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Before going into details about the invention, I would like to clear many important things that led
me to it.

About the truth

It is thought many times, especially in this age, that the truth does not exist, it is said that truth is
only an individual matter, I intend to help a bit some individuals regarding this problem which is
more and more present in this society.

You are reading this piece, it sounds stupid as you read; you can read the next line.
Did you read a quoted word that spelled truth? Then in my opinion and many others’ it is stupid
trying to deny or refute it; will it be impossible?

So far it is undisputable and undeniable that you read truth, that is, absolutely true, if you take
this piece to refute my argument, the very fact of reading it to refute is plain stupidity, made by
those who try to live within the no order.

With a simple example I proved that within many arguments there may be something with order,
something that follows a pattern, something that since cannot be denied becomes true.

In the same way there are thousands of things currently arranged under the name “Chaos” or
“disorder”, since the non-analytical observer will name disorder almost anything they see, but
cannot understand nature’s complex harmony patterns.

I pose a very complex example investigated by E. A. Poe, who in one of his stories exposes it as
we will see.

Take a 6 faced dice, when you throw it, it shows 3, the operation is repeated, it is 3 again, one
more time the dice is thrown, it shows 3 yet again, and here is the interesting part: within you
there is a remorse that says you have the vaguest hope to get a 3 again, you may use math, but
these will bring you down when you try to look for the chance to get 3, it tells the same, you
have a chance of 1 in 6 as your inside is screaming there are no more chances.

This part is an important, because it seems inside our probability calculations there are several
variables to consider, one of the most important is the time variable, but there is a more complex
situation since now that you have this variable in the equations system you have to know before
throwing, how many times will you do it, and this is really hard.

Hardly in “n” throws will the number “x” repeat completely in the “n” throws which indicates
repetition cycles regarding “n” throws.
Probably the formula is a triple division T/L/N where T is the number you want, evidently if you
want one 6 it is one, if you want 2 of the 6, then T is 2, divided into L which is the number of
faces in the dice, and N which is the number of throws you will make.
I show this type of situation not wanting to control something or to gamble, I say this because
while humans try to make better measuring systems of harmony, we cannot see the complex
mechanical systems of space and other factors, but sometimes we can perceive complex cycles
of nature’s expression, giving us a probable idea of the next behavior cycle, not quite accurate
because I don’t know the position of each atom and its polarity behavior with others.

This is for harmonic matters of nature, but when talking about a human being it is different, they
cannot be measured with the same system, since there are other complex factors with the latter.

For instance, a human being runs 100 meters with no hurry with no animal within 4 kilometers,
what are the chances he dies in that instant?

Now, a human being takes a gun and puts it on the head of another human being and pulls the
trigger, knowing the gun is new and fully loaded, what are the chances for the other to die of
gunshot in that instant?

This is how I prove that a human will can change drastically a probability, and that the truth is
undeniable, what truth will you use to tell me there is no such thing as truth? if you say you are
right and say it is true that there is no truth, don’t you think that is stupid?

About the principles .- I still cannot explain them properly, but I know there is something in all
the universe and that it is ruled by those principles, sometimes some principles are friends to
other principles, other are generated by other principles and the range is rather complex, but
there are some pretty dense concepts which I will expose next.

Steps of the SUPREME principle

Once you recognize the first step of truth, you can proceed to a new world full of harmony and
order and to this following step.

Vladimir Vernadsky step

This man developed a very analytical and truthful vision of the world and nature, in his analysis
he exposes these 3 systems
Biotic system.- It consist of all the complex systems of the living world.
Abiotic system.-It consists of all the non living systems and nature’s non-organized expressions.
Noospheric system.- Those complex systems which can change both the biotic and abiotic

Vladimir realized that many animals controlled by their nature, could not change it, animals were
removed from their usual food of certain fruits, reducing the vegetal expansion, and they would
die since they could not grow them themselves, but the only animal (if it should be called that)
that can change its living or dead environment is the human being, Vladimir observed that
biologically they had similar aspects, however, there is something in them that makes them
change those 2 systems, he called that Noosphere, a power inherent to humans, with incredible
growth possibilities.

The noospheric ability is such that those who posses it are able to ask very complicated questions
like Who am I? or What am I doing here? that ability is incredible and amazing, however, since
humans are used to these questions in their daily living, they do not realize this great power of
incredible things they can experience, such as, thinking, having an intern dialogue, imagining,

Harmony step.- Kepler, made several important findings in his work, but I will speak of just one

When a planet is farthest from the sun it tends to have a minor velocity, this planet’s vertigo
starts when it gets close to the sun, it increases its velocity, however, even in this description
there is no harmonic part observed, except when time is added .

When in this case we take time, we can observe the planet travelling through equal areas in equal
amounts of time, people with lack of analysis capacity could not see this important part and
would try to come up with formulas of planetary assumptions from a false geometry made in his

Analyzing this topic might give us a good idea.

I will not expose the complete procedure of the different ellipse generation processes, nor how to
calculate external distances in relation to other heavenly bodies, I will only show the part where
based on already made calculations and its graphing, the harmonic effect on planets is clearly

You may ask an astrophysicist for help.

First you have to generate the planetary trajectory of the system to be measured, whether by
conic functions or using a cable with two light bulbs and a pen, or a pair of compasses.

