starch, rice, pdy ........ 2. 14
wool and hair of alpaca, Ae., unmenufia- articles free of duty .......... 216,217,218
tured .............................20 decision of collector as to rate and
when mixed with dirt, ......... 206 amount of duty, and coats and c ,
wool, when difibrent qualities ae it- to be final, unless written ebjectins
ported In somne bale............. 205 areandlied in ten
appeal to days,
Secretary......of; Treasury
..... 214; 215
when bales of difIbrent qualities ae
in same invoice ............ 220 inthirty days.............. 216
shepkns ... ... 206 and sut brught In ninety days af-
carpets, mats, rugs, seen, La... 20 ter decision of Secretary ....... 215
woollen cloths and manutctursofwool, 207 suit not to be maintained before decision
yarns, blankets, shawl, ....... 207, 208 of Secretary is given, unless delay of
delalnes,bunt M,
.... ............ 208 more than ninety days ............ 215
a and toot 2l .................... 208 decision of collector as to other matters
cotton, raw or unmanfactured ........ to be nal, unless, .............. 215
manufactures of ecotton nblesohed,.... 208 act amending acts imposn& ....... 491-496
plain woven otton goods,.... . 208 manuactures of cotton, ............ 492-498
cotton goods with more than 00 =pool thread of cotton ............ 492
threads to square inI........ tional on brandy, rum, &o. ..... 49, 498
jesus, drillinp, & ........... 08,209 en spunlk, ................ 498
cottn tred....................... 209 on railroad iron andiron tubes,.... 498
shirts, &o,, made on Igamnes, cotton v1- on totton, ........................... 498
vet, &C........................... 209 lluminating oil, petroleum, e ........ 498
lines, duck, &a .................... 09 tobacco stems ....................... 498

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 802 1861-1865

D ,s imn rx s, (contined.) Duly,
cotn of .................... 498 co ireulationeota capq, al stook
quisr................... "498 of, banking assoclti, . 111
ertaln vessels be tirty
to payentsaton,..
only one a 498 D'W asis. e , ete........ .......
Yew$, .................... . one
. 8
aal...... :172561
statuary, to mean W , .............. 498
ton per cent. additional on products of B.
countries east of Cape of Good Hope,
Imported, &c ..................... 498 Iras jrrWd Disrit in Nw y -,*
assessment of ad valorem duties ...... 498' creted, ud counties cempo ng ....... 48
additions to invoice value .......... 498,494 judge, Juriacm and pay . 488
actual awrketvalue to be appraised ... 494 - when to hold court In southern dim-
penalty f3r undervaluation ............ 494 trlct of New Yor ............. 488
gan, exrtation 4 ................ 494
= other ofeems........................ 488
and cass eontaining distilled • terms of district and eircu t court.... 408
spirits and teas, to be marked and cone rent jurisdcto of couR ....... 488
brud ............................. c 494 Ee"Oka,
flax and hemp, and steam agr-ctetul aet to carry into effbet convention with,
machinery, may be imported free,... 494 foJr mutual adjustment of clalms,...87, 88
judgme t in suits for duties and penal. ayo o mmissoner,............88
ties to be ollected in coin, .... .. 494 ddent -miMserri dppont-d
duties upon certain oods desroyed by misone ....................... 88
asamalty to be abstd, ........... contingent expenses and tO-e . of urn.
tboney paid in excess of duties to be re- Fire,...... ................ 8
ftldod................ 21
2688 o.................
discrilminating duty of ten per cent. to oaven3Vo p ith, of Nov. 26, 182,. 681
be paid on goods Imported in foregn eertsin clalms against, or the United
ves e........................... 216 States, to be refered to commission-
ot s aat t p............ ...........
lations.......... ......... 216 cmiessoners, ap.poi..ntnt . o . , a1. 682
ten per cent. additional duty on rd-vaefinceAe fznboard- of how Mcd,.. 682
uet of countries beyond the Capet ime of meetin ..... : ........... 692
of Good Hope, (except raw eotton,) If oath oi to be recorded ............ 682
imported fiam place. this side the Cape, 216 to name an umpire........... 6 82
goods in public stores and bonded ware. V commissioners cannot select umpil,
houses, subject to whet duty ......... 216 bow apponted .................. 682
certain machinery for weaving fAbries of examaination of claims .............. 682
flax or hemp may com free for one each government to fbnbh ers... 682
year .............................. 2 16 amount of indemnity, how determined, 68%
stam agriluird Impleets aud68
machinery ....... ........ 2 16 certillecats of amounts awarded ....... 688
laws for collection of duties to rev in mode of psymhnt of ............. 688
forc% ............................. 216 revenues pledged to secure........ 688
duies en goods not provided for by this commission, when to end Its labor. 88
act to remain as before April 2, 1864 216 record of proceedings of ........ 688
Importer., upon entry of goods, may add proceedings of commisdoners conclusive •
to invoice value, ................216,217 upon pending claims ............... 688
collector to ascertain dutiable value of Claims not pented d ting existence of
oo,.........................217 commis m ire onTastoea
benvad ......... when 638 +
ad=itou duty, aras valu e. dutyof
ees, &Co............. ......... 217 commission ends, ........... 688,
actual value of goods on board vessel at compensation of com
last place ,of shipment to be dutible pire .......................... 684
41,.1 .................. .. 217 Rleo caes,.
value, how: ascertaied,.........217 p to cerwk 1br continuing digest of,... 862
duty an philoeophical apparatus, &., 'Zisco Dimk,
lbr colles ........................ 217 how to be construed in the enrolment
easls, &a., exported full and returned ac ...................... 11
empty, to be fre of duty ......... 217 Eecion -
Invoices of goods imported to be made 9ntiebence with, by persons In the ser-
out in weights or measures of coun- vice of the United States, prohib-
try whence Imported, .............. %17 ited ..................... ...... 487
ofieer apointed to carry Into eflbt quliflainof voer mot to be pre-
certain licenses tP receive i000 a scribed ........................... 487
year additional, .................... 218 penalty fbr violatingthisact, .......... 487
personal effets, baggage, U., to be 6. light of sumag of sudh persons not in.
of daD ............................ 218 terfred with, ................. 487
iean1, , C /Je.i of, E trl Ve,
beasts of burden, carriaes, &., convey- pay of messegem for conveying to seat
ing smuggled goods, to be seised and of government, .................... 860
consecated ..................... 441, 442 EleT'Tdu;ph
search of buildings nea the boundary at on fo, beten Atlantic and
line Of thle united 81tate,.... 4 . .. Muft e.................2

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 803 1861-1865

Eadpat"w Casnuhdoasra, R~nsms., (continued.)
in Did" of Columbia, award ot In naval service, or marine eorp to be
amended, .........................
"Z. M. B.
41 credited to states, towns,&...8210
2A S , Bee Natiax ona .
American register to issue to,..t .... 670 Enrolld Men,
R1MbOmtsuit 'amishing Incompetent substitutes, to
of moneys received under money-order be still liable to draft, ............... 490
systtm ........................... 78 maymuster n men not subjet to dra, 491
to be etablishel in New York, ........ 886 at amending several act passed for, 487,
.superintendent of immigration, ........ 886 491
. clerks, pay, powers,, and duties,... 886 Enowat
who liable to ................... 7,9
Mby oVerland routes to the Pacifio, ap- who exempt fim ................. 8
propriation for protection of ........ 14 no longer to be made in two classes,+... 8
o by, pledging wages to repay penalty for forcibly resisting, & - --.. 8
expenses of emigration, valid ........ 886 qoamay be adjusted to revse9.
not to be enrolled fi military service BwhatAct,
5 u ,....................... 886 aljropriation Ami necessary expenses UnL-
not to be molested by Indians ........ 681 Enrlmnt~.. .............. 126
EnPrVWm See imnpt&- of vessels engaged in the coasling-trade
act to encourage ................. 885, 886 and lsheles owned in Hudson and
expenses under act to encourage ... 424 Bergen counties, N. J., authorized,.. 488,
Rune JOAN S., 489
payment to ................ 0........ 579 of vessels navigating western rivers and
Engiieer Departwen, waters on northern, &c., fiontiers,
appropriation for,.: ......... : ......... 28 where mag be....................
proeedmgs, made .............. 444
regiment of veteran volunteers may be to steam-tugs B. F. Davidson and W.
organized ............ #............ 80 K. Muir .......................... 19
of steamboats, f for license ......... 1 necessary for certain vessels in coaating
of ferry-boats, tug-boats, &c. suect trade on northern, &c., frontiers,.... 184
to Inspection, to be assif3, andLli- Envw*n List.,
censea.................... .12 to include what names................ 7,9
sergeant-major, quartermaster, and com- names of what persons to be stricken
missa sergeant added o battalion from ......................... 7,8
of .............................. 144,146
their pay .......... 105 appropriations for pay, &o., of ..... 187,422
number ofchief, ic ., on board naval Eqim an Reand n, .
vessel ...................... 898 appropriatins for bureau of ........ 81,462
pay o0 &0 ...................... S98
Engikeers &nthe Navy, joint resolution authorizing amendment
of contract with, for construction of
certain floating batteries ............ 409
six regiments to be enlisted ........... 488 as to Puritan .................... 409
-two companies to be added to former as to Dictator ................... 409
regiment, .......................... 488
edditional inapeetomqanthorized at. 198
arratin for,......... 25, 148, 448
trasfer of lanoeb.............. 26 rprlation toAy omoers, &o., of the,
when probable cost will exceed 20, to Et
Bek, TJfq
ot WM6,h=r de tryIng
., the Arkansas,. 824
be awarded to lowest and beat bidder, 186
immediate contract. may be made when accounts of to be settled .......... 590
pleieey requires, ......... 186 EVdce see Witnesse, ................. 851
in District ofColumb aeto,and
or mrns.provisions oncerning.... 7,8, Crsns interested in, civZl suits, may
Euliste4int, 84%,880 s........................ * ...... 874
provided, &e .................... 874
of perosceharged with orime In the of certain transcript. made evi-
District ofofColumbia,
punishment principl. actandto prevent,.
acess~o- 498 dece.........................585
in actions by or against guardians, ex-
ries....................... * " - *498 ecutors, &., neither party shl tes
of insane persons, convicts, or those Ms- tMy, unless, &.,.....................588
der indictment for felony, or held to Exation. See Napg.
beil for klony, or drunken peson, or of oMcers in navy before promoton,. .68, 64
deeers or minors, puni .. 48,490 biennial of ensioners ............... 887
Into the naval servioe of dated persons, for examination of quartermasters, com-
or those in military service ......... 7 miksaries, and paymasters, and their
law allowing tranmrs from army to assistants ......................... 181
navy repealed ..................... 119 of whom to consist, and to be sworn,.. 181
Inre" a ar way be for three years, how convened and what to do ....... 181
out = aM"ng, ................... 180O rules and regulations of ........... 181

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 804 1861-1865

Eratmig Boards, (continued.)
officers neglecting t ppear for exami- humillation, and mourning, day Wf,
nation, how punish .......... 181 pointed ir the death of Abraham
not passing examination, to be e ncoln, ........................... 755
dropped, ................... 181, 182
dismissal not to relieve from liabil- of agents and attorneys, for making ex-
ity for previous offences ......... 182 mption pers .................... 10
records of, to be forwarded to heads of physicans to have none for certificates
respective, bureaus ................. 182 of disability ....................... 10
for examination of pensioners ........ 888 for inspection of steamboats,payments in
Exem of /hes, lieu of, according to tonnage of vessel, 514
money paid in, to be refunded ...... 216 of eustom-oficers on northern, &c.,
Exeeutive Buildings, frontiers for various papers and ser-
appropriations for the, 148,160,158,154,848, vices ........................... 518, 619
448, 460, 458, 4 Fees und Emolments,
ap;'6l~a tdrMaz for ............. 146,161,448 of certain collectors, wha% and how to
be aceounted for .................. 184
Executive Orders, may be employed as clerks in depart-
respecting soldiers abeent without leave, 775 ments ............................ 28
offbring rewards for the arrest of certain salary not to exceed S ............. 28
felons ............................ 776 twenty per cenL added to pay of those
removing all restrictions upon trade,... 776 in government-employ ............. 160
rektablishing the authority of the pay not to exceed $1000 a year,.:. 160
United States in Virginia, ......... 777 Fnsandina,
directing claims for rewards for arrest blockade of, to cease so Air that ....... 749
of Booth and others, to be filed by t'hdulland boilers of certain, to be in-
January 1, 1866,................... 778
.......................... 20
im draft, surgeons, &c., on enrolling fees for inspection ................ 120
boards .................. %........ 491 provisions of internal revenue act con-
from taxation, certain treasury notes,.. 425 cing ......... ............. 276,277
from distraint, what property ......... 471 FWAuditor,
Exemp fron Aduy, appropriations for office of,.149,160,449,450
what articles are. See DliesImports, additional clerks in office of ........... 27
Iternal ReVenue. Finesand Foofekuriw
Eepton, Secretary of Treasury may remit,..... 198
from enrolment or draft, what to an- facts, how ascertained ............ 199
thorize .......................... 8,9 how disposed of ..................... 199
certain persons not entitled to ..... 8,9 Meen,
claims for, to be.verified by oath,.. 9 in naval service, honorable discharge to
obtained by fraud to be void ...... 10 be granted to ...................... 20
fees for papers for ............... 10
Ex-mOn Popers, to be granted without delay to vessels
fEe m
rpring ..................... 10 passing through the Dardanelles and
Ex-Mission of Jod.See &as J.s Bosphorus ........................ 618
act for relief of occu ants of, .......... 584 Auditor,
Experimental Gardn, appropriations for office of, 149,150, 449, 450
appropriation for .................... 15 clerks In office 9f ........... 27
Export Duties, r- comptrotter,
provisions respecting, in treaty with Ot- appropriations for offlce of, 149, 10,49, 4W0
toman Empire ................. 611,617 additional clerks in office of, ..-- ...... 27
Express Cquipames, "eFretProf,
provisions of internal revenue law con. to mean what under internsl revenue
cerning .......... ....... 276,277 law .......................... #..... 248
Exprewesi4n FWBounies.
license to, &c ....................... 478 not to be paid until proof that duty on
IXtOvrtion, foreign salt used tn. ijnrg them has
penalty upon collector and deputy for., been paid.......................... 142
under revenue law .................. 288 Fik, Aulid D.,
Extra Cope. See Pblic Doc ents. patent obtained by, may be extended to
of public documents, when and bow heirs ot If, t ..................... 96
may be had, ...................... 186 Fisk Plieb Anni,
Exiradei& ofr Fug9itesfrouu Justice, Fgb"apply? for extension of patent, ..... 96
treaty provisions with Hayti, concern-
ing ........................... ?7-729 lan*warrant to issue to ............... 682
Extra-Duwg Pay, PFoiMy Beonds. Bee Bond&
enlisted men at Military Academy enti- act iuthorizing Issue of .............. 18
tled to, when, &c .................. 89 The-Fot Loan. See Loa.
Secretary of Treasury iny borrow not
F. over 690,000,000 .................. 468
reommeed by congress ............ 416 certain remaining unsold, may be &l.
appointed ......................... 744 posedo !...................-4Z5
vOL. xii. Pu. - 68

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 805 1861-1865

Are-TIent BoN&, Fo or., (continued.)
certain may be Issued to certain sub- Fort Carroll, .................... 854
scribers ............................ 18 Fort Clinch, .................. 864 448
Fort Constitution.......... 88, 448
ILEoplons for the ............. 174, 658 fort at Delaware *eawater ...... 84
.zad anufacturm of, fort attortlointSan mrselsco, 86448
duty on ........................... 209 Fort rg ................. 868, 448
machinery deslgnel to manuleiture, to Fort Hale ....................... 448
be Aee of duty ..................... 216 Port Hamilton, ............... 868, 448
Flax, 4-., Macinery, Fort Independence .............. 448-
to be Imported free .................. 494 Fort Jefibreon,........... 48, 461
F/eet Enginer, Fort Knox, .................. 868,448
to be appointed, rank, &o ............ 4 Fort NMCtary ........... 868, 448
nee Paymader, FortMin ............ 4, 448
to be appointed, rank, &e.............. 54 Fort Monroe ................. 84 448
Fnoatin L'bti
BaoU. See Erke Fort Montgomery ......... S8, 448
•Fwl D ck., , . a, fort at New Bedford Harbor,. .. 8 448
appropriation for, to be applied to build Fort N a ,.... ........... 448
two dry docks ..................... 86 Fort ntario...............
Foas, Fort Popham.......... 868, 48
for certain lands in Louidana, ....... 826 Fort Porter.............. 444
Florida, Fort Preble .................. 868, 448
not entitled to representation in electoral Fort Richmond .................. 854
college............................ 667 fort at Sandy Hook ........ 864, 488
provisional governor appointed for,.... 771 Fort Scammel ............... 88, 448
the United State. to help.......772 Fort -Schuyler............... 854,448
convention, qualification. of electors,.. 771
Fog-S'aos, fort on Ship Island ............ 4, 448
Fort Taylor ................. 441, 461
rule. governing ....................... 60 fort on ite of Fort Tompkins, 864, 448
Fork., Paul S., Fort Warren ................. 858, 448
advance payment may be made to, on Fort Washington ................ 448
cntract, i&. .................... 604 Fort Wayne,... ........... 448
ForciNs nlr and Detainer, fort at Willett's Point,.8.. 8, 448
provisions of statute concerning, in the Fort Winthrop ............... 88, 448
District of Columbia, ..... 888, 884
8..... Fort Wool ...................... 854
See Diatritof cubia. repairs on several
York Harbor, forts in New 868
title of, to certain lands in Minnesota, battery on Staten Island ....... 84
confirmed, and patent to issue there- defences at mouth of Columbia
for ......... .............. 679 River, ........................ 85U
Foreign Consuls, repairs, &o., of barracks, &ft......... 84
tobeexempt from Incomeduty when, &c.,806 platforms for cannon ............... 864
Foreign Exchange, sea-wall at Great Brewster's Island,.::: 448
act to prohibit sales of ........ 82, 88 seetwals on Deer and Lovell's Islands,. 441
repealed ............... 844 additiouaL defences at San Freo ,sco864,
Frig4Intercowsre, field-works and operatlob ........... 448
general appropriation for .......... 187,422 tool and siege trains .............. 854, 448
Forfeit-e, bridge trains and equipage, ........ 84,448
for having distilled spirits with intent to contingenceas ot ..................... 84
sell in fraud of law ............... 14,15 defences of Washington ........... 864, 448
proceedings t6 enforce .......... 14,16 surveys for military ddeces ....... 86 444
for removing cotton toevade duty...... 16 obstructions In Potomac River ....... 84
of spirituous liquors attempted to be in- purchae of campaign maps ........... 444
troduced into Indian country ....... 29 survey of northern and northwestern
Forfeitures, lakes .......................... 444
amount due Informer, under revenue charts of lake surveys ............... 44
laws, how determined ............. 488 purchase and repair of instruments.... 444
1brgei. See Bomdb, fatorne fisvenue, Treas- appropriation for armament ot ..... 461, 497
wy-Nea. • FortLoreami Irdnian,
of obligations and securl es of. the
United States, ..................... 117 F ofor............-
Fort Bridgr, joint resolution directing committee on
treaty concluded with the Shoshonee conduct of war to examine into recent
nation at, assented to .............. 668 attack on ................. *....... 406
Fort rawford eservation, Foarth Auditor,
sale of land n Iowa h4 ............... 834 = oplati~on for loie of, 149, Igo, 449, 4MO
dormclerks in office of .......... 2?
appropritlons for ............ 28,129
appropriations for construction, preser apropriations for the............ 170,549
stion, and vepairs of certain,for yeas lRucal~ Oknwacsi
endingl0th June, 186, and June 80 may be Issued to an amount not over
1866 ....................... 868 4a 4"4 .60000o000 ........................ 220
Port Adams ................... 448 to be- receivable for all dues except for
bort at.Alsait ........ 8i 448. onstoms .................... 220

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 806 1861-1865

1l'ctOW ai Notes
none to beIssued of ises denomination entitled................
to representation w etoral
thanfive ents .....................
n 618 college : .........567
IbeakW Matter: provisional governor appointed for..... 764
official communications to heads of de- the United States to help ....... 764
partinents, A., to be sent free of post- myioa, 'PP
19G convention,
age.without idorsem e......nt 24qaliffications of sketes.. 764
claims of owners of, agahst Peru to be
'Thepd~7~ad rice-President, to ex- submitted to arbitration ......... 685
tend to what,..................... 80 See A.
commissloner of internal revenue to Gereuld, Atned L,
have ............. 2 payment to, for services as clerk ......
pate to omioner o internal rev. Glass
e ne
............................ 487 onty
on,........ ........... 210,211
Fronwast insurance Company,
charter of, extended ................ 426 indemnity to owners of ............. 675
certain aets of4 legalized .... 420 Gle, CorWona...................... 92
Increase of capital stock, ......... 426 See Conpamona Gome
Free Ddimery Gold Bullio and Coi,
of postal matier to be established, tax on sales, &e., of, b7 brokers ....... 478
where &o ...... 607 Gold Coin or BullI
an's i and Compny, act to prohibit sales of ............ 182, 188
establishe .......................... 510 repealed, ...................... W4
See 2"e emdman's Savin and Thw
Cempany. duty on ........................... 2 12
Freedmn aisd eRoees. See Bureau jv
bureau for relief of, established, ...607, 608 ma be reappointed to eadetship in the
Friction Mtce./s aval Academy ................... 687
provismion of revenue law concerning, 482, God ,E.,
486 G ,rment to ......................... 579
for navy, opropriation Br ........... 80 imported, how to be unladen and inspect-
ed at rst port of arrival ........... 197
acts-for rendition of,repal, ......... 200 trunks, closed vessels, &o., to be opened, 197
Pulbo, . to be forfeited If dutiable goods re
preference to be given to, as laborers, found therein ................. 197
under treaties withInIndins, . ........ 695 penalties, fines, and forfeitures, 197, 198,
Frnitre 199
of public buildings, appropriations for,.. 25 Gonnn, Milli A.,
to be sued for recovy of money paid
G. on false vouchers transmitted by,.... 86
Goehip Bandof Indian,
GaOa 4 27ma ., treaty with, of October 1, 1868 ..... 681
accounts of, as Indian agent, to be set- See Sh honee-G -, j&
tied ............................. 591 ve t Hospi for the
tmsient insan persons may be ad-
two local inspectors of steamboats at, au- mitted............................ $
thorized, .......................... 514 grounds of to be improved, by exchange
compensation, &e ............... 614 of land, ........................... 200
appropriation for the, ................ 848
in sales of spiits, to mean wha, ...... 472 pat of pay of oICers of navy or marine
Gards, . corps in to be reserved, ............ 848
experimental and propagating, a - laud to be deeded to John Perkins inex-
,tions for ................. 466 change for lands of his ............. 414
Grand Air*es
price of In Wasbngton, D. C ....... 426 in district and cirliourts of the Unit-
Gates, Berace, ed Statm ......................... 60
pension to .......................... 5M number of; and how summoned ....... 600
Geral Land-Office, If insuficient number attend, &c., panel
appropriation for office of commissioner how completed ...............
challenges,......................i 600
of .............................151,451
twelve must ooncur to find a bill,...500
lands in -Weouri, granted to, ......... M8 court to apoint a forman ............ 6M
foreman to swear witnesses.........500
additional inspectors authorized at,.... 198
thanks of congress and gold medal'
font-foot water-tax on certain lots In,.. 188 to............................8$99
general special tax may be laid In-
stead, ............. ;........... 188 to the five surviving soldiers of the Rev-
corporation of, may levy taxes to pity olutionary war, ................ 597, 598
debts contratd for Alig its quo- to Ms LW A. Ece ........... ..... M0
ta,........................... 489 appropraton tr .................... 86
and to pay its portion of the direct
tax of 161 ................... appr-riatio for sea-wall on........84

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 807 1861-1865

Great Britain, Ha vda&d,
notice given to, for termination of treaty office of commercial agent at, changed
with, relating to the naval force upon to tbtof consul, ................... 140
the lakes, adopted ................. 568 HlChapin,
additional article t9 the tyeaty with, for to be paid damages for use of lumber,.. 98
the suppression of the'slave-trade, of Har6or,
February 16, 1868 ................. 645 appropriation to preserve public works
right of search and detention of cer- In ertain, on Lakee Champlain, On-
tain vessels may be exercised tario, Erie, St. Clair, Huron, Michi-
within thirty leagues of Mada- gen, and Superior ................. 200
gascar, Puerto Ilseo, and San Do- on the seaboard .................. 201
ming ........................ 645 Harison, Rdlec S.
to have same effect as if it formed pension to .......................... 697
part of former treaty .......... 64 Hastiu.qe John,
ratifications, when to be exchanged, "e!dit to be given to, ft money lost br
&c....................... 645, 646 robbery ........................... 99
treaty with, for the final settlement of Hau,, 0. A.,
the claims of the Hudson's Bay and relief to the widow of ................ 88
Puget's Sound Agricultural Compa- Haytii,
nies, of July 1, 1868................ 851 commissioner and consul-general to, 189, 424
commissioners to examine claims,.. 651, 652 treaty between the United States and,
appointment, place of meeting, &c., 662 of November 8d, 1864 ............. 711
to name an umpire .............. 652 peace and amity and privileges of most
If they cannot agree, King of fkvored nation ................ 711, 712
Italy to appoint, ............... 662 rights of citizens in case of war ....... 712
umpie to be qualified ......... 662 property not to be confisated,- .... 71
vacancy in office, &e., how exemption from compulsory mili-
filled ..................... 652 tary duty ................ 718
decision to be final................ 662 rights of residence and of business. 718
awards to be paid In instalments,... 662 vileges of courts ............. 714
salaries of, and of arbitrator ...... 652 V ohs and papers not to be exam-
clerks to, and their pay ........... 662 ined, unless, &c............... 714
record of proceedings to be kept,.. 652 liberty of conscience and of relig-
Grm, Warren W., ious belief ..................... 714
payment to, for services .............. 581 rights of burial .................. 714
Guano disposal of personal property by will,
exportation of certain, permitted, ...... 494 and succession thereto...... 714, 716
Guardiavs, imports and exports ............. 715, 717
of lunatics and minors In the District coasting trade not included ......... 716
of Columbia ..................... 18,19 rates of duties ...................... 716
Guar,yan $Wesy of Di,*ric of Od=Na k& no prohibitions on importations ....... 716
act in favor of ....................... 824 provisions as to discriminating duties,.. 717
Gvrillae, rights of asylum and refuge .......... 717
an act to provide for more speedy pun- of those shipwrecked ............ 717
ishment of ........................ 866. duties not to be charged on certain"
who may carry into effet sentence goods unloaded from stranded ves-
against ........ ............ 856 sels ........................... 717, 718
(Jell LON Besevation ships of either country not affected by
ceded to the UnAed States, except, &e., 698 ownership of merchandise on board,
clearing of lands on .................. 694 contraband excepted, ............... 718
houses for chiefs of bands ............ 694 rules as to blockades, &e .............. 718
Gunery, free ships to make fi goods ....... 719
pay of offcer charged with experiments property of neutrals not subject to con-
in, at Washington navy yard, ....... 46 fiscation., & ...................... 719
Gunny Cloth and Bagging, contraband of war to include what, 719, 720
duty on .......... : ................ 209 what not specified as, to be free for
Gun~poder, commerce ...................... 720
appropriations for purchase of, 12, 461, 497 merchant vessels in time of war to ex-
duty on ............................ 214 hibit passports, &c. ... t .......... 720
Gumy, Sluart, leutral vessels to have passports and
accounts o4 to be adjusted and report certificates, ........................ 721
made ............................. 458 manner of search of vessels ......... 722
contract-price to be observed ...... 468 ships under convoy not to be visited or
before payment, Gw7nn to make con- searched, .......................... 722
reyance to the United States ....... 458 provisions in case of capture ......... 728
care of captured property; ......... 728
prize courts alone to take cognizance
IEL of prize cames.....................
no duties on prize ships or their cap-
gabedsCos 0, tors........................... 724
writ of, suspended as to certain persons, 780 fteign p,~vateers ................. 724,725
writ of, suspended ................... 786 citizens of either country not to take
suspended In Kentacky ........... 748 letters of marque against the other,.. 725
suspension of writ of, revoked ......... 774 equal rights of diplomatio agents ..... 725

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 808 1861-1865


AAi4 (continued.) Hondli.s, (continued.)

consol. and vice-consuls ............. 726 privileges of imt favored nation
commissions and exequaturs ...... 726 grnted............................ 700
to be exempt from personal taxes, 726 duties on imports and exports ....... 701
&a., may have aid of local author. to be the same on goods carried in
ies to arrest deserters, &A ...... 727 vessels of either country ...... 702
consular convention to be had ........ 727 tonnage, light, harbor, and salvage dues, 702
surrender of fugitives from justice, 727, 728 bounties and drawbck4 ............ 702
what proof relired .............. 728 rights of United Staes citizens in Ron-
to be made only by the executive,. 728 duras ......................... 708
crimes for which surrender shall be of citizens of Honduras in the
made ........................ 728 United States ................. 708
certain offences not included ...... 728 courts of justice to be open equally for
expenses of detention and delivery citizens of beth countries......... 708
to be paid by applicant, ........ 728 other privileges of citizens of both coun-
treaty to remain in force, how long,.... 729 tries to be the same ................ 708
ratifications, when to be exchanged,... 729 estates of persons deceased, ........... 704
exchange of ratifications, &e. ......... 729 exemption from compulsory military
Heads of LDq-a-ns, service ........................... 704
bureaus, &c., not to receive pay for ser. diplomatic agents and consuls, ....704, 706
vices in any matter where the United rights of citizens in ease of war between
States Is a party .................. 128 the two countries .................. 706
liberty of the person .................. 706
Cptai for ........... 146, 860, 441
Dania, of religious belief ................ 706
rights of burial, ...................... 706
accounts of, to be settled ............. 690 certain articles of this treaty may be
Hemp. terminated after notice .......706, 707
appropriation for, for navy .......... 80 Honduras interoceanic railway company
machinery designed for the manufacture to have right of transit, &c..... 707, 703
of, to be free of duty .............. 216 sovereignty and property of Hondu-
Hemp, 4-c. MachinrY, ras in and over the line of road rec-
to be importe-dfree .................. 494 ognized and guaranteed.......... 708
Hojl~au, Ida, protection and guaranty may be with-
pension to .......................... 588 drawn ........................... 709
ioywa, 0. V., ratifications where to be exchanged,... 709
certain money deposited to the credit of, Hkor Interoceaic Railbay Company,
to be paid to Henry C. De Ahna,... 608 provisions concerning, under treaty with
Hale-n-the-Day, Honduras ..................... 707-709
grant of land to ..................... 698 Rocker, Mijor-Generd Jos 0
payment to, for losses ................ 698 thanks of congress to ................ 401
B"me for the Relif of rindks Women and Hoopa; Valky,
CAildrn, appropriatiou to pay settlers for their
act to incorporate ............ 180,181 improvements on Indian reservations
Homsad Act, therein ............................ 88
persons in military or naval service, improvements to be appraised ........ 88
claiming benefit of, may make affi- amount not to exceed the appropriation, 689
davit before whom .................. 85 to be reimbursed from proceeds of
such affidavit being filed with register, sales of reservations .......... 589
to take effect from day of filing, if Haw and Mule-dtem,
fees are paid....................... 85 when may be furnished i 1 lieu of am-
commissions to register and receiver,.. 85 bulances .......................... 20
persons prevented by bodily infirmity Horse EquiptA,
from attending at land-office, may allowance to men furmishing, to extend
make affidavit before clerk of court,. 86 only to, &a....................... 145
affidavit may be transmitted, ........ 86
fen of registers and receivers in pre- allowance to men, &A., furnishing, to
emption claims ..................... 85 extend only to, &c.................. 145
time for filing affidavits extended to pre- of officers, &c., lost by capture by the
emptor. in the military or naval ser- enemy, to be paid for ............. 182
vice .............................. 86 Hones, Artie, and Cavaby,
additional fees, a., to certain registers appropriations for ......... 24,128,496
and receivers ...................... 86 Hospta DeParim-t, :dny,*
maximum not to exceed, &A....... 86 appropriations fir ............ 28, 128,497
HoNdUM, HospjAQ Dans,
treaty between the United States and, to be collected from United States ves-
of July 4, 1864 .................... 699 sels sold in foreign ports ........... 61
peace and amity,... ............. 700
reciprocal freedom of commerce, sub- Secretry of Navy to reserve part of
ject to laws ........................ 700 ocs' pay In.................... 848
ship. of war and post-office packets of super~indent to receive and dis-
the two countries to enter harbors of burse, and account for .....
848, 849
either ............................ 700 appropriations for ............... 88
privilege of coasting trade not Hoepitals and Hospital &obreg,
granted hereby ............... 700 appropriations for.......... 28,128,497

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 809 1861-1865

....................* 40

Hopsitoas, NIval, Ir'mmration, (continued.)
appror one for, ................ 88, 468 who may not be officers under act to en-
courage .......................... 886
appropriation for ................... 28 penalty on officers for taking fees, &e.,. 887
approprialions for expenses o4 148, 147, 446 report to congress on, &c ............ 887
Howrd, a .nera Oer 0., appropriation to carry act to encourage
thanks of congress to................ 401 into effeft ........................ 887
Hubbell, William WVeelr, expenses under act to encourage, ..... 424
claim of, for use of patent, to be referred Import Duties. See Belgium.
to court of claims, ................. 688 on goods from the United States im-
Hudson's Bay Company, ported into Belgium ................ 48
claim of,for damages against the United provisions respecting, in treaty with
States, to be investigated and deter- Ottoman Empire .............. 612, 618
mned by commisioners ....... 196,861 Iapo rA4 o,
Humiltion ad Mounting, to be unladen and inspected at first port
day of appointed for the death of Abra. of arrival, ......................... 197
ham Lincoln ....................... 755 trunks, closed vesels, &c., to be opened, 197
H mwil'on and Prayer, to be forfeited if dutiable articles
resolution requesting the President to are found therein............ 197
appoint a day of national, ........... 415 penalties, fines, and forfeitures, 197, 198, 199
day appointed ................... 744 Ietports,
To,,,, act increaslng duties on certain,... 202, 218
lands in Missouri granted to, ........ 581 joint resolution to increase for sixty
Hunt, Chares, days, duties on .................... 406
exequatur of, as consl for Belgium at to continue in force .............. 411
St. Loul, revoked ............ 741, 742 See Duties on Importa
Hadinga, Wiiam, act imposing duties on ......... 491-496
gratuity to ......................... 698 /moee.. See Internal Revenue.
copy of act granting, to be sent to, U9 provisions of internal revenue, act con-
cerning ....................... 281-285
L certain consuls of foreign countries not
subject to ..................... 17, 806
Idaho Trity, resolution Imposing a special ......... 417
appropriations fbr government in,. U57, 467 hwoome Tax,
Indian service in ............... 180. 659 provbions of revenue law concerning, 479-.
surveys of public lands In ........ 849,850 481
post-routes established in,...*. 821, 522, 620 rate of tax .......................... 479
oath of judges In,may be takeb before how assessed and collected, ....... 479, 480
whom, ........ :................... 89 annual gains and profits, how estimated, 479
part of territory of, hansferred to what to be included, and what deduc-
Dakota, ........................... 92 tions ......................... 479,480
territory o, may be reapportioned for lists and returns to be rendered ....... 480
.members of leglsltve assembly, 142 148 to be verified on oath .......... 480
basit of apportionment ............... 148 penalty for not making, or for re-
rights of members elct not impaired,.. 148 turning fraudulent lists ... 480, 481
time of annual election in 1864 ....... 148 p~ovision for cases where income duty
with Nevada to constitute one surveyor- has been paid elsewhere ............ 481
general's district, ................... 858 appals from decision of sstant-asses-
provisions for telegraphic -commnmica- sor .............................. 481
tion with......................... , 7 Indepeden Treasu,
See TepwraA..... appropriations for the ............ 168,457
construction of wagon-roads in, author-
le4..................5 18, 517 special sessions of federal disMet court
appropriation for ............... 617 In ............................. 8,419
what suits to be heard therein,.... 8
joint resolution providing for election of provision for pending prooess, ....... 419
members of congress from, at large, post-routes in, established ....... 8.17, 62
until, &a......................... 407 Indian Affairs,
pot-routes in, established,.... 816, 622, 628 appropriations for office of commissioner
Iraamaro of, ........................... 151, 451
act to encourage,................. 885-887
commissioner to b appointed, Ac. 888 act for better organization o, .......... 89
salary, term of office, clerks of4 &c., 888 California. to constitute one superinten- -

contracts by immigrants, pledging wa- dency ............................ 40

ges to repay expenses of when valid, superintendent, appointment, bond, sal-
&e ................................ 886 ary, &ec., of ....................... 40
advances on, &c., to be lien on land, may appoint a clerk .............. 40
e. ............................ 886 four tracts of land may be set apart for
immigrants not to be enroiled for mlii- reservations ....................... 40
tary iervlce, unless, Ac........... 886 how to be located ................ 40
emigrant office to be established in New improvements therein may be purchased
York ............................. 886 after report to congress, ........... 40
.superintendent of,............... 886 may or may. not include present .
saa, cark, powers of, &06,.. 8

