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THE SECRETS to motivate

yourself for success!

Lighting the Fire Within and …Keeping It Lit

Material Adapted from “18 Ways To Motivate Yourself When Nothing

Else Works!” by Blair Singer, Sales and Business Growth Specialist
and Founder of SalesPartners Worldwide

Stoke Your Fires and Dreams

The opening ceremonies of the 2004 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City were
very cool. The most moving element of the event was the theme about igniting
the “fire within.” As I watched and marvelled at the many athletes who have
dreamt for so many years of walking into an Olympic stadium as a competitor,
I could not help but wonder what it is about them that drives them so hard to
be the best, even knowing that only a handful will get gold medals. The
television commentator quoted Richard Bach at one point saying, “You would
never have been given a dream without the power to make it come true.”

So my question is, do you have a dream? If so, what does it take to light the
fire inside of you to pursue it and make it come true? Does it take the
accomplishments of someone else to motivate you? Does it unfortunately take
a major catastrophe to motivate you to take action on your dreams? Or is
there enough quiet resolve and intention to create a burning glow deep inside
you to make your dreams come true?

For some, the fear of failing is so overwhelming that it does not allow them to
dream. Understand that if there are fifty athletes competing in one event in the
Olympics, only three will get medals. The rest will fail. Not to mention the
thousands who failed to qualify. Yet, they keep on pursuing the dream. Their

The Secrets To Motivate Yourself For Success – adapted from EBook by Blair Singer Page 1
leadership is measured by their resolve and tenacity to go for it no matter

You see I agree with Bach. I don‟t think that you would be teased with an
image of who you could become someday if you were not meant to be that

You have been given the tools. A mind, a body and a spirit. Don‟t let the fire
that was kindled inside you perhaps long ago, ever go out. Blast the cobwebs
from your brain and kick-start your passion into gear. Shove off the jaded
conditioning that may have convinced you that you were not destined for
greatness. A part of you has been waiting for a long time to fulfill your destiny.
Your job is not necessarily to win the gold, but to forge an impressive path on
your way to getting it – a path that others may follow and be inspired by.

We are all not destined to win the Olympics, but you have a set of talents,
dreams and desires that are unique to you. Every time you abandon that part
of you, your energy drops, your passion wanes and a little part of you dies.
Yet, the moment you step into the zone of your dreams, your spirit soars and
great things happen around you. You have a great day, people respond
favorably, you find cash in your pocket, light signals turn green in your favor.

Yes, you will fail as every athlete in the Olympic stadium, every child and
every human being does. Yet make the failure fuel for the fire to keep your
passion burning and your dream alive. Don‟t let it cloud over as cynicism.

There is something that you are meant to do, a path that you are meant to
forge, a set of problems you are meant to solve. The more you follow that
dream, the more successful you will become, the more wealth you will
accumulate and the more people who share that vision will show up to
support you. Never be afraid to dream!

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Be One Of The Good Guys!
“Good Guys can get what they Want!” Is this news to you? Do you believe you
have to be a bully to get what you really want and have people around you be
afraid of you rather than respect you?

Well, the good news is, you do not have to be a big tough bully boy, be super-
human, overcome incredible adversity, be bigger than life, be a super-star or
a celebrity to win big. Yes, it may be true that the guys on stage make it
appear that way and that the great success stories are filled with incredible
drama. But I want you to know that while those examples make for great
entertainment, there is absolutely no requirement for you to be that way. You
don‟t even have to be self-centred, thick-skinned or a jerk to do it either. You
can be a good guy and have whatever you want and can win big too. How?
It‟s simply a matter of eliminating limiting myths and beliefs, knowing and
leveraging your natural strengths and being clear about what you want.

Learn to be flexible
SalesDogs says that at any given moment, you can be the “dog” you want or
need to be. Some days you have to be an attack dog in your own way. Some
days you are the supportive Retriever and in some moments the
understanding Basset Hound. You are in control of your own behaviors, your
beliefs and your subsequent outcomes. You don‟t have to be someone else to
get what you want.

