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Reviewer biology. I cant believe I did this for bio. Share lang baka may hindi pa nakakapag rebyu.

1. What are the functions of the nervous system?

a. Sensory input
i. Gathers info
ii. Monitors changes inside and outside the body
b. Integration
i. Processes and interprets sensory I and decide if action is needed
c. Motor output
i. A response to integrated stimuli
ii. The response activates muscles or glands
2. What are the structural classifications of the nervous system?
a. Central nervous system (CNS)
i. Brain
ii. Spinal cord
b. Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
i. Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
3. What are Functional Classification of the Peripheral Nervous System?
a. Sensory (afferent) division
i. Sensory (afferent) division
b. Motor (efferent) division
i. Nerve fibers that carry impulses away from the central nervous system
ii. Two subdivisions
1. Somatic nervous system = voluntary
2. Autonomic nervous system = involuntary
4. What are the types of cells is nervous tissue made of?
a. Supporting cells
i. For cns
1. Astrocytes
a. barrier between capillaries and neurons
b. Control the chemical environment of the brain by picking up
excess ions and released neurotransmitters ( this is found
when neurons interact with other neurons fig 7.10)
2. Microglia
a. Spider-like phagocytes
b. Dispose of debris (dead brain cells and bacteria)
3. Ependymal cells
a. Line cavities of the brain and spinal cord
b. Circulate cerebrospinal fluid
c. The cilia forms like a protective cushion around the cns
4. Oligodendrocytes
a. Produce myelin sheath around nerve fibers in the central
nervous system
ii. For pns
1. Satellite cells
a. Protect neuron cell bodies
2. Schwann cells
a. Form myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system
b. Neurons
5. What are the major regions of the neurons
a. Cell body – nucleus and metabolic center of the cell
b. Processes – fibers that extend from the cell body
c. Read more on page 226
6. What are the extensions outside the cell body?
a. Dendrites – conduct impulses toward the cell body
b. Axons – conduct impulses away from the cell body
7. What is the gap between adjacent neurons?
a. Synaptic cleft
8. What is called for the junction between nerves?
a. Synapse
9. What cells produce myelin sheaths on the axon?
a. Schwann cells
10. What are gaps in myelin sheath along the axon?
a. Nodes of ranvier
11. What are the functions of the myelin sheaths?
a. Protects the axon
b. Insulates the axon
c. Increases nerve impulse transmission
12. Read more page 227
13. What is the umyelinated regions in the cns ?
a. Gray matter
14. What is the myelinated regions in the cns?
a. White matter
15. What is the plasma membrane of the Schwann cell?
a. Neurilemma
16. What are clusters of cell bodies within the white matter of the central nervous system?
a. Nuclei ( also known for a network of nerve cells)
17. What are collections of cell bodies outside the central nervous system?
a. Ganglia
18. What are the functional classifications of neurons?
a. Sensory (afferent) neurons
b. Motor (efferent ) neurons
c. Interneurons (association neurons)
19. What kind of neuron carries impulses from the sensory receptors?
a. Sensory neurons
20. What is the sensory receptor in the skin? In the muscles and tendons?
a. Cutaneous sense organs
b. Proprioceptors – detect stretch or tension
21. What kind of neuron carries impulses away the sensory receptors?
a. Motor neurons
22. What are found in neutral pathways in the cns and connects sensory and motor neurons?
a. Interneurons
23. What are the structural classifications of neurons? Explain briefly why.
a. Multipolar neurons- many extensions from the cell body
b. Bipolar neurons – one axon and one dendrite
c. Unipolar neurons – have a short single process leaving the cell body
24. What is the most common structural type of neuron?
a. Multipolar neuron
25. What neuron is found only in special sense organs such as nose and eyes?
a. Bipolar neurons
26. Unique neuron that carries nerve impulse toward and away from the cell body?
a. Unipolar neuron
27. Neuron found only in the pns ganglia.
a. Unipolar neuron
28. What are the functional properties of neurons?
a. Irritability – ability to respond to stimuli
b. Conductivity – ability to transmit an impulse
29. The plasma membrane of a resting or inactive neuron is ________.
a. Polarized
30. Until ___________ occurs a neuron cannot conduct another impulse.
a. Repolarization
31. ___________ excite neurons and become active and generate impulse.
a. Stimuli
