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Solid State Communications, Vol. 34, PP. 891—894.

Pergamon Press Ltd. 1980. Printed in Great Britain.


J.D. Wiley
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engr., University of Wisconsin, Madison 53706, U.S.A.
E. Schonherr and A. Breitschwerdt
Max-Planck-Institut für Festkorperforschung, Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany
(Received 11 January 1980 by M. Cardona)

The low-energy tail of the E U a exciton in GeS obeys Urbach’s rule, with
Urbach parameters a0 = 1.45 ±0.05, and hw~= 8.7 ±0.6 meV. The
energy ~ corresponds to a previously measured rigid-layer vibrational
mode which has no associated electric field. This finding is inconsistent
with Dow and Redfield’s unified theory of Urbach and exponential
absorption edges. Our results are consistent with Sumi and Toyazawa’s
theory of Urbach edges, and with Fivaz and Mooser’s model for electron—
phonon interactions in layered compounds.

IN 1953, URBACH [1] reported that the absorption with

edge of AgBr exhibits a low-energy tail which is accu- 2kT\ (hwD~
rately exponential over several orders of maguitude of U = (—-j
0~ tanh \2kT/ (2)
the absorption coefficient. Subsequent investigation
[2] has revealed similar behavior in a great number and where a is the linear absorption coefficient; E is the
variety of insulators and semiconductors, including (to photon energy; and a0, E0, a0, and w~,are parameters
name only a few) the silver halide, alkali halide, and which depend on the material.
oxide insulators; and (at least some members of) the Equations (1) and (2) have been derived by Sumi
group VI, III—V, Il—VI, IV—VI, II—v2, V2V13, ~ and Toyazawa on the basis of a model in which exciton—
IV—V2, and organic semiconductors. It is therefore phonon interactions are assumed to be responsible for
clear that the Urbach edge is a macroscopic manifesta- the exponential spectral dependence [4]. In Sumi and
thin of some fundamental aspect of the optical proper- Toyazawa’s theory, the exciton is treated as being
ties of solids. This observation has led to a considerable partially mobile and partially localized, due to momen-
amount of theoretical work, and numerous models tary trapping by lattice deformations. The Urbach edge
which predict exponential absorption edges [2, 3]. is then a consequence of the interplay between the free
Unfortunately, although these theories often invoke and localized natures of the exciton. The parameter
radically different microscopic mechanisms, their hw~is the energy of the dominant phonon involved in
macroscopic predictions are sufficiently similar that it the exciton—phonon interaction, and a0 is inversely
is difficult to distinguish among them experimentally, proportional to the strength of that interaction. In
This is particularly true of the two most prominent materials with a sufficiently strong exciton—phonon
theories: those of Sumi and Toyazawa [4], and Dow interaction, the excitons can become self-trapped, and
and Redfield [51 Thus, the microscopic mechanism
. the Urbach edge can be observed even at 0 K.
underlying Urbach’s rule has remained quite contro- Dow and Redfield [5] have noted that exponential
versial. In this paper we present the first clear example absorption edges [not necessarily obeying the full
of an Urbach edge which is consistent with Sumi and Urbach’s rule of equations (1) and (2)] are often ob-
Toyazawa’s theory, but inconsistent with that of Dow served in heavily-doped, damaged, or disordered
and Redfield. materials. Using this as a clue, and postulating the
In its most general form, Urbach’s rule is given by existence of a common underlying mechanism for all
[3] exponential and Urbach edges, they propose a unified

~/ a(Eo E)\
— theory
is inby
caused which the exponential
electric-field spectral
ionization dependence
of excitons. For
a(E) = a0 exp kT )‘
(1) pure (undoped) materials, the fields are caused by LO