 Learn to sell yourself first! The most important secret to having it

all, is embarking on a lifetime quest of overcoming your own
personal fears and doubts. This is the only thing that holds you
back. This is something anyone can learn.
 Make a commitment to serve those who serve others. This is
where being the “good guy” will pay off in big sums. If you do this,
your good intentions and efforts will be multiplied through the efforts
of others. This is how other “good guys” can win too!

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So as you progress in your journey, don‟t hope or wish for what you want.
Don‟t wonder or doubt about whether you “have what it takes” or if you are
lucky or not. Write down what it is that you want specifically. And if you make
only one plan, make it a plan to learn to overcome the fears, obstacles and
doubts that will arise. If you do that and follow that plan diligently, you will
amaze yourself!

So raise a toast to everything and everyone that supports you being the best
you can be. You can have what you want. You can have all the wealth, love,
joy and prosperity that you desire. It is not about believing you can do it, it‟s
about trusting that you can do it.

In Your Nature
I was always the kid that when asked whether I wanted a chocolate ice cream
cone or a vanilla one, I opted for both. To this day, I still get majorly upset
when I‟m told that I “can‟t” have something that I want. I always look for a way
to get it, earn it or create it. Can you relate? I thought so!

I have always been a proponent of the idea that you can have anything you
want, be anyone you want to be and aspire to whatever your heart desires as
long as you do what it takes. Yet, I have to make a confession that there is a
HUUUUUGE trap in that thinking. So for all you optimists out there, listen up!
This memo could save you a lifetime of struggle and give you a quick path to

The key is that you can be anyone you want to be as long as it is in your
„nature‟ to do it. In other words, each of you has a unique strength and talent.
Your life long mission is to find out what the heck it is and maximize it.

Everyone cannot be anything. You are genetically encoded to be great. The

only issue is, great at what? As a leader, your job is to find the strengths in
others and motivate them to play to their strengths. That is the foundation of

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Yet I find that when I see people stray from the path of their own strengths
and try to be someone that they are not, frustration sets in. So if this is you,
refine your thoughts. You can be whoever you want to be as long as it is
aligned with your strengths. Shaquille O‟Neal, the giant muscle bound centre
for the NBA Champion Lakers will never be a great horse jockey. It‟s not his

There is another trap. By holding the thought that you can do anything, you
imprison yourself in the “S” (self-employed) quadrant. Why? Because if you
can do anything, why would you need anyone else? You strive to learn and
master everything because you think you can. You end up living a life with
never enough time to get everything done, always being afraid that you don‟t
know enough and striving to become some super-human who can have a
handle on everything.

“B”s (business owners) know what they are good at and what they aren‟t good
at. They assemble great talent to play to their own strengths and forge
championship teams.

I have always said that your thoughts and emotions are the most powerful
creative forces that you have. Spend the next few days, assessing your
natural strengths, not your natural weaknesses. Those won‟t change. If you
have trouble, ask someone you trust and who won‟t schmooze you to give
you some feedback. Then make a vow to spend your time developing the
strengths and let the weaknesses alone. Your success will accelerate beyond
belief and your fatigue will fade.

Skills must be learned and some we are strong in and others we are weak in.
Skills are not what I am talking about. If you have a lack of skills, you have to
shore those up. What I am referring to are those hardwired talents that you
developed when you were a kid.

Most importantly focus on the strengths of others that you work with and
coach them to their strengths. Notice their response and their energy. It will be

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rewarding for you both. Then you will be giving them the most precious gift
they can receive which is the gift of themselves.

Keeping The Motivation

One morning I was preparing to deliver a program to one of my larger clients
in Hong Kong and I felt like garbage! I was tired with little sleep, had taught
four days in a row, was half a planet away from home and family and my job
was to teach and inspire! Yecchh! I trudged down to the meeting room where
sixty anxious people awaited the session. Yes, believe it or not….the
motivator was not motivated!!!

