Sie sind auf Seite 1von 23


Storing and Describing Data............................................................................3
File Dictionary............................................................................................3
Data Storage..............................................................................................4
Relationship Between Dictionary and Data Portions.........................................5
Dictionary Styles.........................................................................................6
Listing Dictionary Contents...........................................................................8
Types of Dictionary Entry................................................................................9
Actual Data................................................................................................9
Virtual Fields..............................................................................................9
Storage Locations.......................................................................................9
Describing Actual Data.................................................................................10
"D" Type Entries.......................................................................................10
"A" Type and "S" Type Entries....................................................................11
Virtual Data.................................................................................................12
"I" Type Entries........................................................................................12
Special Phrases.........................................................................................15
Associated Multi-Valued Fields....................................................................16
Storage Locations in Dictionary......................................................................17
Creating Dictionary Entries............................................................................18
Creating Entries in Prime Style Dictionaries with REVISE................................18
Creating Entries in Pick Style Dictionaries with REVISE..................................20
Creating A or S type Entries in Prime Style Dictionaries with REVISE...............21
Creating Dictionary Entries with ED.............................................................22
Creating Dictionary Entries with SQL...........................................................23

Having completed this master class, the student will be able:

• to list four types of dictionary entry supported by UniVerse
• to create dictionary entries to describe stored data
• to create dictionary entries to generate data values
• to create phrase-type dictionary entries


It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the RetrieVe query language, the data
entry/update tool REVISE and the UniVerse line editor ED.


UniVerse® is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.

Windows® is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.
UNIX® is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed
exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.
Other company, product, and service names used in this publication may be trademarks or
service marks of these companies or others.
Storing and Describing Data

When a UniVerse file is created using command defaults, three things come into existence.
These are the data portion of the file, the dictionary portion of the file, and the VOC entry
that describes the physical location of the other two, as well as specifying the name that
users use to access that file.
The data portion of the file, for most file types, contains nothing but data. The exception is
the B-tree (Type 25) files, in which some navigational information is stored. Distributed
(Type 27) files are not created but, rather, defined as being made up from one or more
extant part files.

File Dictionary
A UniVerse file dictionary can contain a number of different types of entry, but these can be
grouped into four classes:
• entries that describe actual data
• entries that define virtual data (data that do not actually exist, but which can
be generated for reporting purposes)
• "phrase" entries that contains subsets of queries
• storage entries for storing information pertinent to the file as a whole, such as
the next available key value
It is possible, by using keywords to override the command defaults, to create only the data
portion or only the dictionary portion of a UniVerse file. It is also possible, by copying the
VOC entry, to create a synonym for a UniVerse file name. These techniques are beyond the
scope of this paper.
If a UniVerse table is created using a CREATE TABLE statement, the underlying file
dictionary is automatically populated with entries that describe the actual data. If a
UniVerse file is created using a CREATE.FILE statement, only one entry is added to the file
dictionary. The name of this entry is @ID, which is the default name for the file's key
(primary key) field.
The purpose of this paper is to describe in detail the various types of entry that can be
found in a UniVerse file dictionary, and to show different ways in which these can be created
and maintained.
Data Storage
In hashed files and B-tree files, non-key data are stored in a structure called a dynamic
array. This is an array containing an arbitrary number of elements each of arbitrary length.
There is one dynamic array per record. Physically, a dynamic array is simply a character
string with special, reserved, delimiter characters used to separate the elements. The key
value is not stored in the dynamic array, because the key value is needed to find the
dynamic array. (The key is stored with, but not in, the dynamic array.)
In Type 1 and Type 19 files, which are operating system directories, data records are
operating system files which are also dynamic arrays, except that the field delimiters are
"end of line" characters. The record key is the operating system file name.
Thus, a data record that contains four non-key data fields (or columns) will be a dynamic
array containing three delimiters. This could be represented as follows.

