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Atmospheric Corrosion inhibition of historical steel by FPTS

formulation based of triazole-thione
Ahmed Dermaj1, Driss Chebabe1, Hind Hammouch1, Mohamed Goursa1,
Najat Hajjaji1 and Abdellah Srhiri2
Laboratory of Electrochemistry, Corrosion and Environment, Faculty of sciences
SERVICHIM Sarl society corrosion inhibitors production, Morocco
Kenitra city 14000,

Several techniques have been used to conserve archaeological metal objects: mechanical cleaning, elec-
trolytic treatment and even oil immersion. In this work, we have tested the inhibiting effect against corro-
sion of formulation, which is based on a synthetic compound (PTS). We have examined the inhibition effi-
ciency on corroded iron either in the presence and the absence of 3% NaCl solution. The results obtained
using different application methods (brush and immersion) after one month of exposure have shown that
the inhibiting effect was very important in the event of atmospheric corrosion. The surface analyses by
SEM/ EDX confirm these results.

Keyword: inhibitor, corrosion, archaeological iron, atmospheric corrosion

1. INTRODUCTION and immersion show that after one month, the inhibition
effect is very important. The EDX surface analysis con-
The corrosion of a metal is often considered as an in- firms these results.
convenience because it implies a change of the objects in
the course of time. The exhibition of an old object is ac- 2. EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS
companied by a change depending on the environmental
conditions, which can sometimes accelerate objects 2.1 Material: corroded iron
degradation. All the coupons are iron based metal measuring 7cm
The knowledge of the corrosion system, its initiation length, 5cm width and of 2mm thick. These coupons were
as well as its evolution, depends on the choice of the con- corroded artificially to simulate the behaviour of historical
servation techniques and different methods used to pro- and archaeological metal artefacts. Analytical work on the
tect the objects against corrosive agents [1]. samples was carried via atomic emission arc induced spec-
For protection against the corrosion, many ways are troscopy. Analyses were carried out on three different
accessible [2]: manufacture new metals resistant to corro- spots on the metal surface. Each spot was analyzed in tripli-
sion, establish physical barrier to isolate the metal using cate and an average value in % for each element was ob-
organic coatings as example, or apply an electrolyte using tained. This composition weight %(wt%) is 0.157 wt % C,
corrosion inhibitors. 0.201 wt % Si, 0.519 wt % Mn, 0.007 wt % P, 0.009 % S
The use of the inhibitors is an adapted and convenient >99 wt% Fe, total remaining elements < 0.2%.
method to protect metals in the most situations.
The state of conservation of an archaeological object 2.2 SEM-EDX
essentially depends on the nature of the alloy from which The micrographic negatives have been taken out us-
it has been manufactured, as well as the environment ag- ing SEM (HV 16 Kv), equipped by EDX analysis (ZAF
gressiveness [3]. quantification standard less).
In this study, we are interested in protection of the fer-
rous objects. At first, we have studied the electro-chemi- 2.3 Inhibitor
cal behaviour of iron in different environments (marine, The products used as organic corrosion inhibitors is as
acidic, alkaline…) [4-7]. follow: Formulation FPTS of 3-phenyl-1, 2,4-triazole-5-
Then, we have tested the effect of a formulation in- thione (PTS), synthesized in our laboratory.
hibitor containing a synthetic compound (PTS), on the
corroded iron coupons in the presence and absence of 3 2.4 Studying methods: Atmospheric corrosion
wt% NaCl solution. Before beginning experiments, iron samples were
The obtained results with two applied methods, brush cleaned with a brush, and then degreased with ethanol.
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A. Dermaj et al.

The inhibitor formulation, was used either by immersion of ence with 3% NaCl solution treatment that showed a
coupons into ethanol solution of FPTS for an hour, or by corrosion accelerated on the whole surface which seems
brushing FPTS formulation directly on the iron surface. to cover with corrosion products. The general view of
this case coupon is dark.
3.2 SEM and EDX analysis
3.1 Iron samples The obtained results after a month of exposure to
After the preparation of iron coupons, visual inspec- the atmospheric corrosion, with and without inhibitor
tion was carried out, and the condition of iron samples are illustrated below.
during this study was documented using digital pho-
tographs. Figure 1 represents the condition of coupon 3.3 Reference sample exposed to atmospheric corrosion:
before application of the inhibitor. To examine the effect of chloride solution on the
iron coupons behaviour, we have compared two cases:
coupons with 3% NaCl solution sprayed on the surface
and coupons without 3% NaCl.
3.3.1 Without 3% NaCl solution
The state of the reference sample in the absence of
3% NaCl solution is illustrated by the SEM photo shown
in Figure 3.

