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Gordon Ramsay
Recipe Book
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 1 - Starter
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Warm goat's cheese salad with an apple vinaigrette
Serves 4

4 x 70g individual soft goat’s cheeses with rind e.g. Gevrik

Few sprigs of thyme

2 baby gem lettuces, washed

40g lamb’s lettuce, washed

50g walnut halves

4 slices of white bread

Olive oil


Black pepper
For the vinaigrette

½ lemon, juice only

1 tbsp walnut oil

½ apple, such as Granny Smith or Bramley, grated
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 1 - Starter
Method: How to make warm goat's cheese salad with apple and walnut
1. Pre heat oven to 200°C/gas 6.
2. Place the goat's cheese on a baking tray. Arrange a walnut half on top of
each cheese. Lightly crush the remaining walnuts with your fingers and set
aside. Drizzle the cheese with olive oil, scatter over the thyme leaves and
season with black pepper.
3. Bake in the oven for 6 minutes, or until the cheese has melted inside but
retained its shape.
4. Shred the baby gems before transferring to a bowl. Add the lamb’s
lettuce and crushed walnuts. Toss to mix.
5. In a separate bowl mix the lemon juice with approximately 1 tablespoon
of walnut oil and 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Grate in half the apple, season
with salt and pepper and mix to combine.
6. Drizzle a little vinaigrette over the salad and toss together.
7. Toast the bread until golden. When ready, use a cleaned out tin can or a
chef's ring to cut the toast into 4 round croutons.
8. To serve, arrange the dressed walnut salad onto serving plates. Place the
crouton on the salad and top with the goat's cheese. Spoon over the
remaining vinaigrette and serve.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 1 - Main
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Salmon en croute with herbed new potatoes and
broccoli recipe
Serves 4
For the salmon en croute

Approx 10g bunch of basil

Approx 5g bunch dill

60g unsalted butter at room temperature

Zest of 1 lemon

1 x approx 1kg side of salmon, skinned, pin boned and cut in half

1 tbsp wholegrain mustard

Plain flour, to dust

500g shortcrust pastry

1 x egg

Olive oil


Black pepper
For the new potatoes

750g small new potatoes

Approx 10g bunch basil

Approx 5g bunch dill
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 1 - Main
For the broccoli

1 large head of broccoli, or 2 smaller

2 garlic cloves, peeled
Method: How to make salmon en croute with herbed new potatoes and
garlic sautéed broccoli
1. Preheat oven to 200°C/gas 6.
2. Dust a clean surface with flour and roll out the pastry using the salmon as
a guide size. Leave to rest in a cool place.
3. Place the softened butter in a large bowl. Use scissors to roughly chop in
the dill and basil before grating in the lemon zest. Season with salt and
pepper and mix.
4. Pat the salmon fillets dry using kitchen paper and season with salt and
pepper. Spread the butter mixture over one side of the fillet and the
wholegrain mustard on the other. Sandwich the two salmon fillets together,
in opposite directions so that both ends are of a similar thickness.
5. Beat 1 egg to make your egg wash. Place the salmon in the centre of the
pastry and brush around it with the egg wash, season with salt and pepper.
Bring up the longest pastry sides, trimming as much excess away as possible,
and tuck them in before folding the shorter pastry edges over to form a neat
parcel. Turn the whole thing over so that the seam is sitting on the bottom,
and transfer to a non-stick baking tray. Brush with egg wash over the
outside. Mark the pastry using the back of a small knife to make a cross
hatch. Mark again to show 4 portions. Finally season the salmon parcel with
salt and pepper.
6. Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes, or until the pastry is golden brown
and crisp.
7. Meanwhile, boil the potatoes for approximately 12-15 minutes in salted
water, until tender. Strain into a colander and leave to drain over the pot.
Drizzle with olive oil, and chop in the extra dill and basil. Season with salt
and pepper to taste.
8. Cut the broccoli into florets, and cut any larger florets in half. Cook in a
pan of boiling salted water for 3 minutes, or until al dente. Drain.
9. Sauté the broccoli in a dry pan for a minute. Crush in the garlic and add
to the broccoli with a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper and sauté for a
further minute.
10. Remove the salmon from the oven and allow to cool slightly. Use a
serrated knife to cut into 4 portions and serve alongside the sautéed
broccoli and herbed potatoes.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 1 - Pudding
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Caramelised rhubarb and ginger crumble with clotted
cream recipe
Serves 4

