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From: Perry Rush

To: Perry Rush

Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2011 8:11 PM
Subject: National Standards Action

Dear Principal and Board Chairperson

Concern about National Standards is not abating. Hundreds of schools up and down New Zealand remain deeply concerned and are
standing firm against their inaccuracy and inconsistency, and their potential to do harm to children and their learning. 

The Ministry of Education's response to the Boards Taking Action Coalition initiative has been to do nothing and claim the group is
politically motivated. They hope that in doing so Boards will be cowered into compliance when the realisation dawns that they will have to
make the choice to comply or take the decision of submitting without Standards targets. They hope and expect that by playing
brinksmanship, Boards will blink first and comply leaving a small number needing their 'support'. 
But the have underestimated the strength of principal's professional and ethical resolve and the intelligence, understanding and concern of
parents on Boards of Trustees. Many Boards can readily see the serious flaws and are acting decisively in the interests of the children and
communities they serve.
BTAC is aware that while the current resolution of 'deferring' setting students achievement targets sends a strong message, it is an action
that can be easily ignored by the Ministry. As the traditional time for charter submission approaches Boards are considering the nature of
their targets and the most sensible timeframe for submission. In order to strengthen the collective muscle of BTAC, provide clear
leadership to Boards concerned about these Standards, and identify an action that puts maximum pressure on the Ministry of Education to
resolve concerns, BTAC now encourages all schools to submit charters without National Standards targets. Instead, we
recommend setting achievement targets based on existing and reliable data. 

We suggest that schools choosing to stand on principle submit their charter in hard copy only and do so collectively/as a group ALL on
1 July. This enables all schools submitting without National Standards targets to react to the Ministry of Education's response collectively.
It also enables sufficient time for further education to be made available to all Boards wishing to identify the specific flaws that make
setting Standards targets unsafe and the data available publicly in 2012, unreliable. This action positions schools with concerns in a
position of significant strength. 
This mirrors the advice given recently by NZPF regarding Standards targets and Charters.
• Continue to use a range of existing 2010 student achievement data to develop your student achievement targets linked to identified
groups of students for 2011.
The NZPF executive fully endorses the actions of those schools that have joined the Boards Taking Action Coalition (BTAC).
We are tremendously encouraged by the strength of conviction of Boards in BTAC. Our immediate goal as a group is to double the number
of Boards signing the new resolution. Currently 300 Boards are registered in the coalition. Our goal is 600.  It is critical that you now
discuss the resolution of submitting charters without National Standards targets. Instead, setting achievement targets based on
existing and reliable data. 

It is very important that ALL Boards in BTAC now consider this resolution, and return a signed copy. 
A resolution has been sent to all principals to take to the next Board meeting. A copy is available from Perry Rush
A summary of the issues and the resolve is included below.
Yours sincerely 

Perry Rush
Boards Taking Action Coalition

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