Face 1 Face 2 White site 100Ìm

Figure 1 - Iron sample before FPTS application

In general, these coupons present two different zones:

— White zone, characterised by its brightness and ab-
sence of corrosion pits.
— Black zone corresponds to corrosion pits dispersed
in the whole surface indicating the development of Black site
artificial corrosion. (A)
After the mechanical cleaning of these metal coupons,
we have chosen a group of five samples A, B, C, D and E.
After the application of the inhibitor on these
coupons by immersion or brush in the presence and the Figure 3 - SEM photo of a reference sample
absence of 3% NaCl solution, they were exposed to am- in the absence of 3% NaCl
bient temperature 25oC and controlled relative humidity
between 63% to 68%) (Figure 2). This photo shows the existence of black and white
area. So as to understand the difference between the two
A: Inhibitor by immersion without 3% NaCl solution observed sites on samples areas, EDX analysis coupled
B: Inhibitor by brush in the presence of 3% NaCl solution to SEM observations was carried out. The correspond-
C: Inhibitor by brush without 3% NaCl solution ing spectrum is shown in Figure 4.
D: Reference with 3% NaCl solution
E: Reference without 3% NaCl solution

Black site (A)


White site (B)

Figure 2 - state of surface samples after 10 days of exposure

In spite of the bad quality of the photos, all coupons Figure 4 - EDX spectra of a reference sample
don’t undergo any visual modifications except the refer- in the absence of 3% NaCl after a month of exposure
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Atmospheric Corrosion inhibition of historical steel by FPTS formulation based on triazole-thione

The examination of this Figure indicates that analysis

at the black site shows an important quantity of oxygen,
and less weight percentage of iron. Other chemical ele-
ments were detected as shown in Tables 1A and 1B.

Table 1 A - EDX analysis of black site (A)

Table 1B - EDX analysis of white site (B)

Figure 6 - EDX spectra of reference sample in presence

of 3% NaCl after one month of exposure

In the event of white site, the peak attributed to oxygen The Table 3 shows the % of three elements present in
is nonexistent. The corresponding analyses show the pres- corrosion products.
ence of iron peaks with high intensity.
The white zone which is resistant to corrosion contains Table 3 - EDX analysis of a reference sample
the basic metal elements. in the presence of 3% NaCl
The black zone contains in addition to the basic ele-
ments, a great percentage of the oxygen and the carbon
which may indicates corrosion at the level of this zone.
3.3.2 In the presence of 3% NaCl solution
Our visual assessment shows a big difference with the
sample without sodium chloride. The metal coupon is
completely corroded as shown in Figure 5.
We note the following:
— The existence of only one zone in the whole area
formed by a layer of the corrosion products.
— Appearance of rust layer which is fissuring and cover-
ing all sample surfaces.
— A presence of higher wt% of oxygen and Cl- in the cor-
rosion products layer. This may lead to propose a for-
mation of oxychloride iron as corrosion product, cover-
ing the sample area.
— So the effect of the chloride ions is marked well.

3.4 Application of the inhibitor (FPTS) by brush method

50Ìm 3.4.1 SEM observations and EDX analysis in the absence

of 3% NaCl
The results obtained with FPTS on iron coupons in the
absence of 3%NaCl are given in Figures 7 and 8.
Figure 5 - SEM photo of a reference sample The microscopic observations in Figure 7 show the
in the presence of 3% NaCl presence of white zones corresponding to a basic iron met-
al uncorroded, and also the presence of corrosion pits rich
The corrosion products layer is heterogeneous and fis- on iron oxides. More information about the presence of in-
sured. The observed heterogeneity may be attributed to hibitor film on the surface are carried out by EDX analyses
oxide and chloride corrosion products formed on the as given in Figure.8.
coupon, which was confirmed by EDX analysis showing
oxygen, chloride and iron peaks in Figure 6.
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A. Dermaj et al.

B 100Ìm A 20Ìm Table 5 - EDX analysis of black site for iron coupon
Protected with FPTS in the absence of 3%NaCl

From Table 5, the presence of C, S and K attributed to

the inhibitor film, and also it appears that the oxygen per-
Figure 7 - SEM photo of iron coupon coated by FPTS centage in this zone compared to the reference one, de-
in absence of 3%NaCl after one month of exposure. creases from 50% to 27%, which may be due to the pro-
tecting character of the FPTS formulation.
3.4.2 SEM observations and EDX analysis in the pres-
ence of 3% NaCl
Black site (A) SEM observations of iron coupon presented in Figure
9 show the existence of two zones which correspond to the
EDX spectra represented in Figure 10. The EDX analysis
permits to note only one zone. This leads us to conclude
that the inhibitor forms thick corrosion products on the
metal area as shown in Figures 9 and 10.