Now that we have the trajectory we have to consider a stopwatch or a calendar, depending on the
spectators and a trajectory point is taken randomly.
When the planet reaches the starting point you start counting time, in this case you take your one
unity, for instance, you could take 3 months and after 3 months, you draw the other point, which
indicates the distance traveled in 3 months, after that you draw a starting line toward the sun and
another one from the ending point to the sun, which would look about like this

After this, we do the same on the other side of the ellipse with the same 3 months; take a starting
point 2 in any part of the planetary trajectory, in my case I will take an extreme of it as follows.

Now here’s the interesting part, we have to make some parts physically, we take the ellipse and
clone it, after cloning it we place both ellipses centimeters away from each other, and we try to
make a glass cabinet only with the resulting areas
Le’s imagine the image above is a glass cabinet with no top, if we put one liter of water into the
two volumes generated by the planet trajectory, the water would have the same height in both
cases, example:

as we see in the figure above the height does not vary because it has the same volume so as
height is the same in both volumes they share the same area, proving thus that the planet traveled
equal areas in equal time.

Often we think that when a tree falls from a cliff, it will make no sound since there is no one
around this event, this example is highly used to show the formalities of empiricism, posing it as
irrefutable. However, I have found a very serious mistake in this assertion that anything unseen
does not exist, but there are variables they forgot to pose; the argument is refuted with the very
formation of our solar system, when its creation began there was no human being, after the solar
system creation or rather its stability as observed by humans, they cannot deny that creation
existed while humans still did not. So there are a lot of things that can happen without humans
noticing them, and if we add to this the noosphere discovery by Vladimir Vernadsky, which is
the unseen qualities of men against animals, there is a powerful argument that says there are
things humans don’t see, which escape their senses and yet exist. I wish not to completely cancel
empiricism, since there are parts in men and universe nature in which experience and
experimenting go along for great achievements, however, sometimes there is bias toward
empiricism, causing the humanity large mistakes, a human being is able to distinguish before
doing things, an animal learns from test and mistake, we have that possibility, to cancel it would
be to condemn us as animals, praxis should be in other level, I pose an example from a great
book.-[the sum of two or more things is often more than or different from the predictable
consequences. The whole science of math, the complete dominion of philosophy, the highest of
physics or chemistry, they cannot predict nor know that the union of 2 gas hydrogen atoms with
one gas oxygen atom would create a new substance qualitatively superadditive: liquid water.
Comprehensive knowledge of this singular phenomenon should have prevented the development
of materialistic physics and mechanistic cosmology.
Technical analysis does not reveal what a person or thing can do. For instance: water is used to
extinguish fire. Water being able to put out fires is a fact from daily experience, but such
property was not extracted ever from analyzing water. Analysis determine that water is formed
by oxygen and hydrogen; further studies of these elements would reveal that oxygen is the real
support of combustion and hydrogen burns freely.] “Urantia Foundation”.

Humans always tend to the need of using something tangible, however, the sole discovery of the
thousands of particles in a cyclotron should show a human that our senses may be for a specific
part of what we call matter, and that there are a lot of things to account for that we do not see nor
know of.

If natural physical principles were relative, how many periodic tables would be every minute?

About absolute CONTROL

Put a glass on a table and if any human will leave the principles work properly, the glass does
not show signs of being able to penetrate the table, put another glass and probably the same thing
will happen, they are there on the table without no one upsetting them, maybe in a far away
country they do the same thing, this fact seems not to bother us, it seems simple, however, its
analysis says a lot, combustion engines may pose a similar example, when fuel enters the
combustion chamber, the piston shrinks volume and the spark plug acts, this gives us a fabulous
explosion which provides thrust to the crankshaft. How many engines burst at the same time in
different places, this makes me think there are certain rules for all that exists for humans and
many devoted to name such rules as principles, the fact that absolutely everything is ruled by the
same rules and all the space and time, gives me the idea that this control is omnipresent, no
matter where the moment happens. the rules will be there so they acct according to its behavior,
the principles are the same here and a million light years from here, we can see it in the range of
colors generated by planets, since the universal primary construction rule is the atom and its
unstable electron is the one that gives its position away, that which makes the planet try to
approach another planet is, indeed, universal physical principles acting on the whole and
everywhere at the same time.
Why does the glass not fall through? Why can 2 glasses be put and still observe the same rule?

Cause and Effect

Evolution of matter shows some features of history, often one thing may show a form that tells
any idea of the process occurred, matter itself always tends to reveal what has happened to it, as
time goes by, galaxies tend to be more and more stabilized, of entering a cumuli of stars in
constant clash, they enter a period in which clashes are concentrated in the center and expand.
We may try to see the history of something when we can see its effect, often, humans have
elaborated on this great task, there are effects a bit heavy which keep us from having any idea of
the cause, however, we can find out some things about it, sometimes, as humans develop they
can give accurate advises on the cause of a certain effect, if I was sitting on a living room, and
then a football enters through the window, I can deduce someone was playing soccer, I may say
how old is the ball, but it would almost be impossible to tell the name of the person who broke
my window, I would have to have more information on the place and inhabitants, if I’m new
there, it is virtually impossible.