500g rhubarb, trimmed

2-3 inch piece of ginger

100g caster sugar

40g unsalted butter, cut into cubes

Splash of dark rum
For the crumble

50g hazelnuts

100g plain flour

Pinch of ground cinnamon

45g cold unsalted butter, cut into cubes

75g demerara sugar

Clotted cream, to serve
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 1 - Pudding
Method: How to make caramelised rhubarb and ginger crumble with
clotted cream
1. Preheat the oven to 200˚C/gas 6.
2. Cut the rhubarb into 2 inch pieces and halve lengthways if the stems are
thick. Peel the ginger.
3. Gently heat the sugar in a pan until dissolved and beginning to caramelise.
Add the rhubarb and grate in the ginger. Toss to coat. Gradually add the
butter and shake the pan to combine. Allow the rhubarb to caramelise
evenly, turning if necessary. Add a splash of dark rum and stand back as the
alcohol may flambé. Cook for a further minute until the sauce is thick and
syrupy and rhubarb is breaking down.
4. To make the crumble topping place all the ingredients in a food processor
and blend until evenly combined (if you want to make your crumble mixture
a little stickier also add a splash of water at this stage). Transfer the
mixture to a bowl until ready to use.
5. Spoon the caramelised rhubarb into the bottom of 4 small individual
serving dishes. Sprinkle the crumble mixture on top and bake for 15-20
minutes until golden brown and bubbling.
6. Remove from the oven and serve with a spoonful of clotted cream.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 2 - Starter
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Minted pea and watercress veloute recipe
Serves 4

1 tbsp olive oil

½ white onion

4 slices smoked streaky bacon

500g frozen peas, thoroughly defrosted

60g watercress

20g (or small bunch) fresh mint leaves

Approx 550ml boiling water

Approx 30ml double cream


Method: How to make minted pea and watercress veloute
1. Heat the oil in a pan. Slice the onion and chop the bacon before frying
together for 1-2 minutes.
2. Once the onion has softened and the bacon has browned use a pair of
scissors to chop in the mint leaves. Allow to cook briefly before adding the
3. Season with a little salt, then add the watercress and allow to sweat
down for 30 seconds.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 2 - Starter
4. Pour in 550ml boiling water and allow the peas to cook - approximately a
further 1-2 minutes.
5. Remove from the heat and transfer the soup to a liquidiser and blend.
Alternatively, use a hand blender and blend in the pan until smooth. If the
soup is a little too thick, add an extra splash of water.
6. Adjust the seasoning if necessary and pour the soup into serving bowls.
7. Drizzle with a swirl of cream to serve.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 2 - Main
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Gordon's classic lasagne al forno
Serves 4

2 tbsp olive oil

½ large onion, peeled

1 large carrot, peeled

2 cloves garlic, peeled

2 pinches dried oregano

300g minced beef

1 tbsp tomato purée

1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

1 bay leaf

30ml (2 tbsp) red wine

1 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes

50ml milk

Salt and freshly ground black pepper
For the sauce

25g butter

25g flour

300ml milk

Pinch of ground nutmeg

60g Cheddar cheese, grated

30g Parmesan cheese, grated

6 sheets of 'non-cook' lasagne sheets
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 2 - Main
For the salad

1 tsp Dijon mustard

1 tbsp white wine vinegar

2-3 tbsp olive oil

Salt and pepper

1 x round lettuce head, rinsed and dried
Method: How to make Gordon's classic lasagne al forno
1. Pre-heat the oven to 225°C.
2. Heat the olive oil in a hot pan. Grate the onion and carrot and crush the
garlic before frying together. Season with the bay leaf, a pinch of oregano,
Worcestershire sauce and a little salt and pepper. Allow the onion to soften
before making a well in the centre of the pan. Place the mince in the
middle of the pan and stir to break it up. Add the tomato puree and allow to
cook out for 30 seconds. Continue until all the meat has browned nicely.
Add the wine and cook off the alcohol before adding the tomatoes. Leave to
simmer for a further 2-3 minutes. Finally add the milk, turn off the heat and
set aside (watch Gordon's video on how to prepare bolognaise).
3. To make the cheese sauce, first melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the
flour and using a wooden spoon, stir to form a paste. Over a gentle heat add
a third of the milk, whisking to prevent any lumps forming. Add the rest of
the milk a third at a time, whisking as you go. Season with salt and pepper
and a pinch of ground nutmeg. Allow the sauce to cook out for another
minute before adding the Cheddar cheese. Stir and remove from the heat
(watch Gordon's video on how to make the best white sauce).
4. Spoon half of the meat sauce into the bottom of the baking dish and
place pasta sheets on top (break the sheets if necessary to avoid any
overlapping). Next, pour in just under half of the cheese sauce, and spread
evenly using a spatula before spooning the remaining meat on top. Add the
final layer of pasta and use the spatula to pour over the remaining cheese
5. Finish with the grated Parmesan and sprinkle with another pinch of
oregano. Add a light seasoning of salt and pepper before cleaning the edges
of the dish and placing in the oven to bake for 20-25 minutes, or until
golden brown.
6. In the bottom of your salad bowl use a fork to whisk together the mustard,
vinegar and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Carefully open the head
of lettuce, season inside with salt and pepper. Upend the lettuce headfirst
into the salad bowl. Holding the root, wipe the leaves around the bowl to
coat in the vinaigrette. Twist the root and pull it out. Turn the dressed head
of lettuce onto a large plate and gently open out.
7. Portion out the lasagne and serve alongside the salad.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 2 - Pudding
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Lemon and lime syllabub recipe
Serves 4

