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Typing Formula

Formula:- (Left hand side) (Right hand side)

Asdf ;lkj

1. asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj

2. asded ;lkik asded ;lkik asded ;lkik asded ;lkik

slik slakes slikes slides kill like ill
sledes deals said asks else see.
Sails sailed like killed failed ell
I like silk sails. All lads like sledes.
I did sail slides. I like a saddle.

3. asdfrf (L) ;lkjuj ( R )

jail jails jailer failed rail

suffer fail failed all sill skull
suffer fair failed jailer fails affairs
A lurid fair failed. A jailer fails affairs.
Life fails if false. A rider jail falled.

4. frf ftf fgf ( left ) juj jyj jhj ( right )

gulf right gruff gift half used fitter

sight tight light high heast tetter
jug jelled jets yearly letter fatty.
Height hilly just faire head rattle.
The light is fitful. His tale is truthful.

5. aqa sws ded ftf (L) ;p; lol kik juj ( R )

water srape weak weary whisks were equal

paper pulley pillow pols power peate ordeals
opera oily operate offer pale weffle fowls
He tried to repair the type writers.
He is talled. The puppy was killed.
The lose takes the hug. He was qualified for the work.
A lad like to play quots. She is the dealer of quots.
6. fbf fvf fbvf (L) jnj jmj jnmj ( R )

volve body novel number nominee jungle

battle hive hubes tbols muffle vidify manggle.
Mummy vote fails bomper jumpes hestle.
He sailed in the old junk. Married women badly need.
7. aza sxs dcd fvf gbg (L) ;-; l,l k,k jmj hnh ( R )

Zone zonel zoo dex dozen zero mirze

Mize bazaar exoited fall. Four clerks were exous.
Bazaar area are always light at night.

8. aq= swl de2 fr3 gt4 ;p9 lo8 ki7 ju6 hy5

9. zaq= xswl cde2 vfr3 bgt4 ;p9.lo8 ,ki7 mju6 njy5

10. 10 19 28 37 46 45 1999 2000 2002 2003 20004 2005

11. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (ix) (X) (xi) (xii)

12. A brown fox quickly jumped over the lazy dog.

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