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Article available at http://www.europhysicsnews.

Topological aspects of low dimensional systems
Les Houches summer school - Session LXIX
Scientific Editors: A. Comtet, F. David, T. Jolicreur and F. Ouvry

ISBN: 2-86883-424-8
590 pages
Prices: 1 550 FF
236,30 Eur.
The notions of fractional charge as well as fractional
statistics can be interpreted by a topological interac-
tion of infinite range. So it is natural to find in Les
Houches series a school devoted to quantum Hall
physics, intermediate statistics and Chern-Simons
theory. This session also included some one-dimen-
sional physics topics like the Calogero-Sutherland
model and Luttinger-liquid physics.
Polymer physics is also related to topology. In this
field, topological constraints may be described by
concepts from knot theory and statistical physics.
Hence this session also included Brownian motion
theory related to knot theory.
© EOP Sciences, Les Ulis - Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heigelberg

• Electrons in a Flatland ; M. Shayegan • Statistics of Knots and Entangled Random Walks;
• The Quantum Hall Effect: Novel Excitations and S. Nechaev
Broken Symmetries ; S.M. Girvin • Twisting a Single DNA Molecule: Experiments
• Aspects of Chern-Simons Theory; G. V Dunne and Models; T. Strick, J.-F. Allemand, D. Bensimon,
• Anyons ; J. Myrheim
V Croquette, C. Bouchiat, M. Mezard and R. Lavery
• Generalized Statistics in One Dimension • Introduction to Topological Quantum Numbers ;
A.P. Polychronakos D.J. Thouless

• Lectures on Non-perturbative Field Theory and • Geometrical Description of Vortices in Ginzburg-

Quantum Impurity Problems; H. Saleur Landau Billiards; E. Akkermans and K. Mallick
• Quantum Partition Noise and the Detection of • The Integer Quantum Hall Effect and Anderson
Fractionally Charged Laughlin Quasiparticles ; Localisation; J. T. Chalker
D. C. Glattli • Random Magnetic Impurities and Quantum Hall
• Mott Insulators, Spin Liquids and Quantum Effect ; J. Desbois
Disordered Superconductivity; Matthew P.A. Fisher

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europhysics news
Convection in a volume 31 • number 1
the editor if no author name is given, and do not rell-
magnetic fluid January/February 2000
resentthtl opinlon~ Qfmembers.ofth.e Eurollean PhYS-
evolves in minutes
Ical Society; its e~ecUtive officers Qf its members of'stalf.
The staffofEDP SdenGes are involv.ed in the production in the same way
of the magazlnj! butdo notaccept responsibility for ed- the earth's mantle
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are volunteers afld theirwor~ Is greaOy.apweelated Ijy dreds of millions
the editor and ,the Editilnal Advisory Board. of years see page 5

Managing Editor Toby Chapman

L~yout Artist Robin Lede(cq

Malvern education .seminar. 10

Student mobility 13
Recognised journals 18 Magnetic Fluids: Modelling the Earth's
Research: national support 19 Mantle in a Glass Ball 5
Research: universities & institues 20 Convection in the interior of the earth
can now be studied in the lab thanks
APPLICATION FORMS to a clever experiment
Europhysicist qualification 16
Individual Ordinary Membership 17 Millipede: Probing the Future 8
Data storage research has been
PLUS: inspired by a millipede bug

watch this space 7 Global Strategy 23

US Treasury king moves G7 to G20: a
European Pbysical Society
President Sir Amold Wolfendale Durham NEWS FROM EPS report on global financial stability
President's column. -21 appeared last December. What do we
Executive Committee Noticeboard 22 think about it?
Vice-President Denrs Weal re Dublin, Secretary
ChrislOphe RossellJJrich, Vice-Secretary DeniS Jerome
Pafl$, Treasurer Peter Relnecker Vim, Vice-Treasur-
er Ana-Marla Elro Usfjo~, 610r910 BeneClek Milan,
Rudo~ KlelO /(onstahz, Per-Anker Und9.~rd Roskl/d"e,
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EPS Secretariat
Secretary General Oa\lid ll~e
OffIce Assistant Mrrell1e.$chmin
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rench Jlublic hylidays)

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europhysics news JANUAlW/FBBRUARY 2000 3


Europhysics News has changed publisher. EDP Sciences, a dynamic pub-

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4 europhysics news JANUt'iRY!FEBRlJAR'{2;OOO
in nearly all computer hard disk drives,
sink/float mineral separation processes,
A myriad tiny magnets in fluid, trapped inside a glass ball, low run out hydrodynamic bearings used
in laser printers to rotate scanning mir-
swirl and convect in a magnetic field mirroring the earth's rors, and dampers for precision machin-
ery such as stepper motors). The property
liquid mantle of a magnetic fluid to retain its liquid
flowability in the highest applied magnet-
ic fields is key to many of its uses.
Magnetic Fluids: Modelling the In the absence of a magnetic field, the
magnetic dipolar particles in the fluid are
oriented randomly due to thermal mo-
Earth's Mantle in a Glass Ball tion, and the bulk fluid is unmagnetized.
In an external magnetic field H the parti-
cles tend to align and a net magnetization
Ronald E. Rosensweig M develops. When the field is spatially
non-uniform a force density go /lQM!V
n the earth's liquid mantle, thermal weak but central force field of an electro- HI/pacts on the fluid in the direction of
convection drives contifnental drift, re-
the shape of the ocean floor (as
static source. But magnetic fluids offer an
alternative, and the means to establish
increasing field where M and H are mag-
nitudes of the vectors, p is mass density,
first made convincing by Alfred Wegener central body-force fields in the laboratory and J1.o is the permeability of free space.
in 1912). In fact thermal convection is the that greatly exceed the force of gravity. Magnetization is temperature dependent,
major source of movement in the mantle, Magnetic fluids (also called ferrofluids) decreasing with an increase in tempera-
coupling the changing surface of the earth are colloidal dispersions of tiny magnetic ture. In the presence of a temperature gra-
to the interior. The cross sectional sketch particles (typically 10 nm across) in liquid dient in space, the resulting variation in M
of the earth shown in figure 1 illustrates carriers stabilized with one or two layers can induce fluid motion (analogous to
this. Because the gravitational field must of surfactants or electrical charges on their density variation in buoyant convection)
be central it has previously not been pos- surface. The small size of the particles with cooler fluid drawn into regions of
sible to study mantle convection in a ter- gives thermal motion that prevents the higher magnetic field and warmer fluid
restriallaboratory. Experiments have been particles from settling out in gravitational displaced to regions oflower field intensi-
conducted on the space shuttle: convec- or magnetic fields, while the sorbed layers ty. Thus, ifVTis parallel to VH a situation
tion in a rotating shell of serve as a cushion to prevent particles of thermal instability can develop-simi-
fluid using from sticking together when they collide. lar to the Rayleigh-Benard phenomenon.
the The fluids have been studied because of in ordinary fluids where heated fluid is
their novel behaviour (such as the sudden buoyant in a gravity field and is set into
appearance of liquid peaks in a patterned circulatory motion. This situation corre-
array, that form on the surface of a pool sponds to the thermal conditions across
offerrofluid when a magnetic field the earth's mantle.
exceeds a critical density) while Due to cold flow creep, a process in
a number of applications which ions and vacancies diffuse through
have found their way into the crystal lattice, over geologic time peri-
the marketplace (such ods the mantle rock is believed to flow like
as zero leakage ro- a Newtonian fluid (for which strain is di-
tary seals for rectly proportional to stress). Analysis of
semiconduc- the governing differential equations offlu-
tor manufac- id motion and energy conservation show
ture, exclu- that flow and temperature distribution are
sion seals determined by the sum of the ordinary
found Rayleigh number Ra and the magnetic
Rayleigh number Ram.
Ra =ga~Td3 Ram = go~~Td3
xv xv
where a = -(l/p)ap/aT is the coefficient
of thermal expansion f3 = -(l/M)aM/aT,
Ii. T is the temperature difference, d the
layer thickness, k the thermal diffusivity,
and v the kinematic viscosity. For earth
the magnetic Rayleigh number is zero
while in a suitably designed model Ram is
very much greater than Ra so that the or-
dinary Rayleigh number can be neglect-
ed. Thus, the similarity of earth and the

ToT_~ ~ ToYottnMt.
e.m..oo.. - - - ..........

Tectonic Procen

Ei.9.-1left Cross sectional

sketch of the earth
illustrating convection in
the mantle
Fig 2 above The
experiment: an inner brass
sphere with magnets at the
centre, an outer glass
sphere, and a magnetic
fluid sandwiched between
6370 km 3480 km ...... Iron AIloy5 SOURCE ABOVE: Physical Rev. Letters 83 4904-7 (1999)

laboratory model requires that (Rah = Measuring the temperature field on the veloped in short times (less than an hour)
(Ram)M where subscript E denotes earth spherical outer surface is accomplished in the laboratory.
and M the model. with an infrared camera. The technique This work demonstrates the feasibility
Stability analysis predicts that the heat detects conditions over any desired hemi- of the magnetic fluid technique and the
transfer process is purely conductive until sphere so the surface pattern of convection means for observing convection cells. A
a critical value of Rayleigh number of the cells, when they are present, can be seen at refined model is planned in which the
order of 103 is exceeded. It is estimated a glance. spherical symmetry ofthe field magnitude
that the earth Rayleigh number is about Figure 3a illustrates an equatorial view is more closely approached by randomly
106 and hence far exceeds the critical val- of the detected thermal pattern when a reorienting a central magnet on a time
ue. Although recent advances in numeri- nonmagnetic liquid (ie water) is heated in scale that is shorter than time scales ofthe
cal computation are permitting calcula- the system. As expected, the warmest fluid flow. In addition, other areas of planetary
tions in this regime it is prudent to estab- (56°C, deep blue) is found at the top and and geophysical research could use mag-
lish experimental support to validate the the coolest fluid at the bottom (47°C, red). netic fluids, eg the study of atmospheric
assumptions and the predicted behav- The neck seen at the top of the system is circulation, ocean currents, and convec-
iours. actually a tube which holds the inner tion in a liquid core. 0
An experimental system has been fab- sphere in place and carries electrical leads
ricated. It consists of concentric spheres to the centre. Further reading
with magnetic fluid in between. The outer Figure 3b is a bottom polar view of the Behavjor of the Earth-Continental and
sphere is glass of 50 millimetres inside di- system when filled with a water-based fer- Seafloor Mobility by c.J. Allegre (Harvard
ameter and the inner sphere is brass of 35 rofluid. Warm fluid wells up in a convec- University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
millimetres diameter. The inner sphere tion cell at the bottom ofthe system trans- 1988) • Ferrohydrodynamics by R.E.
contains an electrical heater, temperature ported by thermal convection in the mag- Rosensweig (Dover republication of a work
probes, and an assembly of permanent netic field, with cooler fluid descending in published by Cambridge University Press in
magnets (Nd-Fe-B) that are the source of the surrounding space. Mean value Ram = 1985,1997) • Laboratory Study of Spherical
the magnetic field. A simple permanent 1.7 x 107 exceeds the earth value; opera- Convection i11 Simulated Central GraVity by R.E.
magnet is dipolar and so does not provide tion of the system with the more viscous Rosensweig, J. Browaeys, J-c. Bacri, R. Perzynski
the desired symmetry of field. To over- glycerol-based magnetic fluid yields lower and A. Zebib Physical Rev. Letters 83 4904-7
come this limitation an assembly of three operating values of Ram. At one point the (1999)
cylindrical magnets is configured (figure convection cell displays lobes (figure 3c)
2) to provide a near field over which the and continues to change its morphology. The author is currently a science consultant in
distribution of magnitude is reasonably Numerical models ofmantle convection at the United States.The work described here was
uniform in all directions at a given radius high Rayleigh numbers also show convec- conducted during a twelve month Pascal
from the centre. By measuring the field it tive planforms that are complex and un- appointment awarded by the Foundation of the
was calculated that simulated gravity av- steady. The experimental model offers an- Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris
eraged 32 times normal gravity at the in- other useful trait-the compression ofthe
ner sphere and 6 at the outer sphere for time scale by a huge factor. In theory fea- This is an edited version of an article that first
water-based ferrofluids (glycerol-based tures of convection that have taken the appeared in the bulletin of the Societe Fran~aise
ferrofluids produced even stronger fields). lifetime of the earth to evolve can be de- de Physique