Here I pose one of the most hard to understand parts, what I’ve said so far would not make sense
if we don’t reach the supreme step of the supreme principle.
IN my thoughts I found out there was a heavy question that could be answered and that can give
a lot of thinkers a headache. What was first, the space or the matter? It is not the same question
of the egg and the chicken, since matter could not exist without space, therefore, space was first
and you can name any theory, but such theory would have to fit the effects of the current
existence and principles, so I started thinking that effect has to do with its cause, then cause has
to do with absolute control of things, it has to do with rules of matter, cause has to be
omnipresent today since laws keep being met. Cause, if I believe space or matter, is not material,
cause has to do with the effect of human being noosphere, then despite all, cause thinks, cause
acts, cause is found everywhere at the same time by absolute control, cause is magnificent, and
we are the effect, I hope we are magnificent too, as mankind, maybe that is our destiny.
This cause is the thing deciding everything, the one that set the rules of creation, the one
deciding how many revolutions per minute an electron is spinning, how much gravity regarding
its mass or density a planet has, the one deciding the biological rules, under which conditions a
being will develop in a planet, the one that designed the communication systems between
exterior and this complex life systems so they evolved according to their needs, this supreme
principle or first cause designed science for some reason.
Thank you for being part of this little though which I hope will open a world of possibilities for

If you would like to learn more about this supreme principle, I recommend reading Edgar Allan
Poe’s Mesmeric Revelation.
About the invention

Developing my prototype I faced endless problems, I did not have too much knowledge when I
tried to reach the right spot, I’ve always made many failed inventions, and as time went on, I
realized my mistakes and had to design the prototype again with the same scope, on my attempts
to fulfill this project I had to develop philosophical questions in order to improve every time, I
had to do a lot of research and the chance to look for knowledge elsewhere, I would like to
describe my develop processes for those who may have similar doubts and hope they do not
incur in mistakes as me.

In the first part I doubted much the part of direction in a magnetic field, about force and whether
it was necessary to vary the magnetic field to generate force.
As it is known, magnetic field has been investigated and the conclusion was it goes from north to
south, maybe in some bidirectional matters it is not important to know if it is north to south or
south to north, but it is important to know that it should be from one to other pole. IN my
imagination I figured it out through field expansion by both poles and the efficiency would be
the central part of both poles, and it showed that forced was released, after the right hand rule.
that an electric current on a conductor perpendicular to the magnetic field, produces a
perpendicular force on both, however, I could not understand at all the force thing, does force
come out? is it internal? Or what is force supposed to do. This type of unsolved answers gave as
a result a somewhat strange prototype which I will avoid a drawing of in order to save time,
luckily, these doubts were solved, not in books, since they overwhelmed me with some
definitions, I had to look in old books to grasp a better understanding of effect, but the thing that
opened my eyes was the analysis of the electric engine, it gave me the philosophical basis to
understand the direction of the magnetic field and current, and understanding that magnet cable
had an isolating cover, therefore, deduction of force is that the cable is the one moving inside,
that’s when I knew that force does not come out, if it did, it would crash against the isolation
cancelling the force, then, when I knew it was internal the prototype seemed a superb part, since
it would not have to be exposed to the system, I could just do it completely hermetic, however,
the adventure is just starting here, after a long time I had to learn something electronics which
lead to my first serious prototype developments, but there was still some doubts, it was
necessary to vary the magnetic field regarding the electric current in order to generate force and
then again I looked into a small electric engine of direct current which provided me with the
The DC engine is moving and when you hold it with the fingers it shows a higher current
consumption, it stops moving but tries to keep the movement, when you stop it completely you
can feel the pressure from the torque constantly even in a non movement state, this made me
understand that force is given constantly without varying the field regarding the cable with
electric current and that the consumed current was given as equivalent to movement, evidently
depending on the engine’s design, this lead to a prototype with a winding coil upon a round
plastic table and over the coil an engine with aluminum arms which held both neodymium
magnets, and beneath the round table a series of circuits designed to provide direct current to the
wire coil and to the electric engine, there were 2 separate sources, one with a transformer and the
other without, as the following figures show.
Maybe the idea is still not fully understood, but I will approach it slowly, I hope the reader has
patient about it and may read completely the development.
Here is one of the prototypes and we can see in the picture the coil in the middle part, the engine
in the upper part and the circuit in the bottom part
In this picture we can observe both the circuit providing the current of 1.8 amperes to the coil
and another one with no transformer of which we will see development later, this essay was
made for the first tests of the working prototype, which is actually the more stable one, it
explains the facts of how my prototype works and how I am constantly researching for a better
development because we could say it is not the definitive, therefore I intend to start a log on
progresses, after the main part of this piece, I will show developments and attempts of the
efficiency which arose
Before continuing I would like to point out some books which have manipulated history on their
benefit, they manipulate a lot of stories and a clear example that many books try to hide the real
findings of some people is in the discovery of FRESNEL, who following up after the work of
HUYGENS proved to the French that light did not spread in a straight line (except when the sun
is rising) like Newton had stated, and this controversy lasted a long time, a heavy minds war in
France and that in 1818, POISSON said if the work of FRESNEL was true, then when a
spherical body or disc shaped is illuminated, there would be a bright spot in the middle of its
shadow, and then a judge named FRACOIS ARAGO made the experiment and the impossible
spot appeared, however, in this time it only appeared for a short period in books as the Poisson
spot and after a supreme manipulation it changed name in all books all over the world with the
name of “Newton’s Rings” like these books show.