In this example, the ¶ character has been used to represent the standard delimiter. The
actual character is a non-printing character called a "field mark" or "attribute mark" (the
two terms are synonyms in this context). It can be referred to using the system variable
@FM (or @AM).
Note that you have no way, by simple inspection, of knowing what the data in any particular
field means; it is the function of the file dictionary to store the metadata that allow for this.
UniVerse supports the concept of some fields being "multi-valued"; that is, a single field
contains a list of zero or more values. This could be represented as follows:
8808 3456 112 7
418 4
704 1

Here, field number 3 and field number 4 each contains a list of three values. If there exists
a one-to-one relationship between the values in each of these lists, the multi-valued fields
are said to be "associated". Physically these must be stored in a single character string, so
that the physical storage model uses another delimiter character, called a "value mark".

In this example, the § character has been used to represent the "value mark" delimiter
character. It can be referred to using the system variable @VM.
Further nesting is possible. An individual value in a multi-valued list can have sub-values
(delimiter character "sub-value mark", @SM), then text items ("text mark", @TM), and so
on. Theoretically UniVerse supports an eight dimensional data model but, practically,
humans have problems conceptualising beyond three.
Relationship Between Dictionary and Data Portions
The file dictionary entry provides two things for a particular field; how it is stored and its
default output characteristics.
To define how a field (or attribute) is stored is simply a matter of identifying its field
(attribute) number. For "D" type, "A" type and "S" type dictionary entries, this is an integer
value in field number 2 of the dictionary entry. For virtual fields (columns), this is an
expression (in field number 2 of an "I" type dictionary entry) or correlative (in field number
8 of an "A" type or "S" type dictionary entry).
The remaining visible fields in the dictionary entry specify defaults for how the field is to be
displayed, should it be selected in a query and these defaults not overridden by field
qualifier keywords. Aspects of this display information include:
• whether any conversion needs to be applied
• column heading
• column width, justification and (optional) format mask
• whether single-valued or multi-valued
• if multi-valued, whether associated with other multi-valued fields
• (optional) SQL data type
Field qualifier keywords (EVAL, CONV, COL.HDG, FMT, ASSOC, ASSOC.WITH, AS,
SINGLE.VALUED, MULTI.VALUED or their synonyms or SQL variants) can be used in queries
to override any of these except SQL data type.
Alternate dictionary entries may refer to the same item of data, but with different
specification as to how it is to be displayed.
Dictionary Styles

UniVerse supports two "styles" of file dictionary, which may be termed "Prime" style and
"Pick" style. The following table summarises the differences between the two.

Table 1: Prime Style versus Pick Style Dictionaries

Characteristic Prime Style Pick Style

Definition of actual data D type A type or S type
Definition of virtual data I type A type or S type with
Associated multi-valued fields Association phrase Controlling and dependent
Dictionary file name D_filename P_filename
"Dictionary of dictionaries" DICT.DICT DICT.PICK

• In Prime style dictionaries, actual data are defined by items of type "D" (that
is, the first character of the dictionary item is "D"), and virtual fields are defined by
items of type "I". Associations of multi-valued fields are handled using a phrase
type, with the name of that phrase included in the dictionary item defining each of
the multi-valued fields participating in the association. Data fields are assumed to
be single-valued in Prime style dictionaries unless specifically overridden. By default,
the Prime style dictionary is a hashed file whose name is the base file name prefixed
with "D_".
• In Pick style dictionaries, actual data are defined by items of type "A"
(attribute) or "S" (synonym), and virtual fields are also defined by items of type "A"
or "S", with an "correlative" specified. Associated multi-valued fields are handled as
controlling or dependent attributes, with no mechanism for providing a name to the
association. Data fields in Pick style dictionaries are assumed to be multi-valued
(except for the key attribute) unless specifically overridden. By default, the Pick
style dictionary is a hashed file whose name is the base file name prefixed with "P_".
In UniVerse file dictionaries you can, in general, mix and match Prime style and Pick style
items, though doing so can lead to messy dictionary listings. The exception to this
statement is that virtual field definitions of one style cannot use, as components, virtual
field definitions of the other style.
Both styles of dictionary support phrase type and storage type entries.
By default, the Prime style dictionary is used in RetrieVe queries. In many sites using Pick,
Reality or IN2 flavors, "A" and "S" types are created in Prime style dictionaries to take
advantage of this. To require RetrieVe to use a Pick style dictionary, a USING clause is
required. For example:
LIST filename USING PDICT filename