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 810 1861-1865

indian Dpris, (continued.)
reservations not retained to be surveyed New York Indians ........... 164,4
and ofered for sale............. 40 Nez p ................. 174,6
minimum price;salehowconducted, 40 Nisqualys ................... 167,646
agent to be appointed for each reserva- Omaha .................... 167, 646
tion .............................. 40 s
Osage ..................... 167, 56
rpidence, duty, bond, salary, term Ottaw ........... 168, 176, 641, 665
ofofffice ..................... 40,41 Otoes,t ................. 167, 168, 547
physician, blac]kmith, fhrmer, and ear- Pawnees ................... 168, 547
or each reservation ........ 41 Peorlas ................. 180, 181, 547
Iianreservations and others to be aur- Piankeshaws, ......... 180, 181, 647
ved under direction of general land. Pillager Bands ........ 164,648,0
.................. . .41 Poncas, ................ 172, 661
Indian agents not to visit Washington, Pottawatomle, ........ 169, 648, 660
unless ordered .................... 41 puyanup ................... 169, 646
to reside at agencies ............. 41 Q we, ................... 169, 68
offices and agencies in California, not Qnil-leh-utes ............... 176, 65
provided for in this act, aboflshed.... 41. Qui.nalit, ................. 178, W
Indian Agen*ies, RogueRivers............. 170, 649
in Montana, continued, ............. 91,92 Sa .................. 170, 549
in Agents,
Utah and Nevada, appropriation Scotons, ............... t.... 160, 641
Seminoles, .............. 170,180. 549
for ............................... 26 Senecas ......... 170, 171, 649, 660
to search for and destroy spirituous liq- Shawnees .................. 171, 6M0
nors In Indian country, & .......... 29 Shosbones ............. 177,68, 667
to reside at agencies ............. 41 Sioux .......... 172,180, 661, 669
not to visit Washington, unless ordered,. 41 SIX Nations,........... 171,6No
for reservations in California, ....... 40, 41 S'Klallams .................. 176, 556
Zadi, Departent, Tabeguache Bands .............. 660
general appropriations for, and for fol- U tmaifllas,................... 178, 52
filling treaty stipulations with certain Umpquaz ......... 162,171, 641,669
tribes for te years 1864-6, 1866-6,161- Upper Pen d'Oreilles ....... 176,564
181, 641-668 Utahe .................. 180, W 660
aerts, superintndente,&c., 161,162,641, ............ 178, 662
deftinterpreters, &c ...... 162,641 Wes .................. 180,181, 547
presents, provisions, buildings at Wiehitas ........... 177, 180, 67, 662
agencies, and contingencies, 162, 541 Winnebagoe, 164,171,172,544,660,560
treaty stipulations, &n., with the Yakamas ................... 178,562
Apaches .................... 166,644 Yantos, ................... 172, 561
Arapahoes ............. ;.... 176, 665 Indian service In Arzona Territory, 180,'6,669
Blackfoot Indians,... 162, 179, 649, 661 in California,.... 179,
Calspooias .......... 171, 172, 660, 561 in Colorado Territory, 180, 668
Camanches ................ 165, 644 in Dakota Territory,.. 179,69
Cayues ..................... 178, 562 In Idaho Territory,... 180, 659
ChastS ..................... 162,541 in Michigan and Minue-
Cherokee Nation ....... 180, 68,6 64 sots, ............... 179, 58
13heyennes .................. 176, 656 in Montana Territory.... 669
Chickasaws .......... 166, 180, 644 in Nevada Territory,. 179, 658
Chippewas, 162, 168,164, 168,177,642- in New Mexico,.. 1T77, 57, 69
644,547, 66, 6O in Oregon ........... 179, 58
Choctaws ........... 166,180, 544 fs Utah Territory.... 180, 8
Clackamas ................ 172, 661 in Washington Territory, 179,
Comanche............. 165, 544 6W8
Creeks, 165, 16, 177,180,644,646,657 in country leased from Choetaws,. 177, 657
Dakotas ........................ 180 annuities to Pawnees, Poncas, and
Delawares ................... 166,646 Yancton Sioux, ........... 179, 668,69
Dwamish ................... 172, 661 Chippewas ............. 179, 660, 681
Flatheads ................... 174, 668 pay of agents,
laborers, ckrks supervsM, and 179
Fort Laramie, ............... 171, 66
poxes ...................... 170, 649 vacenoation, ..................... 179, 668
Iowas.. ............... 166,646 teinporary subsistence of the Weas, Fe-
Kansa ................. 166, 646 oilas, Rskskls, and Plbakeshaw
Kaskaskias.............. 180, 181, 647 Indians ........................... 181
KMckapoos.............. 166,642 to carry into effet the treaty with,. 180
iowa. ................. 166, 644 subsistence of the Siseeton, Wahpa-
Kootensys .............. 176, 554 ton, Medanakanton mad Wabhpkootf
Lake Wnibagoshish ... 164, 648,660 bands of Sioux or D~kota Indians, 480, 69
Makahs .................... 178, 661 approprtions t tribes i Chickasaws,
hostility, in-
Menomonees. 164, 166, 644, 645 eluding the Cherokees,
Miamies.......... 166, 167, 64 Choctows, Creeks, Seminoles, Wiht-
Middle Oregons,. ........... 175, 664 tes, and other affillated tribes may be
Missourlas ............. 167, 16 647 expended in part on those driven from
Mohalas .................... 2, 5651 their homes; .................. 180.662
Motels ..................... 175, 64 accounta to be kept,.......... 180 662

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 811 1861-1865


Indian Dt2N5W0Vumt conatnud Indian 2YWa, (continued.)

reservations to be excepted, ....... 482
ther= ........ !!n "r 8 where to be.salected........ 42
articles for Indiana to be in payments to Indians, agricultual im-
made fter advertisement, .... 181, 882 plements, stock, &e., to be given as
no bid unreasonable in its chab- fr as possible ..................... 482
acter to be accepted, ...... 181, 62 approraton, ....................... 482
no part of annuities to be expended for
Indians outside of Indian Territory joint committee to inquire into the con-
south of Kansas, except, &c.,... 181, 582 dition of, and their treatment by the
expenses of board of visitors ....... 561 authorities of the United States ..... 672
of removal and subsistence of the to report to congress at next ses-
f eapewa.................... 61 sion .......................... 578
female ee, medals, &e. ........ 661 appropriation for expenses of ...... 678
certain annuities may be paid in coin,.. 662 hdidemt,
chlefi, of Stockbridge Munsee tribe may not necessary in summary triels )f mi-
enter a homestead ................. 562 nor oflbnces against laws of the United
may become citizens .... ...... 8 62 States ............................ 125
abandon eer vain of, may be of shareholders in banking associations, 108
sold, .......................... A2 executors, trustees, &e., not personally
temporary relief for refugee Xndians,... 568 liable ........................... 118
unlawful driving of horses, stock, &c.
from Indian Territory, how punished, 8 amount due for penalties under revenue
agents of Indian tribes may sell horses, law, how ditermined, .............. 488
cattle, &c., for Indians ............. 668 fl1 ad Waters,
property taken on, not maritime prize,.. 877
pay for suppressing, in Minnesota,... 850 Issanle.
See Governsten Hosptalfor tdI lIwae.
Indlian Ref pa, certain may be admitted to the asylum
appropriation for relief oC In Southern for, in the District of Columbia, ..... 427
superintendency .................. 62 transient insane persons may be admit-
ted into hospital.................... 8
claims of offlers of the fourth and fifth, government hospitat for the, ground of4
to be paid ......................... 418 to be improied by exchange of land,. 200
Indian Resrvations,
in California, four trats to be set apart of vessels, tees'for ................... 120
r............................. 40 of imported articles at fint port of U-
former reservations, If not retained, to rival.............................. 197
to be surveyed and sold, ............ 40 proceedings to avoi at first port ...... 1
to be surveyed under direction of gen-. Ipectrs. See Itenal
oral land-office ....................... 41 ma. be appointed in any assessment
In Utah, except Ulnta Valley, may be dstri, to aid in enforcing, &o., the
surveyed and sold, ................. 68 revenue law........ " .............. 229
proebeds of sale, how applied, ......... 68 their duty and pay................ 224
minimum price ...................... 68 of spirits, oil, tobacco, cigars, Lo., to be
Indians in territory to be settled in appointed, .............. ........ 244
Uinta Valley ..................... 68 pay, dutX, &., o4 .................... 244
appropriation for agroultura improve-
ments in Uirta Valley ............. 68 pay of, in certain ports, may be in-
in Utah Territory, where to be selected, 482 cressed ......................... 61, 62
Washington Territory, payment for cetain authority of collectors extended
lands, &e., of private citizens taken for, 482 to ............................... 442
claims, how allowed and paid, ..... 482 pay of certain increased, .............. 460
general treaty, provisions eoni, 68 A40ilOf Saboats,
anmopriationa for ..................... 158
See Reseration. additional supervising authorized ...... 120
Indians, two local, at Memphis and Portland, ... 120
may be competent witnesses in cases act authorizing at Wheeliqg, Va., re-
arising under act prohibiting iles of wealed,............................ 12D0
spirituous liquors ............... 29 payment for according to tonnage ..... 614
appropriation for relief of destitute rfA- two assistant local Inspectors authorized
gees In Southern superintendency,... 62 in New York ...................... 514
of Middle Oregon, aprpriatieonto make two local, at Galen,.................814
treaty with, ....................... 824 .compensationi of ............. 514
India , Bi-e, local board at Wheelingijestabllshed,.. 514
furnishing arms to those within the lin in lieu of former fees for inspection, ves
its ofthe United States, to bepunlshed, 758 sels of 100 tons and under to pay $5, 514
Indian Superialendencies, for each additional ton five cents,.. 614
in Montana, continued, .............. 91,92 Insurance Brokers,
Indian Tles, license to .......................... 478
to agricultural and mineral lands in Insuewaeesames,
Utah Territory to be extinguished by prov!ons of internal revenue cQ4
treaty ....... ;.................... 482 erning .............. 27,277, 2 299

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 812 1861-1865

inter RNpe, (connued.)
tob ear....................... 767 to a"tas commissoner, and exercise
hespita"ities to be refused to the public frang privilege .............. 224
vesse of certain nations showinghoe- revenue agents, their duty and ay,. ... 2
pitalities to, after notice ............ 757 i .speotomcertain assessment stricts,
their pay, ......................... 224
the, in Tennessee declared suppressed, 757 cashier of Inteinal revenue, salary, duty,
'Isrs, rniy ~frcs pay,.............................. 824
commissioners of direct taxes in ...... 158 bnd, and where kept, ............ 824
Iastwi-"o~ai &bat-s, collection districts to remain as hereto-
commercial intercourse with .......... 875 fore established,................... 824
prohibited ..........t..... 781 assessment districts may be changed
abandoned lands in, may be se apart for when required ..................... 224
freedmen and rf gees
............. 608 assistant assessor in each district ...... 224
zaterast, assessors to appoint assistants ......... 469
of five-forty bonds, payable in coin,.... 219 vacancy in office of, how filled..... 224
on treasury notes payable, In lawful oath of assessor and assistant assessor, 224,
money, ........................... 219 226
on all bonds heretofore issued, payable penalty for acting without tak-
aannually to be paid semi-annually,... 219 ing ...................... 229, 280
on certificates of deposit for temporary one half to go to Informer,..... 280
loans, ............................. 219 certificate to be delivered to col-
zatWe"Wing Notes, lector ......................... 22
not to be a legal tender for redemption collectors to give bonds before entering
of circulation of banks,.......... h9 on duties ......................... 226
hnerior Depcrtmeiu, amount, sureties, conditions ...... 226
appropriations for ................ 22,461 where to be filed and kept .... 226
to renew and strengthen them from
act to increase ....................... 14 time to time ................... 225
amendment of act, ............... 469-487 collector may appoint deputies and re-
duty on spirits distilled and sold,... 14,420 voke appointments ................ 225
to be colleuwd on basis of frs proof, 14 to pay deputies ................ "2
to be alien on spirits, distillery,,o., 14 may require bonds, &c., ..... 2 5
penalty for having spirits, &a., In pos- to be responsible for acte of his dep-
session, with intent to sell, in fraud of uties ......................... 225
tescollect the whole tax and 22, du- 469
duty.............. *................ 14
spirits, &c., to be forfeited, ........ 14 .......................
forfeiture, how enforced .........14, 16 deputy collectors to have power of col.
certain distilled spirits may be sold to ollect
taxes, & ......... 225
without payment of duty, .......... 16 persons, firms, and corporations to re-
drawback not allowed on certain spirlts, 16 turn to assistant assessor amount of
additional duties on distilled spirits,.... 16 annual income and lists of artiles
duty on cotton .................... 16, 16 subject to tax, &a................... 22
to be marked on bales and paek- forms, Uc., of returns ......... 226
ages ......................... 16 regulations, instructions, &c., of com.
permits for removal .............. 16 missioner to be binding on assessors,
assessors, &e., to assess and collect, 16 Ac., and collectors, &c............... 22
penalty for removing with intent to assessors to cause assistants to make out
evade duty ...................... 16 tax-lists in each district,....... 224226
cotton sold by government to be fre persons, &c., filling to return lists, may
of duty ..................... 16 disolods to ofieer .................. 2
drawback on articles manufacturd ex- officer to make list, ............... 22%.
clusively of cotton .................. 16 list, when signed and sworn to, to
provisions of act of 1888, to apply to be list of such persons ......... 226
collection of,.................... 17, 808 penalty for delivering or disclosing fraud-
act to provide ................... 22&400 ulent list, ..................... 22627
any words referring to persons, to in- assistant assessors to notify persons ab-
dude Arms and corporations ....... 258 sent at time of call to return tax-lists,. 22
"ton" to be two thousand pounds,.... 208 upon refal or neglect to give lists,
commissioner of internal revenue to be or making false ones, assessor to
appointed, ....................... 220 summon them to appear wfth
salary, duty, authority, bond...... 228 their books ............... 22,471
clerks in theoffce of ............. 228 penalty for disobeying summons,.. 220
to have franking prTyllege,.........228 arrest fr contempt, .............. 225
assessor to enter upon premises and
Gzs1MAL PRoVISIoNS. make lists ........................ 227
such Hato to be good lists, ....... 227
commissioner to pay over moneys daffy, 228 fifty per cen$. to be added to value
to render accounts monthly ..... 228 of such lists .................. 227
to send copy to office of Seeretary penalty for such refusal, ..... 227
of Treasury ................... 228 property ofabsent owners, how assessed,
bond, conditions of ........... 2 224 &C........................ L W
deputy commissioner, appointment, sal- lists of non-resident owners, how made, 227
ary, and duty 04 ................... 224 non-resident owners may deliver lists of

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 813 1861-1865

ltdenzal Reen, (continuted.) 'rawi.- Rsvma (ontinued.)
such property to assistant assessor of further allowances ........... 282
distriet where they reside .......... 227 sairy and commissions not to exceed,
such Rssistants to transmit such I &C., .............................. 282
lis .......................... 27 accounts of collectors and assessors, how
further proceedings therewith, M, 228 adjusted .......................... 282
Bsts to be taken with reerence to what collectors to give three receipta'for lists
time ............................. 228 received from assessors ............. 282
to be called annual, monthly, and what to be done with them ....... 282
pe....................... 228 to give notice that duties are pay-
sistant assessors to make general lists, 228 able ...................... 282,288
of residents ..................... 228 persons neglecting topay within time, to
of non.resident ................. M py ten per cent. additional ....... 288
fotms and contents of such lists, 228 colletor to make demand personally,
to deliver them to assessors within or at dwellings, within ten days fron
thirty days ..................... 228 receiving lists, ............. 288, 489, 470
assessors to noti*y by advertising where to distrain and sell, if not paid in ten
appeals may be heard .............. 228 days ......................... 288, 469
lists to be open to inspection of those ap- proceedings in case of distraint, &., 288,
plying ............................ 22S 469
assessor to hear and determine appeals what is exempt fom distraint, 288, 284,
summarly ......................... 228 469
appeals when not to be allowed ...... 228 goods, &4., distrained may be restored
to be In writing and state what,.... 228 to owner, if beibre sale amount due
on heating of, may require attend- ad expenses are paid or tendered,.. 288,
ance of witnesses and produo- 471
tion of books of account, ....... 229 proceedings in case of sale ....... 288
attendance and mileage of wit- proaeedings where property diatralned
nesses, .................... 229 Is not divisible, .................... 284
assessments may be rectified, ......... 228 to purchase for the United States prop-
not to be increased without notice,. 228 et sold In certain case ......... 284
notice, how given ............ 228 such property may be sold ....... 284
assessors, after expiration of time for account of charges of sale to be rendered
hearing appeals, to make out lists,... 229 commissioner ..................... 884
contents of lists ................. 229 to seize and sell real estate where .per- ,
separate lists of non-residents...... 229 sonal property is not sufficient, ...... 284
copy of to be sent to assessor of dis. proceedings in such case ..... 284,286
trict where they reside ....... 229 deed, to recite what .............. 286
lists to be sent to collectors in ten days, 229 effeet thereof ................ 286
if lists furnished are Incomplete, special may be stopped by tender of
ists may be made ................. 229 amount of duty and chadwges,....28
proceedings as to special lists to be lands anywhere within the state
same as to other lists ........... 229 may be seized and sold ......... 286
place of business of assessor to be open lands seized may be redeemed aflter
during business hours, except, &.,...2 sale, by paying, &c., amount due, 286
assessors may be exonerated from for- to keep record of sales of lands,........ 286
feiture by commissioner of internal record, where to be deposited ...... 286
revenue .......................... 229 entry of fwt of redemption of lands
pay of assessors, salary how payable,.. 280 to be made on record, ......... 285
percentage upon receipts,........ 280 claim of government on lands sold,
salary in no 'case to exceed 84000,. 280 to date from seizure ......... 286
actual and necessary expenses allowed,. 280 to collect tax upon property of persons
regulations as to clerk-hire ........ 280 non-residents, in the United States, 286,286
pay of assistant assessor, per diem,.... 280 proceedings In such case ....... 286
certain, allowances .............. 280 to send names of those on lists not ve-
assessors and assistants not to be paid siding in his distrit, to collector of
until accounts are approved at the any district where persons reside or.
havepoperty, ................ 286,
addtoi"comnpensatlon to certain se-281 colector receiving to return receipt, 286
sors and to asesors in certain states, 281 to return monthly statements of collec-
penalty upon assessors for receiving tions to commissioner .............. 286
portion of pay of assistant ......... 281 to complete collections, and render ac-
accounts of assistant assessors for pay counts, .......................... 286
and charges to be made monthly,.... 281 receipt of officer of designated de-
to be approved by assessor ........ 281 pository to be sufficient voucher,. 286
"If assessor negligently approves too to be charged with wfole amount of
much, the excess to be deducted taxes receipted for, ................. 287
ftom his own pay .............. 281 to be credited with what .............. 287
or suit may be brought, ........... 281 dues form delinquent collectors to be
ten hours to be the equivalent of a day, 281 collected by distraint and sale,.. 287, 469
pay and commissions of collector.,. 21, 282 warrant of distress to Issue against
460 his estate .................... 287
certain charges and expenses to be proceedings thereon ........ 287
allowed, ...................... 282 real estate seized and sold,. 287

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 814 1861-1865

InternalRemeu, (ontinued.) Zate-L Rossue, (eontnued.)
penalty for extortion or wilful oppres- assessors, collectors, &a.,their assist-
sion under color of law ............. 288 ants and deputies, to be deemed "rev-
one half to go to informer ....... 288 enue offices," ............ 241
collectors and deputies to give receipts maT administer oaths, A c.......202
for all sums collected, &c........... 28 peju7 in taking such oaths, how
may enter places where taxable pumsed, .................... 242
property is kept, to examine, &e., 288 persons having more than one place of
penalty for refusal to admit, &c........ 288 business to be taxed where commis-
for foreibly obstructing collector, sioner of internal revenue directs,.... 280
&c., in discharge of his duties... 288 be taxed at the place
to ollect taxes, and prosecute to recover of their manufture ............... 281
them and all flnes, &o............... 289 Spinrra, Ar., Baun, Ponma.
fines, &c., how recoverable, and to
whose use .................... 289 licenses to be granted for distilling,.... 242
United States not liable to, for cer- application to be made and bend
tain osts .................... 289 given .................... 242, 471
ccollector is sick, a., deputy to act,.. 288 penalty and conditions of bond, 242
responsibility of collector and sure- bond may be renewed or changed,. 242
ties, not affected .............. 288 application for license to be in writ-
if collector dies, &c., deputy to act, 288,471 big, and to state what, ...... 242,471
deputy longest in service to act as penalty for flse statement, 242,248
collector, &a.................. 288 duties on spirits in addition to license, 248,
remedy for defaults of such 476
deputy, .............. 29 on spirits, &a.,in store, ft ....... 248
swearing falsely, where oaths are re- to be alen .............. 248,471,472
quiredby this act, to be perjury, .... 289 no lower rates than the basis of first
punishment therefor, ............. 289 proof ..................... 268
revenue agents may administer oaths,.. 472 meaning of "firt proof,.......... 2481
separate accounts to be kept at treasury meaning of gallon," .......... 472
of moneys received from eaci state, - 289 owners of stills to keep account of spir-
of amont of each species of duty its distilled, in books ........... 24.
or tax ........................ 8 to be open to Inspection of asessors
abstract to be laid before congress and collectors .............. 248
annually ..................... 289 to render accounts to Collector three
commissioner, on appeal, may refund all times a month .......... 248,244
duties illegally assessed and collected, 289 to keep account of grain, &c., used
or excessive in amount, ........... 289 for distillation ................. 244
may repay collectors, &c., sums paid to pay sll duties, &c.............. 244
by them on judgments against where duty is to be paid ..... 472
them officially .............. 289,240 brandy distilled from grapes to Oa
and damages, &c., recovered twenty-five cents a gallon,...... . 24, 472
against assessors, Ac..2..... inspecters of spirits, coal-ol, tobacco,
moneys recovered on judgments to be 8c., to be appointed by Secretary of
Scollector ................. 240 Tres*.......................244
paid to satisfy judgments to be by their duties and pay .............. 244
drafts,....................0 penalty for refusing to admit to
in cases of distraint and sale of goods premises, or obstracting in dis-
and chattels, the bill of sale thereof charge of duty ................. 244
by the officer making sale, to be con- to snspct,,gauge, prove, and mark
clusive evidence, &c ............ 24.0 spirits, ...................... 244
If act cannot be executed in any state at inspectors' fees to be paid by
any time, it is to be put in force as owner of spirits ............. 2
soon as authority is restored ........ 240 penalty for attempting to evade duties
efficers under this act to assess and collect by changing marks .............. 244,472
duties under direct-tax act, 240, 469, 470 on inspector, for fraudulent marking, 244
and under any direct-tax act here- for using marked casks, to sell spir-.
after .......................... 20 its of a different quality,.... 244, 246
goods, on which duties are imposed, held owners of distillery may erect ware-
with intent to defraud the revenue, to house for bonded wxrehouse ......... 245
be forfeited ........................ 240 distilled spirits to be stored therein. 245
materials, held for manufacture in fraud duy thereon, when to be paid, 246
of the revenue, and tools and imple- spirits, coalil, Maphtha, &c., ater beg
ments, to be forfeited ............. 240 inspected and marked, may be re-
proceedings to enforce forfeiture, to moved without payment of duty, 246, 472
be in an...................... 240 transportation bonds, or other secn-
persons having goods or materials In rity, to be executed ............ 245
possession, with intent to evade the to be removed from one bonded
law, to be liable to penaly,...... 240, 241 warehouse to another .......... 246
goods to be seized and kept ....... 241 to be inspected again on arrival, and
perishable articles may be sold,.... 241 duty paid on any deficiency, &c., 245
subsequent provisions of act as to re- dwback not to be allowed, &.,... 246
turns, fines, &a., to apply to what, ma "be withdrawn, after payment of
&e ............................... 241 duy,............................. 246

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 815 1861-1865

ilmiw &waiue, (cntinued.. atanw Revawe, (continued.)
or removed, without payment of requested, officer to seize horse, wag-
duty for export, ............. 245, 472 on, 40., ...- .................... 24 -9472
entries in books of distller to be veri- certain persons not to be licensed as
fied three times each month by oath, 246 peddlers .................... 478
form of oath ...................... 246 upon death of person licensed, executor,
oath where original entries are not 4c., may carry on business ..... 249, 250
made by owner ................. 246 upon removal, person may exercise
duties on beer, ale, porter, and other his trade In new place ........ 260
fermented liquors................... 240 fuh entry required in each case....... 250
when and by whom to be paid,.... 26 where persons have more than one place
fractional parts of barrels, &c., .... 246 of business, tax to be collected where, 280,
in bottles, & .................... 246 281
owners of breweries making fermented persons carrying on more than one
liquors, to enter in books, amounts of trade, must have license for each,.... 250
materials used, and of beer, &c.,pro- any number of persons carrying on
duced ......... ......... 246, 247 business at one place in copartnership,
books to be open to inspection of may act under one license ......... 251
assessors, collectors, &c. ........ 247 auctioneers not to sell goods, &c., at
to render accounts monthly to as- private sale........................ 250
sessors ....................... 247 license as auctioneer not to authorize
accounts to be verified by oath,.... 247 another to act as auctioneer ....... 250
penalty for not making returns,... 472 penalty for so doing ............... 250
to pay duties at time of rendering may sell goods of licensed dealers,. 260
accounts ..................... 247 judicial sales, and public sales by ex-
provision where person manufactures in eoutors, &0., not sutbect to laws re-
one district and has a warehouse in lating to auction mdes .............. 250
another ........................... 247 licensese krnted annually to
where a person has more than one bankers .......................... 251
place of business ........... 280 savings banks need not have
manufacturers to pay tax where license .................... 251
place of business is located ..... 284 wholesale dealers ................ 251
entries in books to be verified on oath,.. 247 liceise understated to be again
form of oath ..................... 247 assessed,.................. 251
oath where original entries are not retail dealers ................... 251
made by owner ......... 247, 248 wholesale dealers in liquors....... 261
penalty on owner, &c., for not making retail dealers In liquors ........... 252
true entr7 ..................... 248 lottery-ticket dealers .......... 252, 472
stills, liquors, &c., to be forfeited,.. 248 horse dealers ................... 252
collector may seize stills, &c..... 248 no additional license for keep-
proceedings to enforce forfeiture, .. 248 ing livery-stable ........... 252
to be in nature of a proceeding broker ................. 252, 472, 478
inrem..................... 248 persons licensed as bankers,
If duties on spirits, ale, &., are not paid need not be as brokers ..... 252
"in time, ten per cent. additional to pawnbrokers ................... 262
be charged ............. 24.8 expresmen ................. #.... 478
penalty on person licensed, for not for. lad-warrant brokers ............. 262
nishing account &c ................ 248 cattle brokers...............252
for refusing to have his books ex- produce brokers ................. 252
amined ........................ 248 commmerclal brokers ............ 268
custom-house brokers ............ 263
Iomoiss. insurance brokers, ............... 478
substitute brokers, ............... 478
persons, firms, and corporations, not to distillers ........................ 28
carry on certain trades or business, brewers ......................... 268
unless licensed, .................... 248 rectifre ................... 258
patent agents, &c................... 472 cal-oli distillers ............. 258
lieee not to exempt persns having hotels, inns, taverns ........ 258, 264
them from operation of state laws, 260,251 steamers and vessels furnishing
state laws not to exempt persons from fod or lodging to passen-
procuring license .................. 21 gnrs must pay a license,..... 25
proceedings to procure license, . 248, 249 eatng-ouses,.................254
applicant to register his name, Ic. 248 conftioners, ............... 264
penaly for carryln on trade, &., with- claim and patent agents ........ 254
out flcense ........................ 249 patent-right dealers...........264
iv-eme to state what .................. 249 real estate agents ................. 254
to authorize what, ............... 249 eonveyancers, ................... 264
to continue in force, how long, .... 249 keepers....... 264
persons doing business requiring license, insurance agents ............. 254
to exhibit license to revenue ofieer, foreign insuranc agents ......... 264
when requested ................... 249 auctioneers ...................... 256
if not, to be deemed to have no manufacturrs, .................. 256
license..... ; ................. 249 miners ......................... 478
fpeddlerrefuses toprodnce license when peddleM ................ 256, 472, 478

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 816 1861-1865

ldtnd Revenue, (continued) Inured Remue, (continued.)
apothecaries .................... statements to be made of different kinds
photographers ................... 255 of tobacco, &c., held or owned, ...... 282
tobaonistss ...................... 255 annual statement, ................. 262, 474
butchers ......................... 256 books to be kept of purchases and sales, 262,
theatres, museums, concert-balls,.. 26 474
circuses, jugglers ................. 256 copies of entries to be given assessors
bowling-alleys and billiard-rooms,.. 266 weekly ...... ............... 262
gift enterprises ................... 266 duties to be Immediately issessed ...... 262
stallions and jacks ............... 266 to be paid within ive days ......... 262
lawyers ..................... 256, 257 if not paid, collector to distrain for
physicians, surgeons, dentists ..... 257 the same, &e............... 262
architects and civil engineers ..... 267 proceedings in such case, .. 268
builders and contractors ........ 267 manufacturers or vendors of tin-foil to
plumbers and gas-fitters ......... 267 render statements, Ae.,........... 28
assyers ......................... 257 manufactured tobacco, snuff, and cigars,
persons engaged in any other trade may be transferred to bonded ware-
or business, exceeding, &c ..... 267 house, without payment of duty, .... 268
apothecaries, confectioners, eating- drawback not to be allowed upon, if
houses, tobacconists, or retail deal- excise duty is paid ............ 268
ers, except, &c., whose gros sales do manufacturers of tobacco, &c., to make
not exceed $1000 a year, not to take monthly declarations ............. 268, 474
license ............................ 267 penalty for false declarations ...... 268
manufacturers may sel their own arti- penalty for selling tobacco, &c., on which
cles without additional license, U.,... 28 duties have not been paid ....... 268, 476
for knowingly purchasing or receiv-
MaNUFACTUxxs, ARTICLES, AND PRODUCTS. Ing ........................... 268
persons, firms, or corporations; before what manufactures exempt from duty, 268,
commencing or continuing manufac- 264
ture, to give to assessors a statement, 258 ad valorem duties to be paid by producers
to make monthly returns, ......... 258 or manufacturers upon
form-of ..................... candles ......................... 204
duties to be paid monthly ....... 258,478 mineral coals ............... 264, 475
to be a ien ...................... 28 duty on, by whom paid in cases
where goods are manufactured on com- of leases heretofore made,.. 264
mission, or the material is furnished oils, animal or vegetable ........ 264
by one and manufactured by another, illuminating gas ........... 264, 265,475
manufacturer to pay tax and collect duty may be added to price
of owner, ......................... 259 charged consumers,....... 264
tax s paid to be a Hien ............ 269 col-tar exempt .............. 264
if duty is not paid, articles are for- competing gas companies to
feited ............................ 259 pay rate imposed on largest
collector to take and hold posses- company,. ................ 265
sion .......................... 259 coal illuminating oil, a., 265,475
subsequent proceedings .... 259 distillers of coal-oil to be subject to
articles when to be declared for- provisions of this act,..."........ 26
feited ......................... 269 naphtha ......................... 265
judgment of forfeiture, may be spirits of turpentine .............. 266
reviewed .................. 269 ground coffee ................... 266
notice of seizure, to be given to commis- ground spices ................... 265
sioner, ............................ 260 refined sugar.. ............ 265
causes for seizure and forfeiture ....... 260 brown, &C., sugar ................ 26
sale of perishable articles ............. 260 molasses and syrups ........... 265
assessors may estimate mount of man. confectionery ..................... 266
ufactures ......................... 260 chocolate and cocoa .............. 266
manufacturers to render account of ful saleratus. ....................... 266
amount of actual sales .............. 250 starch .......................... 266
other statements in the account,... 260 tobacco. ......................... 270
commissions and freight alone to be snuff ........................... 270
deducted .......................... 261 cigars .......................... 270,271
manufacturers of tobacco, snuff, and gunpowder .............. 266, 476, 476
cigars, to make statement, and obtain white lead, ...................... 266
permit, besides license..... 261, 474, 477 oxide of zinc ..................... 266
fee for permit2.................... 261 sulphate of barytes------ - 266
penalty for working without, .. 261, 474 paints and painters' colors....... 266
notice of change of place of manu- clock movements ............... 266
factors to be given, ............. 261 pins ............................ 260
assessors to keep alphabetical lists umbrellas and parasols, ........... 266
of, ..... .................... 261,262 wood-screws, .................... 266
manufactures of tobacco, Ac., duty on, railroad, band, hoop, and sheet-
how paid, when manufactured on iron ...................... 268,476
shares ........................ 82,477 stoves and hollow ware ......... 268
penalty for defrauding the govern- Iron castings for bridges, &c...... 268
ment, ..................... 262,475 steel, .. !!!...................... 268
VOL. XnL Puu. - 69