PHYSICS Fundamentals and Frontiers

Authors.- Robert Stollberg, Faith Fitch Hill.
Ed.- PCSA.- Publicación Cultural S.A.
Pag. 348 chapter 15

Author.- Harvey E. White. Fom California University, Berkeley
Ed. Montaner y Simon
Pag. 637

PHYSICS Vol.2 fifth edition

Authors.- Resnick, Halliday, krane
Pag. 951
(This book is worldwide sold and in some schools it is highly valued, such as MIT, it’s even in a

And if you look in almost any book, the story is the same.

When I see this I invite all people who study Physics to read history and see how much has been
erased, how much has been lost, history has never been told, no one tells you about that big fight
amongst mathematicians, no one tells you that you can calculate Gaussian surfaces with a
caouchy calculation and Gauss never used that calculation, he even made his own numeric
system with arithmetic treatises by GAUSS, no one tells you that Gasper Vessel proved that
sen90is not 1, but √-1, no one told you that Leibnitz saved us from a big mistake by Descartes
pointing in his treat of dynamics where in the main title he writes “About the remarkable mistake
of Descartes”, the fight goes on and some mathematicians will not give up to such an insult, as
long as there are people who know, then the fight between truth and mistake will continue.

Often it is thought that in order to move objects outside the earth there is only the choice of jet
propulsion, however, here I propose a different way of propulsion completely hermetic and
different, based in an interaction of magnetic fields, within these magnetic fields my system does
not use the earth’s magnetic fields, if they are made independently my system will also have
more efficiency as we will see next.

It is the start of a new way of propulsion and as we will see, the effects are small because of this.

There is a coil of N length on a non ferromagnetic base as figure 1 shows

Into this coil there will be placed N magnets, in my prototype I only use 4, let’s pose then the
following example on its placing seeing the main coil from above.
These magnets are set on the non ferromagnetic plank, the internal magnets are constantly
repelling each other and in constant attraction with the external as is shown in figure 2.

To explain the following effect I will dissert in the electric engine;

In the electric engine there is this interaction known as force “F” which is applied on a conductor
with current “I” when a magnetic field “B” interacts in a perpendicular way “B”, as we will see
step by step next.

Let’s imagine that point “p” is a wire perpendicular to the sheet and it will have a current “I”

WHERE I = 0 Amperes

And in figure 4 we have in wire p a current much higher than 0.

As we can see in figure 4, when a conductor has a current I it will deform the magnetic field of
the magnets generating a force in the latter, the resulting force is due to the Coriolis effect of the
magnetic fields interaction.
This experienced force is internal in the wire, doing the analysis of all variables we find that this
force is proportional to the bombing length on the wire, to the density of magnetic field and the
intensity of current on the wire, reaching thus this equation:

Variables.- F.-electromagnetic force unit.-Newtons

B.-Magnetic field density unit.-Teslas
I.-Electric current intensity unit.-Amperes
L.-Length of bombing on the wire unit.-Meters

Equation.- F=BIL .- In this case I skip sen from θ since I am exposing its maximum efficiency
which is perpendicular.

Now I reflected on magnetic fields interacting on an electric engine, we can understand what
happens when connecting the magnets as shown in figure2, we get this.

There is an electromagnetic force applied on the wire, and since it is anchored to the non
ferromagnetic plank it will try to release itself, however, when this happens we see it is
weighting less than the system, and to calculate it we got this variables, because in the previous
system to calculate the applied force on a magnet wire we got the equation F=BIL, this time
since we have a winding coil the force is obtained as follows.
F=BILN, where “N” is the number of turns of the coil, for each conductor there is an internal
force, it can be made with arithmetic calculating the force for each conductor and at the same
time adding all the forces from the conductors which stand for N, but it would be an extreme
load of work since we can even have 200 turns in a coil.

In order to calculate the system’s efficiency, I found a way of knowing it thanks to the following
equations I designed.

As it is known, my system generates a force opposite to the gravity force, in this case I will
represent it this way Fts= Fs- Fg. or.- the total force of the system will be equal to the force
generated by my system (Sliderforce) minus the gravity force applied by earth on it.

Or put in other words Fts= BILN – (mg).

If the system is positive, it will begin to move upwards, because its force is much higher than
gravity, if it is negative it will stay on the ground but it will weigh less as shown by the results of
the following design.

In this design we use a rectangular coil to take advantage of the magnetic field density of my
rectangular magnets, they are joined with glue and aluminum bars so as not altering the magnetic
field lines, the coil should receive direct current and this prototype is designed for at least 30
amperes, the coil has a resistance of 4ohms, when the magnets are next to the coil they are
protected by Styrofoam, in order to avoid heating from the coil passing to the magnet and thus
altering its efficiency.

The more current running through the winding coil the more effect it will have, next, I developed
a mini current emulator for this model, this is the circuit:
In figure 5 we can observe the circuit where in order to pass more current into the coil I connect
more light bulbs of 100, 60 or more. In my system I use 60 watts bulbs and with only a 2
amperes consumption, therefore, my coil has a V2=RI voltage, I say V2 because when there are
two charge elements connected, its current is the same, while voltage is split, so when I made the
analysis I find that the ammeter from figure 5 I have a 2 amperes current, so
V=(4ohms)(2amperes), V=8volts.
And with only a 16 watts consumption in the coil.
Note.-This circuit development is not definitive, it was the first one, later on we’ll see the
development of the new circuit.
At this point I get 15 grams less of weight, or if I invert the current I get 25 more grams.
In this picture we can see the coil with the magnets, the 6 bulbs and my alternate to direct current
converter, next to the ammeter.