A Pick style dictionary can most easily be created for an existing file using the PDICT
keyword. For example:
* Ideal, PI/open or Information flavor
CREATE.FILE PDICT filename 3 1 2

* Pick, Reality or IN2 flavor

CREATE-FILE PDICT filename 1,2,3

The resultant VOC entry contains the pathname of the data portion in field number 2, the
pathname of the Prime style dictionary portion in field number 3, and the pathname of the
Pick style dictionary portion in field number 5. (Field number 4 can contain "M" for multi-
level data files.) For example:
id: filename
0001: F Description of file
0002: filename
0003: D_filename
0005: P_filename
Listing Dictionary Contents
A default listing of the contents of a file dictionary may be produced using the LIST verb
followed by the filename preceded by the DICT keyword.
LIST DICT filename

A different format of listing can be had by preceding the filename with the PDICT keyword.
This format is more suited to Pick-style dictionary definitions. It requires that a Pick-style
dictionary has been created for the file, and recorded in field number 5 of the file's VOC
LIST PDICT filename

In both cases a default listing is produced. The fields to be included in the report are
specified in the global "dictionary of dictionaries" which, for the DICT keyword, is a file
called DICT.DICT and, for the PDICT keyword, is a file called DICT.PICK. Both DICT.DICT
and DICT.PICK are visible from all accounts; that is, there is a VOC entry for each in every
It is the phrase called "@" in DICT.DICT or DICT.PICK that specifies the default output
listing when a file's dictionary is requested to be listed to the screen, and the phrase called
"@LPTR" that specifies the default output listing when the file's dictionary is requested to be
listed to a printer using the LPTR keyword.
You can quite acceptably generate non-default dictionary listings for particular purposes,
simply by constructing reports that name the fields to be displayed, etc. For example:

UniVerse/SQL can also be used to obtain a listing of a file dictionary, again by preceding the
file name with the DICT keyword. (You can use PDICT, but this does not list the Pick-style
dictionary.) However, unlike the RetrieVe listing, you must explicitly specify how the report
is to be sorted. For example:
Types of Dictionary Entry
As noted earlier, entries may exist in the file dictionary portion that describe actual data
fields in the data record, virtual fields that are generated when a query is executed, and
phrases that contain oft-used subsets of queries (as a labour-saving device). There may be
some special phrases that are used by UniVerse itself. There may also be locations in which
information pertinent to the file as a whole are stored. The format and layout of each of
these types of dictionary item are discussed in this section.

Actual Data
In order to be accessible to queries a field in a data record must be defined with an actual
data type entry ("D" type, "A" type or "S" type) in the file dictionary. A file dictionary can
have more than one definition describing the same field; since it may be desired to present
the same data in different ways (perhaps a wider column if the output is to go to a wider
device, such as a printer).

Virtual Fields
Virtual fields are entries in the file dictionary that specify how values can be generated for
display in columns of reports. They are not necessarily synonyms for actual data fields
(though they may be), nor do they necessarily use actual data field values in generating
their own values (though they usually do).

