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Dear University of Arkansas Students,

ñe would like to thank you for taking the time to review our platform and initiatives. ñe are
looking forward to the prospect of serving as ASG Executive Officers for the upcoming year.
Together we have attained five years of working experience in ASG and are determined to help
guide this organization¶s success in the upcoming year. Kayln¶s past ASG experience includes
Fresh HOGS, Liaison to Faculty and Staff Senates, member of the Campus Environment and
Sustainability Senate Committee, and currently serves on the Executive Committee as Chief of Staff
and on the Student Fee Review Board and Distinguished Lecturers Committee. Afshar¶s past
ASG experience includes serving the Executive Cabinet as Director of Legislative Affairs, and he
currently serves as Director of Athletics Relations and co-chairs the Athletics Marketing
Committee working closely with the ASG Vice President.

Throughout our involvement this year, we have established contacts with several
administrators. ñe have further cultivated these relationships in developing our platform while
discussing the feasibility of our initiatives to ensure successful implementation next year. ñe
hope you will share your vision for the university with us and allow our executive team to carry
out this mission.

ñith Arkansas Pride,

Kayln ñilliams and Afshar Sanati

a c c c
 c  cc 
  c cc  c  cc
c  c c ccc
c x   c c c  c c  c

 c c c  cc
£.c Implement MyEdu to allow students access to a website which includes grade histories,
professor comparisons, student written reviews, schedule planner, degree timeline, syllabi
database, and textbook price comparisons specific to the University of Arkansas
2.c Post semester CoursEval professor evaluations in an online database and provide student
access to site
3.c Encourage college administration to conduct formative professor evaluation via student exit
interviews as done in the College of Engineering
4.c Develop Student Statement of Code in tangent with the Faculty Senate¶s Academic Integrity
½c   c ½ c  c! cc  c  c c c
£.c Extend University Add/Drop period during fall/spring semesters to allow students sufficient
time for course selections and allow increased fluidity among departments for course
2.c Explore the needs of non-traditional students and implement more online and late classes
3.c Collaborate with the Office of Student Success to establish a website with pertinent
information for academic success including scholarship renewal criteria, advising
information, tutoring options, scholarship/financial aid information, add/drop deadlines,
and graduation timelines
4.c Revamp or change UA Mail e-mail service providers to Google or Microsoft
5.c Advocate increased spending from Student Information Technology Fee on wireless
expansion (Academic buildings, Residence Halls, and Mullins focus) and computer lab
6.c Encourage students to enroll in summer courses to alleviate crowding of fall and spring
semester courses
7.c Explore collaborating with local hotels to allow students to utilize their lobby spaces as study
areas to provide a solution to on campus crowding during weeks of finals
c  c

 cc c c   !c
!! cc
£.c Continue to install lists of required and recommended textbooks for each course in the ISIS
catalog during registration including the ISBN or author, title, publisher, and copyright date
and retail price
2.c Advocate Faculty Senate to select textbooks with lowest possible price from publishers
3.c Add University of Arkansas bookstore Midday Madness to include the summer term
4.c Apply for McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program RFP to increase number of PhD¶s
attained by students from low income, first generation, and underrepresented groups
5.c Continue progress towards completing Peace Corps RFP by conclusion of fall 20££ semester
(contingent on Peace Corps release of application)
6.c Advertise the following programs: Teach for America, McNair Scholarship, Peace Corps
7.c Utilize a portion of the ASG¶s executive budget to purchase Scantron forms as promotional
items to be distributed throughout the 20££-20£2 academic school year

c !c #cc½c c c

c  cc c $ cc
£.c Implement Razor Rewards for Access Pass holding students to accumulate points at Athletics
and RSO events redeemable for prizes each month c
2.c Collaborate with Athletics to promote and sell Access Passes while maintaining the original
price of $65 c
3.c Collaborate with Booster Club and Student Alumni Association to increase participation and
alumni presence on campus during Homecoming c
4.c Establish a culture of pride associated with students¶ class through promotion at pep rallies
and athletic eventsc
½c  c
c  ½c! c
£.c Implementation of Sustainable Practices
i.c Install more outdoor recycling bins and establish on campus recycling collection station
ii.c Install green roof/vegetative roof systems during construction of new buildings to reduce
storm water runoff and energy use and cost by plant interruption of solar radiation
lowering AC cost
iii.c Explore university purchase of electric vehicles for use on campus
iv.c Promote sustainable smoking habits by exploring distribution of disposable cigarette
waste carriers to reduce litter on periphery of campus
v.c Promote habitual changes in students through visible demonstration projects on campus
promoting sustainable practices
vi.c Promote and provide feedback of Sustainability minor
vii.c Reduce water usage campaign on campus and throughout residence halls
viii.cAdvocate administration for follow through with UA Climate Action Plan
2.c Bikes and Alternative Transit
i.c Revamp RazorBikes Loaner Bike Program with collaboration from HPER Outdoor
Connection Center and Off Campus Connections
ii.c Expand installment of bike racks from £,000 to £,600 to reflect number of bike users as
stated in the 20£0 Student Poll
3.c Funding Sustainable Initiatives
i.c Apply for grants/obtain sponsors to fund implementation of sustainable practices
ii.c Launch educational campaign to inform students of initiatives that could be funded
through installment of minimal green fee
4.c Retrofitting existing infrastructure
i.c Install filtered water stations on existing water fountains in all buildings
ii.c Explore cost of installation of exercise equipment that produces and stores energy to
power lighting for campus buildings
iii.c Advocate to extend hours of Razorback Recycling to accommodate an increased number
of students
c ! c