500ml double cream

1 lemon, zest and juice

1 lime, zest and juice

75g icing sugar

50g (or 5) Ginger nut biscuits
Method: How to make lemon and lime syllabub
1. Pour the cream into a large bowl and sift in the icing sugar. Grate in the
zest of the lemon and lime and squeeze in the juice from both – straining
through a sieve to avoid any pips. Whisk the cream until it just begins to
reach stiff peaks.
2. Lightly crush 4 of the biscuits with your fingers and divide into the
bottom of the serving glasses. Reserve the 5th biscuit for the garnish.
3. Spoon the syllabub into the glasses. If you have time at this stage, you
can refrigerate the syllabubs for a couple of minutes to help them set.
4. Use a grater to finely grate over the remaining biscuit and serve.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 3 - Starter
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Angel hair pasta with crab, chilli and lime recipe
Serves 4

200g angel hair pasta

3 garlic cloves, peeled

1 red chilli

4 spring onions

Approx 75ml dry white wine

1 lime

250g white crab meat

Handful of flat leaf parsley


Black pepper

Olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 3 - Starter
Method: How to make angel hair pasta with crab, chilli and lime
1. Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil. When it comes to a rolling
boil, add the pasta and cook according to pack instructions until al dente
(approximately 3-4 minutes).
2. Heat another large pan with the olive oil. Chop the spring onions, thinly
slice the chilli (deseed if you prefer) and crush the garlic. Sauté for 1-2
minutes and season with salt and pepper.
3. Add the wine to the pan and cook out for a minute to reduce. Add the
crab meat, stir together and allow to heat through.
4. Drain the pasta and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and season with salt
and pepper. Add the pasta to the crab mixture, chop the parsley and toss
the ingredients to combine.
5. Divide between warm plates and serve immediately with a generous
squeeze of lime juice, and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 3 - Main
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Duck breast with cherry and port sauce and mashed
potato recipe
Serves 4

4 duck breasts, about 225g each, skin on (Barbary preferably)

Olive oil

Salt and pepper
For the mashed potatoes

800g medium floury potatoes (e.g. Maris Piper), peeled and quartered
For the sauce

200ml port

200ml chicken stock

Few sprigs of thyme

50g dried cherries

20g cold butter, cut into cubes
For the pak choi

2 x pak choi bulbs, leaves separated and washed

2 x garlic cloves, peeled

1 tbsp soy sauce
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 3 - Main
Method: How to make duck breasts with dried cherry and port sauce and
mashed potatoes
1. Place the peeled and chopped potatoes in a pan of cold water. Season
with salt and cook with the lid on for 12-14 minutes until the potatoes are
tender. Drain, and return briefly to the heat to dry them out. Mash the
potatoes with a generous measure of olive oil - anywhere from 1-2
tablespoons, depending on the desired consistency. Season with salt and
pepper and keep warm until ready to serve.
2. Sprinkle the duck breasts with salt and pepper and rub all over. Place a
large frying pan over medium heat and add the duck breasts, skin side down.
Fry for 4-5 minutes until most of the fat from under the skin has rendered
down and the skin is golden brown. Turn the duck over and lightly brown the
other side. Remove the duck from the pan and keep warm.
3. To make the sauce, drain any excess fat from the duck pan and deglaze
with the port – allow to bubble for 30 seconds to remove the alcohol. Add
the duck back into the pan with the cherries and thyme. Pour in the chicken
stock and bring to the boil. Lower the heat to simmering point and allow the
sauce to bubble away until the mixture is reduced to a third. Remember to
turn the duck occasionally to ensure it cooks evenly. Add the cold butter
and shake the pan until the butter has melted and the sauce has thickened
slightly. Remove from the heat, take the duck out to rest for approximately
3 minutes.
4. Place all the pak choi leaves in a large bowl (cut any large ones into half
lengthways) and drizzle with olive oil, soy sauce and a grinding of pepper.
Crush in the garlic and toss together in the bowl with the other ingredients.
5. Heat a separate frying pan until hot and sauté the pak choi for 1-2
minutes, until just wilted.
6. Divide the pak choi among warm serving plates. Carve the duck breasts
into three slices and arrange over the pak choi. Spoon the port and cherry
sauce over and serve the mashed potatoes alongside.
Watch Gordon's video on how to render and cook duck breasts
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 3 - Pudding
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Tiramisu recipe