You might be saying how can this be? It‟s true! There is no way to stay
pumped and motivated every minute of every day. Yes, I tried all the
techniques that I teach that usually work. I anchored. I recalled powerful
moments of the past. I visualized outrageous outcomes. I even tried to make
myself feel guilty for wimping out, but the “little voice” in my head was still not
buying it.

Yet the important part of this story is what happened about ten minutes before
the session began. The client‟s vice president of customer affairs was at the
session to open it, to introduce me and then she was to fly off to Singapore.
Her name is Ruth and she was bouncing around, cracking jokes and was
totally positive with a million-dollar smile on her face and simply a power-pack
of infectious energy.

I spoke with her and in a few minutes I got infected with her positive attitude. I
actually confessed to her my earlier dilemma and she laughed to say. “So the
motivator is human too!” She went on to open the session and explained that
in her office there is always someone in a great mood no matter what mood
she‟s in. Her strategy is a great one and the one I used this morning.

When feeling yecchy, Ruth engages the person with the best energy and
attitude, and within minutes, she is back on top of her game.

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You see Rich Dad said that business is a team sport. That is not just true for
finances, strategies and logistics. It is also true for motivation. If you are on
your own, there is a good chance that you are „a-lone‟, because without a
team, who motivates you? It‟s not about getting sympathy. You have to
surround yourself with those who will kick you in the butt, make you laugh and
generally infect you with their positive energy. If you do not have those people
around … find them! Change your colleagues and friends if you have to.

If you do have them around and you aren‟t getting any motivation from them,
it may be because you aren‟t giving any. It‟s a two-way street, you know. You
are a reflection of the company you keep.

When I got back to my hotel room at the end of the day after a great session,
there a note had been slipped under my hotel room door. I ripped it open and
it said: “Remember that you are the best, so show them. You can rest when
you‟re dead. Go for it!” – Ruth.

Let me tell you, it was the perfect ending to a great day that started miserably.
That‟s a good friend!

So, the bottom line is, who‟s on your team? Who motivates you? Do you
motivate others? And if you are tired…so what? So is everyone else! Is your
mission big enough to keep you going? Remember that somewhere inside
you are the best so you just show them! And when it comes to rest, you don‟t
have to wait until you‟re dead. That‟s our expression. Rest comes as a great
reward for giving it all you‟ve got.

Therefore your assignment is: Infect someone else with a dose of good
attitude or laughter in the next 24 hours. It‟ll come back to you…big time!

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Change for Good!
In a program at the Learning Annex, someone came up to me at a break and
said, “I know I have to change the way I think and act, but it‟s not that easy.
How do I do it?”

It‟s a great question that everyone and his brother has an opinion about. I can
tell you that just when I think I‟ve made headway, something else pops up and
reminds me that I have to keep moving and shift my thinking again. This is
true as you grow your business, as your kids grow older, and especially as
you attempt to make sense of your personal finances.

You know what I mean? You‟re cruising along and then wham! you are faced
with another problem, objection, obstacle or opportunity that requires you to
„grow-up‟ again! I hate when that happens sometimes! Yet, part of me loves it!

Here are some no BS ways to deal with it, that over the years have
continued to keep me evolving ahead of the curve.

Establish a habit: Find a simple habit to start, like working out at the gym
every other day religiously, circling real estate ads in the paper daily, setting
aside Monday morning to make cold calls on the phone for two hours, review
the SalesDogs flash cards for five minutes a day on the way to work….. Any
habit that is remotely connected to your desired outcome will do. Just do
something and repeat it.

Use guilt: I love this one. If you have to make yourself feel guilty for not doing
something, then do it. Contrary to certain „new-age‟ philosophies, I have found
it helpful to „beat myself up‟ a little bit for not following through on an action, or
for faltering on executing a plan. It sounds like, “Com‟on you slug! Get out of
bed and get to the gym!”