£.c Utilize sponsorships to implement a new distribution center for Safe Ridec
2.c Reorganize the routing structure of Safe Ride to meet the needs of its users:c
i.c £ Safe Ride van will be utilized as a shuttle to a designated stop on Dickson Street and will
distribute students to set route including Union Station, residence halls, and highly
populated apartment complexes near campus c
ii.c 2-3 Safe Ride vans will be on call for dispatch to retrieve students whose needs are not
satisfied by the shuttle service c
iii.c Purchase smaller capacity vehicles and additional staff to service students in addition to
van transportation upon obtaining sponsorships c
3.c Establish a GPS tracking application for students to track Safe Ride vans and Razorback
transit via cell phones and provide student representative to serve on this exploratory
committee c
4.c Continue to advertise the conditions and uses of Safe Ride to ensure effective service and
expectations from studentsc
5.c Track the benefits of Safe Ride via drinking and driving accidents throughout the Fayetteville
community to add to study of Safe Ride effectiveness for use in fundraising efforts c
c   cc  c

£.c Southeastern Conferencec
i.c Promote increased communication with SEC student governments to collaborate on
similar initiativesc
ii.c Organize SEC institutions to travel to ñashington, DC for an advocacy trip by acquiring
feedback from each institution of individual advocacy trips and combining efforts for
upcoming year to mirror µBig £2 on the Hill¶c
2.c Statec
i.c Increase communication across Arkansas colleges and universities by hosting bimonthly
conference calls/video chats among student government leaders via c
ii.c Maximize voice of student governments in Arkansas by collectively presenting to
legislatures in Little Rock during advocacy trip when legislature is seated and
collaborating with Richard Hudson to anticipate pertinent legislation during off years c
iii.c Train student advocates by providing lobbying workshops before travelling to Little Rockc
iv.c Link legislative alerts regarding higher education to the ASG website to keep students
informed about issues affecting their education c
3.c Arkansas Student Associationc
i.c Establish a non-partisan statewide organization including membership of all student
body presidents from the University of Arkansas System to collectively represent the
interests of students c
ii.c Encourage UA administration and state legislature to appoint Arkansas Student
Association Chairman to a one-year-term with non-voting rights to the Board of Trustees c
iii.c Encourage administration to invite two student members from the Arkansas Student
Association to Board of Trustees meetings representing 2 and 4-year institutions c
c  !c
c! c
£.c ñork with UAPD to develop policy for intruder drills to be explained to students by
professors before the start of semester c
2.c Advocate participation in ³Promo Fight Night´ programs with Officer Sibley to freshmen
women including recruitment in resident halls, RSOs, and Greek Life c
3.c Advocate Facilities Management to continue pilot of white flashing lights in Garland
crosswalk in implementation of additional crosswalks c

