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International Journal of Fatigue 22 (2000) 85–91

Hot-spot stress evaluation of fatigue in welded structural

connections supported by finite element analysis
a,* b
G. Savaidis , M. Vormwald
MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG, Department for Strength and Testing of Materials and Components (TEB), Dachauerstrasse 667, D-80995 Munich,
Institute of Structural Mechanics, Department of Civil Engineering, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Marienstrasse 15, D-99421 Weimar,

Received 13 August 1999; received in revised form 1 November 1999; accepted 1 November 1999


Various welded joints from the floor structure of city buses have been examined numerically and experimentally under bending
and tensional cyclic constant-amplitude loading. Hot-spot stresses at failure-critical locations were calculated by means of finite
element analysis. The corresponding fatigue lives were determined experimentally. There was good overall agreement between
calculated and experimentally determined critical locations. The recommendations within the IIW guideline concerning the Hot
Spot Stress Approach were found to give accurate approximations for the probability of survival of fatigue-loaded welded joints.
The restriction regarding the applicability of the Hot Spot Stress Approach to welds failing only from their transition zones could
be relaxed, at least at least for welds similar to those investigated here.  2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Welded joints; Fatigue; Materials strength; Hot Spot Stress Approach; Finite elements

1. Introduction be a worthwhile method of calculating service life in the

commercial-vehicle sector, too.
The Hot Spot Stress Approach is typically used for This paper describes initial experience with this
fatigue-resistant design and/or the durability approval of approach in assessing different types of welded joints
welded offshore tubular joints. The size of the compo- for the floor structure of buses. Comparison of applied
nents involved makes it difficult, or at any event expens- and allowable stress levels and the ability to bear them
ive, to determine their fatigue behaviour and strength are based on the so-called hot-spot stresses: i.e., the
experimentally. In the commercial-vehicle sector, by stresses that are obtained by calculation at the failure-
contrast, adequate fatigue resistance is ensured exper- critical point, here the undercut, using bending theory of
imentally. Even in this sector, however, there is still a engineering mechanics, here the theory of elastic shells.
need for computer-aided methods, particularly when it However, stress concentrations due to weld geometry are
is a matter of assessing very short production runs or not explicitly taken into consideration. Experimental
special designs. Moreover, even the development of ser- determination of hot-spot stresses requires linear extra-
ies-production parts gives rise to a number of different polation of the measured strains from a point ahead of
design versions, and it is not possible to investigate the the undercut to the actual critical point. The crucial point
fatigue behaviour of all of these experimentally because when using this approach is to prove that stress concen-
of the limited amount of development time available. trations due to weld geometry always occur in the same
The Hot Spot Stress Approach would therefore seem to way within a wide range of different component geo-
metries. This ensures that a unique stress–life curve,
expressed in hot-spot stresses, is applicable to that range
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-89-1580-3586; fax: +49-89- of components.
1580-4037. In this study, the hot-spot stresses and fatigue lives of
E-mail address: georgios (G. Savaidis) four different structures under bending and tensional

0142-1123/00/$ - see front matter  2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 2 - 1 1 2 3 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 1 9 - X
86 G. Savaidis, M. Vormwald / International Journal of Fatigue 22 (2000) 85–91