32. Essay: why is a nerve impulse called an all-or-none response?
a. Read page 231 lower part, use a little imagination why fig 7.10
33. ____________ restores the original configuration of the axon which requires atp.
a. Sodium-potassium pump
34. What increases impulse travel in the axon?
a. Myelin sheath – because the nerve impulse jumps out to each node of ranvier.
Remember that the myelin sheath acts as an insulator.
35. Where does action potential start?
a. Dendrites
36. What are the 5 basic components of a reflex arc? (in order)
a. Receptor
b. Sensory neuron
c. Integration center
d. Motor neuron
e. Effector
37. These are rapid, predictable and involuntary response to stimuli.
a. Reflexes
38. What are the types of reflex arc? Give examples.
a. Autonomic reflexes
i. Smooth muscle regulation
ii. Heart and blood pressure regulation
iii. Regulation of glands
iv. Digestive system regulation
v. Secretion of saliva
vi. Changes in size of pupils
b. Somatic reflexes
i. Activation of skeletal muscles
39. What is the largest and most complex mass of nervous tissue in the body?
a. Brain
40. What are the four regions of the brain?
a. Cerebral hemispheres (cerebrum)
b. Diencephalon
c. Brain stem
d. Cerebellum
41. What region is the largest of the four regions in the brain?
a. Cerebral hemispheres (cerebrum)
42. Review A page 237 fig 7.13 nakalagay sa notes mo manoy to memorize the anatomy of the
brain. 
43. Elevated ridges in the brain are called?
a. Gyri
44. Shallow grooves in the brain are called?
a. Sulci
45. Deeper groves in the brain?
a. Fissures
46. Fissures …..?
a. Separate large regions in the brain
47. The cerebral hemispheres are separated by a large fissure called __________?
a. Longitudinal fissure
48. What are the surface lobes of the cerebrum?
a. Frontal lobe
b. Parietal lobe
c. Occipital lobe
d. Temporal lobe
49. Sends impulses to skeletal muscles.
a. Primary motor area
50. Receives impulses from the body’s sensory receptors.
a. Somatic sensory area
51. Damage to this are causes inability to say the words properly.
a. Brocha’s area
52. What are the major structures of the diencephalon?
a. Thalamus
b. Hypothalamus
c. Epithalamus
53. Very important structure of the diencephalon that plays a role in the regulation of body
temperature, water balance and metabolism.
a. Hypothalamus
54. Regulates the pituitary gland.
a. Hypothalamus
55. What forms the cerebrospinal fluid?
a. Choroid plexus
56. What is the relay station for sensory impulses?
a. Thalamus
57. Where do choroid plexuses located?
a. Epithalamus
58. What are the parts of the brain stem?
a. Medulla oblongata
b. Midbrain
c. Pons
59. What part of the brain stem merges with the spinal cord?
a. Medulla oblongata
60. Provides involuntary coordination of the body movements.
a. Cerebellum
61. What protects the central nervous system?
a. Scalp and skin(epithelium)
b. Skull and vertebral column(bone)
c. Meninges (membranes)
d. Cerebrospinal fluid(watery cushion)
e. Blood brain barrier
62. What are the parts of meninges?
a. Dura mater (tough or hard mother) (outermost layer)
i. Double-layered external covering that surrounds the brain
1. Periosteum – attached to surface of the skull
2. Meningeal layer – outer covering of the brain and spinal cord
b. Arachnoid layer
i. Threadlike expansion span the subarachnoid space
1. Subarachnoid space is filled with cerebrospinal fluid
c. Pia mater (gentle mother)
i. Internal layer
ii. Clings to the surface of the brain and spinal cord following every fold
63. What is the cerebrospinal fluid?
a. Formed by the choroid plexus
b. Forms a watery cushion to protect the brain
c. Circulated in arachnoid space, ventricles, and central canal of the spinal cord
64. How do the cerebrospinal fluid moves?
a. Read page 242 to 243
65. What is the blood brain barrier?
a. Includes the least permeable capillaries of the body
i. Allows only
1. Water
2. Glucose
3. Essential amino acids
ii. Does not allow
1. Urea
2. Toxins
3. Proteins
4. Most drugs
5. Potassium ions
6. Nonessential amino acids
b. Excludes many potentially harmful substances
c. Useless against some substances
i. Fats and fat soluble molecules
ii. Respiratory gases
iii. Alcohol
iv. Nicotine
v. Anesthesia
66. Ions involved in nerve impulse.
a. potassium
b. sodium
67. How many pairs of spinal nerves do humans have?
a. 31 pairs
68. What is the major reflex center?
a. Spinal cord
69. The spinal cord extends to the foramen magnum
70. Roots that fuse to create a spinal nerve?
a. Dorsal root
b. Ventral root
71. Central canal is filled with?
a. Cerebrospinal fluid
72. Give the structure of a muscle then give the nerve counterpart of it.