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 817 1861-1865

htsnud Reaus, (continued.) ItniWj Reues, (cotnued.)
paper, .......................... 266 SrsuOmeMuM CLTTIr,
soap, ....................... 66, 7 Swm3, AND SuMz.
salt ............................. 267 duty on ........................ 276
pickles .......................... 267 certain, exempt from duty-...........
- 275
glue, gelatine, and cement, ... 266, 267 returns of amounts Slaughtered for sale,
gold-leaf and gold-foil, ............ 266 to be made monthly ............... 276
uncompounded chemicals ........ 267 duties to be paid monthly .......... 276
essential oils.................... 267 penalty for defllt ................ 275
bill-beads, books, &c., . 267, 476 commissioner to prescribe rules, Ac.,... 275
photographsg . ......... 267,,476
repairs of engines, cars, vessels, ~Afl.ROADS) STWiANBOATS, I'URRY-BOATS, A&ND
s .................. 267, 476
steam-engines. .......... .... 268' persons, &c. owning or having care of
hulfs of vessels, .......... 267,476,476 railroads, steamboats, Uc., used In car-
masts, spars, and blocks, .......... 267 rying pamengers, to pay duty on gross
slate and marble ................. 267 receip .......................... 276
brick, tiles, &, ..............
: .... 267 duty not to be charged upon certain
firmiture ....................... 267 receipts, ...................... 275
mineral waters .................. 267 those having care of toil-roads, frries,
quicksilver ............. 268,476,477 bridges, &e., to pay duty........ 276,276
copper, brass, and lead,... 288,269, 477 duty may beaddedto rates of fre, .... 276
wines .......................... 269 returns to be made and duties paid
bullion ......................... 271 monthly-. ---........................ 277
leather and skins .......... 269,477 proceedings in case of neglect or re-
wire.................. ::..9268 fksal .......................... 277
varnsh ......................... 266 express companies, to pay three per
furs ............................ 269 cent. on gross amount of business,... 276
cloth, cotton or woollen ....... 269, 477 insurance companies, ire and marine, to
diamonds and other jewellery, ..... 270 pay one and a half per cent. on gross
cotton, .................... %..... 270 of premiums .............. 276
tax to be a lien ............... 270 accounts rendered to state what,... 276
manufhactures of cotton, wool, silk, passpor, five dollars to be paid for,.... 278
&o., and of non-enumerated arti- to whom paid and how accounted
des ..................... 270, 477 for ........................... 276
newspapers, &c., boards, &U., aid cer- telegraph companies to pay five per cent.
tain other articles, not considered on gross reeipts.... .......... 270
manufactures under this act, .... 272 theatres, operas, bircuses, and musemas,
cigars, how to be packed and to pay two per cent. on gross receipts, 276,
stamped, .............. 270,271, 475 277
sold without stamps to be forfeited, 271 express, insurance, and telegraph com-
makers to obtain permit .......... 271 panies, and managers of theatres, &a.,
pensAit for making without permit, 271 to make returns and pay duties month-
to render account monthly ...... 271 ly ................................ 277
bullion, gold orslver,'to be stamped, 272 proceedings In case of neglect or re-
penalty for selling without stamp, 272 fual, .......................... 277
for exporting, unstamped,.... 272
duty on articles *increased in value by BANKs AND BAuXNo.
painting, polishina& ............. 272 duty on deposits ........ ......... 277
what exempt from duty ........ 278,477 cjaptsa ,....................
.. 277
provisions as to existing contracts ..... 278 circulation ...................... 278
AuvCTon 8AJFs.
what to be Included in circula-
percentage to be paid on all sales at anc
tion, ...................... 278
avezag amount of circulation b-
tion, .............................. 278 yond ninety per cent of eapItal,. 278
auctioneers to return monthly amount returns to be made and duties paid
of sles ........................... 278 monthly ..................... 278
return to be verified by oath ...... 278 brena-bak..............278
to py duty monthly ............ 278 certain bk exempt om this duty, .... 278
penalty for delinquency in making saving banks exemp ................ 278
'list or a78
sales by judcl and executive om- Lrnn
ears, &c., exempt .............. 278 proprietors, Uc., of lotterieb to pa duty
frfive per cent. of gro reis, 279, 472
brokeas and bankers doing business as, to render under oath monthly re.
to pay duty on sales ........ 278,472,478 turns of sales to assistant assesr, 279
on contracts of sale,........... 278 to PVLdvties monthly ............ 279
penalty for selling, Ac., property penalty for defoult in making lists
without license ................ 278 or payments.................. 279
rafes at ihire, when and how exempted
COAJ.RIMGS, Y, BILLIA1-T&rL35 Gou from tax ........................... 279
W_&TO s, PuzoorO s, 0mg ).?IIaL lotteries not hereby legalized .......... 279
I dsmutim d,t P alA. lottery-tickets and certificates to be
duties assessed thereon in ScheduleA.4, 274
stamped .......................... 279

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 818 1861-1865

isth Reatus,
,al (continued.) Internad PRven, (continued.)
pinalty for .seli without licene, 279 duty to be paid'in thirty days. 284
persons purchasing from sellers penalty
payment default in making
for .............. or 284
without license, may recover
back double the amount within duties on dividends of life insurance
three years .................... 279 companies when to be deemed due,.. 284
banks neglecting to make additions to
surplus funds every six months, to
return under oath amuount of profits
duty on receipts for advertisements In- semiuannually ...................... 284
serted in any newspaper, magazine, to pay duty of five per cent. on
& .'... of ...........
amount 8800 of reeipts, exempt 280 pronto ........................ 284
penalty for default in making list or
from duty ...................... 280 paying duty, .................. 284
newspapers, circulating not over railroad, &a., corporations to pay duty
2000 copies, exempt, .......... 280 on amount of interest due on bonds
managers of newspapers to return under, dividends or profits,.... 284
oath gross amount of receipts quar- amount of duty may be with-
terly .............................. 280 held .................... 284, 286
duties pay able at time of such return,.. 280 payment of duty to discharge com-
penalty for neglect, fraud, &e.. 280 pany from amount of dividend,
if returns, &c., are not made, assistant
assessor to estimate the duties, &c.,.. 280 returns to be in duplicate ............. 286
duty may be added to price of advertise- when to be made ................ 286
ments In certain cases .............. 280 duty, when payable ............. 286
Isooxa DuTy. penalty for default in making re-
turns or paying duty .......... 285
duty on annual gains, profits, or income, duties on incomes of those in the United
f over 600 - and not over $6000, 281, States service ..................... 286
479, 480 amount to be withheld In paying
if over $M000and not over $10,000, 281, accounts ...................... 285
479, 480 payments of prize money to be
if over $10,000 ........... 281,479, 480 regarded as income from salaries, 286
on income derived from United
States securities....... 281,479, 480 LzoAoxns AYD DTSTRIBUTIVB SHARES OF PEX-
on net profits of sales of real estate, 281 SONAL P&OPRTY.
deductions to be made; ....... 281,479, 480 personal property exceeding $1000 in
$600 from aggregate incomes of value, passing by will or otherwise,
family, except, &L............. 281 after ddath of owner, to pay duty, 286, 286
local and state taxes ............. 281 rates of duty ..................... 286
dividends on shares already asessed, 281 what legacies, &o., exempt from
annual gains, bow estimated ........... 281 duty ........................... 286
annual deductions, how estimated,.. 281 duty to be a lien for twenty years, 286
for what year to be assessed and list and *schedules to be rendered
collected ...................... 281 to assessors, &c ............... 286
persons to make return of income, &c., 282 penalty for neglect to make lists or
to state what, .................... 282 payments, ................. 286, 287
in case of neglect or refusal, asses- for false schedules ................ 287
sors to determin amount and as- property to be sold and applied to
sess the same .................. 282 payment of duty ............... 287
assessor may increase ambunt of income effect of deed of conveyance .... 287
returned . .................... 282, 288 persons having papers relating to suc-
persons may make oath as to amount of cession to show them to assessor,.... 287
income ........................... 288 penalty for refusal, ............... 287
appeal from assistant assessor to asses-
sor, .............................. 288 SUCoEsSION TO REAL FsATZ.
decision of assessor final ........... 288
duty, when payable ......... 283 provisions of law relative to duties upon
penalty for delay or default in pay- successions to real estate,....287, 291, 481
ment, ......................... 2 8 meaning of terms "real estate," " suc-
amount due to be a lien on property cession" and "persons" In this
from which income accrues ..... 288 act, ........................... 287,288
Hen may be enforced by distraint of "successor" and "predecessor," 288
and sale ....................... 288 what to constitute a "succession,". 288, 481
proceedings in such case ..... 288 duties upon successions ........... 288
cerficates of sale by collector, ef- provisions for useising and col-
fect of ........................ 288 lecting ................... 288, 291
duty on dividends in scrip or money,.. 288 STAM DuTms.
on undistributed sums added to sur-
plus funds .................... 288 laws In force at time of passage of this
corporations to pay duty and withhold act to continue In force until August
amount from dividend ......... 282, 284 1, 1864, ................... 291,481,482
lists in duplicate to be rendered assessor after that date, stamp duties to be levied
or assistant ....................... 284 and collected upon Instrument, &.,.. 292

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 819 1861-1865

Ianw PWM, (continued.) Interad Rosven, (continued.)
stamp duties to be paid by party mak- stamps used to be highest of
ing, &c., iustrument, or for whose eitlier instrument, .......... 294
beneflt~it is made ................. 292 commissioner to sell stamps to collec-
instruments not to be recorded without tors, postmasters, and others ....... 294
atamp,.. ................ 292 live per cent. commission to be de-
record to be Told, and not adnil- ducted ....................... 294
bWe in evidence ................ 292 commission to proprietors of proprie-
stamps of equivalent valhe may be used, 292 tary articles furnishing their own
except as to proprietary articles,... 292 stamps ............................. 294
official instruments, documents, &., of commissioner to make allowance for
United States, exempt from duty,... 292 stamps vendered useless ............ 294
penalty for forging or counterfeiting, allowance not to be made until
&c., stamps or dies ................. 292 stamps are .returned, or proof
for counterfeiting Impression of made why they are not returned, 295
stamp or die on paper, &o., with certain stamps may be delivered on
intent, &c .................... 292 credit, by giving security ........ 295
for stamping or marking pper with bends taken as security may be put
forged stamp or die, with intent, in suit ........................ 295
&c.....................29 in certain districts, stamps may be de-
for uttering, or selling or attempting livered collector without prepay-
to do so, any paper with forged ment .............................. 297
stamp'or die thereon ......... 292 collector to decide upon aplication of
for using forged stamp, &c., know- any person, whether any instrument
ingly, with intent to defraud..... 292 is chargeable with any duty ......... 295
for firaudulefitly tearing or cutting to affix and cancel stamp, or Impress
off stamp*..................... 292 thereon a special stamp.......295
for wilf'hy removing caneelling instruments requiring to be stamped,
marks from stamps ........... 292 heretofore made and not stamped, or
for knowingly selling or buying, or having deficient stamp, not to be re-
exposing for sale, washed stamps, 292 corded or admitted in evidence with-
for knowingly using washed stamps out being stamped .... ....... 2
or preparing the same for secon ho may affix and cancel such
use, .......................... 292 stamps .................... 296,481
for making note or instrument, and such instruments,
stamped, not to ifbesubsequently
deemed In- -
not affixing stamp ............. 481
persons using certain stamps to cancel v . ..................... 296,482
them ............................. 298 pe*ers of attorney and other documents,
mode.of cancellation .............. 298 made in a foreign country, to be used
penalty for fraudulently using stamp in the United States, to pay same du-
without deascing it, ................ 298 ty as though made here ........... 295
proprietors of proprietary articles may person to whom they are issued, or
furnish their own stamps ......... 298 by whom used, to satx stamp,.. 295
dies, &c., to be retained by com- provisions as to dies, stamps, &c., to ap-
missioner,..................... 298 y, except, &c., to objects in schedule
"rtmps to be so afixed s tb be de- V.......................29M,296
stroyed, ....................... 298 drugs, cosmetics, perfumery, &c., not to
forging or fraudulently using such be sold, or prepared for sale, without
stamps, how punished........ 298 astamp, ........................... 296
penalty for making, &c., bills of ex- penalty therefor, ................. 296
change, &c., orother-instrument with- this provision not td apply to phys-
out stamps, with design to evade, cians' prescriptions, &c.,... .. 296
&c ........................... 298, 481 penalty on makers of drugs, medicinal
instrument, bill, or note to be void, 298 preparations, &c., for removing, &c.,
acceptors of foreign bills of exchange to stamps, with intent to evade du-
place stamps thereon ........... 294 ties ............................... 296
bills not to be negotiated without for seling same without stamp,.... 296
stamp ................ 4........ 294 medicinal prparaions, matches, cos-
penalty for paying or negotiating bill metics, cordials, &c., intended for ex-
without stamp ..................... 294 •portation, may be made and removed
stamp-duty not required on powers of without duty.... 296,297
attorney for bounties, back pay, or to be madeinbondedwarehouses,. 296
pensions .......................... 29 manufacturer to give bend;,.. 296, 297
on tickets or contracts of insur- bonded warehouses may be used
ance against Injury while travel- for what, ..... ........... 297
ling .......................... 294 articles may be'removed from one
on deposit notes of mutual insur- bonded warehouse to another,... 297
ance companies, &c...........294 materials imported, may be remov-
on certificates or acknowledgments ed in original packa fom ship.
of deeds ...................... 294 board, &c., to bendtpd warehouse,
on indorsements of negotiable in- without payment of duties ..... 297
struments ..................... 294 who to be deemed manufacturer of arti.
on mortgage notes when mortgage elm named in schedule C ...... 297,482
deed a stamped .............. 294 in certain districts, stamps, &c., may be

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 820 1861-1865

R eu (continued),
collector, &c. without pre- Intrna Reme (continued.)
allowed the two cent per pound ta&
paym nt L 297
.i'n'f on cotton ......................... 808
bodmay be i eqired ...... 298 penalty for fraudulently claiming; &a.,
regulations for safe keeping of drawbaeck, ......................... 808
such stamps, &o ............. 298 repeal of former acts and parts of acts,.. 808
schedule B of stamp duties ....... 298-801 certain parts kept in fobe ............ 80
agreements or contracts .............. 298 for levying and collecting taxes, &c., 804
bank-checks ......................... 298 for maintaining liens or collecting
bill of exchange and promissory notes,. 298 fines, ......................... 804
bill of lading ....................... 298 for completing criminAl, &a.,pro.
bill of sale .......................... 298 ceedings already commenced, .... 804
bond of indemnity .................. 298 no office vactted thereby, .......... 804
bond for official duty,................. 299 duty by former act continued, until duty
bond of any other description ....... 299 hereby takes efibt4... ............. 804
certificate of stock ................... 299 manufactures on hand, when this act
of profits,....................... 299 takes effect, liable to duty, and .not
of damage, &c., issued by a port having paid duty, to pay duty under
warden ...................... 299 this act, ........................... 804
of deposits...................... 299 no direct tax to be assessed until con-
of any other description ........... 29 299
gress, by another law, shall require
chaer-party .................. assessment and collection of first
contract, -broker's note, r memoran- tax not affeted ................ 804
dam of se, &c ................... 299 commissioner authorized to make all
conveyance ......................... 299 necessary regulations under this act,. 804
entry, for consumption ............... 299" where a tax or duty is Imposed, but no
for withdrawal .............. 299 provision made for mode or time of
insurance, life ...... ........... 299 assement, or collecting the same, to
marine, inland, and fire .......... 299 be determined by regulation of Secre-
lease, &c ....................... 800, 482 tary of Treasury .................. 80
legal documents ..................... 801 when duty on cotton is paid, bales to be
manifest, ............................ 800 marked,-------------------
measurers' returns ................... 800 , marks to indicate what, ........... 806
mortgage ............................ 800 cotton from states in insurrection to be
passage-ticket, ....................... 800 taxed, and the tax be collected ...... 05
power of attorney ..................... 800 tax to be a lien on the cotton . 805
probate of will, ..................... 800 cotton sold for the United States to be
protest ............................. 800 free of duty ........................ 805
receipts ........................ S0, 482 foreign consuls tu be exempt from in-
warehouse-receipt ................... 800 come tax, when, &c. .............. 806
writ, ....... ................. 801 collectors to prosecute for recovery of
suits by government and criminal fines, forfeitures, alnd penalties....... 805
process exempt, ................ 801 half to go to collector, &c., inform-
stamp duties on manifests, bills of lad- ing, &c....................... 805
tig, and passage-tickets, not to apply suits to be in ditrict or circuit
to vessels plying between the United courts of the United States,.... 805
States and Britsh Provinces ....... 801 penalty for selling an article liable to
affidavits in legal proceedings, exempt tax, before tax is paid, with intent to
from stamp duty .................. 801 evade tax ......................... 806
security given for such sale, unos
ScmMUVS 0 OF STAMP DmVa. in ands of an innocent holderto
medicines or preparations ............ 801 be voi ........................ 806
perfumery, cosmetics ................ 802 If article is paid for, any person
photogphs, ambrotypes, &c......... 802 suing therefor ma% recover the
matches, cigar- lights, wax - ta- price, one half to his use, the other
poe ........................802 to the United State, ............. 806
present duty to be In force on said appropriation for expenses of internal
spa September 1, 154 ........ 82 revenue act, ....................... 806
playin-cards .................... 802 collectors to be disbursing agents - 806
to have no additional compensa-
Auowmcou AxD DnawmAox. tion ..................... .... 806
word "state nm this act to include
allowance and drawback on all articles " torritory,' ....................... 806
on which duties have been paid, ex- report of commisioner, to be printed,.. 400
cept, &a.,equal to -amount of duty duty on spirits in addition to licenses,
paid, when exported ............. 802 8 after Tannery, 1866 ................ 420
how to be paid .................. 808 amendment of act to provide ...... 409-467
not to be for a les amount than assessors to appoint assistants ......... 469
610....................... 808 pay of collectors ..................... 469
certficateof drawback may be received duties of collectors as to collection of
in payment of duties ............... 808 taxes .......................... 469, 470
in the drawback upon articles manufac- distraint and sale of goods ...... ;.... 470
tured exclusively of cotton, in addi- persons and corporations to exhibit
tion to duty thereon, there sball be books ............................. 471
69 "

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 821 1861-1865

InternalRevne, (continued.) Ilnd Ressen, (continued.)
goods distrained may be redeemed ....471 duties on books to be paid by the pub-
what exempt from distraint, ........... 471 Ushers ............................ 476
If collector dies, when deputy may act,. 471 duty on certain manufaetures of iron,.. 476
revenue agents may administer oaths,.. 472 on steam-engines and boilers,...... 476
distiller to make application for license duty paid on boilers to be deducted from
before distilling any spirits .......... 471 finished engine..................... 476
application to state what, .......... 471 duty on tanks, stills, sewing and other
duties to be a lien on the spirit distilled, 471, machines ............. .... 476
472 iron railings, gates, £0.-----------476
In sales of spirits, "gallon" to mean quicksilver, provisions concerning, 476, 477
what, ............................. 472 brass and brass nails, &e ............. 477
duty on brandy distilled fiom grapes, leather, patent, & ................... 477
apples, and peaches ................ 472 wines and liquors ..................... 477
when duty on distilled spirits is to be cloth and ready-made clothing ......... 477
paid ............................ 472 manufactures of cotton ................ 477
penalty for fraudulently changing gauge diamonds, precious stones, jewelry,.... 477
marks ............................ 472 snuff and manufactured tobacco ....... - 477
spirits, coal-oil, &c., after Inspection, may cigars, packing and inspecting ..... 477, 478
be removed to warehouse ."........ 472 certain products hxempt from duty,.... 478
fees for eports ...................... 472 duty on brokers' sales of bullion and -
penalty on owners, &c. of vessels for coin .............................. 478
making fermented liquors, for not no duty on-certain teams and vehicler
making returns ................... 472 transporting silver ores .............. 478
if peddler refuses to produce license, as- duty upon a transportation from a
sessor may seize his goods .......... 472 port of the United States across a for-
proceedings in case of such seizure, 472 eign country to a port in the United
patent agents in co .rtnerahip to pay States ............................. 478
for more than one lcense ......... 472 no duty on certain savings banks..... 479
license for lottery not to Issue, until, &c., 472 income-tax, provisions concerning,..479, 480
brokers, provisions as to license of,.472, 478 succession to real estate .............. 481
persons between 18 and 26 years of age, penalty for making note, or instrument,
not to be licensed as peddlers, unless, &0., and not affixing stamp ........... 481
&a................................ 478 in case of omission by mistake, stamp
miners' license....................... 478 may be affixed on paying penalty, 481,482
license for express business ......... 478 when penalty may be remitted ......... 482
substitute brokers' license; ............ 478 title to certain real estate not affacted,.. 481
to pay $10 for each substitute actu- no stamp-duty required on certain pa-
ally mustered into service,...... 478 pers.............................. 82
certain persons not to be deemed sub- matches, cigar-lights, and tapers need
stitute brokers...................... 478 not be manufactured in warehouses, . 482
insurance brokers' license ............. 478 who to be deemed manufacturers of cer-
duties utpon manufactures to be paid tain articles ....................... 482
monthly........................... 478 duty on receipts ....-................ 482
time of payment ................. 478 where two or more sign the receipt, 482
manufacture of tobacco, snuff, cigars, duty on assignments of leases ......... 482
&c., to deliver to assessor true state- no drawback on crude petroleum, or
ments annually and monthly ....... 474 rook-oil ....................... 4,488
to keep books, &c ............... 474 nor on bullion, quicksilver, match-
proceedings if duties are not paid,. 474 es, cigar-lights, or tapers .......
- 488
statements as to tin-foil, &e., cover- when penalty is paid without suit, or
ing manufactured tobacco ...... 474 before judgment, and moiety Is claim-
proceedings if statements are ed by any person as informer ....... 488
not made .................. 474 sales of matohes, cigar-lights, and tapers
manufactured tobacco, &e.,may be In unbroken packages ............... 488
transferred to bonded warehouse with- gross amount of money received by col-
out payment of duty ........... 474, 475 lectors, &c., to be paid Into treasury
may be withdrawn for consumption daily ............................. 488
or exportation.................. 475 appropriation for expenses of coileting
no drawback allowed thereon ...... 476 revenue .......................... 488
manufactured tobacco, &c., to be in- collectors to act as disbursing agents
spected, &c., before used or removed, 476 without additional pay .............. 488
fees for inspection ................. 475 additional duties on certain articles, 488,484
penalties for fraudulen marking,.. 475 banks and banking associations to pay
cigars manufactured to be packed In ten per cent, on notes of state banks
boxes ............................ 475 1,ad out by them after July 1, 1866,.. 484
tobacco, &c , going from manufacturer exing banks wishing to become na-
or Inspector without inspection marks, tional banks, to have preference of
&;c., to be forfeited ................. 475 applications of new assoiations ...... 484
account of stamps to be kept, .......... 475 duty on crude petroleum or rock-oil,... 484
inspector to give bond, &c ........... 475 modeof collection, &e....... 484, 486
duty on coal, gas, sugar, gunpowder, addition to railroad fares ............. 486
law-blanks, photographs, hulls of ves- matches, cigar-lights, and wax-tapers -
sel, sels, tents, &c............. 476, 476 manufacture, removal, &., o0....... 485

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 822 1861-1865

Intersa Revue, (Oonthied.) A=wic, (con0tiued.)
no drawback on certain ........... 485 such offlere to be governed by in-
manufacturers of tobacco, snuff, cigars, structions or regulations given or
&0., to gtve bond .......... n d....... 485 established by Secretary of 6-ate,.. 688
conditions of bond ................ 485 Iaueice Vnlse
penalty on lottery dealers, doing busi- of goods, at time of importation, may be
ness without liense ................ 485 increased ................ 217, 218
managers, proprietors, &c., to keep
books ........................ 486 post-routes established in .......... 817, 628
penalty for refusing inspection of granted to, to aid in constructing
books ......................... 486 ralroad from Sioux City to south line
what shall be deemed capital of any of State of Minnesota, .............. 72
state bank for purposes of revenue act, 486 for the benefit of the McGregor
circulation not exceeding five per cent. Western Railroad ........... 72
of capital to be exempt from taxa- if lands hereby = ted havo been before
tion .............................. 486 reserved, precepted, Uc., lands to be
when national banking association to given in lieu thereo/ ................ 78
pay the tax ....................... 486 lands not to be located more than twenty
exportation of articles under internal miles from lines of road ............ 78
revenue act, ..... ................. 486 to be applied only to purposes of
one of two collectors at any port to road, as it progresses .......... 78
be designated .................. 486 former reservations not within tlig
offior to superintend exportation and act, ........................... 78
drawback, . .......... 486 minimum price of lands not granted, 78
salary, Ac., of................. 486 when suvject to sale at private entry,.. 78
duties imposed by former act, not af- ' actual preimption settlers and those un-
footed hereby,. ................... 486 der homestead law ................. 18
penalties, &c, incurred not remitted,... 486 when state has completed ten consec-
domestic goods, paying duty, may be utive miles of road, patents to issue
purchased for use of government free for lands on either side ............. 78
of a6V, ........................ 86 goveanor of state to give certificate
when this aet takes effect, ............ 487 to Secretary of Interior........ 78, 74
commission upon raising revenue by lands granted, not to be encumbered oi
taxation, &0 ....................... 487 disposed of, except, &o .............. 74
clerks in office of commissioner of inter- lands to be used only for purposes of
nal revenue ............ .. 487 roads7............................. 78
ftanklugs rivilege to comsioe,..487 roads to be public highways ......... 78
to be completed within ten years, 78, 74
at Bergen, Norway,.and Oporto, Portu- If not, land to-revert to state, ...... 74
gal, to be made known to the people mal to be transported over, at such
of the United States ............... 672 price as congress directs ......... 74
it5,P,--hJM Turkey, and Japan,.. 187,189, 422 troops or property of the United
States to be transported over, free
with Indian tribes ................ 162, 541 of tol, ............ ........... 78
Invali Pension"n, het imending former act granting land
in the United States service, not to draw to ............................... 9-99
pension while receiving fell salary, .. 499 provisions concerning the Mississippi
napprosions , and Missouri Railroad Company,.. .95, 98
appropriations for, for 1864-6 ........ 8 B1ringtn and Missouri River
appropriation for, for 1866-66........ 421 Ralioad Company.., ......... 96
Cedar Rapids and. Missouri River
their assignes, who failed to pay the Railroad Company....9........... g6
final fee as required by law, may ap- Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad, 98
plyf patents within two years..... 8 conditions of former act to apply to this,
persons who have used the article not except, 4e ......................... 98
liable in damages .................. 68 lands granted not to be certified until, Uc., 99
act to apply to what cases ............ 588 to be offired for sale within three
years, a., ..................... 99
to b made of articles In quartermasters' sale of lot numbered 1, In Fort Craw-
depots in the United States.... 571, 572 ford, reser'atioa in ............... 884
and in possession of navel store- sle of other lots in, ............ 884
Lwoce keepers ...................... 5 72 time for completing certain land-grant
railroads in, extended ...........528
fee for certifying, by consul-general for lo for the, .......... 166,54
British North Anerican Provinces,
& ............................... 140 ZrM V'fi-Fair,
of foreign good to be made out in SChicago, released from Habty for
weights and measures of country selling goods and lottery tickets with-
whence imported, ............ 2. 2,18 out licenses or stamps ....... *.... 412
value of, may be increased ..... 217: 218 ION, and Manufactass of. See Duties on rm-
act to provide for verification of,... 682, 688
consular officers may require satislic- duties on ....................... .2-205
tor' proof of their correctness, by provisions of revenue law as to duties
oar, before certifying them to be true, upon manufactures of ............. 476
or otherwise, ....................... 88 See lteraei Bmw*e.

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 823 1861-1865

Juvenile .fenders, (continued.)
in civfl cases, In United States courts, States, to be confined in some house
may be tried by court, If, &c ........ 501 of refuge .......................... 588
211King 01, Secretary of Interior to contract for their
to name an umpire between Great subsistence ........................ 588
Britain and the United States, if, &c., 652
Jt. post-routes established in ..... 818, 625, 528
survey of public lands in.......... 849
Jail, claim of the state of, to be allowed to
In the District of Columbia, appoint. an amount not exceeding, &c....... 5 85
ment &c., ofwardn ............... 12, 18 secondary evidence to be received in
warden to have exclusive supervision lieu of original vouchers destroyed,.. 585
and control ........................ 12 Kansas Indians,
appropriation for salary of warden of,... 159 a iaopitions for the .......... 166, 645
appropriation for .................... 848
J'ame, Aoksa,-V appropriations for the ........ 180, 181, 547
payment to Charles Anderson, assignee
of ................................ 54 thanks of congress to the officers and
Jameson, William H., crew of the ....................... 565
a credit to be allowed to, In settlement Kaean, James,
of accounts ........................ 598 credit of anount of judgment against
Japan. See Ocean Mail-teamslp Service. him, &c., to be allowed in settlement
salary of interpreters, and expenses of of accounts ....................... 588
courts in ...................... 187, 189 Kellog MWy,
ocean mail-steamship service with, au- K nsion and payment to .............. 589
thorized ........................... 480 OZK , B.F, .
salary of Interpreters and expenses of allowance ot in settlement of accounts,
court in ........................... 422 as superintendent of Indian affirs,.. 82
"JMn Martin," 21e ,.eam Vessl, Kientucky,
register to issue to ................... *57 t-rutes established in ......... 818, 528
Johnson, John, corpus suspended, and martial
. grant of land to ..................... 68 law declared in .................... 742
Joint Committee on Conduct of War, martial law no longer in force in. 778
to investigate the recent attack upon Key West, Forida
Fort Pillow ....................... 405 appropiation for wharves, coal-depot,
Joint Committee on Pri'ting, &c., at ......................... 27, 84
duty of,In relation to public documents, 184- port Of to remain open to commerce,... 754
186 Ekkapoos,I
Jones, D , appropriatis inf for
K~ oTM of IZit the ............ 166, 645
pension to .......................... 598
Judge-Advocate Gener, treaty with, of June 28, 1862, ......... 628
and assistant, for bureau of military jus- present reservation to be surveyed,.... 628
tco ............................... 145 part to be allotted in severalty,.... 628
Judge-Advocat General,Naval, special reservations,........ 628, 627
omc of, established .................. 48 remainder to be sold............ 628
Ju4~e, census of tribe to be taken ........... 628
appropriatiqn for those employed under separate lists to be made ............. 628
the act c6ncerning the suppression of assignments of lands to chieft and others, 628
the slave-trade ..................... 852 certificates to issue, and specify whst, 628, 624
Judicial Districts, lands to be exempt from taxation ...... 624
boundaries of eastern and western, in those receiving certificates to relinquish
Virginia, changed and defined,....... 124 rights to other lands, &ce............ 624
counties of Calhoun and Branch made patents in fee simpli to issue to allotees,
part of eastern district of Michi- when, &c ......................... 624
gan, ............................. 148 their shares of credits to be set apart for
Juda Expenses, them ......................... 624, 629
appropriations ........... 145 161, 457 such allottees then to become citizens of
Judiciam . the United States, .................. 624
appropriation for ............. 152, 157, 457 lands then to be subject to tax,. 624
"Jmata, The oath of allegiance and proof ...... 624
claim of Anthony SweeLUg, plot of the, provision for members wishing to hold
to be paid ........................ 591 their lands in common ............. 624
Juos, Gramd. See GrandJuries. effect of assignment In common ....... 624
in district and circuit courts of the if majority desire to remove to new
United States ..................... 500 home ............................. 824
new home to be purchased ......... 624
trials without, in United States courts when and by whom ............. 624
in California and Oregon, ........... 4, 5 Atchison and Pike's Peak Railroad Com-
trials by, of minor oflbnoes, &c ....... 125 pany may buy certain lands ......... 626
challenges allowed ................... 125 conditions of purchase ............ 625
Juvenile Ojitiders, contract or purchase, when to be
convicted in any court of the United null and void............ 626, M2

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 824 1861-1865

ickapeo 2115. of hadm, (contnued.) LzasdOffims Geed,
patents for lands to contain what act preseribing terms on which exempli-
cntions .................... 6MB fications of patents shall be furnished
provision for bons fide purchasers b§7 ...............
. -875
from the railroad .............. 626 fees for, &O ................. 875
lands when purchased to become Land-Of.,
part of KaMa ................ 626 act to regulate ees of registers and re.
statement of amounts due and amounts ceivers I ......................... 884
reebived under former treaties to be Load fltie,
made up ................626, 629 act to quiet, within Eancho Laguna de
balance due to be paid in hill,. 626, 629 Santos Calld, in California, .......... 872
dwelling-house to be erected for each oest of addltional surveys under,... 872
head of family ................. 626,629 duty of receivers and registers
to be paid from first money due under .................. .878
Indiana ................... 627, 629 in Cafliforna, act to expedite settlement
certain losses sustained by Kickapoo, ato ........................ 882
how to be ascertained and paid ..627, 629 notice to be plven, when plats are
not to exceed $60,000 In whofe, 627,629 made of private claims8......... 882
provision for Kickapoos who heretofore surveys to be open to inspec-
went South........................ 627 tion, ............. ........ 382
reservation for saw and grist-mill ...... 627 copies o to be sent to Wash-
investment of fund for educational pur- mngton---------------.....882
poss ............................. 627 commissioner of land-office to
interest, how applied .............. 627 approve or disapprove ...... 882
exuenses of surveys to be paid by the patents for,awhen to isue ........... 38
Uited States ................. 627,629 provisions of section to apply to all sr-
other expenses, how defrayed ......... 627 vey, not approved, provided, &c.,.... 888
rights in present reservation ceded to appeals from decree of approval of dis-
the United States .................. 628 trict court, to be to supreme court,... 888
Inconsistent stipuations of former tree- new survey, how made ............... 888
ies, rejecting
efetof any article of this 628 cae to be transferred to circuit court
when judge of district court inter-
treaty ................... ......... 628 ested, ........................ 888
amendments .................... 628,629 other cases, how transferred .......... 88
assented to ................. 629,680 United States land-rights in San Fra -
cisoo relinquished ................... 888
appropriations for the ............ 165, 64
ex e to certain lands devoted to
u ns .es...........884
appropriation for naval hospital 94 .... 26 andso as not to affect other rights,. 884
repealed, ................... 841 claims confirmed to be surveyed, pro-
pay ofcertain officers innavy yard at,.. 410 vided, &a .......................... 884
Klamath Indiam, - surveyor of, to follow decree ...... 884
appropriation to enable President to con- separate locations to be compact,... 88
cnle treaty wit ................. 87 rep al of act of 1860, ch. 128, ........ 88
Koeeiays, in the District of Columbia, act to quiet,
appropriations for the ............ 175, 654 in favor of parties in actual possession, 681
defective aeknowledgments of deeds
cured. ............................ 581
L. *LaOJd Mwe,
what to be deemed, under act to provide
national currency .................. 109
for testing, &c., medicines ............ 129
Lake Miaigan,
piers may be erected innavigable waters
to be lighted .................... 1
Lake &"rv, the usual number of cos' 10, t..... 186
grant of lands to aid in construeftng rail- Lwm,
Lappropriationa fopuieshing -,
road and telegraph fi*om, to l.nget'
Sound ............................ 865 p ro os p ot he o.u, 41, 497
Lake Winmnhagcohic Bands of ChuppWaa in du n ......................... 26,1
treaty with, of May 7,1864 .......... 8698 duty upon sogmen ca .............. 482
Laosk ntaoeikI
ManS," T7/e for
F the ..
c Ship, 164,W,60 Pawnee and Western Railroad Com-
indemnity to the owners o ........... 577 See* (Aaio an Pc( Raioa.
Lam n, lhlmu, Law of A e ,
yrnent to ..................... :.. 679 pay*my be continued during under cer.
tain cicpumstances ....... .... 146
payment to, of account due Brigadier- Legacies and Disr15~ve b~hares
General F. W. Lander ............. 600 of personal property, provisions of inter-
Landlord and Tenant. See District of QOblwntia. nal revenue act concerning ...... 286-287