Phrases are fragments of sentences without verbs. Since UniVerse commands can also be
called sentences, a phrase can be any fragment of a UniVerse command. Phrases stored in
file dictionaries typically contain frequently used combinations of field names, selection
criteria, sorting criteria, report options and output options, so that the user can type in just
the phrase name. The RetrieVe query engine substitutes the phrase definition for the
phrase name when parsing the query. (Phrases are not able to be used in UniVerse/SQL

Storage Locations
The UniVerse file dictionary model includes another type of dictionary entry, which is used
to contain any information that may pertain to the file as a whole. Except for the
requirement that the first character in the record is an "X" (from which such storage
locations are termed "X-type" entries), there is no requirement about how X-type entries
should be laid out.
Describing Actual Data
Actual data can be described by "D" type entries (the default for Prime style dictionaries), or
"A" or "S" type entries (the default for Pick style dictionaries).

"D" Type Entries

"D" type dictionary entries are up to eight fields long, and are laid out as follows.
Field Name Field Number Contents
CODE 1 "D" followed by optional text description of item
LOC 2 Field (attribute) number in which item is stored
CONV 3 Conversion code
NAME 4 Column heading
FMT 5 Format specification
SM 6 "S" for single-valued, "M" for multi-valued
ASSOC 7 Association phrase name
DATATYPE 8 SQL data type

The "D" in field number 1 and the location in field number 2 are mandatory. A dictionary
entry describing the entire key has 0 (zero) for the location.
If conversion code is omitted, no conversion is applied to the data in this field on output.
If column heading is omitted, then the field name (the key to the dictionary file) is used as
the column heading.
If the format specification is omitted, "10L" (10 characters wide, left-justified) is used.
If neither "S" nor "M" appears in field number 6, "S" is assumed.
Association phrase name is only relevant if there is an "M" in field number 6, and must be
the name of a phrase type in this dictionary or in the VOC file.
SQL data type is specified (in field number 8) without parentheses, for example
"VARCHAR,32" rather than "VARCHAR(32)".
"A" Type and "S" Type Entries
"A" type and "S" type dictionary entries are ten fields long, and are laid out as follows.
Field Name Field Number Contents
D/CODE 1 "A" or "S" followed by optional text description of item
A/AMC 2 Field (attribute) number in which item is stored
S/NAME 3 Column heading
4 Controlling/dependent attribute definition
5 "S" for single-valued, "M" for multi-valued
6 SQL data type
V/CONV 7 Conversion code
V/CORR 8 Correlative (not used for actual data definitions)
V/TYP 9 Justification ("L" = left-justified, "R" = right-justified)
V/MAX 10 Column width for display

The "A" or "S" in field number 1 and the attribute number (A/AMC = "attribute mark count")
in field number 2 are mandatory.
If column heading is omitted, then the field name (the key to the dictionary file) is used as
the column heading.
If there is nothing in field number 4, this item is assumed not to be associated with any
other multi-valued field. Otherwise this field contains the definition of a set of associated
multi-valued fields:
• "C" (for controlling (key) attribute) followed by a semi-colon and a list of
dependent attribute names separated from each other by semi-colons
• "D" (for dependent attribute) followed by a semi-colon and the name of the
attribute upon which this one depends
If neither "S" nor "M" appears in field number 5, "M" is assumed.
SQL data type is specified (in field number 6) without parentheses, for example
"VARCHAR,32" rather than VARCHAR(32).
If conversion code is omitted, no conversion is applied to the data in this field on output.
The use of field numbers 5 and 6 in the dictionary record is a UniVerse extension to
documented Pick standards.
Virtual Data

Two ways exist to generate columns in output in UniVerse. "I" type entries contain a BASIC
expression that is used to generate values. This expression is compiled, and the mini-
program stored within the dictionary record. "A" and "S" type entries may contain a
correlative, which is used to generate values. Correlatives are interpreted rather than
compiled. The two types are incompatible: that is, an "I" type expression can not include
reference to an "A" type or "S" type entry that contains a correlative, and a correlative can
not refer to an "I" type.