In this picture we can see the alternate to direct current converter with its rectifying bridges, not
very visible, I enabled them to rectify the current so the coil and ammeter have no vibrations.
Here we can observe the connector to the household alternate voltage source.

But there is an indispensable part to clear, when you toss a magnet up, it will try to align with the
earth magnetic field’s lines, this is why when I make my system work, and reaches positive, it
will experience an external force that will try to align it with the earth magnetic field’s lines, and
it may not come out completely toward a direction, to avoid this situation I have to add to the
design paramagnetic materials in the exterior of the capsule, and thus avoid the earth magnetic
field’s lines, although this force is small and does not alter much the system direction.
I also designed one without magnets but with electromagnets, the design can be seen in fig7.
I didn’t pose in the drawing the total number of electromagnets used, which were 4, as I will
follow next.
This design consists of 4 electromagnets on the force coil, the four electromagnets are joined in a
wooden stick at the center, the base is from a cd-rom, all of these are glued together as the
picture shows.

To calculate the force generation in this design I do as follows.

In order to calculate the magnetic density on an electromagnet we need to know this:

The type of core in the electromagnet;
No. of rounds in the coil both for electromagnets and the force coil.

Other calculations to be considered are the wire diameter and the number of rounds to wrap the
electromagnet in order to know its resistance, size and maximum power.

Making the analysis of all variables I got this: Fts = (( μ N Ib Ie Ne)/2r)-mg.

With this equation we can determine quite accurately the maximum force that can be generated,
μ is the type of the electromagnet core, N the number of turns in the electromagnet, Ib is the
current intensity of the electromagnet, and Ne is the number of turns in the force coil, the design
of this sliderforce has one problem, which is how close are the force coil electromagnets, this
generates a deviation in the form of a spiral of an electromagnet where the current begins and to
the next one, and from then on, it loses force which could be generated by the other 2, this loss is
very large, this is why the electromagnet coil should not be close to the force coil.

Advancements on the prototypes will be written here so we can learn from the progresses made,
one of such advancements I had already made and that served for this prototype was not used
until today since I had not seen its great efficiency.
The large problem I had was that I was always working with coils and to feed these coils I
couldn’t find a proper energy source, if I used certain sources developed with a transformer I had
to place the coils only a few moments because they reached high currents and thinking of make a
higher one would imply a higher cost, the commuted sources weren’t such a good option since
most of the times I had to restart due to the current consumption, at that time I didn’t know
where the transformers came from, maybe that is why I turned to light bulbs as a cheap current
consumption, although not all the current was used, so I designed a special source for shortcuts,
its proper name would be non commuted variable voltage source with no transformer and as it is
known, when you put condensers in direct current with high capacitance this tend to consume
most of the voltage while they fill up, and so there is a lapse of time when they have to be
completely filled, however, when we vary the direction of the current they are half charged and
half emptied like a shock absorber to the alternate current, this is known as capacitive reactance,
the more frequency there is, the less resistance would the condenser have, making it thus
proportionally inverse, and what’s more important, it has less resistance, in short, there could be
more current consumption with a higher capacitance, so I designed this small source to see if we
could take advantage of this idea.

This is a very low consumption source but it is efficient to make shortcuts, later I developed
other sources with more current consumption, and I seemed to noticed they were a good choice
since the only thing that ever burned was the voltage regulator and after it was burned the source
provided its maximum efficiency with no alteration and even it could keep in shortcut providing
continuous current until maybe the wire burned while the capacitors didn’t show any of the joule
I didn’t show the led in the diagram since it is only a voltage gossiper.
This is a design with a higher current.

After some calculations and measurements I found out that I would probably achieve the
efficiency of the antigravitational prototype if I could levitate it, if I was technically consuming
16 watts per 15 grams less of weight, thinking that I could make a circuit that could provide with
a lot of current the coil and that if I reached approximately 1600watts of intake with the weight
of prototype of about 1.3kgs, it was probable that the effect would turn out too visible, I even
thought I could levitate it (I was naive) and it would be a great revolution, however I still didn’t
know of the hard step it takes a great effort and other pertinent measurements I have not made
yet, with the measurements I made I found out a lot of things which I will share so this mistake is
not repeated. My video camera is not very good, I didn’t get to take excellent footage, but there
is only one that proves the prototype’s potential (we can use the prototype of the coil designed
for 20 amperes and 4 magnets can be placed in the straight part of the winding coil, once
this is done we plug the source that will be showed next and the prototype is held with both
hands and arms completely extended, and when the source starts you will be able to feel the
reaction I am trying to express), the other tests were made without factual proof of their
existence, about the rectangular winding coil of the prototype that I show first When I added
more magnets I felt its efficiency had been reduced, however some plastic scales showed
otherwise, when applied rather small amounts of current in the metal and plastic scales, it
showed obedience in terms of current polarity, depending on its direction it weighted less or
more, the first measurements were these, about the prototype with electromagnets which when
starting had a 1 gram force, but then its reacting was cancelled, I also found out the great loss of
current due to the proximity of the electromagnets with the force coil, later I designed the
rectangle one which created this problem, after testing them with light bulbs and measurement I
reached 15 grams less of weight with less than 20 watts, this seemed to be a good start so I
designed a super voltage source of direct current of 20 amperes, under the same geometry than
my other sources, with the difference that voltage would not be regulated here, after all I am
dealing with coils.
C1 C2 Force coil

C1 and C2 are to rectify

current, 200v a 660micro F

N Cap. Polyester up to
1061 microfarads

This source is directly connected to the alternate current and I recommend switch to a 30
amperes chip into the thermo magnetic (no break) household switches, next I will show pictures
of the source I designed.
The cables near the no break are connected to the alternate current and the one with the duct tape
is where the direct current comes from, you can see the rectifying bridges and the capacitors next
to the red ones work as a very low resistance for alternate current.
I can’t quite recall the number of capacitors, it is around 248 capacitors of 4.7 microF at 250v.

