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Not Just a Reset:

Russia’s Interests in Relations
with the United States of America

Report for the

клуба «Валдай»
дискуссионного Российско-американская секция / Москва, июнь 2009
международного meeting
секции of the Russian-U.S.
американской section
российско- of the Valdai
к заседанию
Special Russian-U.S. Session / Moscow, June 2009 International
Discussion Club

Интересы России в отношениях с США

а не перезагрузка
Not Just a Reset:
Russia’s Interests in Relations
with the United States of America

Report for the meeting

of the Russian-U.S. section
of the Valdai International
Discussion Club

Moscow, June 2009


Professor, Chairman of the Presidium
of the Council on Foreign and Defense
Policy, Valdai Club meetings chairman; —
chief of contributors, executive editor of
the report.

Dmitry SUSLOV —
Director for Research of the Council on
Foreign and Defense Policy (CFDP).

Director of the Center for Comprehensive
European and International Studies at
the State University Higher School of

The authors express gratitude to the partici- University), Associate Professor of the Chair of
pants of the case study “Russian Interests in International Relations and Foreign Policy of
Relations with the U.S.”: ANATOLY ADAMISHIN, Russia; ANATOLY UTKIN, Director of the Center
President of the Association for Euro-Atlantic of International Studies at the Institute of the
Cooperation, Ambassador Extraordinary and U.S. and Canadian Studies at the Russian Acad-
Plenipotentiary; PAVEL ANDREYEV, Head of emy of Sciences; IGOR YURGENS, Chairman of
International Projects, RIA Novosti; ALEXAN- the Board of the Institute of Contemporary
DER BELKIN, Deputy Executive Director of the Development; Chairman of the Board of the
Council on Foreign and Defense Policy; ANDREI Macquarie Renaissance; First Vice President,
KOLOSOVSKY, Senior International Advisor, “Renaissance Capital” Investment Bank; PAVEL
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, Russia ZOLOTARYOV, President of the Interregional
& CIS, Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- Public Fund for the Support of Military Reform,
potentiary; ANDREI KORTUNOV, President of Deputy Director of the Institute of the U.S. and
the “New Eurasia” Foundation; VIKTOR KRE- Canadian Studies at the Russian Academy of
MENYUK, Deputy Director of the Institute of Sciences, Major-General (Ret.); as well as to
the U.S. and Canadian Studies at the Rus- the authors of written commentaries ANDREI
sian Academy of Sciences; ALEXEI PUSHKOV, BUGROV, Managing Director of the “Interros”
Anchor and author of the Post Scriptum politi- Holding Company, DMITRY TRENIN, Director
cal show, “TV-Center” Company; Director of of the Carnegie Moscow Center, and FYODOR
the Institute of Topical International Problems LUK’YANOV, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Rus-
at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of sia in Global Politics; and to ALEXEI ARBATOV,
Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; VIK- Head of the Center  for International Security,
TOR SUPYAN, Deputy Director of the Institute Institute of World Economy and International
of the U.S. and Canadian Studies at the Rus- Relations (IMEMO) of the Russian Academy of
sian Academy of Sciences; MIKHAIL TROITSKY, Sciences, NIKOLAI SPASSKY, Deputy General
Deputy Dean of the Department of Political Director of the “Rosatom” State Corporation
Sciences of the Moscow State Institute of Inter- for Atomic Energy, and other colleagues who
national Relations of the Ministry of Foreign participated in several rounds of discussion of
Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO- the ideas expressed in the report.













19 7. THE “BIG DEAL”


Reconfiguration, Not Just a Reset

by the Executive Editor

The idea for this report originated during Second. To use an appraisal of mutual inter-
preparations for the Russian-American sec- ests as the basis for an open and pragmatic
tion of the “Valdai” International Discussion dialogue with the American expert community
Club meetings, a joint RIA Novosti and Council about what the relationship between the two
on Foreign and Defense Policy (CFDP) initia- countries could and should look like in the
tive. The Valdai Club is a series of meetings new era.
held regularly between specialists on Russia,
prominent academics and journalists from all The report was prepared using a significantly
over the world, and their Russian colleagues modified traditional methodology of the CFDP.
representing a wide spectrum of the Russian First the authors together with a number of
political elite. outside experts held a series of brainstorming
sessions. On their basis a broad comparative
This report was inspired by a presentation of list (originally organized in a table) of Rus-
a project of the American Academy of Arts sian and U.S. interests toward to each other
and Sciences entitled “Rethinking U.S. Policy was assembled. Official and academic publi-
toward Russia” and written by a group of lead- cations on closely related issues were taken
ing American experts on Russia and Russian- into account in this work, as were the previous
American relations led by Robert Legvold, Pro- CFDP studies on this subject.
fessor Emeritus of Columbia University.
Conclusions drawn from the analysis of these
On the basis of a systemic analysis of Ameri- lists of interests were in many respects unex-
can interests vis-à-vis Russia, “Legvold’s doc- pected and noteworthy. Preliminary results
ument” calls for a substantial revision of were then discussed with a large group of
the American policy in favor of intensifying experts at a “soft” situational analyses semi-
cooperation with Russia. Reading this in-depth nar.. Even before its official presentation in
research immediately prompted an idea to the run-up to the July meeting of the Presi-
prepare an analogous Russian document. dents Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama,
the report was submitted to the Government
officials and experts.

This report has two aims. This report, like the one prepared under the
auspices of the American Academy of Arts
First. To compel the Russian political elite to and Sciences, is planned to be discussed in
have a systematic discussion over what they the end of June 2009 at the meeting of the
require from their relations with the U.S., as Russian-American section of the Valdai Club.
well as how those relations could be normal- This work will continue not through separate
ized after a quarter of a century of unprec- tracks, but jointly, by the Russian-American
edented deterioration. expert group.

4 MOSCOW , JUNE 2009

Russia’s Interests in Relations with the United States of America

Indeed, this report’s assessment of Russian and additionally, in its Appendix, the final ver-
and American interests is the authors’ work sion of the list of Russian and American inter-
and consciously does not claim to reflect the ests toward each other.
official point of view. The authors are open
to criticism that will be taken into account in Comparative analysis of interests is by no
future works. The authors’ task was to identify means the only and absolute key to developing
the real interests as explicitly as possible, and an adequate policy. Yet without it, reasonable
to move away from an approach that conceals policy proves to be impossible. Authors of the
or deliberately blurs their interpretation. Reports in both Russia and the U.S. contrib-
uted their modest efforts to formulating such
The report in its current shape comprises a a policy. Responsibility for the final version of
text containing analysis and recommendations, the text rests solely with the Executive Editor.

Sergei A. Karaganov


Reconfiguration, Not Just a Reset

1. New Global Context

1.1. Russian-U.S. relations are developing in developing at an unprecedentedly fast pace.

an international environment that is crucially Its foreign economic expansion is widening,
different from not only the Cold War times, but its political influence is growing. The vector
also from the subsequent transitional period. of the U.S. main interests is also moving to
This new situation is distinguished, in particu- the Asian-Pacific zone;
lar, by the following factors:
•  Launch of the second round (after Israel,
•  Decline of the governability of international Pakistan, and India) of nuclear weapons prolif-
relations and their growing re-nationalization, eration. It seems that this process is no longer
as well as an intensifying crisis of global politi- possible to stop. It is now a question of its
cal and economic governance. Key actors are restricting and regulating;
unable to control many major transnational
processes in the economy, policy, and security. •  Transformation of space encompassing the
The world financial and economic crisis is one Gulf, Central Asia, and the Middle East into
of the elements of the general crisis of global the world’s most problematic region, and
governance; the main source of threats to international
security, such as proliferation of weapons of
•  Emergence of new players, some of whom mass destruction, international terrorism, and
are fully-fledged centers of power, which degradation of state governance: Pakistan,
are not controlled by the United States, and Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and the zone of the
which are not part of and not willing to be Arab-Israeli conflict are the main hotbeds of
part of the Western (American) international regional instability.
1.2. The most significant change is the failure
•  Rapid shift of the center of global politics of America’s attempt to use the post-Cold War
and economy from the Euro-Atlantic region “unipolar moment” for building an interna-
to the Asian-Pacific. The European Union tional system mostly favorable and beneficial
(EU) is growing weaker as an actor in for- for the U.S., one based on “soft” hegemony,
eign politics. The EU common foreign and on spreading of the U.S. model of democracy
security policy is still at its infancy because and the liberal market economy to the rest of
of the diverging interests of the European the world. American attempts to control inter-
Union member states, and their reluctance national processes and to respond to the new
to increase defense spending and shoulder challenges and threats to international security
responsibility for keeping up international unilaterally and relying on its own force have
peace and security. For this reason, the EU failed. Moreover, by the end of this decade, the
cannot be viewed as significant player in U.S. international leadership itself turned out
the world’s political and especially military- to be in crisis. The system of American alli-
political arena. At the same time, China is ances was weakened.