250g mascarpone

4 tbsp icing sugar

3 tbsp Marsala, or other fortified wine

1 tsp vanilla extract

150ml double cream

200ml cold strong coffee

4 sponge fingers

Piece chocolate, to grate as garnish
Method: How to make tiramisu
1. Sift the icing sugar into the mascarpone and beat together with the
Marsala and vanilla extract.
2. In a separate bowl, whisk the cream until you reach the soft peak stage.
3. Mix the cream and mascarpone together and refrigerate if possible.
4. Break the sponge fingers in two and very briefly dip them in the cold
espresso. Divide them into the bottom of the serving glasses and spoon over
the mascarpone mixture.
5. Grate a little chocolate on top before serving.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 4 - Main
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Steak Diane with sautéed potatoes and peas recipe
Serves 4

4 x small sirloin steaks, approx 200g each, trimmed of rind and excess

3 shallots, peeled

100g chestnut mushrooms, cleaned

1 garlic clove, peeled

Worcestershire sauce, to taste

1 tbsp Dijon mustard

50ml brandy

200ml single cream

Small handful of flat-leaf parsley

300g peas (defrosted if using frozen)

Approx 30g salted butter

Olive oil

Salt and pepper
For the sautéed potatoes:

Approx 500g-600g small Charlotte potatoes, cut in half

2 garlic cloves, peeled

Few sprigs of rosemary
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 4 - Main
Method: How to make steak Diane with sautéed potatoes and peas
1. Parboil the potatoes in boiling salted water for 4-5 minutes or until just
tender. Drain the potatoes and set aside.
2. Using a rolling pin, roll out the steaks to flatten and cut off the rind of
fat. Season the steaks on both sides with salt and pepper (watch the step-
by-step video from Gordon on how to prepare the steak).
3. Heat a little olive oil in a heavy based pan. Quickly sauté the steaks on
both sides for approx 1 minute to colour, then remove from the pan and set
aside to rest.
4. Bring the same pan back up to temperature and add a little more oil if
necessary. Slice the shallots and mushrooms add to the pan, season with salt
and pepper and sauté briefly. Crush in the garlic and stir (watch the step-
by-step video from Gordon on how to make the sauce for steak Diane).
5. Add the Worcestershire sauce and mustard and heat through for 1-2
minutes. Tilt the pan away from you, pour the alcohol into the far end and
allow it to ignite. Once the alcohol has burnt off, swirl the juices around the
pan. Pour in the cream and add the steaks and any resting juices back into
the pan. Allow the steaks to heat through for 2-3 minutes. Chop the parsley
and sprinkle it into the pan.
6. Introduce the steaks back into the pan and cook for 2- 3 minutes
(depending on how well done you like your steak).
7. Heat a little oil in a separate pan and add the potatoes. Season with a
little salt and pepper and add the rosemary. Crush in two garlic cloves and
sauté. Toss the potatoes, add a knob of butter and sauté for a further 1-2
minutes until golden and cooked through (watch the step-by-step video from
Gordon on how to make sauteed potatoes).
8. Cook the peas for 2-3 minutes in boiling salted water with a little butter.
Drain, and keep warm.
9. To serve, transfer the steaks to serving plates and spoon the sauce over.
Arrange the sautéed potatoes and peas alongside.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 4 - Pudding
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Mandarin cheesecake recipe
Serves 6-8

2 x 298g tins mandarin segments
For the base:

Butter for greasing

175g digestive biscuits

75g unsalted butter
For the filling:

400g cream cheese

2 vanilla pods

100g icing sugar

1 orange, zest only

300ml double cream
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 4 - Pudding
Method: How to make mandarin cheesecake
1. Lightly grease a 20cm/8" spring-form cake tin with butter.
2. Drain the mandarin segments and place them on a plate lined with
kitchen paper and set aside.
3. To make the base, place the biscuits into a food processor and blend to
form fine crumbs.
4. Melt the butter in a medium saucepan, add the biscuit crumbs and stir to
combine. Transfer the mixture into the cake tin and press over the tin base,
to spread evenly. Place in the freezer for 5 minutes to set.
5. Beat the cream cheese in a large bowl. Split the vanilla pods open,
scrape out the seeds and mix them into the cream cheese. Sift in the icing
sugar and grate in the orange zest. In a separate bowl, whisk the cream
until you reach soft peaks, then fold it into the cream cheese mixture to
6. Spread the mixture on top of the biscuit base and use a palette knife, or
the back of a spoon, to level it out. Chill in the freezer for a minimum 5
7. When ready to serve arrange the mandarin segments on top and carefully
remove the cheesecake from the tin.
*Note: if you don’t wish to eat the cheesecake immediately you can allow
the cream mixture to set in the fridge for half an hour rather than using the
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 5 - Starter
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Hot and sour prawn soup recipe