I made tests with the above mentioned prototype, however, I couldn’t achieve the efficiency due
to many irregularities, the prototype demanded measurement of magnetic fields density along
with diagrams, making well constructed coils through mechanical processes, verification of
magnets properly attached to the board, and yet I skipped all these steps by doing very relative
hypothesis which lead me to other prototypes we will see next, when I assembled my prototype
with 4 magnets and applying approximately 20 amperes (due to the 4 ohms coil resistance) the
coil generated such a large force, that despite being held with superglue and plastic belts it would
experienced a slight separation, which should not exist, tests had to be fewer than 3 seconds
because the coil’s temperature rose too much, in order to quickly cool it I used compressed air in
bottles shot up-side-down, on the tests I used plastic and metal scales , however, the plastic one
couldn’t show much of weight difference because its grading was 5kgs , the metal one was
1.5kgs, however, I did notice a behavior when applied to metal scales, this was, if I used the 20
ampere source. all prototypes tended to move the same direction than gravity and if I used a
source of up to 4 amperes, the prototype respected the current polarity, technically I was
struggling through a lot of walls for efficiency, 1.- not all the coil was used to generate the force,
2.- I didn’t know quite well what happened to the magnetic field, 3.- now I had this problem: the
field would turn out to be very large and it didn’t have the behavior I wanted anymore, 4.- when
I put more magnets the prototype seemed to fail in efficiency, neither the plastic nor metal scales
gave movement signs.
I didn’t know what was happening at all, so I proposed to control the magnetic field as I wanted
to and confining the force coil’s magnetic field, if it was technically so large as to eat magnets,
why not controlling it and even pointing it how much it could expand, even today I think it is a
good option, but not as I designed it which you will see next.----

I used transformer plates, I divided each into 2, with very basic tools this is a very tedious work,
but one must be patient during development, all plates were glued to a CD.
Until this beauty resulted, now to incorporate the coil along with the fuselage above.
After that, we now pair the neodymium magnets on the side parts

 And the prototype didn’t show the slightest movement behavior in the plastic scale, nor
on the metal one, even so I was very stubborn as to correctly confine the magnetic field in
the force coil, so I leveled up the design and redesigned the confining, the hypothesis
were these, since the chips were perpendicular to the magnetic field this was probably
distorted, like once happened with a screw test, where upon putting the winding coil it
was discovered that in the peak there was a pole and then on the head a field distortion
was created, using this example I related it to the fact that the chips, I imagined a mess,
so the confining had to be done with cells that were parallel to the field, well defined and
placed around the coil, this was the following design
They were cut in half and I placed insulating tape inside so the magnet wouldn’t suffer any
damage, after that, it was installed in a plastic base.
Here are the cells placed with their inner insulating tape cover.
Then there is the winding coiling inside the fuselage, after applying the complete sheathing, I
decided the magnetic field would be applied through electromagnet, so I designed a small ones
of this geometry. Then they were placed like this next to the force coil
After assembling, I decided to mount it on a ship, since I could prove with this if the ship moved
this had no external engine and I could prove for the first time the hermetic system in movement,
I used a time circuit so everything would be activated in about 10 seconds and the effect would
show, however, the project didn’t show any sign of life
All of this was fed with 8 square 9 volt batteries and the coils were fed at the same time, here I
must say that each coil’s impedance was different since the number of rounds was relative for
each one, that’s why I decided to feed them at the same time, although I am unaware of what
would happen with the interaction of the north pole to a south pole on an electromagnet that was
more powerful than other, it didn’t show any symptom, so I removed the circuit and placed
neodymium circle magnets, but still, the project didn’t budge.

Tests were not giving me signs as to why it wasn’t working, despite I had previously designed an
engine with an inclined coiling to prove that if I confined the force coil’s magnetic field it was a
good idea, the engines had on the coiling similar cells than the transformers and they were placed
in a perpendicular way like in the first magnetic confining prototype, one time when I was
looking for the core of a car engine, I found an inclined coiling, this was a great finding for me
because when the starter worked it moved towards one direction, it wasn’t like with mechanic
ones, when these spin a small cogwheel was launched and it engaged on the rack disc to move
the crankshaft, and instead, when the inclined coiling spun, the engine core moved toward one
direction along its small cogwheel to engage with the rack, because of the inclined coiling
design, in the beginning of this document I explained what happened with a wire placed along
magnetic fields in a perpendicular way, that is why the electric engine works like this one.
When I started to analyze this I wanted to make the inclined coiling since thus I would achieve
my project but in a different way, then I started the project in the following way:
I searched like crazy an inclined coiling of small dimensions, however, I only found one from a
volkswagen, it was very heavy and big, and since I didn’t want to waste time searching for the
winding coil I decided to develop one, I found a regular engine with a straight coiling and
removed the cells in a star shape as the picture above shows , after removing all the stars, I
placed them again but with some inclination, and then I made the respective coiling and pairing
of the copper pieces that will feed each coil and the ball bearings on each side.

