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An Educational Services Publication of the
(F-12-62) Rev. 1964 National Aeronautics and Space Administration


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Technical illustration by the Canadian Defence Research Telecommunications Establishm e nt depicts ground ,
sounding rocket, and topside-sounder satellite studies of the ionosphere . The E and F layers designat e reg ions
of different electron density. The F layer contains the greatest concentration of electrons
Page 2 NASA FACTS (F-12-62)
Canada ' s Alouette satellite, launched Septem-
Electron-o negotively-charged constituent of the atom .
ber 28, 1962, is sending data that is not only
lon-o molecule or atom which has lo s t or gained an
advancing scientific knowledge of the ionosphere electron, thereby acquiring an electri c al charge.
but also may contribute to improvement of radio lonosonde-an instrument employing r adar principles
communication on earth. The satellite is furnish- that is used for study of the ionospher e by radio-echo
sounding .
ing this important information by carrying out
Ionosphere-an electrified region of the -atmosphere be-
from above investigations that for years have ginning about 40 miles above earth. It reflects
been conducted by ionosondes from the ground. certain radio signals, making possible world radio
communication. Its upper limit is as yet undetermined.
lonosondes are instruments used to study the
Radio-Echo Sounding-a method of studying the iono-
ionosphere by radio-echo sounding. In radio- sphere by bouncing radio signals from it. A particular
echo sounding, radio signals are beamed to the radio frequency will be reflected when it hits a given
electron density . Thus , the reflected frequency dis-
ionosphere, and the ionosphere's ability to re- closes the existence of a given electr on density and
flect them is determined and analyzed. the return time indicates the distanc e a t wh ich elec-
tron density was encountered.
Radio waves are reflected only if the electrons
Topside Saunding-radio-echo sounding f rom an altitude
in the ionosphere are sufficiently concentrated to above the region of maximum electron density. Con-
act as a mirror for the radio frequency employed. trasted with bottomside sounding from ground stations.

As frequencies rise, increasing electron density

is required to turn signals back .
Generally, electron density increases with al- EXPERIMENT DESCRIPTIONS
titude up to about 200 miles and then tapers off. Alouette is designed principal l y to measure
Earth-originated si gnals that can pass through by latitude, daily and seasonal fluctuations
the ionospheric region of maximum electron electron density of the upper ionosphe re. Ca-
density cannot for the most part be reflected nadian scientists are particularl y interested in
back to earth by the less dense region above. * data on the Arctic ionosphere that could throw
As a result, ground-based sounding usually can- new light upon the severe and prolonged dis-
not provide information about the upper iono- turbances that plague radio communication in
sphere; that is, the ionosphere above the zone their nation's northern areas .
of maximum electron density. Moreover, even The ionosphere is formed by a break-up of
today ' s global network of about 150 ground neutral atmospheric molecules i nto negatively
ionosondes is unable to cover the ionosphere charged electrons and positively charged ions.
over many areas of earth, especially of the This results largely from absorpt ion by the at-
polar and equatorial regions. mosphere of X-rays and ultra-violet light from
Alouette has opened new vistas in ionospheric the sun and by impact of solar energeti c particles
research by extending radio-echo sounding tech- (chiefly protons) on atmospheric molecu les.
niques to a platform in space. Covering most of In effect, the ionosphere is an electrically
earth, Alouette is sending radio signals down- charged gas curtain in the sky. One property of
ward and reporting results. this curtain is that it reflects certain radio waves,
* A minute fraction of radio signals, amount- making possible world radio communicat ion .
ing to as little as 1/10,000,000, OOOth of trans- Solar eruptions, however, affect t he i onosphere,
mission strength, is reflected back to earth by leading at times to disruption or complete black-
col/is ions with individual electrons. Only a few out of radio communication .
huge radio telescope complexes, such as at Alouette sounds the i onosphe re by " swe
Arecibo, Puerto Rico, and Li ma, Peru, possess ing" radio frequencies across it . " Sweepin
the power and sensitivity to pick up such faint frequencies is analogous to running up and down
reflections. a musical scale. By bouncing appro x imately
(F-12-62) Page 3
came trapped in the earth ' s magnetic field .
Alouette's orbit is within the resulting radiation
zone.) Experimenters will attempt to determine
more precisely the relationships between changes
in the ionosphere and changes in the intensity
of high-energy radiation in space .