c ½c "c c& c!ccc
£.c Implement technology to allow students, faculty, and staff to pay for parking by phone in paid
parking spaces on campus and in garages c
2.c Continue to provide student representation in implementing new parking ³lot specific´ policy
and create fair pricing for students based on proximity to campus c
3.c Collaboration with Parking & Transit to continue to allow students to purchase unused Staff
parking spots in the Garland garage c
4.c Encourage carpooling by promotion of Connect by Hertz rental cars (Ford Escape, Toyota and
Mazda) c
5.c Explore student residents¶ interests in the city streets of Oakland and Lindell to becoming
striped to allow easier parallel parking in this area c
6.c Collaborate with Transit to explore the cost of installing RFID tags for student ID cards to
easily track transit passengers upon boarding buses c
7.c Explore cities and universities utilizing robotic parking garages to include as an option for the
next garage purchase c
c %   !c!  cc  ccc
£.c Encourage readership by incorporating into all FYE classes and through presentation to FYE
professors and Faculty and Staff Senatesc
2.c Explore cost of carrying an additional newspaper (ñashington Post, The Onion, and/or Los
Angeles Times)
c ! c cc c ½ c
c c'  ( cccc
c  c   c c
£.c Provide once a semester concerts at the Greek Theater to support United ñay Campaign or
other nonprofit organization and encourage donations (canned food, clothing, etc.) c
2.c Continue ASG Literacy Program to promote educational outreach to elementary school
students in local Fayetteville elementary schools c
3.c Target service outreach projects to specific departments/majors to ensure community service
work pertains to students¶ majors/interests c
½c  c ½ c$ c   ccc
£.c Collaborate with ISO to install a book discussion group to read and discuss American
literature and help improve understanding of English reading skills and American language
and culture for international studentsc
2.c Provide charter service to the airports during beginning of school sessions and holidays for
minimal fee c
3.c Continue ASG¶s Liaison to International Students attendance at SILC student council
meetings and ISS meetings/eventsc
4.c Pair international students interested in student government with Cabinet, Senator, or Senate
Committee members c
c  c ½ c$ c  cc
£.c Conduct student poll for graduate students to explore unique needs in order of importancec
2.c Continue to advocate for lower cost of health insurancec
3.c Explore cost of implementing Legal Aid Centerc
4.c Advertise ASG Senate applications during orientations to promote graduate and law student
c c  c c c!! c
£.c Establish ASG Director of Diversity Executive Cabinet position to promote diversity within
students representing ASG c
2.c Collaborate with the Multicultural Center to promote diversity education, awareness, and
community enhancement by seeking students to pursue leadership positions regardless of
race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, age, ability, or socio-economic
status c
3.c Collaborate with the Dean of Admissions to promote scholarships to minorities c
4.c Program a dance to be held after a pep rally in the fall with Booster Club, ASG, and Tri-
Council focusing on the importance of diversityc
c  c c c  cc
£.c Legislative Branchc
i.c Explore moving ASG Senate Elections from fall to spring by spring 20£2c
ii.c Train Senate and Cabinet during end of spring semester retreat to increase effectiveness
at the beginning of fall semester by spring 20£2c
iii.c Encourage feedback from college constituents to Senators based on collegec
iv.c Increase visibility of Senators by hosting meet and greets/promotional tabling at
respective colleges upon being elected c
2.c Executive Branchc
i.c Host SEC Exchange for £2 SEC institutions in spring 20£2c
ii.c Reorganize the structure of Fresh HOGS guided by the ASG Secretary and Fresh HOGS
Commission by aligning each participant with an ASG Senate committee or Cabinet
commission c
iii.c Launch educational campaign on the ASG website to clarify the structure of each branch
of ASG including the associated budgets of each branch c
iv.c Appoint ASG representative to SEC Delegation which recruits students across various
conferences to attend SEC institutions
v.c Launch an advertising campaign to inform students of the Fee Restructuring,
Empowerment, and Efficacy (FREE) Act of 20££ and its affect on tuition and fees
3.c ASG Alumni Association c
i.c Establish ASG Alumni Association in conjunction with the ASG President¶s Council to
include any past student government participants across all branches c
ii.c Membership will be contingent on yearly graduated fee c
iii.c Members will meet during even years to choose UA student scholarship recipients based
on leadership experience c
iv.c Utilize ASG 90th year Anniversary to showcase ASG¶s initiatives and progress to former
members c

c )cc c *%c ½ ccc

£.c Petition administration to increase RFPs to include an increased number of apartment
contracts located close to campus to accommodate more upperclassmen c
2.c Continue to provide feedback to administration concerning campus dining expansion to
accommodate increased enrollment c
3.c Advocate for construction plans of a new residence hall for the upcoming academic yearc
4.c Solicit off-campus restaurants to accept RazorBucks as form of payment to increase
convenience for students with meal plans c
5.c Advocate for renovation of Hotz Hall to increase on campus housing c
c  cc½ 
c "c+
£.c Explore possible renovations of existing infrastructure to offer in negotiations with new
chapter for housing c
2.c Promote Greek Life to maintain retention without dramatically increasing participants in
recruitment each year c
3.c Establish Greek Life Committee and appoint three representatives representing National
Panhellenic Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, and Interfraternity Council to meet
monthly with the ASG Liaison to Greek Life c
4.c Collaborate in conjunction with Student Affairs and Greek Life to explore the establishment
of an all-Greek judicial board to improve efficiency within OCSSE c
5.c Calculate savings for Greek houses by tracking and decreasing the carbon footprint and
monthly energy use of each housec
i.c Apply for external grant/sponsorship to subsidize the initial cost of carrying sustainable
kitchen goods in Greek houses to lower cost and increase sustainability by eliminating
ii.c Explore adding Greek life food waste to the UA¶s earth tubs composting systemc
c , 
£.c ASG guide the establishment of a leadership forum across campus including ASG, RIC, SILC,
Greek Life Tri-Council, House of RSOs, UP, VAC, ISS, etc. to meet once a semester c
2.c Provide student feedback in Garland space allocation process and explore cost of including a
HPER satellite c
3.c Encourage committees to host a website for feedback for DLC and Headliners
choices/event/venue before concert/lecture to aid committees in selection process c
4.c Provide an online forum for students to leave ideas for ASG to advocate on behalf
of/implement ³Ideas to Action´ c

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