6 MOSCOW , JUNE 2009

Russia’s Interests in Relations with the United States of America

1.3. International relations have entered a and establishing a stable global economic
new post-hegemonic, non-Western stage. Its order, surmounting the crisis in the security
nature so far remains unclear, and will depend field and creating a stable political interna-
on the quality and character of interaction tional order is impossible without Russia, or
between the key centers of power. As develop- to be precise, without developing effective
ment of American-Chinese relations is essen- Russian-American and Russian-American-
tial for overcoming the world economic crisis Chinese relations.


Reconfiguration, Not Just a Reset

2. Russia and the United States

in the Modern World

2.1. The aforementioned changes have sub- in the world. However, it seems that it has
stantially weakened America’s global positions, reached the limit of such growth for the next
which could be recovered only in part. In the few years.
foreseeable future, the U.S. will remain the
world’s most powerful country, which will be A change in the world economic conjuncture
considerably ahead of all other “poles” in the and incomplete socio-economic reforms call
aggregate indicators of power. America will into question Russia’s ability to retain even
retain its ability to block any attempts to build a modest share of 2.5% in the global GDP
an international order without it and against that it attained in 2008. Russia’s place in the
it. It remains the player without which the world economy and politics will depend on
main threats to international stability cannot the prospects of its comprehensive economic
be repelled, and a steady international balance and social modernization, transition to the
established. At the same time, however, Amer- innovation-based development model, and
ica has largely lost its ability to implement its formation of an effective system of political
interests unilaterally. governance. Success in this direction will not
only substantially strengthen Russia’s posi-
2.2. After the collapse of the late 1990s, Rus- tions in the world as one of the rising poles,
sia restored its statehood and sovereignty, and but will also make it more attractive as a
used favorable economic and political condi- center of economic and political gravity in the
tions for increasing its power and influence post-Soviet space.

8 MOSCOW , JUNE 2009

Russia’s Interests in Relations with the United States of America

3. Russia-U.S. Relations

3.1. In the course of the last few years, the taken by Washington for granted and only
Russia-U.S. relations have been steadily dete- whet his appetite. The majority of Russia’s
riorating. In the past summer and fall, they elite no longer sees any advantages in ini-
reached their lowest point in the last quarter- tiating rectified, constructive relations with
century, risking to turn into systemic confron- the United States. Very few of them see
tation. A chance that had appeared after the explicit long-term advantages for Russia’s
attacks of September 11, 2001, and creation of modernization and the strengthening of its
a broad international anti-terrorist coalition, geopolitical positions.
was not used. Moreover, the Russia-U.S. rela-
tions in 2008 were worse than during NATO’s • The United States is clearly disappointed
aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999, and in that Russia has not followed the American
the subsequent 2000-2001 period. way. There is a hope — an illusionary one,
most likely — that if Russia weakens again,
3.2. The Cold War and Washington’s subse- the model of relations of the 1990s could be
quent attempt to establish its dominance in the revived. America’s mistrust of the Russian
world (first through “soft” means and during political system is evident.
George W. Bush presidency “hard” means) left
both Russia and America mistrustful of each 3.3. The main reason for the steady deteriora-
other, and the level of mistrust was particu- tion of the Russia-U.S. relations in the last few
larly high on the Russian side. At one point, it years lies in the United States’ reluctance to
became politically incorrect both in Russia and consider Russia’s vital interests. This primarily
the United States to call for constructive coop- applies to the following issues:
eration, and to note that despite all contradic-
tions in their interests and policies, common •  Evolution of the post-Soviet space, which is
interests still prevail. Russia’s main foreign policy priority. Russia
is interested in reintegrating of this space.
• The Russian political elite harbors a convic- It wants the majority of CIS countries to
tion that the United States has exploited take part in the Russia-oriented security
Russia’s weakness of the 1990s and even system (CSTO), and its integration project
has tried to protract this condition, while (EurAsEC). It is also interested in a leading
“advance of democracy” is nothing else than role in the CIS countries’ energy complex.
creating conditions for various countries to The United States, on the contrary, is pursu-
follow the subordinated development model ing a policy of fragmentation of this space,
in the wake of U.S. geopolitical interests. In of drawing CIS countries away from Russia
addition, there exists a widespread belief by either involving them in the U.S.- and
that any manifestations of acquiescence, a Western-oriented military-political alliances
constructive approach or goodwill towards (NATO), or by building bilateral partner-
the U.S. do not bring any benefits, but are ships (with Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and in


Reconfiguration, Not Just a Reset

perspective with Kazakhstan). Washington its preservation as the foundation of its

is also actively resisting the consolidation military security, one of the main levers
of Russian positions in the CIS countries’ of influence in the world arena, and
energy industry. the most important argument in favor
of equitable dialogue with the United
•  Evolution of the European security sys- States. America, on its turn, considers
tem, Russia’s role and place in it. Over- it to be an obstacle in the way of reach-
coming the de facto unfinished Cold War ing overwhelming military preponder-
in Europe is essential. NATO’s expansion, ance over any other state or group of
however, is a sign that the Cold War is by states. This explains the contradictions
no means over. between the two countries over the U.S.
plan to deploy a missile defense system.
Moscow wants to play an equal role in estab- If the United States achieves invulner-
lishing European security order, and to have ability for the other countries’ nuclear
a decision-making right in resolving major weapons, the Russian nuclear arsenal
European security issues. Moscow expects the may undermine or lose its deterrent
West to recognize Russia and the Russian- function.
oriented security system (today existing in the
framework of the CSTO) as an equitable and — Varying interpretations on the end of the
integral geopolitical unit that forms, which Cold War. Russia does not consider itself a
forms together with NATO and on the basis vanquished nation in this war. For this rea-
of parity a common Euro-Atlantic security son, it declares its right to take part in the
space. formation of a “postwar” international order
on a par with the West. The United States
Whereas the U.S. interest is to become the widely believes in their “victory” in the Cold
main guarantor of European security by turn- War, and, thus, in a defeat of Russia. This
ing NATO into the central organization of a is also related to a widespread opinion that
Greater Europe, and the foundation of its secu- this “victory” has proved that the values
rity system. This is manifested in a course to of American liberalism and democracy are
expand NATO to the overwhelming majority of universal, and should be therefore spread
European countries. With the countries that are to all other countries.
unable to join the Alliance for some or other
reason (such as Russia or Central Asian states), 3.4 Other reasons for the deterioration of
the U.S. is expecting to establish relations as bilateral relations in the last 10 to 15 years are
with “junior partners.” as follows:

•  Russia’s and America’s place in the world •  America’s unilateralism in foreign policy
in general. Russia views itself as a pole of a (particularly under the George W. Bush
multipolar world, which conducts indepen- administration);
dent domestic and foreign policy based on
its own interpretation of national interests •  Washington’s attempts to usurp decision-
and its own model of development. At the making rights on issues of war and peace,
same time, Washington’s global strategy and to weaken international institutions
boils down to a search for ways of restoring (primarily the UN Security Council) in taking
unipolarity by this or that means. major international decisions;

