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New solar system found

A study by French scientists has revealed that older people with larger waistlines, high blood pressure
and other risk factors that make up metabolic syndrome may be at a higher risk for memory loss.


Kepler, NASA’s space telescope, spots five planets orbiting close to a distant star
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Facebook Deals, a way for users to find nearby
deals from businesses, made two significant moves
earlier this week — expansion to
five European countries and find-
ing deals via a webpage.
Facebook’s recent acquisition of
Rel8tion, a hyper local mobile
advertising startup, could also
indicate a move into the group
buying arena. Interestingly,
Facebook is testing a new feature called ‘Buy with
Friends’, currently for virtual goods only, that
allows users discounts on goods already purchased
by their friends.

LinkedIn finally announced its intention to go
public. The business network has also been trying
hard to offer better ways of lever-
aging professional ties. Last
week, it announced a new
LinkedIn Labs product called
InMaps, an interactive visual
representation of one's profes-
sional connections. The groups
or affiliations are colour-coded
which helps understand the dif-
ferent relationships and thus leverage them better.


While Google teamed up with Twitter and engi-
neers from its own recent acquisition SayNow to

release a voice-to-tweet service to 'aid' protesting
Egyptians to transmit informa-
tion around the world, Anonym-
ous, the group famous for its
ted it. “One of the most striking Centre in California. hope is to find planets about the activities in WikiLeaks, anno-
stronomers have spotted features about the Kepler-11 sys- “It is clear that such planets size and composition of Earth, unced Operation Egypt and took
a strange new solar sys- tem is how close the orbits of the need not resemble the Earth in inside the so-called habitable down government sites. Prote-
tem with small ‘puffy’ planets are to one another,” they any way,” Jonathan Fortney of zone, where it is warm enough stors also found an 'ally' in RIM
planets packed in close wrote in their report. the University of California, for liquid water to exist but not — the makers of BlackBerry.
orbit to their sun. The star resembles Earth’s own Santa Cruz, added in a telephone too hot for life. BlackBerry’s secure data transmission allowed users
And an orbiting space tele- sun. But five of the planets orbit- briefing. “The low-mass planets “We have found over twelve to bypass the Egyptian government’s crackdown on
scope has pointed scientists to ing it are packed into a space in the Kepler-11 system appear to hundred candidate planets -- communications with the outside world.


more than 1,200 other possible equivalent to the distance be more like small Neptunes than that's more than all the people
exoplanets -- planets outside our between Mercury and Venus in giant Earths.” have found so far in history,”
own solar system -- the space our own solar system. Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn and William Borucki of Ames While Android beat Nokia in terms of smart-
agency NASA has said. And they are bigger and puffi- Uranus are the giant gassy plan- Research Centre said. phone handset shipments in Q4 2010 with a 615
The solar system discovery, er than the rocky inner planets of ets that orbit beyond Mars. “Now, these are candidates, per cent YoY increase (as per research firm Canalys),
published in the journal Nature, our solar system, Earth, Venus, Astronomers have now found but most of them, I’m convinced, Google not only launched its
is mystifying astronomers for the Mars and Mercury, the scientists more than 500 exoplanets. Most will be confirmed as planets in long-awaited Android Market
time being and illustrates just said. However, they are some of are giant, because they are so far the coming months and years.” website, but also unveiled its
how much variety is possible in the smallest exoplanets ever seen. away that only the biggest are No telescope is powerful Android 3.0 operating system.
the universe. “They are much more closely detectable. enough to directly visualise a Code-named Honeycomb, it
The team at NASA and a range packed ... than any other plane- Kepler, launched in March planet orbiting another star. offers enhanced tablet support
of universities has named the sys- tary systems known, including 2009, is measuring the light from Instead, scientists use indirect with among other things, a new
tem Kepler-11, after the orbiting our own,” said Jack Lissauer, a sci- 150,000 stars in the constella- means to find them. user interface, and can be seen as
Kepler space telescope that spot- entist at NASA’s Ames Research tions Cygnus and Lyrae. The Reuters a big step in a market that is dominated by the iPad.


Today, Net will run out of IP addresses On one hand, Google is fighting spam in its
search results and on the other, waging a war against
Bing, for allegedly using Google user data gleaned

from IE and the Bing toolbar to improve its own
results. While the giants are at war,
only for academic purposes. a relatively new entrant is slowly
he internet will run out of numerical IP IP addresses act as phone numbers to making strides. Blekko, which uses
(Internet Protocol) addresses by Friday. ensure that surfers reach websites and e-mails a 'Slashtag' search to let "users
But the web will not ground to a halt. A and find their destination, the Daily Mail slash in what they want and slash
new system, Internet Protocol version 6 or reports. out what they don't" and thus cre-
IPv6, will replace version 4.Every device con- The authority that governs such addresses ate customised search results, has
nected to the net is assigned a number. But will distribute the last batches on Thursday. just made its anti-spam efforts
with millions of web-enabled phones now “It will just be ‘business as usual’ if every- even better with a ban on content farms. With its
online, the numbers are running out. one gets their job done,” said John Curran, new apps for Android and iPhone, and a $200k
The system, set up in the 1980s with a chief executive of the American Registry for investment from Ashton Kutcher (remember his ‘1
maximum of 4.1 billion addresses, was sup- Internet Numbers, one of five regional groups million twitter followers’ challenge to CNN that
posed to never run out. The original creators that dole out such addresses. They cover the arguably made Twitter mainstream), this service just
of the web initially thought it would be used US, Canada and the Caribbean. IANS might be the disruptor that search needs.

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