cyclic loading have been determined and correlated by 2.1. Finite element mesh
using a single hot-spot stress–life curve. The results indi-
cate feasibilities and limitations of the approach. According to the state-of-the-art [1–4], the hot-spot
stress must include all the stress-concentrating effects of
the design detail. To determine these, it is appropriate
2. Welded joints investigated and finite element to perform finite element analysis. However, the relevant
modelling literature [1,2,4] gives only limited assistance regarding
the application of the finite elements of the mesh in prac-
Fig. 1 shows a typical design of a section of the struc- tice. Accordingly, four-node shell elements are used to
ture of newly developed MAN intercity buses. Almost model the structures, and these are modelled at the centre
the whole structure consists of various thin bars, beams planes of the plates.
and plates, which are joined together by welds. Within Regarding the modelling of the weld, Niemi [4]
the framework of the current investigation only the floor presents a whole series of means by which the joint
structure, as marked in Fig. 1, had to be re-engineered. between two welded plates could be modelled (Fig. 4),
While in the past floor structures were designed using but does not give a clear recommendation. Variant (a),
quite rigid, hollow, rectangularly profiled members, i.e., an intermediate shell, should be the simplest to
new-generation buses are mainly equipped with C-pro- implement. Since by far the greatest proportion of the
filed members in order to reduce weight and costs. The time required for a hot-spot stress calculation is devoted
members are joined together to form a complete floor to setting up the finite element mesh, this variant should
structure by means of various plates welded to and join- therefore be given preference as long as it does not affect
ing the various members. the quality of the results.
A series of possible construction details was discussed The intermediate shell must be assigned a thickness
for the design of the floor structure of the new buses. and material properties. Among other things, the stiff-
Four of them, at which the fatigue resistance in service ness properties of the intermediate shell modelled should
had to be assessed, are shown in Fig. 2. In all cases replicate those of the real weld. In this study, the thick-
the connection between the longitudinal, transverse and ness of the intermediate shell was made equal to the dis-
diagonal members was performed via butt and fillet tance between the plane sections in the middle of the
welds between the flanges and the webs. Furthermore, plates, although real welds are generally thicker. Pre-
the joint was reinforced with joint plates and ‘shoes’. calculations with thicker and therefore more rigid inter-
The joint plates were connected to the flanges of the mediate shells resulted in an excessive rise in the struc-
members by means of a fillet weld along the periphery tural hot-spot stresses. The corresponding deformations
of a slot in the joint plate. confirm that the intermediate shell works like a rigid
The joints studied were mainly subjected to bending ring, which is certainly not realistic.
and normal force applied to the members according to According to the international standards [1,2], the
the scheme shown in Fig. 3. dimensions of the elements in the area of interest should

Fig. 1. Frame structure of an intercity bus.

G. Savaidis, M. Vormwald / International Journal of Fatigue 22 (2000) 85–91 87

Fig. 2. Structures investigated.

Fig. 3. Scheme of load configurations.

be such that at least the centre of the first element should are given by Fricke and von Stelle [5]. They examined
be no more than 0.4t (where t is the thickness of the a gusset on a flange of a double T beam using (a) volume
plate) from the location of the highest hot-spot stress. elements, (b) shell elements with and (c) without model-
Given a plate thickness of 5 mm, this gives a rec- ling the weld. These finite element models resemble vari-
ommended maximum edge length of 2×0.4×t=4 mm in ants (e), (b) and (a) of Niemi’s [4] proposal (see Fig. 4).
the area of the hot spot. The hot-spot stresses calculated in Ref. [5] for tension,
However, the influence of the element length on the bending and shear loading of the beam using volume and
calculated hot-spot stress has been checked here for the shell elements differ only slightly. According to Niemi’s
case of variant A under bending. For this, various proposal and taking into account the comprehensive
element lengths of 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 4.0 mm have been results of Fricke and von Stelle, it seems not to be neces-
examined. The results, summarized in Table 1, confirm sary to model the weld when the dimensions of the finite
that the size of the elements has no significant influence elements in the area of the welded joints are in agree-
on the calculated hot-spot stress value. Elements with an ment with the suggestions given within the IIW guide-
edge length of 4 mm were therefore used throughout in line [1].
the area of hot spots. Based on these results and considering that the struc-
In addition, useful suggestions regarding modelling of tural detail investigated here is (a) of comparable
the connection of the diagonal and transverse members geometry and (b) meshed similarly to the details reported
88 G. Savaidis, M. Vormwald / International Journal of Fatigue 22 (2000) 85–91