"I" Type Entries

"I" type dictionary entries are up to eight fields long, and are laid out as follows.
Field Name Field Number Contents
CODE 1 "I" followed by optional text description of item
EXP 2 Value-generating expression
CONV 3 Conversion code
NAME 4 Column heading
FMT 5 Format specification
SM 6 "S" for single-valued, "M" for multi-valued
ASSOC 7 Association phrase name
DATATYPE 8 SQL data type

The "I" in field number 1 and the expression in field number 2 are mandatory.
Apart from these you can see that the layout is the same as for "D" type entries.
When the "I" type item is compiled, additional fields are used:
• field number 16 contains various counters
• field number 17 contains the time that the item was compiled
• field number 18 contains the date that the item was compiled
• field number 19 contains a control structure
• field number 20 (and possibly beyond) contain the compiled code
The information in these fields (20 and beyond) is binary, not text, so should not be viewed
with a text editor. You can use the UniVerse line editor in "up arrow mode" to view these
fields safely.
Before "I" type dictionary items can be used, the expressions in them must be compiled.
This is accomplished with the COMPILE.DICT command (it has a short form, CD). If the "I"
type is to be used in a query and it is detected that it has not been compiled, UniVerse will
attempt to compile it automatically. However you should not rely on this behaviour,
because if the first use of the "I" type is in a BASIC program, it will not automatically be

"A" type and "S" type dictionary entries containing correlatives are ten fields long, and are
laid out as follows.
Field Name Field Number Contents
D/CODE 1 "A" or "S" followed by optional text description of item
A/AMC 2 Field (attribute) number in which item is stored
S/NAME 3 Column heading
4 Controlling/dependent attribute definition
5 "S" for single-valued, "M" for multi-valued
6 SQL data type
V/CONV 7 Conversion code
V/CORR 8 Correlative
V/TYP 9 Justification ("L" = left-justified, "R" = right-justified)
V/MAX 10 Column width for display

Every field in the dictionary item is the same as for "A" type or "S" type items without
correlatives, except that there is a correlative in field number 8.
There are two kinds of correlative, "A" correlatives and "F" correlatives.
• "A" correlatives use an "infix" notation, similar to algebraic expressions.
• "F" correlatives use a "reverse Polish", or Lucascewicz, notation, in which elements
are stacked and operated on from the stack.
They are two quite distinct "languages" from each other.
Arithmetic in correlatives is strictly integer arithmetic. That is, for example, dividing the
value 7 by the value 4 will yield 1 with a remainder of 3, rather than 1.75.

A phrase in a UniVerse file dictionary has the following layout:

Field Name Field Number Contents
CODE 1 "PH" followed by optional text description of item
MACRO 2 Phrase contents

Phrases are principally labour saving devices. They are used to store commonly used
sentence fragments in the file dictionary, such as:
• standard report headings and footings
• commonly required combinations of field names
• selection criteria
• sorting criteria
A user who needs to replicate the contents of a phrase need only use the name of the
phrase in a query; the query parser will replace the phrase name with the phrase contents,
thereby reducing the amount of typing the user has to do and thus the likelihood of error.
Phrase contents can be split over multiple lines (fields) for ease of maintenance, by ending
each incomplete line with a continuation character (underscore). For example:
0001: PH
0002: ID.SUP _
0005: HEADING "Customer orders by individual item'GTG'Page 'SGLL'"

There are several special phrase names that are of particular meaning to UniVerse, which
are listed in the next section. However, they have the same layout as already described.
Special Phrases
There are several special phrases that are used by UniVerse to keep track of how particular
things are to be done. The names of each of these special phrases begins with an "@"