The 320-pound, nearly oval Alouette is 42
inches in diameter and 34 inches high. It is
encrusted with about 6500 solar cells that con-
vert sunlight to electricity for running satellite in-
struments . Rechargeable nickel cadmium bat-
teries power Alouette when the satellite is on the
earth's night side. They also furnished electricity
from launch until Alouette was in orbit and its
solar cells were functioning. The batteri es are
recharged by electricity that is not used by other
satellite instrumentation .
Alouette's sounding equipment includes two
long antennas-one 150 feet in length and 'the
ull-scale Alouette model is checked by Canadian scien-
sts. Protruding from m id-section are ends of Alouette ' s
other 75 feet. The 150-foot antenna is believed
ng sounding antennas, retracted as during launch . the longest ever employed on a spacecraft. The
antennas are extended in the shape of a cross.
00 different frequencies between 1.6 and 11.5
They are fashioned from thin strips of spring
megacycles from the ionosphere, Alouette
steel that were coiled like measuring tapes at
measures precisely and in detail electron densi-
launch and unwound by a motor-driven spool
ties at various altitudes over al most the entire
shortly after the satellite was in orbit.
Other major equipment includes radiation
To supplement data from its sounding experi-
particle detectors; radio receivers, amplifiers,
ment, Alouette picks up cosmic noise and natural
transmitters, and other antennas for experiments
radio signals originating within the ionosphere.
and telemetry; and associated electronic ap-
Cosmic noise is a term for natural radio signals
orignating in outer space. The frequency at
which Alouette stops receiving cosmic noise in-
dicates electron density in the satellite's vicinity.
Radio signals within the ionosphere are produced
by its fast-moving electrons. Their volume
(loudness) varies with electron density.
In another ex peri ment, Alouette gauges the
intensities of high-energy radiation in space, in-
cluding naturally-produced cosmic rays and the
artificial radiation created by the United States
lear experiment of July 9, 1962. (On that
Canadian technicians prepare a prototyp e Alouette for
- e, a hydrogen bomb detonated about 250 thermal tests . Powerful arc l i ghts in this vacuum cham-
iles above Johnston Island in the Pacific Ocean ber si mulated on the prototype exposure t o the sun 's
_ mitted a flux of high-energy electrons that be- heat anticipated on the satell i te in spac e .
Page 4 NASA FACTS (F-12-62)

The Alouette project developed from a proposal by COOPERATIVE SPACE PROGRAMS

United States representatives at the March 1 9S9 meet-
ing of COSPAR, the Committee on Space Research of the Project Alouette is one of many cooperative space
International Council of Scientific Unions. At that meet- programs embarked upon by the United States and
ing , the United States offered to launch experiments or other countries. Among the projects and cooperating
complete satellites prepared by foreign scientists. countries are the following:

Canada, France, Italy, United Kingdom , the Soviet
Union and European Space Research Organization
A NASA Thor-Agena B vehicle launched Can- Argentina, Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Fed-
ada's Alouette satellite from Point Arguello, eral Republic of Germany, India , Italy, Japan, New
Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Sweden, and U.K.
Calif., at 11 :05 p.m . PDT, September 28, 1962.
The satellite's perigee, or closest approach to
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgiu m, Brazil, Burma,
Canada, Chad, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czecho-
slovakia, Denmark, EI Salvador, France , Federal Republic
of Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indo-
nesia, Iraq, Ireland, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Mauritius,
Moz.ambique, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Rhodesia/Nyasaland, Senegal, South
Africa, Sudan, Switzerland , Thailand, United Arab
Republic, United Kingdom.
Brazil, Canada , Denmark, France, Federal Republic of
Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, Spain , Sweden, United


