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Code No.


F~ÉíÁÓ $LSª«sVVÌÁV ¾»½ÌÁVgRiV −saRP*−sµyùÌÁ¸R¶VLi

FsLi.G. ÇÜ[ù¼½xtsQLi c lLiLi²R¶ª«s xqsLiª«s»R½=LRiLi : ªyL<ij NRP xmsLkiORPQÌÁV c @Ní]Ê[ ÁL`i, 2009

}msxmsL`i - 1 ª«sVVx¤¦¦¦¨LRiLò i c úxmsaRPõ c g][¿yLRiLi

PAPER - 1 : Muhurtham - Prashna - Gocharam

xqsª«sV¸R¶VLi : 3 gRiLiÈÁÌÁV ª«sWLRiVäÌÁV : 100

T ime : 3 Hrs. M arks : 100

I. C úNTPLiµj¶ ªy¬sÍÜ[ G ©yÌÁVgRiV úxmsaRPõÌÁ\ZNP©y xqsª«sWµ³y©yÌÁV LS¸R¶VLi²T¶. 4 x 15 = 60

Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1. úxms¸R¶Wßá −sxtsQ¸¶R VLiÍÜ[ gRiª«sV¬sLi¿RÁµR¶gæiR ª«sVVÆØùLiaSÌÁV −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶?

Explain the important points to be observed in travel.
2. gRiLS÷éµy©«sª«sVV©«sNRPV ª«sVLiÀÁ ª«sVVx¤¦¦¦¨LRiªò s« VV FsLiµR¶VN][ −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶.
Explain why a good Muhurtha is required for Grabha Danam (Nupital).
3. C úNTPLiµj¶ ªy¬s¬s −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶.
Explain the following.
Fs) xmsLi¿RÁNRPLRiz¤¦¦¦»R½Li ÕÁ) »yLSÊÁÌÁLi c ¿RÁLiúµR¶ÊÁÌÁLi
a) Panchaka Rahitham b) Stellar strength - Lunar strength
4. −dsVNRPV ¾»½ÖÁzqs©«s ª«sùª«sry¸R¶V ry®ªsV»R½ÌÁ©«sV 10¬s }msL]ä©«sLi²T¶? ª«sùª«sry¸R¶VµyLRiVÌÁ ÇÜ[ù¼½xtsQ
xmsLjiÇìØ©y¬sõ ¾»½ÌÁxmsLi²T¶.
Mention ten proverbs about agriculture? Mention the astrological knowledge of
5. NRPVÇÁµ][xtsQLi xmsLji¥¦¦¦LSÌÁV −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶.
Explain Mars effect - Remedies.
6. ANRPzqsøNRP µ³¶R ©«sÍØ˳جsõ xqsWÀÁLi¿Á[ ¹¸¶WgSÌÁ©«sV ¾»½ÌÁöLi²T¶.
Mention the Yogas for sudden monetary gains.

II. C úNTPLiµj¶ ªy¬sÍÜ[ G ©yÌÁVgRiV úxmsaRPõÌÁ\ZNP©y xqsª«sWµ³y©yÌÁV LS¸R¶VLi²T¶. 4 x 10 = 40
Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1. "Dxms©«s¸R¶V©«s ª«sVWx¤¦¦¦¨LRiLò i µ]LRiNRP²R¶Li ¿yÍØ NRPxtsí QLi" c FsLiµR¶V¿Á[»½R ? −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶.

"It is very difficult to find Upanayana Muhurtha" - Explain why.
2. ÇØ»R½NRP xmsLjibdPÌÁ©«sÍÜ[ @xtsí QNPR ª«sLæiR V úFyµ³y©«sùLi −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶.
Explain the importance of Astakavargu in observing the horoscope.
3. ®\ µ¶ª«sÇìÁÙ¬s ÌÁORPQßØÌÁ©«sV, NRPLRiªò yùÌÁ©«sV −saRPµk¶NRPLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶
Explain the duties, characteristics of 'Daivagna'
4. úxmsaRPõ©«sV ¬sLRi*ÀÁLiÀÁ ®ªs[LiR V®ªs[LiR V úxmsaRPõ xmsµô¶ðR »R½VÌÁ©«sV }msL]ä©«sLi²T¶.
Define Horary, explain different methods of Horary.
5. −s®µ¶[bPd ¸R¶Wú»R½ÌÁV c úgRix¤¦¦¦NSLRiNRP»R½*ª«sVVÌÁV −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶.
Foriegn Travel - Planetary Karakatwas - Explain.
6. ®ªs[LiR V®ªs[LiR V ˳تyÍýÜ[ gRiVLRiV, aRP©«sVÌÁV B¿RÁVè xmsn ÖÁ»yÌÁ©«sV ¾»½ÌÁöLi²T¶.
Mention the results given by Jupiter, Saturn in different houses.