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 825 1861-1865

Lea Tende-, Lehkaive rcu,Exp e, (continued.)
cent and two-cent pieces to be, for certain stationery, printing, books, map,
sum ..................... s . 55 &c., ....................... , 484
treasury notes, how r........... 218, 219 extra clerk-hire, &e........... 148, 448
Interest-barlng trtnury notes not to Northeast Executive Building....... 148, 448
be, for redemption of circulation of capitalization of Scheldt dues, first
bks ............. 219 annual instalment,.* .............. 448
t nt piee to be for sixty cents,517, 518 Treasury Department,............. 149, 449
secretary and assistants, &c.,...149,449
one- and two-cent coins for four cents,.. 618 comptroller's offices,. .149, 150,449, 460
Legal Tmdar Notes, auditor's offices....... 149, 10, 449, 460
no additional authorized by certain acts, 425, treasurer's office ..... 149, 150, 449, 450
469 register's Ae ...... 149, 150, 449, 460
Legiative Executive andJud~cial Expess solicitor's office...... 149, 160, 449, 450
appropriations for, for years ending June commissioner of customs' office, 149,
80, 1865, and June 80, 18664 ...... 146,446 150, 449, 450
pay and mileage of senators ....... 14 446 light-house board, . 149, 150, 440, 460
pay of officers, &., of Senate ...... 146, 445 comptroller of the currency,... 149, 10,
contingencies of Senate ........ 146, 445 449, 460
Congressional Globe .............. 146, 446 temporary clerks in Treasury De-
reporting proceedings in Daly Globe, 146, partment .................. 150, 450
446 secretar may classify clerks, and
additional compensation to report- asaigfl compensation to each, 160, 450
ers, ........... ....... 445 Southeast Executive Building, 150, 161,4 0,
clerks to committees, pages, horses, car- 461
ryalls, ......................... 146, 446 Department of the Interior........ 151, 461
beating and ventilating ........... 146, 4 secretary's ofe ............ 151, 451
mismlaneous .................... 46, 446 general land-offie ........ 151, 451
pay of representatives and delegates, 146, 446 commissioner of Indian afibirs, 151, 451
of officers, clerks, &c., of House, 146, 446 of pensions .............. 151, 451
contingencies of House ........ 147, 447 additional clerks .............. 151, 461
cartage. ......................... 147, 447 part may be used for piece-
Congvessional Globe and Appendix, 147, 447 work ................... 15, 461
clerks to committees and temporary travelling expenses of special agent, 151
clerks .................. 147, 447 461
folding documents and mterils .. 147, 447 contingencies ................ 151, 451
Iht,repairs, 147, 447
packing-boxes,...... .147, 447
o............ office of secretary, &e .... .151, 461
pension-office ................ 161, 461
stationery ................. 147, 4"7 additional clerks .................. 461
horses, carriages, and saddle-horses,.147, 447 commissioner of public buildings,...151, 152,
laborers, ......................... 147, 447 461
miscellaneous, newspapers ........ 147,447 repairs, &e., of patent-office building,... 461
pages, and temporary mall-boys,...147, 447 packing and distributing journals and
reporting in Daily Globe ....... 147, 447 documents, ........................ 461
additional compensation to report- surveyors-general and their clerks,..162, 462
ers, ....................... 147, 447 rent of office, fuel, books, &c.,.162 452
tiling of floor ofold hall .............. 447 recorder of land-titles in Missouri,...162 462
library of congress, pay of officers, and court expenses, satk ing of prisoners,
purchase of books ...............148, 448 and prosecution of crme ........ 152, 462
complete fll of selections from Euro- district attorneys and marshals, 158, 462
pean periodicals relating to the rebel War Department ................ 158, 452
lo...................... 148 secretary's office, ............. 168,468
no money to be expended until en- adjutant-general, ............ 158, 46
tire collection is completed and quartermaster-general, ........ 168,468
index made ................... 148 paymaster-general ......... 168, 458
enlargement of library building ....... 448 commissary-general, .......... 158, 468
e and plan of .................. 448 surgeon-general, .............. 158, 4f8
public printing, superintendent, &c., 147,1, chief engineer ................. 158,468
colonel of ordnance ........ 158,468
additions to office, presses, fixtures, &c., 447 contingent expenses in the various of-
paper for public printing .......... 148, 447 fices ......................... 158, 468
public binding .................... 148,447 Northwest Executive Building,....158, 468
ithographing, engraving, mapping, 148, 448 building corner of F and 17th Streets, 168,
court of claims, judges, c ........ 148, 448 468
attorneys, witnesses, and commissioners, 148, building cornerF and 15th Street,.168, 468
448 Navy Departen ................ 154, 454
Executive, President and Vice-Presi- seretary's office ............... 1, 454
dent .......................... 148, 448 bureaus ....................... 454
secretary, contingencies ....... 148, 448 Southwest Building,.... 154, 45
State Department; ............... 1486 48 Pst-Office Departmen ..... 164, 155, 455
incidental and contingent expenses, 148 448 contingent expenses$.............. 155, 466
publishing laws, pamphlets, and money-order bureau, .................. 456
newspapers ................. 148, 448 department of agriculture .......... 165,46
psoo&irding, peckng, a, 14S, 448 commissioner and chief clerk,..-15 4M

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 826 1861-1865

Lqsifiv, 1-c., Expesses, (continued.). LegislcAW, i., E'pes, (continued.)
statisties, expernments, &a ..... 16, 455 females, watchmen, messengers, and
library and aborstowy ......... 155, 456 laborers...................... 160
distribution of seeds,. .; ........ 166, 455 no salary to be increased aboye
superintendent of seed-room,...166, 455 $1000, ...................... 160
plants and cuttings ............. 155, 45 late reporter of decisions to be allowed
to be adapted to general culti- lry.............................. 160
vation .................. 155, 45 additional clerks in office of commis-
experimental garden.............. 156 sioner of customs, ................ 160
mint and branches ....... 155, 156, 455, 456 testimony may be taken in investigating
New York assay-office ......... 166, 455 claims for steamboats, vessels, and
territories, government in, 156, 167, 456, 457 other property lost, ea.,while -inthe
Arqna, ................... 167, 456 military servie,............ 160, 161
Color-do. ............. 158, 458 clerks and employees in office of assist.
Dakota, ..................... 156, 46 ant treasuer In New Orleans ....... 161
Idaho......................... 167, 457 chief clerk may act as treasurer,
Montana, .................... 457 when, &--I ...................... 161
Nebraska, ................... 156, 457 certain clerks in offleof paymaster-gen-
Nevada, and state ............ 166, 456 erl may be traneflrred to office of
New Mexico ................. 156, 456 third auditor of treasury ........... 161
Utah......................... 166, 466 two additional appraisers authorized in
Washington ................ 156, 456 New York ........................ 161
Judiciary ........................ 157, 467 additional clerks ..................... 181
office of Attorney-General...157, 457 additional appropriations for ipepectors
judges of supreme and district of steamboats, ..................... 161
courts, ................ 157,158, 457 clerks in office of Secretary of the Treas-
judges of supreme and other courts ury, .......................... 161
of District of Columbia,......158, 457 accounts of Stewart Gwynn to be ad-
expenses of private land claims in. justed ............................. 48
California, .................. 157, 457 before payment, Gwynp to assign right,
reporter ......................... 1568, 457 &c., to the United States ......... 458
district attorneys and marshals ..... 168,47 rooms for the Attorney-General ....... 459
independent treasury .............. 158, 457 public lands in Nevada included In sur-
designated depositaries and special veying district of California ......... 460
agents, .................... 158, 458 salaries of the assistant secretaries of the
contingent expenses ........... 158, 458 executive departments, assistant attor-
no part, &c., to be expended for ney-general, and postmasters-general, 460
clrical Bervices ..... 1% 458 pay of certain inspectors of customs,... 460
additional clerks authorized At Boo- no part of appropriation to be paid for
ton, .......................... 457 constructive mileage, for any extra
lhbrease of pay .to mesenger and session of congress ............. 460
watchmen at St. Louis ......... 458 conditions to appropriation for Congres-
inspectors of steamboats ....... 1568,161, 458 sional Globe ....................... 460
expenses of treasury notes,.... 1, 468, 459 proceedings to be published on day
commissioners of direct taxes in insur- subsequent, .................... 460
rectionary districts ............ 168, 469 but not more than forty columns
contingent expenses ........ 168, 459 each day ..................... 40
public buildings, repairs and cue AZ 158, 169, speeches not actually dellvere4,.... 460
459 deficienc , a prop ation for 1865......460
p2blio grounds ........... 158, 159, 459 thrd audl s oice,.C............... 460
P ent's house ................. 169, 459 stationery for Treamy Departnent,... 460
draw-keepers at bridges ........ 159, 459 labor and miscellaneous fo treasy
metropolitan police ............... 159, 459 building and extension .........40, 461
pay of, increased Aftyper cent., 169, 459 collection, &c., of pulc revenue,...... 060
exense of, how apportioned and clerks in officee of surveyor-general in-
e .............. 169, 459 Caforni ......................... 460
tax therefo ....... 159, 459 pubte grounds and bridge ........... 46o.
Capitol police................... 159 hisane in army and navy, c ........... 460
warden of is%.................... 159 new draw in navy-yard bridge ......... 460
office of treasurer of the United States clerks, &a.,In bureau of military jus-
reorganized.";................159 tice. ..........................460, 461
officers and Cl.e . 19,160 office of commissary-general, ........ 460
assistant tresurer ............... 159 of paymaaster-general, ........... 481
cshber and assistant, ............. 169 labor and miscellaneous in War Depart-
chief f division of isns ........ 159 ment, ............................. 481
redemption ............ 169 building comer l and 17th Streets,.... 461
ofloans ..................... 159 collection of revenue fotm custom .... 481
of accounts,............. 159 sik and disabled seamen, ............. 461
of national banks,.......... 160 pay of physicians, &a.,for Indian reser:
two principal book-keepers ....... 160 *Atena in Califonia, ........... 461
tellers and assistant tellers ........ 160 armament, &a.,of fortificationes ....... 41
chief and other clerks, and laborers, 160 ordnance department and service ...... 401
appropriation for ................ 160 national aro ... 461
twenty per cent. to be added to pay of gunpowder and Ina................. 461

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 827 1861-1865

L4&Wvltie, &.c., E-pesea, (continued.) Lirar of 0-9-001s
-tool and siege train .................. 461 apropriatious for ............
L 148, 448
Forts Taylor and Jefbrson, ........... 461 ethe
of rebellion
European pelodical relating to 148
medical hospital department, .......... 461
for quartermaster's department ........ 461 no money to be expended until com-
cavalry and artillery hores ......... 461 plete, and an index, ............ 148
transportation of army ............... 461 copy of copyrighted publications to be
regular supplles ..................... 461 sent to, free of expense ............. 540
nquarters ................ 461 "Licese,"U
incidental and contingent, ............. 461 the term, to extend to all vessels lawfally
military telegraph ................... 461 engaged in coasting trade ........... 12
prisoners of war ...................... 461 to steam.tugs B. F. Davidson, and W. K.
clothing and camp, &e., equipage ...... 481 Muir, ................. 19
contingencies of House of Represents See cmrm'eial Inreofre.
tives........................ 461 LicM. See Interna RMM s
bureau of comptroller of the curecy,.. 461 for taverns, hotels, retailers, &e., in
capitol police ..................... 461, 469 Washington County, D.C., levy court
public printing, binding, and paper,.... 462 may issue and classify ............ 194
reporters for Congressional Globe ..... 462 maximum tax theror ........... 194
clerks in Denver branch mint ....... 482 under internal revenue act, provisions
branch mint at San Francisco ......... 462 concerning ...................... 248-258
Navy Department bureau of navigation, 462 not to exempt from operation of
nautical, &e., instruments ............. 462 state laws ................. 250, 251
books, maps, and charts .............. 462 state laws not to exempt from pro.
bureau of equipment and recruiting.... 462 curing ....................... 281
fuel and transportation for navy,... 462 officers of customs carrying Into effect
equipment of vessels ............. 462 certain, to have $1000 a year addition.
provisions and clothing ............... 462 Lim, al pay ..... ................ 218
gold medal to Cornelius Vanderbilt,.... 462
contingent fund of House of Represent- duties under Internal revenue law to
atives for contingent expenses ....... 462 be a, ............... 14, 248, 258, 288, 286
L,pien, lizabeth B., duties to be on property and rights of
pension to ........................... 800. property .................... 470472
Letter-Bae, Lieutenant-General
penalty for wilfully injuring, &a., . 507 grade of, in the United States army re-
Leteur C-a e , vived, ............................. 11
appropriations for .......... 7, 29, 425 appointment of, Authorliszel .......... 12
to be employed at such ofes as the pay, allowances, and staff oA .......... 12
Postmaster-General shall direct,8.89 rank, pay, &c., of. General Scott, not f.
salaries of, may be increased ........ 889 fected ............................. 12
Letters and Letter-Packts. See Postal Laws. joint resolutions as to pay of staff oC 406*
not to be received on board steamships 417
and vessels, unless regularly posted at chief of staff to ...................... 0
and received from the postofflce at rank, pay, and allowances g ...... 00
the port, .......................... 8 LifoBoats and Apparats,
conditions of clearance of vessels, 508
N.,.. apprpriations for, .................... 846
this does not apply to letters relating to light-ilows Board
cargo, &c ......................... 08 aprpriations for the .......... 149, 150
LONj Cart,
of county oftWashington, expenses c4 Sapri tions for ........... * 45, 848
how apportioned ................... 19
to appoint annually commissioners of on coasts of Calilfona, Oregon, and
prnary schools in Washington Cour- W shing ........................ 848
ty, D. C.. ......................... 187 L4*. sea e iM
to supervise their doings ............. 191 to be carried by vessels .......... 58,60
to impose a school-tax annually, .. 188, 189 Lmintation of Ais,
to have care of public roads and bridges, 198 time during which persons are beyond
to appoint county surveyor ........... 198 legal process by reason of resistance
to issue, classify, and tax licenses for to the laws, &c., not to mpke part of
taverns, hotels, &c., and for etailIng,. 194 time limited for bringing actions ....128
maximum tax for ................ 194 Lio Akaham,
may levy and collect the direct tax Lai da for funera ceremonies o* at Wash-
1861 ............ 881 ngt ............................ 755
Lie, posed by the act of day of humiliation and mourning ap.
in prosecutions, &c., for, in the District of ointed for the death 0; ............. 756
Columbia, the truth may be given in
evidence .......................... 499 pay t ........... ............ 579
commissioner and consul-general to, 189, 424 approepltios for.......... 25, 148, 42t
L&bainof Congrs, trnLOf baacs .............. 28
to give receipt for copyright publica- where probable cost wil be over, 20 to
tions, &a.,received, ................. 540 be awarded to lowest and best bidder, 186
to demand in writing of publisher copy Immediate contracts may be made when
of publication, within, c
......... 540 public exigency requires ...... ; .... 186

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 828 1861-1865


horse and mule, when farnhshed in lieu guardians of Committees of, may act in
of ambul .....................
lan e 20 DIstriet of Columbia, ............. 18, 19
Loan. See Bonds. payments made to, 4obeadischarge,&c6, 19
of 6200,000,000, atho6 z........... 18 provision as to pay of officers m the
coupon on registered bonds to be ssued
therefor ........................... 18 Lyn =rment hospital for the insan,. . 84
Interest not to exceed six per cent. 18 pa ent to ......................... 679
redeemable in not Iem than five, a; Lyon, EMWly A.,
payable In not more than forty pension to, .......................... 594
years ......................... 18
exempt from state and municipal salary ofConsul at ................... 189
taxatlo, ...................... 18
principal and interest payable in coin,.. 18
appropriation for expenses of........18
five-twenty bonds may be Issued to sub- Machierhy,
secribers .......................... 18 for navy, aropriation for .......... 81
of $400,000 authorized, ........ 218-222 certan to be free of duty............. 216
Secretary of Treasury ma borrow flax and hempand steam agricultural, to
$600,000,000, and Issue bonds or treas- be orted fm .................... 444
ury notes therefor,............... d68
bonds to be notless than SW0 .......... 468 Certain prvimions of law relating to the
"redeemable in not lee than fiae, nor cod fishery to apply to ............. 85
more than forty years ......... 468 Madison, James,
treasury notes convertible into bonds,.. 468 edition of five hundred copies of papers
denominations, and when redeem- of, to be published ................ 578
able .................... 468 Magazines,
interest on bonds and treasury notes, a )propriations, for naval, ....... 88, 84 465
when payable, ..................... 468
principal and interest payable In coin or appZrjo tion to test Solomon Andrews's
other lawful money ................ 468 new mode of fastening ............. 674
interest In coin not to exceed sixpercent, 468 Mail Matter,
not in coin, not to exceed 7 8-10th, certain articles of clothing may be tranU-
per cent ....................... 468 mitted to soldiers by mail ........... 2
bonds authorized by former act may be rate of postage and prepayment........2
issued in the form allowed by this act, 468 Mail Pwhes or Boes
any treasury notes or interest-bea ing of Marshal Smith a patent may be bought
obli dons convertible into thes M4&1 for postal serviee .............. 674
bods . 468
such bonds not to be par of this act to ptvlde f r carrying between the
090,e00 ................... me United States and foe pors. 86
bonds or other obligations, how may be vessels belonging to citizens of the
disposed of .................... 468,469 United Stats to carry and deliver the
treasury notes may be Issued to pay for mails ............................. 86
materials and 469 Compensation to be such as allowed by
mode of pro g in such cos... 469 law .............................. 86
bonds and other obligation exempt from upon entry of vessel, master to make
taxation .......................... 469 athas to delivery of mails........ 86
penalties of former acts against counter- penalty for fulng to make oath,... 86
felting, &e., notes and heads made ap- contmcts or conveying by Panama or
plicable thereto..................... 469 Nicaragua route ................... 86
no legal-ten~der notes authorized by this limit to expenditur ............. 86
act, ............................... 469 apportionment, If more than one
appropriation for expenses of this act,.. 469 company carries the ml. 86
contracts forcarryin stamships be-
provisions of Internal revenue at con- tween ports of the Uhited States..... 97
Cernin....... ..... 29, 47% 486,486 proaon for, and o such se-
not legalized, ........................ 279 Pacii
no Cost, ......... 87
LM6ima Poetmaster-Genesl may suspend oper-
act authorizing issue of patents for loo- ation of law authorizing Conveying
tions in the Lao Orimegas and La letters otherwise than In mails ...... 87
Nana grants in ................... 826 penalty for p words "United
not entitled to reprstationin electoral States mail," &a., on a coach or vessel
college ............................ 67 not used to carry the mail, .......... 87
LcuelLs Islano, fJr advertising such Conch or vessel, 87
sea-waii on ........ ......... 85 one halfof fine to go to person in-
Loya Masters, forming and prosecuting ....... 87
to have certfcate and bouny for 4rafted Color to be no dIsqualifcation for Carry-
slaves ............ ...........
*.... 11 Ming the, .......................... 515
compensation for services of their slaves
Who volunteer .....................
Lucifer fatches,
11 &% ~t'dtons for the,........ 29,80,425
duty upon, and provisions of revenue withChfiaandJaPan,............4M
law Concerning................ 48, 483 See Oceax MAWlU4PM&*Sfif
VOL. Xif. Pun.- 70

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 829 1861-1865

MaeT-sawsip Service, (continued.) Manled Woon,
to forelgq ports, how may be id..... 506 acknowledgment by, of deeds executed
If by Am= vese ................ M0 by husband, to bar claim for dower in
if by foreign vessel, .................. 606 the District of Columbia ........... 82
letters not to be received on board ves- form of acknowledgment of deeds by,.. 82
Main c
e,sel, unless posted, & ...... .. 606 Marshal,
United States, for District of Columbia,
. post-roads established In .............. 528 fees and emoluments of ........ 196, 196
Makahs, for the district of Nevada, pay, &e., of,.. 440
apropriatlons for the ............ 178, 551 for the district of Oregon, pay, &c., of,. 440
Mars ,
salary of consul at ...................
189 aropriations for the ............ 168, 457
the United States, maximum compen-
punishment of, In the District of Colum- sation of, .......................... 196
be ............... ................ 421 pay of, under act for suppression of the
manwfactures, Artiles, and Prodcts, slave-trade ........................ 82
specific and ad valorem duty on under Martia Law,
*the internal revenue law ........ 258 278 all jebeltoand insurgent., their aiders and
See Internal Revenue, abettors, to be subject to........... 780
Manufacture of Cotto, in Kentucky, proclaimed .............. 748
Import duty on .................. 491,492 declared to be no longer in force,.. 778
.Bfeppg, Maryland,
appropriations for ................ 26, 448 post-routes eablished in ........ 818, 625
Masonic Half Assciation of the Distrit of Co-
duty on, .......................... 214
floor to be constructed in the old hall of act of incorporation ot ............... 55
the House of Representatives ....... 847 powers and duties of corporation,.... 6, 57
statuary to be placed there, ...... 847 Masters
Mare h1d, of vessels, complaint against for minor
appropriations for navy yard and maga- ofibnees to be tried summarily,.. 124,125
zine at ...................... 82, 88, 84 Matches,
salarr of constructing engineer at, ..... 84 duties on .................... 80, 48 485
pay of paymaster's clerk at, not altered, 92 provisions of revenue law concerning,. 802,
Marne Berucks, 485
appropriations for ................. 82, 464 when to take effect .......... 802 485
M-ins Cbrps. See Navy. Make, Rev. W. B.,
persons enlisted into, to be credited to account of as chaplain, to be ajusted
quota ............................. 2 and money paid, ................... 689
appropriation for the ................. 82
persons in military service may be trans- acting masters' mates to be so called,... 689
ferred to the marine corps........... 842 how may be rated .................... 589
enlistments in, to be credited to town, Matnvas the Hospitals,
&c. ................................ 842 comlemionC'l
bounty to those enlisting .............. 842 Mc'O.Wrd, .,of, tobe inceasd ....... 416
officers of the, may be advanced In rank payment to, for raising tro in Mary-
for gallantry and heroism ........... 424 land .............................. 586
may be promoted though grade Is f/l,.. 424 Meade, Major-General George G.,
appropriation for the4................ 464 thanks of congress to ................ 401
Marnie Hospital Medas of Honor,
and grounds, ut Chicago, may be sold,. 14, priatlon for ..................... 86
proceeds to to be applie to purchase a
better site ....................... 142 .ropriations for ........ 8, 129, 497, 44
possession to be retained until ...... 142
Marne Hositl of armies in the field and of military de-
appropriations for .................. , 88 partments, rank, pay, &o., of ........ 487
of an army corp &e., ran]; pay, &c.,
complaints against, for minor offeces, to of............. .........4
be tried summarily ............ 1K 125 rank and pay, how long to cotinue,... 488
grant of, to Califonia, ................ 826 asalgments to such duties to be two
tilrds from volunteers .............. 488
Maren, Alexander, Me"ca Muse ,
gratlty to,-........................ 698 for a=r, appropriation for ........... 129
copy of act granting, to be sent Meone bureanof-....82, 464
Mga-quot zl Ontonagon a Oroad59
time for completion o4, between Mar- instruments and dressings, appropria-
quette and Ontonagon extended,.. 187,409 tions for, ........................ 128
reslution explanatory of act coneru- or preparations, provisions of Internal
revenue law' concerning ....... 29, 801
Mealersof Ctmgress,
omp anoOf, ................. 620, 621 not to receive pay for services in any
Marriage. matter where the United States is a
proof og under pension act, of colored Party......................... 128
soldiers ........................... 889 penalty forso doing ............ 128

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 830 1861-1865

J&Adan (conthued)
additional petor of steamboats at,.. 120 canal to be a public highway, and free
pay anddties 4 ............... 120 from toll to vessels of,or employed by,
HfaaslalandDsdit, the United States .................. 620
certain lands in Stoekbridge, Wisconsin, route of canal to be established before
toform purt o .................... 681 hands are disposed of ............... 520
may be sold, &. ................. 581 lands granted to revert to the United
Menomomes, States, unless as &l is oompleted in
appropriations for the,.... 164, 166, 644, 645 two years .......................... 520
Merchntr Eidiange, New York C; account of sales of lawd and of expen-
notice to owners, of the intention of the ditures upon canal, to be kept ...... 520
United States to purchase the same,. 567 when state has been reimbursed, tolls
3fenvAloical Observations, to be only such as will pay the ex-
Meroolta Polc, far taking and reording,. 129 penses of the canal ................ 520
additional lands granted to, to aid in the
approriations for ................. 159, 469 construction of certain railroads,..5O-522
pay to be increased My per cent.,...169, lands how to be selected and dis-
459 posed of ................... 521-622
expense of, how apportioned an. time for completing certain of said rail-
orne .......................... 159, 469 roads extunded, ................ 521, 622
tax may be levied therefor ....... 159, 459 each road to grade twenty miles in two
ifetropolisan Railroa Comepany, years, and twenty miles e tch year
act to incorporate, In District of Colum- thereafter ...................... 522
ba, ............................ 828, 881 lands to revert to the United States, un-
time for completing.portion of road ex- less conditions of grant are complied
tended ............................ 42 with .............................. 522
portion of road to be finished In thirty time for completing certain railroad in,
days .............................. 426 extended ......................... 580
location of, changed, ................. 86 time for reversion to the United States
rates of Are ........................ 586 of lands granted to, for construction of
use, &c., of road subject to municipal railroad from Pere Marquette to Flint,
regulations........................ 586 extended for five years ....... ... 69
capital stock increased, ............ 586
payment therefor ............. 586 made a port of delivery .............. 446
stock may be sold in default, &a.,.. 86 annexed to collection district, of Chi-
time of completing road extended ..... 587 cago ....... .............. 44
package-tickets, price of .............. 587 surveyor of customs at, pay, &e, ...... 446
color not to exclude persons from cars,. 587 Mickigan Vity Harbor Compay,
Miamies, use of government piers at Michigan
appropriations for the ........ 166, 167, 646 City granted to ................... 446
Indian service in ................. 179, 558 additional inalketors authorized at, .... 198
post-routes established in ....... 818, 528 Middle Oregon Indians,
amendment of former act grantng'land appropriations for the ............ 175, 6M4
to, for rilroad, .................. 119 nie to be appinted from districts not
location of read changed ........... 119
limit of selection of lands ............. 119 representedin congress ............. 466
time not to be extended, .............. 119 pay q after academic efdminstion, and
lands granted, how only to be disposed belm promotion to grade of eusign, . 689
of, ............................ 119 Mileage, dc.,
land granted for wagon-roads for ail- otmy ofcers, appropriation for ...... 128
itary and postal-purposes ........ 140, 141 no payment for constructive, allowed for
routes of roads ...................... 140 I any extrs session ofcongress ....... 460
lands,; how to be applied and disposed Mi'ifityAcadimy,
Of........................... 140, 141 approprations for, for years ending June
rights of way granted ................ 141 80, 186 and June 80, 1866 .... 88,467
wagon-rpads, how to bp constructed.... 141 to be applied only to cadets regu-
to be public highways free of toll larly appointed ........... 8$9,467
and hages ................ .14 enlisted men employed at, may have
tobe completed in five ydar... 141 extra-duty pay ................. 89,467
counties of Calhoun and Branch made pa= of cadets ater July ,1868, 89, 467
part of eastern judicial district of,... 148 cadets found deficient at exaination"
grant of the right to locate, &c.., shi- not to be continued at academy, or
canal, &r.,through "The Portage, . 519 reappointed, unless, &. .......... 89, 467
limit to grant, .......... i ......... 619 p may be absent ...... 416
width and depth of canal, ......... 519
grant of 200,000 acres of public lands to Hie Bhed, .................... 5609
aid in building ship-canal ......... 520 See National i iargadN al4um
how and where to be selected..... 52D
to be made from odd numbers, and bureau of, established.............145
not from lands designated as mi- See Beaus of J se.
eral,................. ........ 520 M ce7n
Wago-Roa. .
lands granted .to be subject to disposal to Lake Superor, grant of land to Wis-
by the state ...................... 620 consin for................ v.....1

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 831 1861-1865

Militry Waon-Road, (continued.) lAsmesot, (8continued.)
route of road ......................... 188 grant of lands to, for road from St. Paul
how to be constructed ................ 184 to southern line of state ............ 74
to be public ighway, free of top ...... 188 lands to be selected within twenty
lands, how ap d ......... 188,184 miles of line of road ............ 74
conditions of grant, .............. 74
Militia, appropriation for costs, charge, and ex-
one hundred thousand called out, to pnses in suppresdng Indian hostili-
serve for six months ................ 788 ties ........................... 850, 851
three hundred thousand called for ..... 747 such sums only to be paid as are
five hundred thousand called for ...... 748 allowed by accounting officers,.. 861
Mille Lie Rsertion, additional land-grant to, to aid in com-
ceded to the United States, except, &c., 698 pleting certain railroads..-.-.-. , 627
clearing of land on .................... 694 lands granted to be located within twen-
houses for chiefs of bands ............ 694 ty miles of line of road and branches, 626
Miller, Major Morris S., lands heretofore reserved excepted from
to be credited with about $P7,000 ..... 5689 this act, except, &c ................ 626
Mills, lands granted to the state for railroads
in Indian country, not to be disturbed,. 682 tucluded in this grant to be deducted, 626
Mills, Rachel, remaining lands not to be sold for less
#ension to........................... 601 than double minimum price,........ 2
Mi/iwaukie, to be first ofred at public sale ..... 526
certain territory, waters, &c., added to bons fide settlers may purchase at
collection district of ............... 184 increased minimum price,.. 626, 627
MilwauLke and RoBeRiar Canal Cespany, settlers under homestead act may
Mieai Landls, to be made to .............
allowances 418 have patents for not over 80 acres
each, .......................... 627
grant of public lands to states or corpo- lands granted to be disposed of by legis-
rations, not to include ........... 567 lature of Minnesota, ................ 527
Afuiwr, mode of disposing of them ....... 6527
license to, &c....... ............ 478 patents to issue from time to time
Mines, as portions of road are built,.... 627
in Indian country, not to be disturbed,. 682 not to be disposed of for certain roads, 527
Ifining Tides, nor except as patented under
possessory trials for ................. 441 this ack ................... 627
Minteters, existing rights not Interfered with,. 27
appropriations for pay, &c., of .... 187, 422 lands to revert to the United States
Minnesota, when, &c .......................... 27
Indian service in ................. 179, 558 to be withdrawn from market as
ost-routes established in ....... 819, 562 soon as mapsare filed ...... - 527, 526
nds granted to, to aid In constructing railroads to be public highways, free of
railroad from Saint Paul to Lake Su- tol to te United States ......... 627
pertor ............................ 64 mails to be transported............... 6258
if lands hereby Vmted have been before price to be determined by congress, 628
reserved, preempted, &c., other lands until established by law, Postmaster-
to be given in lieu thereof .......... 64 General to fix rate ofeompensatIOn, 28
lands not to be located more than twenty "Minnie William," The &Thoen,
miles from lines of road.......... 64 American register to issue to .......... 570
to be applied only to purposes of mino .. ,
road, hs it progresses ........... 64 against the laws of the United States,
not to be used for roads that have summary trial of ............... 124,125
before had grants ............... 64 Min",
former reservations not within this persons under eighteen entitled to dis-
act................ ....
not grant- charge from military service, if, &o.,. . 10
minimum price of lands persons under sixteen to be discharged, 880
ed, .......................... 64 guardians of may act in District of Co-
when state has completed twenty con- lumba,................... 16,17
secutive miles of road, patents to issue effect of payments made to ....... 19
for lands on either side ........... 66 enlistments o punished, ......... 489, 490
governor of state to give certificate mustering into service ........... 490
to Secretary of Interior ........ 66 Mint and Brncke,
lands granted, when not to be subject to appropriations.for the, ..... 16, 18,46,46
preemption, &c.................... 65 Asmaispp.,
rght of way granted to road over pub-6 not entitled to representation in electoral
Ci lands,............................ 6 collee, ............................ 567
width of roadway ................ 6 provisional governor appointed for, .... 761
lands to be used ol for purposes.of the Unted States to help ....... 762
road,............. .......... 6 conventlonquailgication of electors, &o., 762
road to be a public highway .......... 65 Misissppian Alsso Railroad Cmw
to be completed within eight years, 65 may change location of part of lfne,...96, 96
mails to be transported overrat such route of new line............. 96 9
price as congress directs ....... 65 lands to be conveyed to .............. 96
certain railroads, hereafter constructed, limits of selection, ................ 96
may cmneet with this ........... 66 may assign lands granted, &o,...... 98

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 832 1861-1865

MirlowpPi River, Mod Order, (continued.)
navy yard on, or on its tributaries,.... 828 postmasters
payments, to.....................
account for transfers and 77
certain school lands in township forty- auditor to settle accounts of po asters, 78
'five north, &a., granted to .......... 182 accounts of money-order offloes to be
certain entries of land in, under gradu- kept separate ..................... 78
ation act, confirmed ................ 148 dues to the United States to be collected, 78
lands to be paid for .................. 148 moneys received from sale of, to be
post-routes established in .............. 819 deemed moneys of the United States, 78
Miourias, what shall be deemed embezzle-
appropriation for the .............. 167, 168 ment, and penalty therefor,...... 78
ment of, certified transcript to be evidence
appropriation for pay, bounty, &a., of of receipt of money .......... 78
men in ............................ penalty for foring, &.............
1,2 78
Mixed Blo&ds, for altering .................... 79
preference given to, as laborers ....... 695 for knowingly uttering forged, .... 79
Modoe Indians, superintendent of money-order system
appropriation to enable President to con- to be appointed ................ 79
clude treaty with .................... 87 clerks to, and their salary,....... 79
"Moha,," Steamer, additional clerks, and appropria-
joint resolution, authorizing lse of tions .................... 79
register to, provided, &c.,......... 404
Mo"e-Order Systemt,
Mokuake Band appropriations, &ei., for 1865 to be used
of Utah Indians may settle upon reser- or 1866 .......................... 506
,ations of Tabeguache bands ....... 674 deputy postmasters may deposit, &a.,.. 506
J1olaas, ,certain expenses of, to be paid from pro-
appropriations for the ............ 172,551 ceeds,.... ..... ..................... 606
Mases. See Duties an lawrts. "Monite, te ,.samer,
duty on..........
.......... 202 paj of petty officers and crew of the,... b5
aropriaionfr the........... 175, 654 territory of,established,.......... 8,92
Honeyor Bvreats boundaries ................... .86
apprpriations for the .............. .. 465 territory may be divided, boundaries
Mon-order Offies. See Me Orders. changed, &c. ................. 86
Postmaster-General to establish, &e.,.. 76 right of Indiana preserved ........ 86
accounts of, to be kept separate ....... 78 Indian territory excepted out of
Money Orders, boundaries ..................... 86
postmaster at money-order offices to is- executive power .................... 86
sue .............................. 76 governor, term of office, salary,. 86, 90
to whom order Is payable ......... 76 to be superintendent of Indian
not to be ibsued until amount and fees a airs ..................... 86
are first received ................... 76 veto-power of,.: .......... 88
penalty for violation bf this rule,.. 70 secretary, term of office, duty, sal-
not valid, unless drawn on a printed or ary ..................... 86,87, 90
engraved form .................... 76 to act as governor in case, &c., 87
applications for, to be signed, filed, and legislative power ................... 87,88
preserved ......................... 76 legislative assembly to consist of council
not to be issued for less than $1, nor and house of representatives ....... 87
more than $80 ................... 76 council; number, term, and qualification
fees for ............................. 76 of members ..................... 87, 88
may be changed, when, &. ......... 16 house; number, term, &c., of members. 87
amount paid for, to be repaid, If order is apportionment for members of dbuncil
returned .......................... 76 and house ....................... 87
foew not to be repaid ............. 76 census to be taken prior to first election, 87
to be presented for payment in ninety first election, plurality to elect, ........ 87
'days ....................... 76 first meeting of legislative assembly,. 87, 91
new order may be tssed, f new fees subsequent meetings ........... 87,91
are paid ........................... 76, 77 length of sessions ............... 87
dupllcate order to issue in case of loss, 77 voters at.first elections, and qualifica-
loser to make oath ............... 77 tions for office, .................. 87,88
second fee to be paid, ............. 77 at subsequent elections ......... 88
payee of money order mao indorse it to extent and limits of legislative power,.. 88
another, .......................... 77 slavery not to exist therein ............. 88
Indorsee may receive money upon proof, -township, district, and county officers,. - 88
fi.n .......................... 77 members of assembly not to hold certain
only one indorsement permitted, ...... 77 offces, ............................ 8
holder to apply for a new order,. . . 77 who not to be members of assembly or
pay to postmasters for issuing money office-holders in the territory ....... 88
orders ........................ 77 judicial power vested in what, ........ 88
subject to provisions of law,. ..... 77 jurisdiction of courts to be limited by
postmasters Issuing and paying moley law .............................. 89
orders to execute new bonds....... 77 supreme conu%udges, &c., of ......... 88
payments and transfers of funds to meet district courts, Judgee, &c., of ......... 88
orders ........................... 77,78 probate o-uft and Jastices of the peace,. 89