Table 2: Special Phrases in UniVerse Dictionaries

Phrase Name Description

@ Defines the fields that will be used in the output of a query if
no fields are specified for display.
@LPTR Defines the fields that will be used in the output of a query if
no fields are specified for display, and the query is directed to
a printer using the LPTR keyword. If there is no @LPTR
phrase, the @ phrase is used.
@KEY Specifies the names of fields making up a multi-column
primary key.
@SELECT Specifies the columns that replace the asterisk in a
UniVerse/SQL SELECT statement. If there is no @SELECT
phrase, the @ phrase is used. The @SELECT phrase
conceptually defines the meaning of "all columns" and thereby
specifies those field names that will be visible to ODBC
@INSERT Specifies the column names that will be used if a
UniVerse/SQL INSERT statement fails to provide a column list.
In this case the VALUES clause must contain exactly the same
number of values as are specified in the @INSERT phrase.
@REVISE Specifies the column names that will be used if REVISE is used
to enter or update records in the file.
@HYPERFIELDS Ignored. In older UniVerse ODBC drivers this phrase specified
the fields that would be visible to UniVerse ODBC clients.
Replaced by @SELECT.
@HYPER.SEARCH.FIELDS Ignored. In older UniVerse ODBC drivers this phrase limited
the fields that could be used in a selection criterion (a WHERE
clause or HAVING clause). Now all fields are regarded as
@HYPER.UPDATE.FIELDS Ignored. In older UniVerse ODBC drivers this phrase limited
the fields that could be updated via UniVerse ODBC. Now all
stored (non-virtual) fields are regarded as updateable,
provided security and integrity constraints permit this.
Associated Multi-Valued Fields
The other purpose for which phrases are used in UniVerse file dictionaries is to provide a
name to an association of multi-valued fields. Each of the associated multi-valued fields
includes the phrase name in field number 7. The "PH" type item in the dictionary contains,
as its phrase contents, a space-delimited list of the names of those multi-valued items.
For example, in one of the demonstration databases supplied with UniVerse a file called
ORDERS has two associated multi-valued fields, PROD.NO and QTY. The name of the
association to which they belong is BOUGHT. The relevant dictionary entries are as follows.
id: PROD.NO id: QTY id: BOUGHT
0001: D 0001: D 0001: PH
0002: 3 0002: 4 0002: PROD.NO QTY
0003: 0003:
0004: Product No 0004: Qty
0005: 3R 0005: 3R
0006: M 0006: M
0007: BOUGHT 0007: BOUGHT
Storage Locations in Dictionary
The UniVerse file dictionary model includes another type, used to contain any information
that may pertain to the file as a whole. Except for the requirement that the first character
in the record is an "X" (from which such storage locations are termed "X-type" entries),
there is no requirement about how X-type entries should be laid out.
X-type entries can not be accessed by queries. They are accessed programmatically or by
particular utilities (programmatically). There are some reserved names for X-type entries in
UniVerse file dictionaries, which are listed below.

Table 3: Special X-Type Entries in File Dictionaries

X-Type Name Description

&NEXT.AVAILABLE& Contains, in field number 2, the next key to be used if a new
record is created by REVISE with the NEXT.AVAILABLE
keyword specified or by a UniVerse/SQL INSERT statement
that does not specify the key column in its column list (the
table will have been created with the DEFAULT NEXT
AVAILABLE clause on the primary key).
@EMPTY.NULL The existence of this item in the file dictionary causes any ""
to be represented as NULL to UniVerse ODBC clients (or other
clients using the UCI).
@KEY_SEPARATOR Specifies, in field number 2, the character to be used to
separate column values within @ID when a multi-column
primary key value is specified. The default separator
character is a "text mark" (@TM).
@ASSOC_KEY.mvnam Defines whether an association of multi-valued fields has a
e key or whether the association or non-associated multi-
valued field should be treated as having STABLE or
UNSTABLE synthetic key numbers (the name of the synthetic
key field is @ASSOC_ROW, but this does not appear in the
file dictionary).
HS.ODBC.LISTS Specifies named of saved Select Lists that will be used to
expose views (restrictions) on data when this file (table) is
accessed by UniVerse ODBC clients.
Creating Dictionary Entries