Talk to others about your plan: and the new actions you are taking on. This
puts your butt on the line by making you accountable. It‟s easy to make a

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commitment to yourself and pie out on it. The only one who knows is you! But
if you put it out there, the fear of public humiliation does wonders!! In sales,
the greatest motivator is the Monday morning sales meeting where everyone
has to show their prospects and explain their status. Peer pressure is huge!

Get others to “Call” you on it: Make sure that you have friends or
associates around you that will „call‟ you on your behaviors when you wimp
out or whine. I can tell you that I have been blessed and cursed by friends that
never hesitate to put stuff in my face if I back off. I‟m not talking about those
who console you and make you feel okay. I am talking about friends who will
kick you in the behind and keep you on track. I don‟t know about you, but
sometimes I am my own worst enemy when it comes to getting what I want.

Invest money in your new quest: If you put your own cash on the line for
educational materials, programs, coaching, consulting and support, you are
much more likely to take some action. I used to „comp‟ people into my training
programs years ago and found that they almost never took action on the
material learned. It‟s amazing how determined you are to get something out of
a seminar when you pay for it yourself.

Most of all, don’t betray yourself: Don‟t abandon your dreams or allow the
little voice in your brain to weasel its way out of a commitment that you have
made. Rich Dad said that business is a team sport. He meant it in more ways
than one. Not only do you have to have technical support to succeed in the
sales and business game, but you need to have mental, emotional and even
spiritual support to win the game.

Who is on your side….really? Do they push you or console you? Agree with
you or challenge you? Tell you to go for it or take it easy? Whose side are you

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Negotiate Yourself To Victory
It was an interesting moment in history when I wrote this small piece. I was in
Australia looking over the Sydney Harbor Bridge as the sun cast its last rosy-
fingered light on the landscape. Doing business here in Australia is always
wonderful. The Australian community has always been incredibly hospitable
and as a group are always willing to be open to new ideas. They are also the
possessors of incredible energy!

Yet in those few days, as an American, some couldn‟t resist to asking me

about my views regarding the then impending war in Iraq. This is not the
forum for political views, yet I can‟t help but observe with incredible interest
the communication strategies of all the parties. There are several very
important lessons in negotiations that this terrible situation can teach us.

First of all, when any party takes on a “position” there is little hope for a
negotiated settlement. When any party draws a line in the sand and vows
„never‟ to cross it, two things happen. First they become 100% predictable
because they have told you exactly what they will or will not do. That could be
good and it could be bad. Good if working with mutually agreeable parties.
Bad if dealing with factions that want to gain advantage over another. In that
case, it‟s like telling your competition exactly what your trade secrets are.

They have also painted themselves into a corner which means that because
of pride, politics, positioning or emotional stakes, they can‟t back down or
change their views. That sometimes forces a bad decision to get executed
even when parties secretly don‟t support them.

The minute hard line positions are made, tension and emotion go up and the
chance for negotiated settlements fades quickly. This is not only true in world
politics but in families and in personal relationships as well. Have you ever
known people to never talk to each other for years because of some dumb
position that they insisted on taking? They were willing to sacrifice love,
camaraderie, companionship and understanding because of a simple position.

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I see this with small business people all the time. They take a position about
their products, services and prices that locks them into a no-win relationship
with the market. Unwilling to listen, adjust and deliver what the prospect wants
or to take the risk away from the prospect…they end up being right but broke
and right. It‟s like the chiropractor who told me that he would never offer a free
consultation to entice new business into his practice. He claimed it would
„demean‟ his service. He still struggles to make ends meet as we speak.

But the most important lesson of all comes from what my grandmother told
me when I was very little. She said that swearing, cursing and fighting were
the signs of a weak mind. She said that people curse and swear because it‟s
a shortcut to expressing how they feel rather than using well chosen words to
get their point across. She also said that it is sometimes easier to fight than to
think. She said too that there are some who only respond to the „whip.‟

Now, I am not saying that this war is the right thing or the wrong thing to do. I
don‟t know all the facts. I also think it‟s unfair to point fingers unless the
fingers are pointed at all parties. But I do know that from the halls of the UN to
the chambers in Paris to the conference rooms of the White House, to the
deserts of the Middle East, the lack of understanding of these lessons can
and will, as they always do, lead to devastating loss.

