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Earlier this year, I had a chance to attend SxSW. One of the highlights of my trip was
a startup dinnerwhich included Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, the founders
of 37signals. At the time, they had just come out with their new book "Rework". I had
downloaded a copy to my Kindle, but hadn't had a chance to read it yet. Now I
have.  . It's a great book. Lots of practical advice for entrepreneurs. I highly
recommend it. My second time through, I decided to pull out some of
my favorite parts.

You're encouraged to share your favorite insight by using the convenient

"tweet" links next to each one.


1) Great businesses have a point of view, not just a product or service. [tweet]

2) Writing a plan makes you feel in control of things you don¶t actually control. [tweet]

3) You have the most information when you¶re doing something, not before you've done
it. [tweet]

4) Stuff that was impossible just a few years ago is simple today. [tweet]

5) Failure is not a prerequisite for success. [tweet]

6) Don¶t make assumptions about how big you should be ahead of time. [tweet]

7) Don¶t sit around and wait for someon e else to make the change you want to
see. [tweet]

8) When you build what you need, you can assess quality directly instead of by
proxy. [tweet]

9) Solving your own problem lets you fall in love with what you¶re making. [tweet]

10) What you do matters, not what you think or say or plan. [tweet]

11) When you want something bad enough, you make the time. [tweet]

12) The perfect time to start something never arrives. [tweet]

13) Start a business, not a startup. [tweet]

14) You need a committment strategy, not an exit strategy. [tweet]

15) Huge organizations talk instead of act, and meet instead of do. [tweet]

16) Build half a product, not a half -assed product. [tweet]

17) Getting to greatness starts by cutting out stuff that ¶s merely good. [tweet]

18) The real world isn¶t a place, it's an excuse. It's a justification for not trying. [tweet]

19) The big picture is all you should be worrying about in the beginning. Ignore the
details. [tweet]

20) Decide. You¶re as likely to make a great call today as you are tomorrow. [tweet]

21) The longer it takes to develop, the less likely it is to launch. [tweet]

22) It¶s the stuff you leave out that matters. [tweet]

23) Focus on substance, not fashion. Focus on what won't change. [tweet]

24) When good enough gets the job done, go for it. [tweet]

25) When you make tiny decisions, you can't make big mistakes. [tweet]

26) Pour yourself into your product. [tweet]

27) You rarely regret saying no but you often regret saying yes. [tweet]

28) Better your customers grow out of your product, than never grow into them. [tweet]

29) You can¶t paint over a bad experience with good marketing. [tweet]

30) All companies have customers. Fortunate companies have audiences too. [tweet]

31) Instead of out-spending your competitors, out-teach them. [tweet]

32) Let customers look behind the curtain. [tweet]

33) Leave the poetry in what you make, there is beauty in imperfection. [tweet]

34) Marketing is not a department, it's the sum total of everything you do. [tweet]

35) Don¶t hire for pleasure; hire to kill pain. [tweet]

36) Don¶t make up problems you don¶t have yet. [tweet]

37) A business without a path to profit is a hobby. [tweet]

What are your favorite insights from Rework?

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