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 833 1861-1865

oanta,, (continued.) act to p= ..................... 99-u
chanery and common-law jurisdiction, 89
clerks of courts and register in chancery, See Bwild A 'cadw.
and their fes ...................... 89 Nation am~w,
writs of error and appeals to supreme the President may call for such number
u t
ourt, ............................ 89 of menas the public exigencies require, 6
habeas corpus, &c .................. 89 quota of towns, (Aties, wards, &e., how
attorney, fees and salary ............... 89 determined, ....................... 6
marsha, fees and salary............... 89 persons In naval service to be reek-
surveyor-general, compensation and al- oned, ......................... 8
lowances ........................... 89 draft to be made, If quota is not filled by
certain ooficers to be appointed by the volunteers, ...................... 6
President ......................... 90 to be made from time to time, until
bath of executive, judicial, and civil quota is filled.................. 6
oferss........................... 90 volunteers elsting after draft is ordered,
pay of members and officers of legisla- but before it is made ............... 6
tive assembly ..................... 90 substitutes, what.afid by whom may be
assembly to have but one sesion, un- fnsz ed,and for how long, ....... 6
les, Z ............................ 90 drafted persons may farnish ...... 6
to make annual approprlations,.... 90 who may be emloyed as ........ 6
moneys, how disbursed and expended, 90, 91 persons fOrnishing, to be how long
disbursing-offfcers to give security 91 exempt, ....................... 6
seat of government, how established and commutation money, payment of to ex-
changed, .......................... 91 empt from dra% only in filling that
delegate In congress, election, &c., of.. 91 quota ......................... 7
school lands .......................... 91 and n no case for more than a year, 7
judicial districts, assembly may alter, enrolment to include what persons.... 7,9
anO assig; judges ................... 91 names of what persons to be stricken
treaties with the Indians to be obweered, 91 fim list ................... 7
existing agencies and superintendencles exempts from enrolment ............ 8
to be continued .................... 92 seamen, If drafted, may enlist in naval
survey of public lands In ............. 850 service ........................... 7
with Dakota, to constitute one surveyor- dtme, mode, and term ofenlstment, 7
general's district ................... 868 mariners In military service may enl
territorial government in ............. 467 in navy.........................7
construction of wagon-roads n, author- rles and regulations,............. 7
ized .......................... 516,517 number not to exceedtenthousand, 7
appropriation for,............. 17 bounly money to be deducted from
post-roads established In............ 2 money, ...................
Indian service In, .............. :...... 5 enls se an to be credited to towns,
Moao, Stephn G., &a., on their quota, .............. 7
payment to. :................... 9 7,141 enlistments hereafte Into naval service
or marine corps, to be eredited,&c.,.. 8
Morri, HavE4to .......................... 697
pension persons enrolled to be included in one
Morris, Ha*t
pension to,...... ..................... 697 lass, ............................. 8
penalty for forcibly resisting, &c., enrol
went.......................... 8
of vesel not to be recorded, unless a. or pers n employed therein ....... 8
knowledged .......................619 offnders liable to be punished un-
Zoumy, Ge r,
e, der state law .................. 8
,,idr., tot. ..........W.A., ........ 594
th &.itTu additional surgeons to examine drafted
enrolment and license granted to,.. 98 men...........................8
their duties, .............. *...... 8
examinations of drafted men, when and
payment to. for services in removal of where to be held .................. 8,9
Sioux Indians..................... 58 witnesdes for goernment before pro-
for money paid on felie vouchers,.. 686 vest-marsbals, boards ofenrolmentfe., 9
Mjrva3 , Ge ge
. pension
may be compelled to attend with-
to .......................... U8 out payment of fees...........9
fees foI attendan and travel,. 9
the word, how to be construed in act In. drafted men may have process fur,
416 but not mileage ............... 9
MW40 pay of soldiers, ......... penalty fir perjury before provost-mar-
and notes of, the United States, new shal, &c...........................9
ones may be substituted for, ........ 220 copies of record of provo*marshal, 4;.,
to be evidence .................... ; 9
N. penalty ft fal certiying ....... 9
persona conscientiously opposed to bear-
•aetoftoVssl. See Vsel.
punsh fraud ing arms, If drafted, how to be trested, 9
in ....... :....... 68,04 evidence as to suples, ..... .... 9
Kaionda Armoery, persons of foen It who have
manufscture of arms at, ............ k. 129 voted, not exempt from drA ..... 9
repairs, improvements, and new ma- elaime for exemptinon to be verified by
chlnesry 8 ........................ 129 oath, unlea , .................. 9

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 834 1861-1865

Rwoaa Porm, (continued.)
exemptions obtained by rad, to be resolution requ the Prdent to
vo ........................... 10 appoint a day of .... .............. 416
person exempted to be deemed a day of po po nd................... 74
deserter, * . ..... 10 Nat&nal Mian md N A a n, m
person in service under eighteen, to be fo" the relief of the totally disabled men
discharged,................... 10 of the volunteer forces of the United
. bounty, &e., to be refunded ....... 10 States, incorporated ............ 609
penalty for procuring flse report from number of corporators, powers, &.,... 509
sur eon of board, &a............... 10 directors, officers, quorum .............
fees or making papers for exemption site for military asylum, buildings...... 60
from draft,......................... 10 certain fines, forfeitures, and stop-
physicians to have none ......... 10 pseto go tosupport sylum,.. 510
penalty tbr demanding or receiving donatiots, how to be received and
more ......................... 10 held, .......................... 510
who not to be employed in procuring t for
to be asylum,
selected buildings, &a, .. 510
until &c. ........ 510
substitutes ......................... 10
penalty for violation .............. 10 officm of asylum ............... 610
certain colored persons may be enrolled who entitled to benefits of asylum,.... 510
and form part of national forces, .....11 ninates subject to arcles of war...... 5 10
slaves of loyal masters, If drafted, mas- persons entitled to pensions becoming
ter to have certificate and. lave to be inmates, to assign pensions ....... 510
fie ......................... 11 directors to report annually ........... 61
bounty to go to master......... 11 treasurer's accounts ................ 610
commission to determine oompenstion Nadoal T~asbiov
to loyal masters .................... 11 appointed....................... 749
colored persons, drafted, enlisted, &., Natonal Uhm Insurano, Company,
to be credited on quotas, but not as- of Washington, D. C., incorporated, 428,429
signed as state troops ............ 11 capital stock, value of shares, how called
to be mustered as United States in ........................... 42W
colored troops.................. 11 who may be members of the company,. 428
penalty upon surgeon for receiving common seal and general powers, ...... 42
money, Ac., for making Mese report, 11 directors and oficer ................. 429
upon members of board of enrol- first meeting and other meetings ...... 428
ment for Illegally discharging appointment of officers and agents....42
drafted persons............ 11 by-laws ............................ 429
words " recinct" and "election din- what may be ineured a&inst, ......... 429
trit," howconstrued ............ 11 policies, premiums, pro t.......... 429
repeal of inconsistent provisions,... 11 transfer of stock, .................... 429
act further to regulate and provide for charter may be aitered or repealed,.... 429
the enrolling and calling out ........ 79
President may call for any number of aproritionsforAmerican.... 86,486
volunteers, fir one, two, or three
years.......................879 apTrp
Navajo. rtionsfortrnavy,...1, 42, 46,
volunteers, how to be credited ....... 879 appr ton to settle ................. 828
bounty to, for different terms of
service ....................... 879 to extend reservation o .............. 828
how paid In case of death, &e., 879 Naval Acadsg,
President shall order draft for one year, appropriations for............. 24, 84,466
where quota is not filled in sixty days students, when examined for admission,
afte'. ......................... 879 to be between 14 and 18 years of age,. 89
no commutation to release fim,... 879 no money to be applied to support of mid-
recruiting by executives of any state shipmen, unless regularly appointed,. 84
allowed In states declared in rebelion, mileage of visitors to ............... 84
except, &C ....................879 additional prohesors at, authorlzed,.... 85
organization of drafted men........ 879 to be returned to Annapolis .......... 85
discharge ofminors by Secretary of War, 880 Naval Myphm,
persons under sixteen. &o., to be dis- appro pwatons for ................. 8, 509
Nva Aee Mil,- a Na Asylum.
penalty for knowingly enlisting, &c., 880
draft to be for 100 per emt. more than enlarged accommodations for..... 466, 46T
quota, ............................ 880 Naval Constructors and &san im"tsv
tuansprtion to and rom place Of act to authorize Secretary of Navy to
rendezvous ................... 880 provide for education of, and of steaq
certain persons in naval apvce "., to engineers......................89n
be credited to, &.............. 880 cadet r................
..... I
persons absent when r to be noti- appointment o* .................. 898
fed,.......... ..... 880 age of ........................... 898
not to be deemed deserter unti examinion of..................898
&.................... ..880 may be admitted to naval academy, 8
act of 1864. ch. 18, 17, not altered,... 880 length of course ................ 898
substitutes may be furnished ........ 80
act amending several acts passed for en- Iges for record in any casenot to exceed
rolling and calling out the,...... 487 $200 ............................. 4U8

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 835 1861-1865

Naval HeeaslU Navy,, (continued.)
provision of law to establish, at Kittery, If found qualified, may be pro-
Maine, repealed, ................... 841 moted, ........................ 54
in Washington, D. 0., remainder of offies may be advanced, not over
square 98 may be bought for ...... 467 thirty numbers for distinguished con-
Naval Hospitals and Asylums, duct in battle, 1Z .................. 54
Na fleet
be paymasters and fleet engineers may
Advos &. . 2..... ire pay of urgonspamt, en- 54
.office of, established ................. 468
Naval Obserat". gineers, and other staofficas ...... 54
appropriation for..................... 84 certain officers in, not to be retired, on-
law requiring the superintendent of, to less, &c .......................... 188
be a captain, commander, or lieutenant ant to provide for efficienoy of, ........ 842
in the navy, repealed .......... 588, 584 persns in military service, how trans-
navy officer nting as superintendent to fredto, .......................... 842
receive only shore-duty pay of his seamen, drafted into military service,
grade ............................ 84 may be transferred to ............... 842
Naval ojicer, enlistments in, how credited .......... 842
office o/ at Salem and Beverly, abolished, 444 persons enlisting in, to receive same
Naval Powmen d, bounty as in army ................. 842
money belonging to, how to be invest- repeal of resolution relating to, passed
ed ............................. 414, 415 24th Febrw, 1864 ............... 842
Naval Service, act prescribing punishment for enticing
persons enlisting Into, entitled to boun- or aiding persons to desert from ser-
ty ............................... 842 ,ied In............................. 848
certain persons in, to be credited to act giving assimilated rank to certain
quota of towns, & ............ 842, 880 warrant officers in .................. 878
act for relief of seamen, borne on books officers, how called .............. 878
of vessels lost or wfeked in, ...... 889 additional clerks, in department og .... 878
day of loss, when to be deemed to expenses of confinement of persons on
account of ptty officers, how set- board of captured vessels, how paid,. 878
grade of vice-admira established in,.... 420
890 offlcers ofthe, may be advanced in rank
compensation for personaleflots,.. 890 for gallantry and heroism ........... 424
payment, when to.e made to may be promoted, though grade is fail, 424
widow, &c ................ 890 Naq Aprrat,
law allowing transfr of persona from for-the years ending June 80,1865, and'
military service to, repealed .... 119, 402 June 0, 186 .................. 80, 462
Naval SaUion, pay, bounty, &o ............. 80, 406, 468
on Western waters, site for, to be s repair and maintenance of vesels,.. 80 462
lected ............................ 828 completion of ast steam-sarew soops of
commission to be appointed ........ 828 war, .............................. 80
on Mississippi River, expenses of com- purchase, &0., of vessels for Western
mission to select site for ............ 466 waters ............................ 8D
aval Stwrkepwas for naval
armored plate and blockading
vessels, ........... p = , 80
inventory to be made of artieles in poe-
session of the .................... 872 hemp and fuel .................... 80, 468
Naval Supplies, equipment and provisions....... 80,81,468
certain bids for, &a., may be rejected, construction and repair of machinery, 81, 468
when above market price, &C...... 894 surgeon's necessartes, & ......... 81,468
.Nav'gton, Burau ordnance and ordnance stores..... 81,408 -
appropriation for office o4 ..... 81,462,498 navigation apparatusand supplies,.. 81, 468
maut/cal Instruments, books, and charts, 81,
lin officers upon active is and other 468
naval officers, not to be promoted, clothing ......................... 81 468
unless aftet examination as to mental, bureau of yards and dockq,.... 81, 4648
moral, and professional fitness, ...... 8 ofequipment and recruiting, 81, 462468
board ofexammers, appointment, power, of navigation ............ 81, 48 468
f e................................ 58 of construction and repair, 81, 46 468
of whom to consist, .............. 58 of provisions and clothing, 82,462 468
offlers interested may be present, if of medicine and surgery...... 82 484
they desire, ....................... 68 of steam engineering ......... 82,464
their statements and testimony of marine corps, barracks, and quarters, 82 464
witnesses to be recorded, ........ 58 navy yards ................... 82, 88, 64
record to be presented to President, 68 hospiatels ........................ 88,44
no officer to be promoted unless shown magazines .................... 88,84,464
by examination to be physically quali- clvil establishment at navy yards,... 84, 464
flied .............................. 58 salary of constructing engineer at Mare
officers examined and not recommended Island ............................. 84
. j romotion, to be.placed upon re-
,b.......................... Naval Academy ................. 84,466
58 no money to be applied to support
certain ofncers not recommended for of midshipmen not appointed ac-
promotion, may present themselves eokding to law .................. 84
. ..............
-examination 54
W58, mileage of visitors to ............ 84

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 836 1861-1865

lNhe, Aprq~~it~io, (continued.) Ne7wsi Tevrr (contiued.)
torturned to Annapolis... 85 1w"religious toleration ....... 48
additional pfmors at ........... 86 to diseiahn all rMht t unappro- .... 4
wharves, depots, &c., at Key West,.... 84 nonted pub l ns
naval observatory ................ 84, 466 not to tax lands of the United
American autdecalAlmanac,. 84,466 States,....*.............. 48
naval asylum............... . 86, 46 to be submitted po a vote,... 48
enlarged accommodations of .......... returns of votes to be e how and to
Cemetery for nsvy and marin corps, ... 86 whom ............................. 48
gratuities and medals of honor ......... 85 If majority of legal votes is for the con-
unties for destruction of enemy's stituton, result to be certified to Pres-
vessels . ................... 8 ident.......................... 49
photographer for ordnance bureau,.. 8, 467 Preident by proclamation to declare
pay of officers and crew of the "Moni- state bamied
. ............... 49
tor," lost at sea, .................. 85 representative in congress.......... 49
of the "Cairo," .............. 86 governor and state oflcers, first election
two dry docks authorizd,.......... 85 of .......................... 49
application of former appropriation,.... 86 Iandstobe set apart forchoo,...49
balance to ensrge sectional dock,.. 85 for public: buildings............. 49
emergencies at the Atlantic, Glf,and for penitentiary bldn . 49
Mississippi ....................... 466 for state university ...... j....... 49
no midshipmen to be oItad for de. salt spilngs, withlands adjo ing...... 49
trict not represented t congress,..... 466 five per cent. of- proceeds of ses of
p%7of officer charged with experiments public lands to be applied to suppo
Ingunnery........ ........ 466 of common schools,. ............ 49
expenses of commission to select site for laws of the United States made applica-
naval yard or station on the Missis- ble ............................... 49
sippi River, &o................... 466 state to constitute one judicial district,. 60
Secretary of Navy may purchase r expenses oQ onveont ........... L. 60
mainder of square 948 In Washington Neeve,, Ohmars L.,
for naval hospital ................... 467 __ent w forserde .............. 0
bnnting foe-army and navy need not be
she& b contract with lowest bid. may terminate his contract with the U8S
U~ted Stts ......................
der,. ..................... .4
contracts may be made for, of Amer- Neudtj Act,
ican manuiteture .............. 467 expenses under the ............... 424
Revy Depatwn,
appropriations for the ............ 154, 482 appropriations for government In tern-
Narv optas~n Buildi.g, tOdis ervic in ....... 179,456,158
portion of contingent fond'may be ex-
S e d for enlring,..............
See N..Ma non. 65 post-routes established in ........... 22, 622
Ahard4 with Idaho, to constitute one surveyor-
on Misessippi River, expenses of com- general's JAlstlct,.......... ..... 858
minim to select slto for ....... ; ...488 act enabl$ng people ot to form a state
aro Hado for the ............. 468 #overnment, and to admit the state
into the Union, .................... 80
popriations for............ 24,8% 88,464 Inhabitants, to form rote government,
with saine name, & ............ 80
territorial government In .......158, 4I6 boundaries ........................ 80
construction of wagon-roads in, author-. voters at efectionto choose representa-
ized ...........................! 517 tives to form convention ............ 81
appropriation for ............... 617 If puch voters are enlisted soldiers
post-routes established in ............. 821 when nd, 4ba they may vote,. at
act enabling people of, to form a state who may be eleted representative to
government, and to admit the state convention, ........................ 81
into the Union .................... 47 time of first election ................. 81
inhabitants to form state government, time and place of meeft of convention, 81
with same name, c ............ 47 authority of convention,; ............. 81
boundaries, .........................
voters at electloq to choose rer ta- 47 constitution to be republican.........81
to provide by Irrevesable ordinance,
tives to form ebnvention .......47, 48 unless, &c., that there shall be
If such voters are enlisted soldiers, no slavery or involuntary ser-
when and where they may vote,. 48 vitude ....................... 81
who may be elected representative to -for religious toleration ....... 81
convention ....................... *.48 to disclabn all right to unappo-
poronment of tepresentat' ..... 48 priated publ e lanU ....... 81
of first ion ................. 48 not to tax lands of the United
time and place of meeting of conven- States,................81
tion .............................. 48 to beubutte topopularvot,..81 86
authority of convention ............... 48 returns of votes to be how andto Ia,
consfittion to be rpuablican ........... 4s whom ............................ 82
to provide by Irrevocable ordinance, if ma of letl votes Is fbr the eba-
unless, &c, that there shall be no sttioni, cetad to Pros-
slavery Or Involuntary servitude, 48 enk ............................. 82

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 837 1861-1865

Nevada, (continued.)
President, by proclamation, to declare a iao for the .............167, 54
state admitted ..................... 82
representative i cng ......... 82 provisions relating to taxes upon, 228,
governor and state oleers, At election
o, ............... 82 NOrj'C M, 2W
lands to be set apast for schools,....... 82 blockade of, to cease so far that, Ae.,.. 761
for public buldings .............. 82
for penitentiary building.......... 82 not entitled to representatlonin electoral
five per cent. of proceeds of sales of collee ...........................
pulc ands to be applied to making provisional governor appointed for,..780 567
roads, ......................... 82 United States to help,.......... 760
or to general system of irriga- convention, qualifications of electors,
tion, ......................... 82 am ...
... ................
laws of the United States mad-appli- Nothern Adkic roa4*
bl ........... . ... .. 82 act granting lan4p, Ac., to..........885i
state to constitute one judicial dIstrict,. 82 powers CC & ................... 866
admitted into the Union as a stte ... 760 to lay out railroad and telegraph,... 868
slate of, made ajudicial disbric ....... 440 capital stock of,...............8866
attached to the tenth circuit, .......... 40 commissioners for .................... 866
judge, asha, and attorney to be ap-
pointed .................... .440
terms of the district and circuit courts,. 440
jurisdiction of circuit and district courts, 440 uorum 8 4 ..................... 868
pay of judge, uaral, and attorney,... 440 proeing
ofioe o ..................
.c................66 ON
right mode
of of
way, of,............8$67
Ac.,..................... 867
speci sessionsofcirtcrt,
oal .440, 441 Indian titles to
grant oflands to to- be extinguished for,..887
clerklimit to amount Of heir
anduthiesd fore,...... 41
s,........... 41 mineral 1&W u lded,............. 868
appeals and writs of error in the an- United States commissioniers oni. 868..
premne court of the United States.441i provisions as to................868
other appeals and writs...........
of e . 441 how to be constructed, Ac............8U8
possessory actions for the recovery of gauge. .................... 8 88
mining titles not to be affected by pr- telegraph ine...............868
amiount title being in the AUnited connection of other roads with......... 89
States ........................... 44 lands on side o4, how to be surveyed,
public lands In, attached to s urying Ac. ........................ 889
district of C orni a............. 40 lands taken by ................. 88
ADpostroad established ti ............ a~mage f ........... .... 88
6526 apelfrom assessment of,-8.. 69
Aw Jeraei, when held by infa~nts, Ac......... 870
post-roads established in..........8 19 claims tbr, when to be made ... 870
New Afcrico, conditions of all land grants to ....... 870
heirs of Luis Maria Bacs may relocate If broken, United States may com-
certain land in .................. 12n plete road,................. 270
who may subcribe to stock,.......... 870
apppranons for governmnent In,-..16, 46 no mortgage, unless, c........ .. s.... 870
Ininservice in........... 177, 667, 668 to be post-route and iliitary road,..870
with Arizona, to constitute one surveyor- to signify acceptancoe, Ac., of grant, &e.,
general's district ............ 862 868 In writing...................... 870
survey of public lands in.......... .6849 directors of, to make annual report of,.. 871
post-roads established in............ 626 president and other officers; of ........ 871
Neujor*, Veront, regulations 0 to, Ac ........... 871
made a port for exportation to the Brit- payment of cash assessment,.......... 871
Ish Provinces.................... 749 notice of,.................... 871
NeW8_BojW' Honig, stock to be forfeied, ifa,. ... 871
act to Incorporate ................. 99 may accept grants, Ac ..------------..872
Nw York, must obtslA conset of state legislatures
post-routes established In,........819; 624 to, ac......................... 872
Northern district of, sessions of circuit boas fide subscription to, ac.......... 872
and district courts in............. 885 act Void, unless .A.............. 872
two assistant local Inspetors of steam- act May be alterW &V A.............872
boats authorized In New York . 514
compensation, Ac., of,........... 614 NOWLrIrtiC for the...........158, 458
a rpitio for the .......... 164 in the District of Columbia, appoint-
ment, term of offlae, number ........ 44
appropriations for thi .......... 174; 568 to take oath and give bond..........44
may make demand and protest of bills
additional inspector atithorized .t..198 and notes,.....................4
Ztwcarls mytake acknowl ente, A.,.. - 4
contracts for carrying mall mattOk by Mtokwp records of ofiilacts, exoept. 45
route of ....................... 8 to have notarilal seal, ...... ......
discriminating duties of tonnage, as re- seal and reordsII nt liabl to lie se9sW.
spects, discontinued, ............. 789 on exeuton,.1 ................. 46

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 838 1861-1865

A'tarissPA'l, (continued.) Offiers, (continued.).
records in ease of death, &o., to be placed dismissed by authority of the Presdent,
in office of clerk of supreme court,... 45 may apply in writing for a trial ..... 489
origial protest, under sal, to be evi- oourtrmartiat to be ordered ........... 489
.. 46 order of dismiseal to be void unless the
certificate, under hand and sal, to be court award dismissal or death ..... 489
evidence .......................... 45 and unless court is convened in six
fees of .............................. 46 monthw from application ....... 489
penalty for taking higher fees ........ 45 Off Cer of Vehmteen,
Noie. See Districtof CMumia. certain, now in commission, toihave three
to determine tenancy at wll, .......... 888 months' pay when mustered out,. ,.. 497
Off c INn&muts,
documents and papers used by United
States officers, need not be stamped,. 292
of armles, copying ot for publication,.. 12
of clerks and deputy clerks of circuit Okip,
courts In Californland Oregon ..... 4, 5 post-routes established in ....... 819,524
revenue agents rosy administer, in mat- Old. River,
tore Connected with internal revenue, 471 bridge across at Cincinati, 0., and Cov-
who may administer in proceedings be- ington, Ky., made a lawful structure
fore boards of enrolment...; ...... 491 and post-road ...................... 481
in settlements of'officers accounts railroad bridge may be built over, at head
for clothing, &%................ 491 of Falls ........................... 481
Oth of Office, height, spaces, draws .......... 481
attorneys and counsellors in national navigation not to be Interrupted thereby, 481
.courts to take ...................... 424 bridge to be a post-route ........... 481
oath to be filed.... ............. 424 0/o F of' smnm
faely taling, to be perjury........ 424 r,~ment of 2d Regiment, 8d Brigade of, 121
meaning of the word in aet of June 80, a tions for the ........... 167,546
1864 ......................... 222 mpaesof the Attrsegs-GmoAen,
Obsecme Boobs, Pint,, ivc., to b published,......... ....... 616
not to be admitted into the mail, ....... 57 See 4ftnqGerwrL
penalty for knowingly desiuting snch
books &c ,for maig.... ..... 507 international exhibition at, to be made
Obwat,.y, Yarol, known to the peole of the United
appropriation for ..................... 84 States ............................. 572
Oean ManaSteasiship Srviet, Ordsece and OrdnanceSow,
between the United States and Brazil.. 9a appropriations for, ...28, 25, 81, 129, 496, 497
monthly line of flrst-class sea-going
steamsips to be established ........ 98 bona fide sales of university lands In,
route of voyage .................... 98 confirmed. ........................ 28
expenses to be divided, portion of each, 98,94 terms of federal, circuit, and district
proposas for contracts for the, ....... 98,94 courts in, ........................ 4,5
contrwts, when to go into effect ...... 94 special sessions of such courts, .. 4, 6
stipulations of ................... 94 business, &c., thereat, ............ 4,5
steamships in this service to be free Indian service in .............. 179, 6W
from port charges here, i &c...... 94 post-routes established in.......820,528
ith China and Japan, act to authorize, 410 survey of public lands in ............. 849
proposals to be advertised for, for mail- act making donations to settlers on pub-
steamship service between San Fran. lio lands in, amended ............... 184
cisco and China and Japan ......... 480 where settlement is bona fide, and claim
monthly trips, touching at Honolulu, .. 480 is perfect, except that notice was not
lowest repnsible bidder to have con- fled in time, su"- uMr not to work
treat for ten years, ....... 480 forfeiture, if, &c.,...).............. 184
bids to be from citizens, and what to tiall intervening rights not a ted ..... 184
for,............................... 480 at grantingland to state og to aid in eon-
contract, when to take effect, ......... 480 str cting military wagon-roadfrom,&o., 85
construction of the vessel ............ 480 lands to be exclusively applied in eon-
mail-agents to be ransportd fie of ex- stretin such road, ................ 856
pe use ........................ 480 la -heretofore reserved, excepted
deductions for filures ............. g4o &c ....................... 855
fines and penalties for delays ......... 480 to be disposed of by legislature, ... 86
contract, when may be terminated, .... 480 width and grade of road ............. 856
mode of disposition of lands, .......... 85
using soldiers as servants, not entitled land to revert, if, &e......... :...... 866
to allowance ...................... 127 branch mint in Dalles City, in, ........ 888
but subject to deduction from pay, 127
in command of company, entitled to ad- n District of Columbia, process ot how
ditional, pay for care of clothing, &e., 127 served ............................ 194
not to be appointed to regiments in regu. fees for service ...................... 194
lar service reduced.below minimum
number ......................... 488, appropriations for the ............ 167, 546

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 839 1861-1865

Ottoom Empi e, (continued.)
additonal Inspectors authoriued at .. 198 r t~cang through the
Dardande and:ophorus .......... 618
additional Inspectors authorized at... 108 manifests of vessels to be deposited in
Otherdaf, John, custom-house ................ 618, 619
payment to be made to ............... 427 contraband goods liable to confiscation, 619
po dg before confisation,.... 619
appropriations for the,... 168, 176, 547, 5 subjeets, vessels, and merchandise of the
Ottoman Empire in the United States,
ppp=gone for the ...... 167, 168, 547 to have rights of mostlevored nation, 619
present treaty to be substituted for con-
treaty of commerce and navigation with, vention between Sublime Porte and
February 26,1862, ................. 609 Great Britain, ..................... 619
contracting parties and plenipotentlaries, 609 present treaty to continue In force
privileges of former treaties confirmed, tweneight pars,............. 619
except, & .......................... 610 note to terminate in fourteen
rights of most favored nation ......... 610 years, &c., .......... 619, 62)
citizens of the United States may make to be executed in all the provinces
purchases in the Ottoman Empire,... 610 of the Ottoman Empire......... 620
permits from local governors abolished, 610 to be construed fairly .......... 620
duties on articles of Ottoman produce, tariff of custom-house duties, Ac., to be
purchased for consumption in Turkey, 611 agreed upon ...................... 620
on exports from either country to the when concluded, to remain in force
.other, not to be higher than, &o., 611 seven years ................... 621
prohibitions not to be imposed, except, when and how may be revised,.... 621
&c. ........ . . ............... 611 this treaty to be ratilfled n three months, 621
export duty of eight per cent ......... 611 signpture, ratification, &c.............. 621
to be reduced one per cent. annually, 612 Overlad .Eaniyn,
to be at last,a fixed duty of one per appropriation for protection of ........ 14
cent ....................... .612 * to be expended upon what routes,. 14
import duties not to be higher than, &., 612 OaarlandMail Conpany,
not to exceed eight per cent.,.. 612, 618 Pstmaster-General may extend contract
no additional duty on artieles aold with ......................... 411,412
in the country ................. 618 Okm 8"w Lla,
prohibitions, & ....................... 612 not to be molested byndians.... 681
articles for and from Moldo-Wallachia
or Servia, 4uty on............... 618
for and from other part of Ottoman P.
Empire ....................... 618
rigt of warehousing, bounties, dw1 Pacfle Ra&d . See ,o p - Raiad.
bawks, &a.,......................... 614 failure ofon company not to a -th 869
Imports in vessels of either country, to commissioners for each of,........... 86
be charged the same duty .......... 614 making of draws, ferries, bridges, Ac.,. 860
same rule as to exports ........... 614 connection of other, with Union Pacfio
tonnage, harbor,, quarantine; Railroad ,. ................. 860
., duties.................. 615 with Northern Pacific BalrAd.... 86
what to be deemed United States, and branch from Sioux City .............. 868
what Ottoman vessels, .............. 615 to pay cost of surveys ............ 8 95
products, &c., of the United States, Northern, see Nretj Pacibq Railroad,& 8
Ing through the Dardanelles orro- maps, profiles, Ac6, of surveys for, to be
phorus, to be free of duty ...... 615,616 transferred to Department of Interior, 578
same rules as to othergoods, Ac,, in copies to be frmished without expense to
United States vessels ....... 615, 616 the Union Pacific Railroad Compiny, 678
transit duty to be reduced ............ 616
at end of eight years to be one per contracts for carrying mall niWattr by
cent ......................... 616 of,...................... 86 .t
Sublime Porte may establish measures PamerI
to prevent fraud ................... 616 for public printing, appropriation fbrj 25,148,
taxes upon, and rights ofZcitizens of the 417
United States ................. 616, 617 how bepu assd ............... 672
tobacco and salt, not tobe imported into Parmk
Ottoman dominions............. 617 granted I those in rebellion, .......... 788.
duties upon traders in, ........ 617 not to apply to thosi in eustody; ...... 741
no export duty upon ............. 617 proclq"MtlaofPresidentiJohson offer. -
regulations as to exporttion of . 617 ing, ........................ 768
importation of gunpowder, cannon, &e., sse peoof e fcepdm its
Into Ottoman Empire, may be forbid- operstion,-.... . ........... 769
den,........................... 617,618 regulation of aoey- 769
prohibition not to operate until, of-
ficial notification thereof, ... 617, 618 West Vkgl made a portof doliv-
gMnpowder, when imported, suliect to my$ ................... -22
stipulations ....................... 618 surveyor of 0utomstoresdetheest,
certain, &c., exempt from stipula-
tions ......... I ............... 618 auhr ! o