Argentina, Australia, Bermuda, Canada, Canton Island,
Chile, Ecuador, India, Iran, Japan, Malagasy, Mexico,
Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, South Africa, Spain, United


Designed and developed by Canadian scien-

tists, Alouette is the first satellite built by a na-
tion other than the United States and the Soviet
Union. It is named for the high-flying Cana-
dian songbird of the lark family.
The satellite was built by the Defence Re-
search Telecommunications Establishment (DRTE)
NASA Thor-Agena B with Alouette payload is poised on of Canada . It is a precursor of a somewhat
pad at Point Arguello, Calif. si milar NASA spacecraft to be launched early
in 1963. Their chief difference is that the NASA
satellite will transmit radio signals downward at
earth, is about 620 miles; its apogee, or farthest about a half dozen specific or "fixed" frequencies
distonce from earth, approxi mately 640 miles. instead of "sweeping" over a wide range of
Alouette completes a circuit of earth every 105.4 frequencies. Data from both satellites will be
minutes. Its orbit is inclined 80.48 degrees to incorporated into the overall topside sounder
the equator, enabling Alouette to pass and program and be made available to the world
acquire ionospheric data over most of earth. scientific community. Alouette's ionosphere ex-
NASA FACTS (F-12-62) Page 5

Canad ian eng ineers at DRTE ' s Ottawa reduct ion center check equ i pm e nt used to pro cess Alou ette data .

periments are being conducted by DRTE; the East Grand Forks, Minn.; Fort Myers, Fla.; Quito,
radiation experiment by Canada's National Re- Ecuador; Antofagasta, Chile; Winkfield, England,
search Council. and Woomera, Australia -Min itrack stations of
Scientific direction of the Alouette project is NASA.
provided by A. H. Zimmerman, Chairman, Ca- (2) Resolute Bay, Northwest Territories; Prince
nadian Defence Research Board, and Homer E. Albert, Saskatchewan; and Ottawa , Ontario-
Newell, Director of NASA Office of Space Stations operaed by the DRTE .
Sciences. Project managers are John H. Chap- (3) Singapore and South Atlanti c Ocean sta-
man of DRTE and John E. Jackson of NASA's tions operated by the British Department of Sci-
Goddard Space Flight Center. entific and Industrial Research .
Thirteen stations in a half dozen countries are Data from the world-wide networ k of stations
gathering information from Alouette. Site are funneled to Goddard Space Fl ight Center,
locations and their directing organizations are Greenbelt, Md., where they are processed and
as follows : forwarded for study to the DRTE, ne ar Ottawo,
(1) St. Johns, Newfoundland; College, Alaska; Ontario, Canada.
• Page 6 NASA FACTS (F-12-62)


" On behalf of the Government of Canada and the Ca- ful purposes, should greatly improve the problem of
nadian people, I express our pride in this great scientific communication .
achievement of developing a Canadian satellite. "Th e launching of the Alouette with United States sup-
plying the rocket power is a practical iIIustratian of the
"To all the scientists af the Defence Research Board
cooperation for peaceful purposes which exists between
and the workers who designed and built the Alouette, I
the United States and Canada.
express the congratulations of the Canadian public. This
"I congratulate the Canadian designers for selecting
is a tribute to Canadian scientific standing, placing us as
such a distinctive Canadian name as Alouette ."
it does, among the first nations to seek knowledge of
outer space by the medium of a satellite.
Prime Minister of Canada
"The knowledge gained, which will be used for peace- September 29, 1962

Canadian scientists examine shrouded nose cone of Javel in sounding

rocket at NASA 's Wallops Station , Va . The rocket , launched June 14,
1961, was one of two that tested operation of Alouette instruments in

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