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Test file.

a. Write and execute the following UNIX commands
(i) Create a directory
(ii) Create a file
(iii) Rename the directory
(iv) Rename the file
(v) View the file
b. Write a Shell program to check the given integer is prime or not
c. Write a C program using dynamic memory allocation to perform multiplication o
f two
10. a. Write and execute the following UNIX commands
(i) Create a file
(ii) Update the file
(iii) Display the file content
(iv) Display the file with line number
(v) Count the number of words in the file
b. Write a Shell program to generate prime numbers between 1 and 50
c. Write a C program using dynamic memory allocation to find the sum of elements
of a
11. a. Write and execute the following UNIX commands
(i) Create a Directory called main
(ii) Create a sub-directory called sub in the main directory
(iii) Create a file in the main directory
(iv) Copy the file to the sub directory
(v) Delete the file in the main directory
b. Write a Shell program to find the sum of square of individual digits of a num
c. Write a C program using dynamic memory allocation to develop a mark sheet of
12. a. Write and execute the following UNIX commands
(i) Display the calendar
(ii) Display the date and time
(iii) Display the present working directory
(iv) Display your user name
(v) Create a file using cat command
b. Write a Shell program to find the sum of cube of individual digits of a numbe
c. Write a C program using dynamic memory allocation to develop salary details o
f 5

13. a. Write and execute the following UNIX commands

(i) Use finger command
(ii) Use grep command
(iii) Use diff command
(iv) Use uniq command
(v) Use cmp command
b. Write a Shell program to execute various UNIX commands using case statements
c. Write a C program using dynamic memory allocation to find the minimum and max
of a
set of numbers.
14. a. Write and execute the following UNIX commands
(i) Create a directory
(ii) View all directories from a user
(iii) Rename a directory
(iv) View all the directories starting with a specific character.
(v) View only the hidden directories
b. Write a Shell program to count the number of vowels in a line of text
c. Write a C program to find the sum of â nâ numbers using function.
15. a. Write and execute the following UNIX commands
(i) Create a file
(ii) View only files from a directory
(iii) Rename a file
(iv) View all files starting with a specific character
(v) View all the files which has a specific extension
b. Write a Shell program to display student grades
c. Write a C program using pointers to allocate a memory for the string â Universityâ ? a
reallocate the memory for the string to â University Examinationsâ ?
16. a. Write and execute the following UNIX commands
(i) Create a directory with the name of Exam
(ii) Change the Exam directory as the working directory
(iii) Create a file called exam.txt in the Exam directory
(iv) View the content of the exam.txt file
(v) Rename the file exam.txt to test.txt
b. Write a Shell program to find the smallest number from a set of numbers
c. Write a C program using pointers to combine two array elements without duplic
17. a. Write and execute the following UNIX commands
(i) To check the working directory
(ii) Change the password
(iii) To display todayâ s date
(iv) To display the calendar of this month
(v) To display a message â University Examâ ? using a special character
b. Write a Shell program to find the smallest digit from a number
c. Write a program to perform file copy operation
18. a. Write and execute the following UNIX commands
(i) Create two directories called CS1101 and CS1102
(ii) Create a file called cs1101.txt in the CS1101 directory
(iii) Copy the file cs1101.txt from CS1101 to CS1102
(iv) Update the file content of cs1101.txt in the CS1102 directory
(v) Rename the file in the CS1102 with cs1102.txt
b. Write a Shell program to find the sum of all numbers between 50 and 100, whic
h are
divisible by
3 and not divisible by 5
c. Write a program to create two files and perform merge operation on it
19. a. Write and execute the following UNIX commands
(i) Create a file
(ii) Rename a file
(iii) Change the mode of the file to read only
(iv) View the content of a file
(v) Count the number of words in a file
b. Write a Shell program to find the sum of digits of a number until a single di
git is obtained.
c. Write a C program using dynamic memory allocation to copy one matrix to anoth
er matrix
20. a. Write and execute the following UNIX commands
(i) Count the specific number of lines from a file start from the beginning of t
(ii) To destroy a specific file from a user directory
(iii) Send a greeting message to other user
(iv) Execute a shell program
(v) To display current time
b. Write a Shell program to find the second highest number from a set of numbers
c. Write a C program using dynamic memory allocation to develop salary details o
f 5

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