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 840 1861-1865

Pusseager. See 0samsWi~& P-aklies, (continued.)
motto regulate carriage Of,In team- for enticing, &.,perso in naval service
ship,............ 890, 891, 892 todesot .......................... 84
dutyon ............................ 276 amount due inforner under revenue
law, how determined, ............... 488
Patents, tion r ................ 26,451
post-routes in, established ......... 820, 524
final fees for, not paid In time, may be Pecola,
paid within six months fom passage blockade of, to eae so far as, , 7511..
of act, ........................... 194 Poeon Agents,
persons using the Invention mean- act relating to compenoation of ...... 825
while not to be liable in d---, 194 Psaons,to
inventors who tailed to pay n fee, Accard, may Scalas, ............. 5
may apply for, within two years,- 688 Allen, c ......................... 581
Pao"ees, Ames, Julia A ...................... 5W
appropriations for the ........... 168, 647 Baker, Mary A ..................... 599
appropriation for, of the army, 12, Berry, Bl11s,........................60
17, 496 Booth, Thomas, ..... I ............... 600
Burns, John L ...................... 677
of colored soldiers, provisions for,.. 129 Darling, Esekiel .................... 600
in lieu of clothing ................ 128 Gates, orace ................
ofton-eommissioned officers and soldiers mn,Mrs. C.A ............... 58
of the army, act to increase, ........ 144
ofuon-commisdanedo aadooldiers,
Harrion, Ida,
Hoflfman, 8.,...
........... ' ....... 588 97
after May 1. 1864 .................. 144 Jones, Deborah ..................... 598
army ration to remain the same ....... 144 Kellogg, M ar ........................ 589
pepper ration .................. 144 leppien,
Rmiy A.
B................ 600
...................... 694
commutation value of rations not alterw, 144
twenty per cent. added to that of f- o , w ....................
. 601
males, messengers, laborers,-&c., in Morris, Emily W- ................. 597
government employ ................. 160 Morris, rrIe .................... 67
no salary increased hereby to over Murry, George W ................ 698
$1000, ........................ 160 Charles ..................
, 6
of certain officeM, &e., inWestern De- Schreiner Georg A:...........598
partment., resolution concerning .....410 Shiro=f la, 597
of clerks, "gb, in navy yards at Philadel- a1, ; 6ne ................ 5%
phia and Kittery .................. 410 a.5r8aret IL ................ 50
Pay,dv., of Any, Taylor, ]ooke, ...........
Br 598
approprations f.r......... 125,495-498 Whpp;e! Ellen M- ................ 5699
PoymaaGszeral, WolcoAt Rhoda, ....... .......... 581
appropriations for office of ........ 1, 458 Woodbridge, E= Class ...........
addtional clerks in the office of,........ 7
Pqe _tea, Arm. See EammW d. 184-66, and 185-
and assistants, to be examined as to , .p ftorI
- ........................... 8, 421
qualifications. ................... 181 of surviving soldiers of the Revolution
pay of clerks of, established .......... 145 tnereased,.: ....................... 89
Pq ,-nMste inteai , to chaplains in the regulr and voludil
retired pay of ........................ 54 tew service ......................... 46
not allowed clerks, except In certain ves- to widows and children of certain de
sels, of,
clerks ..............................
classifed, and thei paygr- 92 ceased chaplains ................ 46
appropriation for offie of commissioner
of,.......... ................. 161
Pamders, act aupeetsto act to grant,. SE.88
propety of, when seized, how disposed bnapersonsreei m
o.......................... 472 how made ........................ 887
certain persons not to be Nltnsed as, fees fcr, to surgeons, to be refundd, 887
unless, &. ......................... 478 declaratons of claimants of, to be made
Pusli4 r befoe court of reOtrd, p"rded, c,. 887
additional inspectors atho eda,..... 196 repeal of1§12 faetof186,h. . 887
PabioaBand lerks to Inve-ste suspeted f*dAo., 887
of Chippewa Indiana, treaties with, 667, 678 to those who have lost both ft, hand ,
See M n ilas. or eyes, .......................... 887
Pa-ahiea Se Oft ,ser evne claims for on file, must be prosecuted
Seereay of Treasury may remit, .....198 within tJree yer .............. 888
for rud, &q., in prizeprceedgs,..... 815 to widows, to terminate on redtiiag%
for unlawfully acting am postmaster,. 887 ............................ 8as8
for unlawfully detainin or openizig let- exa Iin - #penmay be required to
ters, &a .......................... 887 .-8
for secreting or desoying letters not
containing valables; ...........888 pay a ...................... 811
for taking valu ble out of lettes ..... 888 Inr volunteeirs not regularly enlIsted;.:. 888
on mallcarriers, for deserting mails,... 888 or those hdlate In fighting rebels
for unlawfl arrying of letters 8,889 or Indlans, ds ................. 88
VOL. xrr. Ptu. - 71

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 841 1861-1865

Pensions, (continued.) PeM (continued.)
widows, &c., of .................. 888 to conclude labors in six months,.. 642
claims, when to be prosecuted, .... 888 decision of umpire in pending
persons who die while claim is prosecut. cases to be within thirty days
ing................................ 888 after, .......... 642
enlisted soldiers, though not mustered expenses o, how borne and paid,.. 642
in, to have ........................ 888 each partyto execute decree of commis-
widows, &c., of ................. 889 sion without appeal ......... 641,642
fees of agents of, &£., not to exceed ten payments, how made ................ 641
dollars ........................... 889 Interest, ......................... 642
penalty for receiving more ......... 889 secretary to commission, .............. 642
widows of colored soldiers, &c., what ratifications, 'when to be exchanged, ... 648
proof of marriage of, &e ........... 889 sin ature, ratifications, &e............ 648
provisos as to ................... 889 Pervan
deficiency, appropriation for........ 421 payment of claims of, and intereal, un-
act supplementary to acts relating to,.. 499 der convention with Peru, ........ 95, 141
invalid pensioners in the United States Peter, Wiliam H.,
service, not to draw pensions while certain payments made by, legalized, for
receiving ful salary ............... 499 benflit of Edward C. Doran, .... 675, 576
acting assistant or contract surgeons, if Petroketu,
disabled, &c., entitled to pensions,.... 499 import duty on, ..................... 498
thoe losing one foot and one hand, to provisions of revenue law concerning, 482-
have $20 a month ................. 499 484
widow or children of certain officers, mode of collection of tax upon ........ 484
&A., to have pension, &............. 499 Petroksm and IlawntiW Oilk,
where pension has been paid to duty on ............................. 218
widow, child to have pension after inspectors oA to be appointed, ......... 244
death or marriage of widow, 499, 600 provisions of revenue law concerning,.. 244,
1W, 258
appropriations for the ........ 180, 181, 647 Phelps, John ,824, 5
Pepper, accounts to bes ettled and balancepaidto, 590
ration of, to be furnished, ............. 144 Phiaddpa,
Perfmae, pay of certain clerk in navy yard in,.. 410
duties on............................ 802 port of entry and delivery for district
PeriableArtices. See lv.em Revenue. of, how bounded, .................. 481
provisions for sale of, under internal rev- Phim iad Apparat,
enue law ......................... 260 and instruments for colleges, duty on,.. 217
Pedas, o, for ordnance bureau of navy .......... 85
notes in similitude of United States
deed of certain land in Washington, to notes, how punished ............... 222
be given to ........................ 200
Penal ets and Ba g onl1....................... 802
to be f of duty ............... 218 Photorah ad NeVes,
may be copyrighted .................. 640
convention with, of December 20,1862,. 686 Piaksats
claims upon, for capture, &., of the appr= ations for the, ......... 180,181,47
"Lizzie Thompson" and "Georgi-
ana," to be referred ............... 685 . payment toN ...................... 579
King of Belgium to be arbiter ........ 686 PikgerBands,
to decide law and At, ............. 688 appropriations r th. . 16. 5 60
to be properly solicited to act ...... 686 PilagerBand. of CheA s 864 *Minnesota, 69
papers to be submitted to him within treaty withof Ity 7m,-.........698
six months .................... 686 = C
decision of arbiter to be final, .......... 687 PMlar Boar, SeO*
ratifications, when to be exchanged,.... 687 penalty for wilfully injuring, &c....... 07
signature, &a ....................... 687
convention with, of January 12, 1868, .. 689 examination Into the rumored slaughter
claims of both parties to be submitted to of Union troops in the recent attack
a mixed commission ............ 689,640 upon ... ................... 406
commission, of whom to consist . 640 Poag&s See &dlln m
appointment, vacancies, & ....... 640 fees for, In Belgian ports to be reduced, 648
commissioners to name an umpire. 640 not to be increased, .............. 648
:'to meet: in Li a within three
months ....................... 640 of steamboats, fee for license ......... 120
to take and subscribe an oath ..... 640 of ferry-boats, tug-boats, &o., subject to
oath of umpire .................. 641 Pi w,inspection,to
Ckwis A.,
asfied and liensed, 120
to examine claims without delay,.. 641
mode of procedure, papers, ... 641 damas t6 be, paid t ................ 698
rules of business,........... 641
decision of, to be final, ......... 641, 642 propagation and distribution of ....... 156
agreement of three to give eftect to to be such as are adapted to gen.
decisions. . ............. 641 eral cultivation ................ 166

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 842 1861-1865

p 1ihed
as princpel port of entry,.. 119 Postal LZm (c n)• ..
partpaid etters to be rwade ..... 06
Payiny *-'ord, unpaid rate to be collected on deliv-
duteo on ............................ ery ...................... 6
Point San Qut2, postmasters sufibring lose by armed
In CAifonia, granted to state, fo use of fcces, to be relieved,............ 50
state prison ................... 194, 196 allowances to certain officers for- rent,
Plaagomin Bfmitian,
R stationery, ..................
ceded to the United States, ............ 698 certain expenses of money-order bus-
clearing of land . on ................. 694 nes to be paid from proceeds...... 505
house for ieb of bands ....... ..... 694
PokateiO, for advertised letters .............. 06
s Sand travel of special agents fn Pa-
boundary of country of,.. . 8 States ............ • .......... 50
Poncas, additional special agent for Pacific States, 505
a propriations for the ........... 172,651 two additional special agents for railway
Pot D=. See Bdgim. mail-service ............ ........ 50
levied by the cit of Antwerp, to be re- spea agents to be allowed for travel.
dueed .............................. 648 lig, &e., expenses ................. 06
cannot be again increased, ......... 656, 660 post-route maps may be prepared and
Porter,Admiral David D., published, ..................... 5W6
thanks of congress to................ 404 clerks in railway post-offices, pay, "o,. 6
Porter,Rear-Admiral David D., mall-service by steamship to foreign
and the offieers, seamen, and marines ports, &c., how maybe pald, ........ 506
under his command, thanks of con- letters, La., unless regularly posted at
gress to, for capture of Fort Fisher,.. 666 post-office of port, not to be received
the Presdent requested to ommuni-
cate this resoluion ................. 667 collector may require certain conditions
Pordandand Fahnoutd, of clearance ...................... 6
additional inspectors authorized at,.... 198 this not to agply to letters, &e., relating
Portland, Maine, deposit in *er-
appraiser and assistant appraiser may dety pom se ay
be appottt- ................ 46 and negotiate
Iay of, and pf deputy collectors. 47 draft ............................ 06
Pordand, &egou, appropriations for money-order system
additional inspeetor of steamboats at,.. 120 for 1865 to supply deficiencies for
pay and duties of ................ 120 1866........................... I... 5W
Port of Entry and Divry, wilful Injury to letter or pillar boxes,
how punished.................. 06, 07
.Por for district of Philadelphia, boundaries oC 481
0rford, penalty upon clerks in post-office for
cot ection distriqt ot abolished,
........ 126 unlawfully removing stamps from let-
Port Royal, ters..........................6507
appropriation for wharf, 4e., at,.i ....... 24 publication of advertisements for pro-
Ports of L.edivr#q, posals for carrying the mails........ 607
act to make Portland, In Oregon, and delivery of mail matter from post-of-
Leavenworth, in Kansas ........... 842 ices, ...................... *...507
surveyors authorized at ........... 842 system of free delivery to be established,
Parkqrsburg, West Virginia, made a,.. 22 when, &a ........................ 507
Prts of Etry, postage on drop-letters ............ 607
cerai closed, in certain states and parts obscene books not to be admitted into
of states lately in rebellion...... 78, mals ............................. 507
reopened ................... 767 penalty for knowingly depositing
for nk.................... 601
on articles of clothing transmitted to sml- PostalMoney-.Older System
dier by mail, ................... 2 act to establish ...................... 76
on mail matter between Kansas and Cal- superintendent, &L., of, to be appointed, 79
ifornia ..................... 86,421,422 See Monq Orderm
proviso as to newspaperq and fbanked Pstmadas-GoswL,
matter ..................... 86, 87 to prescribe rules for eonve7ance of cir-
certain official communicationi to be sent ain articles of clothing to sl4iers by
free, without indorsement, ........ 96 mall, . Io........................ 2
on f1oreign letters, rates of ......... 887 may contract for carrying mail matter
but not to interfere with tretmes,.. 887 by Panama or Nicaragua ........... 86
stamps for, when may be sold at discount, N7 for carrying malls by steamships
envelopes, stamped for ......... 887 between ports of the United
on returned letters, bearing request to States, ................ 87
be returned ..................... 887 may suspend law authorizing onvey-
e.aty fir nelecting to pay, . 88.
87 ance of letters otherwise than in the
Poedaqekam See Pastca. malls, ............................ 87
Po"to Lawes,y my"xedit m rstesrobbed by gue.
relating tc vWg of Deposit in New " I= with aMn=obt of stamps taken,. 62
York. ......... ............ 24 to determine lidea to be paid for trans-
act relating to, ................ 60A-07 portation of malls over railroads for
domestic letters unpaid, exempt, &c., to whose aid public lands have been
be sent to dead-letter office ...... 5 505 ranted ....................... 65,74

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 843 1861-1865

Postmaster-Gener l, (continued.) Post-Office , (continued.)
may act in establishingdirect mall com- dead letters wIth valuable enclosures, &e, 89
munieation with Brazil ........... 98,94 to be registered ................... 889
to establish certain salaries of pot86as- If cannot be delivered, contents how
tens, .............................. 886 disposed of .................... 889
duty of, under the act establishing a amount of, to be annually re-
postal money-order system ....... 76, 79 ported,.-------889
to establish compensation of several subject be reclaimed within8
classes of postmasters ........... 885 four years ................. 889
to make estimates for certain offlces, 886 other dead letter deemed valuable, how
to review and readjust, every two dispose dof8........................ 89
years, ......................... 886 letter-carers to be employed, where,
to allow for office-rent, &a.,at New York, 886 &c ............................... 889
to designate distributing, &c., offices, ,. 887 salaries Of ....................... 889
compensation for ................ 887 expenses of, how entered and re-
when to sell stamps, &c., at lllscount, .. 887 ported ........................ 889
to direct for disposal of certain dead let- branch-offices, reoeiving-boxes, &a.,ex-
ters .............................. 889 peans of, how entered and reported,. 889
to increase salaries of letter-earriers, &c., repeal of acts relating to, of 1868, oh. 71,
at discretion, &c., not exceeding, &c., 889 §§8 11, 14,17,18 .................. 889
to advertise for proposals for ma-steam- special agent in Pacific States, pay of,.. 889
ship sea service .................... 480 act to correct clerical error in act relat-
to appoint certain clerks ........... 516 Ing to, passed 80th June, 1864 ....... 882
Postmaster, collection of debts due from postmasters,
act to establish salaries of ............. 885 mail-contractore, and other officers of, 482,
to have salaries in lieu of commissions, 885 488
to be divided, excepting New York, into warrant of attachment of property of
five classes ........................ 885 deUnuents or defaulter, to issue,,.. 488
salaries of ....................... 885 against those in rebellion ......... 488
of'New York to have P000 ........ 886 against non-residents, and those who
what offices to be rated of esah class, .. 885 have left a district with Intent,
estimates of certain offices to adjust sal- ac ............................. 488
aries of ........................85, 886 against those who have conveyed
salaries to be rea4justed every two or removed their property or are
years .............................. 886 about to do so, with intent, &c.,.. 488
when to take efect, pr6vided, &c ..... 886 proceedings where property has
allowances to, office-rent, c.......... 886 been removed ................. 488
may have extra compensation at separat alias warrants may issue, when, toc. 488
ing and distributing offices, where, validity of first warrant to continue, Low
&a ................................ 887 long .............................. 488
to account for postage, box-rents, &o., . . 887 warrant, how applied for, Issued, and
penalty on persons litng s, without executed .......................... 488
authority of Postmaster-General.... 887 ownership of property attached how de-
wbhed by guerlas, without falt of their termind, .... .. II............ 488
own, of stamps, Ac., to be edited with trial by jury, may be waived ....... 4 88
the amount, ................. 62 other rem 'ea not impaired .......... 488
amount, If paid, to be ref Ided
...... 62 proceeds of sales of attached property,
at money-order ofces, duty, pay, and how Invested, ...................... 488
new bond of ..................... 76, 78 publication of attachment ............ 484
losses of loyal, occasioned by armed after publication, persons having prop-
forces, to be allowed them ........... W6 erty of defednts or indebted to
Post-Offles Buildinq and Po-Offce, them, to account therefor ........... 484
appropriations for B!
ope, 25 diseosal of such property void .... 484
-Pos-Osee Clerks and perona notice, when to be given ..... 484
penalty upon, for wi and unilawflly warrant, how may be discharged ...... 484
removing iste-stmps from letters, 07 bend to be given for return of property, 484
fees, costs, and e s ............... 484
Post-Offies Dqrtmew, other rIh of the United States not
appropriations for the .... 29, 15 165, 425 Mt.48
special agent for,ain ..................
Pacific States, sal- 4
transportation of 29,425
ship, steamboat, and waydettrs, 29, 425 ary and travelling expenses oft.. 506
postmasters and clerks,-.... .29, 425 additional agent authorized ....... 505
wrapping-paper, twine, offie
two additional special agents for railway
stamps.............nk29, 8 425
blank agents, forniture, advertising, mailervice ........................ 06
allowance to special agents for travellng'
&0......................80426 expelsees .......................... 05
postage-stamps and stamped envel- clerks in railway po fi........ 6
ops........................ 80, 426 chief clerk authorized In offices of each
maia, looks and keys,... 80,425 of the three assistant postmasters-
forel b1a:es, .......... 8D, 425 general,. 04 ....................... 615
deficancy appropiiaios, If neea-
sary s..........o.80
addiil~.7 permanent clerks in lieu of
miscellaneous ....... ........... 426 temporary clerks, ................... 615
reln mal trmsportation........... 426 appropriations therefor,........ 515, 616

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 844 1861-1865

Post-Qfice Depewant,4 (continued.) Presidest , (continued.)
appropriation for temporary clerks,.. 516 may aoint wArden of jail n
of Colubia, ......................
unclaimed money from dead letters ad
sales of waste paper to be deposited,.. 516 to appoint an additional assistant secre-
wilftlly neglecting to deposit, how pun. tary of the treasury ............. 26
ks, eg n . 516 fraking privilege of, extends to all mail
ished, ............................. 1
Post- Offlcs, matter ......................... 80
allowance of certain, for furniture, sta- to issue proclamation declaring Nevada
tionery, printing, &c................. 606 admitted into the Union, when, &o.,.. 82
Post Roads, same declaration as to Colorado,- 84
bridge across the Ohio River at Cincin- same as to Nebraska, ............. 49
nati, 0., and Covington, Ky., made a, 431 may conclude treaty with Indians in
certain established in southeastern Oregon ............... 87
Arizona T., ................. 82, 526 to a-poInt commissioner to adujt claims
Callbrnla,................. 816,522 with ador ..................... 88
Colorado...... ............. 821 to appoint superintendent of Indian af.
Cobnecticut,.. ............. 528 hir. for Californi ............... 89,40
Dakota T .............. 21,52 and agents for each reservation,... 40
Idaho T.,...........821, 52-526 additional appraiser, &e., at Port,
Illinois,................. 816, 522, 28 land, Me ...................... 46
Indiana, .................... 817, 628 board of examining officers to ex-
Iowa, ...................... 817, 628 amine navy ofeers asIto fitness
Kansas ............ .818, 525, 526 for promotion ................ 58
Kentucky ................ 818,628 may appoint acting commanders and act-
Maine ......................... 528 Ing lieutenant-commanders, ........ 79
Maryland............... 818,525 to appoint and commission officers of
iigan................. 818, 628 regiment of veteran volunteer en-
Minnesota................ 819, 624 gineers ............................ 80
Missouri .................. 819 to appoint territorial officers for the Ter-
Montana T ................ 24 ritory of Montana, ............... 88-92
Nebraska T., .. ............. 821 comptroller of the currency... 99, 100
Nevada--... ........... 8..22 head of bureau of military justice,. 145
New Hampshire ................. 625 two additional appraisers at New
New Jersey ................ 819 York, ......................... 161
New Mexico T ............. 625 commissioner to investigate claims
New York, .............. 819,625 of Hudson's Bay and Puget's
Ohio ...................... 819, 65 Bound Agricultural Company.... 195
Oregon......................820, 625 to Midd
ne tiate treaty with Indians of 824
Pennsylvania ............... 820, 524 0Oregon .................
to desinmate for trade on Red
Utah, .................... 822
Vermont,.... .......... 820, 525 River of the North ............ 826
West Virgina,................. 821 to appointeommissioners, &c., for EL
Wisconsin .................. 820, 525, U5 ......... M,9 861, 88
to designate places of subscription
Prlad bridge across the Ohio River, for stock to ................... 86
above the Falls, made a,........ 481 to compensate marshals, &c., for ser-
Post-Rone Maps, viles in suppression of slave-trade,.. 852
may be prepaed and published,... 50, 50 to grantassimilated rank to warrant o-
Potomac Ferna Compa"Y, ee in the navy ................... 878
act to incorporate ................ 881 may call for volunteers, &c. .......... 879
Pot, Chal. M., shall order draft, c., when, & ......... 879
pension to.................... 594 to appoint commissioner of Immigra-
Poffaeatomies, tion, U ........................... 885
jPlatio for the ....... 169, 58, 660 to communicate thanks of congress to
Majoi-General A. I. Burnside ....... 401
contract with, for picture for Capitol,.. 570 to cause gold medal to be struck, &c.,-
expense not to eceed 25,00 ........ 670 for C. Vanderbilt ................. 402
mode of payme.nt, .................. 670 may authorize trasfer of persons from
"Preinct," military to naval service, &q., when,
how to be construed in the enrolment &o ......................... 402
act,............................... I1 to transmit thanks to Lieutenant-Colonel
Prslmaiin Rfghu Bailey ....... . ................. 408
in lands sold for taxes In insurrection- to appoint a vice-admiral, ............. 420
aydistricts to caue e lam'bto be made as to
Presiden the* ........
**........ 5m ses of 71edly "toux
Indian ........ 427
appropriations for the ............ 148,448 to appoit 2d assistant secretary of war, 481
may appoint second assistant secretary to make Seaties with Utah Indians..... 482
of war ............................ 1 to appoint judge, &c., for eastern dis-
may call for such numtlr of men as the trict of New York ................. 488
public exigencies may require...... 6 for Nevada ...................... 440
may prescribe regulations for transfer of to appoint a solicitor and naval judge-
persons in the military service to the advocate general .................... 468
naval service ...................... 7 to organize regiments of volunteer engi-
may appoint alleutensat-eneral,.... iI, 12 neers......................... 486
71 *

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 845 1861-1865

Pesdet of hUA dd &ta(continued.) Prize Procedng, (otne.
to convene court-martial to try certain how signed and sent ......... 807
dismissed offers ................... 489 duty of ' maaer,..........807
to make proclamation notifying deserters todeliver to prie commi-
to return........... . 491 sioner paper, Ac......... 807
to appoint chief of staff t lieutenant- to make idvit of what facts, 807
general ......................... :.. 0 to report to district attorney,
to cause patents to issue for lands sold and give what infonation,.. 807
for direct taxes in insurrectionary dis- to deliver persons to marebal,.. 807
tri .............................
icst 501 to retain prize, until process
to appoint a commissioner of freedmen from ort, ................ 807
and refugees ...................... O duty of distriot attre .............. 807
and assistant commissioners........ 08 to file libel against prize prop
to appoint local inspectors of steamboats, 514 erty ...................... 807
President'. Hows, to obtain warrant to mnarshal to
appropriations for,&................ 159,469 take custody of ................ 807
Presiden's Mesage, to obtain condemnation and distri-
and documents, when and how to be print- bution o; ...................... 807
ed................................ 185 to cause preparatory evidence
number of copies, and how distrib- to be I en before ommb-
uted, ......................... 186 sioners, in rder to,: ........ 807
depositions de bene ease,.. 807
is=c and port of, to be known as Brie, 54 to represent United States In all
Priatm &1* prize causes .................... 807
commissioners of. In Wahington Coun- not to take private retainer or com-
ty, D. C., to be appointed........... 187 pensation fom captors..;....... 807
their powers and duties ....... 187-198 except on demand for damages
between claimants and ..... 807
joint resolution to povide for the, of to examine all fees, &c., charged on ,
official military report ...... 406 prize fund,................ 807
ofcial reports of United State rmie, to protect interest. of United States
and documents rlating to the re. and exptor, ................. 807
bellion, to be printed, ............... 406 when prize causes are or way be
number of copies, and how dis- pending, to send statement once
tributed ........................ 406 in three months to Secretary of
index to each volume ............. 406 Navy of all such causes ......... 807
other resolutions, "c., as to, restd- prize misbiloners, not exceeding
ed ........................... 406 three, may be appointed by court,.... 807
Pr in , Public, one of, to be retired naval officer,
form and styl of, to be determined by approved by Secretary of Navy,. 80T
superintendent of public printing..... 186 not to receive other compensa-
tion than his pay .......... 80
approprations for safe keeping of. 152 to protect interests of captors
Priso of War, and department,............ 807
Supplies, transportation, A, o;.... 128, 496
one to be member of bar of court.. 808
less than of three years'
. .................. M0
for American convicts In China, 899, 424
care ofickso.iers In, ..... : .......... 18 mu~ae wt tkn deposi-
ns ... 808
duty of prize commissioners, ........... 808
property, taken on Inland waters, not to receive papers, Ac, from prize-
maritime .......................... 877 maSter ....................... 808
Prize Proeeing, to take affidavit of, and testimony
act to regulate,...................... 806 of witnesses ................... 808
duty of commanding officer of captor,.. 680 separate frpm each other....... 808
to secure, inventory, and seal up pa- on interrogatories priorlbed by
pers, &c ...................... 806 ourt, ..................... 88
to send same to court, with not to permit witnesses toese inter.
written statement as to. 806 rogatatles, & .................. 808
to send whatowitnesses, &.. . 06 nor to consult with counsel or
in whose char ............. 808 interested persons, without
to what port, ................. 807 leave of courk .............. 808
If captured vessel cannot be sent in, to release neutral'witnesses as soon
to cause survey and appraisement as possible..................... 808
to be had ..................... 807 when to take depositions de bene
report of, to be sent to court,.. 807 ease of pr ew, Ac........808
property, unless tgeu for gov- to examine Inventory, and report on
ernment use, to be sold by prie poperty to oourt, .......808
commanding o cer.......807 't _btain order for unlading cargo,
proceeds of, where deposIted,.. 807 ifneeessary ............... 808
duty of commanding ofcer of ve frim time to time to report to court
.. sha in ie.... 807
claiming to
make what witten statement of on, but- not to have custody of
claims, Ae, ................. 807 to te
samproperty schedule, nmnber, 80

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 846 1861-1865

PrieFe dng, (continued.) P-i= Proceadmg, (continued.)
and return into court, documents, of wages, to state precise time of
evidence, inventories, &e ....... 808 commencement, ............... 810
to report to Secretary of Navy, if commanding officer to discourage
property would be useful in war such assignments .............. 810
to government ................. 808 never to attest, until, &c.. 810
duty of marshal ....................... 808 appeal in prize causes............... 810
to keep all prize property,y......... 808 to be made within thirty days after
to report wbat requires to be decree is rendered ............. 810
unladen, stored, or sold,..... 808 to supreme court ............. 811
to insure, if necessary ........ 808 may be claimed, when amount In
to keep certain witnesses until re- dispute exceeds two thousand
leased .......................... 808 do ........................ 811
to sel when and as required by or upon certain certificate by
court, ........................ 808 district judge ............. 811
to collect and depceit gross proceeds what acts district con* may do,
of sale ....................... M after ......................... 811
with nearest assistant treasurer cases now pending in circuit courts,
of United States ........ 808 how and when to be transferred
subject to order of court,.. . 808 to supreme court ............... 811
to Inake full report to Secretary of appeals in, to be claimed and
Navy when required ........... 808 allowed as in district courts, 811
prize property, when may be sold..... 808 original documents, &e., may be
to be sold by auctioneers ....... 808 sent up on order, in addition to,
under supervision of marshal,. 808 or m lieu of copies of same, in
marshal to cause catalogues and an, ........................... 811
schedules to be made, &o...... 809 costs and expenses, allowed by court In,
to advertise and post sales, .... 809 to be a charge upon prize property,
to notify naval prize commis- unless, &e ...................... 811
sioner at least five days before payments from prize fund, when and
sale ...... I ................ 809 how to be made .................. 811
to be o4w to Inspection three days on appeals, security may be required
before sale ................... 809 for coats,. ................... 811
court to decide what vessels share in net amount for distribution to naval
prize .............................. 809 vessels to be paid Into United States
to order testimony to be taken to treasury .......................... 811
show ......................... 809 Treasury Department to credit
how sworn to .................... 809 Navy Department, and persons
court to make decree of distribution,... 809 entitled to share s........... 811
determining what vessels share In distribution to be made by court, in case
prize ....................... .809 of vessels not of the navy ............ 811
relative force of prize,....... 809 how and to whom made .......... 811
reciting amount of gross proceeds,. 809 commissioners to make, may be
costs and expenses ........... 809 appointed by court ......... 811
residue for distribution. . 809 in case of vessels not of navy, but
residue, how to be disposed of ........ 809 controlled by any department of
netpoceed.s of prizes, how to be dis- government, to be made among
tributed ......................... 809 ship's compny, ................ 812
what vessels to share in distribution,... 809 duty of lerk of district court, ........ 812
proportions of shares of prize money,.. 809 to render semi.annual statement
of commanding officer of fleet or to Secretaries of Navy and of
squadron....................... 809 Treasury ...................... 812
of commanding officer of division of to keep account of deposits, &e.,
same ......................... 809 with assistant, treasurer in each
of fleet captain .................. 809 prize canse ................... 812
of commander of ................ 09 of amounts of costs and
of others ....................... 810 charge ................... 812
ertn offcers, when not to receive share of residues for distribution, ..... 812
of certain prizes .................. 810 to send copies of decrees, &c., to
officer temporarily absent from his ship, Secretaries o(Navy and of Tres
if on duty, not therefore to lose share, 810 ury, ........................... 312
to continue to share, until regularly to draw orders for payments ...... 812
discharged from his ship . .... 810 fees of .......................... 812
bounty to be pid by United States for allowances and commissions to marshal
each person on enemy's vessel de- and clerks, ........................ 812
stroyed by United States vessel ..... 810 not to exceed, for all official ser-
amount, how determined, ......... 810 vices, maximum compensation al-
how divided .................. 810 lowed by act of 1858, eo. 80, §8,. 812
ransom money, salvage, bounty and except In prize cases, and then
prize money, how dis uted and not to exceed, &c.......... 812
paid ...... ....................... 810 compensation of district attorneys and
assignments of prize, bounty, or wages, prize commissioners, except naval,... 812
& .............. ..... ... 810 district attorney and prize commission-
to be void, unless, how attested,... 810 er, except naval, to render annual

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 847 1861-1865

PWd os by tdo Fraoee , (continue&)
accounts of sums received in prize declaring the discontinuance of dis-
causes ............................. 812 oriminatlng duties of tonnage and im-
district attorney to retain therefrom not posts, as respects vessels of Nicaragua, 789
more than $8000, in addition, &e., ... 812 that the blockade of Brownsville,
prize commissioners, except naval, each Texas, shall cease, sofar that, 41c., 740
to retain therefrom not more than that the amnesty proclamation does
68000, for all services in prize causes, 812 not apply to persons In custody,. 741
excess received by district attorney and revoking the exequatur of Charles Hunt,
prize commissioners to be paid over consul of Belgium at St. Louis, Mes-
to naval pension fund ............... 818 souri ............................. 741
commissions of auctioneers ........... 818 suspending the writ of habeas corpus
special counsel may be employed for and establishing mahlal law in Ken.
daptors, when, &eb................... 813 tucky ........................ 742
compensation to ................. 818 appointing a day of national humiliation
charged to what fund ......... 818 and yer .................. : ..... 748
witnes fees ir, how to be paid ....... 818 dec the opions of the Presdent
prize property, when to be 'deivered to of the United 8tatas to the lan of
claimants on stipulation, U.. ........ 818 restoration of the states in rebellion,.. 744
when captured vessel, &c., is taken by calling for five hundred thousandvolun-
government, before coming into cus- teers for the military service, and
tody of prize court ................ 814 ordering draft for the quotas unfilled
how surveyed, fe................ 814 after My days. July 18, 1864....... 747
value of, where to be then deposited, 814 declaring Newport Vt,, a port for ex-
If, because, &e., no part of captured portaton ........................... 749
property is sent in, ................. 814 appointing a day of thanksgiving and
proceedings for adjudication to be praise,....%....................... 760
when and where commenced,... 814 declaring Nevada admitted into the
proceeds o where deposited,,. 814 Union, ............................ 750
when captors may lInstitute,... 814 deelaring the blockade of certain ports to
when other persons, if captors, cease, so fir that, &e................ 761
delay, Ui.. ................ 814. calling for three hundred thousand vol-
salvaee for recaptures ................. 814 unteer ........................... 761
not to contravene an trty,. 815 deelari St, Alb, Vt. a portfor ex-
no part of, to go to Ui1ted State,. 816 . on....o o o....................
sale of captured property, when to be calig an extra session of the Senate,.. 762
transferred to another district ....... 816 ordering deserters to return to their
when the duty of marshal, ........ 816 posts ............................. 76
when marshal may be required so directing that persons farnishing arms
to do .......................... 815 to hostile Indians, be arrested, &o.,... 768
wilful acting with Intent to defraud or declaring certain ports in states lately in
dela~captor, or claimants, fi., how rebellion, to be closed, as the blockade
punished.......- .............. C. 816 has been relaxed ........... 768, 754
"vessels of the navy" includes what,.. 816 declarlpg that the port of Key West is
provisions of act to apply to all captures to remain open ..................... 74
made as prize, *,eb.................. 816 relating to reciprocal hospitalities to ves-
sels of war ........................ 765
repelingca 'rendeat............8$16 appointing the 25th of May a day of
declaring rebeld and insurgents and their national humillation and mourning,.. 76
aiders and abettors subject to martial postponing the day of mourning to 1st
law, and suspending the writ of habeas June,......................... 76
corpus in certain cases ............. 780 offering rewards for the arrest of Jeher-
revoking exceptions in proclamation of son Davis and others, for conspiring to
August 16, 1861,................... 781 procure the murder of Abraham Lin-
act admitting West Virginia as a state coln,.......................... 76
to be in force ...................... 781 ordering the restthat
and declaring of insurgentHciseM
plea of alienage not to be allowed to
avoid military duty in the case of cer- be refused to the pulic vessels of
tain persons ....................... 782 those nations showing hospitalities to
calling for one hundred thousand militia such cruisers, ...................... 767
for six months' service, from Mary. declaring ports formerly closed to be
land, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West open, disallowing belligerent rights,
Virginia, ................... 788 and removing certain restrictions on
appointing days of national thanks- trade; .......................... 767, 768
giving, praise, and prayer ..... 784,786 granting pardon and antesty, except
suspending the privileges of the writ of ........................... 768
habeas corpus ................ 784 a constitutional
metin orhCarolina, govern-
............ M6
Permitting cogeercial intercourse with
aendra, under certa restrictions, 786 reorganizing a constitutional govern-
- calling for three hundred thousand men ment in Msissippi, ................ 761
to serve for three years, or the war,.. 786 declaring restrictions on trade east of the
pranting pardon to those in rebellion, Missssppi"Nver removed........ 768
upon conditions, and excepting certain reorganizing a constitutional govern-
pet us, ........................... 740 ment'in Georga, .............. 764