There is a lesson in this for us all. Where in your life does a position cause
hurt and diminish relationships? Where in all of our lives do we fatigue with
trying to talk it through and simply give in to what‟s easy?

If you are truly wanting to progress in your journey towards attaining fabulous
personal relationships, business acumen, wealth creation, personal
development and more, then „negotiating‟ by drawing a line in the sand and
presenting no-win situations will only leave you isolated and lagging behind
the progressives. Choose wisely.

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Talk Yourself Into A Great Economy!
I have heard so much about how the economy sucks, how buyers have
retreated, that we are in for a long slow recovery, and so on and so on, that I
want to scream. On one of our coaching calls I asked how the group did just
in this last week? One person closed $36,000 in sales, another $22,000,
another $300,000+. One company did more revenue in the last ten days than
in the last 4 months combined. Another listed and sold a house in the same
day and in the „awful, fitful, troubled‟ financial services market, another person
brought in over $2.1 million just this week.

The way I figure it, our little SalesDogs group contributed nearly $3,000,000 to
the economy just this week. So where is the bad economy? One person on
the coaching call said it the best. She said, “If you think it‟s bad, you‟re right. If
you think it‟s good, you‟ll get rich!” She went on to say that these times are the
best for sales because everyone has bought into the fact that times are tough.

It‟s good because if your competition thinks that the economy is bad, that is
the moment when their customers and prospects become most vulnerable to
your approach. Why? Because your competition is backing off. They don‟t call
on them as much because they don‟t want to upset them and they are tired of
the „no‟s.‟

If you go after the market now with optimism, service, solutions and high
levels of integrity and trust, you will close tons of deals. Another fellow said
that selling has never been easier. He said that he has been following the
lessons of the coaching program and has been pitching less, asking and
listening more and the cash seems to be flowing.

I know some of you are saying to yourself. “I wonder what they are selling?
They are obviously selling something different from what I sell. My
circumstances are different.” If I caught you thinking it, you are one of those
whose market is now vulnerable to those who aren‟t thinking it. Of course the
economy has seen better times, but the issue has nothing to do with the

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economy. You can‟t control the economy. You can‟t control what others are
thinking. I can‟t even control my own dog half the time.

But you can control what you‟re thinking! You can control your approach, your
attitude and your energy. Remember that while sales is about the
prospect…it‟s mostly about what is going on in your head. What is going on in
your head? If you aren‟t doing well, what evidence have you stacked up in
your head that supports why you aren‟t doing well?

Stop thinking like everyone else and start stacking the evidence in your
favour. Start asking, stop telling and start listening. Start learning how to
control your own head. Celebrate each little victory and the victories of those
around you. Build the momentum in your favour. Remember that sales is pure

You Can Sell Well In Tough Times

Worst economy in ten years! Hundreds of thousands suddenly out of work!
Businesses battered and bruised combined with the tragic combination of
sorrow and pain. How do you sell in this environment…or do you even try to
sell, risking the possibility of being insensitive, crass or cold hearted?

It‟s easy to offer a million excuses why this is not the right time to promote and
sell. Yet, your “little voice” just loves to immerse in that kind of stuff. The
question is “Can you go the distance?” Can you go where it seems to be
uncomfortable to go, to promote, to serve, to contact, and to stay in touch with
those who truly may benefit from your offerings? Can you go long term?

It‟s a very real problem, but there are solutions. Let me give you a few. By the
way, for some salespeople who are used to quick sales cycles, selling by the
facts, or even certain “Pit Bull” strategies….you are going to have a problem!
You are going to have check inside and ask yourself… “Do I really care?” You
better be honest about the answer. Trying to act like you care when you don‟t
is worse than doing nothing at all.