I surfaces of all samples were mirror-like, and free of

cleavage-steps over areas of at least 1 cm2. An infrared
viewer was used to verify that the samples contained no
- ~___—~ internal cracks, voids, inclusions, or other visible defects.
After X-ray orientation, to locate the a and b axes, the
samples were carefully mounted in a variable-
temperature cryostat, and transmission measurements
LU 0~ - - were performed at T 4.2, 60, 120, 180, and 240 K,
E II b
using a Cary model 17 spectrophotometer. The data
were analyzed as described in [9]. Figure 1 shows the
2 absorption edge at 4.2 K for the E la and E lb polar-
0 -
z izations. The extraordinary in-plane dichroism is
H caused by a selection-rule in which E H a transitions are
0.. Ge S direct-allowed and E II b transitions are direct-forbidden
0 - [9, 11]. The detailed shape of the E lb edge appears to
be determined by energy-dependent matrix elements or
by band non-parabolicity. It is not well described by
I I any simple theoretical expression for absorption edge-
.7 .8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2,2 shapes and, in particular, does not obey Urbach’s rule.
ENERGY, hw 1eV) The E II a edge, on the other hand, obeys Urbach’s rule
Fig. 1. The absorption edge of GeS in the a and b quite accurately over at least three orders of magnitude
polarizations, where a and b lie parallel to the principal in a for 4.2 ( T ~ 240 K. This is demonstrated in Figs.
(001) cleavage planes. The E a absorption is direct- 2 and 3. The heavy lines in Fig. 2 are measured absorp-
allowed, and rises steeply to a sharp free-exciton peak
at 1.7365 eV. The E lb absorption is direct-forbidden, tion coefficients, and the light lines are linear, corre-
causing a dramatic dichroism near the absorption thres- sponding to equation (1), with a focal point at a
1 and E 0 =
hold. 1.1 x io~ cm 0 = 1.753 x 0.002 eV. The steep-
ness parameter, a, as deduced from Fig. 2, is plotted as
phonons or (in the case of piezoelectric materials) by a function of temperature in Fig. 3. It is noteworthy
acoustic phonons. If the phonon which is responsible that the E Ia Urbach edge appears on the low-energy
for a given Urbach edge has an associated electric field, tail of the exciton absorption line, while the E lb edge
it will clearly be difficult to determine whether the shows no exciton absorption, and no Urbach behavior.
edge was caused by electric-field ionization, or by some Similar results (an Urbach edge only in that polarization
other exciton—phonon interaction. If, on the other for which an exciton is observed) have been reported
hand, a case could be found in which an Urbach edge is for trigonal Se [13] and GeSe [14]. This is strong
caused by a phonon which has no associated electric evidence for the importance of excitons in the forma-
field, this would provide a clear refutation of the tion of Urbach edges. A more detailed discussion of the
claimed universality of the electric-field ionization GeS absorption edge will be presented elsewhere [12].
model. GeS provides such an example. Here, we shall concentrate on the significance of the
GeS is a member of the group IV—VI compound 8.7 meV phonon which is responsible for the Urbach
semiconductors [6] crystallizing in an orthorhombic
, edge (see Fig. 3).
(D1~) structure with lattice constants [7] a = 4.30 A, Essentially all of the optical modes of GeS have
b = 3.65 A, and c = 10.44 A. This is a layered structure been measured by infrared reflectivity and Raman
in which Ge and S atoms are arranged in double-layer scattering [8]. One of these, the B2g rigid-layer mode,
1, in excellent
planes perpendicularto
coordinated, the c-axis. Each
with 3 strongly-bonded andatom is 6-fold
2 weakly- has a measured frequency of 76 ± 5 cm
agreement with the Urbach phonon, hw~= 8.7 ±0.6
bonded neighbors in its own double-layer, and a single meV = 70 ±5 cm1 The nearest (zone-center) phonons

weakly-bonded neighbor in an adjacent double-layer. above and below the 76 cm1 phonon are at 96 cm1
The interlayer bonding is sufficiently weak to allow and 55 cm1 respectively [81. The 76 cm’ B2g mode

micaceous cleavage, but not nearly as weak as the inter- corresponds to rigid, compressive vibrations of the
layer bonding in (say) MoS
2 or graphite. layers along the c-axis. The space-group of the GeS
Optical transmission measurements were performed lattice (D~)includes a center of inversion symmetry
on samples cleaved (IC) from single-crystal ingots of midway between the double-layer planes. Thus, rigid-
undoped GeS grown by vacuum sublimation [10]. layer vibrations normal to the planes cannot produce
Sample thicknesses ranged from 4.2 jim to 8.8 mm. The any electric field. This is consistent with the fact that

