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International Coalition for the Rights of Iranian Refugees

Mousavi Campaign Filmmaker Under :‫ری‬0/.-‫ذو‬+*) ('‫ه آر‬$#‫رو‬

Threat by Islamic Republic Denied Asylum by Sweden
March 28, 2011
[FARSI below]
Arian Mir-Zolfaqari is an Iranian filmmaker who worked under contract to Mir Hossein
Mousavi and as a result has been threatened by theIslamic Republic of Iran. He sought
asylum in Sweden, but the Swedish government has rejected his application for asylum
on an inappropriate basis.
The Asylum Case of Arian Mir-Zolfaqari
A review of the reasons for Arian’s request for political refugee
status shows that there are a lot of commonalities between
rejection of his case and and that of many other Iranians and
even non-Iranian refugees such as Iraqis, Afghans, and others.
The main issue is [the Swedish bureacracy's] lack of knowledge
about the Islamic Republic and its unusual political system, and
[its tendency to] equate the judiciary, executive, and legislative
branches of government [in the Islamic Republic] to those in the
western countries such as Sweden, which are based on the rule of law and
accountability. This is one of the main issues that resulted in the rejection of Arian’s
request for refugee status. The other main issue in Arian’s case is his attorney’s
inability to argue for Arian’s case by objecting to the court’s reasons. Unfortunately,
his attorney seems to have only followed the court’s process without putting forth a
good defense for Arian. This is not what a refugee expects from his attorney.
This rejection must be fully investigated and objected to. We will translate the reasons
for rejection to Farsi and English, and we will present our case [in defense of Arian's
asylum application] in a series of articles based on objections to the court’s reasons for

Members  of  the  Interna/onal  Coali/on  for  the  Rights  of  Iranian  Refugees  include  Ac/on  for  
Democracy  and  Human  Rights  in  the  Middle  East,  Interna/onal  Federa/on  for  Iranian  Refugees,  
Iranian  Refugees  Ac/on  Network,  Iranian  Refugee  Amnesty  Network,  and  Mission  Free  Iran.
International Coalition for the Rights of Iranian Refugees

rejection. One of our goals, in addition to defending Arian, is for these articles to serve
as guidelines for similar cases. At some point in this process, we will ask Arian to
consider hiring a more competent attorney who can put forth a better defense and ask
the court for reconsideration of his case. 
The court’s negative decision regarding Arian Mir-Zolfaqari’s case is included in
Translation: Pari
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Members  of  the  Interna/onal  Coali/on  for  the  Rights  of  Iranian  Refugees  include  Ac/on  for  
Democracy  and  Human  Rights  in  the  Middle  East,  Interna/onal  Federa/on  for  Iranian  Refugees,  
Iranian  Refugees  Ac/on  Network,  Iranian  Refugee  Amnesty  Network,  and  Mission  Free  Iran.

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