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 848 1861-1865

the Presient, (continued.)"
tutonla goen-n
Public Docmes, (continued.)
super ntendent of public printing to
reorganizing a 765 print P dsnt's
and abridgnint
767ittonlgoen message, reports,
of documents...185
number of copies of several report,
ment in Alabama, . 767
rescinding the blockade and declaring its S.................... 185
removing all restrictions on trae... . 768
772 some bound and some in paper,.... 185
when to be delivered .............. 185
removing restrictions on trade west of commercial relations, how distributed,.. 185
the Mississippi River ............... 769 offere and contracts for carrying the
reorganizing a constitutional govern- malls not to be printed, unless, &c.,.. 185
ment in South Carolina............ 770 laws and resolutions to be printed,. 185, 186
reorganizing a mnstittiona govern- number of copies ............ 186, 186
ment in Florida, ................... 771 to be indexed alphabetically, .......... 186
declaring martial law no longer in force pro for paper for printing to be
in Kentucky ....................... 778 advertised only in two papers, &.,... 186
appointing 7th December a day of na- lithographing and engraving, costing
tional thanksgiving, ................ 778 over $260, to be awarded to lowest
declaring amendments to constitution and best bidder, ................... 186
ratii d ........................... 774 immediate contracts may be made
Profion when public exigency demands,. 186
of ocersinnavy and marine corps,... 424 extra copies of documents to those pre-
Propagating Garden, viously requesting and paying for
appropriation for .................... 155 them ............................. 186
Propertg, proceeds of sales, how disposed ofg. 186
of ofieers and soldiers lost by capture papers relating to foreign affaitr, addi-
by the enemy, to be paid for ........ 182 tional copies o4 to be printed ........ 186
Prop e of the Vid awn, form and style of printing and binding,. 186
act to retain and preserve certain, in PublC Instruction,
Washington, D. C ........... ..... 412 in county of Washington, D. C., act to
PPosa. provide for ....................... 187
for paper for public printing, how to be commissioners of primary schools to be
advertised, ........................ 186 appointed .......................... 187
ProposalsforcarrYing tme Maias, their powers and duties,. 187, 198
publication of advertisements for ....... 507 Pubic Lands,
Propritar Articles, states May accept act donating, for agri-
provisions of internal revenue law con- culturA, &c., colleges, w two
cerning .................. 298, 297, 801 years
West .......................
Virginia to hve benefit of 47
Providee Hspital,
hr Washington, incorporated, ........ 48 act,.....................47
in Oregon, bona fide settiers on, whoe
apropriation for bureau of,..82, 462, 464 claim Is perlee except that notice
Proos-arsa Genral, was not fleM in time, not to lose their
rankY, and emoluments of ........ 54 lands f r such tilure, i4 &e......... 184
intervening rights not arectd
appropriation for ..................... 25 hereby ....... : ............. 184
appropriation for office of commisioner grant of, to ald in constructing railroad
of,.. ......................... 151, 152 and telegraph from Lake Superior to
Poic BuildiVs and Grounds, Paget's Sound, ..................... 65
"arpriations for ............ 158, 159 minimum price may be fixed for sale of
reservations of ..................... 874
joint resolution, authorizing Secretary deposits made for expenses of survey ot
of Tressury to anticipate payment of to be placed tb what credit, .......... 414
interest on ........................ 404 pant of to Michigan for ship.en 519, 629
Public Domwnents, to Michigan and Wisconsin for com-
act to expedite and regulate the print. lesting construction ofcertain ral-
hasof of departments
to furnish manu- 184 o..................... 20, 621
to Minnesota and Iowa for complet-
script copy of their amual reports ing construction of certain rail-
and documents to superintendent of roads ..................... 626, 528
public printing, on or before Noven. patents for certain, In Stockbridge, Wis-
bar 1st in each year ................ 184 consin, to issue.............. 580, 81
number of copies to be printed,.... 184
portions of documents to be selected for grant of; to states or corporations not to
popular distribution, and indexed, 184, 186 include mineral lands .............. 667
joint committee on printing to appoint time of eversion to the United States of
person to edit and select, ............ 186 certain, granted to aid In the construc-
Seoretar7 ofWar toappoint persou to edit tion of railroad fom Pere Marquette
te printing of officiai reports of opera- to Flint, extended five years ........ 569
tions of armies of the United States,.. 186 Publi Printing,
heads of departments to furnish copies appropriations for ............. 25, 447
of reports to superintenAent of public none to be done except upon requi-
printing, on or before tnird Moay sition ..... .............. -26, 118
m November ...................... 186 appropriation .r............ 147, 148

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 849 1861-1865

Pubie Prnthig, (continued.) QuarleasersDepartment, (continued.)
duty of superintendent of, as to public ipspectors of horses, &c.,to be sworn, 897
documents..................... 184, 186 penalties for misconduct, &c.,.. 897
See Pub/ic Doeumeas. penalties for trying to corrupt,
joint resolution to supply, in part, de. &c ......................... 897
ficlene in........................ 899 agents, &a.,subject to certain provisions,
joint resolution as to ................. 402 provided, &c...................... 897
seven hundred copies of each bill to penalty on contractors, &c., for ofbering,
be printed...... .......... 402 &c., money, &c., to any officer, &c., in, 897
repeal of formerlaw asto... 402 rules for purchasing vessels in, &c.. 897
Publ Bod a&d Bidgw, officer of divisions to have what rank
in Washington County, D. C., to be and pay, &e ....................... 898
under care of levy court ............ 198 distribution of duties of, may be
time of construetion of certain, ex- changed, ...................... 898
tended .............. ....... 198 inspectors of .................. 8
certain notices.need not be given, when, two thirds of officrs, &e., to be from
& .............................. 194 volunteer service ................... 898
Pubic Ste , appropriations for ............. 24, 495, 496
when goods in, may be entered fr con- appropriation for regular supplies of,... 127
sumption, and bonds be cancelled,.. 12 incidental expenses of ............ 127
certain goods in, may be entered for con- Quav/aaetees Depots,
sumption, and bons cancelled before inventory to be made of articles in the,. 517
September 1,'18%..................188 Quawunnad-wGen-Al
duties and charges to be paid, ... 1.288 appropriations for office d, ..... 28, 158, 458
goods in, subject to what duty ........ 216 donal clerks In office ot,......... 27
time for withdrayal of goods from, for
exportation, extended, .............. 420 *ad assistants, to be examined as to
Pwk~i Works, eualifications
...................... 181
appropriation to preserve, inharbora on
Nrtern lakes ................ ... 00
on seaboard ................ 201 for army officers, &C., appropriation for, 128,
See Harbora. 496
Agee'# Sound,
grant of land to aid in constrcig duty, &c., on ........................ 478
railroad from Lake Superior, to .....
8 import duty on ...................... 498
Puget's Sound 4gricultual Contiany,
claim of,for damaes against the United a= prpslions for the, ......... 176, M
States, to be investigated and de-
termined by commissioners ..... 196, 651 appropriations for the, ............. 176, S5
Puthaseof Ved,,
for naval and bloekading purposes,: .... 80 of each town, ward, preinet A&c,how
Pluchse, to be determined ................... 6
of land sold for taes In insurrectionary if not filled by volunteers, drA to be
districts, how put in posseion,...... 501 made ........................... 6, 879
"Pritan," Row Baftye, seamen and persons in naval service to
contract with Ericsson for construction be credIe, ................ , 7, 4 888
o amended ........................ 409 colored persons enlisted or drafted, to be
Puwan" De"t, credited ......................... 11
hire of clerks and laborers in ......... 129 in computing hereaOr, what credits to
Puralupe, b5 given ........................... 489
appropriations for the ............. 167, 6 may be adjnsted to revsed enrolment,.. 488
in computing, credit to be given fo1; men
Q. before fumished and not credited,.... 489
but not for the all of December 21,
Quapau, 185 ........................... 489
appropriations for the ............ 169, 548
storage of Imports in vessels sulject to, I.
in New York ..................... 419
Abt Lae Rarva"o,
act for better organization of ...... &894-898 ceded to the United States ............ 698
certain divisions established in,....... 894 clearing of lairds on, .................. 694
power of inspecting officers, &c.,... 895 houses for chise of bands, ............ 694
heads of, to advertise for proposals Rofflm at Fai%
for supplies ................. 895, 898 for charitable, Ao,, purposes, may be ex-
supplies to be inspeteA, &U.,..... . 896 empt from duty ............... 279
depots for receiving, &., in field,.. 898
when may be obtained without ad- Washington and Georgetown, act to
vertising ...................... 896 amend charter of ............... 822
monthly statements, Uc., by princi- Railroadfiron,
l quartermaster, of amount on additional import duty on ............ 498
hand, &a., to be made to quarter- Rairoad..
master-general, ................. 896 provisions of internal revenue act con-
penalty for neglecting to make, 897 cerning .............. 27., 277, 284

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 850 1861-1865

Railroad;, (eontinued.)
Burlington and Missouri River, author- o Bmilthsonian Institution, two need
ized to change location ............. 885 not .bemembers of the National In-
m Kansas, grant of lands to state of, in stitute, ........................... 420
aid of construction of, provided, &c.,. 889
change of certain route of, in Kansas,.. 840 in regular service reduced below mini-
grant of public lands to Minnesota, to mum number, not to have ofcers ap-
aid In
Kinnsd og and ............
Afchpi. 526-528 ponted to......................... 488
time for completing certain, in Michigan, appropriations for office of ........ 149, 150
extended ......................... 580 aitional clerks in office of ............ 27
in Michigan, lands granted in aid of, 520-22 American, to issue to smer "Mo-
Railway Post-Office, haw, rovide $... 404
clerks in, their pay, &e ............... 506
Railwoayes and Branches, provisions for issuing, &c......... 218, 220
not to be disturbed by Indians ........ 682 may be issued for coupon ............. 220
Rancho Boa de Tosiales, to be of what form, how executed,
in California, lines of public surveys to &C........................... 220
be extended over .............. 186 Registes. See Vends.
Ranch.oL a. See Land 7de. of vessels, to express whbAt, ......... 69-72
de Santos Calld, laud titles In ..... 87%873 to issue to schooners "Minnie Williams"
Randall, Mauh-, and "BE. M. Baxter,".............. 670
payment to ......................... 579 Regites and Receivers,
Rations, of land-offices, commissions and feep un-
srmy, tobe as by law of 1861 ..... ".. 144 der the hbniestead act .............. 86
commutation value of, not changed,.... 144 fees of, In preimption claims...... 86
commissioned offlcers in field may buy additional fees and 'allowancea to
on credit .......................... 497 those In California, Oregon, Ari-
how settled for .................. 497 sons, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada,
price of, in commutation of officers' sub- New Mexico, Washington ...... 6
sistence .......................... 497 maimum not to exceed ..... 86
Rai, Doub/. Regt Tomwage,
to what officers only allowed .......... 488 of vessels, how ascertained, and to be
Read, Abne, what, ........................... 70-72
amount due for prize money to be paid Regalars,
his widow ............ ....... 587 certain non-commissioned officers and
Read, Constance, soldiers of, may regnlist and have
amount of prize money due Abner Read, bounties ........................... 144
to be paid to ...................... 587 Rq-wte of Decisions,
Rebellon, of supreme court, ............ 168,160,467
ertain statea in, not entitled to repre- nroenta-hve' Hall,
sentation iectoral college .... 567,568 old, to be used as national statuary hall, 847
Recapt awe,
salvage for...................... 814 may be made for Goship Indians ...... 682
several, ceded to the United States,.... 698
stamp-duty on ........................ 482 time of removal of Indians from...... 696
where two or more sign same, how set apart for the Cbippewas, Pillager,
stamped .......................... 482 and Lake Winnebagoshish Ind ,
& ....................... 698
to be refused to vessels of war of certain of public lands, how to be Irveyed,... 41
countries ....................... 755, 757 set relating to sale of, of public lands,.. 874
wewiYGreartarien, notice to be given of minimum price may be fixed for sale of,.. 874
Reservations, Indian,
intention to terminate, .............. 66 for provisions concerning, see Chippewa
Recoderof Land Tes inismond, InS
o , of Indias.
appropriation for ..................... 1562
Recruiting, in territory east of the Mississippi re-
appropriatiou for, and for transporta- moved, ........................... 768
tion .............................. 126 west of the Mississippi removed,.. 769
in rebel states, when and how allowed,. 880 ReveeAget. SeeInernal Revenue.
law allowing In state In rebellion, by to aid in matters connected with internal
state agents, repealed .............. 491 revenue, their duty and pay ........ 224
appropriation for .................... 496 Reenue Cutters,
bix steamers for service on the lakes, to
oiRaFs sold for taxes in insurreetionary be provided ....................... 419
districts, provisions concerning,.. 502, appropition therefor ................ 419
Red Lake Band
of Chippewa Indians, treaties with, 667, 689 who to be deemed, ................... 17
See Chippewa Indians. Revolatimn
Red River of the North, gratuity to the five sole surviving sol-
act to facilitate trade on, .............. 826
See Bura, d-c. Reve diers ofPninr,
oaai the........................ 598'
Wew .
bureau for relief of freedmen and, estab-
one hundred dollars a year added to pen-
lished ........................ 507, 608 sions now paid .................... 88

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 851 1861-1865

for rescuing citizens of the United States
from shiiwreck, ............. 188 fo recaptures ....................... 814
ef~rn Davis = 10adiisecosathrzd t.. 198
ofired for the s!t of
and others ......................... 756
for the arrest of felons from other ceded to the United States, eept, &e, 692
countries committing Monies in clearing of lands on, ................. 698
the United States.............. 776 houses for chiefh of bands ............ 694
claimants of, for the arrest of Booth and Sanos,
others, to file claims by January 1, act for relief of occupants of lands of the
1868 ...................... 78 ex-misdon of, in California, ..... 584
Bibe .a.s.. 77 righted occuants of such lnds may
ceded to the United States, ........... 698 enter and purchase the same of the
clearing of lands n, ................. 694 United States...................... M
houses for chie& of bands .......... 694 persons desiring the benedt of this aet
Rime, Lary A., to present claims within one year, and
grtUity to .......................... 604 written statement, .................. 584
Rihner, Wi'liam P., register and receiver to take evidenoe,
payment to, as first lieutenant, ........ 82 and decide upon claim ... 84
I t "h,.- decision not final ..approved
of certain vessels suspected to be en- by commissioner of general land.
gaged in the African slave-trade, .... 645 ofce....................... SM
Rights of vied Favored Nation, person In whose favor final decision is
stiulations concerning, in treaty with made to have patent upon paying for
Ottoman Empire ........ 610, 61, 619 land, ......... &.................... 584
Rigdd, Commdore Cadwalader, patEnt to convey all the interest of
thanks of congress to ................ 408 the United States .............. S4
Beads, lines of public smveys to be extended
appropriation for clearing a ......... 128 over those lands not disposed of ..... 4
Robert, Lods, such lands to be disposed of as other "
pament to, for advances to the United _ publicThlands
tts.................... 695 aswnimo, .Ranch,................. 84
Robiason, Jo L,., caimants of lands within a grant for,
credit to be allowed, and Judgment may contest the location... .... 69
agaist only for balance due ........ 58 ifthe United States has a title, bons ide
Robinson, Sarah, settlers shall have patents, .......... 69
act for relief of ...................... 6 Savings Banks,,
Rock Islard, need not havea lieense .............. 251
Illinois, to be taken possession of too- not to pay duty...................... 278
senal ............... 0 dut Ypn...................
See Arsena at &f ane.
Aorma, Cqaw John, value of ertain lnds in Ohio, to be as-
thanks of congress to ................ 899 certained for relief ot ........... M4
BReoe Rivfs, &Aed et
Sappropriations far the ............ 170, 49 Schedule A, under internal revenue law, 274
a B, " " 298
no longer to be principal port of entry,. 119 e C, " " , ,e 801
deputy collector to resde at, .......... 119 SohdJ Dues,
o^ James B., capitalization of the, 64966,
declared entitled to boun ....... 608, 604 See &Bew.
appro ion for first instalment toward
tien of ............... 448
S. mood Due"ta
in Washington County, D. C., to remain
SachnOs Harbor, as now, until al d, ............... 187
Secretary of Navy authorized to dl lot trustees of, to be appointed ............ 188
of land at ......................... 404 power and duty og ............... 188
S"ho Find,
SpOPrritonu for the ............ 170,549 in Washington County, D. 0., 188,189,192
Rohod Lands,
act reuiring removal of fim, certain, granted to Missouri, .......... 182
8aem repeale d ........................... 482
In Washington County, D. ...... 187-198
office of naval officer at, abol4sed,.. commissioners and trustees of primary, 187,
salary of surveyor of said district . 445 188
school-houses, sites ftor, bw obtained,.. 189
of gold and foreign exchange, prohibited, 182 tax for, how levied and collected,.. .188, 189
act prohibiting, rdepealed, .......... 844 school ilmd, provislogs concerning, 188, 189
and contracts for sale of gold and silver, 5-4
bullion and coin, duty oi certain,... 478 children between eight and fourteen to
sak. See BgnM. be sent to ........................ 192
Importation of, into Turkey, prohibited, 618 for colored chldren provnts concern.
no export duty upon .......... 18 ing........................... 191
duties for transportton of,in Belg Ium, 648 who may send children to ........... 191

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 852 1861-1865

efietibr, (otfinuedL)
In Washington County, D. 0 ..... 188,189 to asgn temporary rooms for eommis-
Sefremer, Gm*rg A., soner of agrieul' department,... 881
pension to ........................... 696 appropriations for ofilce of ............ 461
to report to congress the names of cer-
ap5r=tion for the, ............. 162, 641 tain Indians ........................ 427
to cause certain indigent blind children
pay and allowanoeq o4 as lieutenant- to be educated, ..................... 486
general by brevet, not affected...... 12 may locate end construct certain wagon-
Sema, roads in Idaho, Montana, Dakota, and
In vessels of the United States, need not Nebraska ...................... 61. 617
be citizens ..................... 201, 202 cause certflicates to issue to states for
act relating to, whoae nam-s are borne lands granted for railroads ....... 621, 627
on books of vessels lot,k c, In naval duty in regard to certain mineral
service, ........................ 889, 890 lands ............................. 680
may be promoted for heroism, Ac., and to arrange for confnement of juvenile
receive a gratuity and medal of honor, 79, ofltnden ...................... 68
80 to pay settlers in Hoops Valley ....... 588
Sea Wag, Siecretor, of Nav.
appropriation for, at Great Brewster,... 868 to Oescribe regulations for pernttig
repairs ofg at Deer and Loveli's Isl- drafted seamen to enlist in the naval
ands, ......................... 858 service ............................ 7
at Bufflo .......................... 854 may suspend rules as to lights on vessels
Sond Assistant Seataryof War, of war when necessary .............. 58
appointment, term of office, salary, du- my appl aropriation for floating dry
ties. ........................... .1,481 Sdock to bn two dry docks,....... 86
&cd Auditor, duty of, under act regulating prize pro.
a risdons for bfice of, 149,150,449, 450 ceens. ....................... 806-,816
clerks In office of ......... 27, 449 may employ special counsel for cap-
Second C1)mptcoller, tors, .............................. 818
appropriations for office of, 149, 160,449, 40 may designate district for prize proceed-
ad4itional clerks in office of ........ 27, 449 ings, when property not sent In.... 814
Secretaries of Lwption, may require marshal to transfer prize
and assistants, appropriations for pmy of, 1M7 property for sale to another districkt,.. 815
to appoint, commissionr to select site
to commission under cnvention with for navylyard on Missisppi, Ac..82
Peru .............................. 642 may detail vessel to aid in laying tele-
Secretary of Interior, graph on Pacific coast, .............. 341
may admit transient insane persons Into - to reserve pert of. pay of o4cer in in-
government hospital for insane ...... 8 sane hospital, fb. ................. 848
mSny give directions as to convicts in to negotiate for land on Wallabout Bay, 86
District of Columbia, ...... 12, 18, 76 to direct testing of certain submarine in-
duty of, as regards Indian reservation ventions ................. 892, 898
and affairs in California .......... 40, 41 to provide for. education bf naval con-
duty of, under act incorpoating the structors and steam engineers ....... 898
Union Gas-LAght Company .......... 48 to communicate thanks to Commodore
to cause Indian reservations in Utah to Cadwaader Ringgold, .............. 404
be surveyed and sold .............. 68 ' to sell lot of land at Sadkett's Harbor,.. 404
duty of4 under act granting lands to to amend contract with John Erlosson,.. 409
Minnesota ....................... 64, 66 =ppaopriations for office of ......... 154, #64
to Wiscomtn .......... 66-8,188; 184 adional clerks in offe of ........... 27
to Iowa,........... .78, 74,96-99 may make contiat for bunting ....... 467
to Michigan ...... ....... ,141 may Increase pay of acting nmsers'
to pay awards for damages donefb the mats, .................... 689
Sioux, ............................ 98
duty as to bertain entries ofland in Mls- may, at his discretion, ohango the office
sour ............................. 148 of commercial agent at Jakodadi to
as to expenditure of certain Indian that of consul ................ 140
appropratins, 0........... 180, 181 to pay claims of certain Peruvian "-
as to fees and emoluments of attor.- ens, .............................. 141
ney and marshal o the District to transmit documents to commission
of Columbia, ................ 196 on claims of Hudson's Bay, &a.,Com-
to give deed to John Perkins of portion pey, ......................... 195
of land of hospital for the Insane, in " appropriations for of.e of.......... 448
exchange .......................... 200
to superintend expending of appropria. clerk in the oke of the, ............. 161
tion for Navajos Indians,: ......... 828 appropritiens for office of the, 149, 160,
may diminish prices of lots liable to pri- 449
vate entry, m city, &c., sites ....... 844 additional clerks in office ot authorized 2
may caude surveys of certain city sites, may borrow not over *20,000,000, and
............................ 84 issue bonds therefor ................ 18
make regulations as to ......... 844 may issue flve-twenty bonds to certain
to prescribe regulations for e In the subscribers ........................ 18
general land-ofiee .............. 876, to prescribe egulations Jr removal of
VOL. IUL PuB.- 72 *

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 853 1861-1865

assistants ..................... 181

&crew oqfte Trsc.n, (continued.) yof W~rar, (continued.) "
ditlled spirits' for exportation with- to appoint a commission to determine)
out payment of duty ................ 15 claims of loyal masters of colored
to prescribe regulations for tax and volunteers ......................... 11
drawback on cotton and manufactures to superintend expenditure for proteo-
of, ............................. 16,3 05 tion of emigrants by overland route,. 14
for collecting additional duty on dis- duties of, under act establishing a system
tilled spirits, ................. 16, 17 of ambulances ..................... 20
may grant enrolment, &c. to steam-tugs may take and hold Book Island for the
"R. F. Davidson" and" W. K. Muir," 19 use of the United States ........... 0-52
to prescribe duties for additional assist- may enlist a regiment of veteran volun-
ant secretary .................... 26, 27 teer engineers ..................... 80
duties as to the coinage ofcents, &c.,.64, 66 to rovide for pay of colored soldiers,
to issue register to steamer "John Mar- ......................... 19'9, 180 .2e.
tin,".............................. 6 7 may appoint clerks in bureau of military
may Increase the compensation of in- justice ............................ 145
spectors of customs ................ 62 to cbnvene boards for examination of
may appoint clerks in office of auditor quartermasters and commissaries and
for Post-Office Department, ......... 79 .r
duty of, as regards banking associations, 100- to appoint person to edit printing of
118 offieW reports of operations of ar-
may stipulate for release from attach- mies. ............................. JBs
ment of property claimed by the to superintend the expenditure of appro.
United States ................. 122, 128 priations for preservation of public
may sell marine hospital at Chicago, &c., 142 works on northern lakes and on sea-
to select clerks from offlce of paymaster- board.......................... 200, 2D1
general for ofice of 8d auditor of tues- ma direct protection of telegraph on
ury, .............................. 161 Pacii coast, u .................. 841
to cause money from sales of paper- to furnish superintendent of public print
shavings and extra copies of doou- ing with reports of military opera-
ments to be placed to credit of appro- tions, &e .......................... 406
priation ........................... 186 appointment of second assistant, author-
to make regulations under the act to iad ............................... 481
prevent smuggling ................ 197 salary, term of office, &c........ 481
to appoint additional fnspectors ......... 198 may make contract for bunting ........ 467
may remit fines, penalties, and forfeit- to make regulations to pay colored troops, 488
ures ....................... 198 may detail an officer to administer oaths
duty of, under the act increasing duties required to be taken in settlement of
on imports ..................... 202-218 certain accounts ................... 491
under act authorizing issuing of to make regulations for officers in the
bonds and treasury notes,.... 218-222 field to buy their rations on credit,
under internal revenue act, .... 228-806 &() ................................ 497
to make rulqs about commercial inter- to furnish tobacco to enlisted men at
course with rebel states ............. 878 cost prices ........................ 497
to procure warehouses in New York for may Issue provisions, clothing, and fuel,
storage of imports in vessels subject to freedmen and refugees ......... 608
to quarantine, ...................... 419 may assign chief commissary to each
to construct or purchase, &c., six steam arm', &.,........................ 18
revenue cutters for the lakes ...... 419 Sret Sece,
may issue #ertain treasury notes ....... 425 approptions for ............... 129, 497
may make contract for bunting, &e.,... 467
may borrow $600,00.O00, and issue appropriation of money to enlarge, ..... 8
notes or bonds therefor ............ 468
duty of, under amendment of act to pro- meaning of the term in act of June 80,
vide internal revenue ........... 469-487 3864 ............................. 222
to apportion circulating notes among
banking associations .............. 498 appropriations for purchase and distribu-
duties in regard to collection of taxes in tion ol ........................ 155,45
Insurrectionary districts ......... 501-507
duty of, as regards the coinage of three- appropriations for the....... 170, 180,649
cent pieces..................... 017
may sell wharf at Bath, Maine ....... 59 miscellaneous appropriation for....... 26
S-redY of Wr, payment from contingent fund and trans-
second assistant, may be appointed. 1 fer of balances..................... 26
salary and duties of .............. 1 appropriations for expenses of ......... 146
to prescribe duties of second assistant extra session of the, called, ........... 768
secretary ........................ I appropriations for expenses of the ..... 446
to detail or appoint surgeons to examine
drafted men ........................ 8 8appropriations for the,... 170, 171, 649, 66
to pernit examinations atdlferent points, 8, 9
to assign persons opposed to bearing for offences against the United States to
arms to special duty, when drafted,.. 9 imprisonment for more than a year,
may order discharge of persons under where to be executed ............. 500
the age of eighteen years ........... 10 expense of execution of, how borne,.... 00

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 854 1861-1865

pay of offie ...................... 487 rent of prions In for American cowricts, 1o
non-emmiasioned ofers not to be em- 'Spgal &ranCCI
ployed' ....... 487 aPPriationa for ............... 129, 497
private soldier not to be, unless with is
.... for,...487 487
nt to officers
coto allowance duty on ............................ 210
officers using enlisted soldiers as, not en. manuthturee of ..................... 212
tited to llowance for ............. 127 8ir B49c ad Con,
deduction to be made from pay for, 127
OWP, &/on,
tax on sales, &c., of, by brokes ....... 478
iSior M,
joint resolution allowing to accept plate branch railroad from, .......... 868, 84
from government of Grea Britain, for,
&C......................... 408, awards for damages by, appropriation to
py............. .......... 9,93
a-, for the .......... 171, 60 laimants or their attorneys to be paid,. 98
bxamination to be made of their aots in
g41t of land to, ..................... 698 saving women and children,..: ...... 427
Sv Join ., appropriation, and how to be expended,. 427
plyments to be made to, for carrying report to be made to congrs, ......... 427
appropriatios for the ....
the mails ......................... 576 172, 180, 551, 559
Sherkdaa, Major PWlap H., in Minnesota, ct for relief of certain
and o2ers and men under his on-. friendly ......................... 427
wand, thanks of congress to......... 68 SWs of ,fercy in t& Dirictof Ccimbia,
the President requested to communicate, W68 corporation of this name constituted ... 485
SWsnw, ajor.Gmndu W. T., property heretofore given to be vested
thanks of congress to ................ 402 In this corporation ................. 485
and the officers alid soldiers of his com- may take, hold, and convey property,.. 486
mand, thanks of the people and of limit to amount of landed property,.... 485
congress to, for their gallant conduct suits, seal, by4aws .............. 485, 486
in their movement through Georgia.. 65 objecs of the associadon .............. 436
See Michigan. who to be corporators, and when to ease.
through "The Pokge - in MchIa, so to act, ..................... 486
grant of lands to Michigan, to aid in osaers, agents, &c .............. 48
bui.din ................. 519,520 visitation and hnspeetion. ............. 486
width and depth of anal,.......... 519 act may be amended, &.............. 46
when to be completed ................. W.1 Siz N~eOSO,
to be a public highway and free of toll npJroprotions for the .......... 171, 550
to the nited btat ...............
in Washington, D. C., to beopeneg,... 489
tonnage of, how to be ascertained and not to be opend through Armory
mesu-ed,........ ......... 69,72 !..........480
;See Vesseks Spre un=l &.....
rewards for reseing citizens of United
states from ....................... 18 tifts for the ............. 176, 5
Murjg ffla~mde' wims, and Sh"e,
duty on, provisions concerning,... 274, 275
tret with, of October 1 ,M ....... 681 of loyal masters, drafted and mustered
depredations upon emigrant trains, mai 681 into service, mast to have certificate
and telegraph lines, to cease, ........ 681 and bounty........................ 11
routes of tmvel to be unobstructed,.... 681 commission to determine compensation
offenders to be surrendered ............ 681 of loyal masters ofcolored volunteers, 11
military posts and s"dtton-houses ...... 881 watr&Tr9&de
telegraph and overland stage lines6.81 coautwise, prohibited ............. 853
railway and branches not to be molested, 082 expenses for suppeson ot......... 424
eountly may beprospected for minerals, 682 treaty with Great Bitain for suppre-
mines, mills, and ranchos may be estab- sion of the African ................. 646
lished ........................... 682 See Gred Britain.
boundaries of country of Qoehip tribe, 682, Smith, J,.
68$ lands In Missouri granted to .......... 582
reservation and residences thereon,..... 682 Smith, Marshl,
annuities, including cattle ............ 688 mail pouche or boxes, patented by, to
Slwehoaee bnwas. be bought for postal service. ...... 574
treaty with the northwestern bands o Ssihena Ifistitution.
of'July 80, 1868................... 68 two regents, need not be members of the
peace and friendship ................. 668 National institute ................... 420
treaty of Fort Bridger assented to ..... MS General Richard Deladeld appointed a
annuities to. increased ................ 668 regent of; ......................... 59
boundary of Pokatello ountry estab-
lished,. ........................... 68 act to prevent, ....................... 197
amendment to treaty ................. 668 goods, &c., imported to be unladen and
Sosho pot . , inspected at first port of arrival, ..... 197
appropriations for th . .177, 5K5657 trunks, closed vessels, U4, to be opened, 1Wl7

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 855 1861-1865

Bmlqlistg, (continued.) Spoo Thread,
to be forteited, if dutiable artdles import duty on ...................... 492
are found therein.............. 197 Spmo Salk
proceedings to avoid inspection at first additional import duty on ............. 498
port, .............................. 197 Stab
regulations for sealing caes, marking at the President's. appropriation to re-
goods, &c ........................ 197 buld, ............................. S
penalty on owners, &c., for not proceed- staff Offi"YO,
Ing to place of destination...... 197, 198 on stefof liutenant-general, how paid, 406.
for unlawfully breaking or opening 417
seals, fastenings, &e ............ 198
Secretary of Treasury may remit certain pension to .......................... 580
fines, penalties, &. ............. 198, 199 S. Alban, Vermont,
facts to be ascertained ............ 199 made a port for exportation to the Brit-
fines, &c., how disposed of ........ 199 ish Provinces ..................... 752
appropriation to prevent, ............. 881 amp Dutes,
beasts of burden, carriages, &c., carry- provisions of internal revenue law con-
ing smupggled goods to be seized and cerning ....................... 291--82
cnfiscated .................... 441,442 penalty for making, &c., any instrument
buildings near the boundary line of the required to be stamped without affix-
United States may be searched ..... 442 ing the proper one ................. 481
certain dutiable goods found therein If stamp is omitted by mistake, it may
may be sezed and forfeited ......... 442 be affixed by leave of collector, and
&ake Indiana, on payment of $60 .......... 481, 482
uresident authorized to eoclude treaty mode of proceeding in such case,.. 481
with for purchase of country ........ 87 such payment may be remitted
appropriation therefor ............... 87 when, &o.................... 482
&tff. See luiergnl Rievenue. title to real estate of purchaser by deed
provisions of revenue law concerning duly stamped, not affeted by want
manutketure, &c., of,... 474,475, 477, 486 of stamp on deed through which his
grantor claims title .............. 481
sick in hospital and discharged, and un. Stamped Enveop. See Posage, ........... 887
able to leave and dying in hospital, to Stamps. See Postage.
be entitled to bounties ........... 856 for postage .......................... 887
not to deal in captured, &c., property,. 877
penalty for so dealing, ..... 877 the term, to include "territory ....... 80
resolution to encourage the employment State Departmnt,
of disabled and discharged ........ 6 71 appropriations ft the ............ 148, 459
SAoliitr and Nowd Jude.Admxote General, Stwte in Rebelion,
office of, established .................. 468 deolaration of opinion of the President,
pay and duties of .................... 468 as to plan of restoration ............ 744
Solicitorof te 2r utay,
appropriations for office of. ....... 149, 160 appropriations for ................. 28,26
South Carolina, aftarg,
not entitled to representation in the eleo. work to include what ................ 498
toral college, ...................... 87 States,
provisional governor appointed for .... 770 states to be invited to farnish statues,
the United States to help .......... 770 not exceeding two, of their eminent
convention, qualifications of electors, &c.,770 citizens, to be placed in old Hall of
Southeat Exeutive Buildin.g, Representative, ................... 847
appropriations for purposes of the,.. 2, 150 Staute of Litaitation.,
Soathwest Execotive Buildmng, time during which persons are beyond
appropriations for purposes of, . s ....... 14 legal process, by reason of resistance
SpecialApots, to the laws, &e., not to make part of
of Treasury Dcpartment appropriations time limited for bringing actions,.... 128
for, ............................... 158 Statt at Lar,
See Post-0dke Dpartmeat. appropriations for copies of volumes
of Post Office Department, for Pacific 10 and 11 ....................... 851
states and railway mall service ...... 5 stea'ahats,
to have certain allowance for travelling superiing and local inspectors of, au-
expenses ..... .............. WS thoried ......................... 120
Spirits, provisions of internal revenue act con-
additional Import duty )n ........ 492, 498 cerning................... 2 275, 277
SprtOus Liquore, Steoai Engin-w*n,
penalty for Introducing, &., into the In. apprepriation for bureau of ...... 82, 464
dian country, ...................... 29
for selling, or giving, &., to In- in navy ............................. 898
diana ............. 29 steam Raw,
Ji uors and vessels and conveyances to purchase, construction, and maintenance
be forfeited ....................... 29 Of, ........................... 128
superintendent and agents to search for Steam Revee cane,
and seize .......................... 29 six to be provided for service on the
any persons or Indian may destroy,.... 29 lakes.............................. 418
Indians may be witnesses ........... 29 Sam Screw Sow of War
duty on ............................ 202 appropriation for completion of ........ 80