Code No.78/91/2-2

F~ÉíÁÓ $LSª«sVVÌÁV ¾»½ÌÁVgRiV −saRP*−sµyùÌÁ¸R¶VLi

FsLi.G. ÇÜ[ù¼½xtsQLi c lLiLi²R¶ª«s xqsLiª«s»R½=LRiLi : ªyL<ij NRP xmsLkiORPQÌÁV c @Ní]Ê[ ÁL`i, 2009

}msxmsL`i - 2 »yÇÁNRPª«sVV ª«sVLji¸R¶VV FyaSè»R½ù xmsµô¶Rð ¼½

PAPER - 2 : Tajakamu and Western Astrology method

xqsª«sV¸R¶VLi : 3 gRiLiÈÁÌÁV ª«sWLRiVäÌÁV : 100

T ime : 3 Hrs. M arks : 100

I. C úNTPLiµj¶ ªy¬sÍÜ[ G ©yÌÁVgRiV úxmsaRPõÌÁ\ZNP©y xqsª«sWµ³y©yÌÁV LS¸R¶VLi²T¶. 4 x 15 = 60

Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1. ryLiª«s»R½=LjiNRP ÇØ»R½NRPª«sVV©«sV »R½¸R¶WLRiV¿Á[¸¶R VVÈÁ, xmsn ÖÁ»R½ª«sVVÌÁ©«sV ¬sLñiR LiVVLi¿RÁV −sµ³y©«sª«sVV Gµj¶?
How to cast and give predictions through annual horoscope.
2. »R½ÇÁNRP xmsµô¶ðR ¼½ÍÜ[ "@uíyNRPª«sLæiR V" úFyª«sVVÅÁù»R½ −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁVª«sVV.
What is the importance of "Astakavargu" in Tajaka System.
3. »R½ÇÁNRP ¹¸¶WgRiª«sVVÌÁ gRiVLjiLiÀÁ ªyùxqsª«sVV úªy¸R¶VV¿RÁV, xmsµj¶ »R½ÇÁNRP ¹¸¶WgRiª«sVVÌÁ©«sV úªy¸R¶VVª«sVV.
Write an essay on Tajaka yogas and explain ten Tajaka yogas.
4. ry¸R¶V©«s, ¬sLS¸R¶V©«s xmsµô¶ðR »R½VÌÁÍÜ[ ª«sVVÅÁùQ\®ªsV©«s −sÛËÁ³ µ[ ¶R ª«sVVÌÁ©«sV úªy¸R¶VVª«sVV.
What are the main differences between Sayana and Nirayana systems.
5. úgRix¤¦¦¦ª«sVVÌÁ µR¶Xxtsí vÌÁ©«sV úgRiz¤¦¦¦LiÀÁ, xmsn ÖÁ»R½ª«sVVÌÁ©«sV ¬sLñiR LiVVLi¿RÁV −sµ³y©«sª«sVV úªy¸R¶VVª«sVV.
Describe the method of deciding the results based on the planetary aspects.
6. FyaSè»R½ù −sµ³y©«sª«sVV ©«s©«sVxqsLjiLiÀÁ ®ªs[VÌÁFyNRPª«sVV\|ms ªyùxqsª«sVV úªy¸R¶VVª«sVV.
Write an essay about the method of studying the compatibility in Western system.

II. C úNTPLiµj¶ ªy¬sÍÜ[ G ©yÌÁVgRiV úxmsaRPõÌÁ\ZNP©y xqsª«sWµ³y©yÌÁV LS¸R¶VLi²T¶. 4 x 10 = 40
Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1. 12 LSxqsVÌÁÍÜ[ ¿RÁLiúµR¶V¬s xmsn ÖÁ»R½ª«sVVÌÁV úªy¸R¶VVª«sVV.