elements belonging to different shells. Such stresses are

of no use from the mechanical point of view. In
determining the stresses, therefore, the elements that
belong to the connecting shells between the flange and
the joint plate were not taken into account. It is also
necessary to exclude the stresses of elements in the area
within the slot. The elements that are to be used in the
hot-spot area to determine the structural hot-spot stresses
are shown in Fig. 5(c).
Under tensional loading two areas have been calcu-
lated to be highly stressed. These are:
앫 the connection of the joint plate to the flanges of the
diagonal members, Fig. 6; and
앫 the connection between the diagonal and longitudinal
member, Fig. 7.
In the case of the connection of the joint plate to the
flanges of the diagonal members, hot-spot stresses were
defined as the stresses acting at the location point of the
weld root. In the case of the connection between diag-
onal and longitudinal members, the hot-spot stresses
were taken as the stresses acting at the location of the
weld toe.
It should be mentioned that the numerical analyses
described above cover those loading cases for which cor-
responding fatigue tests have been performed. These
loading cases resemble the most frequent loading in real
operating service. Combined loading or eccentricities in
the introduction of the load are possible under real ser-
vice conditions and yield additional critical locations.
Fig. 4. Alternatives for modelling of the weld according to Niemi [4]. Therefore, and with respect to final production release,
special attention has been dedicated to this by further
Table 1 numerical analyses [6,7], experimental investigations on
Influence of element length on the calculated hot-spot stress a test rig and the road tests [8] that are customarily used
at the company.
Element length (mm) Hot-spot stress (MPa)

1.0 76
1.5 80 3. Fatigue test results and analysis
2.0 78
4.0 79 Constant amplitude fatigue tests according to the load
configurations shown in Fig. 3 have been performed to
determine the fatigue life of the variants investigated.
in [5], the fillet weld connecting the diagonal and trans- The results can be taken as a basis to check the finite
verse member was not modelled explicitly in the cur- element analysis with regard to the failure-critical
rent investigation. locations. Furthermore, they can be used to check the
The design detail that has been identified to be the efficiency of the hot-spot stress as a parameter for a uni-
most critical under bending was the connection of the form treatment uniform treatment of fatigue design
joint plate to the flanges of the longitudinal or transverse and/or durability approval of the welds investigated, fail-
members, Fig. 5. For this detail, the finite element mesh ing from both the weld root and the weld transition zone.
and the stress distribution is plotted in Fig. 5. The corre- Table 2 gives details about the load values, the exper-
sponding hot-spot stress values were taken from the imentally observed failure locations and the correspond-
finite element calculation as nodal stresses at the location ing calculated hot-spot stresses (as described in the pre-
point of the weld root. vious section) for each test. Fig. 8(a) to (d) show typical
When using nodal stresses, however, it should be fatigue cracks for some of the cases investigated. Good
ensured that the post-processor of the program used does agreement between numerical and test results regarding
not calculate averages of nodal stresses of adjacent the failure locations was observed in nearly all the cases.
G. Savaidis, M. Vormwald / International Journal of Fatigue 22 (2000) 85–91 89

Fig. 5. Design detail of variant A leading to weld root failure under cyclic bending. Finite element mesh and stress distribution.

Fig. 6. Design detail of variant B leading to weld root failure under cyclic tension. Finite element mesh and stress distribution.

Fig. 7. Design detail of variant C leading to weld transition zone failure under cyclic tension. Finite element mesh and stress distribution.