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 856 1861-1865


act toregulate carriage of passenge for heating and cooking, appropriation

In ...................... 80, 891, 892 for ......... ;................ 128
"contiguous territory, not to ap- &6marieInwentons,
ply to certain ports, in ......... 890 appropriation for testing certain, Ac., 892, 898
certain provisions of act of 1868, cl. &6disteae,
218, extended .................. 890 in kind for soldiers, appropriation for,... 127
three copies of inspectors' certifi- &sistenes Lhpartant,
cates to be given to masters, &a.,890 appropriations for .................... 28
one to be conspicuously posted act for better organization of the ...... 618
in vessel, .................. 890 chief commissary of subsistence and as-
penalty for not posting ....... 890 sistant may be assigned to each mili-
list of passengers to be open to in- tary division, army, department, &e.,. 618
spection, &.,................... 890 rank, pay, and emoluments of . b13
before sailing, andafter clear- commissaries for inspection ........... 618
sune, master,&c.,to file sworn, rank, pay, &., of............... A8
with collector ............. 891 chief commissary of army corps. 618
departure permit, &0 ............. 891 commissar to each division........514
to be shown to pilot, .......... 891 when officers relieved from this duty,
duties of master of vessel, &c., at increased pay, &e., to cease ....... 814
certain ports in Mexico, &c., as to" offcers to be selected proportionably
passenger lists.................. 891 from volunteers and regulars ...... :. 514
penalty on owner, &c., for pre- Substitute Brok"rs
senting Wee ............... 891 license to, and duty .................. 478
synopsis of passenger laws to be Substitut
printed, and kept conspicuous who may be employed as ............ 6
place, &c....................... 891 persons enrolled may furnish, previous
clearance not to issue, until, AC., 891 to drafk ........................... 6
forfeiture if master refuses to drafted persons ma furnish .......... 4
comply, &c.............. 892 who not to be employed in procuring,.. 10
half of penalty to go to informqr, those furnishing, to be exempt for how
Ac........................89 long ........................ 6
steamers bound to foreign port shall to be crbdlted to state and sub-district
rpeceive gold, &., from United of residence and enrolment, .......... 489
States officers, &c., when, &c.,... 892 fordrafted persons, to be exempt for how
not to receive letters, &c., unless posted long .............................. 489
and received from the post-office at for drafted ow enrolled persons known by
the port, ...................... 606 party furniing, W be inompetent,.. 490
conditions of clearance........... 606 Slydefrauding of bounty - pun-
letters relating to cargo, &c., not includ- ished,........................... 490
ed ........................ 606 deserting, nd party furnishing, aiding
Sti and Mantifactuesof such party, to serve ............... 490
duties on? ... I................... 206, 206 in the District of Columbia. -persons
Steering and &WAingRid, charged with crime not to be received
fot vessels meeting, oresing, &e.,... 60, 61 as* ................................ 498
See Colsion. punishment for so doing............... 498
Stelwagen, Captain Bemny S., penalty for officers, Ac., of jail, giving
of the United States navy, may accept certain information ................. 499
sword of honor from government of
Great Britain .................... 604 to rel estate, provisions of Internal rev-
Stckrq Wisconin, enue law concernjng ........... 287, 291
patents to issue to occupants of am- no duty to be levied where the succes-
patentd land who are grantees of sor is the wife of the predecessor,..... 481
8tokbridge Indians ............ 680 Supars Sgrups 6-1.
If claims conflict, commssionerof land- duty on ............................. 202
office to decide .....................
patents to issue according to his de-
80 'sar -.Trid,
of minor offences against laws of the
cision ........................ W United States, provision for ..... 124, 125
patents to vest the fee, subject to valid Supsamuaed Fund _oc;t of doe Mlaryknd
liens or incumbrances ............... 681 Annual Conferene,
lands in, not patented, to form part. of ma hold roperty under the will of
Menasha land disteict ...... I ........ 581 liam Doughty .... ............... 185
may be sold, at minimum price of may hold real and personal property,18, 186
58"an acre, to actual settlers,. 81 of~ntnen
Indiani Affairs,
time of payment may be extended in California, appointment salary, Ac., of 39
for not over one year ........... 681 m p w oYt clerk, &a.,............... 40
actual settlers not to preiupt more
than two contiguous lots, &e.... 581 appointment,_salan, clerks, c ......... 79
lands not sold within a year, to be Supenteden of Puli Prtig,
brought into the market, at not les nnual report to state mount of work
than minimum pHoes ............... 681 ordered and done, &e ............... 26
aSrw, duty o4 as to printing public documents,
of imports in vessels aubject to quardn- "c . . ...... . ..... . 184, 186
tine in New York, .................. 419

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 857 1861-1865

Sperviship Inspector of Serni&att,
additional, authorized ................ 120 of duties upon Imports from the United
Signpee Court, states into Belgium ................ 648
joint resolution concerning publication of custom-house duties, &e., under trea-
of decisions ot during December ty with Ottoman Empire,...... 620, 621
term, 18 ........................
6 8 405 to remain in force seven years ......... 621
Ssqprems Court of the District of Coiiiia, how and when may be revised ........ 621
appropriations for the .........157, 158, 457 Tax,
Surypon.Giwu, on circulation, deposits, and capital stock
appropriation for department c4 ..... 28, 458 of banking associations ............. III
instruments and dressings ........ 28 on shares in such association ........... 112
hospital stores and furniture, ...... 28 Taxtion,
books, &e., ice, fruits, &e .......... 28 all bonds, notes, and other obligations of
artificial limbs ................... 28 the United States to be exempt from
citizen physicians and nurses,...... 28 state or municipal, ................. 218
contrabands ..................... 28 certain treasury notes to be exempt from, 425
Tax Commissioners,
additional, to examine drafted persons, duty, salary, &c., in collecting taxes in
authorized ........................ 8 insurrectionary districts .......... 501-504
not to be members of board of enrolment, 8 when they enter on their offices ...... 508
acting assistant and contract, on enroll- Ace Di-r Tazes in InsurrectionaryDistrits.
ing boards, exempt from draft ....... 491 Tame,
Stag s isMe Navy, joint resolution as to paying, on certain
retired pay of ........................ 54 lands of United States ............. 402
Bsr,%n D'eit, appoiatiou for ................. 402
ewMexico and Arizona to be one, 852, 858
Idaho, Nevada, and Colorado to be one, 858
Dakota and Montana one ............. 858 TTeson
An to, ........................... 598
repeal of acts relating to .............. 88 among the Indians, provisions concern-
to be but* one office of surveyor-gen- 695
eral for each surveyor-general's dis- Teas, ..............................
trict .............................. 88 duty on ............................. 202
Srveor-Geaeralsand their Clerks, TelegrAp
appropriations for, and for office-rent of, 28 for military purposes, appropriation for, 128,
152, 221, 461, 451 496
in Wisconsin and Iowa, ............... 152 act to encourage communication by, be-
Oregon. ......................... 152 tween Eastern and Western eonti-
California And Nevada ......... 152 nents, .......... •................... 840
Washington Territory ............ 162 Perry McDonough Collins, associate.
New Mexico .................... 152 ad assignees, authorized to construct
Kansas and Nebraska, ............ 152 line with branches from line of Tacific
Minnesota, ...................... 152 telegraph to British America, ........ 840
Colorado and Utah, ............... 12 to have right of permanent way, &c.,
Dakota, ......................... 152 over public lands ............... 40
Arizona. ........................ 152 to use public lands, not exceeding,
Idaho, .......................... 152 &c., for stations, provided, &c.,... 840
and their clerks, appropriation for. 22, 28 Secretary of Navy may detail vessel
Surveyor of C"Ustos, to aid in laying submerged cable, 841
office of, at Beverly, abolished ....... 444 government to have priority in use
salary of, at Salem ................... 445 of lines of ........ *............. 841
appointment and pay of, at Michigan to aid in protecting from sav-
u ity. ............................. 445 ages ...................... 841
lines to be open to public on pay-
certain, may have certain duties re- ment of regular charges ......... 841
mitted, ..................... 480 act may at any time be altered, AU, 841
rate of charges for messages ....... 841
appropriations for, of lakes ........... 854 terms of despatches for newspapers,
chart of ......................... 854 to be same to all ................ 841
purchase, &c., of instruments for,.. 854 act for increased facilities of communt-
&rvjsof P,-nc Lans, cation between the Atlantic and Pa-
deposits made for expenses of, to be cific States and territory of Idaho,... 878
placed to what credit, ............... 414 United States, company may erect lines
Sweeting, Anthony, between Missouri River and San
to be paid for losses, as pilot of the "Ju. Francisco ......................... 878
niata,"....... ..................... 591 to connect with other lines, ...... 878
Swett, Ephrain, right of way, &c.................. 878
payment to, for superintendence of es- stations8......................... 878
tom-house at Belfast, ............... 25 no rilght topreemption ............. 878
from lort Hai to Portland, Oregon, 874
may send despatches over other
T. lmes, &c ...................... 874
Taeq'aehe Band, to be transmitted in order of recep-
of Utah Indians, treaty with ......... 678 tioh ........................... 874
&,c fla Indians. certain railroads may arrange with,.... 874

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 858 1861-1865

Teleraph Cempaism,
provisions of internal revenue act con. to volunteer soldier, who have rein.
cerning .......................276, 277 listed, ............................. 402
Teeraph Lhi, to Cornelius Vanderbilt .............. 401
not to be molested by Indian ......... 681 Th e, Operas, Ciruses,and A(Wems,
inKansas, grant of lands, to state of,in provisions of internal revenue act con-
aid of construction of, provided, &e.,.. 889 corning ........................276,277
change of certain route of in Kanss,., 840 2Ce unmbia I-nttuio for tae insructionof
Ten Hts, te Deaf and Dumb,
aosptals,and stables, a rtion for,. 128 name established ...................... 486
Temporary Loans, indigent blind children, where to be edu-
may be received, and certificates of de- cated, ............................. 486
posit bearing interest issued therefor, 219 expense thereof, how paid,............ 486
aggregate not to exceed 060,00,000,... 219 7e Freedmafn's &iirs an d Trst Il" .
reserve for payment, ................. 219 established at Washington, D. C.,...510-512
Tencnt at Or.
U, See Distric of Colmbia. trustees and board, how filled ......... 611
Tnder See Lega Tender. meetings of ...................... 511
treaury notes how Ar a legal,......218, 219 faling to attend for six months in
effct of, to stop sales under the revenue succession, to vacate office of
law ..................... 288, 286 rustee, .... .............. 511
trustees to manage corporation......511
terms of federal circuit and district officers o ....................... 511
courts in west district .............. 2 quorum, by-laws ................. 511
special terms, notice ................. 2 objects and business of corporation,... 511
not entitled to representation in the elec. deposits, investments, &c ............ 511
toral college ........................ 567 deposits to be repaid and trusts per-
the insurrection in declared suppressed, 768 rmed, ........................... 512
Taviteries, of deceased depositors, how held
appropriadons forgoverment in,.. .1 157, and disposed of, ............... 512
a,& 457 not called for, how invested and ap-
See Mat1 of tde sevwl Tsevitories. plied .......................... 612
Te, Bre ajor-GeneraJ
a AfreiC H., - oficers not to borrow or use fuds of
and the ocers and men nuder iscom- corporation .................... 512, 518
mand, thanks of congress to, for the interest and dividends to depositors, ....518
capture of Fort Fisher ............. 666 deposits of minors and married women, 518
the President of the United States re- no trustee, except president and vice-
quested to communicate the resolu- president, to receive y; ........... 518
tion ............................... 666 o cial bonds and salaries ............ 618
Texas, books to be open for inspection ...... 618
not entitled to representation in the elee. The Ne-Bogs' Rome of Washngton Oiqg,
toral college .................... 567 act to incorporate ................ 99
provisional governor appointed for. 766 Theo Unon Ga iht Company of the itic of
the United States to help ......... 766 Columbia,
epnvention, qualifications of electors, act to incorporate ................... 41,48
&c . ............................ 766 Tid Auditor,
T1hksiv, a priations for office f; ......... 149, 150
day of; appointed ..................... 749 additional clerks in office of ........... 27
day of national, appointed ............ 778 Thomas, H4jor-Geserrl Geore B.,
and officers and soldiers under his com-
appointe ................ 784, 788
days eo, mand, thanks of congress to ........ 571
Tiree.Ct Pieces,
to jor-weneral Grant, &e ........... 899 coinage of,authorized ................ 517
gold medal to .................... 899 Composition of coin ................. 517
appropriation fo ........... 899 weight, shape, mottoes, and devices,... 617
to Ma.or.Genera Banks ........... 401 laws relating to coins and coinage ex-
to MAjor-General Burnside .........401 tended to this coin, ................. 517
to Maor-General Hooker, . ......... 401 director of mint to make regulations, .. 517
to Maor-General Howard ............. 401 to be legal tender for sixty cents,...617, 618
to *Nor-GeneralMed, .......... 401 may be paid out for Iawful currency, ex-
to Major-General Sherman .........401 cept cents and half-cents ............ 618
to Admiral David D.Porter,.. ..404 mag or passing coin, or token for
to Commodore Cadwalader Riuggold,.. 408 this coin, &c., how punished, ........ 518
to Lieutenant-Colonel Bailey .......... 408 motto "In God we trust," may be put
to Captain John odgers ............. 899 518
to Cushing, Lieutenant William B.,5.... 6 TWO, on, if; & .........................
to Porter, Rear-Admira David D., .... 566 a'ct to quite, in for of parties In actual
to Sherman, Ma or-General William T., 565 on of lands in the District of
to Sheridan, Major-General Philip H.,.. 568 581, 82
to Terry, Brevet Mjor-Generl Alfred dutol .Z........ ................
duty onSee Intena e .
to Thomas, Major-General George H.,. 671
to Win;low, Captain John W........56 provisions for manuoture of and
andtheir offies ad men under
thecommad. duty upon, under internal revenue
law ................ .. 261, 264, 270

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 859 1861-1865

Tohacco, (contiued.) Teasurer ofthe United Stats, (continued.)
to be flrnished enlisted men at cost office of, reorganized .............. 159,160
prie ............................ 497 employment and salary of, authorized,.. 159
provisions of revenue law concerning assistant treasurer .............. 159
manuture, &a., of,... 474, 475, 477, 486 cashier and assistant, ............. 159
See Iatean Revaene. chief of division of Issues ........ 159
Importation of, Into Turkey, forbidden, 617 of redemion ............... 159
no export duty on, In Turkey ......... 617 of loans .................... 159
Toacco Stems, of accounts .................. 159
of national banks ........ 160
To, import duty on ...................... 498
two principal book-keepers ....... * 160
the, under nternal revenue act, to be tellers and assistant tellers...... 160
2000 pounds ........................ 268 chief clerk and other clerks ....... 160
Tonnage. See Vessels. Treasrers,
of uships
and v essels,
bow o....
to be mew
............. ...
e . 60
acting assistant, provisions concerning,. 427
bond of principal to cover act of ...... 427
in determining tonnage, no part of ves- subject to penalties .................. 427
sel above first decks, used for cabins, Treastqy Deartment,
&e., to be measured ................ 444 appropriations for the ............ 149, 160
TZage Dies. See Belgiam. to credit Navy Department with prize
in Belgian ports to cease ............. 648 money received, &P................ 811
not to be reistablised ...... 648, 656, 660 Secretary of, authorized to anticipate
Tonnage Dut, payment of interest on public debt,.. 404
on certain vessels .................... 498 accommodation of clerks of ........... 459
linen Property, Treastq Extension,
act to dispose of, In public domain,..848 appropriations for ................. 24, 25
town or city sites, how disposed of, in Treasw Notes. See Bonds.
public domain ..................... 848 appropriation for expenses of ......... 158
when liable to private entry ...... 844 Secretary of Treasury may issue not
actual settlers on, rights o ....... 844 over $200,000,000 of, in lieu of an
extension limits of, on unsur equal amount of bonds .............. 218
veyed lands, how adjusted,. 844 denominations, and when payable ..... 218
patents for, how issued ........... 844 interest payable In lawful money ...... 218
surveys, how and when may be how flir a legal tender ............... 218
made, if maps, &e., not filed with. convertible into bonds ................ 219
in twelve months ............... 844 may be substituted for notes of previous
Secretary of Interior to make regu- Issues ............................ 219
lations about .................. 844 bonds may be Issued in exchange .for
repeal of act of 1844, ch. 17, relat- those previously issued ............. 219
form of, how executed ............... 220
Togwto, ........................ a" to bear impress of seal of treasury,.... 220
claim for, not to be barred, though area to have certain statements printed on
is in excess of 640 acres ............ 580 them ............................. 220
minimum price of lots ............... 80 expenses of Issuing, how borne ......... 221
right to town lots subject to acquired ' penalty for dounterfeitng, &c., ... 221,222
possessory right in mineral veins,... 580 may be Issued In lieu of bonds under
no color of title recognized in possessors act of June 80, 1864 ............... 425
for miding purposes as against the bonds and notes not to exceed $400,000,e
United States ...................... 680 000 ........................... 426
Towson, Dors Edwin William, how may be disposed of .............. 426
to take the name of Dorsey Edwin Wil- exempt from taxation ................. 425
liam Carter ....................... 597 no additional legal-tender notes author-
Trad ized, .............................. 425
restrictions upon, in territory east of the See Loan.
Mississippi removed ................ 768 Secretary of Treasury may issue to an
Transfer, west of the Mississippi ........... 769 amount not exceeding 600,000,000,.. 458
of persons from military to naval ser- with Belgium ................... 647, 856
vice ......... .............. 402 Chippewas ............ 667, 689, 698
prize money to be in lieu of bounty, 402 Colombia ....................... 685
conditions of, &e ................ 402 Denmark, ....................... 606
law permitting, repealed .............. 119 Ecuador ......................... 681
Transfe Enlistmente, Great Britain ............... 645, 651
lmit to number of ................... 7 Hatyti .......................... 711
from army to navy, act permitting, re- Honduras ....................... 699
pealed ............................ 119 Kickapoos ...................... 628
TYansportatin, Ottoman Empire ................ 609
appropriations for ............ 24, 128, 496 Peru ....................... 685, 689
of tie arzuy, appropriations for, 126, 128, 496 Shoshonees ..................... 668
Tronaotie. ompanies, iv., Shoshonee-Goship Indians ...... 681
duty upon .......................... 477 Utahs .......................... 678
Zm..etr 1fthe United States, Treaty with Grea Briain,
appropriations for office of ........ 149,150 regulating naval force on the lakes, no.
additional clerks in office of ........... 27 tice to terminate ................... 685

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 860 1861-1865

Union Pacijf Raroad, (continued.)
by the court without a Jury, of Issues meaning of" timber" granted to, ...... 858
of fact in civil
ases ................ 501 lands granted to colleges, not Included In
effect of finding, exceptions, &A....... 601 certain acts relating to,.......... 86
1vustees of Sdool Disrid, time for designating route and filing
in Washington County, D. C., appoint- maps, &e., of, extended one year,....8
ment, powers, and dudes ot .... 188, 198 government bonds of Central Pacifio
TurBa ts, Railroad, of California, bow to be in
hulls and boilers of certain, to be Inspect- part redeemed ...................... 859
ed ................................ 1 0 commissioners for ................... 859
fees for inspection ............... 120 amendment of act of 1862, relating to,. 859
statements, when filed, ................ 89
saar of interpreters, and expenses of bonds, &e., when Issaed, . ......... 361
courts In ................... 187, 189 repeal of requirement of reservation
expenses o consulates in .......... 188 of portion of .................. 859
Two-CW Pees. See Cent. portion of, when engineer certfies
provision for the coinage of ......... 64 to completion of partof work, Ac., 859
to be a legal tender, and in what sums,. 64 remainder when ................. 859
to be legal tender for four cents ....... 518 draws, ferries, bridges, &a ............. 860
over Missouri, and other rivers,
provided, &c .................. 860
connection of other roads with, provid-
U. ed, &c ............................. 60
tUnea Ira, first m6rtgege bonds of, how issued,.... 860
Indiansln Utah to be settled in ....... 68 lien of United States subordinate
appropriation for agricultural improve- to, except, &a ................. 360
ments In .......................... 68 provisions for bonds of, already is-
sued, .......................... 860, 861
appropriations for the,............ 178, 662 Eastern division, &c., to build valroad,
& ,c............................... 861
between commissioners of claims be- not entitled to bonds for .......... 361
tween the United States and Ecuador, directors of, number of ............... 361
how appointed, paid, c ......... 682,84 government, ..................... 861
King of Belgium to act as, between Peru how appointed ................ 86L
and the United States .............. 686 to report to Secretary of the
to be chosen by commissioners under Interior...................881
convention with Peru .............. 640 to visit road ................. 811
King of Italy to apoint, between Great compensation of .......... 861, 862
Britain and the United States, i4 &e., 652 when next elected ............ 802
See Gret &-ic, Per.. when regularly elected ......... 862
Uopquas, roads and telegraph to be used as con.
appropl oos for the...... 162, 171,641,652 tinuous line ............ : .......... 862
UmaimedMoep, companies may be consolidated ........ 862
from dead letters, to be deposited ...... 616 mode of procedure ................ 862
union Gas-L~A Co"ang of asn Dietit of powers and duties of,after consoli-
Columbia, dation ........................ 868
act to Incorporate t...............41-a braneh from Sioux City............... 868
unio Pacj* Raiload Union Railroad need not construct, 64
act to amend act of 1862, oh. 120, relt- bonds for...................864
Ing to ................ ........... 866 lands for .................. 64
capital stock of, to be in shares of $100 time of completion ........... 864
each...................... 856 forfeiture, if, &e.................. 864
number of shares to be 1,000,000,.. 26 Burlinton and Missouri River Railroad,
directors to hold fy shar ...... 86 provisions as to ..................... 864
repeal of part of act of 1862, oh. 120, § 1, 866 right of way ..................... 864
books ofsubsoription to be kept open in Indian titles to be extinguished, 864
certain cities ...................... 85 lands granted to, provided, &c., 864
subscription not to be valid, unless, &e., 357 commission to be appointed as to, 84,
assessments, ................... 867 865
stock not to be Inresed .......... 8r 7 patents to be issued to, when,_... 865
to be personal property .......... 867 companies in, to pay coat of surveying
to take and hold lands necessary for, a., 867 land, .............................. 865
laud damages...... ............ 67 act may be amended, &., ............. 886
appraisement of .................. 857 LVhaoe Paoifi Railroad Company
appeal from ..................... 87 may isne six per cent. thirty year bos 5H4
to absent owners,................ 867 U" aten Bods,"'
to unoccupied land................ 858 term, to Include what, ................ 100
what notice to owners of,...... 858 United Shwes Terp Com=a ............ 874
amendments of act of 1862, eh. 120,
"87.......................868 Univer't Lands,
cmineral land" granted to, not to in- In Oregon and Washington Territory,
elude coal or Iron .................. 858 bons fide ses oA confirmed, ....... 28
preimption rights not to be affected by Upper Pon d'Or he,
certain acts relating to, except, ft.,.. 858 appropriations for the .......... 175, 5H

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 861 1861-1865

MiA IXMtns Veu/b (continued.)
treaty with the Tabeguache band of of tonnage of open vessels ............... 72
October 7, 1868 ................... 678 tonnage to be marked on main beam,... 72
boundaries of lands claimed by, ....... 678 charges for measuring vessels and certi-
boundaries of lauds ceded to the United fying .............................. 72
States ............................ 674 provisions not to apply to certain vessels, 72
authority of the United States admit- controversies between officers And crew
ted ................................ 676 of ertan foreign, to be under jurisdic-
military posts may be established on tion of consuls ...................... 121
lands not ceded ..................... 674 in measuring for tonnage, cabins above
miners not to be disturbed ............ 674 deck not to be reckoned, ............ 444
other settlers not permitted,......... 674 not to receive letters, &e., unless posted
Mohuache band may be settled on lands at and received from the post-office at
reserved ........................ 674 the port, .......................... 506
protection to certain persons .......... 674 conditions of elearance............ 06
njuries to be redressed and offenders letters relating to cargo, Ac., not includ-
delivered up ................... 674, 675 ed .............................. w
stolen property to be restored, or pay- bills of sale, mortgages, conveyances,
ment made frmm annuities ........ 676 &c., of, not to be recorded unles duly
guaranty to Indians for losses by cer- acknowledged ...................... 519
tain thefts ........................ 675 what to be deemed" United States," and
white men to be surrendered upon de- what "Ottoman," under the treaty, .. 615
mand ............................ 676 Vesseis of tel uted &taes,
munitions of war .................. 676 certain proportions of crews of, need not
annuities, horses, &e .................. 676 be citizens ..................... 201, 2M2
donations of stock to thoie willing to fol- officers of, to be citizens .............. 20J
low agricultual pursuits ......... 675' Vessels of War,
blacksmith and shop, ................. 676 certain privileges to be refbsed to those
amendments ..................... 676-679 of certain nations .................. 756
to those of nations showing hospi-
,ro?&itions for the.......180,658,560 tulities to insurgent cruisers after
notice ........................ 757
appropriations for government in ...... 156 Vera Volmeer Eiaeers,
Indian service in ................ 180 regiment of, may be organized......... 80
=ot-routes established in ............. 822 pay, Ue., to be those of engineer soldiers, 80
n.reservations in, except, &e., to be appointment, commissions, Ac., of ofi-
sold ............................... 68 emoA ............................ 80
Indians in, to be settled in Uta Valley, 68
Indian title to certaih lands in. to be ex- grade of, established In the navy ....... 42
tinguished ......................... 482 apontment, rank, pay, &c., o........ 42
territorial government in ............. 466 vied-w othe jied Stares,
Indian service In ..................... 58 appropriationsfor the .............. 148,448
franking privilege extends to all mail
matters........................ s
V. 1I4
judicial district of .....................
VwadobtI*, Cornslua, boundaries of, and sessions of eourtjn,. 124
thanks of congress to ............. 401, 402 not entitled to representation in the elec-
gold medal to ................... 402 toral ollege, ...................... 667
appropriation for gold medal for ....... 462 authority of the United States declared
ing, regstablished in, .................... 777
approparitons for .................... 148 aid to be given Governor Pierpont,..... 777
ma , Jude dd CWWW fitors, Board qf,
payment to ....................... 95,141 to be present at annuity payments to
Vermont, certain Indians ............ 694,695
additional inspectors authorized in...... 198 their duties, pay, Ac. ............ 695
post-route established In,.......... 820,625 YVohme Engen s,
Vessebs six regiments to be enlisted, ........... 48
act to punish fraud in names o ....... 68 pay and allowances of ................ 488
names of steamboats, where to be placed two companies t6 be added to fomer
on vessel, .......................... 68 reglment,.......................... 488
penalty for not having name so placed,. 68
name not to be changed, and no decep. appropriations for bounties to ...... 126,19
tion to be practised as to name, under for expenses of collec tg, subsist-
nalty of forfeiture ............... 54 ence, 4rllinit, &C
............... 12
built or owned in the United States, after for payment, &a.,of .......... 126, 127
January 1, 1866, how to be measured thanks of congress to those who have rq-
and registered ..................... 69 enlisted, .............. . 408
and height,69,
what,. 70, 72
registere , to express 100,000 called for ............... 788
length, breadth, depth, how 800,000 called for .................... 787
ascertained....................70 50,OOQ caled for .... .......... 74
measurements to be In feet and decimals, 70 joint resolution for payment of volun-
register tonnage to be what, and how unteers for not less than 100 days,... 406
ascertained ....................... 70-72 appropriation fo ................. 406

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 862 1861-1865

Va , (onthued.) Washing and IWasking-M'achis,
to be credited to state and sub-districts fppropriations hr........ ..... 2.129
of residence and enrolment ......... 489 Washington and Geogeom Raihoad,
wilfufly defrauding of bounty, punished, 490 act to amend charter of ............... 822
certain officers of, In commission, to have to allow extension on certain high-
three months' pay when mustered out, 497 ways,....................... 822
in the District of Columbia, persons and increase fares .............. 822
charged with crime not to be received Waald,.gtto Aquesduct.
as................................. 498 act to provide for completion, &c., of... 884
punishment for so doing ............... 498 appropriation for .................... 884
penalty for officers, &c., ofjail giving cer- acts toamendcharter of,...... 68,407,484
tain Information ................... 499
800,000 called for .................... 762 taxes may be messed for local improve-
Vote", ments, streets, sewerage, drainage,&, 68
qualifications of; not to be fixed by any person to be appointed to see that streets
army or navy officer ................ 487 are cleaned, watered, and kept in re-
penalty for so doing .................. 487 pair .......................... 68
Vreland, jeamin, the United States to pay Its proportion
payment to, ......................... 601 for improvements In certain streets,.. 68
act to establish Colfax Street in city
W. improper occupation of certain streets,
avenues, and reservations prohibited,. 412
Wadsteot, Somon, joint resolution to smend charter of,.... 407
former act for relief of, amended ...... 596 qualified voters, &P-, to be regis-
Wagon-Road. See O-os. tered,. .................. 407
in Oxegon ........................... 856 terms and conditions........407
Wagon-Rom, false swearing as to, &c., to be
for military and postal purposes, lInds perjury................ 0
granted to Michigan for ....... 140, 141 Wauiagton City.Savings Basnk,
routes of roads ....................-... 140 Incorporated ..................... 17
mode of construction of .............. 141 Washing,oficrs
B. C.,
oerand duties of...17,18
to be public highways, and free of toUl,. 141
construction of certain, in the territories amendment of charter of ............. 484
of Montana, Dakota, Idaho, and Ne- taxes may be laid for local improve-
braska, authorized ............. 616, 617 ments, paving, sewerage, street-lamps,
apyropriatlons, and applications thereof, 617 water and W pipes ............. 48, 484
wait,lwrae C., whiagn Gs'h pang
payment to legal representatives ofg.... 678 charter amended ka to price of gas,.... 426
Wald, Charls G., Washing" T-MIo
accounts of; acting assistant paymaster, bona fide sale 'of university lands In,
lost in the "Bainbr idge," to be settled, 68
confirmed ........................ 28
Wa/er, Wian C., veto power of governor of, regulated,.. 186
en. ....... ........ 79
5. appropriation for government in....... 156
Indian service in ..................... 179
act to authorize acquisition of land in payment to citizens for lands taken for
by Secretary of Navy .............. 854 Indian reservations in .............. 24
Wz/a-Ws//as, claims how allowed and paid ..... 482
178, 652 appropriation ..................... 482
Wapropriations for the.......... territorial government in ............. 456
claim of, to be referred back to court of Indian service In ..................... 558
claims, ............................ 591 Waste Paper,
Warden, money from sales o4, to be deposited,...- 616
of jail in District of Columbia, appoint. Watchmaen
ment, power. and duty of ........ 12, 18 and laborers, appropriations for ....... 159
term of office, salary, bend ......... 1%18 Water,
to report annually to Secretary of Inte- appropriation for procuring at certain
rior .......................... 12 .t
to transport convicts. ............. 12
apriati for salary of .........2 in Georgetown, D. C., provisions con-
cernmg, ........................... 188
to be erected, 4a., In New York, for Wax Tapem,
storage of imports in vessels subject provisions of revenue law concerning, 482
to quarantine ...................... 419 486
appropriation for .................... 419 Wease,
Wan* qf Attachment, appropriations for the, ........ 18,181,547
of property of delinquent, &c., postmas- We, Jacob,
ters and other agents of Post.Ofice payment to .......................... am
Department, .................. 488,484 Western Dqvartmnt,
proceedings to obtain, execute, and dis- appropriation for pay, bounty, &0., of
charge ........................ 488, 484 men in .......................... 1,2
to whom money may'be paid ......... 2
__asvant - Depastnsa. j" resolution to rovide for deficency,
Innavy, asslmilated rank f, ......... 878 &c in pay of fers, &Z., 0......41

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 863 1861-1865

WmantPacifleRailrod Compag,. Wi6onsi, (continued.)
may issue six per cent. thirty year rom Poa City, or Pon du LaO,
bonds . ........................... 5 to Bayfleld, ..... ........... 67
assignment to, by central Pacific B. R. if lands hereby granted have been before
Co. notified and confirmed ........... 04 reserved, pimpted, &c., other lands
when to finish first twenty miles of to be given in lieu thereof ......... 66, 67
road............................5 0 4 lands not to be located more than twenty
when to complete road ............ 504 miles from lines of road .........66, 67
West 37ha, minimum price of lands not granted, 67
to have benefit of act, donating land to time for completion of other roads ex-
agricultural, &o., colleges ........... 47 tended ............................ 67
judiial districts in, boundaries ........ 124 lands formerly granted, and mineral
sessions of courts in .................. 124 lands, not within this grant ......... 67
records and files, where to be kept,..... 124 when state has completed twenty eon.
proceedings of court confirmed ....... 124 seentive miles of road, patents to issue
act admitting as a state, when to be for lands on either side ............. 67
In force ........................... 781 governor of state to give certificate
po-routes established In..............321 to Secretary of Interior ......... 68
W•hrX, Dr Charles M., lands to be used only for purposes of
payment to, as chemist of agricultural road .............. ........ 68
department .............. 685,588 road to be a public highway ........... 68
to be completed within ten years,.. 68
loEa board of steamboat inspectors at, if not, Mands unsold to revert to the
rebstablished, ......... 614 United States .................. 68
law authorizing local inspectors of property and troops of the United
steamboats ot, repealed, ............. 120 States to be transported over, free of
Whipl Ellen M., toil,............................... 68
pension to ........................... 599
to be charged with proceeds of sales of
certain lands granted Mtlwaukie and
appropriations for the, ....
177, 180, 867, 562 Rock River Cnal .................. 418
to be credited with what .............. 418
of certain officers, &c., to receive pen- commissieoner of general land-office to
$ion ............................. 499 adjust accounts .................... 418
terms of circuit and district courts in,... 199
of person enlisted into military or naval papers of district courts to be transferred
service, to be free .................. 671 to circuit court .................... 199
evidences of marriage ................ 671 grant of public lands to, to aid in con-
Wliams, Jesse, struction of certain railroads ...... 62, 521
land patent toiueto,............ 79 Miigan.
Wie'am, John, WlevU, Noah, See
account of, for wood, to be paid ....... 688 accounts of heirs, &o., of,with the United
Wi, States, to be adjusted and paid .....576
fees for recording, in the District of
Columble, ......................... 194 of goods from public stores, &e., time
WM, for, extended ...................... 12
duties on .......................202, 203 of goods fotm bonded warehouses, &o.,
Winnebagoes, time for, extended, .................. 420
appro rations for the, 164 171, 172, 54 860
Wisow, =epted JonfA., I actions by or against guardians, ex-
his oicers seid men, thanks of congress ecutors, &c., neither party to be, un-
to, for destruction of the "Alabama," 565 less. &a., ........................... 588
W o'nsin, Bir the government, to attend before
post-routes established In .......820, 525 provost-marshals, &c., without tender
laqds granted to, for military wagon- of fees ............................
road to Lake Superior .............. 188 drafted men to have process for ........ 9
route of road......................... 188 attendance o4 may be required, upon
mineral lands not granted.............. 188 hearing of appeals, under the internal
lands granted in lieu of those previously revenue law ....................... 229
disposed of ........................ 188 attendance and mileage, how paid ....2229
how to be applied ................ 188 no exclusion of, on account of color, or
former grants not affected hereby ...... 188 in civil actions, on account of inter-
state legislature to dispose of lands,.... 18 est, in United States Courts ......... 851
how only to be disposed o .... 18P, 184 in District of Columbia, ........... 874, 875
road to be public highway, free of toil, attendance of, LA investigations to pre-
&c., to troops, &c, of United States,. 188 vent fraud in trading, &c., with reb-
patents not to be granted until ten miles els, ........... .................. 87$
of road completed ................... 184 persons interested In fines, penalties,
lands to revert, if, &c ................ 184 &e, may be witnesses .............. 442
road, how to be constructed ......... 184 the examination not to deprive the wit-
lands granted to, to aid in constructing ness d his share of the fine .......... 4W
railroad from Saint Croix River or Wolet, Roda,
Lake to Lake Superior ............. 66 pensionto .................... 581
from Tomah to Saint Croix River
or Lake ....................... 66 pension to, .............. 585

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 864 1861-1865

INDEX. 865

Wood, R. F.a &mudl A. .

duplicates of certain Wren war bonds
to be issued to, upon their giving the ykaJ ,m
usual indemnity ................677, 678 appropriations for the .............178,562
WOedW/, I.,S e Y.
payment to, ......................... pppriatious for the ..............172, 651
WKol cmd Manvabmw of, Y,&a and D,.ks,
datieson...................26, 207' appropriationsfrbureau of ......81, 468
Wormer, Daniel, OS .Rw
payment to, for materials fmished 67....grt o to caornia ............ 825
Wdand M1amnfadwues of, Y
jIs Ckgeo
noa 411
dut on........... .......
resolution incorporatng .............. 411-
YOU.XM PM.- 78

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 865 1861-1865

HeinOnline -- 13 Stat. 866 1861-1865

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