Mutual disagreement — America’s refusal to •  U.S. attempts to revise international law on

accept Russia as an independent pole of a the use of force and on state sovereignty;
multipolar world, and Russia’s renunciation
of U.S. as a global hegemon — is expressed •  America’s efforts to spread democracy in the
in the following: world at large, and particularly in the former
Soviet Union, which usually took a form of
— Different attitude to the remaining bilat- supporting the most anti-Russian forces in
eral nuclear arms parity. Russia views CIS countries;

10 MOSCOW , JUNE 2009

Russia’s Interests in Relations with the United States of America

•  Russia’s political and military-political from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces

cooperation with anti-American regimes Treaty (INF) and to deploy its theater ballis-
(Iran, Syria, Venezuela, and Cuba); tic missile system “Iskander” in Kaliningrad
region and target it on future U.S. anti-missile
•  U.S. attempts to prevent the growth of Rus- defense installations in Poland and the Czech
sia’s role and influence on the world energy Republic). Russia’s moratorium on the imple-
market, and the elaboration of more equi- mentation of the Conventional Armed Forces
table rules for its regulation; in Europe Treaty (CFE) in response to NATO’s
expansion and U.S. attempts to use the CFE
•  Attacks on Yugoslavia and Iraq, which com- Treaty as an instrument for exerting pressure
pelled the Russian political elite to address on Russia regarding the CIS “frozen” conflicts,
the need for military-political deterrence in caused serious apprehensions across Europe
the new environment. and triggered discussions over the risk of a
new round of the arms race on this continent.
3.5. By the summer and fall of 2008, the
Russia-U.S. cooperation has been seriously 3.7. The bearing skeleton of Russia-U.S. rela-
undermined, including in directions that were tions has been severely decayed. In effect,
of significant for both sides, such as preven- political dialogue has been reduced to personal
tion of the proliferation of weapons of mass communication between the heads of state
destruction, stabilization of the situation in during bilateral and multilateral summits.
Afghanistan, as well as countering interna- While mechanisms of continuous bureaucratic
tional terrorism. The sides also have differing interaction between officials at the working
approaches to settling a number of interna- level are either absent or limited to official
tional issues, such as those linked with Iran, diplomatic channels. Thus, outside the foreign
Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Kosovo, and the ministries, bureaucracies of the two countries
Middle East. have lost the skills of interaction, and, more-
over, have not felt and significant necessity to
3.6. The negative agenda has dramatically interact.
expanded. In 2007 and 2008, elements of
military-political confrontation began to sur- 3.8. Thus, by now the sides have accumulated
face in the Russia-U.S. relations. For the most a considerable potential of mistrust and sus-
part, they were linked with Washington’s policy picion that is difficult to eliminate. What will
towards deploying elements of the third ABM be required to overcome these problems is an
site in Europe, and the subsequent response extraordinary political will, and the develop-
measures from Moscow (threats to withdraw ment of effective channels of cooperation.


Reconfiguration, Not Just a Reset

4. A Window of Opportunity

4.1. Qualitative changes in international rela- questioned the expediency of this project
tions (primarily, the crisis of the U.S. global (and of the missile defense system as a
leadership and consolidation of the new cen- whole), although, without making an official
ters of political and economic influence), as decision to discontinue it.
well as the election of the President Barack
Obama on the wave of the crisis have created 4.3. Early this year, the United States offered
a new window of opportunity in Russia-U.S. Russia an agenda to invigorate cooperation,
relations. President Obama is demonstrating calling its implementation “resetting” rela-
innovative approaches in relations with the tions. For the time being, this program mainly
Muslim world, Iran, and to the Arab-Israeli consists of two parts:
conflict. Despite the all inertia, there is an
attempt to revise many obsolete or failed •  Elaboration and adoption of a new big agree-
aspects of American policy. ment on the reduction and limitation of
offensive nuclear arms to replace the Strate-
4.2. America has taken a pause in implement- gic Arms Reduction Treaty (START-1), which
ing a number of foreign policy projects that are expires this December. The sides are expected
the most sensitive and painful for Russia. to make deep cuts in their nuclear arsenals
to bring them below the level of the 2002
•  NATO’s expansion towards ex-Soviet coun- Moscow Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty
tries, primarily Ukraine and Georgia, has (SORT) (1,700-2,200 warheads on each side).
stopped de facto. Formally speaking, this Moreover, President Obama has given a new
issue has not been removed from the agenda lease of life to the idea of full renunciation of
but in reality the Obama Administration nuclear weapons (the so-called “nuclear zero”
does not pressure its allies into expediting option) as one of the long-term goals.
NATO’s expansion, as was the case under his
predecessor George W. Bush. After the mili- •  Striking a private deal: the United States
tary conflict in August 2008, and recognition stops the deployment of its missile defense
of Abkhazia and South Ossetia’s indepen- elements in Poland and the Czech Republic
dence by Russia, Georgia’s NATO entry has in exchange for Russia’s full support of U.S.
been postponed for a long-term perspective. policy on Iran’s nuclear program. In this sce-
Ukraine’s accession has also been suspended nario, Moscow would give up its political and
for an indefinite period. diplomatic cooperation with Tehran, stop
supporting it in the IAEA and the UN Secu-
•  The United States has created a situation of rity Council, agree to the imposition of much
uncertainty around the prospects of deploy- tougher sanctions against Iran than exist
ing its third ABM site in Poland and the now, and subject Iran to powerful political
Czech Republic. The President Obama and and diplomatic pressure and the threat of
the key officials of his Administration have international isolation.

12 MOSCOW , JUNE 2009

Russia’s Interests in Relations with the United States of America

4.4. The very fact of making a proposal to Russia-U.S. relations, as the role of the two
“reset” the relations is a very positive deed, countries in global governance, Russia’s role
which attests to a transformation of the very and place in the European security system
philosophy of the U.S. approach to Russia. It and the very nature of this system, geopolitics
shows that the new U.S. Administration real- of the post-Soviet space, and so on. Genuine
izes that by ignoring Russia, not to mention “resetting” appears to be hard to accomplish
a new confrontation with it, it will not only and extremely fragile without the resolution of
fail to reach any real major goal of its for- these issues.
eign policy, but will seriously undermine its
implementation. Besides, the U.S. readiness to 4.6. The window of opportunity that has
bargain with Russia over bilateral interests and opened today may shut in a relatively short
make different kinds of exchanges should be span of time. This will happen if the sides (or
welcomed. Although the price initially offered one of the sides) do not feel substantial ben-
by the Obama Administration does not seem efits from the improvement of relations, if,
acceptable for Russia. in particular, this improvement will not help
them implement their vital interests.
4.5. Implementation of the proposed “reset”
option might breed even more mistrust in 4.7. In this context, Russia and the United
bilateral relations and, in the end result fail to States should overcome the given negative
improve them. First and foremost, this applies attitudes with the shortest possible delay, and
to the issue of considerable cuts in nuclear adopt a new positive agenda of their relations.
arsenals. Besides, “resetting” agenda is narrow They should focus not so much on selective
and very selective. It has almost no bearing implementation of narrow and often con-
on Russia’s vital, paramount and immediate tradictory individual projects, as on genuine
interests. reconfiguration of bilateral relations. The two
sides should find a formula whereby the policy
For instance, the middle and long-term pros- of either side will not threaten the vital or
pects of NATO’s further expansion, includ- important interests of the other, while bilater-
ing into the CIS countries, remain unclear. al cooperation will promote implementation of
Washington has been expressing a cautious, their significant or vital interests. This agenda
if not negative, attitude towards Moscow’s should also imply the formation of positive
proposal to draft a new comprehensive Treaty interdependence between Russia and the U.S.,
on European (collective) security. Nothing is primarily through development of economic
said about such fundamental issues for the cooperation.