Write about the effects of Moon in 12 sings.
2. ª«sVVLi´R¶ @©«sgS G−sV? xqsLiª«s»R½=LRi @µ³¶j xms¼½¬s ¬sLñiR LiVVLi¿RÁV −sµ³y©«sª«sVV úªy¸R¶VVª«sVV.
What is "Muntha"? How to calculate the Lord of the year.
3. G®ªs[¬s ª«sVW²R¶V LSaRPVÌÁ gRiVLjiLiÀÁ xmsn ÖÁ»R½ª«sVVÌÁ©«sV −sZaPý xt[ sQßá ¿Á[¸¶R VVª«sVV.
Make an analysis of the effects of any three houses.
4. mx soL][giR ª«sV©«s ÇØ»R½NRPª«sV©«sgS ®©s[−sV? µk¶¬s¬s FsÍØ xmsLjibdPÖÁLi¿RÁª«sÌÁ¸R¶VV©«sV.
What is a progressed horoscope? How to read it.
5. FyaSè»R½ù −sµ³y©«sª«sVV ©«s©«sVxqsLjiLiÀÁ "−sµR¶ù"©«sV NRP©«sVg]©«sV −sµ³y©«sª«sVV úªy¸R¶VVª«sVV.
Explain the method of finding out education as per western system.
6. ª«sùQQNPT ò ¹¸¶VVNRPä gRiª«sVùróy©«sª«sVV©«sV ¬sLñiR LiVVLi¿RÁVÈÁÍÜ[ ÌÁgSõµ³¶j xms¼½ ¹¸¶VVNRPä úFyª«sVVÅÁù»R½©«sV
The ascedent plays in important role in shaping the destiny of the native - Explain

Code No.78/91/2-3

F~ÉíÁÓ $LSª«sVVÌÁV ¾»½ÌÁVgRiV −saRP*−sµyùÌÁ¸R¶VLi

FsLi.G. ÇÜ[ù¼½xtsQLi c lLiLi²R¶ª«s xqsLiª«s»R½=LRiLi : ªyL<ij NRP xmsLkiORPQÌÁV c @Ní]Ê[ ÁL`i, 2009

}msxmsL`i - 3 @xtsí QNRPª«sLæiR V c xtsQ²R¶÷ÍØÌÁV

PAPER - 3 : Ashtakavargu - Shadbalalu

xqsª«sV¸R¶VLi : 3 gRiLiÈÁÌÁV ª«sWLRiVäÌÁV : 100

T ime : 3 Hrs. M arks : 100

I. C úNTPLiµj¶ ªy¬sÍÜ[ G ©yÌÁVgRiV úxmsaRPõÌÁ\ZNP©y xqsª«sWµ³y©yÌÁV LS¸R¶VLi²T¶. 4 x 15 = 60

Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1. µR¶aRP, ªyxqsVò, ª«sVVx¤¦¦¦¨LRiLò i ª«sVLji¸R¶VV ÇØ»R½NRP xmsLjibdPÌÁ©«sÍÜ[ @xtsí QNPR ª«sLæiR V úFyµ³y©«sù»R½©«sV −sª«sLjiLixmsoª«sVV.
Explain the importance of Ashtakavarga in analyzing Dasa, Vastu, Muhurta and
2. ú¼½N][ßá ª«sVLji¸R¶VV GNSµ³¶j xms»R½ù a][µ¶³R ©«sÌÁ©«sV −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶. C úNTPLiµj¶ Dµyx¤¦¦¦LRißá ¿RÁúNRPª«sVV G úgRix¤¦¦¦
Õ³Á©yõQxtsí QNPR ª«sLæ][ ¾»½ÖÁzms \|ms lLiLi²R¶V a][µ¶³R ©«sÌÁ©«sV ¿Á[¸¶R VLi²T¶.
Explain Trikona and Ekadhipatya Sodhana (Reductions). Apply these reductions to
the example bhinnashtakavarga chart given below and identify which planet's
bhinnashtakavarga it is.
4 3 Rah 6 4 Asc
LSx¤¦¦¦§ ÌÁgRiõ
5 5
6 Sat 7 Mars, Sun
1 6 2 Moon, Ket, Ven 5 Merc, Jup
¿RÁLiúµR¶, ZNP[»½R V, aRPVúNRP ÊÁVµ³¶R , gRiVLRiV
3. ÊÁVµ³¶R Õ³Á©yõQxtsí QNPR ª«sLæiR V úFyª«sVVÅÁù»R½©«sV −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶.
Explain the importance of Bhinnashtakavarga of Mercury.
4. ryª«sVVµy¸R¶V @xtsí QNPR ª«sLæiR V µy*LS ÇØ»R½NRP xmsLjibdPÌÁ©«sNRPV xqsWÀÁLiÀÁ©«s xqsWú»R½ª«sVVÌÁ©«sV −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶.
Explain the principles of analyzing horoscope using Samudayashtakavarga.
5. @xtsí QNPR ª«sLæiR VÍÜ[¬s ª«sV»R½ ÛËÁ³ µ[ yÌÁ©«sV −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶.
Explain the controversies of religion Ashtakavarga.
6. ÇØ»R½NRP xmsLjibdPÌÁ©«sÍÜ[ ˳ت«sxmsn ÌÁ ¬sLñiR ¸R¶VLi G−sµ³¶R LigS ¿Á[¸¶R VVµR¶VLRiV.
How the results of a house (Bhava) are determined in analyzing a horoscope.

