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Max Sauberman

AP Music Theory – Mrs. Conrad

Chapter 11 Notes
Non-Chord Tones 1

A tone, either diatonic or chromatic, that is not a member of the chord.

Non-Chord Tone This tone may be an NCT through its duration, or only a portion of its
Passing Tone NCT approached by step, left by step in the same direction
Neighboring Tone NCT approached by step, left by step in the opposite direction
NCT approached by same tone, left by step down
Suspension Suspends a chord tone after the other parts have moved onto the next
Retardation NCT approached by same tone, left by step up
Appoggiatura NCT approached by leap, left by step
Escape Tone NCT approached by step, left by leap in the opposite direction
A combination of two NCTs in succession, the first being an escape
Neighbor Group tone, and the second an appoggiatura (D-T-R-D)
Also called changing tone
Anticipation NCT approached by step or leap, left by same tone or leap
A tone that starts as a chord tone, then becomes an NCT once the
Pedal Point
harmonies change
Less than a beat in duration, and occurs on either accented or
Submetrical NCT
unaccented portions of the beat
One beat in duration and occurring on eater accented or unaccented
Metrical NCT
Supermetrical NCT More than one beat in duration
Chromatic Passing
A passing NCT between two notes that are a M2 apart (G – G# - A)
Preparation The note preceding the suspension
Resolution The tone following the suspension; a 2nd below it
How to name The harmonic interval above the bass created by the suspension is a
suspensions 7th, and that created by the resolution is a 6th  7-6 suspension
Most common
7-6, 4-3, 9-8, 2-3
Suspension occurring in one of the upper voices, and bass moves onto
Suspension with
another chord tone at the same time as the suspension resolves (can
change of bass
create weird 7-3 etc)
Suspension figures Notes when the suspension is actually a chord tone
Chain of
When the resolution of one suspension is the preparation for another
Max Sauberman
Chapter 11 Checkpoint Questions:

1. A suspension is an NCT that is approached by the same tone, and left by a step
2. A neighboring tone is an NCT that is approached by step, and left by step the
opposite direction.
3. A retardation is an NCT that is approached by the same tone, and left by a step
4. A passing tone is an NCT that is approached by step, and left by step the same
5. What are some other terms used to describe NCT?
a. Diatonic/Chromatic
b. Ascending/Descending
c. Upper/Lower
d. Submetrical/Metrical/Supermetrical
e. Accented/Unaccented
6. Provide the Arabic numerals that are used to label the four common types of
a. 7-6
b. 4-3
c. 9-8
d. 2-3

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