800ml chicken stock

1-2 large red chillies

3cm piece of ginger, peeled

2 lemongrass stalks

4 tbsp fish sauce, to taste

3-4 tbsp lime juice, to taste

1 tbsp caster sugar

Freshly ground black pepper

100g shiitake mushrooms, chopped

250g raw prawns, shelled and de-veined

Small bunch of coriander
Method: How to make hot and sour prawn soup
1. Put the stock in a pot and bring to a simmer. Slice the chillies in half
lengthways, roughly chop the ginger and lemongrass and add them all to the
stock with the lime juice, fish sauce, sugar and season with black pepper.
Simmer for a few minutes until the stock is fragrant.
2. Strain the stock into a large jug and add back to the pan. Add the
mushrooms and prawns and cook for 2-3 minutes or until the prawns are
cooked. Taste and adjust the seasoning of the broth.
3. Chop the coriander and stir through. Ladle the soup into warm bowls to
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 5 - Main
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Stir fried beef with peppers and egg noodles recipe
Serves 4

500g lean beef steak, such as fillet

2 garlic cloves, peeled

3cm piece of ginger, peeled and finely grated

1 large red pepper

3 spring onions

1 red chilli

150g bean sprouts

300g medium egg noodles

Handful of coriander leaves, chopped

Soy sauce

Groundnut oil

Toasted sesame oil

Salt and pepper
For the sauce

4 tbsp soy sauce

2 tbsp oyster sauce

1 tbsp rice vinegar
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 5 - Main
Method: How to make stir fried beef with peppers and egg noodles
1. Bring a pan of salted water to the boil for the noodles.
2. Trim and cut the beef fillet into thin strips, place into a bowl and toss
with 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, a little sesame oil and a pinch each of salt
and pepper. Crush in the garlic, add the grated ginger and mix well. Leave
to marinade for a few minutes while you prepare the rest of the vegetables.
3. Heat a wok or a large frying pan until hot then add a little groundnut oil,
and a touch of sesame oil, swirling the wok to coat the surface evenly. Add
the beef strips and stir-fry for a couple of minutes until nicely browned.
Strain into a colander and catch the juices in a bowl underneath.
4. Slice the pepper, spring onions and red chilli and toss together in a large
bowl. Add a little more groundnut oil and sesame oil to the pan and stir-fry
the vegetables for 2-3 minutes. Add the beansprouts and half the chopped
coriander for the last 30 seconds. Remove the vegetables and transfer to
the colander with the beef.
Watch Gordon's lesson in how to handle chillis
5. For the sauce, pour 4 tablespoons of soy sauce, the oyster sauce, rice
vinegar and the reserved beef juices to the pan and allow to reduce to a
syrupy glaze.
6. Blanch the noodles in the boiling water for about 3-4 minutes, until
tender but still retaining a slight bite, then drain and immediately toss with
a little sesame oil and the remaining coriander. Divide equally among
serving bowls.
7. Return the beef and vegetables to the pan with the sauce to warm
though. Spoon the beef, vegetables and sauce over the noodles and serve at
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 5 - Pudding
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Gordon's hot bananas recipe
Serves 4

3 medium bananas

75g caster sugar

15g unsalted butter

½ red chilli, deseeded, finely sliced

50ml dark rum

60ml coconut milk

Vanilla ice cream, to serve
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 5 - Pudding
Method: How to make Gordon's hot bananas
1. Sprinkle the sugar over the base of a wide, heavy, non-stick frying pan
and place over a high heat until it melts and begins to caramelise around
the edge of the pan. Chop the chilli and add to the sugar.
2. Peel and roughly slice the bananas on the diagonal.
3. Add the bananas and coat in the caramel, then add the butter. Allow the
bananas to caramelise for 2-3 minutes before pouring in the rum and
flambéing. Let the flames burn out, then pour in the coconut milk and swirl
to combine. Cook out for a further 1-2 minutes before removing from the
4. Spoon the hot bananas into the bottom of the serving glasses/bowls and
top with a scoop of vanilla ice cream to serve.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 6 - Starter
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Shami lamb kebabs with mint and yoghurt sauce recipe
Serves 4

1 small red onion, peeled

1 red chilli

Pinch of ground cloves

½ tsp fennel seeds

½ tsp pink peppercorns (or white if pink are unavailable)