6 europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000

Watch thisLETIERS
In future issues of
europhysics news
this column will
be reserved for ....-
... ... ""'o.r_€"-....".
. ... _I'lIill<1.o;jt,tl'·'...... lIf'"1l
resumes of arti-
des that have appeared in Europhysics Let-
ters. Tenth In the world in terms of Impact
factor, this letters journal was launched
more than ten years ago by the European
Physical Society, the Societe de
Physique, the Societa Italiana di Fisica, and
the United Kingdom's Institute of Physics
and is now owned by 17 national physical
societies and institutes.The journal remains
the scientific responsibility of the EPS-this
is ensured by carefully selecting 26 co-edi-
tors in various areas of physics. Around 30
advisory editors provide additional exper-
tise and know-how when necessary. EPL re-
ceives contributions from all over the world,
and is circulated to more than 30 countries.
Manuscripts are received at the editorial of-
fice in Geneva, and production of the ac-
cepted manuscripts is achieved in collabo-
ration with the Societa Itallana di Fisica in
Bologna and the publisher EOP Sciences in
Paris (also the publisher of europhysics
news). Letters submitted to Europhysics Let-
ters are limited to 7 journal pages, must be
original and should contain non-trivial new
results, ideas, concepts, experimental meth-
ods, theoretical treatments etc. and be of
broad interest and importance to one or
several sections of the physics community.
The presentation should satisfy the special-
ist, yet be under-
standable to re- t~~_.._l..t:'.!~* __.. _.~,,_1.:~~..._
searchers in other ,-~,_..
.. .. .
:::-::....:.~';~ ~=..~ ...-::;.~ -
fields. There are .;;~.:.':-?:-.:7~..=.:.::~==--=.::: :

and authors re-

. _.---
no page-charges • ::::;:'""""=.~.- ----- _
.:1:._';'.;;..::::..:..=.. ~~~~ _

Fig 3 Infrared images colour coded to display temperature distribution at the outer ceive SO free
spherical surface of the experiment reprints gratis.
a Temperature when operating with nonmagnetic fluid (water). The warmest fluid is for complete in- - :~I4~~~~c~~ ~
at the top, coolest at the bottom. Inner sphere temperature T1 =65°C formation on sub- • ~~.~.;:.::..~-:~--: ::
b The warmest fluid is at the bottom due to the convective cell shown in this polar mission require-
view using aqueous based magnetic fluid in the system (Ram =1.8 x 10 7, T1 =69°C) ments and proce-
c The convective patterns are time dependent and sensitive to heating conditions; dures please vi~it
this polar view depicts a three lobed cell (compare with b) the EPL home-
europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000 page at

ly scheme used disks replicated from a

IBM is proposing a novel idea for storing data:a thousand master, and sensed 100-nm-sized features
by means of an AFM cantilever as "0" and
cantilever legs crawling. across the surface of afuturistic "1" at densities of up to 10 Gb/cm2 (100
times more than that of a CD Rom). In an
hard drive experimental write-once/read-only
scheme, an AFM tip heated by electrical
pulses generated iridentations in the poly-
Millipede: Probing the Future carbonate disk. These indentations repre-
sented the data bits at densities greater
than 4.5 Gb/cm2 • Mechanical response
Paul Vettiger, Switzerland times allowed read data rates ofup to a few
megabits per second (Mb/s).
oday's data storage is dominated by dustrial "batch" fabrication similar to sili- The lowwrite/read data rate, which was
T the use of magnetic disks. Two-hun-
dred million of them are installed each
con chip manufacturing. This has opened
up the VLSI (very large-scale integration)
a major drawback of this approach, has
since been addressed by researchers at the
year as hard disk drives in PCs, laptops, age of micro and nanomechanics, which IBM Zurich Research Laboratory. The 200
servers and mainfrarnes. The data storage promises the integration ofmechanics and to 300 Mb/s data rate of today's HDD
density in these disks has been incrt:asing electronics on a single chip. products can only be achieved or im-
by 60% annually over the past 10 years- Scanning probe techniques such as proved by the highly parallel operation of
more recent improvements are giving STM and AFM have great potential for a large number ofscanning probes. In oth-
100% growth a year. A hard disk drive very high storage density. Several years er words, thousands of tips/cantilevers
(HDD) sold at the start of this millenni- ago a group at IBM's Almaden Research had to be integrated densely on a small sil-
um manages nearly 1.5 Gb/cm2 • But the Center in San Jose, California, pioneered icon chip to serve as a write/read head.
world record for density in a research lab- micromechanical data storage based on This new concept, called the millipede,
oratory is currently 5.4 Gb/cm2, and this AFM technology by using a tip integrated is not a modification of an existing stor-
is being pushed to higher values. However, on a silicon cantilever and operating it age technology, although the use of mag-
there may be a physical limit. It has been over a spinning disk, similar to the setup of netic materials as storage media is not
predicted that superparamagnetic ef- a magnetic storage disk drive. A read-on- ruled out. The ultimate storage density is
fects-the bit size at which stored infor- given by the tip, whereas the high data
mation becomes volatile as a function of rates are a result ofthe massive parallel op-
temperature and time-will limit the den- Gbfln' eration of such tips. The basic millipede
sities of current longitudinal recording 1000 concept is illustrated in figure 2. The two-
media to about 15.5 Gb/cm2 • Figure 1 100
dimensional cantilever array chip acts as
shows the density evolution in HDD prod- the parallel write/read head, the storage
ucts and research demonstrations. The medium being mounted on a magnetical-
limit, and the fast-growing density, makes ly driven scanner. In operation, the medi-
it clear alternative approaches to the cur- um first approaches the array chip by
rent longitudinal recording scheme need means of three actuators until three sen-
to be explored. Perpendicular and pat- sors on the array chip detect contact be-
terned magnetic media are currently be- tween the chip and the medium. This con-
ing investigated by many research teams tact is maintained during operation by
around the world. three external feedback loops. Write/read
For the past four years, the micro and operation is performed while the medium
nanomechanics group at the IBM Zurich is scanned in x and y directions in a raster
Research Laboratory in Switzerland has scan mode. The x and y scanning distances
been exploring an alternative storage ap- correspond to the pitch between two tips.
proach based on scanning probe tech- Fig 1 Over the past 50 years the Electronics controls the quasi-parallel op-
niques. Mechanical scanning probe tech- density for storage on hard disk eration ofthe array; one line is operated in
niques, specifically scanning tunnelling drives has increased by almost seven parallelwhile the others are addressed in a
. (STM) and atomic force microscopies orde~s of magnitude. Disk density time-multiplexed sequence. The pho-
(AFM), have demonstrated the potential here is shown in the industry tographs and scanning electron micro-
of mechanics at the micro/nanometer standard Gigabits per square inch. graphs on the right of the page show the
scale not only for imaging, but also for The cOl:lventi(mal, magnetic head fabricated array chip with 32 by 32 (1024)
modifications and even for the precise po- decreased in size until the early integrated AFMs. The entire cantilever ar-
sitioning of individual atoms and mole- nineties, when it was replaced by a ray is only 3 by 3 mm2 and is electrically
cules. magnetoresistive head. This change interfaced to the array electronics via the
The movements of tiny mechanical boosted the compound growth rate peripheral bonding pads.
components consume very little energy (CGR) from 25 to 60%. The millipede The current approach uses the follow-
and can be quite fast. Micro and nanome- concept constitutes a new concept ing as the storage medium: a 50-nm-thick
chanical devices have become very attrac- for achieving high storage densities polymer :film of PMMA (polymethyl-
tive owing to the development of new mi- beyond current physical.limits methacrylate) spin-coated on a silicon
cromachining techniques that allow in- substrate. A thermomechanical process is
8 europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000
used for both writing and reading. During sity of 80 Gb/cm 2 , such a system could
writing, the heater platform at the end of store 10 Gigabits of data in an area of
the cantilever with the tip on top is heat- about 3 by 3 mm2 • This demonstrates the
ed, which locally softens the polymer. In potential for a very small-form-factor
conjunction with the small force on the storage device because the scanner is also
cantilever, the sharp tip forms a nanome- fabricated and integrated in silicon. In ad-
ter-sized indentation into the polymer dition, the process technology developed
film. For reading, a similar thermome- for the array chip will even allow the fab-
chanical process is used. While the tip rication of considerably larger and more
scans over an indentation, the heater plat- densely integrated AFM arrays. The actu-
form is cooled by the smaller airgap gen- al multiplexing electronics is based on
erating a resistance change, which is de- available vendor components, but the next
tected as read-back signal. Using single generation will be integrated on the array
cantilevers, the IBM Zurich team has chip.
demonstrated an areal storage density of A tiny form factor, large storage densi-
ty, high data rates, and low pow-
er consumption are features that
make this concept very interest-
2D Cantilever Array Chip ing for future mobile computing
+ applications in laptops, cellular
phones and watches. It is impor-
tant to note that the millipede
concept is not limited to poly-
mer storage media. Provided
that the write/read functionality
for a given medium can be inte-
grated on the cantilever/tip, the
concept can be adapted to any
The project is still in an ex-
.rage medium (thin organic film) ploratory stage with many open
questions and issues to be ad-
dressed prior to possible com-
mercialization. However the mil-
fl92 Schematics of the millipede storage concept lipede concept will find applica-
tions not only for data storage,
Right images of the array chip and cantilever but also for metrology, defect and
quality control, imaging, nano-
lithography, and in other fields
60 to 80 Gb/cm2 by means of this thermo- where nanometer-scale resolution and
mechanical write/read process. An array high throughput are essential.
of40-nm-sized indentations is also shown The original vision of this project was
infigure2. inspired by nature's millipede, whose one
In addition, erasing and rewriting capa- thousand legs operate in parallel. Hence it
bilities of polymer storage media have became the namesake of our project. 0
been demonstrated for the first time. Eras-
ing is achieved by thermal reflow of stor- The author is manager of the micro and
age fields as the medium is heated to about nanomechanics group at IBM's Zurich Research
150°C for a few seconds. The smoothness Laboratory in SWitzerland. His co-authors are:
of the reflowed medium allows a storage Michel Despont, Ute Drechsler, Urs Dilrig, Waiter
field to be rewritten repeatedly. Although Haberle, Mark I. Lutwyche, Hugo Rothuizen,
this erasing process does not allow single- Richard Stutz, Roland Widmer, Gerd Binnig
bit erasing, it can erase larger storage areas.
Whereas densities of 60 to 80 Gb/cm2 Further reading
have been achieved with single cantilevers, Ultrahigh-Density Atomic Force Microscopy
the IBM Zurich team has recently demon- Data Storage with Erase Capability by G. Binnig
strated the first parallel write/read opera- et al Appl. Phys. Lett. 74 9 1329-1331 (1999) •
tion of a 32 by 32 array chip. Densities of Ultrahigh Density. High-Data-Rate NEMS-Based
up to 30 Gb/cm2 have been reached, and AFM Data Storage System by P. Vettiger et al J.
the potential to match or exceed those of Microelec. Eng. 46 1-4 11 -17 (1999) • The
single cantilevers has been found. Millipede: More than one Thousand Tips for
This opens up interesting prospects for Future AFM Data Storage by P. Vettiger et allBM
storage systems. Assuming a storage den- J. Res. Develop. (1999) in press

europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000

Young people
Last year the heads of Europe's physical societies went
8. School teachers will readily use good
back to school to work out the future materials on physics and the environment,
physics and medicine, etc. EPS coUld take
the lead in producing such materials or
Brainstorming the Future coUld stimUlate national societies to do so.
Students can be motivated to study
eventy-six physicists gathered at the be a useful partner for EPS, EPS should physics ifit is recognised that physics pro-
S prestigious and very British in charac-
ter Malvern college in the United King-
encourage national societies to set up ways
of helping journalists with informed
vides keys for solving present and future
problems in the associated areas of envi-
dom last September to talk over the future. analyses and reports on physics issues be~ ronment, medicine, biology, etc.
Physical society presidents mixed with ed- hind the news (natural disasters, energy
ucationalists; first they shared reports, problems, medical imaging, etc). 9. Within the European Physics Commu-
then they broke off workshop manner to nity a new and purely electronic journal
draw up action plans. Declining numbers 4. Most national societies produce lists of shoUld be established for the age group 14
choosing physics at university, a lack of experts to speak to the media (or give pub- to 18 and for interested adUlts. It shoUld
awareness of the place of physics in soci- lic talks, etc). EPS shoUld network this in- deal with all social, cultural and scientific
ety-we all know the problems, but what formation and encourage it. aspects of physics. (The EPS biographies
could such a dynamic group of minds project coUld be introduced through this
come up with in terms of solutions? The Action: The EPS encourages national soci- scheme.)
workshop groups were divided up into eties to establish lists ofexperts for media
public understanding of physics, physics advice. Any such lists made available to the THE CASE FOR PHYSICS RESEARCH AND'
and the human condition, physics and EPS will be included on the EPS website. WEALTH CREATION
wealth creation, physics education and
teacher training. The following is the com- 5. It is recommended that national soci- 1. The physics community must empha-
plete version of their reports. The Execu- eties award prizes for good presentations sise to society at large that physics research
tive Committee of the European Physical to the public in any media either by physi- is still exciting, intellectually challenging
Society has added its own plan of action cists or journalists. Such awards might al- and extremely relevant to the needs of
(in italics). so be made at the European level. mankind. Important discoveries are still
being made and will continue to be made
PHYSICS AND THE HUMAN CONDITION Political in the next century.