200Ìm 500Ìm

White site (B)

Figure 9 - SEM photo of iron coupon with FPTS

in presence of 3%NaCl after one month of exposure

A remarkable difference is seen in samples surface be-

Figure 8 - EDX spectra of iron coupon protected by FPTS tween photographs obtained in the presence and the ab-
in the absence of 3%NaCl after one month of exposure sence of inhibitor with of 3 % NaCl as a corrosive solution.
This difference may be explained by a decrease of chloride
There are differences on elemental composition be- from 5% to 0.12% as shown in Table 6, and oxygen from
tween the distinguished zones. The white zone composi- 57.64% to 22% when the inhibitor was added, also the
tion is represented in Table 4. presence of Nitrogen, Carbon and Sulphur was noted .
Table 4 - EDX analysis of white site for iron
coupon protected by FTPS in the absence of 3%NaCl

Compared to a reference composition of the white site,

we note the apparition of new elements when the FPTS is
present on the coupon surface like S, C, and K and which
come only from inhibitor formulation. EDX analysis of
black zone is represented on Table .5 Figure 10 - EDX spectra of iron coupon contains FPTS in
presence of 3%NaCl solution after one month of exposure

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Atmospheric Corrosion inhibition of historical steel by FPTS formulation based on triazole-thione

Table 6 - EDX analysis of iron coupon with FPTS Table 7 - EDX analysis of iron coupon with FPTS applied
in the presence of 3%NaCl by immersion

3.5 Inhibitor applying by immersion The obtained results show the existence of sulphur, ni-
The inhibitor FPTS was also tested by immersion of the trogen and an increase of carbon percentage due to the in-
iron coupon in solution of 20ml of ethanol containing 15 hibitor presence on the surface coupon.
mg of inhibitor in the absence of 3% NaCl during 1 hour. Comparison with reference system in the presence and
The choice of percentage of the inhibitor is based on the absence of 3% NaCl indicates a decrease of oxygen
the concentration effect of PTS(3-phenyl-1, 2,4-triazole-5- percentage, justifying the inhibiting effect of the FPTS ap-
thione) [10]. plied by immersion method.
The visual observation shows a remarkable difference After three months of exposure, the state of iron sur-
of the surface state compared to the reference. The pro- faces is represented in Figure 13:
tected iron coupon presents a good resistance to atmos-
pheric corrosion; corresponding SEM photo reported in
Figure 11. B



Figure 13 - The state of surface iron coupon

(A, B, C, D and E) after three months of exposure
Figure 11 - SEM photo of iron coupon with FPTS in the
absence of 3% NaCl solution after one month of exhibition A: reference without inhibitor and 3%NaCl solution
B: inhibitor by immersion without 3% NaCl solution
EDX spectra and elemental composition are reported C: inhibitor by brush without 3% NaCl solution
in Figure 12 and Table 7 respectively D: reference without inhibitor but with 3% NaCl solution
E: inhibitor by brush in the presence of 3%NaCl solution

A general observation of the iron surface after 3

months shows the presence of pits on the whole surface for
the reference coupon. For coupon treated by immersion of
FPTS manifests a development of corrosion in the level of
— The system brush is more resistant against atmospheric
corrosion (not evolution of the corrosion both in the
level of pits and white site) In the presence of 3% NaCl
solution, all coupon surfaces were severely corroded.
— For the system brush with NaCl, the development of
active corrosion on the black site of iron coupon was

Figure 12 - EDX analysis of metal coupon (A) contains
FPTS in the absence of 3% NaCl solution This study has been realized by visual inspection, spectro-
after one month of exposure scopic methods (SEM and EDX) techniques to study ar-
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A. Dermaj et al.

chaeological iron. From all these techniques we have [4] Chebabe, D., Ait Chikh, Z.A., Dermaj, A., Rhattas,
proved the inhibiting effect of FPTS against atmospheric K., Jazouli, T. , Hajjaji, N., El Mdari, F., Srhiri, A.:
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2701–2713 (2004).
[5] Ait Chikh, Z., Chebabe, D., Dermaj, A., Hajjaji, N.,
This work was realized in the framework of “PROMET” Srhiri, A., Montemor, M.F., Ferreira, M.G.S., Bastos,
project. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial A.C.: “Electrochemical and analytical study of corro-
support. Also they would thank CNRST Morocco for its sion inhibition on carbon steel in HCl medium by
collaboration (PICS). 1,12-bis(1,2,4-triazolyl)dodecane”, Corrosion Science
47, pp. 447–459 (2005).
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