II. C úNTPLiµj¶ ªy¬sÍÜ[ G ©yÌÁVgRiV úxmsaRPõÌÁ\ZNP©y xqsª«sWµ³y©yÌÁV LS¸R¶VLi²T¶. 4 x 10 = 40

Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1. LRi−s Õ³Á©yõQxtsí QNPR ª«sLæiR V µy*LS zmsú»yLjixtsí Q xqsª«sV¸R¶Vª«sVV©«sV G−sµ³¶R ª«sVVgS ¬sLñiR LiVVLi¿ÁµR¶LRiV.
How the adverse period for father is determined using Bhinnastakavarga of Sun.
2. NRPORPQ ù zqsµôðyLi»R½ª«sVV©«sV −sª«sLjiLiÀÁ g][¿yLRi xmsn ÖÁ»R½ª«sVVÌÁ©«sV xmsLjibdPÖÁLi¿RÁV −sµ³¶R ª«sVV©«sV ¾»½ÌÁVxmsoª«sVV.
Explain Kashya theory and explain how the results of transit are analyzed.
3. @LiaS¸R¶VVLôS¸R¶Vª«sVV©«sV −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶.
Explain Amsayurdaya.
4. róy©«s ÊÁÌÁª«sVV©«sV −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶.
Explain Positional strength (Staana Bala).
5. −sxmsLki»R½ LSÇÁ¹¸¶WgRiª«sVVÌÁ©«sV −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶.
Explain "Vipareeta Raja yogas".
6. Fs) µy*µR¶aRP ˳ت«sª«sVVÌÁNRPV NSLRiNRP úgRix¤¦¦¦ª«sVVÌÁV ¾»½ÌÁVxmsoª«sVV.
a) Mention the significating planets (Kaaraka planets) for 12 houses.
ÕÁ) ˳ت«s µj¶gRi÷ÌÁª«sVV©«sV −sª«sLjiLixmsoª«sVV.
b) Explain the Directional strength ( Bhaava Digbala) of a house.

Code No.78/91/2-4

F~ÉíÁÓ $LSª«sVVÌÁV ¾»½ÌÁVgRiV −saRP*−sµyùÌÁ¸R¶VLi

FsLi.G. ÇÜ[ù¼½xtsQLi c lLiLi²R¶ª«s xqsLiª«s»R½=LRiLi : ªyL<ij NRP xmsLkiORPQÌÁV c @Ní]Ê[ ÁL`i, 2009

}msxmsL`i - 4 xqsLiz¤¦¦¦»R½ÌÁV Samhitas

xqsª«sV¸R¶VLi : 3 gRiLiÈÁÌÁV ª«sWLRiVäÌÁV : 100
T ime : 3 Hrs. M arks : 100

I. C úNTPLiµj¶ ªy¬sÍÜ[ G ©yÌÁVgRiV úxmsaRPõÌÁ\ZNP©y xqsª«sWµ³y©yÌÁV LS¸R¶VLi²T¶. 4 x 15 = 60

Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1. qx sLiz¤¦¦¦»R½ÌÁLiÛÉÁ[ G−sVÉÜ[ −sª«sLjiLiÀÁ, ÊÁXx¤¦¦¦»`½ xqsLiz¤¦¦¦»R½©«sV gRiWLjiè úªy¸R¶VLi²T¶.