Reconfiguration, Not Just a Reset

5. Russian and the U.S.


5.1. Analysis of the key interests of Russia •  Creating a regime of maintaining stability in
and the United States shows that their most conditions of nuclear multipolarity.
important interests lie not so much in the
sphere of their bilateral relations, but rather •  Stabilizing the situation in Afghanistan.
in their relations with third countries. The
priority U.S. interests include Afghanistan, •  Stabilizing the situation in Pakistan and
Iran, Iraq, North Korea and the Middle East. preventing a conflict between India and
Russia’s priority interests cover post-Soviet Pakistan.
countries, above all Ukraine, and Russia’s role
and place in Europe and in the system of Euro- •  Resolving the North Korean nuclear crisis.
pean security.
•  Settling the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Also, the two countries’ significant and even
vital interests include international problems •  Fighting international terrorism, above all,
bearing on both countries, such as prolifera- preventing nuclear terrorism.
tion of weapons of mass destruction, energy
security, climate change, and so on. •  Preventing emergence of political and legal
vacuum in the sphere of nuclear arms con-
5.2. There is a negative interdependence trol after the START-1 Treaty expires in
between Russia and the United States in all of December 2009.
these issues, above all the regional ones. The
sides have different but comparable capabili- •  Integrating China in the international order
ties of inflicting foreign policy damage to each as a status quo power.
other. For example, Moscow could in many
cases prevent Washington from attaining its •  Stabilizing the situation in Iraq, especially
key foreign policy goals, predominantly in after the withdrawal of American troops,
relation to Afghanistan and Iran, while Wash- and preventing that country from becoming
ington can hamper the realization of Russia’s a safe haven for international terrorism.
interests in even a greater amount of spheres,
above all in Europe and post-Soviet states. •  Stabilizing the situation in the Broader Mid-
dle East in general, and preventing its deg-
5.3. The broad picture of parallel, common and radation and radicalization.
close interests, in our opinion, includes:
•  Ensuring security in outer space.
•  Preventing foreign politics destabilization in
the sphere of security and its degradation •  Preventing climate change.
into a “war of all against all,” and above all
preventing wars between great powers. •  Fighting drug trafficking, piracy, and orga-
nized crime.
•  Curtailing and preventing the proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction (WMD), in par- However, usually these interests occupy dif-
ticular stopping Iran from acquiring WMDs. ferent places in hierarchies of foreign policy

14 MOSCOW , JUNE 2009

Russia’s Interests in Relations with the United States of America

priorities of Russia and the U.S., they are not the traditional U.S. Eurasian Strategy. But the
as important to one country as to the other. If forms of attaining this interest, in particular of
that place happens to be the same for the two supporting independence of the CIS countries
countries, it is usually so for the interests they and of their independent foreign policy, may
regard secondary. Moreover, on many of these vary and do not necessarily imply their joining
fields Russian and the U.S. interests converge the U.S.-led military alliances or their direct
only at a very general and basic level, while dissociation from Russia.
on concrete levels, especially on the ways to
resolve these problems, the sides usually take 5.5 Moreover, the opposite interests of Russia
differing approaches. This is true about Iran, and the United States also include a number of
the Middle East conflict, and international ter- general issues regarding the evolution of the
rorism. In other words, these interests can be international political order and the two coun-
viewed as parallel but not always common. tries’ role in it. These issues include:

5.4. A comparative analysis of vital interests •  The future of the U.S. power (especially mili-
shows that they seldom overlap. Mostly, such tary) supremacy over the other countries.
interests lie in different domains, or their
importance is radically different for each side. •  The prospects for restoration of the U.S.
global leadership.
•  U.S. vital interests include ensuring a face-
saving withdrawal from Iraq (and leaving •  The future role of the UN Security Council
a symbolic contingent there), preventing a in taking vital decisions on war-and-peace
defeat in Afghanistan and stabilizing the issues and, in general, in global political
country, preventing the collapse of Pakistan governance.
and losing control of its nuclear weapons,
and, primarily, preventing Iran from acquiring •  The evolution of international law.
nuclear weapons, which is would threaten the
U.S. with a collapse of their military and polit- •  The spread of the modern type of Western
ical positions in the Middle East, a key region democracy throughout the world.
for America. Russia also is not interested in
destabilization of Afghanistan, loss of control 5.6. Although their vital interests mostly con-
over nuclear weapons in Pakistan, and in Iran cern relations with third countries and regions,
acquiring nuclear weapons, but its interests both Russia and the U.S. have a significant
in these spheres are one or two levels below interest in maintaining constructive bilateral
those of the U.S. in terms of their priority. relations and developing a strategic partner-
ship. This is especially true for Russia, for
•  Russia’s vital interests include preserving a which its relations with the U.S. have a separate
de facto predominant influence in the ter- value, which is in no way less, than its con-
ritory from Belarus to the Caucasus, and structive relations with China and the EU, even
preventing the alliances of other countries, though a majority of its political elite does not
above all NATO, from expansion to these fully understand this..
regions. Such expansion may foreshadow a
series of regional conflicts and possibly of a 5.7. Until recently, Russia’s importance for the
bigger war. Here the U.S. interests are oppo- U.S. was primarily limited to the fact that Rus-
site to the Russian ones, and this sphere sia was the world’s only country with a nuclear
therefore forms the basis for a negative capability comparable to the American one, one
agenda in the Russia-U.S. relations. How- which has a capacity to destroy the U.S. physical-
ever, these problems (predominantly the ly. However, since the Russian nuclear capability
expansion of NATO) are not vital, and not could not be used practically and was becoming
even significant from the point of view of weaker, this factor in itself was not forcing the
ensuring the U.S. national security. United States to consider constructive relations
with Russia as the end goal. Moreover, the pre-
Resisting restoration of Russia’s dominance dominant view was that the U.S. was all-mighty,
in the post-Soviet space is indeed a part of while Russia was continuously weak.


Reconfiguration, Not Just a Reset

Now, the situation is changing. Developing the EU and China. Russian-American tensions
constructive relations with Russia, although are undermining the potential of positive
it is comparatively less important to the U.S. Russian-EU cooperation in the political and
than to Russia, can well be considered among economic spheres, and strengthening political
crucial American foreign policy interests due and military-political dependence of Europe
to the aforementioned major changes in the on the U.S. Tense relations with Washington
global context. also deprive Russia’s policy regarding China
of decisive arguments and flexibility.
5.8. In particular, constructive cooperation of
the two major nuclear powers is invaluable and •  Like the U.S., Russia is interested in prevent-
required for halting or limiting nuclear prolif- ing the final disintegration of the non-pro-
eration, let alone developing a new multilateral liferation regime and in developing a regime
regime of nuclear deterrence, which is neces- of multilateral nuclear deterrence of the new
sary in view of the de facto nuclear multipolar- nuclear states, and regards the appearance
ity. Moreover, the foreign policy debacles of the of nuclear weapons in Iran as a security
Bush Administration have objectively strength- threat. These interests, although they are
ened Russia’s role in stabilizing Afghanistan less important to Russia than to the U.S.,
and resolving Iran’s nuclear problem, which cannot be implemented without constructive
the Obama Administration has outlined as key interaction with the United States.
immediate foreign policy priorities of the U.S.
Russia could also help substantially in settling the •  The United States as the global leader in
North Korean nuclear crisis and the Middle East the sphere of high technology and innova-
conflict. Finally, Russia’s importance to the U.S. is tion could become a major source of cut-
growing as China is becoming a global power and ting-edge technology and quality long-term
a challenge to the U.S. global primacy. direct investment in the Russian economy.
Their constructive interaction is significant
5.9. To Russia, positive relations with the U.S. in easing Russia’s access to many important
are important both in terms of comprehensive foreign markets (steel, nuclear fuel, and mil-
modernization of its economy and society, itary goods) and strengthening its influence
which is a key priority of its development, and in the global financial and economic gover-
for implementing the country’s vital foreign nance institutions (IMF quota redistribution,
policy interests. Poor relations with Washing- WTO accession).
ton seriously undermine Moscow’s standing in
global politics and economy. 5.10. In conditions of major changes in the
global context, Russia and the U.S. appear
•  Close Russia-U.S. interaction and coop- unable to resolve many — if not all — of
eration are incremental for final overcoming the key problems facing them without each
the heritage of the Cold War in Europe and other’s assistance. This concerns their both
building a system of European security suit- regional and global interests. The two coun-
ing Russia’s interests. tries’ nuclear capabilities are still considerably
larger than the capabilities of all other coun-
•  Without constructive relations with the U.S., tries. Although Russian-American interaction
Russia will be unable to create a belt of will not necessarily ensure nuclear safety, the
friendly states on its borders. Negative rela- situation in the world in this sphere depends
tions between Russia and the U.S. will con- above all on the policies of Russia and the U.S.
tinue to provoke post-Soviet states into and their ability to coordinate their actions.
balancing between Russia and the West
and exploiting contradictions between them, 5.11. This provision has created a unique situ-
which will, in its turn, encourage Washington ation in Russian-American relations. While in
to providing an even more active support to general asymmetry continues in the sides’ rela-
their most anti-Russian forces. tions and power capabilities, we see overlapping
symmetry emerging in some spheres of Russian-
•  Poor relations with the U.S. are markedly American interaction. This means that the sides
weakening Russia’s position in relations with can bring each other comparable benefits.