Since file dictionaries are ordinary UniVerse hashed files, you can use any tool you wish to
add, edit and delete dictionary entries that you might use to do the same with the data
portion. The recommended tool is REVISE, particularly for newcomers to UniVerse
dictionary construction, because this tool obtains its prompts from a template that includes
a certain amount of error checking. REVISE will work from the default Select List, if this is

Creating Entries in Prime Style Dictionaries with REVISE

When you invoke REVISE with the DICT keyword preceding the file name, you open the
dictionary portion of the file. You also open a REVISE template for entering information into
Prime-style dictionary items. This template only allows entry of "D" type, "I" type, and "PH"
type dictionary items. It can also be opened by specifying the USING keyword on the
REVISE command line followed by the name of the template, which is ENTER.DICT. When
entering the file name following the prompt, you must precede it with the DICT keyword.
For example:
REVISE DICT filename

Enter file name DICT filename

This opens a new screen with RETRIEVE DICTIONARY DEFINITION as its heading, plus the
date and time, and you are prompted to enter a field name.
At this prompt you can enter the name of a field, which may or may not exist, or you can
enter END or just press Enter to quit from REVISE.
Once you have entered a field name, REVISE reads it for update, setting an update lock.
• If it is a new record (does not yet exist), REVISE steps through the prompts
at which you can enter the required information, then prompts you to make any
• If the record already exists, REVISE displays that record, then prompts you to
make any changes.
For example:
Enter file name DICT ORDERS

RETRIEVE DICTIONARY DEFINITION -Screen 1- Mon Sep 22 10:07:15 2003

4 CONV MD2$,
5 NAME Item Total
7 S/M M


At the CHANGE= prompt you can do any of the following things:

• choose a field number to change (you will then be prompted to make the change)
• enter TOP to abandon the current update
• enter DELETE to delete the current record
• enter nothing (press Enter) to save the record
• enter ^^ to refresh the screen
• enter ?? to obtain extended help for REVISE
Once you have finished working on one dictionary entry, you are returned to the FIELD=
prompt where you can specify another record for entry/update, or enter END (or just press
Enter) to end the session.
Creating Entries in Pick Style Dictionaries with REVISE
Another template, ENTER.DICTAS, allows you to use REVISE to enter "A" type and "S" type
items. To use this template you must employ the USING keyword on the command line.
When entering the file name following the prompt, you must precede it with the PDICT
keyword, to indicate that you are opening the Pick style dictionary. For example:
Enter file name PDICT filename

This opens a new screen with RETRIEVE PICK-STYLE DICTIONARY as its heading, plus the
date and time, and you are prompted to enter a field name.
At this prompt you can enter the name of a field, which may or may not exist, or you can
enter END to quit from REVISE.
Once you have entered a field name, REVISE reads it for update, setting an update lock.
• If it is a new record (does not yet exist), REVISE steps through the prompts
at which you can enter the required information, then prompts you to make any
• If the record already exists, REVISE displays that record, then prompts you to
make any changes.
For example:
Enter file name PDICT ORDERS

RETRIEVE PICK-STYLE DICTIONARY -Screen 1- Mon Sep 22 10:02:53 2003

3 A/AMC 0
4 S/NAME Item Total
8 V/CONV MD2$,
10 V/TYP R
11 V/MAX 10

At the CHANGE= prompt you can do any of the following things:
• choose a field number to change (you will then be prompted to make the change)
• enter TOP to abandon the current update
• enter DELETE to delete the current record
• enter nothing (press Enter) to save the record
• enter ^^ to refresh the screen
• enter ?? to obtain extended help for REVISE
Once you have finished working on one dictionary entry, you are returned to the FIELD=
prompt where you can specify another record for entry/update, or enter END to end the
session. If you just press Enter, you are reminded that an entry is required for this field;
you must use END to exit from REVISE when this template is being used.