1 tsp turmeric powder

Medium sized bunch of mint


Olive oil or groundnut oil

350g lamb mince

1 egg yolk

200g natural yoghurt

1 lime, zest and juice
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 6 - Starter
Method: How to make shami lamb kebabs with mint and yoghurt sauce
1. Chop the onion into quarters, deseed the chilli and place in a food
processor with the ground cloves, fennel seeds, peppercorns, turmeric and
half the mint. Season with a little salt and blend together.
2. Heat a couple of tablespoons of oil in a non-stick frying pan.
3. Put the lamb mince in a large bowl and add the blended onion and spice
mix. Add the egg yolk and mix well to combine. Shape the mixture into 8
small shami kebabs (patties).
4. Fry the kebabs for 3-4 minutes on each side until nicely coloured and
cooked through.
5. To make the dip, chop the remaining mint and mix into the yoghurt with
the lime zest.
6. Transfer the kebabs to a serving plate and squeeze the lime juice on top.
Serve with the mint and yoghurt sauce.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 6 - Main
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Chicken tikka masala recipe
Serves 4

Groundnut oil

1 large onion, peeled

2 fresh green chillies

1" piece of ginger, peeled

3 garlic cloves, peeled

½ tsp red chilli powder

1 tsp turmeric

2 tsp garam masala

1 tbsp soft brown sugar

1 tbsp tomato puree

400g tinned chopped tomatoes

4 boneless chicken breasts (approx 150g each), cubed

10 dried curry leaves

4-6 tbsp natural yoghurt

Handful of fresh coriander leaves, chopped
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 6 - Main
For the steamed rice

400g basmati rice, rinsed

600ml cold water

Salt and pepper

3 cardamom pods, lightly crushed

2 star anise
Method: How to make chicken tikka masala
1. Heat two tablespoons of groundnut oil in a pan. Slice the onion and fry in
the oil. Meanwhile, deseed and chop the chilli, chop the ginger and add to
the hot pan, crush in the garlic and cook for 2-3 minutes to soften.
2. Add the chilli powder, turmeric, garam masala and sugar and cook for 1-2
minutes. Next, add the tomato puree and chopped tomatoes to the pan and
allow them to cook for a further few minutes.
3. Transfer the sauce to a food processor and blend until smooth (watch the
video from Gordon on how to prepare tikka masala sauce).
4. Add a tablespoon of fresh groundnut oil into the pan and fry the chicken
pieces until lightly coloured (watch the video from Gordon on how to joint a
chicken). Pour in the blended sauce and add the curry leaves. Simmer gently
for 10 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.
5. Place the rice in a saucepan, add the cold water and season with salt and
pepper (watch the video from Gordon on how to cook rice). Lightly crush
the cardamom pods with your fingers and add to the pan with the star anise.
Cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow
the rice to steam for a further 5 minutes. Remove the cardamom and star
anise. Fluff up the rice with a fork and set aside.
6. Stir in the yoghurt to the chicken curry along with half the chopped
coriander. Serve with the steamed rice and garnish with the remaining
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 6 - Pudding
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Marinated Bombay oranges recipe
Serves 4

4 medium oranges

30g bunch of coriander

30g bunch of mint

150g caster sugar

½ pomegranate, seeds only

150ml natural yoghurt
Method: How to make marinated Bombay oranges
1. Peel the oranges, and slice them into rounds.
2. Blend the coriander, mint and caster sugar in a food processor until you
have a finepowder.
3. Arrange the orange slices on serving plates and sprinkle generously with
the sugared herb mixture. Scatter over the pomegranate seeds.
4. Spoon the yoghurt into a piping bag with a small nozzle, and drizzle the
yoghurt over the fruit.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 7 - Starter
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Roast chestnut, parsnip and apple soup
Serves 4

50g butter

2 medium parsnips, peeled and grated

2 celery stalks, chopped

1 tsp curry powder

Small bunch sage

1 apple, peeled, cored and chopped

250g roasted chestnuts, shelled, skinned and roughly chopped

800ml – 1 litre hot vegetable stock

100ml single cream

Olive oil

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 7 - Starter
Method: How to make roast chestnut, parsnip and apple soup
1. Melt the butter in a wide pan and add the parsnips. Allow to cook out
briefly before adding the celery followed by the apples.
2. Add the curry powder and tear in a couple of sage leaves.
3. Season with salt and pepper and allow to soften before adding the
4. Pour in the stock and cream. Cover and allow to simmer for 4–5 minutes.
5. Remove the pan from the heat and pour in the cream.
6. Use a hand-held stick blender or a regular blender to liquidise the soup to
a smooth and creamy purée (you may need to do this in batches if using a
jug blender).
7. Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary.
8. If you prefer the soup thinner, loosen the consistency with a splash of hot
9. Pour into warm bowls. Finely slice 3-4 sage leaves and sprinkle over the
soup to garnish. Drizzle over a little olive oil and serve.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 7 - Main
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Christmas paella recipe
Serves 4