6 P - 1.5 -

1~i05 ~I1I) - 11.0 -

E - /1/ 1.45
// /!~ b 8.7x10

~io~ - -

/ 05-

O 0 I I I I I

I— - 0 60 120 180 240 300

~ 102 - Fig. 3. A plot of the Urbach parameter, a vs temperature.
The a values were obtained from the exponential fits
- shown in Fig. 2. The solid line was calculated using
120K equation (2) with a
0 = 1.45 and hc~= 8.7 meV. This
figure together with Fig. 2, confirms Urbach behavior
10 240K 80K 60K - for the E 11 a absorption edge in GeS. Estimated fitting
4.2K errors are ±0.05 for a0 and ±0.6 meV for hwy.

observation of Urbach behavior at 4.2 K is taken as

1.5 1.55 .6 .65 1.7 .75 1.8 evidence that self-trapping has occurred [4]. Further
hweV —‘ evidence for self-trapping of excitons in GeS is provided
by the very nature of the 8.7 meV phonon. Fivaz and
Fig. 2. Absorption coefficient vs photon energy for GeS
in the Ella polarization at various temperatures. The Mooser [15] have proposed a model for electron—
heavy lines are experimental. The light lines are linear, phonon interactions in layer-type semiconductors, in
coinciding with the measured data over approximately which fluctuations in the interlayer spacings give rise to
3 decades of and extrapolating to a focal-point at a strong deformation—potential interaction. They show,
a0 = 1.1 x 10 cm’ ,E0 = 1.751 eV. further, that this interaction can easily lead to self-
trapping of electrons, and may explain the dominant
the B2g rigid-layer mode is Raman active, but not infra- p-type conductivity of many layer-type semiconductors
red active [8]. The (anisotropic) exciton radius in GeS (including Ge S). The 8.7 meV phonon which produces
is estimated to be 50 A [12] Since exciton—phonon
. the GeS Urbach edge has been identified as one which
interactions typically involve phonons with wavevectors causes precisely the rigid inter-layer vibrations en-
q ~ 1 /a~,where a~is the exciton radius, the GeS visioned by Fivaz and Mooser. We therefore conclude
1. Thisinteracts primarily
is a small fractionwith phonons
(<0.07) of distance
of the q ~ 0.02to that self-trapping
electrons) probablyof occurs
in (via
and that, at of
least for
fiC nearest zone boundary. We therefore conclude that
the layer-type compounds, Sumi and Toyazawa’s criterion
the Urbach edge in GeS is caused by zone-center for self-trapping is slightly conservative.
phonons having no associated electric fields. This finding
is inconsistent with the claim [5] that electric field Acknowledgements This work was supported, in part,

ionization of excitons is the universal mechanism by NATO (Research Grant No. 1125). The Research
responsible for Urbach edges. Corporation (Research Grant No. 8098), and the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin Graduate School.
Our results are in good agreement with the theory
of Sumi and Toyazawa, with the following intriguing
quantitative discrepancy. According to Sumi and REFERENCES
Toyazawa, a value of a
0 = 1.45 is too large to allow 1. F. Urbach,Phys. Rev. 92, 1325 (1953).
self-trapping of excitons. On the other hand, the 2. M.V. Kurik, Phys. Status Solidi (a) 8, 9 (1971).
3. D.L. Dexter & R.S. Knox, Excitons. Wiley, New 9. J.D. Wiley, A. Breitschwerdt & E. Schönherr,
York (1965). Solid State Commun. 17, 355 (1975).
4. H. Sumi & Y. Toyazawa, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 31, 10. E. Schönherr & W. Stetter, J. Cryst. Growth 30,
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. G.G. Tsebulya, L.K. Mladov & S.M. Todorov,
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