It is engaged on its respective base next to the neodymium magnets

There is a video on the disc where we can see this project functioning, however, when I tested it
on water it didn’t move at all, besides and external source needed to be connected and well the
wires idea could alter the movement, however, when I verified the efficiency of the force coil
magnetic confining, I thought it could help my project.

There were still many interrupted researches, many magnetic fields reactions still needed to be
tested, I would like to share with you the possible researches that could make progress in the
About confining. Some time Leibnitz wrote about the nature’s acting way, in this fact he
expresses the efficient form of its expression, not just Leibnitz, but also Riemann talks about
similar situations in which he expresses that nature chooses the minimum time, yet not the
shortest distance, if you base too many projects on one idea, you could achieve a project more
efficient than other, let’s see the following example.

Let’s imagine that a select group of NEWTONIANS and RIEMANIANS gather on a contest to
program a lifeguard robot, the robot is already designed, it just needs the proper decision making
instructions it will use, when the tests were ran, they discovered that the RIEMANIANS robot
took a lot less to save a life, but let’s see the action in images from the robot with the different

Now, let’s see the path of the robot programmed by the RIEMANIANS.
The robot is designed very similar to a human being, the NEWTONIANS program consisted in
when the target was acquired it needed to calculate the distance and then go after the target, they
thought that once the target was located, the gaze of it indicates the shorter distance between
savior and saved, however, the RIEMANIANS program acted in a different way, first it
calculated the distance to the target, then it calculated the quickest way to reach the target, for
this, the robot knew that if it dived just through water given a certain path time, however, when it
moved through ground until focusing on the target it could take less time, so it only had to travel
a short water distance, the robot knew that making a right-angled triangle between the target and
its position, the result in its hypotenuse was a shorter distance than the very cathetus, however,
on one side (the shore) it resulted in a very large displacement in less time, that is why the
RIEMANINO robot could save the target i9n less time.

When looking at this example I want to express that the magnetic field selects the path according
to the minimum time, (like other substances such as water, light, electricity, etc,) so if the
magnetic field decided between air and ferrite it would prefer ferrite since it helps reaching the
target in less time, by making this explanation I intend to show that when you make new
researches you have to consider which decisions will the magnetic field take in different points
like in high permeability metals.

Also, tests need to be done with a certain thickness cell so it shows how much magnetic field
density it can host without the magnetic field exits such surface.
Tests had to be done to show the force that can be generated by a spiral of a certain number of
turns with or without fuselage.
Diagrams about manipulation of magnetic fields to the different currents and its relation to the
force generation need to be created.
All the coil force has to be used with the North-South interaction either from an electromagnet or
a regular magnet.
A well focused research could create thousands of things we still see as fantasies, if this project
is developed to its maximum potential, we could achieve many of the dreams mankind is
expecting from technology.

The hermetic impeller has the advantage of not needing an external environment to work, you
just apply energy and obtain movement, and once you pass gravity there would be a lot of gain
since the system would start to accelerate constantly upwards, as the farther you are from the
planet the less gravity you get, once you pass the ionosphere of earth as we can see with
supersonic planes the pilots experience an inertial deformity on their bodies, noticed on their
faces, it is evident they don note receive external air, this means that matter always tend to be in
a state opposed to a certain movement, I am unaware of the dynamics of this nature expression
but what I do know is that maximum speed in space is defined by the matter conformation,
electromagnetic impellers could be used to stabilize a space shuttle without needing small
propellants that release small amounts of confined gas like it is currently done, ships that can
dive in the water and then launch up until exiting the atmosphere into space, things could be
levitated without using turbines.
About other research on the Coriolis effect, but in a mechanical way.

One day, during my wild search of knowledge, I ran into an extraordinary effect that had to do
with the things I was researching and which opinion from many people was not answering my
doubts, many books explained some things about it but still they could not satisfy my questions,
the effect is this:

When the disc was spinning in the direction seen here, I felt the disc was trying to move
downwards and when I wanted to move it in opposite direction, but with the same disc spin, it
experienced an upwards effect.
This may seem normal on many effects, however, when I researched more about it I found very
interesting things, but let’s break this down, does the

effect observed in the drawings have any close relation with gravity?

To solve this doubt I began spinning a bicycle wheel in such a way that the axis was over my
head, so the wheel was horizontal and I started the spinning around my body to see if the effect
was the same and I found that if you spin the wheel as seen on the drawings on any position, this
follows the same effect regardless of gravity.