1. The recognition of"associated." areas of 6. EPS shoUld produce "position papers" 2. We shoUld give students, for example,
physics (environmental physics, medical on issues in public policy, science policy, the following message to encourage them
physics, biological physics) varies consid- surveys of science status and education to to do research in physics: humane work-
erably between physical societies. Main- present to the European Union/ European ing conditions, long life expectancy, stable
stream physics is often perceived as 'bet- Parliament. Some countries coUld use the supplies of food and energy, increased
ter' and 'more properly physics' than the EPS Position Papers to press their govern- mobility and leisure are achievements in
associated areas. Status and recognition ments on support for science. the second-half ofthe 20th centurywhich
are lower in the latter and need to be im- result directly from enormous increases in
pr9ved. It is recommended that EPS gives Action: EPS constituent bodi~s will be con- industrial productivity. These have been
recognition to these associated areas tacted for advice concerning the issues , due to an astonishing rate of technologi-
through the establishment of permanent where position papers are necessary. Once cal progress which is based on the achieve-
structures within EPS to give credence to the list oftopics has been drawn up and ap- ments of basic research, and in particUlar
them. proved by the Executive Committee, experts physics research.
will be chosen to write them. Divisions may
2. EPS shoUld hold a conference on Physics be ofhelp in this. It is important that these 3. Physics has not only initiated new tech-
and the Human Condition to raise public position papers be drafted under the um- nologies but has provided the basis for im-
and media awareness, and to show pub- brella of the EPS. If the ,issues are open to portant advances in the life sciences, med-
licly that physics has relevance and con- debate, then the positionpapers shouldfair- icine, chemistry and the geo-sciences.
cern for human issues. ly present the different points of ~iew. Moreover, physics is part of our cUltural
heritage: it answers the most fundamental
Action: Under the guidance of (hopefully) 7. EPS coUld create links and a dialogue questions as to the structure ofmatter, the
A. Barany (the workgroup chair) and with the European Union (DGI2) and property ofmaterials, the birth and fate of
through the appropriate Division or Group provide European Parliamentarians with our universe and the origin of life on our
the possibility of a scientific conference on specialist briefings. EPS should enhance planet. It contributes to our understand-
this topic is to be studied. the awareness of EU politicians by invit- ing of the environment and of the place
ing them to contribute to Europhysics man occupies in nature. Physics is, and
3. The message needs to be spread via the News. Similar actions shoUld also be taken must remain, the Leitwissenschaft.
media. (The Bridges from Physics video on the national level.
project is relevant here.) The European 4. Viewed from 1999, some of the most
Union of Science Journalists (EUSJA) may important areas in research in the next
10 europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000

century will be in climate change, new en- salaries which are several times higher PUBLIC AWARENESS OF PHYSICS
ergy sources and energy storage, new ma- than those of research physicists. PhD stu-
terials, information technology, transport, dents' salaries or grants are usually deriso- 1. The European Physical Society should
health and environment. Particularly in ry. Clear action should be taken to provide become the focus for multi-way informa-
Europe with its limited natural resources it more competitive salaries for graduate tion flow in the area of public awareness
is essential that the industrial base is sup- students, postdocs and even perhaps throughout the countries it represents. A
ported by a healthy scientific and techno- young physicists in industry. professionally run, highly respected and
logical infrastructure. We must ensure much used website is a pre-requisite. The
that, as in the past, this is guaranteed by a 9. The major problem that prevents good site should integrate the information flow
high standard ofgeneral education as well students from remaining in physics in among the EPS countries in both educa-
as by an adequate supply of well-qualified some countries is also a lack of definite ca- tional and public awareness sectors, which
scientists, in particular physicists and en- reer perspectives: tenure track academic are interdependent.
gineers. positions, as well as senior research posts
in industry, are very scarce, forcing stu- Action: A website allowing national soci-
5. Industry and the state must continue to dents to look for employment elsewhere. eties to upload documents on issues ofpub-
invest in both basic and applied research. To remedy this situation the organisations lic awareness ofphysics and physics educa-
The financing of curiosity-driven basic re- concerned must come up with career so- tion is currently under construction
search and, indeed, of many areas of ap- . lutions which go beyond temporary post-
plied research, by government remains es- doc positions. 2. Each national society should look into
sential because the pressures of the mar- the practicalities of setting up a regional
ket appear to prevent industry from 10. Although research opportunities have network of trained local media represen-
spending money on long term projects. A diminished within large industrial com- tatives with good links with the Mulhouse
healthy research and development infra- panies, many new opportunities for young staff and a new t~sk force.
structure also requires stable, consistent physicists are emerging in small and medi-
government policies which are not subject um-sized companies in innovative, high- 3. A concerted effort, driven from Mul-
to abrupt changes of course, short-sight- tec areas. They should also be made aware house, must be made to encourage our
ed spending cuts and ideologically moti- of the possibilities of founding their own physics colleagues in industry to work
vated influences. firms; PhD courses should perhaps in- with us.
clude training for the physicist as entre-
6. The science, technology and innovation preneur. Action: The EPS is currently studying a
system plays an increasingly important number ofinitiatives-including ajournal
role in creating wealth, thus acting as a dri- 11. The established national Physical So- to be published by the INFM-through its
ving force in societal development. Knowl- cieties of Western Europe and the Euro- Technology Group.
edge has acquired an external value be- pean Physical Society must concern them-
yond that of pure scientific values and, in- selves with the problems of Central and 4. EPS should make stronger and more
deed, beyond that ofunfettered, serendip- Eastern European countries. One effective frequent contacts with the European
itous research. This is why the political sys- measure for which the EPS could press is Commission in Brussels with the aim of
tem shows more and more interest in the the extension of EU funding programmes increasing understanding among physi-
waywe organise science. We therefore have such as TMR to these countries, irrespec- cists, to recommend measures to alleviate
to develop a new language which enables tive ofwhether they are short-listed for EU problems, and to improve the considera-
us to deal with these non-scientific values membership. This could open up gradu- tion of science among policy makers.
and criteria. ate student and postdoc opportunities for
many young physicists. It is important, 5. At both individual country level and
7. Instead of opposing this trend the sci- however, that they eventually return to EPS level, prizes should be awarded for
ence community should e:p.ter a dialogue their own countries and are not used to good journalism in science and physics.
with the political system on long-term compensate for a shortfall of physicists in EPS should work with its constituent so-
support for both curiosity-driven and ap- Western Europe. cieties to recognise, reward and publicise
plications-oriented basic research. It good work in support of public under-
should use its own established criteria for There are a series of issues for which EPS standing.
setting priorities, not only between differ- should produce position papers including
ent disciplines, but inside physics itself. • The relevance ofphysics studies and re- Action: The Executive Committee is cur-
search to society; technology and the un- rently working on the regulations and look-
8. The gravest obstacles to keeping young de~tandingofnature . ingfor potential sponsors for such a prize.
people in physics are paradoxically the in- • New areas of physics research
tellectual skills which they require as • The necessity to fund physics research PHYSICS EDUCATION
physicists and the high quality of the • Physics and wealth creation
training they receive. Not only are they in Physics and science policy 1. Physics education should be an area of
demand from other branches of science Improving the working conditions of major attention within EPS.An Education
and engineering, most notably in infor- physicists Division should have a status equal to all
mation technology, but they are also ea- the other (purely scientific) divisions. In
gerly sought by banks, management con- Action: Competent and willing physicists fact, during its initial phases, the Educa-
sultants, insurance companies, etc, with are encouraged to write or have written po- tion Division should be eligible for extra
the resultthat many can eventually achieve sition papers on these topics. financial, managerial and secretarial sup-
europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000 11
= .... -. .

port from EPS. any (physics) education scheme there salaries and to pay attention to individual
should be a place for "wonder and de- performance ("it should pay to become a
Action: A meetingis to be organised around light". better teacher").
EPS Council 2000 for the group to deter- • For very young children programmes
mine the structure, management and ac- should be informal and investigational. 3. Prospective teachers should get a good
tion planfor a new Physics Education Divi- Programmes should be aimed at observa- general science education and in addition
sion. tion and classification in an objective have in-depth studies in at least one ofthe
manner. There is no need for the explicit three disciplines (physics, chemistry and
2. Physics teaching in higher secondary mention of physics. biology). Mathematics should be consid-
schools is faced with an imminent and • For the age group 8 to lO-years old, the ered an essential part of the background
dramatic shortage of properly trained aims ofscience education should be aimed for all physics teachers.
physics teachers. All countries represent- at fascination, satisfying curiosity and en-
ed at the seminar reported that physics is joyment. The teachers involved should be 4. Prospective teachers should be offered
not always taught by those trained in uni- scientifically literate. courses in topics such as the history of sci-
versity physics departments who followed • For the age group 11 to 14-years old, ence, epistemology, etc; in other words
this with teacher training. Ways to im- physics should come into its own. Formal courses about science.
prove the situation include improving teaching should not detract from "wonder
contacts between teachers and universi- and delight". The teaching at this stage 5. Contacts with schools should come ear- .
ties, by making mobility and exchange should not be aimed at preparation for ly during the training and be well guided
schemes possible at local and European academic work to come. The teaching by competent and experienced 'mentors'.
level, by stimulating an influx of older should enhance public awareness of sci-
physicists to become teachers and to pro- ence and physics. In-service training
vide them with appropriate training. • For the age group 16 to 19 physics edu-
cation should be diversified. The amount In-service training had the highest prior-
3. EPS should issue a press release about of mathematics involved will depend on ity in the recommendations from the
the status of high school education in the content of the physics courses con- working group on teacher training.
physics in order that physics may continue cerned. The excitement and relevance of
to be a discipline with a large impact upon modern physics should be introduced in- 6. In-service training should be a right for
science, technology and society. Govern- to the curriculum only if it is didactically all teachers. It should come at regular in-
ments should allocate resources to avert feasible to make the points desired. In this tervals. It should be fully financed and it
the coming disaster: the shortage of event modern physics could replace more should be fully programmed as soon as a
trained physics teachers. The European traditional physics. teacher starts his/her job in a school. Ex-
Union should financially support action as • "Less may be more" could serve as a amples from industrywhere re-training or
European technology is at stake. general consideration in syllabus develop- in-service training is part of the job con-
ment. tract between employer and employed
4. The Education Interdivision within EPS • Changes in the physics curriculum could help in setting this up.
should be reorganised. To speed up the must be accompanied by new teacher
process, the national societies should be training. Learning should be emphasised 7. Recommendations for future action in-
represented in the interdivision by some- rather than teaching. cluded promoting teachers' use of com-
one who reports directly to the president • Physics teaching at universities should puters for receiving material on the Inter-
ofhis national society. The reorganised in- follow and adapt to the secondary school net; supplying teachers with updated pro-
terdivision should initiate the following physics curriculum. grammes and CD rom material on select-
actions: investigating the differences and • Key skills, such as communication, IT ed topics and new teaching methods; ar-
similarities in physics teaching in Europe literacy and teamwork are implicitly very ranging summer schools for teachers; en-
(an extension of the work done at the relevant in many aspects ofphysics educa- couraging exchange of teachers between
EU/Irish Colloquium in 1998); producing tion. the EPS member countries, both in the
a database and statistical information con- form of electronic networks and actual ex-
cerning physics education; supporting TEACHER TRAINING change visits; promoting study visits and
teachers with resource material, probably stays in physics laboratories; establishing
at the website; ensuring that teachers are 1. It was agreed that EPS should change its awards for outstanding educational activ-
recognised as fully respected members of structure in order to put education on a ities.
EPS; establishing liaison with the various par with other divisional activities. Physics
national science teachers associations. education can no longer be seen as a pe- There are two issues for which EPS should
ripheral EPS activity; it must move to the produce position papers:
5. Regular articles about educational is- centre of interest. • the status of physics teachers and
sues should be published in Europhysics physics education at the secondary school
News. 2. To attract young people to start training level
to be teachers, it is recommended that • training and continuing education of
Policy recommendations working conditions be improved in order physics teachers
to allow more time to develop competence
• Programmes for awareness of physics and to take away some of the administra- Action: Competent and willing physicists
and/or science should have no lower and tive and other non-pedagogical tasks that are encouraged to write or have written po-
upper limits. In such programmes and in seem to be a great burden; to improve sition papers 0