1 red pepper, finely diced

1 medium onion, finely chopped

2 cloves garlic, peeled

400g paella rice

125ml dry white wine

1 tsp smoked paprika

Generous pinch of saffron threads

1l hot vegetable stock

12 large fresh mussels, well scrubbed, beards removed

4 large prawns

4 prepared squid, approx 170g in total, sliced into rings

Approx 280g monkfish fillet, roughly chopped

Handful flat leaf parsley, chopped

1 lemon cut into wedges

Olive oil

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 7 - Main
Method: How to make Christmas paella
1. Heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in a large paella pan or frying
pan. Add the onion and cook out briefly.
2. Add the chopped pepper and crush in the garlic. Season with a little salt
and pepper and cook until softened.
3. Sprinkle the smoked paprika and saffron into the pan. Follow with the
rice and stir well so that each grain of rice is well coated in oil.
4. Add the wine and allow to evaporate before pouring in the hot stock.
5. Cover with a lid and leave to simmer gently for 20 minutes. Stir
occasionally to prevent the rice from sticking.
6. Five minutes before the end of cooking add the mussels, prawns, squid
and monkfish to the pan. Stir, and replace the lid to finish cooking.
7. Just before serving, mix through the chopped parsley and garnish with
lemon wedges.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 7 - Pudding
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Quick Christmas trifle recipe
Serves 4

250g mascarpone

3 tbsp icing sugar, plus extra for garnish

4 tbsp cream liqueur

Pinch of ground cinnamon

1 orange, zest only

200ml double cream

Approx 100g panettone

1 tbsp brandy

Small piece of dark chocolate to grate
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong - Week 7 - Pudding
Method: How to make quick Christmas trifle
1. Sift the icing sugar into the mascarpone and whisk together with the
cream liqueur, cinnamon and orange zest.
2. In a separate bowl, beat the double cream until three-quarters whipped.
Fold the cream into the mascarpone mixture.
3. Cut the panettone into small cubes, place in a large bowl and sprinkle
over the brandy. Toss to coat evenly.
4. Place a spoonful of the cream mixture into the bottom of 4 serving
glasses/bowls. Layer half the panettone on top, followed by another layer of
cream. Scatter over with the remaining panettone. Warm a dessert spoon in
some hot water and use it to shape four quenelles of the cream to place on
top of each dessert.
5. Finally, dust over a little icing sugar and finish with some grated
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong Special - Ingredients
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong Special Ingredients
Date Published: 04/01/2008
All the ingredients that you will need to cook along with Gordon at 9pm on
18 January on C4

200g cherry tomatoes

Small bunch coriander

Small bunch basil

1 lemon

120g rocket

4 x medium Desiree potatoes (approx 600g)

200ml full fat crème fraiche

250ml fresh double cream

1 x pack salted butter

1 x small block of Parmesan

12 king scallops, hand-dived if you can get them

4 x good quality Sirloin steaks approx 220 – 250g each, and approx 2.5
cm thick
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong Special - Ingredients

1 x medium bottle olive oil

1 x medium bottle groundnut oil

3 x tablespoons white wine vinegar

60g pitted black olives (Kalamata if possible)

Sea salt

Black peppercorns

Chilli flakes

20g icing sugar

2 x 32g bars of chocolate covered honeycomb (Crunchie for example)

150g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa)

2 tablespoons coffee liqueur (Tia Maria or Kahlua for example)
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong Special - Starter
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Pan-roasted scallops with tomato and herb salsa recipe
Serves 4

4 tbsp Olive oil

200g cherry tomatoes

80g pitted, drained black olives

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

½ bunch coriander, leaves only

½ bunch basil leaves

1 lemon, juiced

12 scallops (hand dived if you can get them), coral removed.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong Special - Starter
Method: How to make pan-roasted scallops with tomato and herb salsa
1. First, place a small saucepan over a gentle heat and add 3 tablespoons of
olive oil. Chop the cherry tomatoes in half and add to the oil. Add the pitted
black olives, season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and stir over
a low heat for 1-2 minutes. Remove from the heat and set aside.
2. Hold the stalks of the coriander and basil together and slice down with a
sharp knife to shave off the leaves. Discard the stalks, gently roll the
coriander and basil leaves into a ball and chop. Add the coriander and basil
to the salsa and stir to combine.
3. Roll the lemon on a chopping board to soften it and release the juices
and then chop in half. Add the juice of half a lemon to the pan, stir and set
the salsa aside to allow the flavours to infuse.
4. Heat a large non-stick frying pan over a high heat until smoking hot and
then add one tablespoon of olive oil. Lay the scallops out on a board, pat
dry with kitchen paper and then season one side with salt and pepper.
5. Think of the frying pan as a clock face and add the largest scallop
(seasoned side down) in the twelve o’clock position. Continue adding the
scallops clockwise working your way round 1,2 3 etc until you get to 12
again. Season the unseasoned side of the scallops and after 1-2 minutes or
when the underside is turning golden brown, with a palette knife or spatula,
flip over the scallops starting with the scallop you placed in the twelve
o’clock position. Squeeze the other half of the lemon over the scallops and
give the pan a good shake to ensure even cooking.
6. After 1-2 minutes or when the scallops are golden brown on all sides, tip
the pan onto a plate lined with kitchen paper to absorb the excess oil.
7. To serve, lay out four small plates and place a large spoonful of the salsa
in the middle of each plate, arrange 3 scallops on each plate and serve
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong Special - Main
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Steak and chips with a rocket and parmesan salad
Serves 4
For the chips