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Russia’s Interests in Relations with the United States of America

6. What to do with
the Barack Obama’s Proposal?

6.1. When the United States proposed “reset- •  Coincidence is mainly based on Russian and
ting” Russia-U.S. relations it went the most American mutual understanding that they
obvious and apparent way. It proposed to need to rely on the nuclear factor in this
make strategic arms reductions down to the rapidly changing and increasingly unstable
minimal levels and even with a long-term world, in the pursuit of ensuring interna-
possibility of cutting them to zero the main tional security. Their interests coincide in:
element and instrument of “resetting”. Given
the current level of mutual mistrust, this 1. precluding unwarranted use of nuclear
attempt to use an old instrument is under- weapons by the members of the “nuclear
standable, club” (the probability is minimal),

The problem of nuclear armaments has indeed 2. preventing terrorists from acquiring
become acute because the START-1 Treaty nuclear weapons (the probability is grow-
expires this December, and is also vivid proof ing because of possible collapse of Paki-
of the Obama Administration’s striving to dis- stan, North Korea, and nuclear prolifera-
sociate itself from the foreign policy of George tion in the Middle East),
W. Bush. Obama Administration, unlike the
previous one, emphasizes that it wants to 3. creating a multilateral regime of nucle-
cut nuclear weapons, strengthen multilateral ar deterrence of the new nuclear states
regimes in this area, and take into account now that the non-proliferation regime is
partners’ opinions. Russia for quite a long weakening.
time already has been pointing to the threat
of a political and legal vacuum in this sphere •  The sides’ interests are diverging, sometimes
when START-1 expires. The initiative of the dramatically, in their attitude to nuclear
Obama Administration may look as if the U.S. weapons as an instrument of national secu-
has listened to the Russia’s concern. All this rity. Russia does not imagine its security
is strengthening the U.S. international pres- without reliance on a powerful nuclear fac-
tige. It is quite peculiar, that the most positive tor, while for the U.S., because of its techno-
reaction to that proposal of the new Ameri- logical and quantitative conventional arms
can Administration was registered in Western superiority, reduction and even liquidation
Europe. of nuclear arms is desirable and beneficial.

6.2. However, the instrument chosen for 6.3. Thus, there exists a serious conflict of
“resetting” relations with Russia may backfire interests in the key sphere of international
and create problems instead of resolutions. security, which has so far been contained by
A comparative analysis of the sides’ nuclear the fact that the sides have huge nuclear arse-
interests clearly shows that they coincide only nals. However, this conflict may come to a head
partially and are largely divergent. if the sides slash their nuclear stockpiles. Since


Reconfiguration, Not Just a Reset

the United States enjoys unconditional pre- 6.5. The second part of the proposed by the
ponderance over the rest of the world in the U.S. “reset” scenario, which provides for a
sphere of conventional weapons, deep nuclear compromise on the ABM (anti-ballistic missile)
cuts may lower the deterrence potential of elements in Poland and the Czech Republic if
the Russian nuclear arsenal, which is the main Russia agrees to cooperate with the U.S. on
factor of Russia’s security and of its influence convincing or forcing Iran to reject its nuclear
in the international political system. program, is unacceptable to Russia in its cur-
rent shape.
Moreover, despite current uncertainties, the
U.S. has not abandoned its global ballistic mis- In essence, Russia is invited to join forces with
sile defense program. Deep reductions in the a power whose positions in the region are
two countries’ nuclear arsenals, let alone their weakening, against a regional player whose
liquidation as proposed by President Obama, positions are growing and who is a significant
will seal the United States’ military superiority economic and political partner of Moscow. In
in the world, eliminate the strategic situation exchange, the U.S. promises to halt the global
of mutual assured destruction in Russia-U.S. ABM project, whose fate is not yet determined
relations, and create a situation in which the anyway. President Obama’s proposal contains
U.S. will become close to invulnerability from no legally binding obligations to abandon the
other states. This will threaten Russia’s vital global AMB system completion.
security interests. Finally, a decision to push
the reset button on the mechanism of nuclear In other words, Russia has been asked to
reductions may revive the past Cold War men- make a concession on an issue that concerns
tality of military confrontation. its important interest — constructive rela-
tions with Iran — in exchange for the U.S.
6.4. In this context, Russia should only agree to possible, but not guaranteed, abandoning of
minor cuts of nuclear weapons to a level that a project which Barack Obama himself pro-
would not be much below the ceiling stipu- posed abandoning long before he was elected
lated in the 2002 Moscow Treaty (SORT). The president.
best solution would be to agree a new ceiling at
the level of 1,500-2,000 warheads in the new 6.6. We consider limited bargaining possible in
post-START-1 agreement. This would both this case, but unconditional support, let alone
suit Barack Obama’s offer to lower the ceiling support for a “military option” that has not
stipulated in the 2002 agreement, and at the been removed from the agenda, is out of the
same time avoid substantial and deep cutbacks, question. However, this is such a delicate issue
preserve the mutual assured destruction factor that we are so far not ready to discuss it openly
and, therefore, Russia’s deterrence potential. even in an analytical report. With all the multi-
Also, it would seem expedient to transfer to the tude of unfulfilled U.S. promises in mind, Rus-
new treaty all control, monitoring and verifica- sia must demand legally binding guarantees in
tion procedures stipulated in START-1. response to any concessions.

18 MOSCOW , JUNE 2009

Russia’s Interests in Relations with the United States of America

7. The “Big Deal”

7.1. Seeking to make the best possible use mentation of many interests that are vital for
of the window of opportunity, which opened the U.S. but are currently not among Russia’s
in early 2009, and taking into account the main priorities.
significance of Russian-U.S. cooperation for
implementing the two parties’ vital interests, Consequently, it is worth proposing to
Moscow should offer the United States its own exchange Russia’s and America’s respect of
package of proposals on improving bilateral each other’s interests in the spheres that are
relations, which would be deeper and more indeed vital for the sides. The meaning of the
embracing than Barack Obama’s offers. Natu- “Big Deal” is the following: by making conces-
rally, Russia should not reject the latter, but sions to each other on less important issues,
should rather optimize them and use as the both Russia and the U.S. implement their vital
first step towards implementing a broader interests. Russia — by intensifying positive
range of measures to normalize bilateral rela- cooperation with the U.S. in the spheres of the
tions. latter’s vital interests,. The United States — by
abandoning a negative policy regarding issues
7.2. We should take a course not just to “reset” of vital importance to Russia.
the Russia-U.S. relations, but to their genu-
ine reconfiguration. The goal of the Russian 7.3.1. To implement the “Big Deal”, Russia
agenda should be the attainment of a “big should take the following steps that would
deal” with the United States on the key inter- ensure implementation of U.S. vital interests
ests of both sides based on these interests without undermining Russia’s vital and impor-
analysis, the two countries’ role regarding the tant interests:
implementation of these interests, and their
importance for each other. Only such a historic •  Provide all-round support to the U.S. and
compromise could lead to the development of NATO efforts in Afghanistan (excluding
constructive relations between Russia and the direct military involvement);
United States.
•  Develop a common policy regarding Iran, to
7.3. Analysis of the key interests of Moscow which the international community could
and Washington shows that the sides use dif- offer it both a consolidated package of
ferent scales of priority for the bulk of coincid- political and economic stimuli and possibly
ing and diverging interests. The U.S. is playing sanctions, although excluding the possibility
a negative role regarding part of Russia’s vital of a senseless and even dangerous military
interests, but many of these spheres are not a intervention, and also help involve China in
top priority for the Untied States itself. this policy;