When I read something about precision, it explained what happens when it is only hanging from
on side of the wheel, and that the spinning was a gravity effect, and they are partly right, but do
not explain all the intrinsic variables ion the effect, after this analysis now I had another doubt
about it, The effect I was feeling, was it force or torque?, what I mean is if by causing this spins
with the wheel it would experience another internal spin, manual experiments seemed to indicate
a torque generated in the center of the wheel, so now I knew that when a bike turns right or left it
has at least 2 forces dangerous to the biker, that is, the centrifuge force when turning and the
torque in the direction to launch him from the wheels on the bike, however, when I made other
experiments I discovered that probably besides the torque, such force could exist, if the wheel
experiences a force then it should have less weight, the experiment should be like placing the
gyroscope only on one side and well engaged, when spinning it, instead of letting it spin by
releasing it, making it spin in the opposite direction and see if it experiences a lesser weight, I
couldn’t make this experiment properly, but at least I could get closer to the truth, what I did was
I was at a museum and they were explaining the gyroscope effect and when you sat on the
spinning chair they would give you a bicycle wheel with grips so you could hold it and when you
made it spin, if you leaned it you moved towards the side were you were leaning it, this was
made to explain the gyroscope effect, however, these tools would help in my experiments of the
Coriolis effect, so I held the wheel only by one side and then, helped by a friend a started
spinning the chair along with the wheel, in this case I did this so the effect would feel upwards,
and I held the wheel with one finger, as I try to explain in the above figure, and I had many
impressions, it wasn’t hard for me to hold the wheel with one finger, although the proper
measurement must be made with a dynamometer to see if there really is a force present, this truly
got my imagination going, if truly there is a present force a lot of important things could be done,
and above all, an inertial impeller, I will give an example, so you can start to understand me, of
what could be done with one of these inertial wheels properly applied.
Let’s imagine a boat that has in one part the cargo and on the other part has the disc with a lot of
inertia for the effects we want, I could not make this experiment but I think of it as a very good
option, only in this way could I see if there really is a force generated when spinning the disc in
that way, I skipped this experiment to do a bigger one that could probably allow the start of an
inertial impeller, the complete inertial impeller has two spin discs and 4 inertial discs, however
let’s see what I already had in the research for this project.

1.-If I moved the inertial disc away from its axis, the effect would be a lot less felt.
2.-When I made the bicycle wheel spin to generate the effect, I observed that the wheel lost
spinning inertia, if I made the bicycle wheel spin and let it stop its spinning, which was quite
long, however if I made the effects without the wheel touching anything I could clearly see how
it loss spinning speed.
3.-The more inertia in the wheel, the more the effect could be felt.
4.-The closest the external spin, the effect would increase.

After this research I decided to design the new prototype which would probably show signs of
life about it.
I started to design a project where 2 discs would spin in opposite directions (to increase inertia of
discs I put some superglue) and I placed them on a base with one direction, 2 direct current
engines fed by the yellow and black wires coming out of the CD base, the wires are connected to
2 pieces of the tube larger than the axis so they are fed by some coals used by electric engines,
and to hold all this together I placed two bearings so the whole system could spin.
Later I designed the base for placing on a bottle
The complete design has 6 discs, however, I only used 3 discs and also this is a very primitive
design, I didn’t have the right tools to design it in a better way, even so, the prototype made what
it had to do (the video is on the disc), however, it didn’t show any evident movement when I put
it on water, I remembered I had skipped the other experiments and that was my mistake, if in the
future there was to be found a real inertial impulse on the above mentioned effects, it is probable
that this design works.
Now, why do you need 6 discs for? First, in order to complete a whole inertial impulse 2 discs
need to be spinning to direct force towards one direction, however, if I was in space, the torque
to spin the first discs would made the whole system spin, like in a helicopter, that is why it has a
back flap to avoid it spinning, it is something similar expressed here, the bottom discs besides the
base helps to cancel torque from the first base there are 2 more discs that help with other force
directed in a same direction, for the system to work better and properly, the capsule should be in
a void so there is no resistance when spinning, this would be an inertial impeller via Coriolis
effect and it would have the same function than the electromagnetic one.

There were several interrupted researches, but I progressed all I could in a short time, If no
research would have shown signs I would have not written this, the reason for me offering my
researches is because I must suspend them for the time being, since there is a change of life
geometry and I will not have the infrastructure, economy and time, until about 3 years from now,
I have to make a life restructure and that is why I must pause all these researches, and I give
them away so this can be known and maybe someone can still do research about it, with a proper
research and very good infrastructure and funding OI think a lot of things could be found faster
than I did and may be seeing a major technological breakthrough in this generation, If I was to
return to the research I have pending matters like DD fission, If I make any progress then wait
for the essay, thank you for listening to me.
I would appreciate the massive spread of this document, thank you.
If you ever need help for research or any advice on them you can write to this e-mail,


This essay was finished on July 22, 2009 in Mexico DF


I want to kindly thank all my family who supported me on my decisions, views, and
especially on infrastructure to make all my projects.

I want to thank Alejandro Mendoza Martínez for his unconditional support on a design
stage of all prototypes and the passion in making several electronic designs and because
along with me, we were the only ones to feel the hermetic impeller effect when I
accidentally turned the switch of the super source, which lead to this essay, also I don’t
want to forget his extreme support providing electronic pieces needed in the projects.

I want to thank Engineer Roberto Moreno for his support on many of my doubts, he was
never limited with subjects and I always had an unconditional support in terms of
knowledge, he always helped to solve some specific doubts in electronics.

I want to thank Lyndon Larouche Jr who was my PROMETEO for science, I was an
apprentice of his works and they focused all my imagination in science by proving an
analysis for me, with his analysis I can understand the magnitudes relation found in a
physics formula and especially I had double work, since after getting the formula, I had to
understand how it was made, how it works and what can it work for, he made science
pleasant for me, and even more, he gave me a powerful science analysis to make almost
anything in my physics project.

I want to thank anyone who ever was bothered by me regarding my project and who
listened or just were with me in making some of them.

Translation: Sharbel Pimentel 

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