4 large Desiree potatoes

2 tbsp Groundnut oil

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

A generous pinch chilli flakes
For the steak

4 sirloin steaks (approx 200g-250g each)

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

2 tbsp groundnut oil

25g butter
For the salad

1 tbsp white wine vinegar

3 tbsp olive oil

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

120g rocket

50g parmesan, shaved
Method: How to make steak and chips with a rocket and parmesan salad
1. To make the chips: preheat the oven to 220C/ Gas 7.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong Special - Main
2. Fill a large pan with boiling water, add a pinch of salt and place over a
high heat. Cut each potato in half lengthways and then place the cut side
down onto the board. Cut each half potato into 1cm thick wedges.
3. Add the potato wedges to the boiling water, bring to the boil again and
boil for 3 minutes. Drain in a colander and then place the colander sitting
over the pan, off the heat, to allow the wedges to dry further. Add the
groundnut oil, salt, pepper and chilli flakes and toss well to coat.
4. Tip the wedges into a large baking tray (big enough so that the wedges sit
in one layer so they crisp up evenly) and shake the tray until they are evenly
spread out. Place the tray in the oven and cook for 30 minutes or until
golden brown and crisp. Shake the tray once or twice during cooking to
ensure even cooking.
5. To cook the steak: place one large or two smaller non-stick frying pans
over a high heat and leave until smoking hot.
6. Place the steaks onto a large chopping board and if one needs to be
cooked well done, roll it flatter with a rolling pin so that all the steaks can
all go into the frying pan at the same time. Season the steaks on both sides
with salt and black pepper and once the frying pans have reached
temperature, add approximately two tablespoons of groundnut oil.
7. Carefully lay the steaks (the well done one first) in the hot frying pan.
Tilt the pan away from you so that the fat is touching the side of the pan to
ensure the fat is cooked and golden. Shake the pan to make sure the steaks
aren’t sticking. Fry for 3 minutes on one side and then using tongs turn the
steaks starting with the first steak you placed in the pan. Fry for 2 minutes
and then add the butter to the pan. Spoon the melted butter over the
steaks to baste them. Remove the rare steaks from the pan and set aside on
to rest.
8. Leave the medium/ well done steak in the pan to cook for another
minute. Remove the steaks from the pan and leave to rest for a few minutes
on a large plate. Spoon the juices from the pan over the steaks to add extra
9. While the steaks are cooking, start making the salad. Pour the white wine
vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper into a salad bowl and then whisk to
combine. Place the salad servers together over the dressing, place the
rocket on top and then using a vegetable peeler shave the parmesan onto
the rocket. Leave until you are ready to serve and then toss.
10. To serve, lay out four plates, place a steak onto each plate, pour over
the juices from the resting plate, divide the chips between the plates and
add a spoonful of salad.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong Special - Pudding
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong
Chocolate mousse recipe
Serves 4

150g dark chocolate

250ml crème fraiche

284ml double cream

25g icing sugar, sifted

1-2 tbsp coffee liquer (optional)

2 chocolate covered honeycombs (frozen for 10 minutes)
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong Special - Pudding
Method: How to make chocolate mousse
1. Break the dark chocolate into small pieces (reserving 25g for grating later)
and place in a bowl that fits snugly over a pan of boiling water. Leave until
the chocolate has completely melted and then remove from the heat and
set aside.
2. Add the crème fraiche to the melted chocolate and whisk until combined.
Put the double cream and icing sugar into a separate bowl and whisk with an
electric whisk until it forms soft peaks. Fold the chocolate mixture into the
cream, add the coffee liquer and stir to combine.
3. Remove the chocolate covered honeycomb bars from the freezer, remove
the packets and wrap them in a clean tea towel. Place the tea towel under
a chopping board and press down hard on the chopping board to crush the
honeycomb. Open up the tea towel and tip the crushed honeycomb into the
mousse and gently fold through with a spatula. Spoon the mousse into four
small serving dishes and then grate over the remaining chocolate and serve.
Gordon Ramsay Cookalong Recipe Book
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