For its part, Russia could play an important, •  Support the U.S. efforts to resolve the North
and in some cases central role in the imple- Korean nuclear crisis;


Reconfiguration, Not Just a Reset

•  Support the U.S. efforts in Pakistan and Iraq; restrain — this provision concerns above all
the United States — in implementing one’s
•  Synchronize positions regarding the Middle policy in the post-Soviet space;
East settlement;
•  Refusal to support anti-Russian elites and
•  Renounce the use of military force to restore regimes in the CIS countries or to encour-
Russia’s historical zone of influence (apart age these states to pursue an openly anti-
from Abkhazia and South Ossetia); Russian policy;

•  Work hard to revive cooperation in the •  Rejection hindering Russia-centric integra-

struggle against international terrorism tion processes in the CIS;
worldwide and in precluding nuclear ter-
rorism; •  Agreement to the settlement of the remain-
ing “frozen conflicts” in the post-Soviet
•  Facilitate U.S. efforts to involve China in the space (Transdniestria, Nagorny Karabakh) on
international economic and political order, the conditions acceptable to Russia;
and help China to remain a status quo power
and a constructive member of the new club •  Elaboration of a mutually acceptable formula
of global leaders. for the promotion of energy projects and
energy cooperation in the CIS;
7.3.2. For the United States, implementation of
the “Big Deal” provides for a substantial cor- •  Active assistance to the drafting and signing
rection of its policy regarding the post-Soviet of a new Pan-European Collective Security
space and European security, the one that Treaty proposed by Russia, and therefore to
would not jeopardize American key interests the elaboration of new universal rules of the
but would at the same time let Russia secure game in the Euro-Atlantic space suitable to
its vital interests. Such a reassessment should Russia, including the rules and procedures
include the following elements: for decision-making;

•  Rejection of attempts to trigger Russia’s •  Granting to Russia real decision-making

confrontation with its members — Ukraine, rights on issues of European security, which
Georgia and other Post-Soviet countries Moscow regards as threatening its secu-
through their involvement into NATO, as well rity. Such a granting would not infringe on
as from developing bilateral military-politi- America’s vital interests. These interests
cal partnerships with them. When formulated today are not so much about spreading U.S.
in this way, this correction does not seem to security order to all European countries,
infringe on vital U.S. interests because it does as to preserving its military-political pres-
not imply an American refusal to develop ence in Europe, preserving NATO as the
dialogue with these countries, to support main security institution in Western and
their sovereignty and independence as such. Central Europe, and in liquidating threats to
Significant, and possibly even vital interests Euro-Atlantic security, which are mainly of
of the United States would be violated only if external origin and come from Afghanistan,
Russia trampled underfoot the CIS countries’ Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and the Middle East.
sovereignty de facto or de jure, and restored These threats cannot be liquidated without
a sphere of its total domination in the post- Russia’s active participation;
Soviet territory;
•  A real and legally binding agreement of the
•  Accordingly, Russia and the U.S. should U.S. not to deploy elements of its ballistic
agree on the rules of the game, and in par- missile defense system in close proxim-
ticular the rules and limits of competition in ity to Russian borders and without Russia’s
the post-Soviet space. They must mark out involvement.
the “red lines”, crossing which would threat-
en the important or vital interests of either 7.4. Such historic compromise was impossible
side. The main rule should stipulate mutual in the 1990s and the early 21st century. Yet

20 MOSCOW , JUNE 2009

Russia’s Interests in Relations with the United States of America

now, the major changes in international rela- become an organic addition and the concluding
tions and emergence of a symmetry of mutual stage of the creation of Russia’s three Alliances
damage and mutual benefit in some spheres with the key global power centers and with
of Russia-U.S. interaction (despite the gen- its main foreign policy, trade and economic
eral asymmetry of their relations), increase partners — an “Alliance of Europe” based on
the probability of a such a compromise. The an energy union and the Russia-EU common
more dangerous and uncontrollable the world economic and human spaces, a Russia-China
becomes, including for the United States itself, Alliance, and the Russia-U.S. Alliance.
the more willing it will be to engage in such a
“Big Deal” with Russia. The continual strength- Finally, a relatively effective governance is
ening of China will also be a major factor in possible only if the two overlapping “triangles”
encouraging the U.S. to make such a swap, or of international community leaders are cre-
agree on a compromise with Russia involving ated. These are the global China–U.S.–Russia
vital interests of the sides. “triangle”, which is proposed by some influ-
ential Chinese analysts, and a Euro-Atlantic
7.5. Implementation of this “Big Deal” could EU–U.S.–Russia “triangle”.
eventually result in creation in a longer-term
perspective of a strategic alliance of Russia Assisting the establishment of these three
and the United States for addressing the inter- unions and two triangles stands as the most
national security issues in which both coun- important goal of Russia’s foreign policy. Its
tries still continue to play the key role. First attainment will ensure Russia’s national secu-
and foremost, it is nuclear security (includ- rity and interests, ensure it a leading position
ing non-proliferation and multilateral nuclear in the system of global economic and political
deterrence), strategic stability, and resolution governance, and, finally, will become a signifi-
of certain regional crises and conflicts, primar- cant contribution to strengthening international
ily in Afghanistan. stability and security, will allow overcoming the
current decline in the governability of interna-
7.6. Agreeing on a compromise or, better still, tional relations.
moving towards a Russia-U.S. alliance would
become a powerful impetus for a qualitative This strategic goal may now be perceived as
expansion of Russian-American cooperation in too bold, but it could become feasible in the
other spheres where the sides’ interests either long run.
coincide for objective reasons, or can coincide,
or are running parallel courses, but where their 7.8. The spheres where progress and accumu-
positive interaction is currently hampered by lation of positive experience of interaction are
the overwhelmingly negative atmosphere of possible in the very short term already, and
bilateral relations in general. These spheres where the sides will not need to sacrifice any
include above all cooperation in the energy of their significant interests, are:
sector and termination of open confronta-
tion there, joint efforts to reduce the threat — Interaction on Afghanistan;
of international terrorism, and cooperation in
the spheres of climate change, food and many — Interaction on North Korea, where Russia
other global issues. could easily support U.S. actions and pur-
sue efforts to convince China to assume
7.7. Other key world’s power centers, above a favorable and constructive stance on
all China and the European Union (if the lat- the issue;
ter overcomes internal restraints and becomes
a serious player in global politics), could join — Settlement of the Transdniestria conflict
the Russia-U.S. cooperation in many of these on the basis of recognition of Moldova’s
spheres. territorial integrity and its legal status as
a neutral and non-bloc state. This com-
Although this idea may seem too ambitious, the promise will also not entail concessions
establishment of a Russia-U.S. Alliance could on any of the sides’ vital interests.