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In times of stress…trust, integrity and caring are critical elements to providing
security and confidence. These values can only be established and proven
through frequency of interaction. Now more than ever, is the time to stay in
frequent contact with prospects and clients by offering valuable information,
service and on-going support.

Your communication must address the “little voice” in their brains. Southwest
Airlines has been doing a brilliant job of this. Their television ads have actually
increased and their message is “When you are ready to fly….We are here.”
They know what is going on in the minds of frequent fliers and with a
combination of sensitivity and aggressiveness, they continue to sell. Your
“tone” alone in talking to clients lets them know where you are coming from.

Keep in mind that there are other businesses that are doing very well right
now and some prospects may be welcoming you with open arms. For
example: What better time to be offering legitimate home business
opportunities that offer hedges against the threat or reality of being laid off?

You should be re-engineering your offering to either help people make money
or to save money. If not…..change it!

Make it easy for them to obtain your offering. Payment plans, 200% money
back guarantees, free delivery and more.

If you can‟t go the distance with them, you will fail in this new economy. But if
you check inside, and truly love to seek out opportunities and offer creative
solutions, you will win and so will your clients.

It all comes back to the same silly issue. If your brain thinks there is a
problem, then there is! If you think that there is a huge opportunity to build
rock solid, long term relationships, then there is! You have to train yourself to
look for the opportunity. Be aware and sensitive to the problem, but don‟t be

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blocked by it. For every complaint about the environment that I have received
this week alone, I have found at least three opportunities for each one.

However, if you think you are going to be a pest, then you will be! If you think
that you are going to be a companion and an ally…then you will be! It‟s up to
you! You have to take the time to re-condition your brain, if you are faltering at
the helm. You have to shift your emotional sensitivity from you and on to
them. Only when you are okay with handling your own adversity can you
remain calm and focused enough to be of value to others in need. I have
worked with thousands of people with the “Flash Card” system (found in the
Sales Training Kit). Only when they are able to systematically get rid of their
own negative emotional responses, do they become able to really hear and
serve their customers.

You, like myself have been conditioned by whatever means to „freak‟ when
things go awry. Sales is about building character. The greatest success
stories have been born out of trying times. It‟s time to step up. The world has
transformed forever, the question is, “Are you up for it?” Can you shift your
mind to thrive or will you continue to worry about the problems? My friends, I
hold that it is our duty to crank up this economy. That is what we do best!!

Beat Fear and Win Anyway

In the last couple of years, and probably more, we as Americans, have
learned to live with the continual threat of terror and interruption to our
beloved lives. At times we have been terrified by it and at other times, we
have been angered into getting on with things despite what happens. But how
can we respond to this in our business lives as well as personally? The
underlying message of SalesDogs is the importance of building the emotional
strength to respond quickly, precisely and effectively. Living well and
achieving in these times, challenges the very core of who we are and what we
stand for. Although we were not all there at ground zero, we all felt much of
the pain and anger that our brothers and sisters felt. I can tell you that I have
cried more than once since the catastrophes.

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In our daily work in sales, it is imperative that we understand, feel and
sympathize with our clients‟ perspective. In these terrible moments, this is
more important than ever. To empathize, soothe and bring to closure the open
loops of people‟s lives, businesses and pain should be our sole purpose.

The sole question today is “How can I support you?” “What can I do to help
bring you and those close to you back from the pain and the loss, both to your
family, to our pride as global citizens and to your hearts?”

After all, we are all in this together. There comes a defining day in everyone‟s
life when we are asked somehow or other, who we are, what we stand for and
what we are willing to do to support it. In the rubble of this terrible series of
events I challenge everyone to stand up to support each other in defiance of
strategies that take away pride, liberty, confidence and optimism and use the
most precious gift we have been given as a tool of leverage which is life itself.

Terrorist tactics work well against civilized societies because terrorists
assume we will act one of two ways.

