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Section A
(60 marks)
Answer all the question in this section. The time suggested to complete section A is 90

1. Table 1 shows the proton number, nucleon number and electron arrangement for the
five types of elements A, B, C, D, and E.

Element Proton number Nucleon number Electron arrangement

A 8 17 2.6
B 8 18 2.6
C X 35 2.8.7
D 13 27 Y
E 10 20 Z
Table 1

(a) Name all subatomic particles in the structure of an atom.

[3 marks]
(b) Write the relationship between the proton number and the nucleon number of an atom.

[1 mark]
(c) Based on Table 1, answer the following questions.
(i) What is the proton number of atom C?

[1 mark]
(ii) Determine the number of neutrons contain in an atom of element C.

[1 mark]
(iii) Write the electron arrangement for atom D.

[1 mark]
(iv) Draw the electronic arrangement of atom E.

[1 mark]
[See next…

(d) If an atom of B receives 2 electrons, it will achieve the octet electron arrangement.
Write the ionic formula for atom B.

[1 mark]

2. In an experiment to determine empirical formula for substance R, the percentages

composition by mass for each of element has been obtained as follows;

Mg = 20.0% S = 26.7% O = 53.3%

(a) What do you understand about the empirical formula for a compound?


[1 mark]
(b) Based on the result of the experiment, determine the empirical formula for R.
[Relative atomic mass: O,16; Mg,24; S;32]

[3 marks]
(c) (i) What is meant by the relative molecular mass for a substance.


[1 mark]
(ii) Why does the relative molecular mass not have any unit?

[1 mark]

[See next…

(iii) Based on your answer in (b), determine the relative molecular mass for substance

[1 mark]
(d) Substance L, has the empirical formula CH2O.
(i) If the relative molecular mass for L is 120, determine the molecular formula for
this substance.
[Relative atomic mass : H=1; C=12; O=16]

[2 marks]
(ii) Calculate the percentage by mass of carbon element in the substance L.

[2 marks]

3. Table 3 shows the incomplete information for three substances;

Total Total
Molar Number
Substances Formula Mass (g) number of number of
mass of mole
molecules atoms
Oxygen gas 1.0
H2SO4 9.8
Distil water 0.5
Table 3

(a) Write the molecular formula for oxygen gas and water.

Oxygen gas :

Distil water : ………………………………………………………………………...

[2 marks]

[See next…

(b) By showing your calculation work,

[Relative atomic mass : H,1; C,12; N,14; O,16; S,32; NA = 6 x 1023 mol-1]

(i) Determine the molar mass for sulphuric acid.

[1 mark]
(ii) What is the mass of 0.5 mole of water.

[1 mark]
(iii) Calculate the number of molecules in 9.8 g of sulphuric acid, H2SO4.

[2 marks]
(iv) Calculate the total number of atoms in 0.5 mole of water molecules.

[1 mark]
(v) If there is 8.0 grams of oxygen gas, calculate the volume of space in cm that can
be occupied by this gas at STP.
[Molar volume = 22.4 dm3 mol-1 at STP]

[2 marks]
(c) If a substance has the chemical formula XHCO3 and its molar mass is 100 g mol-1,
determine the relative atomic mass for X.

[1 mark]

[See next…

4. The Periodic Table of Elements arranges the different elements in a pattern according to
the structure of the atoms and the way in which they behave.
(a) (i) In what order are the elements arranged in the Periodic Table?
[1 mark]
(ii) What is the name given to the horizontal rows of the Periodic Table?
[1 mark]

 The elements are arranged according to increasing of atomic numbers.

 The properties of undiscovered elements can be predicted.

(b) Name the scientist who proposes the above statements in the early development of
Periodic Table of Elements.
[1 mark]
(c) What names are given to the following groups in the Periodic Table?

(i) Group 1 : .………………………………………………………………………..

[1 mark]

(ii) Group 17 : .………………………………………………………………………..

[1 mark]
(d) Periodicity is the study of properties of the elements found in the Periodic Table.
State the general trend in the variation of the following properties of the elements when
going down the groups.
(i) Atomic radii.
[1 mark]
(ii) Proton number.
[1 mark]
(e) Each of the elements which located in the same group will have the same chemical
property. Explain why.
[1 mark]
(f) State the position of element Y in the periodic table which has the proton number is 9.
[2 marks]