12 europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000


overall management of the EMSPS net-

It's a network of institutions that award physics degrees. It's work is the task of the Mobility Commit-
tee comprised of 14 regional co-ordina-
purpose is to allow students to study abroad tors, each of whom represent either a
country or a group of countries in Europe.
The EMSPS secretariat (located in Bu-
Mobile Physics dapest) co-ordinates activities, and issues
a regular EMSPS email broadcast to the
t the start of the 20th century it was ate students enrolled in first degrees (such members of the Mobility Committee and
A not unusual for a young scientist to
study at more than one European univer-
as BSc in physics, Diplom in Physik, Li- all local co-ordinators. Crucial support for
cence or Maitrise en Physique, ete) nor- . the project comes from the computerised
sity. As national education systems set up mally during their third year of study. EMSPS database that stores information
more rigid curricula, and as the scientific Graduate 'students, preparing for an MSc, relevant to all academic and organisation-
community diversified, student mobility DEA or an equivalent, or doing course al matters. The database contains up-to-
became less common. Several suprana- work during doctoral studies, may be ac- date information on the physics study
tional organisations (UNESCO, the Coun- cepted to take advantage of special cours- programmes offered by partner institu-
cil of Europe, for instance) have tried to es not available at their home institution. tions and can be consulted on-line by local
find solutions to this. And in 1968, when Since 1993 over 1600 students have taken co-ordinators, students and other interest-
the European Physical Society was found- advantage of the network. ed parties. It can be found on the EMSPS
ed, the exchange of physics students was Participation in the EMSPS network is homepage.
fixed as one of its priorities. free of charge for home and host institu-
In 1990 nine Swiss universities began a tions and for participating students. Ad- How do I sign up?
mobility programme, which operated ministrative costs are currently financed Whatever the motivation, whether re-
solely within Switzerland. In its first year by grants from the EU, and the EPS. If your quested by the student or suggested by the
it attracted a significant percentage of institution is interested in participating in professor, study abroad can be a compli-
physics students, and on this basis the EPS the network, please fill in the application cated process. The EMSPS network has
began looking into the formation of a Eu- form over the page. tried to make it as simple as possible. The
ropean network, open to all institutions Although student grants (ie scholar- first step is to contact the home institu-
granting a university degree in physics. At ships) are not a requirement to take ad-' tion's local co-ordinator (participating in-
its Athens meeting in 1992, EPS Council vantage of a mobility period in one of the stitutions are listed over the page). Taking
accepted the creation of the European Mo- partner institutions, such grants are usu- into account the criteria for the request
bility Scheme for Physics Students (EM- ally provided to cover living and other (courses or research) the local co-ordina-
SPS). Since that time, the network has con- costs in the host country. Student grants tor consults the EMSPS database in order
tinued to expand. can come from a variety of sources. The to find a compatible host institution and
At present 181 institutions in 30 coun- EPS provides between 10 and 20 grants the name of its local co-ordinator. The lo-
tries make up the network. Of those, 135 per year from its budget, and is active in cal co-ordinators of both institutions will
institutions are from European Union seeking further funds from international then agree on the timing of the mobility
(EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) sponsors. Students moving within ED period and the contents of the student's file
countries, 36 are from Central and East- countries and from EU to EEA countries (a model is available on the EMSPS home-
ern European (CEE) countries, 7 are from or vice versa, and students from some CEE page). The student's file is sent to the host
the Russian Federation and Ukraine and countries which already adhere to the institution's local co-ordinator (with a
3 are from Israel and Turkey. SOCRATES programme of the ED, can copy sent to the EMSPS secretariat). The
The EMSPS offers a user-friendly ap- apply for grants via the "institutional con- home institution is formally notified
proach to international student mobility, tract" of their home university. All partner shortly thereafter.
encouraging a physics student (normally institutions are encouraged to seek fund- At the end of the mobility period the
during the second-halfoftheir undergrad- ing from local and national sources to fi- student sends a short report to the EMSPS
uate studies) to study from one term to one nance mobility periods for participating secretariat describing their studies abroad.
year at a host institution in a different lin- students. If you would like your institution to join
guistic and cultural environment. Full aca- Regular meetings-every three years- the network please contact the EMSPS sec-
demic recognition of the study abroad is a are planned among all partner institutions retariat-you will become part of an ex-
cornerstone of the scheme. The home in- to compare the evolution of physics teach- panding network working towards Euro-
stitution, which grants the final degree, ing at the university level in Europe. In this pean integration through student mobili-
therefore selects the student and agrees on way, the EMSPS network will help to im- ty. Membership of the network is free of
the choice of the host institution. The de- prove physics education and lead to abet- charge and open to all universities and in-
tailed programme of studies is accredited ter understanding of issues facing the Eu- stitutions that offer a university degree in
and, most importantly, the conditions for ropean physics community. physics or a physics related subject.
the recognition of the qualification are In each member institution a local co-
fixed. Records reflecting the quantity and ordinator, chosen among the physics The EMSPS secretariat is located at the EPS
quality of students' work can be kept ac- teaching staff, manages the practical as- office in Budapest. Address: EMSPS Secretariat,
cording to the models developed in the pi- pects of the scheme. Applications and in- Maria Lazar, 7 Nador utca, H-1 0501 Budapest,
lot-project for a European Community formation requests are treated rapidly Hungarytel+361317351Ofax+3613176817
Course Credit-Transfer System (ECTS). thanks to personal contacts between home email
The scheme is mainly for undergradu- and host institution co-ordinators. The website www.kfkLhu/-emsps

europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000 13


EMSPS institutions University of Bayreuth; Free
University of Pavia; University
of Pisa; University of Trento Linkoping University; Lulea
AUSTRIA University of Berlin; Hum- University ofTechnology; Uni~
Karl-Franzens University, boldt University Berlin; Ruhr LITHUANIA versity of Umea; University of
Graz; Graz University ofTech- University Bochum; Rheinis- vi1illus UniverSity; Institute of Uppsala
nology; University of Inns- che-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Uni- Physics; Vilnius Pedagogical
bruck; Johannes Kepler Uni- versity, Bonn; Chemnitz Uni- University SLOVAC REPUBtlC
versity, Linz; University ofVi- versity of Technology; Dres- Comenius University
enna; Technical University of den University of Technology; LATVIA
Vienna <ierhard-Mercator-University University of Latvia SPAIN
Duisburg; Johann Wolfgang MOLDOVA Autonomous University of
BELGIUM Goethe University, Frankfurt; Tiraspol State University; State Barcelona; University of
University of Antwerp; Free Justus-Liebig- University University of Moldova Granada; Autonomous Uni-
University of Brussels; Univer- Giessen; Ernst-Moritz-Arndt versity of Madrid; University
sity of Ghent; Catholic Univer- University, Griefswald; Univer- NETHERLANDS ofthe Balearic Islands; Univer-
sity of Louvain sity of Hannover; Friedrich- University ofAmsterdam; Free sity ofCantabria; University of
Schiller University, Jena; Uni- University of Amsterdam; La Laguna; University of Pais
CZECH REPUBLIC versity of Kaiserslautern; Uni- Delft University of Technolo- Vasco; University ofValladolid
Masaryk University, Brno; versity of Kassel; University of gy; University of'I'wente; Uni-
Palacky University, Olomouc; Leipzig; University of Magde- versity of Groningen; Univer- SWITZERLAND
Charles University, Prague; burg; Ludwig-Maximilians sity of Nijmegen University of Basel; University
Czech Technical University, University, Munich; Westfalis- of Bern; University of Fri-
Prague che Wilhelms University, Mun- NORWAY bourg; University of Geneva;
ster; Carl von Ossietzky Uni- University of Bergen University of Lausanne; Swiss
CROATIA versity, Oldenburg; University Federal Institute of Technolv-
University of Zagreb of Osnabriick; University of PORTUGAL gy, Lausannej University of
Paderborn; University of University ofAveiro; Universi- Neuchatel; University of
DENMARK Siegen ty of Minho; University of Zurich; Swiss Federal Institute
University of Aarhus; Royal Coimbra; Beira Interior Uni- of Technology, Zurich
Veterinary and Agricultural GREECE versity; University of Evora;
University, Copenhagen; Uni- University of AthensAristotle University of Lisbon; New TURKEY
versity of Copenhagen; Uni- University of Thessaloniki University of Lisbon; Techni- University of Bilkent; Univer-
versity of Odense cal University of Lisbon; Uni- sity of Selauk
HUNGARY versity of Porto
FiNlAND Eotvos Loflind University, Bu- UKRAINE
Helsinki University of Tech- dapest; University of Bu- ROMANIA International Centre of
nology; University of Helsinki; dapest; Kossuth Lajos Univer- "Politehnica" University of Physics
University of Jyvaskylli; Uni- sity; J6zsefAttila University Bucharest; University of
versity of Oulu; University of Bucharest; Babes Bolyai Uni- UNITED KINGDOM
Turku IRELAND versity; University of Craiova; University College of Wales;
Cork Institute of T~chnology; Iasi Al. I. Cuza University of University of Bathj Queen's
FRANCE Dublin City University Jassy; University of Oradea; University ofBelfast; Universi-
University of de Bretagne Oc- University of Timisoara ty of Kent, Canterbury; Uni-
cidentale; University of Bour- ISRAEL versity of Wales, Cardiff; Uni-
gogne; University Joseph Hebrew University of RUSSIA versity of Warwick; Napier
Fourier, Grenoble; University Jerusalem Joint Institute for Nuclear Re- University, Edinburgh; Univer-
of Provence (Aix-Marseille I); search; Kazan State University; sity of Strathclydej University
University of Metz; University ITALY Moscow State University; Ob- ofHertfordshire; University of
of Paris-Sud XI; University University of Calabria; Univer- ninsk Institute of Nuclear Hullj University ofKeele; Uni-
Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris; sity of Bologna; University of Power Engineering; St. Peters'- versity of Lancaster; Universi-
Ecole Normale Superieure, Catania; University ofFerrara; burg University; St. Petersburg ty of Leicester; University of
Paris; University Louis Pasteur, University of Genova; Univer- State Institute of Fine Mechan- Loughborough; University of
Strasbourg I; University Paul sity of Leccej University of ics & Optics Manchester; University of
Sabatier, Toulouse; National Messina; University of Milan; Manchester Institute of Sci-
Institute of Applied Sciences; University of Modena; Federi- SLOVENIA ence and Technology; Univer-
Lille Science and Technology co II University ofNaples; Uni- University of Ljubljana sity of Northumbria, Newcas-
University versity of Paduaj University of tle; University of Reading;
Palermo; University of Parma; BruneI University, Uxbridge

14 europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000


3) To the extent that the home institution has not been able to offer a 4) The Mobility Committee may set an upper limit to the number of
EMSPS Convention mobility grant, or if the grant proves to be insufficient, the host
institution may offer its host students mobility grants within its own
students that anyone institution may send out.