Creating A or S type Entries in Prime Style Dictionaries with REVISE

The ENTER.DICTAS template can also be used to work with "A" type and "S" type entries in
Prime style dictionaries. In this case specify the template as before, via a USING keyword
on the REVISE command line. When entering the file name following the prompt, precede it
with the DICT keyword (rather than the PDICT keyword), to indicate that you are opening
the Prime style dictionary. For example:
Enter file name DICT filename
Creating Dictionary Entries with ED
The singular disadvantage of using an editor with dictionary entries is that there is no
information displayed on screen about what belongs in which field in the dictionary record.
To edit a dictionary record in a Prime style dictionary, rather than a data record, simply
precede the filename with the DICT keyword.
ED DICT filename [ recordID ]

If the record ID is not given, it is prompted for. ED will also work from the default Select
List, if this is active.
The record is read and locked for update, and you are informed whether the record already
exists or not. If it does you can use the appropriate command to display it. (Note: if it is an
existing compiled "I" type record, use up-arrow mode if you are going to display field
number 20.) For example:
This is a Type "I" Descriptor last compiled on 08/28/03 at 08:49.
20 lines long.

----: ^
Up-arrow display mode = enabled
----: P8
0001: I
0002: QTY * SELL
0003: MD2$,
0004: Item Total
0005: 10R
0006: M

It matters not whether the item is "A", "D", "I", "PH", "S" or "X" type; the editor is working
only with the raw contents. Since neither REVISE template allows entry of "X" as a record
type, you will need to use an editor to work with these.
It is not possible to use the PDICT keyword with ED to open the Pick-style dictionary.
However, you could create a VOC "F" type pointer with the Pick-style dictionary pathname in
field number 2 and the DICT.PICK pathname in field number 3, and use ED to edit items in
the Pick style dictionary in that fashion. Or you could modify the ED program itself to
handle the PDICT keyword; this is beyond the scope of this paper.
Creating Dictionary Entries with SQL
Because a UniVerse file dictionary is a regular hashed file with its own dictionary
(DICT.DICT), it is possible to use data manipulation language (DML) statements to insert or
update records. For Prime style dictionary items this requires nothing more than preceding
the file name with the DICT keyword.
For files that are tables, however, this is not the preferred approach. When the file is an
SQL table, you should use ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN commands to add new column
definitions, or ALTER TABLE ADD SYNONYM commands to add synonym column definitions.
This causes the system table entries to be maintained properly and the table's security and
integrity constraints area to be updated. Simply changing the file dictionary bypasses these
vital steps, which would then need to be remedied using the VERIFY.SQL command.
For example, assuming that the file is not an SQL table:
SQL+ ('INCR.SELL', 'I', 'SELL * REUSE(1.1)', 'MD2$,',
SQL+ 'Incr Sell', '10R', 'M', 'BOUGHT')
SQL+ ;
UniVerse/SQL: 1 record inserted.

In this example the column names in the column names list were obtained from the
DICT.DICT file. Values corresponding to each column in that list were provided in the
VALUES list. The "SQL+" prompt is the UniVerse SQL continuation prompt, indicating that
the UniVerse command parser has identified an incomplete SQL statement (SQL statements
end with a semi-colon).
This approach does not support the PDICT keyword for working with entries in the Pick style
dictionary. However, you could create a VOC "F" type pointer with the Pick-style dictionary
pathname in field number 2 and the DICT.PICK pathname in field number 3, and use SQL
statements to edit items in the Pick style dictionary in that fashion. For example:
SQL+ (@ID, "D/CODE", "A/AMC", "S/NAME", "V/CONV", "V/TYP", "V/MAX")
SQL+ VALUES ('ONUMBER', 'S', '0', 'Order', 'MD', 'R', 5) ;
UniVerse/SQL: 1 record inserted.

In this case, because they are not defined in DICT.PICK, we cannot access field numbers 4,
5 and 6. The identifiers containing "/" characters must be quoted.

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