Reconfiguration, Not Just a Reset

8.  evelopment
of Economic Cooperation

8.1. Stable and positive development of Rus- Russia and the U.S. should be equally inter-
sian-U.S. relations and the establishment of a ested in preventing commodity wars and
long-term alliance between the two countries should draft rules, which would determine
are unimaginable without eventual emergence development of the international energy
of a positive interdependence in their relations, market and several commodity markets.
which might appear only through dynamic The key spheres of their energy interaction
development of trade and economic relations. could be: joint markets regulation, including
Moreover, the United States could facilitate through the development of new rules based
comprehensive modernization of the Russian on a compromise between energy producing
economy and society, conversion to an innova- and consuming countries; joint development
tion-based development model, and raise the and use of energy resources in the Arctic
level of state governance. and the Arctic Ocean, and implementation of
large-scale energy projects there; and joint
The key prerequisites for developing their eco- development and use of East Siberian and
nomic cooperation should be the full cancella- Far Eastern energy resources on conditions
tion of the Jackson-Vanik Amendment and all benefiting Russia.
other limitations on Russian exports and on
the development of trade and economic rela- •  Atomic energy reveals itself as a promising
tions with Russia in general, and resumption sphere of economic cooperation. The sides
of the bilateral agreement on peaceful nuclear could jointly develop new-generation reac-
cooperation. tors, improve the systems and standards of
nuclear safety, and create an international
8.2. Interaction in the energy sector can regime for providing nuclear fuel to other
become a major sphere of Russian-U.S. eco- countries’ nuclear power plants. This direc-
nomic cooperation. tion of cooperation could also be instrumen-
tal in preventing nuclear proliferation.
•  In particular, Russia could spur the develop-
ment of infrastructure for the production and •  Another crucial sphere of energy coopera-
export of liquefied natural gas (LNG), includ- tion is the development of renewable sourc-
ing its supplies to the United States. It could es of energy and the creation of financial
also act as a stabilizing factor on the global and other stimuli in the sphere of energy
market of oil (and LNG) by preventing its conservation and efficient use, and prepara-
destabilization in case of disruption of deliv- tions for the widespread use of new sources
eries by the other key exporters (countries of of energy.
the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Mexico).
8.3. For its part, the United States could:
•  In view of the impending forecasted deple-
tion of global raw material resources, both •  help Russia acquire modern technology,

22 MOSCOW , JUNE 2009

Russia’s Interests in Relations with the United States of America

•  facilitate the allocation of long-term direct of government funds. The issue on the agenda
investment in Russia’s manufacturing and is to coordinate the macroeconomic policies
high technology sectors, of the leading industrialized and develop-
ing countries. The joint addenda here could
•  facilitate Russia’s integration in the world’s include the following:
governing financial and economic institu-
tions as a leading country, •  Reform the international monetary and
financial systems.
•  open a larger share of the global arms mar-
ket to Russia, •  Create new global regulating bodies.

•  lift protectionist measures regarding Rus- •  Elaborate international standards of regula-

sian investment, etc. tion for banks and other financial institutes.

8.4. A promising sphere of Russian-U.S. eco- •  Draft measures to prevent the appearance of
nomic interaction could be cooperation in financial bubbles, including on the hydro-
agriculture. The world is suffering from a rela- carbon markets.
tive food deficit, while Russia has a vast area
of uncultivated land suitable for farming. In •  Draft a policy for developing sovereign,
addition, it would be expedient to modernize including reserve, funds.
Russia’s agriculture, subsequently allowing it
to increase food exports to the global market. •  Prevent sovereign defaults.

8.5. Coordination of efforts to overcome the •  Adopt measures to fight poverty worldwide.
international financial and economic crisis
is another important sphere of Russian-U.S. 8.6. Finally, it would appear promising to
interaction. Collective measures to overcome develop environmental cooperation between
the crisis are necessary — in order to avoid Russia and the U.S., which could consider mea-
sliding into national economic egoism. To be sures to attain the following goals:
able to do so, the sides should reassess the
fundamentals of the current financial system •  Reduce atmospheric pollution.
and introduce new norms of international reg-
ulation and requirements to the main financial •  Stimulate waste-free, complete cycle tech-
players. In effect, this amounts to developing nology and waste disposal.
a collective governance of globalization. But
first the credibility crisis should be resolved, •  Solve the problem of fresh water.
which is the main reason for the destabiliza-
tion of the global markets. The matter at hand •  Draft a post-Kyoto regime of reducing
concerns both private capital flows and the use greenhouse gas emission.


Reconfiguration, Not Just a Reset

Russian and the U.S. Interests
Russian Interests
in Relations
with the United States

I. Russia’s Vital Interests 4. Prevention of the loss of East Siberia and

the Russian Far East due to their underdevel-
Long-term interests
The U.S. are playing a minor part as yet;
1. Comprehensive modernization of the Rus- however, potentially, their part might
sian economy and society — the foundation acquire importance.
of Russia’s positions in the world.
5. Prevention of the arms race in space and
The U.S. can play a certain — but not the development of the U.S. global anti-bal-
decisive — role in the implementation of listic missile defense.
joint investment projects, access to certain
technologies, etc. A part of the Russian The U.S. is a key partner in this sphere. For
political elite considers that poor relations the time being this issue is not among their
with the U.S. impede the modernization top priorities; however, potentially, it might
and strengthening of Russia, while another become vital, and with a their position being
part thinks that such relations are not an contrary to the Russian one.
obstacle but rather an impetus.
6. Preservation of the Russian nuclear poten-
2. Prevention of further destabilization of tial, which is as the key factor of ensuring its
international relations, capable of thwarting security, and Russian influence in the global
Russian modernization and directly endanger- economy and politics.
ing its security interests.
The U.S. is not playing a prominent part in
The U.S. is an essential though no longer key this, though the reduction — and ideally —
partner in this sphere. Objectively, Ameri- liquidation of the Russian nuclear potential
can interests are parallel to those of Russia is its key interest. Russian and U.S. interests
although the U.S. former policy, particularly are largely opposite in this sphere.
during George W. Bush’s presidency, sug-
gested otherwise. 7. The elaboration of a system of multilateral
nuclear deterrence as the nuclear prolifera-
3. The enhancement of Russian presence and tion has begun and a nuclear multipolarity
influence in the global governing institutions system is emerging.
(the UN Security Council, the G8 and the G20).
The U.S. is, potentially, the key partner in
The U.S. is an important partner in this issue guaranteeing this interest. Though America
though it has a medium rank on the Ameri- does not declare its own interest in similar
can priority scale. words, it is evidently her vital interest.

24 MOSCOW , JUNE 2009

Russia’s Interests in Relations with the United States of America

8. Prevention of nuclear war with the U.S. The U.S. is a key partner in this sphere, to
which it ascribes even greater priority than
Presently, this interest is of low priority for Russia.
the U.S. America is playing the key role in
guaranteeing this interest. 4. The involvement of China in the internation-
al order as a status quo power and one of the
responsible global leaders (stakeholders).
Immediate interests

1. Ensuring stability and security of the CIS The U.S. plays an important, though not key,
region, preservation and strengthening of part in this sphere, to which it ascribes high
the Russian influence there. priority.

The U.S. is a key partner in this sphere 5. Fighting international terrorism.

though the region is not among its vital pri-
orities, and Russian and U.S. interests here The U.S. is a key partner in this sphere, to
are mainly mutually contradictory. which it ascribes high priority.

2. The final termination of the Cold War in 6. The settlement of the North Korean nucle-
Europe. Securing and fastening Russia’s ar crisis.
equal decision-making rights on European
security through the adoption of the new The U.S. is an important partner in this
European Collective Security Treaty. question, to which it ascribes high priority.

The U.S. is a key partner though drawing 7. The preservation of the UN Security Council
up the Treaty is not among its important (in its present composition) as the principal
interests yet. decision-making body in world politics.

3. Curtailing further NATO expansion, and thus The U.S. is a key partner in this sphere, to
preventing provocations of crises along the which it ascribes medium priority.
Russian borders.
8. The development of strategic partnership
The U.S. is a key partner, and NATO expan- with the European Union — in particular,
sion currently does not pertain to its vital through the establishment of the Russia-
interests. EU energy, economic and political alliance
based on equal rights.