. approved by the Council of the European Physical Society on 28 financial means. Article 10 Organization
March 1992
4) The student is registered at the host institution as a mobility student. 1) Each institution appoints a coordinator. who is a member of the
Preamble As such, the student is exempt from fees within the host institution. teaching staff of the concerned physics department.
The host institution provides him/her with an attestation granting the
Having rtgard to the European Convention No. 138 of the Council of same rights it offers its own students, sQch as use of the libraries. 2) The coordinator is responsible for the running of the present
Europe on the General Equivalence of Periods of Unjversity Study of restaurants, ere. convention in his/her own institution.
21 June 1990. particularly its artide 2,
Article 5 Conditions for the mobility period 3) A committee is formed which is responsible for the coherent
Having regard to the UNESCO Conve~tion ~n the Reco~nit~on of administration and general fmancial management of the mobllity
Studies. Diplomas and Degrees concermng Higher EducatLon ID the l) To benefit from a mobility period in the present scheme, the student scheme as outlined in the present convention. This committee, the
States bdongingto the Ewope Region of21 December 1979. must have suc~essfully completed at least rhe first year and normally Mobility Committee, comprises seven to fifteen members, in first
also the second year of studies at the home institution. instance appointed by the European Physical Society among the
Having regard to the European Community Action Scbeme for the coordinators. The European Physical Society also nominates an
Mobility of University Students (ERASMUS) programme of IS June 2) Normally the student must also have successfully completed any additional member, and chooses a committee chairperson among all
1987, particularly its action I and its pilot project BeTS (European prerequisite studies to the proposed course of studies prior to the members.
Community Course Credit Transfer System), mobility period.
4) The Mobility Committee decides on the practicaJ organization of
Having regard to the agreements between the European Economic 3) The student cannot normally spend more than one year in the same the mobility scheme according to this convention. In particular, it
Community and the countries of the European Free Trade Association host institution. establishes the specifications regarding flow of information betwttn
(EFTA) establishing cooperation in the field of education and training the participating institutions and between institutions and the
within the framework of the ERASMUS programme of 9 October Article 6 Study programme Mobility Committee. It sets relevant deadlines. It makes
1991, recommendations regarding the languages to be used for the student's
1) The student who wishes to benefit from a mobility period file and for the information exchanged between institutions.
Having regard to the European Communities' TEMPUS (Trans- establishes the study programme in agreement with the coordinator
European Mohility Scheme for University Studies) programme of 7 from the home institution, nominated rollowing article 10. 5) The Mobility Committee meets at least once peryear. It decides on
May 1990. a plen3[y meeting of all coordinators when deemed necessary. It
2} To assist the student in the choice of host institution and cowses, reports yearly to the Parties on all its activities.
Having regard to the aims of the European Physical Society, each Party provides the other Parties with all the academic information
necessary to put into practice the present convention. Article 11 Finances
Whereas the Parties to the present convention (hereinafter the Parties)
declare themselves convinced of the importance of student mobility 3) This information, normally in English. includes a short general 1) The European Physical Society and the Mobility Committee
in Europe, description of the institution. and its teaching and research activities. endeavour to obtain the necessary funds for the operation of the
It shall contain in particular the curricula of the institution, the list of scheme from third parties, notably appropriate supranational
Whereas the Parties wish to promote closer cooperation between courses, a short summary of the cOntents of each course as well as organizations, in particular in the framework of programmes of the
European Universities in the area of physics, indication of its academic level and the necessary prerequisite European Community.
knowledge. It also includes details as to the examination procedure
The Parties agree to the following: and grading scale used. 2) In the event thal the European Physieal Society nr the Mobility
Committee are not qualified to represent the Parries, the European
Article 1 Aims 4) In order to help establish the study programme and the recognition Physical Society and the Mobility Committee wil1solicit help from
of studies, it is recommended to follow the procedure of the EClS other Parties, named "coordinating institutions".
1) The Parties commit themselves to otTer any student pursuing programme of the European Communities and to split the syllabuses
physiCS studies with a view to obtaining an academic degree registered into 60 (sixty) credits per year, or equivalent. Thus the study 3) By adhering to the present Convention, each Party authorizes the
at one institution (the home institution) the possibility of effecting a programme established by the student and the home institution covers European Physical Society or the coordinating institutions to seck
period ofstudy (the mobility period) in another institution (the host normally sixty credits per year. funds in its name from the appropriate authorities. Normally the
institution). European Physical Society manages these funds on behalf of the
Article 7 Recognition of studies coordinating institution. according to the guidelines set by the
2) The mobility period shall allow the students to acquire abroad an Mobility Committee, and in strict application of the regulations set by
equivalent education in a different lingual or cultural environment Or, 1) The home institution determines the requirements and the the funding agencies.
for more advanced studies, to profit from special courses not available procedure for the recognition of studies. This can be done according
at their home institution. to the course credit transfer system of the EelS programme Qr by 4) Additionally. the: Parries endeavour to obtain from third parties,
specifying which courses are to be assessed by the host institution. If particularly from their appropriate national bodies, complementary
3) The Parties commit themselves to recognise the studies undertaken the regulations of the institution do not permit to do otherwise, the mt3ns for the financing of the scheme. They-then manage these funds.
and su(cessfully completed in the host institution upon return of the assessment may be made entirely by the home institution.
student to the home institution. Article 12 Information between the Parties
2) The host institution assesses the student's knowledge as specified
Article 2 QuaHfication of Parties by the home institution using its own examination procedure and 1) Upon adherence to the present convention, each institution provides
grading scale. the other Parties with the following information, normally in English:
Any institution as defined in article 1 of the Council of Europ~n
Communities' deeisioo of 15 June 1987 (87-327-CEE) as well as In Article 8 Student's file a) the cunicula to which the present convention applies;
article 1 of the European Com'enoon No. 138 of the Council of Europe b) the limitations as to the number of host students as mentioned in
of21 June 1990, as well as the European Physical Society, can be Party 1) According to the obligations specified in article 3 of the present article 9;
to the present Convention. convention, the home institution establishes the mobility student's file c) all practical information necessary to the student;
which it transfers to the host institution at least four months before the d) the academic information as defined in article 61 paragraphs 2 to 4i
Article 3 Role of the home institution beginning of the students studies. e) name and address of its coordinator.

1) FuU academic responsibility for the student remains with the home 2) This file, normally established in English, includes: 2) Each Party commits itself to updating this information and to
institution. It confers the final qualification. notifying the other Parties of any related amendment.
a) personal data concerning the studenti
2) The home institution agrees to the mobility period, and approves b) the academic certificate in view. Article 13 Participation in the scheme
the student's choice of host institution and study programme. It c) information on previously completed studies and grades achieved;
determines the conditions of recognition of the studies undertaken d) lhe intended study programme; 1) Any Party wishing to participate in the scheme by adhering to the
during the mobility period. It ensorts that: e) the recognition requirements for the studies. present convention makes.a written request to the European Physical
Society, which will pronounce judgement on the request upon advice
a) the student has sufficient command of the working language of the 3) The file is signed by the student and by the coordinator within the from the Mobility Committee.
proposed host institution; home institution.
b) the student has the necessary preliminary knowledge to follow the 2} Any such request is supported by a complete me including
intended study programme; 4) If the intended study programme cannot be foUowed or if a more particularly aD the information mentioned in article 1~.
c) the study programme will allow tbe student a smooth reintegration suitable programme can be established. the coordinator within the
upon return and n:cognition of the courseS completed at the host host institution proposes to his/her counterpart within the home 3) In cases where the qualification ofan institution for participation in
institu~ion.subject to the student's satisfactory performance. institution tbe appropriate amendment. the scheme is in doubt, the European Physical Sociely will seek advice.
via the national physical society, from the competent authority in the
3) Within its financial means, the home institution takes measures to S) At the end of the student's mobility period, the host institution country.
facilitate the mobility programme by preparing the student, completes the file by indicating:
particularly with respect to the working language of the host 4) Participation becomes effective at the beginning of the first
institution. a) which courses were followedi academic year following the acceptance of the request, on the
b) the resulls of the assessed courses; condition that acceptance takes place at least twelve months
4) Within its financial means and jfit so chooses the home institution c) the examination procedure and grading scale used for the beforehand.
may make a mobility grant availab!e to the student. The right of the assessment.
student to benefit from national or local grants shall not be interrupted Article 14 Entry, withdrawal
or reduced during the mobility period. 6) Thus completed. the coordinator within the host institution
promptly returns the me to the home institution, signed by the 1) The present convention enters into force as soon as at least twenty-
S) During the Inobility period, the student remains registered at the coordinator. five (25) institutions have adhered to it. After tbree years of
home institution where the student continues to pay fees and to be participation, any Party may withdraw horn the present convention
covered by the insurances in effect at the bome institution. Article 9 Student number limitation and particuJar conditions with twelve months' advance notice fOT the beginning of an academic
Article 4 Role of the host institution 1) A Party may set a limit to the number of mobility students it wants
to accept. This limit should be determined at least six months before 2) The present convention remains in force as long as at least twenty-
1) The host institution accepts the student for the mobility period if the beginning of each academic year. In such a case. the institution five (25) institutions adhere to it.
the student's complete file is received within the agreed deadline and should not send out more students than it is prepared to accept
subject to the limits ofarticle 9. It gives the student access to all courses Article IS Arbitration
offered to its own students and required in the student's study 2) In addition, each host institution may impose particular
programme. It carries out the evaluations specified in the study requiremems for acceplance of mobility students, particularly of those I) Any litigation arising from the present convention is submitted to
programme. wishing to effect a diploma or any equivalent research work. The host arbitration. of which the decision is conclusive. The arbitrator or
instirution mar reject an application if according to the student's file arbitrators are appointed by the European Physical Society upon
2) Within its financial means, the host institution takes measures to the student obviously does not have the necessary knowledge or advice from the Mobility Committee. In case of litigation between an
facilitate the student's stay, sees to hislher integration, helps solve language preparation to follow the intended study programme. institution and the European Physical Society or the Mobility
problems on the academic and practical levels, in partlcular Committee, each Party appoints an arbitrator. The two arbitrators wiU
accommodation, and helps the student to improve his/her knowledge 3) If the host institution does not accept a student for reasons alluded agree to a third arbitrator.
of the host institution's working language. to the present article, it must upon receipt of the student's me
immediately inform the home institution. 2) The legal jurisdiction for the arbitration is Mulhouse, France. 0

europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000 15

European Physicist EurPhys
How to apply for the European Physicist qualification
Vocational qualifications exist in many Requirements for admission The application form should be sent, to-
professions. They are generally awarded It is necessary to have at least seven years' gether with the non-refundable applica-
on the basis of a combination of academ- experience working in physics, either in tion fee of50 Swiss francs, to the Secretary
ic achievement and work experience. training or in a professional capacity. of the Committee on Professional Quali-
Learned societies, and institutes cover- . The seven years should be made up of fications (as indicated in the guidance
ing different fields of science and technol- the following: notes that accompany the application
ogy,have established various national reg- o A period of study leading to an acade- form).
isters for qualified science professionals. mic qualification in physics or in a physics The Committee on Professional Quali-
But qualifications do not always travel related area acceptable to the EPS's Com- fications evaluates each application. The
easily. The criteria used to award qualifi- mittee on Professional Qualifications. This Committee is assisted by independent ex-
cations can differ from country to coun- must have involved at least the equivalent perts familiar with the different regions in
try. And a qualification awarded in one of three years' full-time university educa- which applicants have· trained and
country may not be accepted in another. tion. worked.
This can restrict the opportunities profes- o At least two years' appropriate experi- The Committee on Professional Quali-
sionals have to exercise their profession ence gained in a professional capacity after fications reviews each application to en-
where they choose. graduation. This work experience could sure uniformly high standards. If the re-
The European Commission, the ad- include research and development, project view is satisfactory, you will be invited to
ministrative body of the European Union management, supervision and the train- pay the registration fee (250 Swiss Francs)
(EU), has been active for some time in ing of others, and safety management. for admission to the European Register of
promoting the mutual recognition of aca- o The remaining period, which must have Physicists for an initial period lasting five
demic degrees, and tries to ensure the free lasted for at least two years, and may con- years.
movement ofprofessionals within the ED. sist of either education leading to an acad- You will be provided with a formal Cer-
For physicists, the European Physical emic qualification, or appropriate experi- tificate of Registration. Thereafter, regis-
Society, with the encouragement of the ence involving responsibilities deemed tration will be renewable without the need
EU, has created the European Register of satisfactory by the Committee on Profes- to submit a new application (although you
Physicists. Its purpose is to certify that sional Qualifications. It may also include a may be asked to update your first applica-
those who are registered meet specific cri- period oftraining during which the appli- tion).
teria in terms of educational qualification cant has acquired the aptitude or skills
and professional experience. needed to exercise the chosen profession To obtain an application form for admission
Working conditions are changing: long- in a responsible capacity. to the European Register of Physicists please
term positions have become the exception write to European Physicist, European Physical
rather than the rule, and self-employment, How to apply Society, 34 rue Marc Seguin, BP 2136, F-68060
as for example, a consultant, is becoming An application form can be obtained from Mulhouse Cedex, France
more widespread. In this environment the the Secretariat of the European Physical or contact us for further details on
professional qualification of European Society, from many national physical so- tel +33 3 89329440 fox +33389329449
Physicist is an essential asSet. cieties. email m.schmitt@univ-mulhouseJr