Fig. 9 contains (1) the fatigue lives, (2) the corre- weld root. The failure criterion was defined as the forma-
sponding stress–life curves for various values of prob- tion of crack lengths of about 30–40 mm.
ability of survival determined from the test results using An important finding is that all test results are within
regression analysis and (3) the hot-spot stress–life curve a unique scatter band, independent of the failure location
which is suggested by the guideline standards of Euroc- (weld transition zone or weld root).
ode [9] and the IIW [1,2]. The latter are to be used for The regression analysis, and thus the evaluation of the
the design of fillet welds in an as-welded condition if stress–life curves for various values of probability of sur-
no experimental results are available. Please note that vival, was performed using a unique stress–life slope of
this curve is based on several fatigue tests and assigned k=2.73. This k value had been determined previously by
with a probability of survival of 90% within a confidence linear regression of the test results of variant C under
belt of 75%, which results in an overall probability of tensional loading, specimens 9 to 16 in Table 2. Only
survival of Ps=95%. within this subset had a sufficient number of tests on —
Open symbols represent failure within the weld tran- at least — two different load levels been performed,
sition zone while solid ones indicate failure from the which is necessary to yield statistically reliable slope
90 G. Savaidis, M. Vormwald / International Journal of Fatigue 22 (2000) 85–91

Table 2
Details concerning the fatigue tests

Number of Hot-spot stress
Specimen no. according to Load type Load levels Failure locationa
cycles to failure range (MPa)
Fig. 2

Fmax (kN) Fmin (kN)

1 A Bending 44.5 2.50 257,800 WR 343

2 B Bending 44.5 2.50 210,000 WR 474
3 C Bending 44.5 2.50 411,700 WR 343
601,000 WTZ 220
4 C Bending 44.5 2.50 396,000 WTZ 220
5 A Tension 36.0 ⫺6.25 580,000 WR 208
6 A Tension 36.0 ⫺6.25 282,000 WR 208
7 B Tension 36.0 ⫺6.25 311,250 WR 338
8 B Tension 36.0 ⫺6.25 155,560 WR 338
9 C Tension 36.0 ⫺6.25 350,000 WTZ 386
10 C Tension 36.0 ⫺6.25 400,000 WTZ 386
11 C Tension 36.0 ⫺6.25 240,000 WTZ 386
12 C Tension 25.2 ⫺4.40 1,057,000 WTZ 272
13 C Tension 25.2 ⫺4.40 498,000 WTZ 272
14 C Tension 25.2 ⫺4.40 788,000 WTZ 272
15 C Tension 32.3 ⫺5.60 250,300 WTZ 363
16 C Tension 32.3 ⫺5.60 251,200 WTZ 363
17 D Tension 32.3 ⫺5.60 180,600 WTZ 308
18 D Tension 32.3 ⫺5.60 150,600 WTZ 308
19 D Tension 32.3 ⫺5.60 326,100 WTZ 308
20 D Tension 36.0 ⫺6.25 400,000 WTZ 363
21 D Tension 36.0 ⫺6.25 152,400 WTZ 363
22 D Tension 36.0 ⫺6.25 100,000 WTZ 363

WR — weld root; WTZ — weld transition zone.

Fig. 8. Fatigue cracks in specimens of (a) variant A, (b) variant B, (c) variant C and (d) variant D under cyclic tensional loading.

values. Additionally, this slope is in good agreement NP=90% 1

with values reported in the literature for similar welded T N⫽ ⫽
NP=10% 4.5
joints [10–13]. The scatter of the results, expressed by
the ratio of the fatigue lives for 90% to 10% probability and is typical for welds under cyclic normal stresses
of survival, amounts to [1,2,10,12,14].
G. Savaidis, M. Vormwald / International Journal of Fatigue 22 (2000) 85–91 91

Hot Spot Stress Approach depends on how hot-spot

stresses are defined and, in the case of numerical analy-
sis, on the modelling of the structure and the weld
geometry. Further investigations on this topic should try
to clarify whether and how the recommended application
fields of the Hot Spot Stress Approach within the inter-
national standards can be extended to describe weld root
fatigue failure, too.
Additionally, if the comparison of the fatigue resist-
ance of the structures investigated here had been perfor-
med using the recommendations of the IIW guideline,
sufficiently reliable results would have been achieved.
Expensive tests, and therewith costs and time, can thus
be significantly reduced.

Fig. 9. Fatigue test results and comparison with the fatigue life curve References
according to international standards [1,9].
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