II. Russia’s Important Interests The U.S. is not among the key partners in
this sphere, to which it ascribes medium
priority — presently, with rather a negative
1. The limitation and prevention of prolifera- coloring.
tion of weapons of mass destruction.
9. The development of strategic partnership
The U.S. is a key partner in this sphere, with China and India.
which pertains to its vital priorities.
The U.S. does not have major influence in
2. The prevention of deployment of the third this sphere, though it ascribes medium or
ABM site in Central Europe. even high priority to it.

The U.S. is a key partner on this issue, and 10. Strengthening Russia’s position in the
the ABM system deployment is outside the global energy market.
range of its vital interests.
The U.S. is playing a negative role, which
3. Stabilization of the situation in Pakistan and may, going forward, turn into a positive one.
prevention of an Indian-Pakistani conflict. It ascribes medium priority to this issue.


Reconfiguration, Not Just a Reset

11. The prevention of a political and legal 2. Creation of a more effective and benefi-
vacuum in the sphere of nuclear arms cial for Russia mechanism of international
control following the expiry of START 1 in finance and economy governance.
December 2009.
The U.S. is playing a major role in this
The U.S. is a key partner in this sphere, to sphere, to which it ascribes medium prior-
which it ascribes smaller priority than Rus- ity.
sia does.
3. The support of regimes that contain and
12. The stabilization of the situation in counterbalance the U.S. (Syria, Venezuela,
Afghanistan. Iran and others).

The U.S. is a key partner in this sphere, to The U.S. is playing a significant role in this
which it ascribes the highest priority. sphere, to which it ascribes medium prior-
13. The preservation of mutually beneficial
partnership with Iran. 4. The stabilization of the situation in the
entire Broader Middle East, and the pre-
The U.S. has sizable though not determinant vention of its degradation and radicaliza-
influence on this issue, to which it ascribes tion.
relatively high priority.
The U.S. is playing a key role in this sphere,
14. The settlement of the Arab-Israeli con- to which it ascribes top priority.
5. Counteracting climate change.
The U.S. is a key partner in this sphere, to
which it ascribes high priority. The U.S. is playing a major role in this
sphere, to which it ascribes medium prior-

III. Russia’s Secondary Interests 6. Efforts against drug trafficking, piracy and
organized crime.

1. International recognition of the current The U.S. is playing an important role in this
status quo in the South Caucasus, and the sphere, though ascribing it low priority.
recognition of the independence of Abkha-
zia and South Ossetia. 7. The development of Arctic resources.

The U.S. is a key partner in this sphere and The U.S. has a potential for a significant role
it ascribes low priority to it, with rather a in this sphere, though currently ascribing it
negative coloring. low priority.

26 MOSCOW , JUNE 2009

Russia’s Interests in Relations with the United States of America

U.S. Foreign Policy

Interests in Relations
with Russia

I. U.S. Vital Interests the status quo. Thus, the mutually opposite
direction of the interests is evident.

Long-term interests 5. The prevention of a global nuclear war

1. The restoration of the U.S. global leader- Russia is playing a key part though this
ship and influence on its allies and part- interest for her has a comparatively lower
ners. priority at present.

Russia has medium influence on this ques-

tion, to which it ascribes medium priority — Immediate interests
presently, with a negative coloring.
1. The prevention of proliferation of weap-
2. Fighting international terrorism, and the ons of mass destruction — above all, the
prevention of nuclear and other forms of prevention of nuclear arms acquisition by
catastrophic terrorism. Iran.

Russia is a key partner in this sphere, to Russia is a key partner in this sphere,
which it ascribes medium or comparatively though ascribing medium or comparatively
high priority. high priority to it.

3. The elaboration of a system of multilateral 2. The stabilization of the situation in Afghan-

nuclear deterrence in conditions of tenta- istan.
tive nuclear multipolarity. (This interest
exists objectively, though it has not been Russia may play a key part in this sphere,
recognized as yet.) though ascribing it medium or compara-
tively high priority.
Russia is a key partner in this sphere, to
which it ascribes high priority. 3. Withdrawal from Iraq, while maintaining its
relative stability and friendliness toward
4. The overcoming of the situation of U.S.- the U.S.
Russian mutual assured destruction (in par-
ticular, through drastic reduction of both Russia does not play a decisive part in this
countries’ nuclear potentials with parallel sphere presently, and ascribes it relatively
development of the U.S. ABM system). low priority.

Russia is a key partner in this sphere, and 4. Stabilization in the Arab-Israeli conflict
ascribes top priority to the preservation of zone.


Reconfiguration, Not Just a Reset

Russia may play a significant role in this and economic reintegration of the post-
issue, to which it ascribes medium priority. Soviet space around Russia, and expanding
of NATO with that purpose.
5. Stabilization of the situation in Pakistan
and prevention of an Indian-Pakistani con- Russia is playing a key negative role in this
flict. sphere, to which it ascribes top priority.
Russian and U.S. interests are diametrically
Russia may play an important role in this opposite in this sphere.
sphere, to which it ascribes medium priority.
7. R ussia’s integration into the Western
(American) security order as a junior
II. U.S. Important Interests
Russia is playing a key negative role in this
issue, to which it ascribes high priority.
1. Guaranteeing the greatest possible energy
independence of the U.S. 8. The restoration and enhancement of U.S.
influence on Latin America, including the
Russia may play a major role in this sphere, strengthening of strategic partnership with
though ascribing it low priority. Brazil, the settlement of the Venezuelan
and Cuban problems, etc.
2. The involvement of China in the economic
and political international order as a key Russia is playing a significant negative role
leader of the new world. in the Venezuelan and Cuban issues, but
does not influence the U.S.-Brazilian rela-
Russia may play a major role in this sphere, tions, and ascribes medium priority to this
to which it ascribes high priority. sphere.

3. The settlement of the North Korean nuclear 9. The reform of international security insti-
crisis. tutions — mainly the United Nations.

Russia is playing a major part in this issue, Russia is a key partner in this sphere, to
to which it ascribes high priority. which it ascribes moderately high priority.

4. A “deal” with Iran: Tehran should abandon 10. The maximum possible preservation of
the possibility of acquiring nuclear arms, the current international economic and
end its support of Hamas and Hezbollah, financial governance institutions.
and resign its hostile policy toward Israel
in exchange for the establishment of con- Russia is not among the key partners in this
structive relations with the U.S. and joining sphere, though its role may increase, and
the “international community”. it ascribes moderately high priority to this
Russia may play a key role in this sphere, to
which it ascribes medium priority. 11. Counteracting climate change.

5. Preservation of the U.S. multifold global Russia is playing a moderately prominent

military preponderance. part in the issue of climate change, though
ascribing it relatively low priority.
Russia is playing a key negative role in this
sphere — both in rhetoric and practical 12. Prevention of escalating food and drinking
efforts — and ascribes it high priority. water issues.

6. Promotion of “geopolitical pluralism” in Russia may play a key role in this question,
the CIS area. Counteracting the political though ascribing it low priority as yet.

28 MOSCOW , JUNE 2009

Russia’s Interests in Relations with the United States of America

III. U.S. Secondary Interests 4. Russia’s withdrawal of its recognition of

the independence of Abkhazia and South
Ossetia, the restoration of Georgia’s ter-
ritorial integrity within its prewar borders,
1. Deployment of the elements of the third and with its pro-American orientation pre-
ABM site in Poland and the Czech Republic. served.

Russia is playing a key part in this sphere, to Russia is playing a key part in this sphere, to
which it ascribes top priority. which it ascribes top priority, though from
the directly opposing position.
2. Changing Syrian policy — in particular,
toward Israel — in the Greater Middle East. 5. Recognition of the Kosovo independence by
Russia may play a key role in this sphere,
though (at this time) ascribing it medium or Russia is playing a key part in this sphere,
low priority. though it pertains to its secondary inter-
3. The return of Russia to the CFE Treaty
regime and its compliance with the so- 6. Efforts against drug trafficking, organized
called “Istanbul Commitments”. crime and piracy.

Russia is playing a key part in this sphere, Russia is playing a moderately prominent
to which it ascribes highest priority, though part in this issue, though ascribing it rela-
largely from the opposing position. tively low priority.



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