The following is the current M.J. Dutch, Switzerland T. Lowe, United Kingdom E. Rydygier, Poland
rollcall of European Physicists H. Eckey, Germany CM. Martin, United Kingdom K.l Schell, Netherlands
K.D. Ehrhardt, Germany N. 1 Mason, United Kingdom I.M.B. Seott, United Kingdom
J.E.T. Andersen, Denmark CJ. Evans, United Kingdom K.J. McCarthy, Spain U. Smilansky, Israel
J.C Andress, United Kingdom R.H. Fenn, United Kingdom P.H. Melville-Smith, United Kingdom B. Smith, United Kingdom
E.R. Andrew, United States lA. Fernie, United Kingdom A. Micallef, Malta N. Solomey, United States
R. Balescu, Belgium P.J. Fleming, Ireland RD. Monk, Germany D.A. Spencer, Norway
A. Barducci, Italy CP. Fong-Wanghai, Hong Kong R. Mooney, Ireland P.P.M. Steur, Italy
P.A. Bartlett, United Kingdom L. Garzon Ruiperez, Spain R. Mostert, Netherlands P.H. Stokes, United Kingdom
J.5. Battye, United Kingdom J-P. Gaspard, Belgium AJ. M6rx, Austria L. Stringa, France
P. Beckley, United Kingdom A.J. Gill, Switzerland P.E. Obermayer, Germany G. Sturaro, Italy
R. Bektursunova, Kazakstan S. Gregson, United Kingdom P.R. Owen, United Kingdom R.G. Taylor, United Kingdom
K.5. Bromley, United Kingdom A.J. Harper, United Kingdom K. Papazian, Armenia D.W. Thomas, United Kingdom
RW. Buckley, United Kingdom RJ. Harvey, United Kingdom M. Peter, Switzerland E.G. Timoshenko, Ireland
K.H. Chadwick, Belgium J. Heijn, Netherlands M.E. Phillips, United Kingdom lL. Valero, Spain
A.C Chew, United Kingdom R. Hetherington, United Kingdom G.K. Pindoria, Japan RP. Van Milligen, Spain
R.K. Child, United Kingdom J. Higinbotham, United Kingdom A. Raimondo, Switzerland R. Vardanian, Armenia
R.C Chivers, United Kingdom D. Hobbs, Austria H. Ralph, United Kingdom P. Wachter, Switzerland
cu. Chow, United Kingdom A.T. Jackson, Ireland RT. Ramos, United Kingdom U.P. Wallenhorst, Germany
S.G. Clackson, Germany R Jacot Guillarmod, Switzerland B. Rapp, Germany J.G. Whittington, Germany
N.5. C1arke, Austria N. Keeley, United Kingdom A. Rau, Germnay G.G. Wilkinson, Italy
E. Crepaldi, Italy SJ. Keevil, United Kingdom R.P. Reed, United Kingdom S.R. Wilson, United Kingdom
P.M. Darbyshire, United Kingdom M. Lenski, Germany M.C Robbins, United Kingdom G.P. Yick, United Kingdom
T. Duby, United Kingdom J.N. Lillington, United Kingdom S.C Rutherford, United Kingdom T.c.B. Vu, United Kingdom

16 europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000

constitution articles 4a), 4c) and 4d)
European Physical Society
please return this form to
Application for Individual Ordinary Membership EPS, BP 2136, F-68060 Mulhouse Cedex, France

1 Personal details please write in capital letters National Member Societies constitution article 4b)
Last Name Office phone + _ Albanian Physical Society Albania, Armenian Physical Society
Armenia, Austrian Physical Society Austria, Belarusian Physical
First name(s) Home phone + _ Society Belorussia, Belgian Physical Society Belgium, Union of
Date of birth / / Fax + _ Physicists in Bulgaria Bulgaria, Croatian Physical Society Croatia,
Nationality Email _ Physical Section of the Union of Czech Mathematicians & Physicists
Czech Republic, Danish Physical Society Denmark, Estonian
Full address _ Physical Society Estonia, Finnish Physical Society Finland, French
Physical Society France, German Physical Society Germany,
Hellenic Physical Society Greece, Eotvos Lorand Physical Society
Hungary, Icelandic Physical Society Iceland, Royal Irish Academy
Ireland, Israel Physical Society Israel, Italian Physical Society Italy,
postcode _ country _ Latvian Physical Society Latvia, Lithuanian Physical Society
lithuania, Society of Physicists of Macedonia Macedonia,
Netherlands Physical Society Netherlands, Norwegian Physical
2 Professional details Society Norway, Polish Physical Society Poland, Portuguese
Highest academic degree _ Physical Society Portugal, Romanian Physical Society Romania,
Institution _ National Committee of Russian Physicists Russia, Slovak Physical
Society Slovakia, Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and
Current position -'----- _ Astronomers of Slovenia Slovenia, Spanish Royal Society of Physics
Specialization _ Spain, Swedish Physical Society Sweden, Swiss Physical Society
Switzerland, Turkish Physical Society Turkey, Ukrainian Physical
Society Ukraine, The Institute of Physics United Kingdom
3 Type of membership Are you a member of one 'of the societies listed on the
right? If you are a member of one of the national member societies, tick yes Collaborating Societies constitution article 4d)
Europe European Optical Society, Societe Fran~aise des Specialistes
below and pass to question 4. Ifyou are a member of one of the collaborating d'Astronomie, Societe Fran~aise d'Optique, Societa Astronomica
societies listed on the right, tick yes below and pass to question 4. Otherwise, Italiana, Astronomische Gesellschaft, Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft
tick no and pass to section 5. fur Physikalische Chemie, Deutsche Gesellschaft fOr Angewandte
Optik, International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics,
Yes 0 No 0 Nederlandse Astronomenclub, The Division for Applied Physics of
the Royal Institution of Engineers, Sociedad Espanola de Optica,
4 Which society are you a member of? Please underline the national member Societe Suisse d'Optique et de Microscopie Electronique
World Wide American Physical Society, Australian Institute of
society or the collaborating society on the left. There is no need to complete Physics, Canadian Association of Physicists, Japan Society of
section 5, pass to section 6. Applied Physics, Physical Society of Japan

Which of the following Divisions, Sections and Groups do

5 Please ask two I~dividual Ordinary Members of the European Physical Society to you wish to join? please tick
sign this form. Please print their names and addresses. Divisions & Sections
o Astrophysics 0 Solar Physics
Signature _ Signature _ o Atomic & Molecular Physics
Name and address _ Name and address _
o Atomic Spectroscopy (EGAS) 0 Chemical Physics
o Electronic & Atomic Collisions, 0 Molecular Physics
o Condensed Matter
o liqUids, 0 Low Temperature Physics
o Macromolecular Physics, 0 Magnetism
o Semiconductors & Insulators, 0 Surfaces & Interfaces
o High Energy &Particle Physics
o Nuclear Physics
o Plasma Physics
6 Address for correspondence (if different from address given in section 1) o Quantum Electronics & Optics
Address _ o Statistical and Non-Linear Physics
Interdivisional Groups
o Accelerators
o Applied Physics & Physics in Industry.
o Computational Physics
postcode _ country _ o Physics for Develoment
o Physics Education
o Experimental Physics Control Systems
Signature Date and place o History of Physics
Please indicate your interests in Divisions etc on the right
europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000 17

Journals that are made available entire-

Recognised Journals ly free of charge in paper format or by
electronic or other means may charge rea-

T he journal recognition scheme aims

to provide information on and set
standards for physics publishing in Eu-
in which several countries are represent-
ed. Normally at least one-third or not less
than three members, whichever is the
sonable fees for the administration, refer-
eeing, editing or publishing of such sub-
rope, including online publishing. The greater, are located in countries other than No discrimination is to be exercised
scheme is beneficial to the European Phys- the principal country. against any contributor for submissions
ical Society because we get our logo on . otherwise acceptable for publication re-
some ofEurope's best journals. And to the 4. Editorial Board Members sulting from the contributor's inability to
reader the logo is a stamp of quality en- Editorial Board Members play an active pay such fees. In such a case, there shall be
suring that the journal is international in role by defining editorial policy and!or se- a provision for reducing or waiving such
scope and free to either authors or read- lecting papers for publication. fees.
ers, among other things. Following the ex-
ponential increase in sources of informa- 5. Refereeing 8. Languages
tion, the EPS helps in identifying journals Contributions are formally refereed for The journal is prepared to publish sub-
that are particularly relevant to the Euro- scientific content by qualified referees and, missions made in English.
pean physics community. on the average, at least one-quarter of the
referees acting in this capacity are located 9. Announcement
Criteria in countries other than the principal. The publishers agree to announce recog-
nition in accordance with EPS norms and
RECOGNITION OF JOURNALS 6. Criteria for acceptance of papers provide, free of charge, to the Secretary of
approved by the EPS Executive Commit- The criteria for accepting papers for pub- the EPS Action Committee on Publica-
tee on 21 November 1999 lication will be scientific merit only. No tions and Scientific Communications at
other form of discrimination is allowed. the EPS Secretariat copies ofthe journal(s)
1. Publisher on request. EPS will announce updated
The journal is published in one of the 7. Page Charges details of Recognized Journals each year
countries whose national physical society No discrimination is exercised against any in the EPS Directory published in Euro-
is a full member (ie National Member So- contributor. physics News, principally the Editor, Pub-
ciety) of the European Physical Society. For journals that are sold on the basis lisher, price, submission procedures, and
of an annual or other periodic subscrip- languages.
2. Contributions tion, or by the issue, or made available as
Contributions to the journal comprise part of a package, or fee elsewhere 9. Renewal
original papers or letters or review papers charged, no fee will be charged to the con- Recognition is reviewed every five years by
which are of direct interest to physicists. tributor(s) for submissions, including but the EPS Action Committee on Publica-
not limited to for the administration, ref- tions and Scientific Communications.
3. Editorial Board ereeing, editing or publishing ofsuch sub-
The journal has an active Editorial Board missions. o

CURRENT LIST OF RECOGNISED Combustion Theory and Modelling; Materials and Structures; Advanced Studies, Trieste
JOURNALS European Journal of Physics; High Superconductor Science and The Journal of High Energy Particle
Performance Polymers; Inverse Technology;Waves in Random Media Physics
Croatian Physical Society Problems;Journal of Micromechanics S.Hirzel
Fizika A; Fizika B and Microengineering;Journal of Institute of Physics Publishing Acustica
Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics; and German Physical Society
Czech Institute of Physics Journal of Optics B: Quantum and The New Journal of Physics Slovak Academy of Sciences
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Semiclassical Optics; Journal of Acta Physica Slovaca
Physics A: Mathematical and General; Jagellonian Institute of Physics
EDP Sciences Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Acta' Physica Polonica B Springer
Astronomy and Astrophysics (Supp.); Molecular and Optical; Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics; The
The European Physical Journal: Physics D: Applied Physics; Journal of JohnWlley European Physical Journal A;The
Applied Physics; The European Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Advanced Materials for Optics and European Physical Journal B
Physical Journal B; The European Physics; Jour~al of Physics: Electronics
Physical Journal D; The European Condensed Matter; Measurement Taylor and Francis
Physical Journal Esoft matter Science and Technology; Modelling Kluwer Advances in Physics; International
and Simulation in Material Science Journal of Biological Physics Journal of Electronics; International
Elsevier Science and Engineering; Nanotechnology; Reviews of Physical Chemistry;
Computer Physics Communications; Network: Computation in Neural 11 Nuovo Cimento Journal of Modern Optics; Liquid
Physica A; Physica B; Physica C Systems; Nonlinearity; Physics in 11 Nuovo Cimento B; 11 Nuovo Crystals; Molecular Physics;
Medicine and Biology; Physiological. Cimento C Philosophical Magazine A;
Estonian Academy of Sciences Measurement; Plasma Physics and Philosophical Magazine B;
Physics Mathematics Controlled Fusion; Plasma Sources Romanian Academy Philosophical Magazine Letters
Science and Technology; Reports on Romanian Journal of Physics
Institute of Physics Publishing Progress in Physics; Semiconductor Wlley
Classical and Quantum Gravity; Science and Technology; Smart International School for Annalen der Physik

