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J2EE Syllabus

Ø Filtering Request and Response

Advance JDBC Programming:
Ø Programming Filter
Ø Overview of Database Driver Architecture
Ø Filter Mapping
Ø Introduction to JDBC Standard Extension API (javax.sql)
Ø Servlet Listeners
Ø Connection Pooling
Ø JDBC Programming with ORACLE, MYSQL, etc.
Ø Batch Processing
Java Server Pages Technology:
Ø Connecting to non-conventional databases Ø Basic JSP Architecture

Ø Use of Excel API Ø Life Cycle of JSP (Translation, compilation)

Ø Database cashing (case study with HSDB,CSQL) Ø JSP Tags and Expressions

Ø Working with Multiple Databases Ø Role of JSP in MVC-2

Ø Handling SQL escape syntax Ø JSP with Database

Ø Calling SQL functions, Database stored procedures Ø JSP Implicit Objects

Ø Dealing with Database Metadata Ø Tag Libraries

Ø Handling Binary Data (Operation on Image File) Ø JSP Expression Language (EL)

Ø Type mapping & SQL3 Data types Ø Using Custom Tag

Ø JSP Capabilities:
Introduction to J2EE
• Exception Handling
Ø J2EE Overview
• Session Management
Ø Why J2EE?
• Directives
Ø J2EE Architecture
Ø JSP with Java Bean
Ø J2EE Containers
RMI (Remote Method Invocation)
Java Server Technologies RMI overview
Servlet RMI architecture
Ø Web Application Basics. Example demonstrating RMI
Ø Architecture and challenges of Web Application.
Enterprise JAVA Beans
Ø Introduction to servlet
Ø Enterprise Bean overview
Ø Servlet life cycle
Ø Types of enterprise beans
Ø Developing and Deploying Servlets
Ø Advantages of enterprise beans
Ø Exploring Deployment Descriptor (web.xml).
Ø The Life Cycles of Enterprise Beans
Ø Handling Request and Response
Ø Working with Session Beans
Ø Initializing a Servlet
Ø Statefull vs. Stateless Session Beans
Ø Accessing Database
Ø Working with Entity Beans
Ø Servlet Chaining
Ø Message Driven Beans
Ø Session Tracking & Management
Ø Dealing with cookies
JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface)
Ø Transferring Request
Ø Accessing Web Context Ø JNDI overview

Ø Passing INIT and CONTEXT Parameter Ø JNDI API

Ø Sharing information using scope object Ø Context operations

Ø Controlling concurrent access Ø Using JNDI in J2EE applications

Ø User Authentication

J2EE Syllabus
Struts Framework:
Ø What is Struts?
Ø Struts Architecture
Ø Struts classes - ActionForward, ActionForm,
ActionServlet, Action classes
Ø Understanding struts-config.xml
Ø Understanding Action Mappings
Ø Struts flow with an example application
Ø Struts Tiles Framework.
Ø Struts Validation Framework
Ø Internationalizing Struts Application
Ø Struts with Message Resources
Awareness to Other J2EE Technologies:
Ø Java Mail
Ø Web Services
Ø Log4J
Ø Hibernate
Ø Spring Framework
Ø Design Pattern

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