Give an account of Samhitas and the importance of Brihat Samhita.
2. ÇÜ[ù¼½xtsQaSxqsòQû Lki»yù L][giR xmsLji¥¦¦¦LjiNRP úNTP¸R¶VÌÁ©«sV ¿RÁLjièLiÀÁ, LRiLigRiVÌÁV ªyÉÓÁ úxms¹¸¶WÇÁ©y¬sõ
¾»½ÖÁ¸R¶VÛÇÁ[¸¶R VLi²T¶.
Discuss about Astrological remedies for diseases and explain the advantages of
3. ©«sª«sLRi»yõÌÁ ÌÁORPQßá, µ][uyµR¶VÌÁ©«sV −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶.
Explain the characteristics and defects of Nine Precious stones.
4. ª«sL<iR ¬sLñiR ¸R¶V xmsµô¶ðR »R½VÌÁ\|ms ªyùxqsLi úªy¸R¶VLi²T¶? úxmsª«sL<iR ßá @LiÛÉÁ[ G−sVÉÓÁ.
Write an essay on the methods of predicting the rainfall and measurement of
5. aRPV˳ÁÏ ª«sVVx¤¦¦¦¨LSòÌÁÍÜ[ ©«sORPQ ú»yÌÁ Dxms¹¸¶WgRiLi FsÈÁVª«sLiÉÓÁµj¶.
What is the importance of stars in determining the auspicious time.
6. ¿Á[¼½ÍÜ[ lLi[ÅÁÌÁ ¹¸¶VVNRPä úFyµ³y©«sùLi FsÈÁVª«sLiÉÓÁµj¶? lLi[ÅÁÌÁV Fs¬sõ LRiNSÍÜ[ −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶.
Give an account on the importance of lines on the hand and their kinds.
II. C úNTPLiµj¶ ªy¬sÍÜ[ G ©yÌÁVgRiV úxmsaRPõÌÁ\ZNP©y xqsª«sWµ³y©yÌÁV LS¸R¶VLi²T¶. 4 x 10 = 40
Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1. ®µ¶[aPR g][¿yLRiLiÍÜ[ úgRix¤¦¦¦ª«sVVÌÁV ªyÉÓÁ NSLRiNRP»y*ÌÁ©«sV ¾»½ÖÁzms, −s−sµ³¶R úgRix¤¦¦¦ª«sVVÌÁ zqsó ¼½, ¸R¶VV¼½ ª«sÌÁ©«s
NRPÌÁVgRiV ¹¸¶WgRiª«sVVÌÁV ¾»½ÌÁxmsLi²T¶.
Explain the planets and their causative effects in Mundane astrology. Also explain
the effects of conjunction of various planets.
2. aSLi»R½VÌÁV c xqs}¤¦¦¦»R½VNRP»R½\|ms INRP ªyùxqsLi úªy¸R¶VLi²T¶.
Write an essay on Tranquilities with reasoning.
3. aRPV˳ØaRPV˳ÁÏ aRPNRPV©yÌÁ©«sV ¾»½ÌÁöLi²T¶.
Give an account of auspicious and inauspicious omens.
4. NRPÌÁÛÍÁ¬sõ LRiNSÍÜ[ @−s¹¸¶[Vª¯[ ¾»½ÌÁöLi²T¶.
How many varities of dreams are there and what are they.
5. ÇÁÍØLæiR ÎÏÁ aSxqsòQû úxms¹¸¶WÇÁ©«sLi −sª«sLjiLi¿RÁLi²T¶.
The Science of exploration of water spiny is of most important. Discuss.
6. µ³yLjiøNRP ¬s¸R¶Vª«sWÌÁV, A¿RÁLRißá Lki»R½VÌÁ\|ms INRP ªyùxqsLi úªy¸R¶VLi²T¶.
Write an essay on the principles and practice of Duties and principles.


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