18 europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000


The Executive Committee of EPS has begun to draft position tion can be long, there is almost always an application of some
papers to define EPS policy on issues important to physicists. If sort, often in an unexpected direction.
you would like the two position papers printed here to be sent to More immediate is the use ofthe techniques developed in pure
decision makers in your country or research area, please inform physics research in other areas; the application of techniques
the Mulhouse Secretariat. If you have ideas of issues that are should not be underestimated.
appropriate for other position papers, or ifyou are willing to draft
position papers yourself, please inform the Executive Committee 5. The Training Aspect
The training element of physics research cannot be overst~ted­
students trained in physics research find employment in many
National Support for professions, including, increasingly, business and finance.
The training of scientists to the level ofPhD of an internation-
al recognised standard also provides the manpower needed to
Research in Physics create a national industry for technologically advanced products.
The provision of good education in science and the presence of
a large number ofhighly skilled scientists in a nation,with the as-
Position Paper sociated presence of high quality universities and research labo-
ratories, prevents the "brain drain" of talented individuals. It also
The European Physical Society (EPS) is an independent body makes home institutions more attractive to foreign investment.
funded by contributions from national physical societies, other
bodies and individual members. It has over 80 000 members and 6. National Needs
can call on expertise in all areas where physics is involved. The Applied research can often be finely tuned to the needs of a par-
declared aim of the EPS is to help physics and physicists in Eu- ticular country. Some support can be provided by industry but
rope. again most must be government-provided. Problems with ener-
gy sources and the environment are obvious examples where gov-
1. The Aim of this Position Paper ernment-sponsored research is essential.
It might appear that the case for govenunent support for research
in physics (both pure and applied) is self-evident, but experience 7. A Strong "Science Base"
has often shown that this area is not accorded the high priority Although some research techniques can be acquired (or pur-
that should be due to it. chased) from other countries, most can not; a strong national"sci-
The present "position paper" gives a balanced case for appro- ence base" is a fundamental requirement for their development.
priate support; it is addressed to those who have responsibility
for national support for physics. 8. Political Aspects
The important role ofresearch in private industry and in indi- The knowledge that a nation has such a science base and one that
vidual government departments (eg in defence) is not considered is stable, despite fluctuating national income, coupled with the
here. advice provided by that base, is an important contribution to suc-
cess in "political" deliberations between nations. A strong base al-
2. The Impact of Physics so enables the participation in and hosting of valuable interna-
The impact of earlier research in physics on the everyday life of. tional ventures.
citizens is very considerable. The use of electricity, methods of
communication, medical techniques and many other examples 9. National Confidence
all stemined from fundamental research in physics and related Discoveries by a nation's physicists can add to the confidence and
disciplines. The discovery of the transistor is a further example; pride of the nation's citizens.
the impact on all areas of electronics has been considerable, by
way of miniaturization, speed, efficiency, etc. 10. National Research Institutes
More recently one can include lasers, nuclear magnetic reso- The division of research effort between universities and national
nance and x-ray imaging in the medical field and there are many research institutes is the subject of another position paper but it
other areas, too, where Physics is making a cruciaJ. input. We can can be stated here that both are needed.
guarantee that such applications will continue.
3. The International Dimension
Research is an international activity and each country has its own Participation in International Laboratories
part to play. Prowess in research is one of the "hall marks" of an There is considerable value in a nation being associafed with an
advanced (or advancing) nation (see appendix). The cultural as- international laboratory (CERN, ILL, ISRF, ESA, etc). The access
pect ofphysics should also be included-a knowledge ofphysics to superlative techniques and sophisticated and often fundamen-
is part of the general education of a nation. Added to this is the tal experiments is invaluable. The techniques learned Can often
need for every nation to have local "experts" to understand and be used at home and, on a different plane, national prestige is en-
explain to society the newest scientific achievements, wherever hanced.
the discoveries have been made. The funding situation must be handled with care, however. The
inevitable significant subscription-in money or in kind-must
4. Pure and Applied Physics be taken from a separate government fund. Furthermore, the do-
A balance of government support between pure and applied mestic science base must be enhanced to cover the extra cost of
physics research is necessary. Although the time interval between using the international facility (eg detectors for experiments).
the results from pure physics research and its eventual applica- 7 January 2000

europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000 19


It should also have a small section devoted to publicity, viz to

make the public aware of its work and be "citizen-friendly".
Physics Research: the Direct funding of autonomous institutions is the preferred op-
tion, peer review being used to maintain standards.

Relationship between 4. NRls in Transition

With the end of the "cold war" a number of developments have
occurred, as follows.
Universities and (i) In Western Europe, funds for those areas which previously ben-
efited from the cold war (space research, nuclear physics, ete), have
been reduced, in relative terms.
National Research (ii) In some countries of Eastern Europe, as mentioned at the
start, institutes had defence associations. Thus there has been a
need to change direction.
Institutes Here, we concentrate on (ii).
It is tempting to bring about closures or "shot-gun marriages"
with universities. The latter should be resisted; funding shortages
Position Paper will inevitably lead to serious problems for both.
We recommend that serious attention be given to keeping NRIs
The European Physical Society (EPS) is an independent body of adequate quality; certainly those which are predominantly con-
funded by contributions from national physical societies, other cerned with fundamental research, and which have international
bodies and individual members. It has over 80 000 members and respect, should be maintained and indeed enhanced. The needs of
can call on expertise in all areas where physics is involved. The , basic research will continue to grow and those NRIs with signifi-
declared aim of the EPS is to help physics and physicists in Eu- cant applied research efforts will have much work to do. An ex-
rope. . ample ofthe latter concerns matters associated with the environ-
ment (pollution in various forms).
1. The Aim of this Position Paper Concerning funding, there is nO substitute for direct state sup-
The aim is to give a balanced view of the appropriateness of or- port-certainly not for the component of a NRI that includes fun-
ganizational arrangements for national research institutes (NRIs), damental research. For the applied component, a small contribu-
particularly in those countries of Eastern Europe which, in the tion might come from private industries, both national and in-
past, relied in part at least on supplying defence needs. We appre- ternational. The presence of good people with, as-yet, modest
ciate that even in Eastern Europe there are differences, country- salary requirements makes such institutes attractive to interna-
to-country. Nevertheless, there are some common features and tional companies with specific requirements. It is appreciated,
therefore common recommendations. (We do not consider here however, that efforts in this area have not yet proved generallyef-
the important role of applied research in industry and in govern- fective.
ment ministry-owned establishments.)
S. The Role of the International Laboratories
2. The Role of University Research In some subjects, principallyparticle physics, astronomy and con-
Universities and, in a number of countries, the research institutes densed matter physics, the needs of experimentation are so great
belonging to national academies of sciences have always been- as to be beyond the capacity of a single nation and international
and should continue to be-a source of much fundamental re- laboratories are necessary. Permanent scientific staff should be
search. They are also the training ground for much of a nation's kept to a minimum; cross-fertilization with university depart-
scientific "manpower". The interaction of research and teaching is ments and NRIs, is vital. The sophisticated techniques developed
vital. must be used"at home" as well as in the international laboratories.
National funding for the international laboratories must in-
3. The Role of National Research Institutes clude not only the subscription but also sums for the national sci-
National research institutes are, by definition, largely funded by ence base (universities and NRIs) in order that the appropriate
government. user-equipment can be provided.
Ideally, a NRI should have 4 components.
(i) One component with a specific national task, such as nuclear 6. Comparisons with other Countries
technology, standards, engineering techniques, the environment, No two countries are alike in their possession of, and need for,
etc. NRIs and detailed descriptions are not :very helpful. However,
(ii) A division responsible for fundamental research, some of brief details of the situation in the United Kingdom are available
which is in the area covered by (i). Such a division must carry out on request (
fundamental research of excellence, which is competitive at the 7 January 2000
international level.
(iii) By definition, NRIs will often have a unique facility (an ac- The following position papers are in preparation:
celerator, a reactor, an observatory, ete) which is available for the Ascientist's oath
whole research community in the country. The facility will need Teachers as members of national physical societies
adequate, well-trained local staff. More support for physics teachers
(iv) A policy of strong co-operation with universities (and other The salaries of physicists
higher education establishments) for the provision oftraining for The role of physics training as a preparation for many professions
research students. o
20 europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000

Sir Arnold Wolfendale

Secretary General's Report identify the most effective, exciting and Resolutions
THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE has approved the innovative methods for teaching physics. Other At the end of the year it is common
proposal by the Nuclear Physics Division to initiatives at a national level are also underway, practice to think of a New Year's resolution.
establish aUse Meitner Prize for outstanding such as "Science in Dialogue" organised by the Sometimes the resolution is actually put
contributions to nuclear science. The prize is German Minister for Education, which will into practice and our future changes
sponsored by Eurisys Measures in Lingolsheim comprise of a series of activities throughout course. More usually, it is quickly
(France). the year designed to provide scientists with a forgotten. However, moving to a new
The EPS has been invited to nominate framework for dialogue with the public. millennium may bring our thoughts of a
candidate(s) for the King Faisal Prize for The Executive Committee has examined the "new start" into sharper focus. Perhaps this
Science for 2001 which will be given in the idea of creating a section of the Plasma Physics time it will be much more important to
field of physics. The closing date for Division called Dusty Plasmas, and the idea persevere with the resolution.
nominations is 30 April 2000. If you are will be submitted for approval at the EPS What about the EPS-what should my
interested in making a nomination, and for Council Meeting in Dublin (24 to 25 March resolution for our society be? The answer is
details relating to nomination requirements, 2000). If you are interested in joining the simple: to "try harder':
please contact David Lee at the Mulhouse section please contact David Lee at the There is a paradox for physics in Europe,
Secretariat, 34 rue Marc Seguin, BP 2136, F- Mulhouse Secretariat, 34 rue Marc Seguin, BP and indeed the world. At a time when the
68060 Mulhouse Cedex. 2136, F-68060 Mulhouse Cedex, France excitement for the subject has never been
The EPS has agreed to participate on the The Statutes of the European Physical greater and the potential for advances are
Scientific Advisory Committee of the Society Interdivisional Group on Accelerators enormous, we seem to be beset with
European Physical Journal. The Committee stipulate that one third of the members of the problems. There are problems with the
will be consulted by the journal's steering Elected Board has to be renewed every two perception of our subject by the young,
committee for matters relating to trends in years. Nominations must be supported by 3 and indeed the not-so-young toO. There
research and choice of the is members of the group. Members are elected are also funding difficulties, particularly
hoped that this will help the journal "in better for 6 years. Six vacancies are announced for those endeavouring to "push back the
serving the physics community in Europe and herewith. Nominations should be made on the frontiers of knowledge'; even more so in
to complete a European harmonisation." attached form and, together with a short cv Eastern Europe where the rapid switch
The EPS is becoming increasingly involved and description of the activities of the from communism to, in many cases, rather
in questions related to science and society.The candidate, should be addressed to David Lee, raw capitalism has had some dreadful
recent Malvern seminar on the future of European Physical Society, 34 rue Marc Seguin, results.
physics (see details elsewhere in this issue) is a BP 2136, F-68060 Mulhouse Cedex, France.The The situation is thus ripe for us to "try
good example.The EPS is now to participate in deadline for the receipt of nominations is 9 harder" and that is what I hope the
a project called Physics on Stage organised March 2000.The resulting listQf candidates and Executive Committee of EPS is doing. I have
jointly with the European Space Agency, CERN ballot papers will be mailed to EPS-IGA extraordinarily talented colleagues, each
and the European Southern Observatory in Members who will be invited to vote by the of whom has a"task" which he or she is
November 2000. The main objectives are to deadline of 28 April 2000. responsible for (see europhysies news
catalyse a debate on physics teaching among David Lee is the Secretary General of July/August 1999 for details).
educators, the media and politicians, and to EPS Between us we are producing position
papers relating to specific problems, the
initial ones being directed towards helping
the Eastern European community (National
Conference services • Prepare your conference budget (regis- Support for Research in Pllys'/cs and
A small conference team at the Mulhouse tration fees, venue, mailing, ete) Physics Research: The Division between
Secretariat now works to the benefit of EPS • Provide enquiry service (anyone inter- University and National Research
conferences. Following is an example of the ested in the conference can contact EPS Institutes). Later ones will include The Case
services offered. For more details please headquarters) for Nuclear Energy, and whatever else EPS
contact Christine Bastian c.bastian@univ- • Process advance registration, payment members want us to examine. & send-out confirmations, receipts, letters We are racking up efforts on the public
Pre-conference for visas understanding of physics. Only if we get
• Prepare & send out press releases an- • Prepare registration packets & confer- the public on our side will we start to "take
nouncing your conference-sent to jour- ence material off'; and indeed deserve to.
nals and organisations worldwide • Prepare badges We are starting to beaver away in the
Logistic support • Prepare daily programme with coffee- corridors of power in Brussels. By having
• Investigate conference venue, on-site breaks, meals, entertainment (schedules) no narrow nationalistic objectives, we are
vendors & services (hotels, caterers, travel During the conference in a good position to be listened to.
agencies, ete) • Conduct on-site registration & handle all And so on ... With our indefatigable
• Create a mailing list targeted for your on-site enquiries concerning conference Secretary General, David Lee, and his
conference Post-conference enhanced staff-to whom we express our
• Desig.n your conference announce- • Prepare attendance data gratitude-we are poised to fulfil our
ments, posters, conference folders (by pro- • Take care of abstracts printing & ab- declared resolution. We will try harder and,
fessional designer) stracts mailing hopefully, be more effective. .
Sir Arnold Wolfendale is the President ofthe EPS

europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000 21


Upcoming Elections ................................
............................................................... Quantum Electronics
Interdivisional Group on Accelerators The Quantum Electronics and Optics Division
The statutes of the Interdivisional Group on Accelerators stipulate that one third of the would like to invite nominations from
members of the elected board is renewed every two years. Nominations must be supported members of the EPS and other physicists in
by 3 members of the group. Members are elected for 6 years. Six vacancies are announced the field of quantum electronics and optics
here. Nominations should include a short cv and description of the activities of the and related technologies for the Quantum
candidate, and should be addressed to David Lee, European Physical Society, 34 rue Marc Electronics Prize of the European Physical
Seguin, BP 2136, F-68060 Mulhouse Cedex, France.The deadline for the receipt of Society.The prize is awarded to one or more
nominations is 9 March 2000. The resulting list of candidates and ballot papers will be mailed persons for their outstanding contributions to
to IGA Members who will be invited to vote by the deadline of 28 April 2000. quantum electronics and optics in basic
physics or applied sciences. Only work that
exists in print can be considered.
Nominations will be treated in confidence
EPS Experimental Physics Control
- Activity Report - Systems Prize
and although they will be acknowledged
there will be no further correspondence.

Prizes, Awards Experimental Physics Control Systems

Interdivisional Group
Nominations should be sent prior to 31 March
2000 to the Selection Committee, Quantum
In recent years the divisions and groups of Awarded every two years Electronics and Optics Prize, EPS, 34 rue Marc
EPS have been encouraged to instigate Awarded to one or more persons not Seguin, BP 2136, F-68060 Mulhouse Cedex,
more prizes.The present list is given below. exceeding the age of 35 who have made '. France.
There is still room for more, notably one outstanding contributions to the field of
relating to the public awareness of physics. experimental physics control systems in Fresnel
experimental, theoretical or technological The Quantum Electronics and Optics Division
Agilent Technologies Europhysics Award areas would like to invite nominations from
(Formerly the Hewlett Packard Europhysics Award Cash prize and diploma members ofthe EPS and other physicists in
Prize); Condensed Matter Division; Sponsor: the field of quantum electronics and optics'
Agilent Technologies EPS Accelerators Prizes and related technologies for the Fresnel Prize
Awarded every year Accelerators Interdivisional Group of the European Physical Society. The prize is
Awarded for recent work by one or more Two prizes awarded every two years awarded to one or more persons for their
individuals in the area of physics of Awarded (1) to an individual in the early outstanding contributions to quantum
condensed matter,specifically work leading part of his/her career who has made a electronics and optics in basic physics or
to advances in the fields of electronic, recent, original contribution to the applied sciences.The prize may only be
electrical and materials engineering which, accelerator field, and (2) for outstanding awarded for works which have been published
in the opinion ofthe selection committee, work in the accelerator field (with no age or accepted for publishing before the
represents scientific excellence limit for the candidate) proposed candidate(s) has (have) reached the
Award Cash prize and diploma Award Cash prize and diploma age of 35.The prize may only be awarded to
candidate(s) who has (have) not reached the
Quantum Electronics Prize ofthe EPS Hannes Alfven Prize age of 37 on 1January 2000.
Quantum Electronics and Optics Division Plasma Physics Division Nominations will be treated in confidence,
Awarded every two years Awarded every year and although they will be acknowledged,
Awarded for outstanding contributions to Awarded for outstanding contributions to there will be no further correspondence.
quantum electronics and optics in basic plasma physics in experimental, theoretical Nominations should be sent prior to 31 March
physics or applied sciences or technological areas 2000 to the Selection Committee, Fresnel
Award Medal and diploma Award Diploma Prize, EPS, 34 rue Marc Seguin, BP 2136, F-
68060 Mulhouse Cedex, France.
Fresnel Prize of the EPS Cecil B. Powell Memorial Medal
Quantum Electronics and Optics Division General EPS Prize
Awarded every two years Awarded every three years
Awarded for outstanding contributions to Awarded to an individual for the purposes Handicap
quantum electronics and optics in basic of delivering a lecture in memory of C.B.
physics or applied sciences-for works Powell on the subject of physics and society International
published before the age of 35 Award Medal The 1997 Nobel Peace Prize winning
Award Medal and diploma association, Handicap International is
Use Meitner Prize calling for support from interested
High Energy and Particle Physics Prize Nuclear Physics Physics Division; Sponsor: scientists from around the world to
High Energy and Particle Physics Division Eurisys Measures, France support their appeal to heads of state to
Awarded every two years Awarded every two years ban the use of anti-personnel mines. More
Awarded for outstanding contributions to Awarded for outstanding contributions to information, including the petition and
high energy physics in experimental, nuclear physics in experimental, theoretical signatories, is available at their website
theoretical or technological areas or technological areas
Award Cash prize, medal and diploma Award Cash Prize, medal and diploma

They noted the importance of strengthen- The statement issued by the Group of 20
The world's finance ing national balance sheets to help cushion finance ministers and central bank
against unexpected shocks. Econophysicists governors:
ministers met last year to and economists are trying to understand Finance ministers and central bank governors of
the nature and causes of large fluctuations the G20 held their inaugural meeting 15 to 16
draw plans against global which come from intrinsic "noise" (rather December 1999 in Berlin, Germany.
than real economic reasons). Once these 1 Ministers and governors welcomed the
financial crisis. We asked causes are understood remedies like the To- improvement in global economic conditions.
bin tax against speculation could be con- They reaffirmed the importance of continued
some econophysicists: how sidered which would reduce the danger of progress by the World Trade Organisation
crashes. I am old enough to remember the toward multilateral liberalisation of trade in
well did they do? repeated dollar crises in the 1960s when goods and services that would bring broad-
American tourists in Paris could not ex- based benefits to the global economy.
change their dollars since a dollar devalua- 2 Ministers and governors discussed the role and
AGlobal tion was feared for the weekend. These
crises where replaced by smooth (and thus
objectives of the G20, and ways to address the
main vulnerabilities currently facing their
more easily acceptable) variations of the respective economies and the global financial
Strategy dollar (after the Bretton Woods system of
fixed exchange rates was abolished). Some
system. They recognised that sound national
economic and financial policies are central to
ast December, finance ministers from smoothening like this should now be found building an international financial system that is
L twenty countries met in Berlin to work
out how to prevent a particular type of
Dietrich Stauffer
less prone to crises. They noted the importance
of strengthening national balance sheets to help
world crisis: financial market meltdown. cushion against unexpected shocks. They
The financial crisis that began in Thailand They recognised that sound national eco- encouraged steps to strengthen sovereign debt
and swept across South-East Asia in 1997, nomic and financial policies are central to management and greater attention to the
and those that lead to currency devaluations building an international financial system impact of various government policies on the
in Russia the following year, and last year in that is less prone to crises. Well, I am glad borrowing decisions of private firms. They
Brazil, were the sort of crises that worried they did. They recognised that unsustain- recognised that unsustainable exchange rate
the finance ministers (and not the kind able exchange rate regimes are a critical regimes are a critical source of vulnerability, and
threatened by a year 2000 computer bug). source of vulnerability, and that a consis- that a consistent exchange rate and monetary
This inaugural meeting brought to- tent exchange rate and monetary policy is policy is essential. They discussed a range of
gether the world's richest countries and essential. possible domestic policy responses to the
developing countries with the aim of What we know is that new techniques challenges of globalisation, and exchanged
defining a common strategy for avoiding (from physics) allow us to quickly monitor views on the role ofthe international community
financial emergencies. These emergencies the evolution of financial data, and we in helping to reduce vulnerability to crises.
can spread from one country to another, don't have to wait months or years before 3 They welcomed the important work that has
as happened in South-East Asia. Prevent- changing policy. Even though our methods been done by the Bretton Woods institutions
ing this might need a consensus on policy. (detrended fluctuation analysis, or others and other bodies toward the establishment of
Top finance officials from the G7 indus- like Zipf-variability, or even multifractals) international codes and standards in key areas,
trial nations (Canada, France, Germany, are full of error bars, and have to be used including transparency, data dissemination, and
Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the with caution, these methods are neverthe- financial sector policy. They agreed that the
United States) were joined by ministers less useful and have been shown to be quite more widespread implementation of such codes
from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, good. and standards would contribute to more
India, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Russia, Mareel Ausloos prosperous domestic economics and a more
Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey, stable international financial system. To
and also the European Central Bank Pres- In the G20 report, globalisation is put for- demonstrate leadership in this area, ministers
ident, the outgoing director of the Inter- ward as being the major vehicle for secur- and governors agreed to undertake the
national Monetary Fund, and the head of ing wealth and happiness. From the point of completion of reports on observance of
the World Bank. The brainchild of US view ofphysicists working on complex sys- standards and codes ("Transparency Reports")
Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, tems, this forgets an essential point: that in- and financial sector assessments, within the
the group calls themselves the Group of20 creasing interactions between sub-systems context of continuing efforts by the
(G20). The meeting was chaired by Cana- often lead to "critical points", ie major dis- International Monetary Fund and the World
da's finance minister Paul Martin. ruptions. The problems that the G20 are Bank to improve these mechanisms. This
After meeting, the officials drew up a trying to cure may disappear, and the situ- commitment will help mobilise support for
one-page action plan. We sent the action ation may transform into a more or less sta- measures to strengthen domestic capacity,
plan to members of the scientific commit- ble system on the intermediate time scale. policies and institutions.
tee for this year's Applications of Physics But this would be punctuated by crises ofan 4 Members of the G20 asked their deputies to
in Financial Analysis conference (to be amplitude never before seen, due to the consider existing work in other fora (including
held in Belgium in June), and to some of strong interconnection of all the the Financial Stability Forum) and to examine
the speakers, too, asking for comments. economies-the modern interdependencies further ways to reduce vulnerabilities to crises.
Most of these "econophysicists" are sure of the worlds economies leads to a more Deputies will report on their progress at the
the action plan is far too light on details. vulnerable system. time of the next meeting, to be held in Canada
We reproduce other comments here. Didier Sornette in autumn 2000. 0

europhysics news JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000 23

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