1) Irrationally in states of high emotional anguish. As in any negotiation,

this plays directly into their strategies. If we act in a heightened
emotional state, we will strike out unfocused, un-prepared and create
more problems than we had to begin with.
2) Secondly they know if we do not respond in an immediate emotional
way that we will probably never use their strategies against them,
because we will profess to be “rational,” and therefore we become very
predictable. That makes us very vulnerable. In any hard core win/lose
negotiation, the predictable party is at a disadvantage. On the flip side,
that is why the terrorist has the advantage, because we don‟t know
what they are going to do or when they will do it.

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Avoid engaging in traditional win/lose negotiations.

If you must engage, do your best not to be predictable in your strategies and
responses. If someone is looking to take complete advantage of you, they will
do it. Do not give them a hint of what you might do.

To quote Big Dog negotiator Keith Cunningham: When it comes time to create
alternatives, “bring them to their senses…not to their knees.” This takes
tremendous emotional strength as well as a good team to support you.

Be willing to walk away

But despite these terrible events and the way we now have to live, we have
continued to strive, thrive and move to greater heights and attainments.
Offering your customers more and allowing them to see that you are there to
help will assist us all in the recovery – emotionally and financially. Sell with

It’s Not Just About Selling

People keep saying to me, “But I don‟t sell.. blah, blah, blah!” Please pass this
section on to every person you have ever heard make that comment. It drives
me nuts!

In the world we live in, those who can communicate the best and the most
effectively have a better chance at getting what they want than those that do
not. End of story! Even those with great products, ideas or services are at a
disadvantage if they cannot communicate value to others or understand the
needs, pains and desires of others. If you cannot, refuse to, or are turned off
by learning the critical lessons of convincing, leading and selling, you will
never live up to the constant challenge of knowing how to both understand
others and deliver to them.

The Secrets To Motivate Yourself For Success – adapted from EBook by Blair Singer Page 17
The lessons of selling are life-changing lessons that are for everyone who has
ever attempted to get their point across to someone else. Its challenges are
the ones that turn average folks into superstars and normal people into
exceptional role models.

It‟s the same series of questions and statements from customers, significant
others or whoever, whether in business or in any part of your life:

 “Why should I listen to you?”

 “What is in it for me?”
 “Do you really understand what I need?”
 “Prove to me that you understand and can deliver what you say!”

Sound familiar? It should. These statements could be those of your work

team, your family, your kids, your boss, your prospects or your customers.
Most importantly it‟s about consummating the most critical and yet the most
difficult sale of all. That is: You selling to You! It sounds like:

 “Why am I doing this?”

 “Am I cut out for this?”
 “Do I have to do this?”
 “What is the payoff?”

I KNOW that this is familiar!!!

I don‟t care if you work a desk job, manage a household of 12-year olds or sell
securities, if you are going to be effective, you must learn how to answer
these. The quality of the response will determine the quality of your

The Secrets To Motivate Yourself For Success – adapted from EBook by Blair Singer Page 18
GLOSSARY of TERMS used in the book SalesDogs:
(this may de-mystify the “sales-thing”)

Business Term SalesDogs Definition

Selling: Convincing someone to agree with you and/or take action
(another person, group or you) Example: Persuading your
spouse to forego Monday Night football for a parent
teacher meeting.

Closing: Completing a sale. Act of gaining final commitment to

take action. Example: Getting your kids to actually clean
their room.

Prospects: Anyone you are trying to convince or communicate with

(businesses, bosses, individuals, kids.)

Clients/customers: Anyone who works with you, is supported by you

(physically, mentally or emotionally), lives with you or
buys from you.
Sell: Webster’s Literal Definitions: To give or to offer: To
deliver or exchange: To establish faith, confidence or
belief in something: To persuade:
SalesDog: Anyone engaged in any of the above!

The Secrets To Motivate Yourself For Success – adapted from EBook by Blair Singer Page 19

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