[See next…

5. Table 5 shows some information about the Group 18 elements.

Element Symbol Proton number Relative atomic mass

Helium He 2 4
Ne 10 20
Argon Ar 40
Krypton Kr 36 84
Xenon Xe 54 131
Radon Rn 86 120
Table 5
(a) Name the element with the symbol of Ne.
[1 mark]
(b) Predict the proton number of Argon.
[1 mark]
(c) Name the Group 18 element that is found in Period 3 of the Periodic Table.
[1 mark]
(d) State two physical properties that shown by the Group 18 elements.
[2 marks]
(e) Why do the melting and boiling points of Group 18 elements increase down the group?
[1 mark]
(f) Although the hydrogen gas is the lightest gas in the world, helium is chosen to fill the
meteorological and hot balloons. Explain why.
[1 mark]
(g) State one of the uses for each of the following gases
(i) Argon : ………………………………………………………………………..
[1 mark]
(ii) Krypton : ………………………………………………………………………..
[1 mark]

[See next…

6. The elements shown in Table 6 below are all in Group 17 of the Periodic Table

Elements Fluorine Chlorine Bromine Iodine

Symbol F Cl Br I
Proton number 9 17 35 53
Table 6
(a) Write the molecular formula of chlorine gas.

[1 mark]
(b) The physical properties of Group 17 elements change gradually when going down the
group. State the trend of changing for the following physical properties when going
down the group.

(i) the melting and boiling points :…………………………………………………..

(ii) the colour of elements :…………………………………………………..

[2 marks]
(c) (i) From the Table 6, name the element that will reacts and dissolves easiest in the

[1 mark]
(ii) Write a chemical equation for the reaction in (c)(i)

[2 marks]
The elements from Group 1 of the Periodic Table are very reactive elements.
(d) (i) Explain briefly how does the experiment between sodium metal, Na and water can
be carried out and tested in the laboratory.



[2 marks]
(ii) State one observation in the reactions.

[1 mark]
(iii) This reaction will produce an alkaline solution and liberate the hydrogen gas.
Write the chemical equation for the reaction that occur in (d)(i)

[2 marks]

[See next…

Section B
[20 marks]

Answer any one question from this section.

The time suggested to complete Section B is 30 minutes.

7. (a) The hydrocarbon substances contain the elements of carbon and hydrogen only.
The information below is regarding a hydrocarbon X with the chemical bonds in it.

 Carbon = 82.75%
 Hydrogen = 17.25%
 Relative molecular mass = 87
 Relative atomic mass of H = 1 and C = 12

 Based on the information of the hydrocarbon X.

(i) Determine the empirical formula of X.

[3 marks]
(ii) Determine the molecular formula of X.
[2 marks]
(iii) X burns in the excess oxygen gas, the carbon dioxide and the water vapour
will be produced. Write the chemical reaction to represent this reaction.
[7 marks]
(b) R is a reactive metal that can react readily with oxygen to form a metal oxide.
Describe how you could determine the empirical formula of the oxide of R in the
Include the calculations involved in your answer.
Given that the relative atomic mass of R=24, O = 16.
[12 marks]

8. Explain the following statements about the properties of elements in the Periodic Table.
You may need state some examples of element to support your answers.

(a) The reactivity of elements of Group 1 increases when going down the groups.
[7 marks]
(b) Noble gases in Group 18 are chemically inert.
[4 marks]
(c) The electron arrangement in an atom of element will give the information about
the position of the element in the Periodic Table.
[4 marks]
(d) Handling of Group 1 elements must be done carefully.
[5 marks]

[See next…

Section C
[20 marks]

Answer any one question from this section.

The time suggested to complete Section C is 30 minutes.

9. (a) Define the term ‘matter’ and state all type of matter that you have learnt.
[4 marks]
(b) Matter can exist in three states.
Describe briefly the arrangement of particles and the intermolecular forces for
each state. Your description should include the following aspects.
 Close packing
 Freedom of movement
 Intermolecular forces
 Shape
[10 marks]
(c) A solid is heated. Its temperature rises until it melts. During the process of
melting, the temperature does not increase further although heat is being supplied.
However, its temperature will continue to increase after the melting has
completed. Explain why.
[6 marks]

10. (a) Why does the elements in Group 17 shows the same chemical properties but at
varying reactivity’s.
[7 marks]
Group 17 element Chlorine Bromine Iodine
Physical state at
Gas Liquid Solid
room temperature
Table 10
(b) Table 10 shows the different physical states for three Group 17 elements at room
temperature. Explain why they have different physical states based on their
melting and boiling points.
[3 marks]
(c) The flow chart shows the conversion of chlorine to sodium chloride and iron(III)
Chlorine gas II Iron(III) chloride

Sodium chloride

By writing the balanced equations, explain how to carry out an experiment,

(i) to obtain sodium chloride from chlorine in conversion I.
(ii) to obtain iron(III) chloride from chlorine in conversion II.
[10 marks]

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