Muscle fiber axon w/ myelin sheath

endomysium endoneurium
Perimysium perineurium
Fascicle Fascicle
epimysium epineurium

73. What are the classifications of nerves? Explain each briefly.

a. Mixed nerves- carrying both sensory and motor fibers e.g. spinal nerves
b. Afferent (sensory) nerves – carry impulses toward the CNS
c. Efferent (motor) nerves – carry impulses away from the CNS
74. How many of the 12 cranial nerves are sensory only?
a. 3
75. Using # 74, name the nerves that are sensory only.
a. Optic
b. Olfactory
c. Vestibulocochlear
76. What are the 12 cranial nerves? In order. Hint. Oh! Oh! Oh! To Touch And Feel Very Good
Velvet! AH!
a. Olfactory
b. Optic
c. Oculomotor
d. trochlear
e. trigeminal
f. abducens
g. facial
h. vestibulocochlear (toung twister ba to?)
i. glossopharyngeal
j. vagus
k. accessory
l. hypoglossal
77. Where are cervical nerves found?
a. C1-C5
78. Where are brachial nerves found?
a. C5-C8 and T1
79. Where are lumbar nerves found?
a. L1-L4
80. Where are sacral nerves found?
a. L4-L5 and S1-S4
81. The autonomic nervous system has 2 motor neurons, the first is in the brain or spinal cord
where the axon present is called _____?
a. Preganglionic axon
82. Continuation of #81. Which leaves the cns to synapse with the second motor neuron in the
ganglion outside the cns, the axon present here is called _______?
a. Postganglionic axon
83. The sympathetic division __________.
a. Mobilizes the body
84. What is the involuntary branch of the nervous system that regulates cardiac muscles,
smooth muscles and consists of only motor nerves?
a. Autonomic nervous system
85. What is the voluntary branch of the nervous system?
a. Somatic nervous system
86. The parasympathetic division __________.
a. Allows us to unwind and conserve energy
87. Branch of the nervous system that has only one motor neuron?
a. Somatic
88. The effector organs of the somatic division are?
a. Skeletal muscle
89. The effector organs of the autonomic division are?
a. Smooth muscle
b. Cardiac muscle
c. Glands
90. The somatic division uses _________ as neurotransmitters.
a. Acetylcholine
91. The autonomic division uses _________ as neurotransmitters.
a. Acetylcholine
b. Epinephrine
c. Norepinephrine
92. Known as the fight or fight division that is remembered as the “E” division = exercise,
excitement, emergency, and embarrassment.
a. Sympathetic division
93. Known as the housekeeper division that conserves energy, maintains daily necessary body
function and remembered as the “D” division - digestion, defecation, and dieresis.
a. Parasympathetic division
94. The parasympathectic and sympathetic divisions is under what division of the nervous
a. Autonomic division
95. The last areas of the brain to develop?
a. Hypothalamus
96. What are the three degenerative diseases involving the nervous system?
a. Alzheimer’s disease
b. Parkinson’s disease
c. Huntington’s disease
97. Commonly called as stroke that arises from blood vessel rupture.
a. Cerebrovascular accident

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